Variety (Aug 1940)

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10 PICTURE GROSSES acuse, Minneapolis, Aug; 6. :. /For the fitst time in sonie weeks ! tlier'e's a clean sweep in the Joop— j nary a holdoyer—exceptirig the sure;-:, Beater Esqoirei which^^^ '■ the -reisisued 'Sky Devils.' Two. of , the newcomers, 'Boys Fromi Syra- cuse?, and 'Maryland,-, iat Orpheum ! and iStatej respectivelyli looni. as o£ moderate ■ boxoffice ; importance. 'LOVE BACK' OKAY Miemphis, Au^. 6. . iBo.vs frem Syracuse'- and 'Pride and :*Prejudice' .are' out front here, moqerate : .ooxoince^ i thi5 weeW; but>continued heat >vave; ^^pS^he^^s.^^^ Bhewhouses, but the.usual <>PI?osition . .Eetlmates iftr this Week;•..: headache turns .up again-U^ whiph IS .drawmg . 10 000 m^^^^^^ good notices, but trade .is only tnany ;0£ them undoubtedly pP ential | n^.^rage for house, probably, theatre patrons-^mto the Auditor . "^ .^ r a^t u>e«»W -nold Rush Maisie' xauTTv,!;f^ilGl^l&^'SfSS^^SSSfer ■ Sf^ day t>nd Tuesday,(5,and.6), no help,-^^j^,^^^ - . , . r: [ either, v ; .; : Warner A Warner-) (2;300; 10-35-44) Estimaites for . '-^i^'Love Back' ( WB). Romance well . Aster (Par-Sihger^>: (900; 15-25)—^likedr i^^^ 'Girls Road'; (Col) and '(Tan^t Give : bad/ ;LaSt;week 'Million B; C (UA), Anythitig but i^ve':.(WB), dual .lirst- runs, split with; 'Gambling High Seas' (WB) and 'LaCohga Nights'- <U), also first-runs. Fair $1,700.: Last week- 'Phahtoni: Raiders' (M,-G.) and ■ 'Millionaires PriSOh' (RKO);( dual first-rUns, split with 'Dr, Ghris- tiari Womeh- (RKO) and "Manhattan Heartache' (26th), ;$1,500, fair, - Geiitury (Par-Siriger) (1,600.; 28- 39-44)—'21 Days' (Col):; Mixe' opin- ions regarding this:;one. Leijgh-Oli- vier tea;rTi, hbwevet, bringing in some customers. Heading for light. $2,500. Xdst week, 'Heaven. Too' (WB) (3d wk)v good $3,500, making, fine $17,500 for three-week, ruii; „ ." - ' Esquire (Ciillftiari) (290; 28)-^'Sky Devils' (UA) (reissue) v(2d wk),- Thiis one has demonstrated vitality. Looks like satisfactory $800. First week, $1,200, good. , Gopher ; (Par-Singer) (998; , 28)^ 'Cjoid Rush Maisie' (M-G).. Series'; popularity iand Ann .Sothern's fol- lowing oniihcriease. Miid $2,000 in prospect. Lastv week 'Windy - Pop-. jars^;<RKd),-$2,060, light. Orpheiim (Par-Singer) (2,800; 2dr 39-44)—'Bbya Syracuse- (U). Laughs its chief stock in trade and they're very much; of: an;, asset thiese days.. However, film won't hetter light $4,500.' Last week,, 'Pago' (UA), $4,000, light. ; State (Par-Singer) (2,300; 28-39. 44)-T*Marylahd' (20th): Has had con- sider i^ble publicity; and good notices, but is .ri.g. at $4,300. Last week, 'Hardy Debutante'. (M-G) (2d wk), fine $7,200 .after very big $11,000 uptown' (Par) (28-39)—Waterloo, Bridge'. (M-G).; First heighborhciod showing. Traveling at pretty good $3,000 clip. Last week 'Doctor Wife' (Col), first neighborhood shewing, $3,400^ good. World (Par-Singer-Stieffes). (350; 28-39-44-55 ) ■—■ ?Cross-COuntry Ro- mance' (RK<D). Just lightweight fare and '■ a- filler-irt. Hardly suited for typei of gptrdnage attracted to this, house.' Being yanked after four d^ys to poor $400. -I Married- Adventure': ((3ol) opens today (Tuesday). Last week *A11 Flesh' (Par), $1,300; light. $2,500. • terrible New Maico (Lightman) .(2;800; 10- 33-:44)—'Boyjs Syracuse' (U). Maybie to $5,800. average.; Last Week 'Un- tahied' (Par);: five days, vGhum;p Jit Oxford' (UA), ' two: days,; plus pre- showing 6f 'Boys,' $4,500, fair.; , Loew's Paiaee (Loew) (2.200; I0-; 33-44) —'Queen Destiny' (RKO), four days, and 'Sporting Blood- (M-G), three; days. Will do well to hab $2,- 500. : Last wieek 'Pago i'ago' (Par), $3,500.. poor. Strand (Lightman) (1,000; ,10r22- 33)--'LiUian Russell' (20th) (2d run), three days, 'Bloridie Servants' (Col), two; days and 'Mystery Sea Raideir' (Piar)i two. days. May total $1,500, Last week 'Dr. Wife' (20th) C2d run), three days, 'Sandy Lady* (U), two .days,; and 'Prairie Law' (RKO), two days, the same. 'Wolf New York' (Rep) • and 'Bad Lands' (RKO), so-sb $700. Lincoln (PaiamOunt-Cboper) (1,- 503; 10-25-35-40) — 'Daltons Rode* (U). Action piece ru.shed in for fear later play may i^ fatal. : Kids biting. Appears headed for $3,800. not bad. Last . week 'Maryland' .(20fh).- $3.900: oke. v . ^ ^ ; . Nebraska (Paramount-Cooper) (!,- 236; 10-20-25)—'Llaiio Kid' (Par) and 'Opened Mistake? :(Par), split with 'Earthbound' (20th>;and 'Caa't Fool Wife' i RKO). Okay $2,000. Last week 'Wouidn*t Tialk' (20th) and 'Ad- venture Dianionds' (Par) split with 'Viva Cisco' . C/Oth) iand 'Women Names' (Par), good $2,400. . ;; Stuart (Paramount-CObper) (1,884- 10-25-40)—'Love Back'..(WB )• Sold oh 'Laugh Week' basis, and good. Hitting, $31700. 'Untamed^. (Par) opens today (Tuesday ). ; Last week •Seventeen' (Par); $2,700, poor., VarsMy; (Nobje-Federer) (1,107; 10-20-25 >^'Blondie Trbuble* (Col) and 'Tomhoy'; (Mono). IJice $2,600, Last Week .'Matried: Advehture' (Col),- Jenkins-Armstrong fight iand 'Escape Paradise;-:(RKO); fair $2.200.\ - In IM^r Anti%zi Re OK 1)UR TOWN', HOOO, is Baff. on Upbeat; Tride' OK I 4(i And Vaiide Nice IlG Buffalo, Aug. 6. Downtown bdxoffices are holding the healthy tone which began to manifest itself last week. More po- tent screen and stage fare seems to be offsetting the sweltering weather, and the'; tallies are iu ; considerably higher gear. : ■ ■ . -Pride and Pi*ejudice* at Buffalo, is the, session's cliamp. tugger,; although Milt Brittoh's band and 'Scatter- bi'ain' seems to be following along fast at the 20th Century. Estimates i»r This Week Buffalo CShea) (3,500; 35-40-60)—^ •Pride Prejudice'; (M-G). Main la in- ing stout pace for probably over' $14,000." Last week, 'ileaveh : Too.'. (WB). hit better than $15,000. : • : Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 3.'5-55) -r-'Heaven Too' (WB) (2d hin). Should trap $6,000, fair. Last week, 'Sporting Blood' (M-G): and 'Gold Hush Maiste' (M-G), fair $6,500. r. . Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 30-45)—'Hell Below' (M-G) and 'Western Stars' (Par). Regulation dual will turn 'em bvei:; for.'•$5;500. Last week; -'Snow Whits'. (RKO): (2d. run) and .'Grand Ole Opry' (Rep), $4,500, fairish. ■ Lafayette (Hayman) (3,300;. 30-40) —'Daltons Rode' (U) arid ^He's Mak- ing Eyes' (U). Noticeable improve- ment, maybe $5,000. Last week. "Mariried Adventure' (Col) and 'CJirls Road' (Col), poor $4,000. . 20th Century (Dipson?fiasil) (3,- 000; 35-50)—'Scatterbrain' . (Rep) and .Milt Brltton band in 'Crazy Show of 1940' on stage. Good enter- tainment for hot weather. Looks to snag dandy $11,000. Last week, 'Flight Angels' (WB) .and 'Fugitive Justice' (WB), up firom estimates but. only passable aj; $5,000.. - 7 Kansas Ci|ty; Aug. 6 Situation along theatre, row pepped up a bit by,, the improved strength, of bills, but the heat wave is still making it a tough go. Tower, with Clyde McCoy's band on; stage, is okay, and Midland, with 'Pride and Prejudice' the draw, is having a: happier: turn, lihe Newman is in the swing with upped: returns from /Great McGinty,' which got a good advance buildup ; and favorable notices. Fox Midwest houses follow through in fair shape with 'Boys from Syracuse' on a Saturday open-- ing. ■.-;:■ After daily readings of 100 and over, town got some clouds over the weekiend,, but humidity lingered and relief was comparatively light. ., Estimates for This Week Esquire and Uptown (Fox Mid- west) (820 and 2,043; 10-28-44)— 'Boys Syracuse' (U). . Opened Satur- day (3): Likely to see fait $6,000 in six days. ; Last week, .'Daltons Rode' (U). heat $7,-200. Midland (Loew's) (10-28-44) — 'Pride Prejudice', (M-G) and 'We Are -Young' (M-G). Around $11,000 will be best in some weeks. Last Week, 'Gold Rush Maisie' (M-G) and 'Million B.C.' (U), average $8,000. - Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 10 28-44)—'Great McGinty' (Par). Got ah extra buildup arid getting $5,800, good. Last week. 'Man "Talked Much' (WB), so-so $5,000. Tower (Joffee) (2.110; 10-30)— 'Love, Honor' (U), with. Clyde Mc- Coy's orch on stage, following a two- week stand in the. Terrace Grill, de- luxe dinner spot at^ $1 minimum. Band pulling sweet $9,000. consider- ably itp from past few weeks. Last week. • 'Cross . Country Romance' (RKO) arid vaude, so-so $5,700. ' ■ Pittsburgh,: Aug. 6, ; Arrival of cooler weather has brought a noticeable spukt in down- town biz. arid conditions generally look a bit healtliier at' the momient. Town IS slowly getting up full.steam again, with; the Fultpri,;. down for couple of months, reopened, and the Senator, which has been shuttered for summer, getting ready to go in a few weeks.- . Stanley's the current leader by a wide margin, 'They Drive By Night' packing a b.b/ wallop and certain to hold, at either Warner, or Ritz. At Alvin,' Walt Disney Festival is doing land-office mat biz, but falling off at night; Which Will still give it a satisfactory take, Ritz has iio com- plaints, with; 'Andy Hardy Meets Debutante' on third; downtown week, picture having pireviously played Penn for fortnight. Fulton getting by with second week .of 'When Dal- tons Rode,' limiting h,o. to four days, however,, and . Warner is; looking up, top, with 'Tom Brown's School Days' and 'Sporting Blood,' Only Penn is getting nowhei-e. 'South of Pago Pago' taking a ride from crix and being passed up by public. ; Estfrnates for This.Week ; Alvin (Harris) (1.850; 25-35-50):- Disney Festival (RKO). 'Snow White' arid the prize-winning shorts packing 'em in afternoons, but not much doing after dark. Mat trade big enough,, however,; to; insure pro- fitable $4,500. Week, 'Scatter- brain' (Rep) and 'Faces West' (Rep), yanked aftei: six days to poor $3,000. Fulton (Shea-Hyde (1,700; 25-40)— •Daltons Rode' (U) H o. for western, but only for' four days in second week.. Abbreviated . session looks like $2,200, not bad. Last week, okay $4,500. Penh (Loew's.UA) (3,300; 25-35- 50)—<Pago Pago' (UA). Got the bird from the press and the public'is giv- ing it treatinent en absentia. Will be lucky fo crixck • $8,500, Which is plenty in the doghouse at this spot Last week, second of. 'Andy Hardy' (M-G), very good $9,500. Ritz (WB) (800: 25-35-50)-^'Andy Hardy' (M-G >. Has enough left to account for $3..W0, excellent. Last week, 'Heaven Too* (WB), good $3, 200 after two weeks at Stanley, ^Stanley (WB) (3.600; 25-35-50)— 'Drive Night' (WB), B.o. natural headed for. ;.wall6py $15,000. Will make a; second week at one of the h.b. sites.. Last Week. 'Love Back' (WB). better than satisfactory at $12,000 oh rave reviews and word-ol- mouth. Warner (WB) (2;000: 25-40)—'Tom Brown'. (RKO) and 'Sporting Blood' (M-G). Above average dual for this .spot and doinff above average biz. That means around $4;600. Last week, •Million B. C.' (UA) and .'Dr. Chris- tian Women' (RKO), way off at $3.- lOO. ■ " ■ '• .: . -. ■■ Montreal, Aug. (5, , Picture of the Aveek here currently i!5 'Pride arid Prejudice,V. which Will click On feihme populafity and .is pacing for fine $8,000; Balance will be so-so, except 'Our Town;' good for nice $4,000, Estiinates' for This Week Palace (CT) (2.7O0: 25-45-55)— 'Pride Prejudice' (M-G). Clicking from start for $8,000, Last week, 'Andy Hardy' (M-G), disappointing $6,000. .:■ ;-.•"; Capitol (CT) (2.700; 25-45-55)— 'Tom BrPwn's' (RKO) and 'Pop Pays' (RKO). Fair $4,500 in sight. Last week, 'Way All Flesh' (Par) and 'Those, Days' (Par), down at $3,500. Loew's. (CT) (2,800; 30-40-60)— 'New Moon' (M-G) (3d wk.). Good $4,000, after satisfactory $6,000 last week. Princess (CT) (2,300;. 25.34-50)— 'Sandy Lady' (U). and 'Double Alibi' (U). Not over $3,000 likely: Last week, 'Millionaire Playboy' (RKO); and 'Anne Windy Poplars' (RKO), •faded to $2,800. Orpheum (IND) (1.100: 25-40-50) — Our Town' (UA). Good $4,000 in sight. Last week, ■ 'Hitler' (GN), h.o.,. poor $1,200. Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600; ■■ 25-50)—'Paradis Perdu' (6th wk).. Summer filler that has-been grossing around $600 past two weeks and should make ■ about that figure currently. ■: St Deiiis (France-Film) (2,300; 25-34)—'Roman d'Un Tricheur'. and 'Route, :Impei"iale.r ; Pacing for sea- sonal- $3,000. Last, week; 'RPmah Jeune Homme Pauvre' and 'Ballets Loie Fuller,' $2,800, good, enough. Census Figures :Cohtlnued from pace .4. ■Laugh WeekMdea Pays Off in Lincoln at $3,700 Liricolrii Neb., Aug. '6. (Best Exploitation: Stuart) 'Laugh week' billing for the Stuart, everything sordid jbeing cleaned out Of the .program, is . the clevei*est hunt for money. ph the street this week.' It'.s drawing mbre patronage to 'My Love Came Back' +.hari the pic could haul in the regulation rhanner. Quick booking of 'When the Dal- tons Rode.' following up on the hear-, by Coffey Ville, Kas.,;:preem, is; helpr ing. ■-.. . ■ • ■ EsUmates for This We<|k Colom'al (Monroe-Noble Federer) (750; 10-15)—'East Side Kids' (Mono) and 'South Border' (Rep), split with 'Main Street Lawyer' (Rep) and 'Stranger Texas' (Col). Light $700. Last week 'Wild Bill* (Col) arid i'Grandpa Town' (Rep), split with i Tito Schipa . Continued from pace 2_ given the cold .shoulder by local art- ists. Nine of them signed r petition asking that he be tossed out because their 'patriotic -SG.nliriierits were in- .jured' by.the Schipa 'offense,' which was, in effect, the hiring of a forr eigrier for a national holiday affair. Board of the Colon, all rich, honor- ary appointees,- .rebuked the . artL^ts, said' there was .i'io !;questipning.::the .board's patriolism. Petitioners were told they- could - cancel their coh- Iracts if desired. ■;■. .; Those signing were Clara; Oydelo, Amanda Cetera, Emriia iSrizzio,. Car- man de :1a .Vega, -Sara Menkes, Sara Cesar, II, Corialez" Al isedp, Pedro M.irassQu and Maircelo Urizar. Singer was hired to do. series foi: Riadio Belgranp here after opera in Rio .and Sao Paulo and a session with the Colon. Deal is said t<y be. wavering as a result of unfavorable reaction; ' of the gross. In other words, film theatres in centers of more than. 250,- 000 population, containing only 23.5% of all the inhabitants of America, collect 44.7 % of the annual boxoffice bill. . ; , In a further breakdown, the re- port!? show that 26.8% of all theatres in the U.S;A. (16,000 plus) are lo- cated in cities of 100,000 or.mere in- habitants. ;• These theatres' account for 55,6% of the- total receipts, 49.2 ?i Pf the total nuniber. of employees, and 59.7% of the total payroll. While more than half (53.2%) of the mo- tion pilcture theatres are. in places of less than 10,000 inhabitants, they ac- count for only 18.9% 'of the total re- ceipts, 24.5% of the. total employ- ment, and 15.5% of the total payroll. Numerically, picture theatres, next to .billiard and pool pai^lors and bowl- ing alley.s, lead all other places of amusement in the country. Bureau listings include amusement parks, baseball, football, Sports and athletic fields; bathing beaches (oth^r than municipally , owned ),■ dancehalls, horse and; dog racetracks, skating rinks arid other Pategbries. . ^ . Film houses also account for nearly three-quarter.s of all the ex- pended for all form.s of entertain- ment. Figures ,ishow.- that picture theatres represent 31.9% of all places of amu-sempnt, and account for 77.7% of the total .gross ;;re(:^ipls,. 59% of the total nimiber of em- ployees, and .64.4%. of the total ahiusenlent. payroll. Billiard, and i)pol, ..parlor'^ arid bowling alleys ac- count for-only- 6.2% of total public expenditures. 13.3% . of total em- ployees, and 6.7% of total payroll. Census Bureau analysts, with an almost unlimited amount of statisti- cal data on wh ich to base prognos- tication and chart trends, declare ■that the film ■ indu-strif, if. its future course of development follows the experience of genei'al business, wiii: fi,rid its greatest field lor growth iri building patronage in sriiall towns and rural: areas, .Without benefit of afty. intensive research beyond the nnere tabulations, it; i.s said that the- riiost likely deterrent to;iiicrease(3 rcr ceipts from the smaller communities (under lO.OOO.popaiation) is the prer vailing type of film theatre .structure which ha.s riot kept pace" with the commuhity fasteis; ; Invthis cprinec- tibh, officialis poiiit to the.vsubstahtial girowth ;.' -. the merchandiiing ,ipf drugs, cosmetics arid novelties as r^- sult of a 'better and improved type of retail establishments iri: the drug industry. -. >; ■-'; .;'■ , On the question whether mei?chari-^^ dlsing of films, or operations of the- atre chains, hag any bearing on the backward showing or rural theatres, San Francisco, Aug. 6. •They Drive By Night' attraPiing attention at the Fox, and 'Pride and; Prejudice' (M-G) is warranting it3 holdover at Warfleld, Fears which caused . 20th-Fox to switch titles on .'Man I Married', (20th) are not materializing here, film doing average for its type. ; Estimates for This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 33^39-44)— 'Drive Night* (WB) arid 'Faces West* (Rep). Extra space helped get this off to flying start, with dandy $20.- 000 in view. Last week. 'Gold Rush Maisie* (M-G) and 'Golden Gloves* (Par), not up to expectations at $11,- 000. V---,:■„ Golden Gate (RKO (2,850: 39-44 )— 'Villain Pursued Her' (RKO), and yaude. . Despite i terrific campaign', world premiere failed to make much of a dent. About $11,000 best to be expected. Last week,; 'Millionaires Prison* (RKO) went down the line- tor about the same figure.. Orpheum (F&M) (2,440; 33-39-44) — Boys Syracuse* (U) arid 'Military Academy.' (Col). Did $11,500 on lirst week and stays. A little less than expected, bi»t best; sesh house as had in weeks. Current stanzia will draW $7000 ' raramount (F-WC) (2,740; 33-39- 44)—'Man. Married' (20th) and 'Man- hattan Heartbeat' (20th). No special reaction to Nazi angle here. Avefi age $10,000 due. Last Week, 'Meryi land* (20th) and 'Sailor's Lady;* (20th) annexed $6,000, a little under anticipations. . St. Francis (F-WC) (1,470:- 38-39- 44) — 'Rush Maisie' ; (M-G) and 'Gloves* (Par). Moveover from Fox ishould gamer about $4,000. fair ism Last week, 'Man Tallced* (WB) aii4 'Scatterbrain' (Rep), same, Unitied. Artists (Cohen) (1,200; 35» 55-75)—'Our Town* (UA). • %ea"(fi campaign behind this one, but lacR of yoimg folks holding it to possible $6,500. Last week, third-final stansi of 'Turnabout' (UA), about: $5,000 Warfield (F-WC) (2,680; 33-39-44) — Pride and Prejudice* (M-G) an4 'Ladies Live* (WB) (2d wk). Secori4. stanza which should do a nice $7,000. okay after first got $13,000, helped by. carriage trade. IN 15 Washington. Aug. . , Four new ones this week.and ofiljr bne Is disappointing. Easy tops U 'My Love Came Back* at tarll. helped by milch-ballyhooed final eh4 gagement of Red $kelton, local <ai vorite, before going to the Coast foi Metro. Secohd is 'Pride; arid Prejii'* dice' at Palace, straight pic spot. 'Man I Married,' at Capitol; big Loew's vauder, is imder average, while 'I Married Adventure,* (5s4 Johnson's, jungle thriller, is mora profitable at the Met. 'Ramparts We Watch,' which bPwed handsomely last week with hefty world premiere bally, is a h.o. at Keith's; - Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3,434; 28-39-44-66) —'Man I Married' (20th) and vaude. Advance buildup stayed clear of Nali angle, so critics who discovered it cold all emphasized, it. Result, with no help fi-om stage, is light $13300. Last week, 'Gold Rush Maizie' (M-G) ahd vaude benefited from third week holdover at opposition Earle for nice $18,500. V \ Columbia (Loew) (1,234; 28-44)— ^Hardy; Debutante': (M-G) (2d run)^ Back after two good weeks at Palace and will hit nice $5,500: Last week, •Safari' (Par) (2d run), passable $4;000; ■. ;■ - Earle. (WB) (2;216; 28-39-44-66)— Lpve Back' (WB) arid vaude. Hailed as good fun and with final engagier merit of IJed Skeltoh before Coast it*s leading, town with good $.18,000. Last week. 'Heaven Too' (WB) (3d wk) and, vaude, profitable $13,000. ■ * . - ;■ Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 39-55)— 'Ramparts We Watch' (RKO) (2d wk). Sliplning but will finish with oke, $7,500 for eight day'.s. Last week same pic . rode on .world premiere; bally for big $13,000. Met (WB) (1,600; 28-44)—'Married Adventure' (Col). Heading into good $5,500. Last week, 'Tom Brown' (RKO), oke $4,500. . Palace (Loew) . (2.242; 39-55)r- 'Pride Prejudice' (M-G); Solid $16, 000. Last week, 'Maryland' fair $13,000. . ^ . the Census Bureau has no comment. One offieial said that that point had been studied by another Gbvernmeht agency. He referred to the anti- trust division at the bfepattment of JusticiBi - : ■'■ "::