Variety (Aug 1940)

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38 VAUDEVILLE WednesdaJ, August 7|r 194^) L. L Shows Continued frotin paefc 37^ ^CleVciiand; Ail*. 6, . Fiyfe flings in summer vaude made such a - fitie b.o.^rshpwing ior the Pal- ace; Nat Holt, is; pushing Up opening of RKO Ideiuxer's fall seasoii to Aug; 30. with Charlie Baciiet's band as stage starter/ . . Laiuitel- and Hardy: werea bigged for week of Sept. :6 by zone manager, oh xecent. showrshopphig visit to New York. . Casa Lpma crew is calendared fpr Siept. 13, ken Mur- ray; and Nancy keliy for Sept, 27; Xavier'Cugat'lor. Oct. 4. ■ ''■■-'^ ::. RKO exec is.also closing deals fPr personals by,' George ' ftaft, Allan Jones/ Irene ' Hervey and .Dorothy Laniour in'early' fall.' For tlie Jpresr eiit,: Palace .■ . adhering to str^^ight fllnv policy, with intermittent vaude bookings. . - " '■ ' Simfnohi Back ih U. S. . rianhy: Sinimohs, former -bigtinie vaudeville booker forB;..S; Moss and RKO, is an evacuei^ froiii Parisi He returned; to the .States during the ' past week, after , having lived .in ! France for 10. years, / • . numbers for laughs.' -Mrs. Brown's Barnyard.', Trio's singer of . torch songs is Roy Mertz, good-loofcing youngster who should land- pro- .fessi(jnail circles,. .. - ■ vAt-; Jack Kelly'^j Virginian, lyhich is the hot" spot: iii the section, are Jack Lewis Xteamed .w bfefore the latler assembled his band) and Tommy Wilson, as the singers, with .'one flnger'^Milt Feiber at the piariP.; At Biid Dempsey's; (he ■ ha a .bartender's school ' . New York) are^ the King Brothers. . Across the street from these; pliacies,,are; Paddy's airid .Moriprityrs,- .both' Irish,;; reel joints.;iti the fbrmer arc Jean. Quiriri and ;Paul.- Corban^ Latter^ has .65^; year-old Rijy SteeL at ,the 'ivori^ he; is out. of. the. navy; .after, l^eihg a gob for 20 years. ;:' v; Qver:.; oti the ; beach '; ', the; New YoHcer\ w.hert* / R Bpn Bon, ;a: i026 .ToUies^girl, is.the. maih-attraCr tipn. ;■ Also ; pn ',the ' strand - is' .Jack; .Dgiwspn's, which gbes fpr Sunday, en- tertarnrnent, I^^^ be- ing in.' actipn'; thehj it;;being at- the Hickory ;House (N. Y.> on 'Weekdays.- Lavk'rence Inn has B'uddy Handman at the . pi , with .:.Jeflf .XCupid). Brophy' the warbler. At the Far-- rell Hpuse, 'the big;hosC; Jpe :Duff^^ is ia aictipn^ Shirigle liin offers Ger- tie: p.wyee and. George .Godfrey.- Billy. Clark, - Matty. -White and Ljarjry- Mul- vihey are at the Pavilioh.V Another Irish reel place , is . the Sharnroclc, where all comers may pa Forembst exponents of RUMBA and CONGA . now in their 2nd week ai the NEW YORK PARAMOUNT Weeks July 31 and Aug. 2 Management WM. KENT 1776 Broadvvay. New York r RIPLEY LOSES BREACH SUIT TO STOCKHOLDER Robert Ripley, Believe It or Not, Inc., and Long Island Oddities; Ihc.j were the losers of;a stockholder ac- tion against them by Joseph: Green- baurh, stockholder and financial backer of Ripley, when N.Y. silpreme court . Justice Felix ; Benveriga,; oh; IVlPnday (5) found that; Ripley's fof-- mation of Long Island Oddities was a breach, of contract since Ripley agreed, after opening his N.Y.-Oddi- torium, not to open a similar exhibit elsewhere. An injunction against Oddities, N.Y. World's Fair outfit, however, was denied by the court, which sent the matter to a-referee tP deterrriine damages. .. Justice. Benvenga declared of the World's Fair shpW: 'There can be hp doubt that by opening arid conduct- ing- the exhibition at. thie World's Fair, the. defendant breached 'the agreement,' However, he went on to say that the Broadway exhibit, being bankrupt and out of business, an in junction Would only harm the innd cent stockholdens ;pf the World's Fair project; Damage.?, however, were determined by the court to be a different story, arid an accountirig-Is to be made by a yet-unappointed referee.:--..';-' ;' .. ; .'■; BORDEN IS RECEIVER OF ARCADIA, PHILLY Philadelphia, Aug. 6, . The Arcadia, swanky midtown niteryj was placed in the hands of a tehiporiEiry receiver by the Court of Common Pleas-;Fi:iday' (2), Ernest G.' Borden, fprtifier vice-jaresiderit and' manager of Billy Rose's res- taurant enterprises in Now Y'orkf has been engaged to nianage the spot.. •The receiver.ship: wa,s; ordered by ; 7udge Francis si\urik Brovi'n on peti- tioh': from Anne Kugler Derham, daughter of thei late William Bpolhi^ by Kiigler, who shot and killed him- self; last November,; . few weeks after he took over the operation of the Arcadia. Tlie place had. been shuttered; for almost a year. It was f prmerly: opera ted by Arthur H. Pa-, dula and was the rendezvous for Philly's smart set, liv her /petition to;tl}e; Cpiirt, Mr.s. Derham averred that she holds 9,850- shares of stock out of the total v^f 12,500. Despite this, she charged. Harry R; TuUy, pi\esideiit,-.and John Rbberts, treasurer of the company; had entered; into; conspiracy to force her out. ;'• -' ... Borden said th^t he. would make no decision on' the f uture operation of the Arcadia until he has bad a chance to Ippk around. ; The. spot features a band arid floor show, ; ;i5py'LltS-AG(}^ .(From .Variety) .;■ Tamaek Beefs . Continued from pare 37. a five-day week per 'union rules,' When it was pointed but to Irving that actors work seven days a week and therefor are apt to need pro- tection at times on at Saturday or Sunday, he then staled . thai all the New Y.brk organi.zers; were always on hand in the offce on Saturdays, Brbder, however, claim.s he; called AGVA four times and left messages each thne for somebody of official capacity to call him back, but the only person he reached was': the switchbpard operator. As ; the 'situatipit how;stands,' the bPys are npt being paid by Miss Rand, nor are they working in the show at the Park Central. Last week Miss 'Band signed . letter to them signifying that it won't be a breach of contract' i f they don't ap- pear; every night, meaning that they, can go out and look for other.. em- ployment. . ;-;-' '-^ Saranac Lake By .Happy Behway;. : The New •■ York: motiPn pictu re bunch wais ; solidly; behind Senator .Jairnes J. Walker's campaign for the Gotham mayoralty.'' He was, slated to afford the most opposition, among the Tammairiy Hall gang, to Mayor John F. Hylan. : William Haines, the, yoiing screen actor, was runriored engaged to PPla Negri. V Marriage reported set for the near future. . • ■ 'On With the Darice,' the C, B. Cochran hit m Pf Lpndon, w.a^s being brought intact to. Broadway under the joint aegis of Cochran arid Arch Selwyp. Alice Delysia was to have the main part, ;' i : PattI Morgan and Al Shelledayj ; both forrrierly with Al Ravelin band, ■ now employed elsewhere. Miss Mor- l.gan with Bobby i)ay and Shelleday I with; Rey,: TheJHEATRE of the STARS Chanriing Pollock's latest drama was slated f oi: - London production, Basil Dean was the producer, . W. C. Fields vvas to give up his role in the tburing Ziegfeld 'Follies,' as . was Will Rogers.'since; Fields' was under contract tb Philip Gpodman to act in 'The Showman.' Fields ;had been starred in Goodman's 'Poppy,' Rogers was set for the lecture plat- form. V':. ■ ' Hellz .Continued from page J. rev.ue,;.wiil not participate in the pic ture money, title being the exclusive property of the comedians, ■ Picture deal will climax one of the most successful stage ventures on record. 'Hellz' With O- & J,, traipsed around the country as a Vaudeville unit for years, , Kaufriian saw the unit and proposed expanding, it, Lee Shubert prbviding settings and cos- tumes from the storehouse, repre- senting half a dozen Shubert musi- cals. ■ ■ '- \ "When 'Hellz' bperied . Boston there was an attempt tb rate it as vaudeville. but. Equi.ty deemed other- wise, ; which was a lucky break . for the: show end. Laugh-wpping, revue was an instant success at the 46th Street, N. Y.. and before long it was transferred to the Winter Garden, It topped the list for many! weeks de^ spite the arrival of newer musicals,; all of which moved on, and currently it is runner-up to 'Louisiana. Pur- chase,' - In addition to .cutting up the pic- ture coin, the cpriiediahs Will, share in the profits of the filnt after prp- duction is: earned > back, ; They arc -due to get .40%- of the:;net: present plans call for the picture to start grinding iti September of; next year and before then the.,show is likely to; tour the. country.; ; Levey Staying East ';;■ . Jules Levey. ;will remain . in the east--fPr.- %me-timep From . .Syracuse' .now' getting; into circulatibn.;, Picture is currently in its second Week at the Paramount. N, Y., which made a speciVl deal on it guaranteeing two weeks, with an option for a third. .With 'Hellzapoppin' a; long way pff idue to the New York run of the shbw, Levey states he may do one or two other piclurei5, ineantlme. ■■ ;'■■;■ ;;':'■' .; ■ Sara.nac Lake, Aug. .6. . - '. Things that make life and ozonirig in this Actors Cbloriy worthwhile: the ;lawh- parties of Mrs, William CMether') Morris at^Camp Iritei-^m'is* sipri, Ayhith; enables the patients to a taste of different surrpuiidings; the. books, magazines and good-cheer shot in: here by John; K. Menzies, Rpchester and Syracuse prpducer; time taken out by Jerry Woods and. his crch to. serenade the Cblbriy; the continuous flow of ducats into this office from E. G. Dodds. manager of Palace ;theatre. Lake Placid; cheer- fulness that is spread ■ by Gertrude Brbderick, sister of Johnny. New York" detective'; efforts of Dick Wil- lias and Frank Lee, who bedside the -less fortunate and hand . out laughs; carload of clothes that came in for those who cannot afford to, buy 'em, sent by; Len Grbttqi Flush- ing, L. I., manager; the turned out by Drs. George Wilson and Wariner Wopdiruff, and the ad-, vice biflludy.Plari^ expert. :• John and Edna Driscoll, who man- age niteries in Pennsylvania and Jersey, mitted and;handed out needy things tb the Colony, Billroy's Cemediaiis booked here.' Advance man left a mess of tickets fo.r the xecUpers. ;. ; .• . ' Arthui' Conners; who used to shake a mean tronibpriej here for a general checkup, . ; .;. .■■'. Johnny Grime.s, actor who; turned newspaperman,; editor of the Sa.ra- ri'ac' Lake Weekly . Mirror. " : . ' Charles Pandoff, bid-time novelty act, came in from Brooklyn for a checkup and got an okay. George L, Davis, who. squibs 'By the Way' for .the Rochester DemPcrat .& Chronicle, gives Jake Bernstein, Joe Laurie) Jr., and Happy Benway a full column about old-timers,, topped by W, C. Fields and Frank F. Powderly. Sr. " Eddie ('Carlton Boys') Ross added a mess of poundage while vacashing here! .; ;v;:-;i- Write to; those who aire ill. Horace Heidt; Friday (2) lost hU application foF: a teropb.riary inju^ [ tion preceding trial against Le Ahn I Sisters, the Beachcomber' restaurant, I Monte Proser, Walter Batchelor and j J,' M. Goddard, Justice Felix Ben- I venga, in N.; Y. supreme court, de. I clared that the orchestra leader had : failed to show that he was entitledl to such drastic relief. ; . . Heidt's action is directed against Virginia,; Minadff Jean, and Maree Ahn, and their mother, Helen Mohr Ahri, claiming that they had breached an. employment contract .with him signed October 13, 1939, and to run for five years.' The contract was al- legedly breached. last June 26, when the sisters, ;a singing quartet, signed to ;appear at the Beachcomber on Broadway for four weeks at $200 weekly, Heidt asserts he spent $10,- 00.0 iri Sal a r ies and build ing th e repu- tations and voices of the sisters, arid sought a temporory injunction to prevent, their employmejit by the restaurant. ;and a permanent one to prevent thent from appearing any- >vhere else.; Prosefy Batchelor and Goddard are ih pn. the operation of the.: Beachcomber. The girls' mother was named s'rice she's , guardian■ tb Maree. a ininor. • SELLING MINORS BOOZE COSTLY TO Pnr HOTEL Pittsburgh, Aug. Pittsburgh's : No, 1 hotel, th a William; Penn, Had its booze license suspended for 30 dkys last week' by the State liiquor Control' Board on. a charge of selling drinks tb minor. • Hotel management, however, nounced' there would be no interrup- tion in the sale of spirits, since it had elected the alternative of pay- ing a $300 fine, at the rate of $10 a day for each day of suspension. Liqupr board agents said William Penn was: • guilty of permitting ■teen.sters to frequent its two supper dance rooms, , the Chatterbox . aiid Italian Terrace, where they were {sold booze without any inquiries being made about their age. ... Suspension came on heels pf a lOr day iicense-lifting for swank Asso- ciated Artists Grill, connected with the- Pittsburgh Playhouse -and ona of the 4O0's faybrite drinkeries. It was accused ; of pe'ddiirig ..diMnks to nbri-members, ; Management al-sp elected the alternate penalty and paid $100 fine, Fprih Chas. French Agcy. Albany. N: Y„ Aug, 6, Charles French Agency, Inc;, has been chartered to conduct a business, in theatrical and radio entertainers, with principal office in New York, Capital stock is $20,000, $100 par value. pirectorsi '.Oliver B-' LaFren- iere, Charles F. LaFreniere and Emma P' LaFreniere, St. Albaris, L. I.:. ) , ■.; ;■■ :;:. . ■■■ ' Isidore Canner; Jamaica; was filing attorney^ ■ - . ' - . '; Beat Cojffee in England Leiicast«r .Squara LONDON. WEST-END WALTER (Dare) WAHL BILLY ROSE'S 'FRISCO AQUACADE Reiurning East after 14 months on the Pacific coast in Pictures — ISite Clubs and Theatres fi PRIHGE OF WHEELS^' Currently STATE Rep.i EDWARD RILEY THEATRE. Chicago ■ 1560 B'WAY, NEW YORK LEE ILOMAY AND fl'KRKNTI.Y CHASE HOTEL, ST. LOUISi MO. niretllnii:—NAY KAi.CIIKIM, Wlllom MwrU A|c«ncy