Variety (Aug 1940)

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Wf^lnesday, August 7, 194Q 47 ^__^C6ntinUed U6tn page 2, themstlves pn and rfirjks be seen dispdrting t-afe terraces Or in restaurants. Now ji'^ just . aperjtif : where formerly an expansive host cfTered a tountl of expensive cOhcoctions lor jiic friendF. N0w iVs a brandy ajid 'poda where ■ previously it..;-was . a whiskey/and soda; Now it'§ .a leS$ expehsivo i-estaurarit; where the food Is good/ but: virhere the service 'is .'tnbre modesti Diners are now.'prone trend of events, and the maiiider will be juhlted due to lack of capital. Cinemas in the noh-bccupied zones , are doihjg wicli, maiiy still. showing Holly\y6od products.,. No hewsreels 'bisihg shown, although and had »: disastroui? effect. . .oii- . Paris' .nightlife;■ Legit' Hf -^^'"^^^-^^^ "^^^ folded .completely, although- oth^s the Qerman.UFA . and Itahan Luce continued on a cisiUple; of cylinders. After • ■: the;. Low,;,' .cd.untrlies ' weire!, crushed . and; the Germans' cntiered .'t'rench territory ifor the first; time,: most Of the . film^rifes and' yairiety hiouses shut': doWn.'- ? pancing .was outla\\:ed 'ani . clpsing, '•/hoiir. ifipVed FopiUatiQii Triple InTwiipbirary .-The greatest vStpTy of the \Var> o.Ut- .sid^s .of ifs.rhiiitary. plVaSes, perhjaps is the st.ory :pf the liie in the .temporary catjital.s,. fir?:t .TOurs, and vthen iBor- deaux. , : In th^se) andL btlier -'Oitiesv towns ; and viliajjes, the populatidii .\yas.. .tripled.' and, q.uadr' the. .tush, pt ex-acufeps' from .- Parj"? :. and hpttherh France, /and pi'bsented: !^^^^^^ Cal>autharii;i-?s".\vivh spme .'Very per- ■affeeted .ahead theriBby atilomatically^^^^ forcih^ to -take.: rapid- glahce ;dOWn . the ;.tlie | shuttering.- ol,,. h.otsippts,' bars, TJ-^bt hahci/column of ...thie. menu -be-,|d)aiiceries .and: other, hangoutsiAlv^ •fore ordering their favbrite ';dishesi j thQugh not obliged;ta. do spj .many 'LjipS aiteinpt is now made to. keep up v pafes and. reirtaurant'&' pulled -dpwri ■ wUh. the. Joneses^; .. ■..) the , bllndj; ..sinc.e. .the. rnass.^. evacua-. ■ •Inversely, sOme iare spending mp're.i tiohhad -a disastrous effect ■ bi?;-;- than formerly' and .getting rid of theit^ Savings in a 'last,•.jh^d/splurge..j closing:' ; oh. the- capital; anything ' Plexing problems, '; . This group has Jittie : cohfidence' in. still Open . shuttered .without a seC- ].. .'^PMi'S and Bordpaiix, w. the^fijtvrb and. want ;to" crbwd .im the, mOving ,of th.e:gove.m-'. much fun as possible' while there 'is,' when the. Germpris ' entered '■■ town, ■ jTie^.t tp these - cjlies-lSrPiight along- ^ftill lime/ '' ; • . • . ■/■ :' --^--- |they- found : . -city -Without cafes, I ■^'lousands pf others such'as newspa^ -Ahbther aspect of the, problem restaUran:i5r. c:hienias,':.'res '^^ mjlitiuty, ofriciafs; Whith 'has hot yet been- giveii more ^other/ehtertaihm spiots. ,:Radi.b:p^.r:get gairrisons. news ......... ... . . . . . (.; , . a.d-vent.ureVs;- curibrfty v-seieker^^^ and their wiy;es and'^a^niilie.^^ £is. the;-usual Tijh-of-the^Tni^ Feeding - and hpu?ihg . these, extra thous^inds .was lip .easy 'problem. .. People slept . in c^ .ti'iicks...door- ways. .offices,. ■ corrldbrs, roofs.- and Walter Kerr, 'IfGrrnei'. Paris cprrespondenf. for tiie: .N, Y-: Ker8ild ;Triburie and soro^etirft broadcaster on trahsatl^ gave a. quiet tut: teliihg diesciription Of'the bid. French .capital uhd^ program 'We,.;the People'. JKerr, whom: sprrib listenei:^ m^y 'have rb- called for his.'graphic pictiirei of^ in .Gzechpsibvakia two years • :ego,.had just ai.rrivbd. via Clipper^ ahbr N censor killed siii: or. seven- stories he \vrote:. Tale he- related ■ was.' differient frorn - those Tecerilljr ■c;KbIfed...arid:.aured./oUt ^ ;^'^V''' ■■'l^:: ' '.: VParisians; and: French: people are. notireconcile.d Ip ^^^G^^ dbniiha-, tipn, he said. Fpr the ipr.esent they. have^tb',liv V^b^^ 'someday, we . . Wiir find but-'.-Who .ijetfay'ed.Us. and :weV w cbrrie back.* Kevr sta.ted ■' "Paris /was P^^^ with ;:posters\ showing ; German / s French children. iDbspite/depth;^ riot fccen 'One. which ^wias..not .-torn! .badly,■ ■ ' ' . / .'/ French/people/also give;\fOo^ iescaped British- prison-.. >rs,. although: this also involves death penalty. In addition tp^ telling of Nazjs %obse stepping, .to ;bah<d^^ m ey.eTy afterrxpoh./with French ignoring^^ 'the .most: terrifying' newsreels on .b by Germans Mri Pairis;; .T5ie few French , pat^^^ cations bf their- reactions except. 'Qc.casiprial; gasps'. ^ /; / / Slug of Milk, Please ' Vichy, .France, July '2.'i, ipibrcing the glpom that accom- ,. panied th<? food shortage , ih; France was a note Of humor that- - •recailed; ■ American . jspeakpasy ..;/daiys.-./;■' . V '•■-/ ;■ ■ '•. ■■■■/ :// /■■ In Marseilles, milk , was /the.. only: shortage, iind 50/ the/ au- ' . .thbrities decreed that none, was to be. served in. the .cafes, orders . ihg it set aside fbt children and,, • the siPkv :..Gbhse(iuently, /cafes_ / tobk . on, thcL aspect of spbaksr^ ■ ■ ipr the scirvlce of.'jTiiiki. :i: city that hight to learn that the rt* ports were false. \: Some had been on the/ road for days and .had slept .in their cars/or hfid . gpne bff. tb the side of . the road and slept in .the. grass.' Jean draffis,.. cbfrespohdent fbr NEA, walked from Paris: to ..Bprdeaux, a distance of 400 miles ahid took /a Avbek. to recover. ■ Sam . ipashiel.l . and .. Steve ./'Pulton, ':■ United Prtss correspondehts; cycled. the entire distance. The: only /time they slept .in a bed. was in Tpurp /Bhd that sleep lasted tjvo/hpiirs becauyfe the GernrianV:bombed, them out 01 it. It ;/i5. .estimated; that Hhere - are ht- /. i tween .six and. V.QOd.CiOCi: who i haye- ' left/their home and are. nbw/.in jthe —»—f^ -. .\ ^ I non-occupied■ areas. / itself by shop'pirig:.afoun'dV - !>*' {■ 1?' fo* ' cheese;/^SEirdine?, ..ham/.-'sau..^^ ■ -l-,"^ - IllVlCra.. .KClaineCl ;,..^^.; ■ ; fruit and then pairking oh a -cafe :: Vpcfiirp nf Nnriiinl^V terraoe.-.^ This-privilege :^ya5 granledi: ; .:•. ;: ■Wi.^.J-:^ as : long as 'you bought a/^botlle ;bf :j. / Cities.^ like' Marseilies: ^ahd ^"Other ■ difficult to get and,restauranti; limit- -' ' , . • •- ed the rtien.u to bhe/entree consisting j normalcy ■- before :; and/^^^ pf- appetizbr or/spup,; . ; .jiiea't. .Or ! Arniistice. If/it.haidn't be.eri foi ^ twb V vegetable dishes, cheese and ' gral Ge^^ and Italian aerial dessert. . . > , ; ''T^j^mijin^s/pf the slept: nightly on/ mattresses.-.gener' ously' given by the /American Red than cursory ■atteritipn/is: the 'fact hbadquarlcis had .mbved-. Out wi that thb ' German' oc'cu of .the the .army.'// Naii-tutored -.iFren'ch - iotali^ • in ■ -the fateful; . days /Which 'fol^ lineup will. UhdoUbtedly ;bring- about- lo.vyed, and ./uhtil ..the arrnistice.- /v/as s::pui'ge of:/ the theatrical, literary sighed:^ Paris- A\^as, prai:ti and artistiencircles of its Je\yiish bom- j city. ., Sonie cafes aridi rest.a 11 rants, porieivts/Although; perhaps less thah;id^ in 'soine-bther icouritries, the .Jews in .■ cases ..tried., to cariry./ on , but it was, pir.k benches. Others rode or /walked Fra'ncb,.er'erci>ed /a /great, influence'a . far, cry from /what, it ; had/been. ;OUt tp .the outslvirts-bf the temporary in these fields/ ahd-^ :ih .iTiah^^ ./Gihbinas did,.:gbod ;biz in. Tours arid bapitaLs eaciv night to. sl^eep. under tent • or merely/. sprawl/Ihem.^^^^ out; on a blaiiket in the grass.. Every, available spbt.:'wa.s claimed 'hours/in' .''advance. Many 'siept .five and iix to . a; ' room—and .'not always. ' /;,, hotel/ rborni'/ Many; of. the lobal; rented out- a spare; rooni Or :an /i,ihused ait-- tic or .Office.."/. v,:'■• .. ■■ /',•.;■;■■/' American/, and /radio /cor- respondents;/ -Were :faced /with' the: same plight.. In TPvirjs.most Of them . had/-hotel rop'iirts. even, if/th^y /were crahiped a bit; ,.<iiniply. bepause their' offices had hiid the fPresight .to mak'e arrangernerits ' before .leaving;/ P^riS/. Bordeaii.x -was a: ;different, propbsi- /tion and they wei-e lumpi^d togelher with .the; other refugeesV"-/The Irifbr- matiOn Ministry promised • to find rooms :for .them but ..they riever got ■around; -to/, ■this;. W Bprdeaux' populatipn boosted from ;256;00p .• to nearly I'.O.OO.OOO, it waS*a 'que,stipn bf ■first cbme, 'first served^ , .,.,Cprrespbhd- ents slept ' oh their wp'rk .,tables, bri. floors,, in the' censOr'is,- office.^, and in ■ the ..corridors of:' the buildings/ in which they worked.' /,' -; y ■ ; , .:Ohe agency con.'^idere'd/-itself for-: ... . . i^tUhate . tp ;rerit/the^/fb'rmer/office ,Of: ' wer^-the mainstays. French andl'fbr^-' Bordeaux; .anhbugh mbst , bf •them i the; Austrian iCo.riSul jn. a: wine hb.ivse .^*ign:■. Jews, had lafrge.' !-hiid • tp. :sho\v doublc^ fealiire pro- r v^b^''^: seven tired v correspondents all the,branches bf the fiVm induSti-y- grams br one picture garnisl^bd.-Vith This.was alsb ,true of ;legit,<riiusichall:-s Shorts .and/ documeiitary , ■end revue libuses. , ' . -j films since ,they ■ had: run out .of;Cross,. ;,.Although- : the . mattre.sses ^ Althbugb the. outbreak bf. war -ih-' hbwjjreek :NaIbb hPuses'did. alrighti'wereonthe noQr, the cprrfsponderitS September placed a pall On all forms I i'ince they flashed old newsreels -1 cohsidered: them.s.elvcs. fortur^ate :^nd ^of,entertainmeht. a' seribiis effort":©!! Hhe screehl^/Sandwichymen went;.better off than many-of .their, coir was TTiade to redress • the^ituatibn- fi'onV:cafe to-cafe distributing hand- i lcagues who.slept.with:3ust: a blanket sabdv:as far'as posisible/to nbrmalizei-biilsi ^ advertising .-the /respective, wrapped .aroiiiid .lhcm and-a'-tele- • jt.:^The:greatb^..handicap,,of cbui:se,b^^^ ^ - -i - /■• ' :■:;; ■ ■■ / | phone^o6kl(^-serye as.a,pillow.;Th^^^ was the mbbiliiatioh: bf actbrs, tbch-1 . With . thb armi.^tice,' the. Germans . wine .house, lobked veVv gopd the nicians- arid' other male help.. As.' 'attempled, to put,some; gayety. back ; night the: Germans :came ever and, - sbon; as: it ^became 'aiiparbiit'thab/jt-iritp . 'gay/: Paree./ : GiiiemaS . ■ re- | droppedi.bombi^ -for two. h^ur-,be. AvaE nbt .to be -a war of mutual air- opened, -and /rGstaurants and cafes, cause- it had / . of the bep.t-buiit ; bOmbardir>ents :aM brthodbx type of'trie^ a ;nbrmai ap-;} cellars/ in the :cit,y;^ The - boys .felt warfare, biz picked up Studios got pearance despite , food- and liquo-r i:Secure even if. a. bit disgruntled. .- MOgether; -a?,: many' •male:^ ;actbrs,.i'hortages. ' ■The::/Cafe . de.;. la P^ix;; .Well-known ..actors; ; sinj-ers; and .' camersirien and directors as they j ag bas ' its . intemational- cli.en-;. entertainef.s, --who only , a fe-w weeks., could: find and began: producing tele, but :also, its ■ uniformed •Ger- :.;befohe had ;names a, foot high ■ new pic'ts, some of, the propaganda- ^"an. 6fficei-.s.: who dominate the ter- j on Parisian .marquees, . were -no bet- , category, ' Showcases 'dressed ^ up race ' section. : Maxirn's, top. .is re- j ter off.; .Although, recognized on thfe . their' marquees again 'and advertised-;-PO'»-ted; :ip be ;the fayo.rite '^barigout v street /: made; any ; fuss ..Pyer new and -old French' and American ;for the conquerors;/ The Fblies Ber-.| then\.:/ ,Gone for the time being,, at films.. New revues, were launched. i-ge''e: is unshuttered; / The -ciirfew. is/;,least,." was- the. rush .for autograph?;,: Vaude - 'houses- did .biz• -' tb^packbd V'sti;iet; ho^^^^^^^^^ its. lights out at - They, toO, /slept ;pri , floPrs, : in cars,, ■houses.';;/Legit ^c^•bwded_ vaiude ,'fOrj^9 .ip^ ;.i; and :flo ■foOj-ing. ;; / r • :|- ; if' fortunate; in .hotel r^^ first: plaice. . Niwli^t ■shpWs were :.riolh -l'ijm . studios ' .are: still; shut /^and^ ^(t^inir Wpni'-tlnvc Witfir^it. • far behitid,^; Danceries: were the'last:'-.tbere/ts:great:iike)ihoOd;that:it;\yn / to: reopen,'; biit once; the..,' toey ,:reop6n./i iTakiriff Off THcilf G^^^ :^ ■\wasgiven; flobr;jspace.^vasnot'av'ailr"/In' ..^ France, . herelofore •*• : : ;■:.. ' . ■ - ';. ■ /- .- able;. Horseracing in thefajsbibnable ; among tbp ^ .film^producihg. ri / Many .went day withoiKt taking - ,Bbis de Boulogne; . football .games, :'has-.; lost; ^ that; . ■distinction;-. The off their clothes, .and/all they could; boxing and other-, Sports , fixtures Germans; and : Italians ; will unques- ' g'e,* >'as .a hari.d and,,face wash. A, . : Were;'held as if there was - war , tionably, iiiake an effort to' repliiGe/bath \vas:. c.on.Mdercd a/ . . luxury -going : . RpsJtaurant^ ,ahd^ 'cafes-: Franc film pi-bducers.-'A.«:- .soon as/.and; moriy- the/ habi.t VQ,f;. t.a.kmg: did as- well as -before., the-'-thb :-.European sti'iig'gle ms over, :th?. d.aily;;,baths^ ;sUddehiy ;lear.ned that . , • .■:.. : / totalitaviah- , ,n'atioiis--.shbuld : 't ..they/could/^et along. v,-.ithoiit thenri .^^;,jri--Wiil-probably :m^ke: • play .fof -and-still tal«e -ahy active ]nlercst;;jn. '.the entire' :.Europeah . aird - Sbulh i- what' wa.<;: g;piivg.. about :thejTi--ev,eh: . American:, market.; They jhay reven , if they^felt a :bit.;grimy... Some, mpre;^ utilize French acting arid tc'chii.iCal :^nterpri.sing .than other^... .hoofed i i't • ;It •must -nol be miscOhstrued 'bow-i skill a.S a com'e-Dn: for,foreign marts, around town doj-ng the .rounds:of :thc', • ever, .that things W'ere normal: Tbe .! J the fate ; of ' American ,: hotels: Until theV found,: not a, room, ,blackout,: -restrictions ' on the ,.sizes 'di'strib's' i.s- tp-'be :" ,. still ^-iuikhown : but ;the. vi;>e;'of-, a bathroom,.. 'Wh^n :- of; audiences, a 'dearth' of transpor- ,;b.Ut:if what happens ib iherh :Ger-^ j th.ey "did they .came back.;.tp ;brag.::tc .'ta4i«» - - ...^ :..■ .. V .\ ,.-.!,,, . _ cri.tenon;/the , thein';fi-iehds;/: mo'ire ded; to the moment. The only ' / ,It'.-\yais no use griplrigi a?va. /vcung./ Frenchman- l:earned./; ';He.'bo because, a-; peach' he was. served • was; riiot/ ias ripe . as; he,: thought it' s^hould: have been. Immediately half-a dbzen/ sbldiers and •officers/and pther diners jurriped.up and let him. have it/.Tibey thbughtVit ;was a sbandai. fbr an 'able, bbdied/civiiiiari of rnilitkry. age to' cOmplaih ;-while pthers :0f the sam'e age were'/fightihg in the 'front /lines.. And they :;didn't hesitate/to sjiy so. ' Cafes■ vyere packed . firom •.. early, morning Until closing time. /Sugar sobn. ran out ■ most/of.;.the Boi-r deaux : cafes arid .: saccharine, /was served / in 'its place. - It was .served in liquid fbrrn .and /the drinker, had to :§prinkle his .coffee thrbugij a hole pierced;: through ; the •^•bottle ;■ cork; ■^Here^was a/heayy^run bn beer- apd 'nwr th? Viei^' Port it .could not bebad m-seyei^l cafes;[ ^g^^^^, anything: that, the .clientv until new stocks; :were: gotten jn... ^ /•;/',- / , ; •; Bread or rolls were-difficult-tb;get i. - •'-iv^., ■■.-' /'i.'' - •/'> -i t: ' ', in. cafes. ./Waiters, pbinted but the ,L ^ft^ the Armistice.:^n<3^just be-, nearest bakefiesitO:.their clients.. The 1 1?'^^^^^ occupation; of.Bprdeaux by extra effort was. wbrth: it;: thb refu. ' the/German: army,; A^Jen.only a;few. gee usually rbturnink with a/big bafe 'P^e ipf: German ^officers : were ■ m Of :hot 'buris or crescents. ; /- / ^ ; V' ^^^Vri.. !^ w^S^ quJte.a ;<omrnon sight . ,. - to see them.,in cafes and restaurants. /.However ^seripuS . this. ma;y . baye .jhey usually paid in^marks arid^ if. been, it hardly ;:cQrtipared with, the a,^y bu^stion . \yas :tai.sba they wOuld Isu.fferihg and. depriyation. of the re-1 reply that these niark.-i were 'bccu- fugees on their;.trels^ Paris an,d i.patjon- currency* and : each- ..mark ;the. north southward. . . Many ; came ' would/h.aye known a/'v«;'ar -was ,be>hg fPiight;' r'That; / , :exactly; the way! people reacted there. ■ ' ;: . Aithbu^Th things. were quite; mal tiiere/after the Arrnistice,/aii-. thbrities . admitted ' . that.; : .reserves \yerfe;being ■quicicly used iip airid pre.-- dieted ~ Serious cphseqiienbes w ithjn; a f few months /unless, •the; French mer- i chant rnaririe/couid: 'ccinlact ^with;: its. cbloiiies' a^^ also because I Gerrhans lwiere said ;to^ be :pic.king up alt the.foodstuffs they cbuld; find; in. the; conquered land .,for their.; own; people and army. / . ,-/ /■;'--.'^..:/'; In Marseilles: ipniy . t)ie ■ smalief jpestaurahts.-. strictly appliedfhe rei.- strictiorii called :for'by .the. govern- mentj jjut the larger and tbyrist type froni; Belgiurn .and Hbliand, and be- foi:e they had settled a, few hour.s ;in a sp«t . they:, Were up; and rhoving again. becaus€! Of the steady. Germaii advance. worth 20 francs. Iri every ca'sb. the officers Vere' polite ah(j 'correct. .Qn some casioris Freitich and .German; officers would be at ;ad|oining tables. ' They always saluted each; Otlier.; •The .greatest . tt^ff_ic :]am in his^^ .. The politeness of. the ^Germans did- probably occurred. June 9, ^0, 11 and . pt^eni/ certain pathetic siti^a- 12,. out of :Paris -and i^v the^ .days fol-,.^j ^^^^ occasion^ tbree Ger^ : lowing from; -pprnts further south,.;^^^ officers came into a small re^. Bl - «5?;;?efMgces. was ;SO heavy n^urant in ,Bordeaux. : The , waitress .that It took hours .to .advance a,few . ^^jj^^. tipon to :serve them ^started; lulometers.^ ,Some.t,;the line; was .^^^^ Fully aware, ot stopped for two or.three hours watb.|^j,3f ^sbappenhrig. One/of the elder: out mcwir^ an.incb .T^^^^ ^tSe^T!i£nS ol 5r '^^^'^ that they /meant .rio:b.rn1 • accidents and:breakdowns. :There.! ^'>^« ^'^y'^"^«M"^^°"^«^-/ ;: . were thousands of cars stalled on the j, : Fibhg news was the greatest;prob- sidb Of. the road, while ,bundi.eds-,lenn. ; Even before the , news outfit^ piilled, out. Of Paris; Commercial and; Western: "U.hiOn were Cut off by the; German occupation. of:;the Channel ports; The: Only medium left;waS: via/ radio.. An American' origaniza-i.' tion;: Pi-ess. 'Wireles.s, did' yeoman service.:. Heading \ hard-working,: apablc .staff was Lpui.s ;Huot. He .cleared .60,000 words daily for Amer- ican and foreign hewspapermeh who were obliged to irelay their stories to- WheriVthey slbpped':at night, tljere if «:UnH for .Qreatmnlam; was r -fbbd or shelter to^ be had; '^P^^' /other-,pj^mts Jjecause ^1^ _: direct routes were cut off, If it hart ..a "War. to Be; iCpn^rii^d ; rs Were Normal /taxat ion, ' the; constant threat of the Americans from the European ' the. very, rafters from .pot care,to,be amusedxwhile mothers 'they'^b 35 still to be re--; was obened:,..Watimg:. around .until :■. thovght :it: unpatriotic to be seeh:']ya.sed nd an: even largbf number , a table was „:'empty/was; usually,; an m . these gay. spots. - Everything'"of fir>=t runs,: There, is mbre,..than unfortunate ..:experi.encc ./; . 5=t''^)deredi:;the. situation>was-excel- -a' ;scbre of unfinished ones but most' usually there was no food, left by ■J^^- m ;thls first phase of. the war, : j of them probably Will never /the , the time: some one left to make-room : ^e-invasion of Belgium, Hollan " ; snd Luxembourg brbuftlit the ' '^P^e to jprehchnieii -Of ::all. cla: war. i j of :theiTi probably w'iil.never the, the time: some one jeii xo maKe-ropm. lUand light .Of dav7 - Some bf the si^i^cts Some - got; along on^samiwiches m war'^ aft^ .'displeasing / to.- Ihc ' :Gcrmivns. | cafeS, but eycn hei^e/the chances were lasses •■pthci-5 .■ outmoded.' becau^ie. ::of. '• the :■ si im, .Tbe/grci.t majprily: >'.mply, m of wrecks obstructed/^traffic. There ,i wa>: 'nb progres.s at night because:.of : strict'no-li'ghis' prder./ / ■ ; ' ,j f'ood Prpbleiti i Serious; /The' food pirpblem Avas seriou.'^V Thousands went foodless frpiri 24 IP 48 ;ii.ours because; they 'didn't dare :tp i,; hiilt for fear Of losing valuable time. Many : coiLsidered, thehiSelves fpitu- natb tb find a hunk bf : bread, or/ bottle .bf .mihe^ai:.wa'tci-^.Others:.wit;h ; 'a.-iait of fbresight,. had. .tal<eri .^aridr.' Wiches/and canned food along.. .:; .At,first, they y/ere' n6t..hai-a*v«.>C by German .planes' but/ after /the initifil' flow' /of.: refugees -from' .Paris- the Ger.rrian.s /jjegan : to /bear . dov^r'r ;.tnd. .:; r)pt;beeri for /Pi'.ess Wirel.e5.<r A mtri^; can readers', wduld;. haye ^. not/ had X :«ingle word of,what :\ya."i ;happening in France during the: month of Jime. -:.;.,Thi.s-- channel .'worked: ;'-u.alir ihb German- Arrhisticie term^; put. ibe .siiencer .on ;all raciib cbmmuni.catibns iri France.; Americah.s. :and: bthers then tried fi 11 nig. tp - the. U ni ted St rites schnvidt-suddenly:dr^^^ ./the^German-occupied zone ch>uds ^,nd ^larteci. «tf y,f!nK:, hc^ ^^: ...wei^e: able to..get, their veriS^ri of tb of refugees; The- un was bad be- :. , *?. -.. , ' cause^4t- in pui-> ^ Frertch.f ^^^'-y?^* .^'^^^ quicker. ; Curtiss. : Withih two ^ ihinUtCs the.! •:'The .French, cenSors .Ay'ererigid but French man got^ his foe and sbbthiin not unreasonable and they work.ed dbwn . with: a: volley of :inachlne gun . exPepliohally ..well- considering; the buliets,:The,shout: that-^went up froni '; pressure and Avbat was happcnih||?:,tb the refugees was equal:to/that of ahy • .their ;co\jntry. So .chaotic wa?: .Ih football crowd, 'r : :/■ . . sltuatibri one .mom^ht .that: th Frbnch autboritibs/asked the Amtri-- .. /. •Huot,;head:bf Press. ■Vy ir'el</s,sv to act as-.censor. :Hc' did''.bis^ job: ,its \vfll ' as .any ..Fi'cnch /ccn'sor would have:.done it. / :'' ■ TTie : greatest di.sapppintrrient^^ for them O.Ccurrcd. only ,ai few ; later when young men" coming: from' the '/ppposite direL'tion g^aVe;' th.e :cleriched^fist salute and ^shouted that Ru'ssia bad .joined the^ Allies..'. Thi.c i, / Anri,^r.ican/ newsca.ster^ well- soon : grew :' until the-./'Gplumbia,/ -NBC. .and: Mutual 'cor- refUgee.s; had th'erUnited States. -Tur- ■ relipofidents broadca.s;t- mjmy timea key arid ■ some./of the''''Balkan. nation 'laiiy but .they, all pulled but of-Boi^ in : the; side of: France and Eiif!- ,deriux a few: days before the'Armr lariidr^: G;i:eat:-;.-Wa:5. thcir:/diSii:ppOinf- i^tic^c sin'r:e - by- then, byerylhing . hod merit w'hcn-;lhcy reached:' tiortfiCyM-^'t'.;. hMftUt'si .clo'wn. •./;• . V :/;■■/• :.; ;