Variety (Aug 1940)

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4i XITERATI W^diiesdiii^r August 7^ Nazi C^dUor ilailea Enrique:' Oses,. editor • of Bueno? Aires'-:. El; Pamp^rp, leading Nazi nevvspapeiv of ■; South America, ■ has ; b.eeiv hailed into court-and slapped into jail ^iherCv chairged;; w^^ disre- spect to. a Iccafl judge aiid with^pub- lication :' of . 'bljgt^ne.' anti-English materi^^l. • Incident brought nine- inontfis-old . afterhpoh'*-sheet into~ headlines ^irt^ . other ■ dailies arid touclied. joiT a Series' of incident )that niay;?have .far-re'acHirig results, ; EinahG.ed witij official coini the 16-' pager has riih itself. up o a claimed-^ arid generally belieyOd—circulatio of 100,000 tbrpugh, a jiolicy /pt prac- tically being giyen away ; to/, th? newsbpys/ Kids get the i ;^ fprtvvb" cetrtavos ihd sellj'it for 10., Have to pay five or six fe-r Criticrj j*!ioti:cias; Ci I"aflca^, :lla20n ah4 -other ers, which are generally anti^N :As ai. result .thiey yell ■Pampero. lirst beca ijse 'it.. rneans more.vcash in. thie. Eniployirii;- eight^cpiumil.;Stre'amers: and a full-bari-eled attack against E'ligiish, ftooseyelt;' the Good Neigh- bo .v'Policy and all Ipcai anti-tptali- tat'iatV rrioveg, Sheet'50,000. 'patri<itie''- Gerniansv'in this, isector,.: almost .$s'm pro-, fascist Italians . and . Argentines,.' ; Bit .that .brought. about the arrest . was supposed :tp be :an apologetic ex- planation . of'why- .Dr. Adrian CV. Escobar, •: EpstmasJ^er-General;.^^^ , lianiietf- the publipatipri -.fronri. the "mails.-.. - -V!,. 'Ill the future.V said the^^a^^^^ outside \ contributions; Will be- rfead ' froiti bottom .to top, from . right to. left and from left, to-right, diagoiially and backwards and ■ibrwards.'^^;/ ■ ' . Up ^^:^^a^ direction was the; tipoff' . First letter oi ipadh Une dis- . . closed ., 3irt :;diea. .defamatory to the- EhglisH. " Verse .which 'also 'pushed. ChurchUl.aroufid brought immiedlai,te^ ■protests from- the English: a.inbassia-. dor: Sir Esmbrid .Qvey,' and frorri the local . Am.erican Newspaper GuiW- . couhterpart,; the Gifulp de la Prehsa,' bi'der fpr'rest wks^ by Judg^ Dr. Miiguel. Jantus on the' ad- vice of Dr. yictpr J. f»allucci Goir; . riejQ,'-'Soiicit6i?' General, .fiiit when they started lobking' tor Oses, -it:^^ discovered that he. wa$ , already • in the blink, having: been sailted away by aripther judge, nationalistic Dr. Arancibiii Rodriguei, for insulting temavks abbtit the conduct of \ ah ahti-Nari reserve army.- Officer by Judge/Vasquez. Dr. .Rbdriguez said he would be glad to let Dr: Jantus have the ipieasure,' however, Isince the obscenity cha.irge- is a: lederal statute and carries - a more severe penalty. ' - .■ ■■ .'. iegedly. sponsored ihstructibh from i Space wiU be. evenly divided be- 'immoral books.' Has demanded re- | tween pictures arid .tejct, Editorial inslatement; as a teacher, and $1,000.; offices in N. V. as- -indeninity; crarcnce .A> Bena diim; .Muncie, Ind., Phinhey's cbuh- LWERATI OBITS sel,. said ;he e.\pected to try the case .Edward :C»all»nl, 35, car.tooriist, again / the September ' term of sports .writer .and race handicapper couirt . . . , : . ; . . Ifbr the N^ Y. 'Worid-'Telegram,: ^ . Principal ; books: questioned by - the , |n New York IVJonday (5), after a school board: wet*e . ;stars Fell 0^ month's illness. . He wai apparehtly Aiabaina! ;by. CaJ'l. Ca.rmer,. and 'A ^ recovering froih pneumonia when, N6w Ahierican l^istb^y,^by -W;' E..-; ]^ Though ^ be ..was Woodward. Benadiim -had. souj^ht to ' jiprnparativeiy .: young, 'Galiatii: .was prove that books. utilized by-. Phihney ' ^ .niewspapei'man for 20 years artd in his high school English classc.*!, ' ^g-g on the staff of the Telb^ram be- and elassbd iby tire board , as.; unfit I it merged ..wUh the . Evening for' adble$beuts;.-wer&:;not, immbraU Worid.'v Jle read .iivtO. the (jpui^t recprd.s .many r John H..'W'a"rfter, advbi-tising nian- passages . froiiii .the .qiiestibned ..vol- ;agfer -of -the'Three- Rivera umes. Gbmmercial for 23 iyears,: died July 20 of a heart attacky lea-ving ^wl'dbw, and four children; ' ;^ . Charles Wi-Franki .49;.'assistant to . ...Ed SHliivan;©^^ ' Ed■ SullivsiiVs ffialUnin;:in.-the-.N. Y. . baity. '. News ■ yesterday.. .ITuesday) . the. president; Of the Hubbell Adver.r is- giving the bu'tabbrs showmen tisihg . Co.,.'Clevelahd," and-^f sbmethitig to'- laugh about/ He stated ' employed biy .the.?Newspaper Enter- that before he left the Coast, C^ry^ pri?e Assbciafioh, ,.Was among the Gi-ant- asked him to say 'hello' to :all.' victims of the train crash al :Cilya-.- the .shiils at' Cone.V:, Island. : So; Siillivan wrote, he .went to;'Cpne^^^^ sidled. up to one -of the ^ohcessibn "ahiiouncers atid passed oyer Grant's greetirig hoga Falls,: G:,^ Jiily. 31, '-. Lucius datver l^addock, 81, one of tjolbrado's ^bestrkhowfl. ,editbT;S^.!died in va -hospital hi Boulder, Golb'.-July' 31 Of a-hbart at^ck:' ..He ; started, , in There'5-irib /definitiOh -of the wordl 1888, ^the .BOUlder- Came^^ and was shill or shillaber ' Webster'5, but i.ii carriy parlanbe ',the Jt'erni. refers..tb a cbihe^bn' iri^ the;- audiehce; >who first buy ;tb; stimulate .the suckers ^ihtb. dpiijgi' the same. It never used in reference to, barkers and' ahhbuncers or .talkers as they're, knowh: in^th€.ti■ade; ; ■ . . / . ^ '.-.••;S.iiies-^Ame;rican ■'Week • Suit of' Hawley Turner, adyectiis-r ihg; executive and saleshian, against the " Ambricah. Weekly, Iftc., pub- lisher. Of ,'Piick—The Goinic.; Weekly,' .Was revealed .Friday .(2:1 in ■preme coiirt;when Justice J..Sidhby BerhstbiViordered the ; examination: before trial of. Ivioirtimer - Berkowitz,: president of the; defendant. Exami- hationi /takes ^ place in the ; suprerhe court Aug. 12. ; ■ Plaintiff claims:' he was; iemployed at. $20,800 yearly by; the idefendant, plus coni'missions,. from Jan.-. 5, 1931 to bee.; i31. 1939, .He . asserts. Unpaid .salaries l and cOmmissiohs ' due total $45;9l9,\ which ; .the amount of the its publishei' 1;ill his deaths,; Andrew. ,C. -.Kelfer^ ;73,..;v.p. ';aH;d general-Vmahageir of the "terre Haute, Tribuhe-$tar ' Publishing ^ :.Cb;,;;:; died suddenly iiii Ghicagb: jiily 29.; ; . .:;;.;-;CliATtEli^' '\- :: .yf: R.; Burnett's npVel,;;'SiilU;Se^^^ due for; publicatiph in Red feook; ;;. John ilo5enfield, .m:p; bd of.: Dallas News, motored in-to span the ;st.udips; .E; / pV biittori publishing " Cedrie worth's first jpystery ; in . December. /'■Vy;.: 0^\Barrett, ;Wei5t;AsheVille,-N:; C.,; succeeds Clyde; B^; Moody, re- isigried;; as editor of the .Mount Holly (lSr:C;)i:News;-■•.:■; ^ .;;■ ' Inez /Rob.b, N, Y. ::News Washing-. ton .dort-espohdeht, has sold a profile of Mrs. . Wendell Willkie tO Gbsmb./ for- the ;ObtOber issiie. V Lt. George Campbell, of the u;s.S. Arkansas,: has clicked . in the mags a^aih. with the .iale of 'Master Mari.-' ner^;to CbsrtbpoUtah.'/•; .- .Polish World News ;Gb., Inc., charr tered .to ebnduct a new.spapbr busi denial and ; ; . plba; fbr a dismissal. Atlanta Daily Bas^d on PM Matt G; feei^kins, Atlantarpublisher of Noi^th;; :Side Preiss, suburban: weekly, " ; preparing : to publish Graphic,; ;tab . si2(e daily, modeled after Ralph McA. IhgersOlt's New York PM. Perkins'. scheme is iheet- ihg with so-so rbsjpbrise foilbwing display ad campaign in his o\Vh sheet and Atlanta (a.m.). Constitu- tion, containing coupons tovbe signed by pbtehtiai subscribers. • Projected shebt will be; a six-day afternobner, bstehsibly' tb; fill void left; when; .Hearst's Georgian and, Sunday Arhericaii was bought ,and . killed in deal involving Journal and WSB by ex-GoV. James M. Coif,: of Ohio. ■ . '..^ Perlcihs plans. to get 30c per week for his Graphic and, like PM, plans to run; no. paid ;advertising. In. ad-, ditiori to newspaper ; display space (nofie of. ; which has; appeared in Journal, which has afternoon field to. itself ) Perkihs iS: bisihg. 24-sheets to put his scheme before public./ ' suit - Answer- consists- Of a geti^l hess- Ih New York, . with a cajiital- stock of $25,000; $10 par Value.. ■: ,Bloy;^ w; Britt'Wallace^ N; C,; has been na.mied. editor Of the Lancaster; (S. C;) News; Sticceeding J; A. ;Galli- "more. Who. jbihs thb Colunibia ..tS.C,). , J: B. Pi*iestiey, :PTpiiiBBaiidist ; Emerii;rig as a figure bf ;some .irh- port in.; the propaganda; held is J.^ Priestley, whose, name-is ; becbmih'g/j.^^^^'^^^^ . ; increasingly prominent 'ih theiBrit- Michael: .Fessier,,. who scrammed ish government's bid: fbr outside at-"' Kpllywood a ;nionth ago after five tehtion; -Author-playwright;already .i y^l^J^s of writing at. various studios, rates considerable listener ^appeal Is": worKirig: on a play, a novel ;and for his radio talks,"both here and ori';' several short ?fOries at Cape Cod. shoiawave'tb North America. Latter:! ; . John ,JehnJngs,t who 'vfrrote i;he are bomrtvendable for their, plain. 1 best-selling ; 'Next to Valour' last dbwh-tb"<!arth:treatmeht and absence I year,, has. completed another novel,, bf frilling. • . ; h-Gall the New World.' Cosmopolitan His" latest-assbciatioh ls' on a 'ii publish it serially; and McMillaii istry of ;informatipri; 'briefie, 'Britain :! inv book fo^ ' at Bay.V which; is; hailed -by pt-ess and film trade. ;In additibh. to ady on its .productibn. ;Pri€,stley handles .the Inarriatioh for the feature, ; : See Fiirther London Curb . An ' eyeri 'further restirictibn ■ pn \ London dailies, looms; as a possibility. Press, is held. already to a six-pa.!»e layout, :and: it' " is eprisidered likely ! other correspondents -he, fbllbwed cohtinued shortages bf paper imports French government to ,1'burs and Hehry; Bbetle Hoiigh, whose 'Country Editor'; is . beihg published by Doubieday this ■ w^ a novel to; the Sam e fi rm. It's, ba 1 led 'All Things. Are Yours.':- ;Hai M^itsbn handled both deals. Joe Ravottb, former United Press correspondent in Paris, now serving on UP's Madrid staff. Like scores of will reduce that to four pages. With, the existing; ban on posters for tjie vendbrs. they use 4; black- board for the catch headlines: the p.m; ;sheets provide an." oil -6\q th a/- Bordeaux, When? the show was Up, up broke up its staff, and shifted Ravotto;,to: Madrid;-: • . As a guiide^^tb\ those pursuing: a career in the writing; acting aiid mu fair with; the paper's tag and Stand- sical professions,-Pat Ballai'd. songr Ta.le'-.of'-Czeoh Valor . ' Document' Tbleased by . Gzecho- slovakian; groUp in Lohdort, -under leadership of' President Benes,- is a tellihi? summary of the fighting f orce- wliich • the ■republic; has maintained, ince the start of the European corii; flict; Simply ; couched Statenrt.ent covers the .fbrmatipn; of a unit tihdei- hostile^bbnditions, the. work;of secret ■ orfraniza.tipns tb bring abbut : its: leadershij): and. prbparedriess and its work in France when the spread , ■ t war to- that .country, p Ibng-aWaited moment for, reprisai^ ; .Little shbrt of inspiring isVthe,tale; of courage 'with which,the;Czech,unit faced; - poissihle annihilatioh when , Pirah cie,'s ■ capitUlatioh.': tO' ;'the' Nazis came' ; Rescuedi in ,'grbUps from ,:hid- iiVCf-bi.U spots ahd.darigef .zories. fight- ing: force is now:in Britain, arid still _.hittii)g:- -;'- ..- - 'y' ■ /_ :^ ard wordage, 'All War; News.' Book Taken • Oyer :Gr.igihally .published; as ah experl- meht on, the Coast. fHo'iv tb Sing for Mbhey;'. by Charle.s'^ H^ and' Charles "palmer -has . been, acquired by.'.iiiarcoiii't, ;Brace & who'll promote the; tOrae' at pppular /prices. Henderson is a 20th -Fox contrac- tee currently assighed to 'Tin. Pah Alley' ahd 'Down Argbntihe Way'. Gonabbrator Palraer; - recently dom-: pleted a'.writing.chore aiding G^^ i Allen oh.,,her hew bbok; "'How- to;;Presideht'i' ;^ : • writer and music/ editor bf /College Humor; has written a;, short hook, 'Fame; . Fortune,. and Free iPretzels.' .culled; from his Oyvh experiences and Observations .during 25 y ea"rs .1 n shbw busi ; -.'Tome published ih -the :fall.--";---.;^ -.-:■:■ S- C.ohtihucd fi-bin' p*ff« 2. Lamhert^on Q .Continued from page 3i you can supply these data, which the enclosed bopies of letters to TAG failed tb produce. I artii also, writing in the belief -that ypu/ihay be more successful than I because I see in your .issue Sit July 24 a very com- plete ;accoUnt of TAC's denial of my .charges . while my position in the matter was Very briefly tovered. 1 VouldValso appreciatb y.our. bom- rhehts.: on" the . fpllbwing. questions; which', .cpme tb' nly mind in;' bon- neciioh with the TAG Statement on page ; 44. - of -the aboye ; mentioned- issue:" ; :;. /■■:' ■ ,..;i: ;';;...' ./.;.■; ■ TAG writes; *We in the theatre field . .. .' I .Would like to:lsnow who the ;'We, aTe/,;What their- hames and; affiilatibps arie, \sq' that. I . may judj^e their .authority in spieaking for the theatre; Ih. oth,er,- wbrlis, I., want to know Who. these 'We- are ■ Who have; aissumed the .p.psition of ; sppkesmen;. for. the. theatre, 'and; whose, opinions are ;sb Uberally spread; in VariiIty^; ■ Quoting: fUrt are alatmed ;at- your statehieht; (mine) bebauS^e- we see in - it a .subversive; (God help us!) effort to split the. uhions. -ih the entertainment . fleld,' I vwouid like to have; ypui" ;opinl6n as to the authority of TAG tb speak. for .'the : AmeEj^an Guild of Variety Artists,- thei-^-.Ahierican . Feideratioh; of Radio Artists, or the Screeii Actofs' Guild,;; in .this cOnpebtiohi:. If :not these, what: theatrical;' unions are they .^pealrfng.lof^. .. / v ;; ' .:':; " ' Cbuld;ybu/ihfoirhi 'me; whether any. accbiinting' .appeared in Variety or any, other periodical in the field,, bf the moneys collected by TAC for relief;;abrbad?-':.;-;;-■ X.believevl am hbt-alone in my .curibsity about;TAe'.s;ans.vfers to the: aboye questibns, ", irt . any :infor- matibn. you can give me pn. any. ot them. I thercfpre giye ybii my per- rinissiph ./to sbiiclt these, data ,frbm TAC aod;to;,:pfirtt;this in Vabxety.- I will-quote this letter iand your reply in; full in my' next remark^ tb .the iipiise bf Represehtatiyes on this ^matter./ ;In /ordbr that you .may be - more fully informed regarding my: charges, 1.. am; enclosing cppies, of the Cpn- gre-ssional Record fbr;,July 4 and 11, .cbntainihg.:;them.' ■; ■ ;,. Sincerely, ; . (Congressrhan) . ■ W^^^ :.. ■";.'/ .(First;.Distribt;;>Kansas)■' / Letters ia TAC' - .'• -■ July 22; July' 22, 1940. ;: Adelaide Bean,.; Executive Secretary,. ■ ;-.; "Fiieatre Arts Committee 1233 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. ; Dear\Madam: ■;';' I TVish to acknowledge receipt your, letter. I note ; what! you say about' • TAC being ' V democratic or- gahization responsible at all times to its membership,''and. also about 'if- responsible fjulminatiphs;: 6f; an illr informed individual.' . In order that : I may inore com- pletely . inform myself . regarding youiy organization, pilease '. send me the: names of jyouf officers, executive committee pr governing, council, and of your present membership. Sincerely, } Consfressman W; P. Larnbertson, ; Later Congressman Lambertson Wrote Adelaide Bean again* asking: . 'Would it be p'pssible at this time for me to .have a reply to my letter of July 22, concerning the jperson- nel of your organization? .1 am anx- ipiis tp avoid harming any innocent individual anS •; wbuld appreciate your cooperation.' He got no-reply, ; ;. 'Teacher Draws Deadlock . . Portland* Indiana,' ^Circuit: Court Ju.ty was discharged after it reported it was 'hopelessly deadlocked' and unable . tov reach; a verdict in the 'Little Scopes' siiit of Walter Phinney against the Redkey (Ind.) school board. Phinney was asked to resign a? a teacher in 1938 because he al- beeh; passed seve!*al weel« the :Four.-A's board; First:: nieetihg- bf ■ the.. new; • coixu-nittee 'will. take plaCe this week.. Under .the/reS^ Robert Newman, TraveIer -Novelis^ ;tion, ail - benefits , must be cleared ; : First- novel by:.^ Newma.n j by the Four A's cbihtnittee and Alan waV: sold to Lippincolt's . while the/Corelli, TA eMcutive /fiecre'tary:, is 24-year-old ; writer Was/ driving , ; ienipbwer'ed, merely ^/tb police the ■ ambuiahce : in Finland and : France j:behefits- under ' the coimmlttee's :' r ; /recently./ Titled 'Fling Out the ' structions. :;,-/- :.v .■;-':-::;• ■ - Banner,' it will be- published . early - hi . addition,; Coirelli is ;specifically ,ih 1941... .;; ;;/ /; ; ; . ;! bairred ;frbm okaying any. benefits, I Newman/ wrote second novel , spohsorihg any Benefits, obtaihing during the; hostilities in France, It's /talent for benefits pr actihg: as^mah- tagged_;^rio:, passing ■Beilg.V. andvhas ' ager of in/., ahy ■ othier capacity for.; aTso ;been/sold ^.tp Lippihjpbtt by Hai-^roups./hpldi'hi; benefits." AlFo/ on /Matsoh,^;NeWman's\ agen instructions fromthe . committee, /during the past lO months, haS been Corelli this week resigned from the ■ in two. wars and ei^ht countries,^ ; AG^/'A national boa'rd/bn the ground •/'"'.; : that as an employee of the Four ' -New. Periodical .;' A's.; unibns he should not be an of- Wlib; ; hew mag consisting entirely ; fleer of any such/organizalibii. / Al- ;of proflle.s similar to those in TThe /location of /ifunds collected /from New Yorker, is being planned for'beneHls will continue to be handled national :distributibn . in the. falL j by the I'TA bb Equity DissaUsAed- With 'Proof* :- UpPh ; reflectiori: and further coh- .sideration, . Equity . leaders . appear agreed on the viewpoint that neithet ;boncliusiye or Satisfactory proof has .been tendered by Rep;; William/P. Lami^prtson in support of his charges that seven members ;of the coiiricil are .Cbmm.uniSts- or .'fellbw/.trayel- qrsy'. hb.r 'that the : council is dbrii-. in a ted by radicals.; / Equity is also dissatisfied with the response/from Martin ;pjes, / whose congressional ;committee on Uh-Americahism.; was a.sked wrthout qualification to Inves- tigate the. Lambertsbn ch^>rges.; ' Adlbr^council realizes it prbbably made a, mistalce/in ;agreeing tb pub-: lish the, charges^ in .fullj-in. Equity's_ n>bhthly^' "The prbbTemV^S^ after a resolution jjto publish the Lambertson material, is whether or hot such material Would hot place the association op.(Bn to libel actipns by the cbuhciilprs named. Pointed out that the- Congressional Record, which carried the allegations, is privileged and therefore outside the laws of libel and slandbr, but other publicationf have not such :-im« ni unity. : Even though the courts have ruled that calling; a;, person a Communist is not libelous, some of the matter in the .Lambertson/ cpnirnunicatibnj may be;. The; representative frbhi Kansas wasVinformed; of .Equity's pp. sitipn • and he agrbed that the ma- terial should! : rightfully be,- closely iscrutinized by Equity's. counsel be- fore reaching print, and it's pbssibl*/ thejre will .be 'sonie deletions, Lahv- bertson's latest reply was; not satis- factory, however* because it failed to divulge any • further source of/' formation upon wh ich he based hij charges, other -•' than, his .briginai ■' reply. .; .■ .-;;•' .;■■ ■;-...; ' So far as it is known, only a • pe- tition carried in/the. Daily. Worker, a Red; daily, inspired the cbngresls- rhan's . pharges;: Petitibh supposedly • fay bring the/Soviet -system icarri^^^^^ the names of the six councillors, but' there were also signatures by per- sons in/ many. flelds,.: includihg, .notr ables aridvlearhed individu^^^^ has had its fill Of petition troublear'; and: it ■ ; kriown that many signa- tures, are affixed ; WithbUt'. regard to / the subject .^rhatter.;/ It/ is argubd; therefore, that ,the Daily Worker story can - be. largely discohnted ' fair as the actor; signatories, are cOn-. cerned. Some named by Lambert- / son concede, that they- sighed the ipetitipn : ih /question; but afterwardij.. repudiated the document. ..■■//^/■TAGfs,;Pbsttioii y: The tone of the "Theatre Arts Com; mittee' literatiire is also part of the background bf 'the Lamibertspn rha- terial, but TAG has flatly denied it is fronting for the/t!d.mmunisf party.. Equity; officers/are. hesilaht-at airing ; the charges iiii/ its own; publication and believe, those involved should have; the prbtectibh of the assbcia- . tioji until the objectionable allega-. tions are proven to be cor recti ./ ;The dub off thb press this week. . It wiU carry the' disclaimer*; of the . councillors named in . the ! charges,., all; havihg denied the Latn- bertson implications' and their de- mands for retraction/. This the con- gressman has - refused .io -do.; : In- vestigators for the Dies committee have, been backward, in supporting Lambertson, although, such, -sburbea ; declared'he was rightly infbrhied. ^ Meantime, llquity .is awaiting ac- tion by the Dies people. Prompt In- i'estigatibn; was den>ahded but tht - answer to the. actors' association did hot indicate that -would be' complied with; In; reply to the Equity com- munication ' came a tierse- note from" a cleik ;in the. Washington offibe bf the committee to the effect, that the; matter: would be handled in 'due time'.. Equity wants / the charge!,- aired so that if It is shoWri that there -is no basis for the Lambertson at- .tack, those. naihed ■ would, escape th onus frorn other menibers and dissi- .pate the possibility that they;might be discriminated against by man- agers.' .■/.-—:'^;'. .-.-^^ ■ . .V U. S. Types S. A. ..Continued from page .1. .note; can be heard from Pafiama to Cape Horn. .; . This; Variety reporter: caught or- chestra In Vina del Miar^ Chile-s com-. binatibn of Atlantic City, Newport and ;Bjarritz,;' doing the. Porter -ver- sion.,: Leader was a Hungarian who looked like Leopold ; . Stbkbwski.- Crew : Was /h^^ of Chileah.s, Braziliaas; and! Argentines...; No one spoke Englishi : But the 'Vbcal iSt.Wai dubbing in words that sounded as if ; h.e were warbling with a mouthful;of ; mashfed potatoes. --: ;■ .' ■ Numbers get here anywhere from six; months -to a y^iar after they roll, out of New York's. Tin Pan ■ Alley. Rib has them sooner because bf. th ; large number of.imported U..S. acts. Platler jukjerboxes.'rare. until;h are just .bbgihning .^.to be, lihpbrted into Argentina. ' / Chi Bund ;rontinued from page I, set : off; the; statioh'^i abtiori/lh / .. celling the sei^ieS. was announcement, ohvtbe prograni Friday;. Satuvday and Sunday. (2-4),/sulnhibning 'all meni- bers and 'all""! rsteners^ lo-"the-United Front : pirogram to do/their duty by attending the mass meeting in Sol-. diers .Field', and warning that 'none- dare or. Should fail,' It was at that; mass,meeting that 'Keep Out of the War' meeting that Col. Lindbergh rnade his speech advocating U. S. dealing with the Nassis if, the/latter defeat England.