Variety (Jul 1940)

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so RADIO MARKETS Wednesday, July 24, 1940 CBS Gtes Hooper Ratings As Proof Cheap Home Town Programs Pay Off Los Angeles, July 23. Appeal to Coast advertisers of the cheiaper quarter-hour shows and their proven ,eflectiveness as sales generators are cited by George Mds- kovics, CBS Coast sales promotion director, as the reasons behind the pptiiTiism on the fail outlook and the favprable condition of summer busi- ness. ,. Hooper Pacific Ratings are claimed to have dennonstrated the pulling power of these inexpensive programs; Advertisers are said to have been impres.sed by the rating of National, Lead's 'Answer Auction,' which, ac- '■' cording to Moskovics, has an audi- ence coniparable with the more ex- pensive half-hour shows, Also con- tributing to the general feeling of optimism is the move by; such ad- vertisers as Procter & Gamble and Wesson Oil in increasing their radio appropriations to take care of spot commitments Additional to their reg- ular programs. ■ KNX: Procter & Gamble (Dash), through Pedlar & Ryan, 312 partici- pations in Fletcher Wiley combina- tion. Hudelson cherry juice, through Sholts Adv;, 48 '■. participations, in Wiley bpmbo. Hollywood Turf Club,, through Milton Weinberg^ 22 time signals. A. H. Rude auto supplies, through Glasser -Ady.. 18 participa- tions in Wiley combo,: KHJ: Fifth Street Store, through Mayers Co., 27 spots. Schwabacher & Frey, through W. Austin Camp- bell,. 365 spots. Union Pacific rail- road, through Caples Co., 39 spots. Lindsay Oliyes, through Lord & Thomas, 21 participations in Norman Young's 'Happy Homes.' Household Pectin, through Lord & Thomas, 21 participations in 'Happy Homes.' KFI: Planters Nuts, through Ray- mond R. Morgan, 118 participations in 'Art Baker's Notebook.' Holly wood Turf Club, through Milton Weinberg, 22 spots'. KECA:. O'Keefe & Merritt, through Richard Atchinson, 104 quarter-hour newscasts. Hollywood Turf Club, through Milton Weinberg, 23 spots. KFWB: Dr. Keys, 65 quarter-hour commentary programs. The Situation in Des Moines Des Moines, July 23. National spot slump continues this week with termination of several contracts, Cowles Stations' salutes to towns in the trading area building local totals. KSO-KRNT: Crete Mills, through Moritz Adv. Co.; daily, announce- ments. Russell Miller Milling Co., through N. W. Ayer, renewal of five quarter-hours weekly. American Bird Products Co., through Westoh- Barnett agency, 100-word announce- ments. . Tanvi-Lac Co., half-hour programs. Lapp. Laboratories, an- nouncements. July 20 compared to July 13 | July 20 compared toi July 13 Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 10;518 12,079 1,742 24,339 10,643 12,217 1,761 24,621 —1.2% —1.1% —1% —1.1% (rncluJed: KKCA. KFI. KFWB. KHJ. KMPC, KNX) Bonald Dawson, of the staff of WFVA, Frederickburg, Va., authored a play, 'Ten o'clock,' which was tried out at the summer theatre at Salis- bury, Md. FIRST in PHILLY C. E. HOOPER SURVEYS Aiidltncei at Philadelphia Network StatUn^ 9.9:15 A.W., Mon. thru FrI.—4 M». AvB. Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 6,750 2.644 4,220 13,614 C,820 2,571 4,302 13,693 -r-1% .+ 2.8% —1.9% —0.5% (Included: KRNt, KdO, WHO) CBS Snaga Langendorf, Long on NBC, Frisco; Unit Totals Are Steady San Francisco, July 23. Most important radio development of the week Was shift of Langendorf Bread account from NBC Red, where it has occupied a daytime slot for years, to the CBS coast link. 'True Life Dramas' faded on NBC (19) to be replaced (22) by. John B. Hughes doing'Ave news commentaries week- ly at 1:30 p.m. for Langendorf via CBS. In order to accept chore, Hughes, free lancer, drops his Bor- den Milk sponsorship on MBS-KFRC at 4:30 daily, but will retain his Mu- tual news strip at 6:30, sponsored alternately by Ayalon Ciggies and Bromo-Seltzer. New KSFO-CBS was set by-Leon Livingston agency, and is for 52 weeks. KFRC has local sponsorship deal brewing for Fulton Lewis, Jr., with account expected to be signatured this week. I July 20 compared to July 13 [' Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 8,500 4,137 2,096 14,733 8,530 4,121 2,085 14,736 —0.3% +0.3% +0.4% 0.02% (Included: K1>'RC', KGO. KJB3. KPO, KSFO) WFIL WCAU KYW % LUttneri Identlfyini 8tallM and Prtgram FIRST WITH 4« OTHER PROGRAMS 27.1% 14.7% 3.9% For LOWER COST Circulation 8J^ WFIL Seattle's Report Seattle, July 23. National spot and local business In Seattle still zooming regardless of the heat. Local stations anticipate an evien higher climb when politicos get into stride the middle of next month. Airing of Democratic con vention and Hitler's speech sliced the network revenue. July 20 compared to July 13 Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 3,330 10,765 1,301 15,396 3.985 10,719 1,272 15,976 —16.3% +0.4% +2.2% —3.6% (Included: KIRO, KOL, KRSC, KXA) EIGHT-WEEK TREND OF STATION BUSINESS {For All Markets Regularly Reported by 'Variety') Week June 1 a June 8 ■ June i 5b June 22i June29« July 6 . July 13* July 20 i NATIONAL SPOT I/nits by Thousands mm 62.0 61.1 . 62.1 — 62-6 - 62.1 61.2 61.9 60.5 Week Ending June 1 I June 8 < June 15i June 22i June 29m July 6 . July 13. July 201 LOCAL Vnltsbv Thousands — 91.6 89.5 89.1 > 89.9 - 90.3 89.3 89.9 88.5 Week Ending June 1 ■ June 8 a Jun(9 15i June 22i June 29i July 6 . July 13i July 2( NETWORK TOTALS Units by Thousands i- 248.2 244.0 244.8 - 247.2 242.5 243.2 242,4 234.1 (Cupyriglit, A'ariely, Inc. Not to bo teprinted'without peniyliislbn) WSAl ON HEELS OF ITS BIG BROTHER DROOPY CHICAGO Cincinnati, July .23. Up slightly on network units and down on local and national spot biz. Biz schedules of Cincy broadcasters showed a trifling diecline last week, Redeeming feature, however, was that interruptions from the Demo- cratic national convention were far less than a few weeks since from the Republican general powwow, Dewey H. Long, general manager, announced that WSAI is second only to WLW in total business among Cin- cinnati stations. Long cited as an example the past week, during which WSAI had 262% hours of sponsored programs—local, national spot and network—and said the station's out- let for fall is even more promising. Reflecting VAniETY's directional wave for more ether blurbing by de- partment stores, the John Shillito Company came through for a tester of 14 100-word announcements per week on WKRC. On WSAI, Weaver's Mt. Airy Swimming Pool renewed for a daily station-break announcement. This station also added the tincy Carrier Air. Conditioning Co. for a series of one-minutie plugs per day. I July 20 compared to July 13 Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 4,485 8,363 5,430 18,278 4,440 8,374 5,538 18,352 + 1% -0.1% —1.9% —0.4% (Included: WCPO. WKUC. Wr,W. W.SAl) REPORT NO DAMAGE IN TORRID KAYCEE 4 Kansas City,. July 23. Summer lull is the most prominent thing in radio, though stations report season is somewhat more rigorous than last. About only changes in the week caused by KGKN, which car- ried more baseball time than usual. KCMO: Doyle Packing Co. re- newed 52-week contract for 12 an- nouncements \yeekly. KCKN: Ford Dealers of Kansas City, through McCann-Erickson, 14 announcements. I July 20 compared to July 13 ; [ Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 6,390 5,568 . 5,058 17,316 6,390 5,479 5,217 17,086 * +1.6% +2.6% +1.3% *No change. (Included: KCKN, KCMO. KMBC, WDAP. • WHB> . The Talking: Democrats Partly Blamed for 12% Collapse Chicago, July 23. Business was shot full of holes on the network stations in Chicago be- cause pf the Democratic convention last week. In view of that situation, a tally of-commercial units on these stations pretty shows a 7% drop. WLS has just issued its first gen- eral coverage mail map since the sta- tion • installed its neyr 50. kw. trans- mitter and 586-foot vertical radiator which went into operation a year ago. Mail count showed a total of 1,117,956 letters received by WLS within one year, with letters re- ceived from every state in the union. Received 588,022 letters from Illinois, 175,105 from Wisconsin, 170,799 from Indiana and 105,127 from Michigan, Swift Packing Co., which has been pretty lax on radio recently, has contracted for some schedules on WBBM, the Columbia outlet. Start- ing on July 29, Swift will take two daily tima signal announcements Monday through Friday and a Sat- urday 25-minute period at 10:05 a.m. on the 'Norman Ross Review'.record- ing arid chatter program. Set through the J. Walter Thompson agency locally. Evans Fur has taken a 52-week series of musical. clock program on WMAQ through the Schwimmer & Scott agency here, riding 15 minutes each morning from 8:45, starting on July 8. July 20 compared to July 13 | Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units • 7,455 4,532 9,447 21,434 9,035 5,275 10,140 24,450 -17.4% -14% —6.8% -12.3% (Included: WBBM, WENR. WON. WIND Smith's Tennesseans, hillbilly musical aggregation, left WSPD, To- ledo, for the summer, effective July 20. Return Sept, 16. MONTREAL TAX ON SETS FOR CHARin Montreal^ July 23, Proceeds of the new $2 municipal tax on radio receiving sets will b« made available for distribution among the leading local charily or- ganizations which have been taking care of 'borderline' cases not eligible for the relief rolls. City o*f Montreal expects to realize $310,000 annually from th*e new levy on radios. Of this amount $200,000 will be turned over to charity and balance devoted to grants to welfare and educational organizations. New city tax is additional to th« Federal radio license of $2.50 annii- ally paid by citizens of the Dominion. Montreal is believed to be only city in Canada where municipality exacts taxation on radio receiving sets. Music for ELLERY OUEEN . Composed and Conducted by LYN MURRAY Mgt. COLUMBIA ARTISTS, Inc. wi 0 wmi s' By JANE WEST NOW RADIO S MOST POPULAR FAMILY BRINGS YOU MORE _AUGHTER JeARS ^^d |-| EART-THROBS Presented by Ivory Soap ■ 99" ijc " : ou.-e NBC Red Network, 12:15 to 12:30 P.M. EDSt 6:45-6 P.M., EDST COAST TO COAST Dir. COHPTON ADVERTISIMQ AGRNCT MGT. ED WOLF—RKO BLDG., NEW YORK CITY IN