Variety (Aug 1940)

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Wednesday, August 14; 1940 PICTURlg GROSSES Good $3tW Tfamparl^^^^^^ . ^.CKicagovAu:^..i3. . . '. (Best IEkploliition: Palace) , Business is gerterally good/ iexceip-, lion i» the Palace, which did extra advectisihg on ■Ramparts We Watch,' even giving the hours th,e picture ;itait.i (ai 'first' ior % major theatre in loop}, yet is getting a. disappoint- ing eross at/fair $9,000;: ;;v Topping the Jist in: comparative business vvili probably; be the, Orien- eal which'has a jitterbug-appeal lay- out on itage and 'Gambling On the Hi*'h Seas.' Extra shows are being done at Chicago, with 'All This, and Heaveri Tob,' in second, week, a Tony -Martia ori, stage; / ^ ; -^^ • Apollo will have, .)ne of its better weeks due to the Walt Disney Festi^ val (todv shorts and .'Snow White') billed ■ over 'We. Who Are -Young; State-Lake will hbpl up with "Phan- toni/ Raiders' bolstered, by . Count "Basie's prch- iiri stage. H ';• .Estimatcs..' f»r-Thli^-W^elt:':^^ Apollo IfB&K) (1,200; 35-55-65-'75) vl'Snow White' (RKO). Disney prize- winnihg shorts and .'We Are Young'; (M'-G).; House, is . splurging on . the Disney lineup /and looks to take iiround $5,600; good. , Last week, .'Oiir Town' (UA). discouraging $3,600:, Cliieaffb (B&K). (4.000; 35.55-05- 75)--*Heaven 1*00 (WB) (2d wk) and Tofiy Martin on stage; Will drop to. arourtd $34,000, pifofitable, as last week's $42,0o0, when Gene K-iupa band; was coupled y/ith pic- ■ture.' ■ • GacHck (6&K) (900; 35r55r(J5-75) Way bf Flesh' (Pia.r). i No; exploita- tion done "oil picture: artd little bu^^i- iiess expeicted;: around $3,900. liast iiire^k, 'Maryland' (20th), poor $4,000: WOriftnlal (Jones) (3,200; 28-44 )— 'Gambling High Seas' <WB) and vaude topped l>y Eddie Howard, iackie Googan arid Carol Hughes. Cashiers are .working lull time at this house. Expect to get . swell $21,700. Last week. ■Adventuress' (20th) and Sammy Kaye'is orch, fine $18,200. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 33-44-66)— •Ramparts We Watch' (RKO) and 'Cross Coiuntry Rcwriarice! (RKO). Lots of publicity given 'Ramparts.' But only fair $9;00Q in sight. Lait week. 'When Daltons Rode' (U) and •i?rivate AiRfairs' (U)» with bang-up exploitation as an operiiftg-pfchouse . bill, got good $13,000.: jRl6o.4eTeli' (B&K) (1,500: 35-55-65- 75)i-' By Night' (WB): .Getr ting bigger play than ,was :expecteq. -Should do aroiind $14,500; Last week, ^Pagb* (UA,; drew gbcJd $5^600 In second week at house"; . State-Lake (B&K) (2.700; 28-44)— : *Phaatorii Raiders' (M-G) and Count Basic orch ftn ^tage. Will get good ;$15;300. La^t week, 'Wagdns West- ward' (Riep) and Bowery unit/ fine $18.000: : Uiiited Artisls (B&KrMf-G) :C1,700; S5'5S-65-75)—Pride and Prejudice* (M-G) (2d wk).Good $9,800; after ; bright $13,700 iri first. Woods (E^aness) ( 1.200; 75-$l;10- |i:65>-r'C;bne* (M-G) (29th wk).; Still going arid, although 'last few days" Sign has been up six weeks, it'll probably last the month out. This week about the sanie as last, $5,400. yided with 'Haunted Hoiise' (Morio) and 'Hold Woman' (Prod). Keith's (Libsbn) (1,500; 39-47)— 'Pride Prejudice' (M-G). jiloveover from Albee for second .week. Fair $4,000. Last week, Turnabout' CUA), okay $5,000. .Lyric (IRKO) (1,400; 39-47)—'Snow White', (RKO). ■ Disney revival to riiee $4,500,' Last week, 'Leopard Men* (Select), poor $3,000. . Palace. ; (RKO) (2,600; 39-47)— 'Main Married' ; (20th), Slow $8i000. Last week, 'Daltojfis Rode* (U). fairly good $9,000. . ' ; . . Cincinnati, Aug. 13,. SensatiOrial )iot-:Weather 'Boom Town'.;. is / upping coriibined gross of major houses to a .lofty gain bvec ISist'week; ^It's a cinch for first- rtin tenaricy at the Capitol for four or five Aveeks. Only b.o; drawback currently is - limited capacity - arid running tiriie of pic, which teceived ■ .diaridy ;reviews.;;; ■■ . •; ' ■ Down under this -week are; 'Ram- paits We Watch,^ at Albee, aYid 'Man I Married,' at Paliice. .Encbr6 : of 'Sriow White' at the Lyric is 6xy the nice side, ' -'. K i'.:. " v Kstimatcs fi>r This Week < ; AlU^e ^(RkO) ■ X3,300;;: 39-47)--- 'Rampaits We Watch* (RKO ), Looks lilce sad $7>000; : Last week, 'Pride . Prejudice* (M-G), big $14,000; V ; _Ca|>jtol (RKO) (2;()00; ; 42-60)-^ V Booni . Town' (M-G). •Test-datirig ■. at advance - scalie;. Nifty., notice.^. ..■Pull of stars retarded only by lohg running tim6 of. pic and; theatreis . capacity. Zooming summer $19,000 figure,, Will hold lor several weeks; ■ Last- yrtiek/^Love Back' (WB) (2d: fHri>. at regular- 39-47-cient scale; fair .$4,000. . yj'- 'r.: . iFainily , (RKO)' (1,000; .15-28)— . ■Gui Room 313" :;(20th) and ,'La (Tonga Nights' . (U), split : -with ■ Doomed Die' (Mdno) arid 'Carolina Moon' ({tep): Seasdnal $1,900. Same a:>t week on 'Lucky : GiSco Kid' MPth) arid 'Girls of Road' (Col), di- 'PiltsburghivAug; 13; . '-(Best Explpi^tidn^ • TKey're Chopping again, arid onl^ the fittest ai:e '■surviyirig. For . a change, top,! thie. .public agrees' .withT the' crix. arid two flickers, for which' they beiat the drums are the: only ones getting/ianywhefe atVall.- *Prid6 and Prejudice' is going great guris at: .Perin and looks like ' cirich, tp hold someWhere downtown, arid Al- viri is gettirij^ its beist sesision of sum.- mer since :'Lil: Russell' with 'Man I Married.'.:' ^ Elsewhere, .it's a rout; * Penn tied ; up the class tride Sat ■Pride and Prejudjoe' with book- statl and departinent store .Window displays, also spotting radio plugs: liear .upper-c'r.iL^t programs, at the; same time inviting the masses with ads; heralding xvhat happens 'when 'Mrs, Chips; Meets'Rebecca's Hus^. band:' EsMniates 'or; This. Week : Alviii (Harnsli (1.850; 25-35-50)-r 'Man; Married' (20th). Got' great seridof¥ frpm. crix, who called it bet- ter, piece of. anti-Nazi propaganda: than 'Mortal Storrii' (M-G). Looks close to $6,000, first-rate sumrtiet biz here; Last : week, - 'Snow. White* in Walt Disney restival (IFIKO), fine ^$5;200; - : - ;-. ■■■■■■■ ■■■:■ ; Fulton (iShea-Hyde) (1,750; 25-40) —'Leopard Men' (Select). Explpita- .tipn pictu're got pretty good open- irig on strength; of heavy campaign but iell off to nothing after .that and comes out tonight- (13) . after six days.. Wili. be. lucky to. grab $2,100. poor. Last week.'Daltons Rode'; (U) in .five dayis of second week, around ?2.400-ori heels of $4,600 getaway.: ; Pertii . (Loew's-trA) (3,300;. 25-35- jjO)—'Pride Prejudice'. (M-G); . A natural for all strata; with Olivier and Garson to bring -em in. Pres:^ ent pace indicates sornething. pretty cloise to $16,000, which makfes it a cinch for h,o.; Last week, 'PagPr Pago! (UA), .way oilt~ of the hioney at $8,200. ■■ •' .>. Ritz (WB) (800: 25^40)—'All Flesh' (Par) and 'We Are Young' CM-G). Won,!t get better than. $1,200, one of the worst weiek's sniall-seater: has had since ifoing fir^st-ruri in January. Last week, 'Andy Halrdy' (M-G). fine $3,300 after two previous big stanzas at Penn. - Stanley (WB) (3.600; 25-35-50)— 'Safari- (Par). A weakie at around : $6i300, worst wisek house has had since;switching from combo policy to straight pixi. Last week; 'Drive by Night' . (WB), . b.o. lulu at ^$14,500. : Warnei' (WB) •(2.000; 25-35-50)-- 'jDrive by Night';(WB). Moved here from is tart) cy and still in the cpiii:. Better than' $5;000.;looked for, Last week, 'Tom Brown' ;iRKO) and. ;'Sporting Blood' (M-G), better than ayerage $4,500. Denver, Aug. 1.3. ' -Pride; /sind Prejudi.iie' , and"'CJold Rush Maiisie,.'~ at ..the : Orp.h.euiri, a.^e^ turning. ' the .best gross .currently. 'South of Pago-Pago' arid 'Ladies. ; Mu;3t;Liy?^ at th^' Denver^ ate run- ning second. . . Estimates f<ar This Week, i Aladdin :■■ (Fox) (1.400; ■25-..40);-^ •Dfive by Night' (WB), after. week' at Denver, -Good' $4,O00; Last week, 'Our Town' (OA.).; ■aftei' week; at ;DeriVer, was fair at. $3,500,. " ; Broadway (Fox ); , (1,040; 25-3i>-40) —'Ranipails We Wa.tch' (RKO) arid 'Pop - Pays'; (RKOV, after week at Orpheum; Fair $2,500. Last week, 'Heaven Too' (WB), . nice $3,()00, /aft^r ■ week . at each, the . Denver, Aladdin and Rialto. . ' ; • J>enliam -(Gockrill) : ( 1,750;. 25-35- First Rons im Bi^adv^ (Subject to Changa); - Week of Au|;. }5 ■ Aat«r—'Gone With tli« Wind' • (M-GX (35th wk;). Capital—'I Love You ' Again' , (M-G); ■ :■;, .. .■ ;■• ' {Reviewed t7i Varietv:. Aug. Ti CrUerion-rr'Three Faces We^^t' (Rep) (17>. ' : Globe—r'Tha G h o s t .Creep^;,; (Mono) (17). ; Music Hall—;-'Prid0 and; Prsj u- diqie' (M-G); (2ii wk,); ; Paramdunt-r-'The; Great Mc- Ginty' (Par) (14). ,• (Rcvic.iocd. in yAR^ETy, July 34) / .: ■ Rpxy-^'Re t u rn; /of " .Frank- James' (26th) (2d ■wfc;)^^ Strand--'The Seai HE«wk' (WB^^^ • ■(2d'Wk;).-'--'-^.. ■■ ■; ^ ■ -Week;*! Augf, 32 • ■ ■. Astor—^Gone With the Wind' .;(.36th wk,)/ : Capiiol—-'I Love You .A,gaihV ::^(M:iG) (2d:wk.)/ •• ' , ;GI*be-r' R i v^e r' 3 End' (WB) "■■(24); ■.■■;.■:■;■ :■■ r'.'.'-. : :: Music. ; Hall-^'Rant^arts .Wt . Watch' (RKO). ■] (Reviewed in VjimtTYi July. 24) Paratnouiit—'The Great ;Mc- Ginty' (Par) (2d wk ): :; v .r\ : Rlalt<>—'(Joldert Gloves' :(iPar) . -•;:(23).;.: v.;^ ; R1 F o 1 i—'Foifeign Corresjpbn- dent'.(UA) (27).': , ;;' . Roxy—:'Young People: (2()th) ,(23)...A,-:; ' - y'-r-y^: ■ . Strand-r-'Thfe Sea HaWk' (WB) ■.^(3d:wk.).--;/;.;:^^ (Bbst Explortaliph: Strang) ' ; ; Broadway's five^ stage-show- hbuse^^ are getting :the lion's share; of the .business this Weiek. Two: ot therri; the-Music Hall arid Strand, ar<; rid-- . ing: high for smash takings.::; Week- erid was generally strong,vwith' im- proveriient .reported; shown also in. the rieigiiborhopds. ' ■ o - ; 'Pride arid Prejudice' is socking; thirough fpr a gate, of $100,000 at the Hall.'.wbere'it teed off with a bang Thursday (8). A reri^arkably steajdy trade; with Monday (12); being a? gpp.d as. the opening day,;is, tiecbrded. - The: Strand is packing '^erix in like July 4 at Coney .Island, the 2^767- seater finding it difficult to haridle the "crowds. Lack of. inriisr lobby- space nriakes it tougher for this house to get 'em off the' street than, for ^ the other cbmbinatibn theatres;; 'Sea Hawk,' current with; Phil Spi-^' talny on the roslrurii,. was previewed Thursday night;(8), final day;of the' prior ■ show,. arid it Was riecessary at; .one time .tp stop sell ing'tickets. ^ It. lobks like $5Q~ 000 with 'Hawk' irig tomorrow night (Thurs,), should add ihem up to $50;000. On only five, weeks since October, 1936, when, policy ;.werit .in, has the groisf ex-~. ceeded this amoijnt; and but one pd therii, was iri summer weather, Be-: gins holdover Friday (16), Last .week, second for 'They Drive By Night' '(WB).; and Gi^orge :Raft. in persbn, pliis Will Osborne,; a very; :strbng finish, brought; the taike: to- $38,000, excellent; fbUowinjg flrst seVeii days* $48,000.: . .• aiid the: Spitalriy; show,; 'mighty .grossing for August.. Holcf-:'; _ .... \, .1- over; begins Frida^r (16), while sec-I Baltimore, Aug. 13. > hfii' .weiei!; for 'Pride' 'Starts; tortior- ^ ;Gorisiderable mprovement rioted row (Thiirs.).; : ^ .. ,. ; .1 all aroUnd here, with nice product . ■ ' .... .-I ■ . —^ ;. 'lieturn of Frank Jamesv^ with' a 'lineup and favorable yfeaih^r: con- 'Mystery Sei Rider' (Par) ana ' stage uriit at th^ Rbxy; 'Susart arid { tributirig^factors; Out front, "Iha . . _ God', (2d ; run) and, vaude at the/I Slate;: and the'second final week of rBoys frorii vSyraciise' at; the ^ Par; are the . other combination . stands collectirig the dough; ;: , , ^'James' will get aT>but"$3i5.60O, all right, while the State,: which has 40) 'Love ; Me ^Tonight' (ParJ, Poor $4,000. Last ;:week, 'Great; McGihty' (Par), Pkay $6,000 in second :week. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 25-35-40) : — 'Pagoijpagb' (UA) and -Ladies Live* (WB). Good $9,000, Last week, 'Drive by Night' (WB), arid 'Slightly: Tempted' (U). good $t0.50(k - :, Orpheum (RKO) (2;600; 25-35-40) T-r'Pridie Prejudice- (M-G) and 'Gold Rush Maisie' (M-G). Nice $10,000. Last ;Weekv 'Ramparts We Watch' (RKO): and 'Pop Pays' (RKO), fair $8,000. Parampiint (Fox) (2,200; 25-40)-- •Daltoris: Rode' (U) and 'Pier 13* (20th). Nice $4,500. Last week, 'PharitPm Raiders' (M-G) and 'Mili- tary Academy (GpI), gbod. $4,000; Rialto iFox) (878; 25^40) — 'Our 'Town' (ITA), after weiek at each the Derivier and Aladdin, and *Pa§spprt to Alcatiraz' (Cpl>. Fair $1,700, Last Wijek/ 'Maryland' (20th), after week at each the; Denver and Aladdin, and 'Last Alarm' (Mono);: good $2,500.; . • .Buffalo,-Aug. ISi- Mark up the currerit canto aa one for; the; book in Buffalo b.o. annals. Althotigh the mercufy is pushing off the ^op of the. tube, the present mid- Auiiust; stage and screien offerings are as, powerful and keenly coin- petitive as at the'height df the. sea- son. Dpwntown ; wickets are ■ ex- periencing feverish activity and the fi-ame will'; see .some of the markers running up i.htb well-rounded fig- ures;' ...' . Both Ben Bernie, the Buffalo, and George .White's 'Scandals/ at the 20th Century, are .spurting alorig neck and neck for tall,tallies. ^6ut everi with; these milking the town's' ainuseriient^coin there is; plenty left Cugat; 'Xllan-'"j6nes'"''lrene HerVey I for .Drive .by Night, . which Is. rid- and Ray. Bolger, had two excellent I ring to a .fine gross at the Lakes, and ; weeks here, the final trip being I 'Boys .from ; Syracuse,^ dandy at l .$37,500. ; First week: W^s ' $50.00()! ^ Lafayette. | swell net; for both U and the thea- k ■. ■.Estimates.-.f-or. .Thii Week' ■: 'i; ^ ' i\; BufTalo' (Shea) (3,500; 35-40-60)— i 'We Are .Young'; .<M-C); with :Ben Bernie orch.; Henry rArmetta: on Lou- Holtz arid Diosa :Gostello in Jierr sori, should hit; approximately $25,r' 000. Par wound up; its second week, with 'Syrkciise/ plus -Xayier ,Cugat, Allan JPnes;. Irene Hervey, vRay Bolger. last night (Tues.), at $37,500, very nice. . Warrier Bros,, long ait Work ; ex- ploiting -Sea Hawk,' and the Straiid in handling.^the current engagement; have done a sweet job on ihe pic- ture, which is being reflected at the boxoffice. ■■ ■ ■-.• ; ' -.'E'stiniatefl'- for .Tliiji'.'Week; ';■ ; A St or . (1,012; 75-85.$i.lO-$i;65:; $2.20))-:-'Gone': (M^G); (35th week). Christrnas is corning, but this pic-, ture isn't going yet; .last; week (34th) the gross shot up $600 ;to $9,400; as coriipaired . with 1^,800 the prior stanza. Capitol (4,520; 25-40-55-'3'5-$l:.10- $1.25)^'Hardy Meets Deb' (M-G) (2d-final. Week).. Away off . on hold- over to less than $15,000, medibcre. First week came close to $25,000, o.k/ though imder hopes; 'I Love You Again' (M-G) due tomorrow ,(Thurs-, :day ).;•• ' ■ Criterion (1,662; ; 25:-40-55-65)— 'Snow White* (RKO-Disney), plus four Disney shorts (3d-flnal week). Looks around $7,000 on the windup, after getting $10,500 last week (2d) and nearly $15,000 the ifirst for nice- chunk of black. Globe • (1.700; V 25-35-55)-^'Secret Seven' (Col).. Another meller that's not so sweller; this side of $4,000. Last week 'Military Academy' (Cbl), only. $3,500. Palace-: a.700; .25-35-55)—'My LPve Came Back' (WB) (2d run) and 'Pier 13' (20th) (1st run), doubled. Maybe $7;000, riiild. Last week •Maryland' (2bth) (2d run) and 'Dr. Christian' (RKO) (1st run), $.6,100, | poor. . ' Parampuht (3,664 ; 25-.15-55-88-99) ! —'Great McGinty* (Par) and Gab CaUpway . open this nriorriing (Wednesday).' '' (U) and a .stage .bill cpnsisting of Xa vier from Syracuse,', combined ;iri;: day-an.drdate booking at. the 'tombo . Hipp arid Keith's, two indies; Given an exceptionally ::Strong advance ballyhoo stressing traditiorirbreakirig move of two downtowri houseiSr joinr;; inig^ in. presentatipn of a film;; biz has; been y consistently strong fironi . the opening ■gun...■;^ Also; strpnig is 't Lpve You Again,* at;Loe\v's Ceritury, attracting, some . extra heavy daytiraie trade. , .; Estimates for ThiH Week ; v/ Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000: 15-. 28-14)—'LPve Again' (M-G). Hold- ing ; highly, iconsistent pace with extra slroniij daytinie .response helpr irig to satisfying $12,000. Last week;. •Pride^ Prejudice' (M-G), okay •$i0i400;;^ ■ HIiipodrbme (Rappaport) (2,205; 15-28r39-44-55-66) — 'Bbys Syracuse* (U) plus stage -Crazy ShoW.' Well sold in; aidvanee arid getting stroriff. $10,000. Week, 'Gross Country Romairice' (RKO);.owing it all to p a. of Orrin Tucker, and, Bonnie Bakefi wanged out riear. record $21,300. ; Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406; 15- 28-33-39-44) ^'.Boys Syracuse' (U). Day and date with Hipp and.attract-, irig nice $8,000, Last 'Week, second of 'Daltbhis Rode* (U); added steady $5,900 to first .week's $5,300; New (Mechanic) (i.SSl;: 15-28-35^.: ,55)'Frank James^ (2dth); House better suited to filrii of more feminine appeal. 'Will draw uneventful $4,500, La^t week. 'Gold Rush Mai^iie' (M-G), not bad at $4,200; . , . Stainley (WB) (3;28fl; 15-28-3^-44- 55) —'Love . Back' (WR). Building ralther well and indicating possible $9,01)0. Last week, third of 'Heaven Too' (WB), brought total tP strong $26,0()0; in spite of strorigf riesistarice occasioned by stretch of ;torrid weather, - 'MAN MARRIED' SLOW $5,0(10 IN nU)YIItENCE Providerice,: Aug; .13. WahJrig summer doldrums .still hold.'? the main stem in its grip, and cbrriplairits abPut, weak product with which to buck the tide arc niany. Only house doing anything is Loew's State with 'I Love Yoil Again'. ; .: £.<;tiniates for this Week Carlton (Fay-Lbew) (1.400; 2e-39r r,o )-^'Piide Prejudice* ;(:M-G) . and 'We Are;-Young' (M-G) (2d run). With no cboiirig systerin : tp^hielp. dice' . (M-G) and stage show. One! jibuse -is just gettirig .along, . Look I Radio City Miislc Hall (5,980; 40- ' 6Q-84-9^-.$1.65 )—'Pride arid Preju- . —'Drive Night' (WBI and 'Golden ■■■ ( Gloves' (Par). Should -trap hefty ; '■ $12^000.. Last ;week; 'Heaven' Too^ i (WB) (2d' run), pi'etty. fancy secorid :.v/eek. Prison huriwindine; at'$6,500.'^^^-: - ■ ' ; •■.;.1?*'700.-.^ I' Hipp (Sliea) (2;i0'0; : .30-4r)>^'Man J ^ ^toxy : (5.836;; 2!>740-,55-7.5)T-'Frartk : Married' (20th) and 'Girl Avenue A'.: James' .(20t:h ),..and stage, show:■ Corti- (20th);; Only light $5,000 in" sight, j Petition; from .Hail .and. Strand par- ' Last week; 'Hell Below' ;(M-G, Karid ' .ticulariy strong , a ;'Wcstern Stars- (Par); $5,300. n.g; !mg gro!« dpwri somewhat; however, |.: : Lafayette (Haymaiv) (3,300; 30r40) ! ^t: .$3^^ —'Bbvs S,yracus'e' (U) arid 'Love; I bVer. Last week; 'Mari I Married*. OHorior' (XJ). Developing power and;i (?Oth), , over $30,000.; ; .. I will hit neat; $7,000. ' La5t ; Week, i - Slate (3.450; .'15;55-75)-r'Sasan and '■: 'Daltons Rode'; (U) 5»nd; 'Ma'-; (U),; God' (M-G) . (2d fun) iina.. heading I over $6,000, nice. ; . ;; I vaude layout.;. Lpu :HPltz arid Diosa •'2ffth Centilty' rdlpsPri-Ba.sil) "(3j- ■ Costello; A Vast.i^ 000; . .'50-40)— *Beyond Tomorrow' i ing shoWii this Week;- arburtd $25;- (RKO); and George ..White'ci , 'Scan-! 000; fine. Last- week. 'Mortal Storrin' dais' oil stage. Ariswer ;tb. a marir |.(.M-G) ,(2d run).and Harry Rithitiari,^ ager's .sumrrier prayeiv IShould sew i"$18,000. riiildish; up $15^000 or better; great;; ^ ^ Slrarid (2,767: 25-50-55-75-85*99)— week, .'Scatterbrairi' : (Rep) ; and-'Sea Hawk' (WB) and: Phil Spitalriy; 'Crazy Show of 1940' on slase, good . ft'? cle'aanti the way tiokcts.are be-.| $60,000. ,-!,Ho.u.«;e.';(.MQrio).; HouSe .iJaiced at fair Rliltp (750::: 25-40-.55.)—'Karanga^ .^s.OOOi , La.>t: Week 'Ranger ; La.dy': (U).■ Nol so hot, about $.5,000. ;La;stv.(ReP>; and 'On . iSpPt' (Mono), fair Gartip' : (CoO, only §2;800; • ■ ■ ^ '"r . ■ :. Maj>islic (Fay) (2;200; 28-.3d-50)—: $11,000. i ina; .:spld' her.e;;theMnitial week, end-.; with .$3,0Q0v 'Man Married' (20th) arid 'Manhat- tan- Heartbcal'- .(20th). ^ Aisb caught- ;ori slow ttack, ;with;only :weak t5;()00 in pro.'jpect; week; .'Syracuse* (U) and 'Fugitive Justice?: (WB);, ■iilbW.$G,O0().. ' ; ./';.-: :, . '■■ ■;■■' State (l^ew) (3,200; 2S-.3fll-50) 'Lbve Again' (M-G ). and West Pep- per.s* (Col ); Managing to hold steady pace; for swell $12,000. Last week, 'Pride Preiudice' (M^G); arid 'We Are .Young'. (M-G), held for nice 1fl2M0: ■ ■■;• - ■ ■■■-■ . Strand (Indie.) .(2,000; 28-40.^^ 'Myster.v Sea Raider' (Par) Jarid 'Scatterbrain' (Rtip). BiJ: practically nil: here, with' -Weak $4,500 spPlted. Last - week; :'Golderi Gloves' (Par) and; 'Oprv' (Rep>, fell to new'low