Variety (May 1940)

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«reiarwatar. Msy 11. 1+4* _~1Mnt Wka Henry. Gladys C—epa. net "~AmtHM H s n ai Ww. James Stay. B igir Berksa C l ial l kll l . D ltaj l si Mtnwnr «ooirnt» roun, mun to t«-h. jlu alar MiMC^lNllff, Cecil B wtsksai it Pi»»; ~~ ( '' '<! !aVdwer Sa7u"v Ml, MMN, _Vlctoc M Miner. Green. NMi Cooper I I I Mjl O EC Robert Pi eslsw. Mama h-WT uw Oiiwh . fnm Leva. Laa Ckaaey. Jr. Begk) den »*^f*"9\ m l fmm S' k P WaMsr W iKm Hgjkata, I Terry. Jack Ladsa. Bag) isn d. Larry Lawsaa. Rod era. William Matter Cast rran. The Old BANCINO ON A r, Joseph SanOey; aa Una OHO Pi uilm lion I retoeeed. Peter S. formerly TEXAS AA NOCKS AIM AO AIM ataaet; GMO PiiiiiHIsa; director. J aa writing credits ( mi Mm Howard. Crawford. J aha MUMa. Ckartoy Inside Stuff—Pictures Betty FMi Ingenue lead la ParaimmH prsdartisa of 111iph CaaraaTe 'Vict >i> ' ■ being put fkreuak a atoaaaeas arerkeut getting ready lor •hooting Her part la Ikat af aa EagNih, naurl ptoaktt, aa aka'a w ae- CUrli. _ PabJ. Os s c p s B iass. A ja ksaii Chief Mf Tree. William Taay Mara*. Chart aa or roarrvMK, Ibmbb ininir Daw Vaa Every; S k at tot, Bass Weed; aa niMtos credits aetoaeed; comers, Theodor Spstkahl. Caat: PTed star- Murray. AAwrt Drkker Gilbert Masai Patrkaa atari- Jaseph SrhiMkraut Betty Brewer. Artkar Allen tard Nedell Brandon Tynan. Dark Alexander. Paul Hsatoa. Charles Mtddietoa IT SRA-BAIBEB. formerly MTSTEBV * Itat II releaseI; preawrer, Margaret pirtoa l nipps rt sag pari at 'Victory' Ska's sa a aaaaaat eel hag par kar la apaad awrral m antes Is Natty wood (amilkarktaag I Flavta John — rsneU Harry Velar. Taay . . rranka Pred kUtaUata. Padre I l^kfrr*. DbTI^BbW CljrtsoV, ftPe . B^Bwl JT fgSaaWw^lw^™ Glay Da Bay. Dave Daatkar. Dua rk M an Brian, Ed Brady. Ski gAasraak. HacSar Barns J --- Laa Mm I B. CB srtlsi Wystt, Clara Edward Dmytxyh. aa writing credits. Caat C arata Lsnda. Onalaa Ba n ana ON ~ ' aWtkanr LCarvea. Julia Paya. Edith Mills. Mayor Prad Pane... CyrB~gs^>si **. i-S JUekkry. CsmT Ttt uiiairilaud . r •tare Carta*. Cwark MsaaaaHa. A RIGHT AT BABL CAJUtOCLA, aaaasssl: OMO ur pradacar. Bart CarraU ann: a* ai Ba st apsBBs Caat Baa Bkariap Msry Martin. Baatl BatfcAaai Manaana Mm BsaH Trattar Harat LaVarra'i la Wi had Seen lifted m WB The asst wm aaAaBsalp American Newapaavr AJBatSM .. Cast' Plasik Marrk. Betty Cowan. Margaret Wyrkarly. 1st Baaaann. Bay re WOliaai CABATAN. Harry ariaaa play. Jaaatataa MeCulkry and J. Baaaan Ckaney Caat Cat an. Oe n raa McKay. U Tttaaan Bradley. Bai l I Wi — — . Lair.. Bam fak Bay Button. p.rtK-uUrly tied up with the naaatajltoa. la Ha fourth week aver al the the amtb picturr m the IS that Pirirstlaa Day (May Ml and the Pourth of July fall as a. BKO has dacktad to threw to Pi Stay to hash raaea far a four- da r amkia< hat at sal gkrtog the heme aftot aaaatoyaaa hatk Pradaya. One-half of the h o graaa tokaa ana af Has AI.BBICH PABHLT Df UPK WftJ y-aVaam;^wadairar dlrsrtar. ^Tkaaatori Nfkto Kay BIsaartBtto Mrllaalsf. storasu Otosa. Hraoks. Jsassyktos WkkBsB, Ptorra WaBrto. Darts Armand t^trtoy* Wrkjkt, Oasrsa Mssdsr. Jack r I . Larata UtiasAaM. Prances . TTiamaa. Br, Robert Wtoktor. Danny jiummert. Ivaa Miller Mary Carrier. Tkurataa Hall. Charlattr TVcadaay. Wkufrad Harris, Theedore Van Elti. Henley BtaBard. Bad Cameron. Dausrtai Pahy. EPhillip. Lillian West, Bam Ask, Cyril Bum Wil- Hall Tina Marshall. Harry Depp. Jesses Dun Asa. as MsHarA Artkar Shaart HuO. Btaaley Mark. Nad Narlaa. Jaka Laird. Betty ParrtosAaa. Jan Bark- lagtism Rita Oaram. Baaae Waste. Mary Akm, Gut Bead. BayaiaaA. Neil Craig. Helen Dickson Pern tt. John Sylvester. Clarence Badgar, Jr, Baaato mi, Wanda McKay. Betty Mrf dssjk lto Harry Lask. Bart Dewey, Jaka N - C. MilwaBkee fib LWy Mmm to ResoMi Its OK* a; RRSJfSt play. Cast Basil Ellen Drew. Illy. Hugh Si vay. Billy Bansdict. Henry Victor. Dauglas K«.. Praaraa Bsjmsad Harry Hayden. Harry Bailey. Laird. Jasasa Bray. Ben Taggart. Had Norton. Fagner. Edward Earte Hugh OCannell Jean. . Ksy ste. art. Wanda McKay. Batty McLaugh- jrce Chandler. Mafia Tardea. Jacques Treadwell. Willtom J. Kites. Larry McGratk. Wayne Johnnie Morns. George Waicert. Paul t. Phillip Morns. Eddie Dunn. Dorothy Dayton. OfSOAT BOB SKEWS, comedy-any rtery. pra- Arthur lltrahlsa. Jr.; director. George Mar- as writing faWSTk^fMfswA Richard Car lean. Anthony . WBtts Bteat Teas Dugaa. David Phtaraa to ruttteg ri SCHOOL BATS, a Iks Ptoy"s The i; ad at sr. Geaa Towwe and Graham assart t Hughes; adaptation Walter saraca. Cast Sir Cedrtc mew. Jtoua* Lydan aart. Gsto Btarm. I— Marss. Alec Craig ARMS B# BTIRBT . Cliff Beat: director. Jack Hi vet y- — Kamn sad Jerry Cady from novel by L M Msnlgom ery mil"! Prank Bidmuad Cast Aaas Bkartsy. J sauM P laaaa. Henry Travera, Patric Kaawtos. Laujkas fAaaraa!'sSh?^ alaaaeSur jBm Krager Jeaa aholiaha CarraU. Marc.a Mas Janes. Eily Malyoa. Clara Blaa- stoa be - ' nearer LAW. Plimiaal Path' at the Pea Palace. asked the msttsa pari ara eaaa- miuioa to re-eoaatster Ms approval, sad anticipated that Ike OK given the Sim would be withdrawn aad Ms . Edwsrd T. _ .. Harare McCoy aad . J. Edgar Homer a Persona to Hiding - ; _._ - karkukl Cast Ralph Bellamy. Richard Daaaaag. Paul Rally William Henry. J. Carroll HaMk, Jean Cagne*. Jasasa Baay. Jaka M>l)aa. Jack Canon, Pawl BtoaSsa. Btsarhs Yurka. Toauny Castey. Cha I Ha I ton. Maty Tissa. Prank M. Howard Mitchell. Jaka Laird, Med —rt Rvsn Hedda Hopper. Msry<torwsax saam- ■skills. Harry C. Bradley. Lloyd Corrigan. Batty Mc- aagklis. Laura Ttssdastl. Bay Gor" " rtotte Wyaters, Hsrkssl Naiak. Ji— , Waller Penaer. Bruce Mitchell. Edward C« Ptowrighl. May Beatty -. .. I WART A MVOBCB. d ra aaa: prsdurrr. George director. Ralph Murphy; scraea play. Prank aaaad aa a alary by Aetels Boa»r»St J<>rm . Tad TSUUaT. Cast Jeaa Blondett Dick ... Gloria Dtckaaa. Prank Pay. liAssy Bl ackaaec . Ralph Harry Davenport. Conrad RageL Dorothy Mickey Kuhn. Harry Hadden. Natalia Moor- i abrl Withers. Jeaa PhiUtos, Baamsad Alton > Lane. Edaa Beaaett. pat Wast Das BaadieJohn Virgsaia McMuUin. Bulk Cherrtegtoa. PISS 11 insf'by' Bsnaard McConviUe; camera Barry , WiM Cast: George O Br am, Virginia Vale. Dark m( pr am rasa.' aad to fact said the J Parr ell Macdonsld. _Mta_Whtttaker L Paul M ^ tur( -goaervad ceaaasarskas praise far Ma dslarsts aad sfttottt treat- ment of its sabtorL' he ami reassd- Pl RSI CD I L comedy- rrsbly ptoued Ha Immediately Harold B Praakl.n production, director. Id- City Attorney Wsstor J Cuaa: screen play. EM lit P i sab l ia ^ Msatd^sa s H Prtday Iks atop. The PaBaa Basad.' pyifst c id M Boston Mu - husj S IBM: camera Lucira Ballard Cast Hugh llaikaat AaMa I siinr Alan Mowbray. Buater Krston " Olfaart, Mar srd IM PRISON, metier; producer. How tier Bay McCarey. original. Martin frank Paataa and Lynn Boot: camera. Harry w.Me Cast Lee Tracy. Linda.Hayri. V.igima Vale "Human Bradley. Out Conway. Paul (;uiltoyM srd. Chester Clute Selmar J Elliott Sullivan. Thomas Ji TKOVBARB Gilroy: director, pier Charles K Robert, from original. Arthur hard camera. Jack McKrruie Cast: Leon Errol. Dm nis OKeefe Adele Pearce Walter Gatesaa. Erakiae Saatotd. 1 las Aadirns Frank BKO Pis Raw Ll'CBT PABTRBBK rat Milestone; screen imc that the advisory body, inapsasrsd aaly to ask exhibitors to delete parts of pic- tures considered eojsctlsaabls. bat aith no power of tnfai tsaaaat. Tnerrupon EARLY AFM-WB SETTLEMENT STALLS Philadelphia May II. Maps .far aa early settl s m i el af? the controvert) between the Amen- -which appsari virtually impassible t hardly likely 'We'd hardly reopen vaudeville that aaaaatfr even at ara _ fat together with Bss musi- cians.' a Warners official saas. to pass up th do anything in Ike vaude lata M I until fall' haeaawhile affVials af the Philry total af Ike Musicians unata a era atg tame until the nati o na l APM dtes neat i seat 1180. At af Loral TT ara eapectod nattaaal APM body call a ganiral | strike af aauaarians at all Warner tka- aires and at Ike production cin te rs te Rurhank. Cal Repirtentat.vasal fks PhUly total are also eapectod to ask ithed its Srst run at Oat Palace, aa the Pos people, to accaaasaadaht sB those wka m stead to ass what tka was all about, moved tt tmma Taasey. Adele Horner. Braaatoa Tynan. satasw Huntley. Herbert Baw^hneon. ***?**F]*£ frsdl away. Beavers. Prank Austin. Batty.Mr- »-»■«• n Eliiehath Valentine. Boaroe Ates. Byron DAK t Ates. fcrrc Edward Earle. Charles McAvoy Jssnes Seay. Ed Btaaley Archie Twilchell Frances Mor- ns, norma Melton Paul Stanton GeorT" Kelly Pace Msrsas. Eva Puig. Prank nSBBB MAN PROM TEXAS (ISAV4I release I aresl- ara. pradurer. Harry Shsnaan: director. Lesley Sel- aajder: srrecw play. Norton S Parker, based an char- •ftors created by ( larenre K Mulferd. camera. Auairll Harlan Cast: Bill Boyd. Basset] Hayden. Andy Clyde SMbea EatrrlU. Thornton Edwards Morris Ankrum tis. George Loitarr. Glenn Strange Neyl Mara. , Davana Clark, Morgan Wallace. COMIN ioi'ND TME MOUNTAIN, comedy GMO director. Eddy Catara Rub.n. Andrew A lea Neleak. [AMINO OCT LOCB. for marly MONET ISNT KVEBTTMINO, cornedv. a Voco Production; proshicer. Votton and Sam Coslow director. Harold Young. Bob Andrews and Barry Trivers; screen play. Trivers and Howard Green: camera. Phi l Tannura Cast; Lum and Abner. Prances Langtord. Prank Craven. Bobs Wataon, Irving Bacon, Robert "^"f^Ss^rN^MAKTt THE WOMER. formerly Pradsa rt ioa T pr a a ^ Stophens; director. WJ- liam McGsnn arig.nsl screen play. Marion Orth; cam- era John Alton. Cast Jeaa Heraholt, Edgar Kennedy. Daratky LoveU. Prank AKstrtsoa, Bod LaBocoue. Veda A motion picture censorship millee naa announced here al a sum of the rity council last a sib la j the announcement Mayer Maury its led that the board's Tka union and Warners have been at adds store last December, when tka circuit dr n pp a d its tka central-city Tka l_ I men be rehired, white BAMCE. formerly I 1y ONE OP^ BATE IT TOUR If s p crura is brought to this city that violates the rata* at decency, charges would be Sled aa advice al the cen.or.hip board. Tka coopera- tion of all local theatre men will be sought Comm.nee te headed by who is in charge af ADD: B O. OPPOSITION, DET 'S TWILIGHT RACES Detroit May M. Par the nest three mucins the twi- light horse races at tka Michigan Stale Psirgnaaads are going to sub- tract plenty of business Irora the- atres Returning to the apahRB which teat year ptodtje e d a vast rata-