Variety (Aug 1940)

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HOUSE REVIEWS 39 MUSIC HALb N. y. v/i Vo Jan pee¥cte, The ShTjtettos, Music Hall Glee Club. 2«i^<»Ss "corps de flollet. Music &.&honv Orch under direc to impersoriatie and s-wjiig Beethoven, etc.,. an, effort which is clearly out of this , band's world, and too great a strelch for an outfit billed as .'America's Craziest .Orchestra.* In more polite compjihy, it inight be de- STATE, N, Yi velbpediinto-a solid bit fhbfinale, IfC, S't I^If'^^^W^f * • which is^ signihcaiitly: billed.' 'They. The^iVId^tal; 5.orm^CM.p;,. •. '^^^f ^°ZS^'p&^^^ VP the WlK^R^joint/T^^s:.the T..T.. ^-7- ^ musicians ripping . down: the- back- drop and knocking themselves, but .y . Richihan^ - Georges and Jalno; Gene Sheldon,:This Fredysons: (7H Rub)// Zwerling: Houise Orch: Son 0/ EmRai Scd in VAW ETY, Ju ly 17. .VhAv're: .cutting .the Stage' shoiw' .^»\-an;?ss^Vtlt on^he^udience's^ . . . „_ JSr\hin nei-e this week, but ::sib>Wies^ l^any. bjojhis time. ; ■ . standard acts; It's.nil• ]oaI r^Jv^^^'di^jg • acts, ■ Yo-Yo,; the. Attendance - at the .second show ::t«rtainnient, but hasn't; *^?se' and the Shyrettos, make at worthwhile. Oddly .enough. Kftth acts pliyed the Roxy, a stont s .♦hrow- away, 1653; than three mbnths. «io The applause both turris. re - ceived here when caught opening «ieht (Thursdiay) .wsis, plenty big. The horse . and. the bicycling ihvrettos: are the only outside book- Si^:cwrrenily,^ ppehing day wiks cbhsiderabiy better ■ i With a fairly: long feature picture, lhi"s Loew liouse. i.s offering a some- Svhat .:shortened stage bill, 'of four i)as.<;able en- a gerjur ..s Kansas. City,. Auo. /S- Clyde - McCoy, Orch ioiih. Wayrie explosive .spot; BiKSiriess at-the early, show..Thui-,sday l.i');Svas eliin. ■; H^rry 'Richmart is headliner arid, when caught, .Ataii; .on- fbi' about 20. minutes of .his . chara.ctevislie balladr ing. .He has ;cirppped trie .lugubriotts comedy attempts of a year^ br .so ago,! cQhfiniris . himself to a few • ciirrerit pops, a niumber bf i past favcs-and a ■"»»". i:^:u''iVn<ii\A thp- r^tular nav- I ; Hairdtiifr. iFfouSc line, Ray ToUifcs,' incltiding Nicholas DakSj. the glee club,, ballet bunch and :the Rockettes. ■ : Leon Leonidoflf calls his four (V). themed on 'That Old. Gaiig ;Of Mine;'; -with .semi.-impersbnatibns Of Jolson^ .Ciantor, Brice.. n.hd. Tijcker.;. , .Always? a. distinctive;-, styljjt, Richmari Is be •-part[ . Manager of . the; Tower,. Barney' comihg increa«iiigly: remiriiscerjt. of v;,««.ntjitibn 'County Fiairi' It ' Jbffee, may/ riot be the rtost ejtperi- -.the fabiil<#ns' liD20s, biit the tilted liat. ?5i^usev and the settings are . any-i 9"ced showman in. town, but h6 was Sihg but elaboirate though ; in ■ the.i AvorlcinK hlce one when ,he .lined up Kd 6rpink lemoM^^ ^ the McCoy band.; Horn-blower had The ' ballet girl^^ open, dbihgV a!: his crew in at the Terrace .Grill of, routine with -horse props that, give; the Ilotel Muehlebach, swahk local, ihe semblance of riding the ila?s,,i djhe and. dancery, for a two-week < Spotted; second oh' the bill,. ,Gehe Sheldon, imcbrjcs a' solid 15.minutes ,bf laughs: ■ cpn.'itantly-bevvildered tramp., comic with aii, expres.'Jive PUSS. arid ?i:ri blpq Lie.Tt - banjo. ;. lJse.s! several stapdavd bits'of low-^comedy J ^ . , . ^ business. : for ;., .good . -eff^^ nifty^robking*,chesthutrWowa \yhich l.hi'.oadcasts besides iho! attendant laughs . intp ; his ;banjd session and ' .y -.r.««,f^A-«»;i» i publicity,-arid.crew is off tba notice^^ finales. iti a puncliy bit with his. There'i-nothing new about it.; Diaks ] standi and then. Joffee moved them acts as ringmaster.; ; ■ .., tlie stage ol the Tower Ibi- a week. Dbenihg serves to .pave, the way.r Thus .the. stage erigagemeht .follows for Capt; taiam Heyer's Yb-Yo. a; two weeks of , daily ads arid radio the stickV .the^ affected .svifagger, - the lisp and tlie way, he. can build .lip a .nirmber- still: hold, atv audibnce. gets and deserves cQnsiderable ;9P •-■piausis.: 'Fbols in liove,' following, Serves as a diverting Vocal, potpourri for the ' Hall's able tenor, Peprcei and tiie glee club. The Shyrettos, a. trio, of : cyclist^ (two rnale, bne fenime) turn *h the heat plenty" in their iast and clever: routines; «on.. bicycles. arid ■-■uiiicycleis. , ■ ■- ■ ; Rockettes bring tip.: the rear in a conventional tap and .ki<;k routine. Errib Rapee conducts' the :symph orchestra in a .nice arrarigemeht of Jerome Kern numbers. Rest of the show, in 'sidditioh to the feature, in- • dudes the latest issue of March of Time' (RKO), on abbreviated n6ws period and Richard tfeibert at the ;organ/ ' - Ch&r. 20TH CENTURY, BUFF able start: For his pari'McCoy comes-thf-bugh ■with;.' . good . .show .iand holdis the .spotlight himself fbf a gopdly^part of the 50 hiihutes- as he woHts.the. ^m.c. ^assigrimerit;. ; Following, - the 'Tear It Down' opener, leader shows the .; Bennett- Sisters . in .■ -Ma', and ■Playmates'; -hicely ,sung, and , rings Iri,' whole gang, bn a recorded arr, : i:ahgement, of 'I, AVaht .My Mom' for good reception^ House; lirie makes the most ■ of its opportunity. here with a heat reriditlon .;of; an :old-: fashioned cake-walk. " Band . theji ■goes into • a, specialty ;'0h \ 'Basiri . Street Blues,' whichVgives McCby; the chance- to get . .his corn trumpet' ,mpanin!,..ib\y;;- : ■ '\;> tester Hairding, the ^ regular sing- ing mxi, is on'. as-a singing act this week and obliges- by .rocking the rafters with' 'Glory Road', and then . by sihoOthing'it over with 'Make Be- lieve Lsland;* "Girls; lead out in a shag tap arid the Bennett trio fOlloW: in S!lacks;.. ;tb ; show they \ combine- dancing with their singiiig .chbres; .; - Before turning tb his; male vbcsd- ist, McCoy leads the 12 pieces in a .rhythmic ;'Smile.i'' ;Wayrie Gregg, bahd'.s singer, rides high on trio of ))its; 'BreeKe and I,'Til Never Smile Again.' and -'Where Was I.' As ah ..;ehcore,- ;he -\yarbles. 'Lonely.. Gohi dolier.' '. ' laad; is strictly a cropher, and / giits ; the femme applaiisb with his handsome; phiz and'hit songs. ; Another act is .provided by Ray' Swai winner, of ; a Tower bppor- tijnity-higlit trybut,- who. ■ goe^ through ToUtihe of esthetic . aero-.: batics with ;gbod ;execution but the customary, rlack of "preseiitati'prt. Band does a.- hbvelty. bit with/the Bennetts arid Gregg at the milcfe to .'Mutii.iy in the Nursery^- ;McCoy putr ting .in his; bit with avtiny toy trum- ■pet.. ■■■;;■" ■?■ ;.•'■' ■ .■ ■/ '■ Leader then makes it' a. cliniax as his .trumpet mbaris . out . his well kno>vn theririe, 'Sugar; Blues,'; and then adds airi irnitatioii bf. Henry Busse's. 'When Day ls Doii.e.' Ravel's ■Bolero* is. Wprked iiitp a finale, with the orch rendering in semi-cpricert .style arid. th;e. girls iil the upper wings beating out:the rhythm oii tPmftpms; , in all i Vs.- a pleasant week around the Tower. The patronage is pleasr ing-arid the 'patroris who^ couldn't ;afford the $1. mi.njmum.:at the Ter- race- Grill are getting their money's ■Quin; :femme straight, Loretta .Fisher.' ; Georges and .rajna have the' wind.- iip; spot,- ^ipjpparihg .ralher listless for thi'.ee-routines^ theh igriiting a :spec- tac.ular- rhumba- turn - for ; the close. Gal; presents ; a. strikinj? .appearance and \vhen they filially vge.t binder way., both dari.ce .expertly. ' The- Fredysbhs; r7 ),.'"standard acrp. trbupe, bpCn the ;bill;'proficiently,, seasbnihg their stuffs with cbmedy • lotichesJ . ■■ ■ :■;;..•/-..: -Hbbc.' -^ r Vrdzy Shov) of 1940'- ;u;itH Milt Briiton'$ Otch XlOi, Dare a-Kd Yate.f, Helen pdniwrcr;. Mdry Ann McCall, Samuel iSro's. arid Vivian, Torii Raf- : /ertl/; 'Scatterbram' (Rep) / ; . :The; tag line. for;, this :iassembliige; .which ■ Milt Bi-Utbn ; is billing a.s . the 'Crazy Sljow of 1940^ shoqld be the . old bne- in reverse, ; 'ribt ..;sc> loud—and fimhier.* Since Olsen and JbhhsoU: successfully demonstrated. : that two; pistbl. shots;., are^ ,funriiei.' than one kick .in the pants,' there: is rib hoIdingVthe :boys* ,11113 exhibi' tiofl, which advance - threats bally- hboed as thie daffieSt offering of the vSeaTOh—a screwball.'show to-end all- . such; shbvvs—never coin;6s within; reach of its promise. The trbiible-is that the show is hilf ■ straight arid ; half zany,^ iand the two dohit jell. The •.whole wbiild: be much more effective %ere it either completely /^anfe:" or: completely crassy.; . ; .. ., Britton is carrying 10 piece.s : (riot '14 ais advertised) , all brassi save the piiariQ. ; Their straight- instriiri-ierita - tion - is. surprisingly .good. Most of the orchestral backgrbundihg for the working talent is okay, btit, since the -entire ensemble, including the maes- tro, dbiibles -in clbwhingi it's all con- : fusing and leaves the audierice. un- certain as to whether it is the musib or the by-play which is to be par- ticularly noted. Britton also iiii^o- yates;by introducing the acts follow- ing their tui'ns. ,\; -: ■ : _ _ „ FbUowihg a; typical 'Hellzapbppiri' - wbrlh fbir 30c, ■ lio'r.e. 'opening .in .AVhich the entire cbrti- i ; ; pahy^stboges. ftbnt, ..back and i off- ;Stagev Samuel Bros, arid Vivian un- limber: their tamiliarly precise'^ and eccentric, footwork, the girl deliver-;: — ■■ — —■ ■■ ; mg some particUliarly fine, rhythrit K ■ Atlmlic Citu-, Aug. i. :t^^y;;^Vins -bf :;the.-i; j^^,..^„^ Rogu6u;.:st^- Clair comedy: acrobatics, distinguished' jur„„v,. . . ' chiefly by. the funny, rubber-jointed i :^'?'^"^ ■ffltics of the Smaller of the duo;: Ef^v ' ;. ^.-..;^,'' _v „. ; , fectivenpss of; Helen' Pammer's fme ! Hamid s Pier nippodrome, theatre ■ ;i,iajwihg;could be.enh&hced by smarter i 9^t'if:;**'^ap^^^ .costuming; MaryAnn:McCall,.iri;her:! mg big--thiS;;w-eelc.; aIoiig- with the; . . : ciiicagti,^ Aug: A.'- - announced repeats'. , bf recordings ; Gae Fo.ster Rc^NyqtteV:Ayho-;i;e.turncd t; samv\y Kcm. Orcii .t i:?); rrit/i Ctiy.dc .. With Charlie Barnet..walked off with here a ^^'eCk ago . for. unlimited.en- . ^(j,.;^.,^. :RxiiLn:: Duncjncf Debs .the appilause palm^ Her vocaliziri^^^^^^ . . _ , ho\yeyer/. especially in ^ the. .itppeiv Jean. and registers, appears to.materialize with.! <op^.^^^t^^ , ^ difficulty,~ and hence is not too their nonsensical and riotpu.i ^antics. . on ;the audience: -:Bvit the response,; Rbgnaii^s^:tap, c^ .good.^ and . , ; was solid, as if in reseiitmerit by the I ^^'^^ nioncy-mak- stiibholders aV the ' inexcusable 1 'W-hich; evbl,ves- into shado;w bbxirig,. log week for this, and-unques- : "downing .by 4he StobBes'during her :I is a, Svow;.' ; ; , ■ ] tibniibly; dye;io;the. j^rciiencc of straight.number^; 'On^what she dis-J ■ St. . . Clajr- :prid :.piJra;id-;; make .|Sammy^K^^^ Piays, she deserves 'much better graceful . dance; . team k..-: arid their House , has , been havirig. : rather - a Spotting and'opporturiitv • ^- " hadagib, acrobatic aiid ' modernistic tbugh time .of it-at.the boxofri^^ ; :Tommy.Rafl5rty deliVeW'al^^^^ ^big.; :^i'giriia;i cehtly,. even^^yLth: so-called mo J;0\«gh arid tutnbie.comedy from bbn I Vaughn a. clever tap; dance on. headlmors...Tha Ka mots down to th'e seltzer bottle, and i the; xylophone^ ;..The . Guardsnien, | doing everythins;e>'*l5ccted of ::t^and who are effective eriour h; with their tonsils.' -. . Kaye has ccritie up; .with a., heat audiencei gag in his 'so you .want .to lead, a band', stiint. It works but in;, line style oh the stage, Kaye laughs from short interviews with ,the contestants. And the; amateur; baton-wavers--make . rripre - fiiri- oh their, own, when they; lead, the band. Orchestra members work this gag smartly by,; bver-emiphaisizing- the" tempo changes' a.i . the .- amateiir batoneers beat; biit th.:; rhythm; ■ ■ Kaye has' two solid-turns wi,th hith, the Nonchalants. arid • Chris. ; Crbs.s. The threb Norichalarits are a stand-. ard; acrbbatic turn in..'vatidevilie a the comic . of 'the.' trio bontinues.'; to garner pierity - of ;audience attention;; oii his happy perstnality. Trio have; an easy -way bf . piittiris ;bv.ei^; their' Sturitirig,.arid mix it up neatly with Cbmedy ; relief, ; Out of- the maze bf. the new vbntrilbquists- who have sprung up. in :the. :past /couple bl ^years,; .Chris ;,: Grpss ; impresses as , abpiit thb best of the lot. He tied- up the prpceedings completel.yv when caught and a h ighr' ly satisfying, act, Has. ai dummy in cowboy ' cbstume and; the routine is iritere.iting.; withput being fult ' bf,; ;straight. . giags;; and- jokes, . Cross'; duriiriiy,' haS'. a. persoiialify. and ; ah; easy, .bireeiiy Hiariiier:' ;Fbr an- encore Crpss uses a small; ^he-hand colored duniri:y;fbba;,eobd singing nQVelty.. . ; Three Dancii-ig ,Debs haveri't riiueh -to'db e'ccept ;a meanirigle.5s sbprl^; dance;;; Fforii' thi.'? trip,,qbmes Vivian; Mack, for a. riiiid,; tap baiiy •' .the, show ' PARAMOUNT^ N. V; Rap Bolpcr, Xavicr Cugat Band ( 15), AtUm Jones, Irene . Herveyf. MigncUts : Vardcsf,: 'Raul; .and , 'EvA' Reyesi Nina. Otla, Don -Baker: 'Boys .from . Syraciuie' (U):,. revieioed in • ;VAiuE;tv,:juiy.i7.::. - ;■ ■. ■; IJ's a tbssupi .this -vvcck .a.s. to whether'Boys from Syracuse' or th . stage , show headed by -Ray. Bbifeer, Xavicr- Cugat's band, i 'All«iii.. Jones and Irerie Hbrvey' (Mrs.. Jones) is responsible- for the heavy draw- The latter pair are in. the;film." It's likely a cbmbiriatibri of both, -with; the stage.' eritertairimeht representing ;;nanTe.., value and coin Cbutlay- uriusually big • for this time-of yfea;!', Cugat. band is; purrbimded': by.; Miguelits ;.Viiidez,; Cuban - sin get*: , Raul and Eva. Reyes, ^; dance ;team, arid Nina O.via, ; Spanish:, .sprigstress 'and rhumba •twister. ..;;•.■-":■ :-'■' -'..•': -V Despite, the,. !Latiriesqub competi:^ ' t iorti fiolger,. riiusical: comedy vet dancer and;: cbrii.ic,; is standout •while . Jones fits iri. pkay with . his vocals. Coriiediari ; prbves; a lifesa-ver; for, what, otherwise. would have ;been a vdijll talk seance Jones arid Rli^ Hervey. He also perks; up .the. hipre monotonous; Sjpanish glpssirigs. . ; Cugat's combo has been the No. .1 outfit at the: Waldorf-Astoria hotel's Starlight.Rbbf' ■;(N;' Y,)' fbr-sb mariy seasons .he's- Virtually a fixture at. that class spot. His, appearanc!e.hei'<» gbt,;favbrable response •wheri caught. Fbr this, engagement he bears down "BMnbss.sbcko-at;theseCt^^S^ GOtOfeN GATE, S: F. Sftii JFranciscoi Aug.; 1. ; Arthur. Tfricy, ;Ward' and Van, 'St John Bros., Hdwatd' Nichols, Marion Dianiels, Peggy. Q'NeiWs ■Beauties, Charley Kaley's band;:. 'VUlain Still Pursued: Her'. (RKO): HAMIDES HIPP, A C. rieayy , campaign, on 'Villairi Pur-, sued Her': puts yaude; in -tteuce. spot this weekv although ■ topliriing - 'bt Arthui:;;-TraGy- m;akes it a double feature: Tracy hasn't been for gotten although his albof'. taken- here isn't, as, fans recall him," - ; St. John. B,vbs.', ■ acrobat**, open, ^eems .to ' be. ; eri,d .,bf; acros, but likewise there-.s no liiiriit; to the new- stunts; they'll think of. And-this trip is no exception. Boys" ea ch pther about in defiance, of gravity with thrbb-high: stunts both horizontal and vertical. - Sriiboth, efficient, they make it. look: easy and; crack the ice for a solid: opening. Waird arid Vjiri, tranip musicos. carry right on- with harp and. violin clowriing, ;,cpveririg spriie first-ciaSs, twanging with, guf- fa\v.s,; ■ At. sho,w caught; hb'ase re- fused to let them;go - poundirig;palms; even after-'Stagehands hitd .removed prpps. . Had tp, hig harp back On again 'and do extra, bit; to; quell up- roiarv Rai:e bid; exarii.ple of; .what was known as 'iitpppirig the show' before Vabiety style sheets bariried the;'expressibri.; ; ; • / . V - - '; Howard : Nichbls, hobp juggler; jplenty .sriiobth,; also netted hearty reception; working as nyany as dozen bands.' Closes with hoops revolvirig around both .ankles;, knees arid arms while ,;balaricing ' blher,s bn ;; 'skulli which ,both ;sourid.s :-arid , .loolc ^ iriir. possible,. :,Tracy is; (ipotted next to ^•finiale, with . his-.war-bling ^-with- .exr j ceptiorially'. agile acrobatic Icrpbr, Marion Dariiel.s,.;clp.sii;i[g. - ; Tracy ha.s what it take?, and the fplk.s; want it, but, his 'stand^offi!?h ait. sort; of de- ..tracts.';' ■■ .■; .'-.;'.: i Cued; by pixy bpy.s-in .band offer I s^ilecialty . this .week', trip • dbnriirig jderbys iind lip -ipliage and .coming ! down front, for gag reriditiori of 'Gilded Cage' arid 'Slrpllirig Through . Park.' , .Xhey're- okay and got. off. to . a ; ovation. Floyd Rpbr I irisbn, sax, .'credited,.with idcaV . Saturday/; (3), Gold. for which'he's become noted,; .with the xylo;: drums : and; two banjbist* kf.yripting . nearly : , every; : niimber. And, of CPUrse, there's',Cugiat's.spark- ■ ling violin - solo.' AlsO; therels th* iistial cbriibipaitibri ,of singers iri thf ' orcheftra.: ' : Valdez,: piiirpbrtedly .frbrii Cuba; is on too early for ;, his^ Ibiid ballad. Likied here enough to be recalled for a rhiimba; tune; He's; part, of the .band's array bf .. entertainera. but - ■■ . : ■•":• ^■-'-.■:.-...:! comes^- back ; later--to ■ .;pourid- .'two. Afti^r three weeks of 'All This,, and vskiljets and flutter up the Jleyes' EARLE^^WASH. ;:■':. ,: -.W;cisJ^')iatpii,, 3,.-. 'Eiiecn.;;. Riiter, Gil ." d?id ■ Bernice Maison, '. Yvette,' Franklin D'Ainore, Red SIccltbny -fl6 ;Gac -Foster Girls; j 'Mi): Love Came Back' \WB): ' ] 'heaybn Too' .knd; pint-sl.zed yaude, hyusjei gets bacK iri; the:;;grobve';t^ week -witli a fast, varied and smartly .put;.tbgether .revue .'that rdriks w) til its .best fbr overfill; a;iidience reac- tion;. Most of credit for lifting it intb big time goes to Red Skeltori,; outr stariding local favorite, •■who Teturri's for single Wieek before flying to Coast vnder M-G pic deal.v : "; , . ;,'Sirig -: - Song - "With - Mike' stiint, kept alive ,.;dui'irig . pa^t, three. weeks. by audience balloting, in .Ipbby,. is,re-: Suriied .this week- with- all-request conlmuriity-sing, Roxyette ; Eileen Ritter getting .'em; tb fairly >io\yl the ditties winning the final tabulation:^ ^Woodpecker . Song/..;, 'Imaginatibn.' 'Playnriates' and 'Gbd;Bless America.' .Mis;? ; Ritter winds , lip ' audience warble with welcpmerback introduc,- tibn :of ^ Skcltbn- whb barges throughi curtains to ;,reply, rattle off: a, thii'd- term cr^cl? or two and. tickle' 'em •with pantomirne of , mbtorists-at-the- wheel, getting big. returns; fbi-: kid- ding the men as well as the •vC'brrtCri. ' Skblton;invites all tb'a garden party' and traveler.^opcns bri outdoor, cafe set used for :rest:,of:'dbingSi-; Lirie darioe act. Miss Qrla also builds the Spsriish atmosphere witli her sbrif and sultry, dance; ;"" • 'ReujI and Eva Reyes, • present * typical rhumba and^a:snippy :coriga routine for an encode.' Then comes; Bolger: ;With. his drollery and: familiar, superb.steppirig; ; ; Besides his, easily, executed light; tap.sterihgr which he's rnade familiar to Brbadwc^y arid ;inore recently to i)icttire ;audiences; Bolger has added ia 'dignified' English niodulatibii to his , microphone spiels. ; which, li strictly.^ for the chuckles; and: made thusr apparent as he sWings into his ■ normal speaking voice, " His FvCro-^ batic. Spanish, rhumba with an irtiagi- riary femme,' partner is all to the good ,. v/hile his.. iriiitatiori; of :the ; Louis-Galento fight is laughable.. in. its trim fobtwork. , Hfe had to betf :Off. ■.; ■ -;;•■ ■■• / ■ •■■; .-' ■ .Latter introduces Miss. Orla for hex: ballad session,.as he: tries direct- ing; the orchestra, later absblutely: panicking 'em with his : dancing with the Spanish beaut •.:' ; . Jones,"reappearing here, only a lit- tle more than six mbnths folIb^ving. hijs last ,showing ,a;t the Par; sings a medley of George ,Gershwin tunes ; hoofs ^a.: neat precision: bit and falls j ::ii^ejj^ Are ;:Ybu *; frorii bach:, to tables ; iGil and Bernice Maisbri take it next with their ,. snapjDy. siicce'ssion; of canine artists; ;,Dogs; are perfectly trained arid iruri the gamut of stbcfc stuff, but 'the sock lies: in , theii:; re- verse bbedience; lying doSvri bn: corii- marid to stand up; etc, and refusing to obey even wheri guy gets on,: his kriees and .screams at 'enri. Skeltori returns; Avith Edna; ; .Strllwell ; for series 'of 'eriibarra.sing rnbriierits' bits, ■gettirig off to" fuie response bri the bashful guy a nd th e ro a ri i cur j s 11 wi .st. , Line, \yhich has: melted off earlier, returns . half ; as girls in . evening 'Boys from Syracuse,' in which he does thife same • number. Also ; con- . tributes a. number from a fcrthcom- irig ,Paramount film in which he's featui-ed. .Encore is 'Donkey Serer- nade,' which JorieS has included in hi.s: reiDertoire for ;some tiriie "and which he sang .in a pic-a couple bf yeahs ago. He; then brings in 'my. favorite -Wife,' Miss;Hervey, for con^' .siderable aimless chatter that is-bn the verge of, bogging down until Bolger appear.s to: rescue the pair ;with some additional , toriifbblery, i3bn Baker organing tor the audi- ence .song-participation session prel« udcs the stage .show. ; Biz :jiear capacity second night ■ ■ ■ •jvt'ar; .' ORIENTAL, CHI ■gowns arid- half as ;boys, in tophats. v I Miss Ritter taltes center . mike; for !: . I partnerrlcs.s' warble bf 'I'rii Nobody-s >; '^riur.sday) • Baby', .as- cute touGh.,;'Yvette,, intrb'-.' v duced' as -'radio's- new .singing ■ • I tibn,' bntcr.s 'upstage arid stpps fpr f few bar.s 'Of her theme sone; at^i'ci. i rriike as she.'Cbnliriue.-?- to footlights; _ , Pretty, : v i vac ib us bio nd c.' wi'th j t.i<f t: y „ i ;srtri Co lemdTl Clar Jc ' and Billy. enough: French and ■^'^'^K^'^yy^^P*^^^ Ldrivier, Be% ing qyalit-i^ in her.sbpi'aho, charmed i Yosl'i New Yorkers (Qi, Gae Foster ,'cm .coriiplctely 'at show caught via .Girls :f24).'; Paul Ash's Pit Orch;'The •:'Mect- the .Sun. Halfway,'; 'Stepping! Man Z Married' (20ih),. rcuicujcd' in Out. -Nvith'. a; Mchipry,' .'Never '.S.m,ile;j Variety, ;.j.uly; if. ■ ; ■-, . • - ■' ■ •Again;*- .and''Boom;.', 'which she .ex- :;. ■■ ■ .'.' ;■--.''" :':.',;-/--.■ plains ,she 'just / irecorded—I hope j ROXY, R y. : . Denrtis ■Day, Dick, Don a:nd Dinah, ■ T3^ ^- <•'')' u:.iih ■Vivian Mack. Chris Crpss, ■^^^.,,?°?.?i>^ ■'Nonch(itaiits : <3);' 'Mamed an /Ad- .x.-rr- : ,. J,-,- On the-screen-here Is, a scbfching, you.; like.. it.^v. - irer. explanation that at. Nazi -ruled., Germany.^; an 1 'everybody; thinks Ini French;: but I.,; adaptation, of the. lurid IT Married a ; really come; from . the . LpqKsianai 'Na'zi'. serial . Which- appeared in J Bayou country'; drc\y an :o va tipn a nd Liberty magaizine. while on the stage .>;et;m.bod fpr:her;lo finifih sock, wilh . is ia, Faribhon & Marcb 54-miriute cf- 'I Am an; Amfefibaiy : .-; .; fort ; tb .©ffset ,;the sbrdidness> with .Franklin ' P'AjTibre vriiakes/ c|e^^^ light arid fluffy..; The pui--: eritrarice as trariip' carrying., sack, '-pose is' well.'Sirried, but unfortunately ' wandering unarinodnCcd into; garden J the;,stagin,g. is jurripjif. ^ ,:; ..; f party; .Slapstick-a^^ . It; appears as though;; the 'talent l.tics. -with; tramp partrieit is too .long;;, .is ;failing oritb, instead 'of segueirig I but-"when pai'tner cli.mbs; atop: his ; iritp,; one ;an.bther, Pi'iftTary fault;is ! head and .stands there -\v'hile both :re-. :-. that the Gae :Fosteir. line pf 25 girls ;i riibve their'comic garlj; reyeai^ not being; used to best advaritage 1'bri .tbp^ they . begin, ;to '.click sblidly. ~ in moulding ,the shbw.. . Pr.pjbngcd . ; biz {Ori thbmother hand. Jack. Parti.ri^- I. arid- the . finish^" -dramatizt'd,' fori - has. arranged- .• / striking and ■ .strong - arm; lift- froiri . floor, : with ' cblbrful set,..soriieth^ng of a crb«;.s be/ '-D'-Ampre-&tandiri.g-oniGhair^vrid-i^ irig Over backward."5, : brought down , ian45j_BeaclL board wti and the deck; of va yacht, while^fiSeT tlmate in slap^tidc :rbug'hhpuse arid [ :ernvi.sly. In between ; I tempos ;to keep i the pacje interesting ween is^snbttcd the f The■ Roxvellcs are much, iriiproved . at all. tiriie.«5. . Has. sbme iriistrtimental- 'MUsical: Ancestors' nvjiribci^ witti the; iri .their severalnuriiberS..: . ;;; .ists:do ^me warbling, th^ includ- members doriiiih^ wigs arid whiskers/ -^ ;• - ^ ^ : Carter. ; | ;ng: Clyde Burke ,and: Jimmy :Ryan, the Shclton .gets, closing spot ; Kaye; F,' & M,'s booker;; lined, up-a " ' " ■ ■ rieat array of talent,, tpptjed by. Den- nis Da;y, tenor of ; Jack Benny's-pro- gram, who. is a holdover: frpm, th» pr'evibtis week'-s sho'w.' ' - Iricluded; are Val„ Setz, juggler ot .i",sorted;;thingSi .AvhP : ,mixes soini . t'Ooritinued on page 46) / i with^; hu? burlesque \Qf- : banquet i speakers.- bne of his tpp rbiitines, find ';, gals wind up laybiit with.spectacular; j precision - tap of 'OrpHeiis': overture,', '! clever : tie--jn , :with ::;swiriging-thfe4' j classics theriie. ot the, fi \rii, I < Biii: gdbd at jshbw caught. Ctaig.