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M.j 1. 10 It Ohio Cooventioo Crosstal WJR. OMNH; Milton DOC, Kimm CMy; B. L. Harlow. Yaafcaa Wirt ; H If Lnki, WW AD, Binaia. Okto ; Ba l.toahia, KANT. DwM.Hw; Urn Maaaa. Joha Mirrtioa. WKAS, LawaiMR. Juliua Seeaorh. Larry Roller Mi George Fattoraea. WAVE. Leatot Ma: , KWK I •Leber Nm KnttV aaaortoto tot Ht eupe tor petty-eakhaj wMb i ■a ibwjiii by U. ■ at eae rup wea w*ie ky proxy «C Om WiekMoi .•tow Uatoaa. to A. D Jr, WJSVi |n Other rap to Albert M. Pi—to, who aaa at Ma m >ml WNYC SIGNOFF NOT SLAP AT wcco Yerk, m aw Mi to MiMMMBHto* wtdi «w roc w« art i nawti to ge U Mt. m mi torn Yerk If the «M, •at at Mayor taO—wlto't Mail llfcri the fOC M WCCO. wie CBS-awaei rtauea la MtoaaagaSa atoaato Bate M stetoai at tka abrupt tto* Maw Tart JOSEF PASTERNACK, RADIO MAESTRO, Aarfl 0h» Edocabooal Awards ara Rata year'a at •f Catoaabua. Ta tolly af raato at Ma OaliaiMto at artoeeto, aai Mm HareM Vtocaat at raato. aat freea Car. O—rty. t M1WUU. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION, OM STATION a Mm MMMMl aaa ay aiwRe. Lecture, tote, epeeeb r/RJT AWARD What Makaa aa AaaartaaaT* Froaa Ma aat to* "Meet Mr. Week* • riaaaai aai preiucei ay MaHaaal BrwaexaettaMj a. 9m geaaral aaa ay FIRST AWARD a Far geaaral aai ay etow. debet, rourr aw at ratoaaar Tetoaaaae.' A •aortal beard MMMMM l >y Btottoa KTL Barto C. Aotbaay. aalaj, Treaagaada' |MBa Ma aartoa TJ Ptoaail aai produced by af praiaaai by wMb Tawa Ma*, tec. i Far aaaeral aaa by MM Ma AM Mewa at riUST AW AMD. Abraham U af Aaaartoa.' Wa a aai aai pridaiil ay Ma E. L aaa a Co . tec MENTION -Sanaa Radio la Hara to to Area HOHOAABLK MtNTION My Cltoal. Curly' From tha aartoa OMwMBte Worbrtiap.' fiTt aai |PMMMRj by Ma Catueatea RyatoML '21 r> at the NBC ba bai had hta i ttaaea. tia BN Ma right *f gaaerel appeal. Brat U. B peaMtoa, vtaMatot at tha Him ipilllaa H eua e. wbara Arture Toacaatol waa eoertucttog. Lator ba raaa to paat af aMatoal coaductar at Ma c va tra. 1 Victor yearn Paatoraark aa to rai radio la ether*, the At- Mrs. O FaJio. UtmM Caoa OTaltoa, a a i a ai af BTEX, Daaaar. toft far teaaa Saturiay itl) Ht plaaa to return to Maw York ahartly. OTaltoa araa bare aa a Mutual Mr actor a* nil lag waaa Ma acn da a t occurred. Mm OTaltoa. who la n i. !• at th m * & Bar aaa Kay aai bta aaa. a prune l erara, auy to taka charge at Ma art tor tha St Fraacta