Variety (May 1940)

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w.mjmb.v. Mr ». Vm RADIO BOXOFFICE REPORTS VMM I'M* ium ftrap to ftVftXftYft^aaf Thai a ■«Mi, a half koar M oeM*. Ckainkraahe. 11 mm at eoe t»i ear*. , toettop; wMk Chatoaa Cigareu tor Werw >ck ft Letter, drew tsara aftfttttoael announcement, thai weak along wit h * ■ ether unueuel Malar to place tmeta rarto blanrho after any y>r crpeea war Mara kreaktog taraapft Ike day ar night Sto- nrl Thur. >i-» i with ran* VON. WIND WJJD. WLft. WMAQ > Ltial (tottaaai Tatal Itotto keat I w*te I one VIM Utile arttoa eaeAtoare to the Chicago radie picture wilk toeearae fteeo Mai etrtrenaely litUa rtunge to rurrrnt eftMeV Mr*. Cnapto M MMMMak out. a i awpli M toral Iff ►e trend w rteedy •■«- enee Am a, thrwagh Vairall. M annuunrement*. Reytraft ton '« 'Philcai. direct. II kVword rant*. Swat ft Co. throngh Btatft-Oahto. M ana-mto ST* IntomMtoaM Ham Mir, le f..«t«> Co through H M 1 IM ki n rta r k i n ; M ft Oraa. four Id mm WXYZ. Jr? J£ Bit »irtualty al rtendaliil. Wkk tora to network Muff a*.Ml eaTeet ay alight gam to toral c at ta ery, rnoH hemg tlmaet a rtanaefl to Ifca totol unrta tatoma far Iwe workr wader re- view/. Ftork M r*» kit al WJBK. maatly to tka national apel Dr. Lyon* tooth peaatt w kaakralMraj Elliott 'af"* 1 M quarter-hour* weekly It week* DtatrHMitor*. IM anaa nn cr n M r . WQXft: rXa ft Ok. thrwugk Young ft ftaktcam. tan tot ka n weekly an Lraa Sergto't Cetoeaa ml tka Air' man » Baker tea. through Samuel C. Croat, areea < ■taiaaiiiniiiu weakly"' tfcaaaajk Jer g e — oa M_. Mart in > Furrier* J mm Ml a ■ ; Ho nark" Radio Co. through Tumor agaary, anneurace- Frrndal* Farm. Ihrough J. KipbraMt IV Salt Lake City •KDYU KSL KUTAI ■otwoih LaaM faMtoaa I'eaw to*. kaatttal on tarn ijm MM by-pley KDYL'r national rreet and total Ma ah owr d a pt tourih rn naa i wtivo trrl. teasing aft M Hi prevl tkrat cetoewrte* »mce atari of me** KSL added Mutual Citnra Ft ad at I*. Iktaagk CltortM ft Ca. tkraa a-tnto. partork) wrak ry; Dajptar fur Co Dr. ami anruMnrxmrato tor W N Mrno. Co through ft. T. Harrra | Ca. _ftkj Ca _ no* uon two auanrr houn dairy I atort rftow u Jaan HaaNh Ctok Othrr HUT A nai Ca, arirMunrwaaaajto, Dr. fL %. Kattar, Oil Ca, ■■aiaa i i n a t a. Dai-Bay to VftAl arktod —i t Pawl - ftrra took Iha avrroa tor U waakr. ...aM araari tor Laftowrftavilla Laaa. park; Dudtoy Whila and HaraM Burton V ft Mgklry ft Carrw * Kansas City •KCKN. KCMO. KITS. ftttj ftJB) % rktagp i IM —«M% 4 U-v 41 Naiktog atort!mg tmoag any aerounta during pa*t Charapr* ara prartiraily nogligiwo. hut national apot krg tmy pa tor at aark nation Othar dapartrnaala at M Auto Part. Ca, WO AI. naw ka Juara t. Ifcr ■MMMMgManta l.aat Star Ml■ tog Ca. throwgk Ca apraary, is-watk ranawai m tour aaaraaataaaaaMa pgr wook; Btork Cat Cat* da?art M aonnunrtraiaato; Cataltoa UUnd, r. Larfttord H«t nit 4. , raatr *• ••* ^ C^MaA^at. ^0>Tlw _ B. B. ascapt Bam. M war*, flak., tor _ ft Bar. uiiiij M bum., aaaa waafcry. ; Tira Co, tkruugfc Rayaaond Kaana aparary. I HarvartoT Ca, through aparary 13 annauwramanU: ipairy aparary. Ihrt San Francisco KGO. KJBft. KPO, KftTO) Nrl work Los Angeles a; Ol IS aaa-aato. IBIL tog Ca. tttrougk Birktnir aparary. tkra a rkaia krrakr «MMkly. AakAaa Btotor Ca, Ik anno«inrrmrnU. and a nn»il wit la Oaadl BVjaMMMMMj Btaraa. MiBtr run. Bay Jane* •torthwaetora Laaa Ca.. 1. T Upton Mnovating Ca. kilvrr iKBNT. KftO. WHOl (BBCA. KM KTWB BHJ. KNPC. KMX) ftttajark Laaal Na Wark BMBM t'Mto ttofta May II 1071k no: May 4 lift" "III % ihtnpt -I IS Ik*. — I 9% to nrtnrorh unit* put L A again to I tk t totol. Local trada ohowod a to all to nkat toaka IUm an aariy mnar i KMX tatot chart i rroaral now arcounta. «a: Atotka P ar M r k alian Ca. It par- lu ptllani to tka Ftotchar Wiley C unikmatita . through J Wrabaaa ftharU; Day and Night Wator Haator Ca. MS par- IIJ llilllin to the Witry Combo through H u raa O Ttonn rl l. I ji • Baker tea. M lane aignab. through Laaa Uv wr Richard Hu ft Cunnyngha througk Bark. ft AMortokra; CaWtnik] Spray Chemical, tl eayUme ao- nia, through Long Arte. Bmrtee: ftrkaBl k]| aartitipattoai to Wiley Conako. through Bnata-1 Beckman Tura. II Glu-ri A H. Rude arrvire I Ceilmrntal 'JX -JS ss eacapt Bun day. kva kve-minute KTa over KftfO. kve-mtoiite dtrca an KFBC Hiilkatal Baftto Aft*, plant KPO kit torlude* Uruk tor. thraragh N. C Mail hi ft] Ca, apppajpJl twice weekly CT. United Draft Ca, through Street ft Finney. BJlailllkaj M It. .all Magar Hour.' a rRltrtol kill ST. Hale Brother, ikrough Than. H SagftB. I a — aft U an- Van ft Storage. Mraaajk Ckartea H. ft Clark laaaa'a rtotk- tog». Ihfiirgft Martin Allen. M utalkti itpirto; Mratoal Cltrua Product* • powdered lemon Rrtoti. tkraraftk Ckartot M. Mayna. IS kve-minule prngiataa. Saga I Amber Brewing Co . IJ week Ira I Pamai Wan tar kvr mtotot BVa. KVA ahVra include Baaa Broa, througk Lard ft throe weekly program.: Car rattan Buaaaoat Men'i I T. V. Ormond Co iDarrtor d.atrrk u to r >. through Brathrawt ft Ryan. I II I !■ r iMillli: Bargee* BaaKy Co.. 10 gkitaak NarMoaat Baftto. M kit BRBBtJ ators. I.anpaaitnrf Bakerraa. through Lean t^viagatoa. It BV and IM ward aw nounccmenl*. California Ma c arani. thrnogh Bufua _rl»: I Product. _ II aanouncement. daily. WHO—J. C VMM*. Ikliaftk Pedlar ft By an renewal of MB atnikll ktm 'ftdtoyftaft Daughlrr' dtoro; All Year Club a Cain, -riaftfc Lata ft Taoauw M < "•'•a. throagh Knoa-Reeeaa. 193 half ■ s7aL , £!J!^^^ Ca, through Hoftman ft York Nurorrie*. through Northwe.'. mi WHN. Barty Btrd.' Bob Bryon» Hour' and Houve- Prom' are >i> lam weekly, and Toby » Cora Taaael New..' kvr time* Campbrll-Mithun pla c i d Other new Mg •4i WHON Poiary Holder*' Advaery Carp. IPX weekly. SI weak* Ca rawer Muraerm. ikroaftk ftadto AnSertlitog. *ix WNEW .5 m