Variety (Aug 1940)

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4G Weilnesdayt August 7# 1940 OBITUARIES 'Fi)ED'/;:OiiiFFiTHS" ■ ;• ^ '■:[■ Fred Grilliths.' t?^^^^ Geoi'ge j Delaney), 84/ well .krioiiviv. ciitrcus/and ; vaud6 partner :.of.'the iGriffith Brp?.,; :act,.; died at „ Herhe : Say/ England; .July - llv " ^/;vA - Apprenticed .at the :,i*ge of five to.' W.iUiam:-;i|redexi<^ MattheMrsy- he ;ap- j peared throughout Europe and-: tlie.} tJ. S. 'in circus :ahd yaudeyille for 16;j years, -He played in paihtomimeii/, joined''.'B^irnum and lat(^r.^ teamed with: Joe- Griffith vUntir 'the -latter: - : death;,: in .190i>. When iFfed, Jr., - re-;; placed.h'im and played for years, .still- keeping the name Griffife Bi-pS/ . : j For yeacs . their performirig house,' Pogo,. was featured ;ia. yaiude/. caba-j ret, circus! lii;, 1923, the' act . was . included" -tjie '-Royal jC \ Perforniande .at the .Co.lis.edin, ••Loh-sN don. iii .1921 he coinplefe^^ 60 years •' . in show husiness and w^ banquet. .by ^.the ...Graind. Ocder ■ .of.: Water. Rats, of- whicti he Was a' mern- i bar. Three .yeSars.ago he retired, aiid > hi.s wife .-and • son: ;iont with V Pago, . Survived Ijy son. an.d' .daugh-; ter,. --. ' i.-'- -.. •■, ■ '■■ kidneys iduring his athHetic. career at iJ.rand-Rapids iMifrh.). College. . ; . .Gilleland .was. former sales pro-, mptioh ,'nriarjager .of. CKI^W, Detroit, wiien ' that • station was; Americah- Owrigd, ahd';was^ also-sales promotion manager,, ..of . WSGN', ; Birmingham, Alia.,': before: ceming' to the . Toledo station.: where -he . was ^heard ;'^fre-: qiiently. as an announcer for many, programs; ;:- i \ 'Hji5. pai-ents hnd: a, brother survive. Buria'l in.^:DetrOit':\2:). . v- ; \ ■ '.. : DpNAt^ CALTIWOP Donald Galthrop,. 52,; stage .and ficreen;:characfer actorj'died in .iEng- lan'd jreceiitly: after a :heart :aittaclt. Grandspn; of ; Dion 'poucicault;. 19th •centiuy Irish dramatist and aqtOf and son- Of John .Clayton . iassooiated., iri . the buildirig ■ of the Cbu.rt ;.theatr.e, -tiph.doh, deceased had appeared with Sir Henry Irving, Sir 'Herbert Tree, Sir John Martin-Har- vey, etc, and had run his own thea? tre in which.he 'a^^^^ and ■ produced; He also toured 'America with Max- -inc' Elliott:': ' .;,-:.>'.^ ' j'y-y-.y i. Illnesff/'had curtailed his, activities recently/ rhainly' of- al film, aiature, and- : he had. ,cOmi)leted a role . ' Shaw's 'Major Barbara^, film at Den- ham the day before he .died. His twp elder! sons wei"e lost in ttie tvacuation. from Diunkirk. ..'-: JAY'.wiLSOx.;: -. ■ .' Jay •'Wil5o"n,^.C9,./^\M^O■ a.cte'^^ years :the.: A'nieiican,- stagei-- .died July .27 at- his- .home' iiv New YOrk;,. ■ After .' .h-iaking liis ■.debut; with, So\ iSinvith : Russe.ll'vat.'-'ti-»e:vbld'' Arch ':St; theatre: - .PhUadelphia,, in 1890, he .latei\ bcc'ame a. ine.mbet- of Charles F.rQhrnaii's 'company;, Wilson ' also had roles .In: thcrorigi'hal'pirpdu cf tiie, .•Front Page' ;.nd was seeh; with tiio Chicago' company of 'Broad- way.' Other. shows in which he had pai t-s. -. ; 'bpdswdrth;' 'Rey.cnge Masic.'' and,''The Band: Wagon.'; , - -His ;WidOw/ survives.. '■ :.;,' BIRTHS Mr, and Mr"*. "Tony Covator son; in Pittsburfih, July 27. JFatlier.'s . witli jEtzi-Govatcbaridi : •':'■. I -Mi:, and Mrs. John .(Harp> Vaughn, I sOh,. in Jacksonville. Fla., ;:July 29. Fathers a former :Pilt5bargh .nitery agent; rnother.. is; Gloria Smiley,. :niterv dahccF, arid, 'Miss JacksbnyjUe' •of :i938. ';-v'' :' X:'-■ •; ■Mr,.:and Mrs; Jrvihg Starr,,daugh- ter,: in- Hpliywobd^ :Aue^:!.' Fathei^ is: producer at Cblutn.bia/, ; X ,, /:^ . Mr/ ..and : Mrs. ' JoliiV ,WD.odcbck, daughter,; ;.iH- Holly wood,' A^^^ 2.. Father ■ ".:a re.covding editor:at Para- .mbunt;.v'::'. ■■■.•,' .. :'. '.:■■•.■ '• ■;.■.'. ■■./- ■',. . '/.r* .Mi*. and Ivirs/ Frank GqlinipertS,. son/ ln'Ne\\i;ai;k;- ;N/ J;., Au^.\:l;-...'Father is- Coast assistant; :to Monroe Greenthal/: United Artists expioitatioh head. _£__Cdiitinue<l fr.6ra page 39. ROXY, N. Y. light army that still hopes to send Hiiler back, conservatively speaking/ to paperhanging. Fox • also, has some comi^dy with :iri5v. ^tunts^ .and . C'Dntiniied fr<>m, page 1^ -:;.■■;;■ ARNOLD;i»OMERANTZ; : Arnold Pprrieraintz, 19/ child; piano prodigy,: M'ho: appeared: a^ soloist with;: the New • York • Philharmonic symphony ii orchestra; and the; Na- tiphai Orchestrai Associaitipn, s died' Aug; 1 at his .• hoine. in New ^York ■after a long.illness. : "- ^ A holder of the gold hiedai award- ed : to him by. the .New; York'Mnsic Week Asspciiation when he was nine, he - la te t entei-ed th e' C ur tis '. Institute of MuSic,^ jPhiladeiphia, pn a schblar- ship. More. recentlj^: he had been 1; actiVie in preparing cpncerts for. chil-' ' dren in?Philadelphia..- : , -.His parents, iuryive^ '• \ ■• ;'RAFE^-.SCbtt-. -'-...■ 'Rafe': Scott, .68,; .well.: kfip.vvn to London show b.usiheSs, died recently In LOridbn, For the better: part of his ' life he cut the ■ hair .pt nibst «tage folk . at .yjShipwrights, Shaftes- buvy:; avenue, "and when this shop closed he took: a pbst at; anotlier In Great :Wihdrnili' street nearby. Theatrical managers laid; store: on . his.- judgment as . a critic/ He ; was invited tb all'first nights . and. :'wrbte his bpinibn; of the shows -tiyhich he sent: to the ;mariagemeht.' . He ..prized a letter frbitt.: .Sir; Alfrod. Butt in answer to, ohe .of .his cnticisms^ in which the manager thanked hinl for his Views and: agreed a scene - he . didn't like,: saying.'it . would be changed. . A couple of :years ago the BBC secured his serviceii . for. a broadcast in their 'In Town Toilight' sexies. " ; -■:,BERT,JORDAN.; Bert Jordan, 74, onie of the oldtlme yaude; slan.dardg, - died: July: 30.' iii Belleyue hospital, New York. • . Jordan, a . song^and-darice, man, was :teamed .with Rose Ct-ouch.: Their act was probably best known in the 10 years, j list. pest -the turn , of the century, Later, he: did a singly, but had been inabtiv'e for; years recently: JBurial Was .iri Rochester, N; 'Y;; where relatives reside/.. : BIRD MILLMAN ; : ; ■ . Bird: Millnian, 45, died Monday night (5) at: hei: home in Canon City, Colo., frOm cancer of. the spine.. . : Suryiyed by pare;hts/> the • J. P. Williarns, :] former . aerialists!- from whose . act she sprung to interna tional .prominence at ajje Of ll when WiUiam;.Mqrris sp^^ nadian tour. :::.,:■/.: . G. FRANKLIN WISNER G, Frahklin Wisnei', .61; fortner khead pf. the press sectibn of- tlie 'Federal ; G.bmmunicatibhs- . Comiiiis-; sioh, died Jiily 26 at; Garfield Hps - pi tali 'Washington. Fii:st victim of the FCC 'purge,' conducted by foi-- jher ;Commish; Chairman Frank R; McNihchj Wisner had lived ;in virtual retirement since the fall of 1938. . Wisner •wras bOrn ' in. Ha'mpstead, Md.» and graduated from St. JohnV -Cpllegei, Annapolis,.: He. was a news^. paperman for many, years, starting AVith th(b Baltimore- Sun and later ibecbining :Washingtbn correspoiident for the New Yoirk Herald and the New York-AVbrld. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rpselle B. Wisner, of: Silver Spring, Md.,. and-^a daugh-^ ter,- Mrs., dordoii Smith Pairker,. of. j .:P'ittsburgb,-.:Pa,.-.'' TALlJOt; MUNDT '■ Talbpt Mundy, 61/ novelist,, screen writer and more reciently author, of the radio serial 'jack Arihstroijg, All American ^Boy,* died Aug, 5 in his sleep at Bradentbh Beach, Fla. Further details in radio section, .: CLYDE (TECK) MtftDOCK Clyde CTeck) l^iurdock, 48,, one- time comedian and Broadway dancer, :died at Urbaha, 0.,:Aug. 1.; - : Mrs. Sarah P. Adler, 71, mother Of actress' Frahcine LarrirhOre; died in- Atlantic Beach; L/: I., /Monday ,(5) after a^brief illness, A sister-in-law bf the late- Yiddish actbr. Jacob P.: Adlei;,. the deceased, is.nbt to .be con- fused Vvith Sarah Adler/ Jacob P.'s ;widbw and the mother of Stella:and Liither :Adlcr,: . . . ' ' : •.. ::;■ EDtiAR ■ L.-.'WEISNEI^.-.::;;^ Edgar. L..;Weisne^^^^^^ one of the. <)whers of is theatres^ iiicludiiig the Gold Coast 'hpuises, Shorewood. and Downer, affiliated with' . the ■-Ppx-- Wiscprisin . Amusement . Cprp;,' died Jiily 26: at his: hbine: iii MilwJtu.kiae after a long, illiiess, ; He was: widely known; ' throughout ;tiie .northwest .which he: covered ;:as salestnan ,fbr the old > Film. Bpokihg offices ' nd First: Najiional :pictures, ^and. .was art- Officer of the yariety cliib shice :its brgahi^ation. .■ .'-:. -•-■ ; 'Survivors Include/:•twa, brother.,:' 'Max:. and Har.bld, .-who .were: :asso., ciated . wlth:"him.: in. theatre pijiii^T; Mrs. Veima Yawitz. 32^ wiife of Paul Yawitz, ,: screen writer, died Aug., 2 . In Holiywood of a .chrbriic ailment..■ IVIither, ,78/ ;of /Charles: .'and Harry Kpmer and :grandmbther of: Adolph and Irving Goldberg, of the Kbrner &. Goldberg circuit, died in Detroit. Sister, .44. of El, Brehdel, film cpmediah,; was stricken fatally with a: heart' attack Aug;, .1, While walking in, downtown Philadelphia. Roy; Watsph, 48/ studio grip at paramount, died .July 27 in U, ,S; ,Milllary, Cal. : HERBERT C. GILLELAND ;.-;; Herbert C... Gilleland, 32, assistaht gisnerai : mahager. of,-WTOL, ."Tbled^^ died suddenly at tlie University of Michigan hospital* Anh. Arbor,-Mich./ July 29, from a /kidney affliction traced to an accidental; blow. on the. ; Eli C; Brimitier; 82/- father 6t Rich- ard Dix, film actor, died J:ully .27'.in Hollywood; / Johiiny Long', who'opened at Rose- land ballroom. -N. Y., July 2& fpr" an 11-week stretch, ha,s.had his contrabt extended to 16 weeks. ' ;' ■.' :.."-''•.' - overlooked for the Sake of 'drum- ining' up national defense; - ' Newsreels. Ditto - ■' Bcsidei ; the features and' sHorts/ all the . newsreel companies weeks ago. pledged: their full cboperation to.', ihcprpbrate riational diefense fpptage and patriotism where feasible.. "The one 'single big effoirt along :these lines was the July 4 special when .all the reels/ Used / -GOd : .Ble'Ss Arherica' music - a.S' background: for thie. patrl- :Qtic;^ubject matter./ . - - : /Cpluihbia iS mot. definitdy. set on features ringing in the preparednbs^ angle, but may reshiiffle the; script on; 'Behind the Migihot; Line,': a story propertj^: oh Which- no. .work has been dorie. lately . " order , to bring'in; this slant,: /'ftiad Men of Europe,' yarn . bf. present war deali Ing.: 'V/ith: parachutist '.activities, al- 'reai.dy .. has been :Te)ej(sed..: it; deals; with "realities of ; modern ..wia'rfare. Cohipany also is makihg *Oi»r. : Na- tional Pefehse;' • th.e final/in a series x>f WaslVington' Parade - shortSi. Metro anncunced fout /features at its recent ..New Yprlc;, sales .confab; which, may ■■ be. emplbyed to bblst'er. natipiriai defense. •: 'Flight Cominand,' ah aviation thriller, is slated to show rathifications of . air iservice.-: Other three aire 'Caus'e,fbr Alarm,' 'Combat Car' and /'Dawn's Early, Light,'/iak. dealing 'with/Revolulionai'y ,War pa- • triotism. .'I .Had a Comrade,* dealing With -war arid Germany, may be put in same: .category. . Company alsb has 'several shorts under cOttsideta- tion calculated to inspire, national spirit; its. 'T^he . Flag .Speaks'- "and other . patriotic'shorts will probably be reissued periodically/ Other Majors . ' Paramount .will make 'I Wanted Wings,' ah air story. being produced with'the full co-operation of the ayia- , tibn; c:orps of the U. ,S.-Arhiy at R;an- dol^ih Fieidi . ' Company also . has 'Arise; My -liOve/ story about an American:-aviator .who.- joins, ihe British fighting .forces abroad. What Is; described as" ,an inspired propa- ganda speech to build up the: strongr :est;itiilitary/air force' in the world, is incbrpprated into One of : the: film's closiri'g passages. ^ / : RKQ/has ty.;-b definitely lined up or completed; arid rhay ring in the .pr.e- paredne^ angle for. 'Citizen Kane,' the Orson Welles picture. 'The Ram- parts/We Watch,': already released, of; course, is definitely propaganda tor A^erician. national, defense. 'Meili; • Against: the Sky,' the. other picture/ tells the tale of a modej-n aviatipn. builder and his >ace against a :fo^- eign;Cprnpetitor.. " / 26th CentUry-Pox rhay/incorpprate the: patriotic flair into -GharteiF . Pilot,': presently - listed . , only: as - a Straight aviation rnelodratna, Same^ treatment may be given 'Youth Will Be Served;' saga Of the CCC camp program.; Understood alsc« .that: .tbe conipahy. has a couple, of other perid- ing . productiph.s in, 'mind tP help ■ the hatibhai, defens.e;:; . / .;.. ;' -; United Artists' sole ■ entry sb,'far is: 'Fbreign, Corresponderit;'' but/ Others niay be shifted ' abbut to bbost, fpr American :preparedne.^s. . Universal lists; only 'Give Us /Wings' as drumr ■ :ming up the martial spirit. ...; Wariier; Bros, .probably will, ihjecl' patribtic; ehthusiasrri: iiitp four pi ;its; fbrthppm ih.g „ ; prpd uctioris / besides, turriing.- put five shorts'^ having: to:dO . with;the nation's military,/ The fea- fures .tehbtlvely listed a*e ■'Amazihg: Story of vSergeant^York,' which .jess^ LaSky will ,-thake;; 'Lost iBattalibri,*^ story about;:a drarhatic phase of:the last world "war; 'Jphri Paul Jones,* epic - of ::.earlyrday ' Americannaval hero;; arid -.;'Capt- Hor^tip Hornblo'iV^; er,' nd'vy fictional yarn. ' : .: .• .. The Warner, shpr.t^, incl.irde.. 'Scry--: Ice^ With . .the- Colors,' . cbiicerning army life: .'Ypurig Amerlea , Flies,'; dealing/With young :meiv training[,fof the air seryice;-'March oh Marinies,' 'The Tanks Are .Coming,'/aridi .an. un- titled One about the nayy. First'twb have, been cc^mplbted/ Dick, Don and Uiiiah; cOmedy acro- bats ■ -who, ifs to - be;. Tegretted, • wer:eri't around: when .: vaudeyille .playing •time was iyvote prosperous,; This is a crackerjaek act of its. type/ including: twOvboys and . a girl latter having look.*;: and garris of/distinct : showgirl stamp/ ; They • W-ould have < beeh. surefire twp-a-day material; which isn't discouriting theiv./excepi- tioriai inipressibii here opening night :in/frbht of: ,;spayseHaudience/ : Day , delivers fiVe/ numbers and. clicks, easily with, his, smqbth tenor. ;He goes Paddy with/only .one; Irish tune, :how.ever, the rest bieirtji current pop .^aves.- His style is:'riice and his s.tage manner easy./Which is all I'o the good, particularly ■ for, a radio sinister;.- ' -■.'-■-:•: •■,-.,.: ■'•,■;;:-■ -'..■ .:':'-, Early In the ^hoW. axii . virtually thrown at thie audience/ is-a tabic tennis, exhibition by Colehiari Clark; Who is said tb haVe wriiteh tlie book,. ahdV Billy "Willard,/also a ehariip of parts.; This type of.act :|s a frequent repeater at the Roxy and its pres- entation is always mtich ihe satne,- aii-anhoXincer,- in ,thii5 case Bob Lari.-: mier, callihg the. shots, which are only top ; pbviouS.: in. • themselves. Larimer.'^ chatter, ■however, is 'pleas-' arit and heightens rather than de- tracts frOm: the nbveltv: After a few trick shots, Clark ind Willaid play a .'15-point match. Opening night Willard beat :■ the champ, which helfjed'along in the illusi'oh that it's all on the level. Audience^ inleiest' IS held aU the;way; ■'. - . - V. ' . , The,Foster line really't much to do/^this. week; prily one routine, the table tennis bpenery lookirig im- portant, ..Bii't this was spoiled by the band: being out of step with /the line; or vice 'versa;.., Beri:;'Yost's New Yorkers, mixed octet, .appear' to be °^ tbe Way to becoming an institu- tion here. They fit. nicely, espe- cially.: with "Bbog ::it;' where; inci- dentally,. It looks as thbiigh the line hiight .also .be used'to advantage. ' ■ ..'^r'-}■■■■■ ■■■■"::■■ - .■■/-■■■■:■■;.■.'- . ■' -■..; Sq/ib,/. .. EMBASSY, N. Y> ■■.;:, > .(NEWSREELS);;:;■ ^ After plenty of :weeks of lack- lustre domestic subjects and tired, no:w In full war regalia instead ot shakos. ' Pathe ;provides: some tiriie -. worn; scenes of ^London kids being. evacuated, /but adds: a nibdfcuhi bt hliriian interest by the/ uhconsciou."? contrast, bf- the .two royal princes.'ie.s/ being very fahcily evacuated /by hiptbr launch./" 'Tnere's one othQr. Londbn-localed clip,..also:Pathe, of a fire- in a lumber yard. : It flares high but riot yery interestingly. ;. Defense prbblems :naturally taka ;up the major part of ;lhe serious do- mestic copy. Par has F.D R.. " spectipg dpferises* while Pathe ha.s/ him giving a sinjilar o,p/ to a navy yard/. Par treats: of -threiei' phases of ^efcnse • otherwiseiA first, conscrip-V .tiori; se.bohd,/aid for' Englaridy arid third,-'arms prbduction; Fox shown. SecTetary Stimspn testifying before" a, Congressibnal coniriiittee/and Uiu^ versal has William Khudsen reports in is; on defense progress/::: Like most men in public Jife/.;they!re iniposhig on neither the film nor sbiarid; tradk. Wendell, ii. Wiilkie, of ,coui-.seV: cpme^ in lor./bis share bf treatmoiit by both; Par: and.. U^ Latter's the :- best, shbwing; him dictating ' his. ar- eeptance ispeech. /Arrival;Ptthe S.S/ America in ~ New: York .harbor '-is / handled from both water and air by/ Pathe in the usual ^hbts.; ■■. .: ; ' Effectivie itraight- liuman interest- ' corriedy is prdVided in full measiiVft by U With a bathing beaiity, contest for ;graihdmbthers—-judged by graixd;-: pas—at; Cbney Island, Sports field li also-loiitstaiiding' this week With tbp- notch pictures-by Fox, of: racing ah Holly wood Park and: by Metro at the : opening of Saratoga... Also attentiori.- wiprthy are; Fox's :Seabright: tenriia; uictures,- the same^: company's ;shbts ,of / a hydrbjilane jace and; an 'oceaja i swimminjf ;race in Califbrnia; pathe. comes throiigh .-well/ With 125 tiny, sailboats racing,;alsp: On the Coast. . .. : Lew Lehr's bit -is a ^'rassle royal,' : about half avdozeri toughies in a riiig;.: putting: bii. a great; show. by ..slapping;: I eabh other ' around; , 'Uhiversal gets : ,. in -a plug- for its picture, :'When ;the: I Daltons Rodei' by •showing the slar-.- attended bpenihg.ih Cpffeyville'; Kari; Despite~the ad copy, the films qualify. Embassy requires-.only one short, ^i? Universal-: travelog; to coihplete th« bill. , Pne. bf /the •'Going/ piacesV seriies. It's;abbut the /British W,^st- Indies and not enthralling. . Herb,. war shots.:froni abroad, of Which al most everyone has had his fill, news- reels this session contain a i efresh- ing jolt.: There aie two exciting:arid dramatic sequences, one from home one from Europe^ that are principally responsible for the upturn. : First is . the fire in a Camden,. N; J., pziint and grease .works aiid thie second is- the sea. battle which took , place be- tween the English and Italian fleet, in the Mediterranean a few weeks ago.- 'While' there are a good propbr^ tion of. int-etestihg; clips in the! reels- otherwise, th,ese ■ two . make- alinbst anything else look pretty tame, ^ Embassy uses shots of the Cartiden holocaust frorii; two companies/ Metro and Paramount/ Metro's; are by far the best, not only because' they are more complete-^ but because they are much more humairi. They get away from the blaze itself/irequently to show victime, families, flremen, crowds and other aspects of the people involved. Spectacuiarism of the fire itself was a setup for the newsreelers, with explosions and the heat causing one high wall after aft* other to topple,: Both reels also have some shots : from the aiiv although th2se are taken-from such a height that; they, are not i)articularly re-, vcaling. .:; ; - Scenes of the Mediterranean naval battle (Par) are one Of the news- reel surprises of the war to date. Passed by the Italian censors, they nevertheless show to what a great extent, the British: fii-e was effectiye m damaging 11 Duce's shii^s. After the , conflicting, claiins /of the two countries while the battle :Was rag- ing and immediately following/ this IS really a; revelatiori. . There's ho doubt; at all that the Italian war vessels were badly hurt and escaped complete anhiliilatipn only by- scram- nurig under a heavy smoke; screen. Shots Were aU made from the Itsiiian boats.- .apparently by; a cariierariian attached to the Fascist: navy; Why II Duce didn't put a match "to the negatives-is. mystei;y:, ' / _ Almost as good are clips of a. Nazi- air raidori ah ..English convoy in the Channel, distributed by Pathe, they show at length.' the German '-planes diving on -their objectives,-the puffs of anti-aircraft fire from the boats and several planes' shot down;. Scenes are both, technically .inletestirig and breath-taking.: Particiilai:ly surpris- ing are, shots' madeAby the pilot of a German plane: with a cariiiera' syn- chronized with his machine gun. Every time he pulls the trigger live- film girinds and the lenS fbllows the path of his .bullets/-...'//.;.: \, ' , : .Foreign • coverage:- otherwise is rather, limited. Fox- shows a neat fcohtrast Of Bastille- Day in France; and Bastille Day in: ,Eriglarid. In the fbrmer,-,vFrcnch ti'oops aye mbrchin.«' •tp '.: prison camps through - files bf Weeping; civilians, while acro.s.'? the Channel General De Gaulle is gath ering free French force? " MARRIAGES Helen Hoffman to Dr. Lloyd Sit- ' vcrsteiii, in Hollywood; : Jiily :2{>;.; Blride is a niece of Lbiiis B, ;]j4ay(^r. ; Kathryn Case to Duke: McHale, in Elkton, Md., July 2; - Bride is with; the Diamond Horseshoe, N..Y., .ballet; he's the dancer. -■; ■ .v / ;/:-';-' . / Carol M. Stone to Robert W, Mc- Cnhbn, in Forest Hills,.N. Y.> July 3t Bride is the youngest actress-daugli - ' ter: of Fred Stbne. ': ■'..-;• • Alice Hirst to - iiFimmy Kept iu MOose Jaw, Sask., July 20, . H« I9': announcer with CKCK, Regina/ .; ' ..Mildred; Mullen, . Chicago; radio singer, tO.Phil Crane^ KlRO/ Seattla, baritone in that. city/July 20-: .Vicki ^Abhbtt to - James:" -TriieXj, June 29, in New Ypi-k. : She's legit and radio actress/ He's SQh:of^ Ei-fiest ■ti uex, ; currently at -Mohomoy . thea:- trie, Chatham, Mass. /" Loretta Young to "Tom Lewis, in Beverly Hills, Cal., Jiily 31. Bride- is a film star; he's a radio exec/; Marguerite Tiaylor to William H. Courtney,, in; HcHyWood; July 2!'/;- Bride is daughter of Laurette Tay-. lor, and was formerly assbciate edi- tbr of Fortune; : : Jean' Beaman to Robert Bearman, in Yuma, Ariz.,: July 26.' Grbbm is-a/ phptog for NBC. .' Adele Schneider tc: Frank Newton in Chicago, July 20. ; He's a Des Moines radio writer. "; : Gwen Brower to Milton Atkin-son; Fort Worth, Texas, July 30. He . / ' a..ssistartt traffic manager foV kCKO, Fort- Worth. - ■;[, ;' Virginia Floyd to Robert Riley Clutcher, in Los Angeles, Aug, 3. He is screen-iradio .writer/- ■ ■ ; . :' Helen Germaine tb Frank :Pitfnau, in Hollywood, Aug. 1. He is/NBC soUnd-effects man. : Florence Harris to Irwin Naitbvey in New -York, Aug. 2. He's meriiber of the continuity staff of WMC'A, New -Ybrk.-;;■,'.-■.'".';■ . Agnes Heirmansen to Bob Carter, in New York, July 30. He's /4u- ; npuncer on NBC and WMCA, N,' Y;r she's an' airline hostess. :. . • ■ Cole' McLaughlin to; Goristanti'ti / /Brown, in Port Royal, Va,, skedded /, for Aiig, ,10.'.Btide-'is legit/ player;" he's a Washington political writer. ; Bob Aumah's;orclt, ex-West CtiM- ter: Teachers' College; crew, wilf fiivish seasori at /Tom Bridger's biifc ■ Grove House, Mitford road hear East into an ' Strpudsbiirg, Pa;