Variety (Aug 1940)

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Wednesday, August ;7f WQ P^RIETY MISCCtLAKY 1 .;■ ^ Buffalo, Aug. 6, .• Ralph! Tiressihg;;\ press- agent of ViTorld's largest spiritualist camp, at Lily Dal^v, N, Y;, wants to i)ut spirit voices cii the ail*, and he ain't fooiT In?; Pi'oject iis well into talk stage; both on this planet and on the 'other pressing, who has installed what he believes is first air-conditioned »eance ■ roofh', in his Lily Dale, home, got idea from recordings of spirit voices taken at; English seauces; If in ir its can be put on wax, their voices will go over mikies, he ifigUres. -projpoised series of weekly broad- casts is intended for network use, . Pressing explains. To this end he is . sounding out . sehtimerit.. among ■chain-affiliated outlets . in Bufitalo^ meanwhile/ going! ahead with; plans ^o form a - 'circle' to call weekly on. ..*the ;6ther"w6rldA^- ;■ ■ . No elaborate equipmieht, .is re- quired. Publisher, of a spiritualist ■■ paper, Pi'cssirig says hroadcasts coMld ' t>ei - done froni an • . ordinary studio, provided it's darkened, arid.has propi- Sr acoustical abilities. Circle then Oould call in voices it wants. V Talked to Doyle For scoffers,; he's obtaiined disc of Sir Arthiir Gonan Doyle's .voice; wliich he would first' play cn air, then call in Sir Arthur from 'other gide' t6 corifirm'. it. It's a Simple trick, Pressing says, with a confident .smile.. Claims :to have talked- the ^ . . .(Continued. Gin page 11) '; Eng^aind'ii $bhgvSlanfs : England's vagaries on . pop jriusip.phraseolog3r, etc., have al7 . ways been curioiis to Americans. Such as 'Bless Me,' as a iswitch ~ on ;So ir61p Me,' latter , being ' c o n side r e d . blasphemous in: .Britain. The war. m.bod is An-: thei: manifestation. 'Old Dutch<^ Garden' . was kayoed by the Lowlands' blitz,- what with Queen .Wilhelmina seeking refuge in London, and where for a time 'There's a Boy Coming Home on Leave' was a properly sentimental thought, as- spon as all military leaves were cancelled; that kayoed that too. Bpindy :^ Clptking T jr c b p n ' Sponsprs Plaii ;f6 pistribute Hollyy^ppd'Mailip Helig • Talkers and Equipmeiirit-— 1^000 Ex-Preacher« En- rolled to Sell to 100,000 Churches in U. S. V WEBB PRODUCES For Levey-U's N'wood Plays at F»r British Relief; It's Not Art, But Profitable Hollywood, Aug. 6. Group of English-accented screen folks played theatre last night (Mon- day), at El Capitan, HoUywpocI, pre-: senling 'Noel Coward's 'Tbnight at 6:30' for British relief fimd, although histrionacs -nxight have hit a loftier level,had Thesps been facing a Capra tr; .Goijlpling to shout an occasional fcamerar or 'cut,* thuis putting them in more faniiliar atmosphere, they did have fun while capacity house made up of their pals gots its money's worth and mob of , 4,000 gawkers lining: Hollywood bowl col- lected hundreds of autographs. Little was . contributed to art by opening perforrnances of three-week Sun, but coffers of fund bulged when I.R.O. sign went up. • Best performances were by Gladys . Gooper, Muriel Hutchinson and Basil Rathbone in 'The Astonished Heart' Presence ;6f sOme humorous soUl like ■: John Barry more with a bit of ad Jibbing would have enlivened Doug- las Fairbanks, Jr.-Constahce Bennett high-jinks in. 'We Were Dancing,' but there was ho Barrymore, Reg- inald Gardiner and Binnie. Barnes high-lighted;''Red Peppers.' M-G, 20TH BARRED FROM NAZI NATIONS : Hollywood, Aug. 6. 'Hellzapoppin',- tlie pise'n arid Johnson stage , deHrium, . will be wrapped up in a film package with the original New York cast by Jules Levey's Mayfair . Productions • next .spring. , Picture is for Universal reieaso.... Chiefly for the TItU Payment of $200,000 is a record fig- ure for a revue, since little or none of the stage material will be used. Price is really for the title, as whien the picture version is filiried it will be a book story, • Olsen . arid.; Johnson pririie Owners' of 'Hellz,' and the Shuberts (Harry Kaufman), who present the (Continued on page 38) V Hollywood," Aug, 6. . Churches are .going into the film business on . a 'nationwide, scale ais result of a deal signed here by Charles Anson Bond,., millionaire clothier, and Harry Webb, prexy of Metropolitan Pictures, Inc. Contract calls for Webb to; produce 50 thfiee- reel Biblical subjects in Cinecolor every year,for five years, to be dls-r tributed among churches ol .all ,de- nominations.v ■ ■ Bond, former mayor of Columbus, ,Q.,.. has incorporated . Biblical Photo Plaiys under the ' laws , of Maryland after three years- prepai'iation. dur- ;■ . C. ■ ■ (Continued on page .45) ; Edgar Bergen to Tease PdbBc in a Serial-Form Plot Trick for the Fall RED CROSS P.A. UNITS WAIT DRIVE RESULTS .-. Hollywood, Aug. 8. Plan to send out Hollywood units oiv personal appearance tours for the Red Cross fund, is being held back while the executive committee awaits full reports from all studios; • The p.a. tour idea was projected as a pos-sible aid in case the local drive fell short of the required ahiount. Returns' are still coming from the va^'ious studios and affili- ated money-raising, dflvesi Andrews SislersMay Encore in 2d U Pic Merhphis, Aug. 8. Flying through here, in the new three-place Stinson plane, purchased at thei factory in Nashville, Edgar Bergen revealed that Charlie Mc- Carthy's adveritures will- take to the air in semi-serial story form when the program resumes in September: . Present completeness . of etach broadcast in itself will be eliminated. In its stead, Charlie, will be left hanging fire . at the end of the show each Sunday night as bait for the listeners to chew upon all week'un- til.' suspeiise; . lifts ; ri^bm'entarily the following Sabbath. ,. ' Bergen said he hadn't determined how strong he should go on this chapter play idea for radio's No. 1 hrat, but that, he will definitely give it i Whirl.',Also^ he;;expects td; have, several new characters in the .setup, including girl friends for McCarthy. MebbC; theyMl be live actors, not dummies, says he. Star discovered a 12-year-old. gal ventriloquist in Nashville and invited her to have a Hollywood visit and whirl at pictures. Thinks she really has the makings. Accompanied by Al Lary, his in- structor, Bergen flew his new ship back to Californi Is taking a keen interest in aviation, having just set up Edgar Bergen Foundation loan funds for promisirig aviators to get chance at training. ,: • Metro and 20th-Fox were official- ly notified by the Gerrriari goverrir irient this Aveek that they . virere barred from . (distributing pictures in jTazi-colitrolled countries. As a result of '. the Nazi ban on. 20th-FQx. doing business' in Ger- riiany, Norway, Holland and Czesho- ^lovakia, it was reported in the trade yesterday (Tuesday) that the com- pany was considering a large dariV- age suit against the Gierman governr ment • ^ .- } " ; Maestro Dick Powell San Diego, Aug. G.. : S:6me.2^0Q0 attended.Dicfc;^^^^^^ Tna.eslro' .debut July •. 27-;:at -.Mis.<;ioh Beach ballroom, at the helm of Don Ricardos orchestra. ' :' . Powell"s lackof . batpn'^Wielding, ability was noticeable but Was coun- teracted,' ,ih part, by his vocalizing. He- is originally, a, picture hoitSft. m.c. Andrews Sisters, who recently completed work. ' ■. 'Argentine NightsVfQr Uriiyersai, are riisgotiating with the studio on another film. Deal is • ali5o being talked, for their appeiraftce. as rcgiiiars' oh the :Bob Hope radio show for Fepsodent ;in the fall; ; ■'- . '-Sisters are currently doing theatre and' one-niglit .dates' ai'ound.: New Yoi'k'v piMor to an cngagemerit at the Paramount, N. Y,, . about three weeks.. ■ Kath Locke to Coast , 'Kathcrine. Locke, who. played feiVime iead:' in ;;Tlve.; Fiflh^ ColUinn' t)n Broadwiiiy' Ifist'.scasori, .will lea,v^ for .the coast r . about.tvvo weeks to loin. her Inisbahd, Morris ; Helprin, I production assistant tb; Alexander Kor.da!' . \ ■ ■ MLs."? Locke will look into, picture ' po.'i.iibirilici: While , onthe Coast if I her current gander at legit sdripts .'• fdr/fiili . pr()ve.s unlruitful.; ■ GUS MEINS SUICIDES: FRED MacISAAC DITTO Hollywood, Aug. 6. Coroner's inquest into the death of Gustave Meins, :45. 'Republic- pro- ducer-director yesterday (5) con- cluded that it resulted from his:own hand. Meins' body was foundi Sun.- day (4) in his car. in lindeibrush near La Crescenta. ending a sSarch that had been underway since his disappearance follovving' release .On $5,000 bail after on . morals charges; ; ■■: - Meins' last picture was Republic's 'Sc,atterbraiiV/,-:'He is surviv^^ his Widow .and .sori. .- • '■' .: " . . . . - Macisaac . Suicide • Fred. J> Macisaac.^ '^54, author and former New ■ York dramatic critic, ended his life with a bullet yester- day ;((Mon.) .-in.:;h1s Hollywood home. Fiha'ricial .worries and ilI health;^re said • to have prorripted the acl. Maclsaaos vVa..s .IjOrjr in Carnbri^ Mass,.^-. Many, of hi,< weslei-h and ad- venture yai'iV.s found tlVcli way to the screen. -■.;.■ .•,-■ •■■ ; ■;;.■ Lost :iri Radibi City .': Reports that. six-: persons.: had. died of .exHaustiori after being 'lost- for three, weeks in the labyrinthian . concourses iinder Radio City, N. Y., were denied this week by Rockefellef Center . off icials;; Nevertheless,; th have issued a regular road nfiap of the under-the-street catacombs, :' Upon being asked how to get somewhere, R. C guides now take a: copy of the rnap from their dispatch cases;: and .mark the route for the. questioner in , blue pencil, like gas station at- tendants. .:'':. '■ Subpoenas to 6 Hollywood,: Aug. 6. Action of L, A.. district attorney Buron Fitts in subpoenaing six mem- bers of the fiirn 'colony in the county; grand jury's- ihyestigatibn; of Com- munist murders drew a fiery resolu- tion frorii the Screen Actors Guild board of directors; last, night (Mon- day).. Summoned to testify as to red' activities in Southern Cali- fornia were Herbert Biberman, filrii and stage director; - his :wife. Gale Sohdergaard, actress; Lionel Stander, comedian; Clifford Odetts, writer, aind Samuel OrnitZj writer, and his wife,.Sadie Ornitz. ; . % .: SAG board condemned Fitts':rnpve as 'unjust' insofar as it applies :to two thesjaians, pointing put that - ac- tors are the -first group to aid when patriotic drives are made. 'We be- lieve that to malign actors generally, under circumstances such as present one, is unwarranted and unrAmeri- can,' read the resolution in part.' ; Theatre, Arts Cbriimittee, though -it. avers the organization is principally concerned with the welfare of Its. members and ;denie.S ;being Cphi- inunistic,; appears to be loath to re- veaV the identities of TAC officer.s-. When the controversy oyer the Fin - land benefit performances arose soriie months ago. Equity requested TAG to name its actual leaders, with- out result; ; Congressman W. P. Laihbertson,, who, looks askance. at TAC; for indicated^: radical literar ture,. .wrote two letters to the group seeking the same: information, but failed to obtain the names. Only individual known to be an officer is Adelaide Bean, executive secretary, ,who signs cornmunicarr tioris. :■ Letter head, does not name the other dfficers. Names of players .who appeared in TAC revues at the Ariiericari Music HaU, former church on the : East Side and at..Manhattan Center, furnish clues as to who are most active in TAC affairs, . -.: Latqbertsbn Asks 'Variety ■ -' ■:■')' Washington, Aug. 2.." . Editor, Variety: : I have been endeavoring, without succe^.s so . far, to secure from the Theater. Arts Cqmriiittee the follow- ing information:. : -i .. .Names . and addresses of present officers. . .' ' Names and addresses of governing council members. , Names and addresses of members. I am writing you as the foremost theatrical journal in ■ the hope that (Continued on page 44) in sPic ;■ Hollywood, Aug. 6. Jerry Colonna has been signed by Gene Markey fon the comedy spot in 'You're the One,' which marlci Markey's debut as an iridic producer- He will also continue with the Bob Hope air shpw. Picture ' w"in feature Orrin Tuck- er's o ichestra and Bonnie Baker, xe- I leased through Paramount. 20TH miES' REMAKE GETS S.A. BACKGROUND Hollywood, Aug. 6, 'Foiies Bergere' gets a new title and a new home in its remake at 20th-FoX. New name is 'A Latin From Manhattan,' and new locale is Rio de Janeiro instead of Pariis; Pic- ture, was first made in -Shift gives the studio two South Ameri- can, musicals. The other. iis 'Down Argentine Way,- soon to be released. 'Foiies Bergere,'. first . filmed by Dairryl Zanuck five years ago, will have Maurice Chevalier, Merle Obe- ron and - An;i. Sothern . in the top spots. It was Chevalier's la^t pic- ture in this country.; ■■■'/ Slating of 'Foiies' makes fpur mu- sicals .on this year's WestWood pio- gram, the two others being 'Tin Pan Alley' and 'Say It With Music '. . Lupe Likes 'DuBarry', But Only for Road The probability is that Lupc.yeiez ■Will succeed -Ethel' -Merman in.. 'D.ii- Barry Was a Lady,' ' at the .' 46th '■ Street, New York, but the deal '. pending because . of certain fclotails. not . agreccT?' on.. Buddy; DeSylva wants the little'Mexican to: enter the.. cast' prior to ; the road . tour, due. to start in .October. -. Mi.';.") Vejez is. will- ing to .stop into 'DuBarry,-' bi'd lins I so far insisted , that', iicr appearaiiccs:; shall not begin u.ntiL the show ii'w^.. to the- road.. •■ -■ ; '- ■ \ :. M iss-- Mer man - is;; d tj ckTnf;- x> ut -of-, town appearances and i.s: li.-iileci : u) \ appear in DcSylva's new ' . v;.:;!!- , .'iPanarria' Hattie,*-.,whiph. goe^V .= iiit-i) 'rehearsal early in -Sepie.inbcr;.- Xrado Mark: tieeleter^a F.OUN'f'JED BY :S1ME ; StIiVKnMAN r»M\hUe.a Weekly by VAIIIICTy. Inc. SifV Silverman,- i»reBident ,' . /1.54 Wr«t ,46th Stroct./New York,' N. .Y; SUBSCRIPTION -^nniinl.... . . . ,$10 .rbrojen,.,,. , .in S)ii>f)e (;"pl(>B,. . i ...,;,..,.> ,2S CentK Vol. 139 130 No. 9 INDEX Band Reviews..,,,..,,,.: . , 34 Bills , .. .,..,,. >V. .... 40 Chatter 45 i5;Years Ago....:.. 38 Film 'Reviews.. ..,. 14 House Reviews,...,.. .... ... 39 Inside—Legit ..,,,.,....!;. 42 ■Inside-t-PictUres^,.; . , .;.. 6; International News.., ■ .;...., 12 Literati ..'.;;. '. , , 44 . Legitimate ...,-. .,, 41 Music ,,,,,;.'.3.3 Night Clubs.. .. -. 37 Night Club Reviews..,..!. .. 36 Obituary .....,. , 4(5 ' Pictures ..-.'. ,'..,.'. .-v;.... 4; Radib.. v.: .. . ... 20 -Radio Markets.',■...... ' . ... 32 Radio Reviews.. . ..., ,>V. 24 Vaudeville -'.. ... 37 VVniKTi' K.M>l6 niRKCTOR\ '.ts-per copy riAII.Y VAIllKTV ■ II0, il. /cur.—tI'J forcllin ■ : O'ljhPiMifiii ih- TlJillywonrt hf -■• • Dally Variety, Ltd.i ';. .