Variety (Aug 1940)

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V^edneeday, August 7, 1940 PSriety PIGTimE GROSSES o^1)altdns'Re^ First Runs on Broadway .. (Subiect to change) . Chicago, Aiig, 6. . - (Best Exploitatioiu Palace) RKO reopened: its loop Palace Thursday (1) and got away to a hangup start. Has reduced its prices all along the line and this lactpr ho doubt is considerably important in the better boxofflce indications. Will run a double feature flrst-run pelicy, and the currient bill of 'When the Daltohs Rode/ with 'Private Affair^' as the-,siib-itein, is,: making a pleas- ant money niairk. By the time the Palace got through with its adyer^ tlsing and publicity^the town kniew thiit. the house. w:as again doing busi- ness at the old stand,. : Biggest single money figure in town is being turned in by 'All This, and Heaven Too' at the Chicago. The Bette Davis-Charles. Boyer flicker is. pulling the femmes,. and the picture IS a cinch to stick around for a sec- ond helping; Geiie iKrupa's bandv is •■oh the stag*. . .. vSammy Kaye baiid is coming ^^^Sf- . - j>r ,t, s j through ^with a solid session in the t week-Wagoi^ oriental and' giving ; that house its Tomboy (Mono) ,, plus yaude, ^5^00^1 best coin in: some time,: ' 1 ^ „ • - i • /tt • v ^ \ Estimates for This Week ! Paramount (Hamrick-Evergreen) Apbllo (B&k) (1,200; 35-55^65-75) ; (3.039;^^M.40.5a)^'Boys F^^^ rhir Town' (UA) ■ In here after a cuseV (U) and Dr. Christian Meets SSf not .corrailing.anyth^ ^.^^^.^D^B^ green) (2,349; 30-40-50)—'Pride and Prejudice'. (M-G) .arid 'Manhattan Heartbeat* (20th),. Heading fdr.good. $5,000,'. Last .'week . 'Gold Rush Maisie' (M-G) and 'We Who Are Young! (M-G) dual* .$5,200,. good. Liberty (J-vH) (1,650; 30-40X50)—. | 'PngO'Pago' :(UA); Expects okay $3,r 200. Last week .'Lost Horizon '(Col) and 'Awful Truth' (Col) (revivals) (2d wk), good $3,9dO: . , Miisie. Box • (Hamrick,-Evergreeri) (850; 30-40-50)-^'Andy Hardy Debu- tante' (M-G) and 'PhahtOnt Raider' (MrG) (4th wk), :good $2,500. Last week $3,600. ... Orpiicuni . (Hami'ick - Evergreen)- (2.600; 30-40-50)—'Great: McGinty' (Par) and 'Zarizibai-' (U). Look to fair $4,000;, Last week 'Sporting Blood'- (M-G) and .^Chan's Murder Cruise' (20th); Very weak- $.3,l00, Palbmar (Sterling) (1,350; 30-40- 50 )-^'M£(ri Talked Too Much'. (WB) plus 'Midnight in . Paris' unit on Indicating ) .big $5,800!. Last WeeK of Auj ■ AstoipU-'Gone With the Wind': (M-(i .(34th Vkj: v - ■ ■' Capitol--'Andy.' K.irrfv. Meets Debutante' (M-G (2d.wk:),.: ; ~ CriterIohr-.^Three. Face^ West'' (Rep) (10). Globe^'The ; Seer e;t Seven' iCo\) \m: 'y-r-' - ■'■ Music Hall—Pride^and Preju- dice' (M^G)..-- (Revieiued in Vabietv, Jtily 10) '.■ ■Palace—^Peir 13' (20th). .- .Paramount—'Boys..- .from' '5yra-:- .^Clise'. (U) (2d::wk.).- ; ..; . RIalto —'South - of karanga' ■:CU).(io). '.- r' .-^ ■•• ■■■■ Boxy—'Re t u r n . of Frank James* (26th) (9). ■ - : Straiid-^"rhe Sea Hawk": (WB). ■■(d):.--.>-.. Week of Atiif. 15; Astor—'Gone With the Wind' (M-G) (35th wk,); ■ ' • . Gapitol—'I Love You Again* ■(M-G);-;: ;..v-;; ' ■■'/:'■'■"■: , (Reviewed in Current Issue).; . Music-iTall-T^'Pride -and Prejur. dice* (M-G) (2d wk,). Paramount—'The Great Mc- Ginty* (Par) (14). : Boxy— R e t u r h of Frank James' (20th) (2d wk.). . Strand—'the Sea Hawk' (WB) (2d wk,). : ■' ihih a headache at $3,500. Last; ■ -week, 'New M^on' (M-G), finished four weeks in loop to good $5,900. .. • Chicago (B&K) (4.000; 35-55-65- 75)—'Heaven Too* (WB) and Gene 'Krupa band. Business upping into ' bright numbers currently, with; the femmes banging down the doors to the happy tune . of $43,1)00.; Will be ■ around.'for second stanza. Last week; ■ 'Maryland* (26th), plus Frank Par- ker and Henry Armetta on stage, mild $28,500. 0 Garrlck (B&K) OQO; 35-55-65-75) —'Maryland* (20th). Getting anothei- crack at the loop aiid going for $4,- 000, so-so. , Last week 'Uotiimed: (par), in second loop session, meagre $3 300 - Oriental (Jones) (3^200; 28-44)— •Was Adventuress' (20th) and Sammy Kaye*s band. Latter account- ing for $18,000, best in a long time.. Last week -Floriah' (M-G) with house-built unit, fair $14,400. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 33-44-66)— •Daltons' (U) and 'Affairs' (U), Ac- tion top-liner is bringing; in a hat- ful of shekels, going for solid $13,000. Last week dark, . ^ - ■ ■ . BotfsevelC (B&K) (1,500; 35-55-6.5- 75)—'Pago* (UA) (2d wk). Holding to $5,500, so-so snatch, following take ' of $9,300 last week. i < State-Lake (B&K) (2.700 ; 28-44)-. •Wagons* (Rep) and 'Bowery -Unit on stage. Combination is ,satisfac- tory at the turnstiles and Iboks for $16,000, good. Last Week, in the same groove of $16,700 for 'Not So Tough' (U) and Joe Sanders* band - on stage. • - .. . United Artists (B&K-M-G) (1,700; ?5-55-65-75>^'Pride Prejudice' (M- ;). Opened Saturday (3) and looks . like money winner for the femme patronage. Heading to $14,000, bright. Last' week 'Our Town* (UA), mild $7,500. " - Woods (Essaness) (1,200; 75-$l,10- $1.65)—'Gone' (M-G) (28th wk). Rolling along and now figured to run until Labor Day. Weekends re- Ikiairi strong to hold up gross. Rid^ Ing to around $5,000 currently, after taking $5,500 last week. ; Vaude Ups TMah Talked' In Seattle to Big $5,800 Seattle, Aug, 6. $4i300, fair. Booscvelt (Sterling) (800; 21-35)— 'Brother Orchid' (WB) and 'Satur- day's Children' (WB) (2d run). An- ticipate fair $1,900. Last week 'Ty- phoon' (Par) and 'Angel f -om Texas' (WB) (2d run), $1,800, mild. • Winter .Garden (Sterling) (800; 16- 32). .'Safari' (Par) and 'Flight An- gels' - ■ ~ -Bandshow Best on Spotty ; 'Hardy Deb' Cincinnati, .Aug;; 6, Pic biz is .on the rebound foUow- (WB) (2d run); Expect fair ing l2^y torrid spell, which ended $1,800. Last -week 'Torrid Zone' | last mid-w^ek. (WiB) and '40 Little Mothers' (M-G) (2d run),-$1,700. Fronting the field currently for .a flncAlbee figure is 'Pride and Preju- dice.' Palace is jogging along fairly good ■ with 'When Daltons Rode;' "Turnabout,! at Keith's, also is in. the fairly good bracket. Lyric has a lagger in. 'Leopard Men of Africa.'... Estlniates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,360;'39-47)—'Pride and Prejudice* (M-G), Fine $13,000. Last week, 'Love Back':(WB),. good $11,000 Capitol (RKO) (2,000;. 39-47 )- 'Love Back* (WB). Transferred from Albee for second week. Fair $4,000; Last week, 'Heaven Too (WB), held over for second :week after initialing at Albee, nice $4,000 • Baltimore. Aug, is. I ' Fiinily (RKO) (l.OOO; 15-28)— Rphit n nf ronler weather is having 'Lucky Cisco: Kid* (20th) and. 'Girls Retain of copier weamer is naving i _, tia^.^. ./r-^i^ split with 'Haunted ideal b.o;s,: with grosses inching up in I fous^. '"^^ ^fTio^^^'^ S?§'^S°^anM,¥S?Sd'"^SK .S^it^'^bils W S S ShSid'"-I^pS'^S6."o^^^cke^ orch. and Wnie : Baker.. Multiple | Diamonds CU) and Boys- City shows are bleirig squeezed in to ac- cbmmddate unbreaking line at wicket both matinees and nights. . Also highly consistent is.'Pride and Pi-eiudice,' at Loew*s Century, .with daytime reaction extra good, 'When (Mono) Keith's (Libson) (1,500; 39-47)— 'Turnabout' (UA). Fairly good $4;- 500; . Last week, 'Maryland' (20th) (2d run), all right $4,500 Lyric .(RKO) (1,400; 39-47)—'Leop- the Daltons Rode.' in second.week at Urd Men' <Select). N.s.h $3,000. Last KeLth's, also showing: iiTiprpvemtent U^ The slightly higher admission prices recently. established here have caused some complaints at the b.o., but when explained that it's taxes that caused it, the customers , stop with better weather. Estimates for This Week - Centurr (L6ew's-UA) (3,000; 15 28-44) — 'Pride Prejudice' (M-G). Holding highly pleasing gait to in- dicated $10,000. Last week, 'Pago' (UA), weathered excessive heat fair "'m?S.l^S°°(RippapU^ <«Q5:|'NEW MOON' $17,000, 15-28-39-44-55-66) — 'Cross Country' " t .7 t Romance' (RKO) and Orrin Tucker and Bonnie Baker. Heading toward whammo $22,000, Opening with five shows on Friday (2) and squeezing 1 in six on Sat. and four on Sun. (2 worst in many months Palace (RKO) (2.600; 39-47)- •Daltons Rode *(U). Fairly good $9, 000, Last week, 'Pago* (UA), poor $7,000. BEST IN BROOKLYN . Brooklyn, Aug. 6, Top money-getter this .stanza is Loew's Metropolitan, showing 'New p.m. opening), biz is best in moons. New record a deci'^ed ppssi bility Last week,. 'Queen Destiny- Moon' and 'Captain Is Lady,* RKO (RKO) and vaude, poor $9,400. Albee, with 'Queen of Destiny' arid Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406; 15- 'Dr, Christian: Meet Women.', and demurring. Final result ' in- ] 28-33-39-44)-'Daltons Rode' (U) (2d Fabian Fox, with . 'Untamed' and creased total, "The downtown first | wkj. Showing, anticipated improve- 'You're Net .So Hot' are neck and runs have uniform prices fcr tlie ] ment with turn in weather arid poirit- | nesk first time in the town's show his-.: ing to nice ?6,000, after steady pace " ' T,.i__:-,.„ on ooening round to $5,300, ^ ; New (Mechanic). (1,581: .15-28-35 tory, even the vaudfilmer. Palomar, following suit on the 30-40-50c plan Incidentaly, the Palomar has been ; 55>^'Gold Rush Maisie' (M-G). Fair- proving that geriersilly . folks, like : i.,h . response to latest m.. series, stage fare, especially in the pres- should add up to $4,500; not/ .b5£< ence of . dearth ■ of topnotch ftlniers: This week 'Midnight in Paris' is ma- jor reason tor. nice take, 'Maisie' nioves from the Fifth to figure for this limited seater, Last week., .third of 'Maryland' (20th), Fabian Parahiount .i.s off witTi .'My Love Came Back 'and 'Doomed to. Die.' - • Estimates .for This Week Albee. (RKO) (3,274; 25-35-50)-- 'Queen Destiny' (RKOTi and 'Dr. Christian Women' (RKOl, Siy-so \yeei^ ;^nira^^ „nrWm We'a't I $15;000, Last week .'Maryland' (20th) -which .had its world oreem here ai , .s-;iqi.s ' $1.10. added mild $3,200 to okay tptal and ba.uors the. Blue Mouse; Liberty is. making ;;of $13,300 for;Previous brace.^ . .^ ^ a big noise over ^Pago Pago'; 'Debu-;, Stanley (WB) f3i280r. 15.28-39-44r tante' has plenty of zip for a fourth i 53 )^'.Heayen; Too! :(WB,V-(3d wk), stanza at Music Box for the; week's ;,highly satisfactory :$7.000 ^indicated,, highlights, j after very puncTiy totalof $21,100 for Estimates for This Week I preceeding two we.eks. which ^had Blue Mouse (Hamrick-Evergreen) stretch of bpiling weather to contend (850; 30-40-50)--'Gold Rush Masie'; with. . - (M-G) and 'We Who.; Are Young' : ;. r. :. / / ; ' ... v .: . (M-G). . Moveover. from Fifth doing ; around fair $1,800. Last week (30-40) I 'Snow White' (RkO) arid four Dis4 ney shorts held nine days for dandy $3,000. Coliseum (Hainrick - Evergreen) (1,900; . 21-35)—'Waterloo Bridge' (MrG) and .'Kildare's Strange Case' (M-G) , (2d run). Anticipate big $3,200. Last week 'Susan' (M-G) and '2 GSls on Broadway' (M-G) (2d run) eight days, $3,700, big. Fifth Avenue (Hamrick-Ever- (Best Exploitation: Paramount) Broadway has its ups and downs this week but away up there in the fancy dough is 'Boys From Syracuse' at the Paramount, coupled with a stage show :includirig Xjavier Cugat, Allan Jones,; Irene Hervey and Ray Bolger. Away down is 'South of; Pago Pago,' one-weeker at the Music Hall, A turn in the' weather list week, after a bad' siege of he4t, no doubt has helped in spots ;but seetn- irigly not in others, ; 'Syracuse' wound up its :flr$t .week at the Par last night at $51,000,; smash business for the summer, and begins its Second: today; (Wed.), Pic- ture. ' the first to be riiade by Jules Levey, for y^ars. a distributiori ex- ecutive. Maybe riiore film salesmen should beconie producers, ; ■ 'Pago Pago' is ;a picture the Hall yvpuld like to have ditched but it was. bought under aii bid contract. arid nothing could be done about it. It. won't get $60,000, very disappoirit- ing. - , Right behind the Par on. patron- age IS. the Strand, how in its secbrid: strong week with 'Drive by Night' and, in person, Geoi;ge Raft, Will Qs- bbrne, others. .The show pounded down- the stretch powerfully to fin- ish its first seven Vdays at. $48,000, big,.: and on the holdover is show- irig real route, ability at about $35,- 000. ■ House wovild like .to . hold a! third- week but; Raft has to get back to the Coast. 'Andy Hardy Meets Debutante' is failing to get the Capitol; .what -was expected, indications pointing to; only. arOUrid $25,000, It remains a second week, however..: Doing a bet- ter business, although the cost of. a- stage show- figures, the ' Roxy wilL hit $32,000 or thereabouts With:"The Man I Married' but won't hold, 'Re- turn of Frank James' comes in Frir day (9). ;' Hitting. close to $15,000. last; week, its ■-. first, the . Walt Disney . 'Sriow White' show,' ;With four; Acadehiy winninjg shorts, is continuing a hot boxofflce eritry. On the holdover it will get $10,000 or close and may go a third week,; : With;'Mortal Storm' (2d run), on its screeri and Harry Richman head- lining the yaude bill, the State is slightly better than it was the prior week, but still ori the blue side at $17,000 or some above. ; The Paramoimt, with the coopera- tion of Levey and. Universal, dis- tributor, of 'Syracuse,' put on a smart, business-getting exploitation caimpaign for the picture;. Aiiiorig other things, Jack Mclnerney, pub- licity head of the theatre, had some muggs ] in: (Greek costumes driving chariots arbund town to attract at- tention. Newspaper breaks were very good, including a whole Damon Runyon column -d*voted to the pic- ture, Runyon seldom has anything to say for films,': : Estimates for Thiji Week Astor (1,012; 75-85-$l,10-$1.65-$2.20) —'Gone' (M-G) (34th week). And this ain't kidding; last week (33d) the gross shot up to $8,800, Figure com-. pares with $7,200 the prior week. " Capitol (4,520; 25-40-55-75-$1.10- $1.25),—'Hardy Meets. Debutante' (M-G). Nothing more than-a mod- erate draw is being shown by the latest Hardy; about $25,000 will be all, profit but not so riiuch of it. Holds nonetheless: Last week, second for 'New Moon' (M-G), $20,000. mildish; Criterion (1,662; 25-40-55-65)— 'Snow -White'- (Disriey-RKO) and four Disney shorts (2d-flrial week).; Maintaining a very steady pace, and $10,000 or: close will be obtained: on the holdover, very good. Tlie first seven days nearly $15,000,. big. s May. go a third week, . Globe (1,700; 25-35-55)—'Military Academy'. (Col), ; Light $4,000 will be tops. Last week 'Lbepard Men' (Sel.),' the same. Palace (1.700; • 2.5-35-55)—'Mary- land' (20th) (2d run) and.'Dr. Chris- tian' (RKO) (Ist run). dualed,. Hit- .ting Ibwest iri long time here, $6,000, poor: Last week 'Tom Brown' (RKO) and. 'Man Talked Too Much' (WB), both 2d run, $7,300, still weak. Paramount (3,665; 25-35f55-88T99)-- arid Xavier. Cugait, (Mono) only five;days, $4,0Q0 for that period, " .i . ■',. '' Roxy (5,836; 25-40-55-75)—'Man I Married' ■ (20th) ■ and .stage . show. Better, than several weeks here, but not quite the answer to a showmiari's prayer at $32,000,: though 6:k, for ■ . summer. Last .week 'Turnabout' (UA) $24,000, poor; State (3,450; 35-55-75)—' Mortal Storm' (M-G) (2d rUn) and Harry Richman, Going is slow here again : but maybe over $17,000 for some pro- fit. Last week '21 Days' (Col) (2d,, run) and; Andy; Kirk, Bert Wheeler. Dixie Dunbar, et al, on stage, $16,000.: : Strand (2,767; 25-50-55^75-85-99 )-r^ 'Drive By Night' (WB) arid George . Rafti Will Osborne, in person (2d- final week). . Buslriess still humming ; here, looking $35,00() on; the holdover; very good. The first week held a burning pace to finish at $48,000, re-; markably fine for the end of July. • Show, would hold third -week if man- agement could do so. ; Instead, on Friday (9) in comes 'Sea Hawk' (WB),. which Warners is anxious to get on pre-release dates, and Phil Spitalny. ■■- Some More Spitfire ; Hollywood, Aug.; 6, Lupe Velbz inked a four-picture: deal to continue the 'Mexican Spit- fire' series at RKO with Leon Errol. Currently the tcam is filrrtirig 'Mex- ican Spitfire Out West,' second of the group. ■■..'••s. •' Lady- (20th), . good | 'Syracuse' (U) $17000 Allan Jones, Irene Hervey, Ray Fox (Fabian) (4,089; 25-.r5-50)r--;!Bolger::(2^ week). Begins holdover 'Untamed' (Par) and 'Not Tough' i today. (Wednesdiiy) • after; socking (WB), Uneventful $15,000. Last rthrough :in -championship, Siireek 'Devil's Island' (WB) - and I $51,000. on seveh days ending last 'Gambling Seas'- (WB). okay. $14*000, I night (Tuesday)::; Very snappy .busU Met (Loew's) (3.618: 25-35-50)— ' ness for. this time of. year, I'La.-jt 'New Moon'' (M-G) and 'Captain v/eek 'Untamed' (Par) and, Louis Lady' (M-G). Good $17,000. Last ' Armstrong-Ethel Waters ;Combina- week 'Susan (M-G) and. - 'Love | tion in person, only $25,000, just Honor' .(:U), good $16,500.- 7. breaking even. ';■■;-;-■. Omaha, Aug; 6. .^ (Bieat .Exploitatlbni Orpheum) Swinging into its 'Back to Old Show; Methods' exploitation with a . vengeance, Tristates Theatres show a noticeable upsurge of business this;; week. 'Boys From Syracuse,' Or<r : pheum; Will easily run to . $10,000, aided ;by . a series of street ballyhbpa by publicity, chief Ted Emerson and which have given the town some- thing to giggle about. One item was the ; Athesiis- Tfixicab Co., Greek chariot drawn by. two mules in straw hats .and driver in toga Carry- ing a' change machine. Other items: Negro lads in togas shining shoes and traffic cops in flowing robes. ; Omaha, with 'Pago Pago/ had portable Hawaiian; show on platform which paraded streets and wound ;up in front of theatre for - bld-ia- shioried door bally every night. Estimates for This Week Omaha (Tristates) (2,000; 10-25- 40)—Pago Pago' (UA) arid 'Private Affairs' (20th), Good $9^00. Last week, 'Untamed' (Par) Shd 'Gam^ bling Seats' (WB), barely made $3,- 000, juist fair, Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 10-:25- 40)—'Boys Syracuse' (U) and 'Sandy Lady' (U).. Good $10,000, Last week, 'Tuirnaibout! (UA) and 'Adventures' (20th). $9,000, . Brandels (MoJ-t Singer) (i;500; 10- 25-35-40)—'Drive Night'. (WB) and 'Pop Pays' (RKO) (2d wk.). Sur- prising $5,800, Last week, $6,000. State (Goldberg) (900; 10-20-25)-- •Edison Man' (M-G) arid 'My Son' (UA). split with 'Grand Opry' (Rep) and 'One Beautiful' (M-G). Looks. like $1,500, Last week, 'Riaffles' (UA) and 'Favorite Wife' (RKO). split with .'Black Diamond' (U). 'Star Dust' (20th) and 'Bombs Over London' (State Right), $1,800, Town (Goldberg) (1„500: 10-20-25) —'Code Cactus' (Cap), 'Girl in 313' (20th) arid 'So this Is London' (20th), split with >Wild Horse Range' (Mono) and 'Joy of Living' (RKO) Wednesday only, and '.Secret Valley', (Cap), 'Lone Wolf Lady' (Col) and 'Lillian Russell' (20th), Fair $1,300. Last ; week, 'Last Alarm' (Mono), 'Red Butte' (U), 'Slightly Honoi:- able' (UA) plus Jenkins^Arnistrong• fight, split , with/'Sori Navy' (Mono); 'Man Godfrey' (U) arid 'Kid Santa Fe' (Mono),. and 'Chumps Oxford' (UA) and 'On Own' (20th), ordi- nary $1,400. , Avenue-Military-Dundee : (Clold- berg) (950-600-300; 25) — 'Edison Man' (M-G) and '21 Days'-(Col), split, with , 'One Beautiful' (M-G); 'Saps Sea' : (UA) and . 'CJirl ' 31.',' (20th). Fair $1,100. Last week, 'Favorite Wife' (RKO), 'Star Dust' (20th), split :with 'Love Honor' (U), 'On Owri' (20th). and. 'Bombs Lon- don' :; (State Right), crawled over $l,0(jO :pri:'sizzling weather.: Parainount (Fabian) (4.126- 25-35- 50)—Love Back' (WB) and 'Doomed Die' (Mono), Quiet $14,500. Last week 'Ghost Breakers' '(Par). ■ and Radio City Music Hall (5,980; 40- 60-84-99.-$l,65)—'fago Pago'. (UA) and stage shoW.. Struggling; to, get PEOiECTIONIST-MAYOE '•;> :■. Columbus, Aug. 6.' L. G.:'Lafe' Wareham. Loew*s Ohip 'Lone Wolf Lady nice $15,000. Strand (WB) .C2,870; (Col) (2d wk). 25-35-40)-r. to $60,000 but dpubtful of tnaking proiectlbnist, was elected mayor of that goal, poor. La-st wepk. fourth., valley view, local suburb, at a spe- for 'Heaven Too'(WB). $70,000, good,! cial election last Thursday, ■ Has ,(M-G) opens jbgeri-in a booth for 25 years, ; Was ■ one' of the village's incor^ LSst "week 'Fugitive Ju.stice*. (WB) : Camp* (Col); ITo. more-than $,5,000.; Porators, and this/ his first public and 'Opened Mistake' (Par), ditto.. ' soggy, indicated. ■ 'Doomed to Die* ' office. 'Girls Road' (Col) and 'Mysterious j tomorrow (Thurs.) Mr.- Reeder* (Morit/).-. Mild $iM-l „ 25-40-55) — 'Prison :