Variety (May 1940)

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arii MWlM Vhul a* MM^i mm. Pwby. la BR the , , „4 after • tesrato wRR flu [ of aVeuiiy »un ra- ti •( ■ |M iTueadayi Burtoa. Mi Miami aa kawi* far PmwbmmI. returmd to I ha the AprN M »htrh aeal hat to haaayatol for g argak. Reentered tly to return tha oeek aeraewark. ■■»■■■ Ceaet ami. ar- y tor confab* » th HareM Otor whom ha rap* ami» Tale toft Old Bill and S. L* ear on Fitoa*. Harry Brt^bury Arthur Rtwoe'i real name >• nan. Ha hat a brother wha t a tri'.oh nival commander M.rhaal Batoan. head af Aran '.-tad ■< to bral raar ouced uttons to total lyntph aortet) • easts! tor a naw Jew* U Lanky bad Michael Carta an eatoe. rtarina MrKrtnry \kjI «•» >a B .rr I Ilk m Kalraranaan ma; hand It •Mat raWtty nn ten aatoa York vast Reginald Dan rum Kngluh drama - till, ri b ke f af hi* rkack haak. b.rth « ale l.» r ar theatre Hammer maith heroae hat created record • >ma aear* an* • ilh tha run af Tha Beggar > Opera.' • naw a baaaaag fastest. Barry K Barne< and aril* Drna Churchill rnnlrmolaW l..r'»» m-r Mima temporarily and laoorhln* thci- •>»: play taraiUatr. a ramify dramr Mat B layer* doing »<■**« at him >t»r beagraphy ahnrkv First Mnajavt ArUir c« •Ma. J hi HeitYU. Je«rf ("wiser. GuOgi. Mar mete Lao rem < ll.irbi rnd ftir Plane Jumps —at torjrhVwr. hanra Ih Bat *trw •aed kta* It f>i'ore« Drl Bla racaarrto* frceu a taciailcrlem* Greet* Shaffer back aa Warner* attof || Giourhn Man a week with flu Arvdrda Lord* mebtr arpt ration WIMrtd La warm to for picture work lr« •» Cuarraai Dr. Edw.a C Glee- Ptrtocrm • meat h * > a t ar i laa. CM* tor three weeks ago and aa* art to ra- re, tat a lata toat wweaX baa rat lead pirn* al till Biggest demand to year* h« r""»-» Btartlnej aa • »>y* far aneaia g -nirht o eta f«< R-ar a* baa Hi «cb wtu-» n aw revue Naw F. r« jawSa . l ^ tr * -* l> " .'* *"*"-• rnw-» to tat to at hag data* I Mfl aalb r a •gJJJiJ Htnnr and too ahow bn an wan of Wjrml rtvaa icrlanda kJBrll • Brit Mi National Pilanal baa aVraaTdJarad Jafan Baatrr a a* arwdw i ar -director tor Inn yaor* to do laa laot lajkl ba aa watt apart rejarraa with In* *j tha hratdjtb and kraatb af KM U. t. How fly rag atouialu auato and thtMigh Ihia piaaataataaii af phy*aral Barnaa C*rr ajaaad to diato* dt- a tt aa a aty. play ma roawar b« Hal Baarb HaroM Daabta c ka ck ad oat aa Ba- . drrorti-r racaaarallna Irna bar Errol riynn eacaIroning aa varM to ktraaran a atari. Julian Bliaatola )o*aod I ha i Will fe«a war aflaird rdarrint *»''»^- » lU 'M*|» ''^1'," *•*•* "* lar'» r-taff to Uoualla Paraom Da Facto. Marrr* manager Tmt\ to*"lbaTuaa M * t ku »->ear-«td lather U*t neea Barkrara pVrra ilgaaa ba Viubertr for their a alia ar operetta naiaa to Da* la and bar hu. b an d Bi to town fa* a reap l a of da>> 'Let • Mia If the LiN-ien thr Iibrel!o^' , |«? >C 'lli»t \amett rex ue at the pta» .rr but had to lam M " •rfwral of ha* him • •**» it Maurice, to. tar ►ailer at the and then r a mpart to aba ret d«td ■toaly. and wa* lately T«tend where bt intel owner. Jack Baemond atari ing nradurt ■f Ba* lift of ld«lkr the arturti. la illuatrated by at Aged Land rat waa abb) to ra m fa r taal y make ht* I lata! Fiaaajlaanta <N. V.I debut April ft Inetead af a wealing JtV "and . haur tram rata, which www 1*1 hai a nf'thlr m ** nt • mm daob fraaa N O to Hum Canortaaaa tal after WaM to Mton a apalta. Bate gnaw mth Par erurr* Da Luea. Met baritone nati\e Italy, ditto Enore goe< into Ohm til. William Pawn mart re of awi gheny Country Club. The Donald K Klelnflr*t* h» ■ the muaar rritie wbrck ON h > aaaad for two year*, with apt Mm in iiiirrtaaaa. Card la braadeaj by Brmert hWtoy and Emlya William* • ■ 1 lor an addHlanal night an terra Imi Law McCarty to kiwea bra totoaad i ■■tot and Caatotog r back ad to a* Warr.r. > after a toadj ali g e of praew- mnnia Cmm man rntonel Jaaarg Joy t >taB M BMb-Fna. Carlisto Joaa* ptock Bob Taplrvuter a* a before lb* Friday I April ft) debut P^™*^" 1 ith her radio and m riling Tran»aartoUaa at a mayor Mom to and M * been I urut Gourd artraaa. daatojund raa t uma Kwelry ■ Z™*!*"".*™"' . rl " m " "J*"" tar Leo GtorTwill ba»a rtrrt ahow »'< h ro\U>w the Sua.' written by • ttudont. Dorothy Blew art •ticking JaRa Arrrdoeaon. Journal-American bark at work after reruperat- hia Trumbull tC—a ) home Pleat navel by Paula Gourd tormer aitkMlllJ chief tor HKO. bar a d on at parlrore buatoeaa, •Pwbth-dy Cut, B. White atonaiag to l Maty to tire Bran*, in ardar to kg rtoaar to Paul Terr> Btoa atudio* Kenneth M< Kenan, etory editor of fctwtfrg, toawaa toatarnat iThmaday) after two-week vocation at kra " Si Cape Caw. Herbert Mitchell • rtrral pha to g. to ta r a p bry. Itatiag rykt'M to New Yark having tailed <<r prnfltahle la fly an entirr arr.up i-n lha nail art: Man Abbott a mng bap. the IWrMBBl from a rknp Day A Hunter I. Irwm or two at a wayatatron nne-nighler iIrwin Daah Marie Col Re* to help pay eap an i r *. the adtantaga W t rear. Mara Bear baa <MtfM mm a aerie* , »*ar hoUtrnl overat Channina PoMark kl thta Unitary tor b** Mat lata tot tare* af araaaan. J!mm*Z XmWWk Pan! 9ft (VV ftt | .yrfnJF^gfffyB ' *JnwVay*rtl ^Amm\\^m\\ MB^aW raffpaPawtM M EdralVk * }tt*Ttf Harefd) Plead making tour af kra renee. Kan.; K agajaa l t. Ten* and at ftoaati lap l ot ■ d Lola Iowa thaatre rlrrratt. F-vanaa Hat . Ill, aa aavrwaaive nagbu rraeoad > Borne' at Play- Plana hi mag tog M rr a itobl t ab Both Beamy Qndnaaa'* and the Caaa | utday of run ment of dramatar it nek here I pre*ewted Johnny U B. Cnlrfbiaranrr. BKO dMrirt Ham* with a pair af rilver apurr at manager, m New York on to, Mali C. K Otaan. Warner, kraneh manag e r, racan a rad fraaa appendar- Gray Carpen t er, am af rxhib. will a pia i l\oryton. Conn . playbouae Tal lee Dunaten ha reor*^xrt*t twi-:; .sr&x&sim r ' ^^r*^ ^~*m IHHII w i ■ - - 1 Oh« * Variety Club me at to Daftoa. Fred ■ailllfgk to New York to a Iwrtaigkt to lane rap atoyer*_ tor bra TWto City Variety club kail re- S WaMtaMtOal I Lynn Parraaf, United Artiatr' V"~ ptoitatraa deportm e ot bead a dty. Jerry Weiafekft ky . west ky kkt agent Andrew Bl ea r . Para -director and Hnllv hgreatett' dance at Harlem > Club aland Baturday < 4 i. J. rrtodL Mil Co general manager New York buil ataa a trip loop Brat-run. to go t* •trbight 8c policy, aame a* Gopher ' top arale „, (Hit beretor I RlUgling >f from 1 r*mior**a team par* 1 money raraad by Man and Henry Hingling North whew they tank aver, fallowing the doath aft their untie John Mingling Part that the Ming Aaaoraraa fMBt rat Variety ArtM*. with Bag Owbrtoar Draiatoa. boa d toto aaw aewaral arBtoaa raj af the HI Hot in up* rating from a »p*ll i acne It y Paul Kobe Mm and Edde kf*-*. gaaaaaw arara HBUhl krdP w**UrpwwB. . w • i .TTWf • Draa. former tfrummrr «irh mt ky July I to hat* f^,^ ■ M enet * crew, m buauar** • ■■■II- Thereafter ntilkmt drumi here. rarabie art ting far bra operatic Aim "~ ~^ r " '" Paaay Hu7»t trekked to till. lo •* V Inaa loxt week for the Metro pre- aV»"» P*"» • rwaru* and orrneatrc liland laot week fur the Metro pre- now a( its patriotic Iwo-reeler. The ' rtth the idea af get- new Iwiat en aftoae tar a ao»«L Fredrkr M f l t li n kn. refuge* EMredg*. to irlrm nownNr. Ymi i' .. r':".)- , t ,.. Tim »,.i tr „ rj btorrt Merutobaohn >>r -m- John HouwlM „ She waa alar of t at Berlin j- GardaH , r lH e t rea tod U •BBI evceuavg to to 'Informatum away nut in front a ►uccearful aaaaon. Thereafter weather la often a batard and the HaraM at af traraapartatiaii run* high of the Karat, fa aa a tu'-l* with graope Ireae Harvey. KYW Irate araatt to ray Kathleen Sndt. Limlrnanid C. I- F.tnrea*' BW* created a charartrrirj: for Harry vut from Hollywood Twa wattle*' are acheduled One it a in tag eeraua lymphony affair R.^cynol rmbr »^ lnl Albert Spalding Raymond Foliar*, of IfMe.' presented by Utile lha , territory, ptoa the real af Theatre group becauae of bo de- ,. Urwl rigunil ^ tK , t v „ ,„.- ^ Thi. Ume It • tor charHy rnce of acta from abroad performing Cy Cohen, f'enter ■aaagrger af Mil- in the Btoffdieay. ahow fur the RrM lion Dollar Ptor. Allantre CKy. bt radio d rec tor l m€ ,uR of St Louii School ol the tiawe la another factor in the ehew • rharaetcrua:.on Theatre °Mnrnint< at Seven* ho* keen m tt*t the opening that it waa well krdded by Towa Souarr theatre Mnr th while. Prrketiag al the Garden had in. effect whatever en attendance A union af i oirghiu i k * waa formed aa t>au| the autaide and rlaimod a CM he i pa i r*' to be Gentlemen. are Two Merry C kf and Dame Nat aa.' p< ratal mill beeau-e af III , Paige and other*, including too B>- Mq af Grace Moore, to be a met al the parr by her eon and hi wdJe. Pat Pater ton man orchftra. Oth* r • a dr-T-t,r ui.Uei battle' mvolting Maurice Kvaat. Grand Al Aharon, Metro * eastern talent Ray eiptoreard operatraai af roasts in a fj\ Bat NBC Artrsta' Man group last week. Tibbett al his Wiltor of fjh Jack Faulkner will be the pro- J^' 9u,>nk chief af etaaT en the fhWMTf with Charles Vanda aa the Caa*t Atlantic City f the Gai- ■ shuttered ta Ukaag rest the Gtobe. ea the doalk. for Hint and claimed a lockout Ri .ll> getting the shew Iras Its own ton-il ronrert i* reported that ro Turk* gwapt aewtpaper here. Guild of Variety ArrtaVaS has Juris- at"»eri diction over the ■BaaBT J BWt but de- clared ilrarli off the ronv aimrw and nuc tioo M rr laborers ra the outfit Laugh around the show was pro- j, grid. CBS product too > a fieri Nor a'maanber af opera and coruert man Cor win. William Bokiaa. Br*» ' after Morgan. George ftftcGill aad Phil ping out Rtureaiag this week Noel Houatoa. nkfcjkanis new spa- win wrote tens aae art plays Prweiaretown Short Drama to a tow days MaBrwl cirrtirt ta Ju Paul Bei-ltv*n Taihnrv Earl Mun.rtpal Theatre Assn. mapp tTmT- whin- lw.faw-aiib! air trip to *outh»« l TT! arrange escurrion rates and pi .« edueat arrange escur bally tor fort an Parrral Park af act at manager