Variety (Aug 1940)

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15 Best Sheet Music Sellers XWeek ending Aug. 3, 1940) I'll Kcvev Smile. Again.. . • • - - .■• •■• ...... Sierra- Sue..; .......i. .-. .,. .;V,; Godysiess■ America^, .■,;.V; .y.'-. '.::-.]...^- JMakc-Beljeve Island . • - ; • • • ■ ^ .■ • F<y(jls.'.Rusii' Iri,;".,'.'. .^..s,^ ,;. .>;:V;VV, 'T'laymates ;.. ..'^..;:..,.'..r:.- • • • • - ...v. ♦I'm .Nobody^s; Bab>^ ('Andy Hardy;.Meets: Deb")/. Woodpecker Sorig ■ v • •; lyiien the Swallows Cpme.,.Back ^...,.,,.,.;.-..,...,; ■Breeze' aiid' I ; ^ .:v v^^ . . ^v.;.. .• Trrv Stepping QUt" With .a Memory T6|u;;!it;.. .. ;v Imagihatipni'..'; .^. .vi .V'..;. .v.'V; ^..v:.V.\;.. ♦Blue Lovebird ('Lillian Russell" ► i..'--..^:. ■ Lessonsr.from' Mme^: LaZpnga; Hear. My SpngvVioletta;;-- i i.. , ■.: . .Sun .. Shapiro ;:Berlin; ,;...., .iWliller .......BVC ...; . Santly ■ ...,. . . Feist . ..^v .. ;Robbins ■ ;;;,vWitmark ■ ;:.Marks: ■■ :,... ;:; R6bbift3; :■ „.■;;..;; ABG- Feist- v.vBVC:: ..... .Crawford FAILS TO POST BOND Albert Wolsfleld Loseii Action on Dk missal froni: Bench: Fiimxisical BEN BERNIE'S ORCHESTRA (19) WitK Bailiey Sisters, Donald Saxon, johnny Ryan- • - ' Tarnpike Casino, :LincQlii, Neb. . Ben Bernie's current tbiir, whieh takes adVantagei^bf every rPll-call of the faithful; such as Rotary Clubbers, businessmen's and iarmersVconclaves; has been moderately successful, even if battered at the b.O; by winds, rain, and hot spalls . night - after night.; Here, the gross \yas a full $150 short of needed ciirrency to pay him oft", but he was bucking a torrid ;;wind bearing blistering temp (106-109 de- grees af night-time)... ; Hfeat wave served to show Bernie s dais :character, because; he put, the patrons immediately: at Vease by. brdering:(fbats off the band, and .went dovyh to , suspenders : and rolled sleeves himself.. He drew a. larger cross-section^ of rniddle aged, and elderly , people than any; other band during the year, and, the dancing; partly due to the heat which made bodily "contact unpteasahti and partly due to. a desire to listen and' watch, was at a miniihiirii. .■ -. ■: Besides .. Bernie's:. good r natured mannerisms, . tortured fiddle, easy gab,, and' general ■ pleasanti'ies with the audience, he hangs entertainment •assignments oh: the two tnale vocals, Donald Saxon, baritone, and Johnny Ryan, teiipr; and the comely cuties, Jun^ and . Sue Bailey; . Each ; a. ■grooved and terp stopper. Berniie favors all. his trijmpets on the instriimental; fancies;, the trio bcr ihg Charlie Huffine, Bunny Snyder,, and .joe Bauer, and Mac McGarrity gets the ' trombone- / Call to . shih-a. Nick Brodeur, piahist, is a specialty trickster . at the . keys. . .Other brass iorieh are trombones-Raiy Noonan and Charles Castaldo; siaxes,: Bill Herr- mann. Frank Myers, George Bone, Joe Forchelti; 'drums, Ray Michaels; baiss, Boyd Bennett; and guitar, Bernie Scherer. ; Bernie takes a few cracks at Wm- - chell, thbri in. the absence of. the gabber, takes a few at himself by di- rect qucties;: He. musses Up the proper conception of a violinist by sawing .disgracetully at thie masters and apologetically announces the name of the tune done, both lore arid aft, and any hiimbet of other little aside.s which get him away nicely with nresent. His is a comfy manher; and it pervades, the whole joint when he's the kingpin. Art RED NORVO ORCHESTR.V Terrace Grill, Hotiel Muehlebach Kansas City, Mo. ' . (Current stand of Red NorvP in the Terrabe .Grill is his-first with this crew since its org[anization: three mbriths ago. It is, moreover, the first hotel date, as ball rooms, parks and onq-nighters have been the rou- tine :thiis far. This required a bit of txira study to set the band to a con^ fined spot such as the Grill, but by Albert H, Wolsflcld's suit agaitist Gray Gordon, the RCA Manufactur- ing Co., and NBCt was dismissed Wednesda3': (31) in N. : Y. federal court by Judge .Murray Hulbert, The piaintilT, al.sq ;kn.owh as;Allan Fields and A'i Fields, was suing for ani In-' julictipn, accounting: of profits and damages, cfaimuigirifringem copyrighted.: device: called ■•*A Com- bined .Clock Face and Metrpnpnie,.' and usied .by him lihder: the. title of ITic Tpclt ,Music/ :it' was airsgcd the deferidatit, GpriJoh calls- his: pi-ciiestra the 'Tick .Topk Rhythnv^^^O^^^ and tiiat RCA. issued Gordon recprds under that title, and NBC broadcast programs fciaturing Gor'don's :brch6s- .tra: ' ■''/. '■■ ':: ■''''■:}■ , The complaiiit .was • dismissed . for failure .oi; the plairitirt . to comply with an;.oi:der; of Judge Fd ward vA. Conger,; made ,May 13,; in: ■vyhicli Fieilds was: oi'dered to post ^etiuiity for co^ts. . - Saturday group was getting its tempo: across satisfactoHly.- the band.rates above the average heard in this spot, biit floesn'i: qiiitc hit the top .pace. This is pPssibly: <?ue to the heWness of the .crew and time holds, the, an- swer as: to. its. ftittire development, although it appears to be set up .oil solid-standard. ' . Noryo is featured- . the xylo-. phone, which also ia' something dif- terent. in the way of hbtel bahds,; and ;has a list of 10 to ihan the instru- ments^, Alleii Hanrpri. guitarist, and Lyle Dedrick, trumpeter, tend to the arrangirigs, ..with -Hanlbn ';devoting himself to a'sweet vStyle and Dedrick generally working - biit . the more rhythmatic nambers;.. Besides NbrvP. ai\d Hahlon, the' rhythm section; in- cludes Lionel Trouting at the piantf; Pete Peterson, string bass, and .Bill Cavanaugh ;ori drums,. Cjpnfad Gazzo teams with-Dedrick' bn trumpets, and Pete Skinner , slides . the trombone, Reed trio are .Pete Mondello, Ray Andorspn and Ted ,Goddard. Noryp carries Linda -JKeene , as throaty bal- lad'singer. . . , •'. : - New as it ;i.s. band's rhythms iare ,of standai'd calibre and • tinkling by Norvo :gives it ^slight, .variation. Though : customers probably areh't aware of the newness of the music-, a fiew more hotel stands will benefit the outfit^ ■ • Quin. And HIS OttCHESTftA Aug. 9/Rienbr Nf^y;; lp# pak- lond, Cal.; 1L Qcdeiond; Cctl.: ■l2,.;.tLos • AngfBl^^ '- ■■: x.-;'-'-',' ■.'\. : Kflgt; HAROi-D OXLEY 17 EMt :49t|i Sti Now Yorkv LLOYD HUNTER!S 6liCH (14) King's BallrooDil Lihc.oln, Nieb. . . : Lloyd Hutiter. 'i.s a first trumpet man, and racks himself oh the- back tier : with, the other brasses, vwjiile vocalist William kyles does the mike work, and takes the beating of the request babblers up front.. Thiis col- Pried orchestra has been a .small town fixture, in the. cheaper ballrooms, for several years;'' .- <■ , No colored assenibly can stiay away from the amusement, tbev get put of juggling notes, and jamming, alto- gether; but Hunter keeps them away from it as much as possible; The terp urge commonly dispensed by alt colored rhythmers is with the Hunter crew, but:,the showoff stuff is most subjugated to straight, very often :sweet,,arrangements. ; , Rostrum population: includes be- sides Hunter and. Kyles. Willie Long, Nathaniel Bates (hot), trumpets; Raymond Byron and Archie Brown, trombones:: Leslie Holt, John Hill, Steve Broaders, and James :Bythe- wood, saxes; Debo Mills, drums; Junior Johnson, piano: Dave Finney, guitar: and Elbert Smith; bass^ .Okay in the field for which; de signed.' ' AtU' Vic Meyers Still Runs iSeattle, Aug. 6. Vic Meyers, danqe brchestra leader, is running for a third term as lieut- enant gpvernor of this state. ..He,had been thinking on' filing fb,r gpyernpr, but present; ihcumbent, Clarence D. IMfartin: z" running for, re-^electioiiV and. Meyers, figures the second spot easier, to make. At present the bahdman is niiahagr ing a'country dance hall -in central Washington,; plannihg, to enlarge it into a full , fledged dude ranch,; as quickly as it can be dphe; ,: ;: / (Piresented Herewith, as a Meekly tabuiaiioh. Is tht: estliriated cover ■charge bttsinesa being done by name harxds in various <N Dinner business (7-10 P.M.) not Tatcd. Figures after name of h^^^ rooin capacity and cover charflte,. Larger amomt) designates iveekend and holiday price.);: ^'■::/- ^ Band:-.:': '■ Wdtet i/cs Brpwn; v ; ....Linc61ri (2'25; 50c-$l),;.; '.; Larry Clinton... .New Yorker (400; 75c-$1.50), F.vereti: Hoagland.Pennsylvahia'(500^. "/Sc-ll.^ Toriimy I)Prsey'*.,. Astor (900; 75c-$l.) . . .. . .... Ray Kinney* .i. . . .Lexington (300>: 75cr$l'.50),.. Alvinb. Rqy.....,iBiltmbre (300;: $1 -$1.50)...'... Cover* :%Ve«ka Past , :i'lnyed Week -.. 1.-. 13 ' 11 12 650 1,3C2 490 3,03? I,2i96 450 : ToM OhDutrt ■:■.■, c;ia- 20,062 :34,9U» ■'15;596' ■■■ 3,7915 ♦ 4ii2Tir^;s indicate a sttppprting iioof sHoWi aitHbug?! thii;band. is the: major:draip. tTptgl'Veprweuts ./our days.,,::;. V , • • nt ^■^IJfEk. vKuhn .band fpilowed , Lyle ' gpe.*;' to Biltmore ;HPtei> Proyideiicfff Carlyle .this week into '.Hbtel :Stat-^ ier,^Buffalo. ■:■ ':■:!■'/■■ ■ '-^ — f ■■■■':S '■ . :' ■-:: ,::■' •Bar.yl^Ha^pa ,aijid his:;Ame^^ Morgan Thomas . orc'h back /at, .hand: renewed -.fot eight,-'weeks ,at Crystairfiekch; Ont, ballfoom. Florentine Gardens, _Hollywood: ^ ceeding,Frank: Bogart crew.. .. I -.' ■ ■ • . .'■ . ■•• ;, . .-■ Pinky Tomlin and crew moved irv- Rpsehhblt's. brchestra ait '"to- the State Line Courttry Club at Mobnlite Gairdcn, -dieen- . Island, ' ^alce Tahoe; -as Bill Roberts moved N'."-^'Y;--- ■:'■■--• .■:■ |..O.ut.V;.'. • y.; -. •':.■,■■:.,■'.,:■■:•■.■:•'.. . . Jan:Savlit and Charlie Barhet set:' Elzi .Covato iband laying: oft one-niters. Aug. 11 and :25, resp'ecr; ?>tt«lp':lf'Sh fpr a mphth follpw tively, ;at "pleasure.:Beach, :Bridge-i-.:at. Lookout llo.use,; Ncwiiort,: :,Ky., port; Conn,. prior tb opching engagement in Sei)- tcmber at Club Royale ill Dctrbit: ; .{ St. Lpuis, Aug:::6. ■ Jitterbug.V :and politics don't mix very 'W.ell. i.n this, neck of tlie; woods and ;Ciov.. Lloyd Stark, unsiicce^sful in his .(Jucst for the Dempcratic toga for' Vice-preii.dent and currently iii ai three-cornered fight as "the Dembr cratic nomihoe ■ for Senator for Missburi/fputVd-it<jt ,week. The •Gov. resplendent iiV sun>mev fPrmals chose the S.S, Admiral for, one of his stump speeclies. It was: on a night w,hen the mercury-, had: soared,' above the 90- degrees niaric and. the- bpat Was packed with: .2,500 ■ cust tOTners/:mpStly jitterbugs. . ■The GoVi tpPk his. stand, in the .aii'- conditipned bailrootn. nd_hi.s pres- ence irked, the ' dancer.s who; ini- patieint to begin their. terpi ng, booed the State's chief exec. The playing; of 'Anchors A\veigK' and 'God Bless America' by the boat's orch softened the dancers and they gave the Gov. a raild .hand when hfi finished his attack on his two opponents, duked, as many pf the dancers who -wainted to shake his hand .and then retired to the ; upper - deck of tlie boat throughout th*. rest. of the ; three- hour trip. ■ Beniiy Garter :ohe^nighted Sunday (4),:at Rpton Point Park; Sputh Nprr walk,; Cphn. . ■ :Ray pe. IWaris' ■orchest:'i;a::at. Battlej. House itoof,Mobile, Alci. .Maris :is featuring Peggy Peer, soloist, at one tinie on the .'Hour of.. Charm' pror grain. . ■ ■ V^' ' .":; '.'■ : Sid Be-: Fep's orchestra,.; with ■ Rose ...iyiarlp,. bliies. sihger,,-.iiow. at the Pai-i j rndunt Restaurant, Saraitoga Springs.: i Palter- Issiaris is manager : of 3ppt. : i .Don Ricardo's orchestria .will play 'at the Blue- Cry^^ Night Cliib; , Girard,; O., when it reopens, Aug; 22 rafter . thre6-week ^ ' period; announced Sam .Parilla/night I club manager. . - .' . ■■■''■:. ' ASGAP Aide Will Speak At Dramatists Assembly San Ffarici.sco, Aug. 6. PrPf. S. Stephenson Smith, ASCaP educational counselPr, will be one of the major: speakers at the. Third Dramatists* Assembly at Stanford U. Aug. 12-17. .One address; 'Our Satire in Wartime,* will be aired oh NBC at 9:30 p.m., Aug. 14. Assembly will cover all phases of theatre and one session will study Community Ciheina as represented: by 'The Prowler,'' mystery film pro- duced by high school and commun- ity'of Wiliits,Cal. ' The. Three Siiiis, . late: of :KDKA. Pittsbtirgh, have moved into Peter Stuyvesant Room pf Stuyyesant hotel,, Buffalo. :.Sharing billing'^ w Roberta, thrush, and/ Bph' Downey, pianist,; .-. : . Siins: have four pickiips weekly, t\vo NBC-Red : and two local .oh wben; ' ■ >: .^ ■ [, -.;Socarrasv :Cubah ■'-saxist;. and.' /.his.yiPight-Fiitice swiiig-rumba brcfiesl ; IVa, opened : at - the Glen. Island C,i - j ill Westchester Saturday, niglit I 127V and wiU remain-for the balarc .of - the season,.. with ' three shots, ou. i the air weekly bvet WJZ irphv.there.: i.BPQlyed:. by. Jay ■ Fagfeen.; j ■ Tohini-y',.bor'sey's:. band .;opeiVS;' tVie. . nev,r Palladiurni ballroom in: Holly:^ 1 AvpPd Oct. 15. Booking ■ for.;r>i>): : weeics with Pptions, ■': ■: «, . «> i J. ' 1 J XI. - ^ .'WililiB Rotar, .who hei^ded a-sinaTt : pal Richards, ina^tro^of the Pan, | ..^rnbi^j^tion a; lYoungstoWn; O., prania: R<)Of ^rchestra^H^tel yan-|tavei-n (Crystal Taverri),:.has ivjiheci cpuver, Vancouver, B. h?^:aIle^v Bob White's band-in-Michigan; ^ - smgmg find, 13-year-pld .Juliette.; I , ■ ■. - -.: ■ ■. :' £ddie Bush, Hawaiian .band leader j at the Hurricarie, N, Y., .jjnked to ah ! exclusive writeF*s contract with Rob-! bins Music. - . ' SINGERS HEAD UNITS Don Husipn, Hal burwin Form Own ■\-■•■Orchestras' ;;.,;' ■ ■:;,' ■:;■ : ■: . Chicago, Aug/'fl^.- Two former band vocalists aire or- ganizing -their own orchestras here. Don Huston, for many years at the Chez Paree arid iately with-.the Lou Brteese of chiEJStra there, is . oh his. own now. and -rieadying his own .band; Will \use 12 men phis. a;, f emifnie war- bler.. Jack Fascinato, who; was;\vith Fabian :Andre ?is ■pianist ; -and ar- ranger, is wPrkihg : biit the musicail setijp foriHustoh. ,. : ■ .; Hal Durwiri.. whp '. was. the sirigef .with Shep Fiieldi? orchesffi^,: is build- irig -barid Reportedly ; simiiaT to :,the Fields aggregation:., c Frank Suttle, Benhy :Merofl:'s for- rner vocalist, is :a! new, addition to Alvino Rey's orchestra at the Bitt- mpre Hotel, N. Y. Starting hext week Bunny Shawke^f replaces Eddie Jen- kins, as; drununer-in Rey's outfit.. Duke EUingtoii and Charlie Bairnet have waxed discs 6f Miller's" new number, 'At A Dixie Roadside: Diner'. Alexander Hafl:s^ orchesti:a playing for the British War Relief Society in Newportr R; I., aiid stays to fulfill six engagements, there during the tennis tpurnaments.; Sam; Do.nahue, formerly a saxo- phonist v/ith Gene 'Krujpa, has joined Harry James', band. Don Bestor has aidded Gary SteyiensT first trumpet and vocalist. Joined crew in Washington. Hollywood, Aug. 4. - Artie Shaw; arid } the, - Geriierai Amusement Corp. last week got to- gether on a settlement bf their co;v- tract differences.. Shaw:,, has sign; tured a new contract with the. book- ing organization. It runs fpr threw years and nine months and. comihit.'J him to book everything, exclusively thrpugh that ' office;; Shaw ' iis' also barred .from making any fiiture rep - fe.sentaition . deals With other agent.<i untU his; GAC contratit has actually expired;^ • Settlement also makes It mandai tpry. for Shaw to pay GAG connimis^ sibns :on his: Burns and Allen pro:- gram (Spaiix-NBC), eVen though th engagement had 'been negotiated throujith the William Morris ^ office. New cPntract was worked put while Tprji Rockwell, . GAd prez, vraa spending a two, weeks', vacation at his ranch hear Hollywood. Loil flreese opened ,.t^^^ en- gagerhent jit .Kennywood Park, Pitts- burgh, Monday (5),: succeeding Mai Hallett outfit. H(>ward Becker band,: whifch wieht intp Pines, Pittsburgh, for two week's in May, :will stay :there- for the sea- sob, 'virhich -winds up 6n Labor Eiay. Everett floagland retiVrns. to Bill Green's Terrace Gardens, Pittsbu Moiiday (12) for; secprtd engagement therie: this sumnier;;^; . Jack Meakih band stays M Riviera, PittsbufgHi;; uititil, Augi 21; :>hen :it Hlfl SINGING TRITMPET AND HIS ORCIIESXRA OCEAN PER ; WILDWOOD, N. I. WEEK AUa 10 GEN»AtiMlllUSlW|EliltC SAM COSLOW'S LATEST BALLAD — A SORE HIT! SUNG by; FRANCES LANCFORD IN^^^^R FRANK KELTON, NEW YORK COSLOW MUSIC, 1619 BROADWAY, NEW YORK MATTY KEMP, HOLLYWOOD ..I-