Variety (Aug 1940)

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10 PIGVURfi GROSSES Wedhesdiiyt Au(j;ust 14* 1940 aiiiTorrid$3l)|^ Plully Spot$>%acus^ Fine / ■ Philadelphia, Aug. 13. Sinniultan^bus . openings, at two downtown houses, an: innovation brought, by *Gohe With the Wind/ proved to b6 the tonic that the doc- tor otderfed, the policy : registering its merits at the iStanley and Earle, playing 'I Love You Again,' Twin- ning the Loy-Powell saga niaking for'sugary $30,300/the Stanley get- ting $17^300 aii'd the Earle, further down the ;main stem;, bringing the .■jest.': -'-'t' , As a . result^ Warners will >hare fThie Sisa Ha-w>k,'^ opening' Friday. (16), hetWeen Earle an'd Bo^ Estiihales for This Week . Arcadia (Sablosky ) (600; .35-46- 57)_^'Hardy Debutante' (M-G) (3d Tuh) (2d - Vvk.X Tarries for four inbre days of a second weekj with $1,600 on the- favorable' sidie. Last ■week, .click $3,200. . r ' . , - Beyd -(WB) ;(2,560; 35-46-57-68)— 'Pride Prejudice' (MrG) . (2d wk.). Sinking to poot : $8,500; for second week, after leading: field: last week with proud $15,800. Earle (WB) (4^000: 35-46r57-68).-^ 'Love You Again' (M-G). Headed "for well-rounded $13,000; dating oil a twin opening policy with the Stanley.' Last .week, 'Daltons Rode' iU), graiid $11,100. . Fox (WB) (2,423- 35-46-57-68)—: *Boys Syracuse' (U). -Headed for .hefty $14,700,;again proving that the patroti is Beelcirijg out a ,laff show,. Last week, .^Driye Night' .(WB)^ sec- ond week, smart $12i5Q0. Karltoh (#B) (1,066; 35-46-57-68) , --'Maryland' ;(20th) (2d run). Still lailifig to find faVbr at- the down- town runs; fiaited to slow $3,400, Last: week, 'Pago Pago' (UA), $3,- 600 dn second, running.' ^- Keith's (WB) (1,9;70; 35-46-57-68) v-i'Heayen; Too' (WB) (2d run) (2d ; wk,). Continuing nicely on its sec- ond w^ek with $4,600 in sight, after lush $6,900 for first week. : Stanley (WB) (2,916; 35-46-57-68) -r-'Love You Again'. (MT.G). Twin- ninjg with thie Earle, house is "way alhead in the parlay with big $17,- 300 a certainty. . Last ; week;. •'Man Married' (20th), couldn't rnuster iip any enthusiasm with $10,200. Stanton (WB) (li457; 35-46-57)— •Gold Rush Masie* (M-G). No gold rush, but plenty of chips at $5,100. Last week, 'Man "Talked Much' (WB), light $4,200; $12100 In iiB .Bbston, Aug. 13; (Best ExploiUtibn: Kieith'is) 'Pridie and. Prejudicie': is doing staihdee biz at the Orph and okay trade at thie -Stat6, while 'Ramparts We Watch' and 'My Love Camb Back' tie for second place at the Memorial and Met, respectively... 'Walt Disney Festival,' including . 'Snow White,' is gettiiig good response, at the Keith . Boston. :Keith . press crew, with : aid of •March. (Of TimiB' outfit, gave Jhe opening of 'The Ramparts We Watch' a nice lift. . Very hefty newspaper .ad campaign, plus "spot, announce- ;nents oh radio were the background ot thfe sales effort. An invitation preview; night before opening, was a feature of the. campaign, as was a ;tieup with a local newspaper which runs Major Elliot's- colunin. Estimates for This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 15-20-39-44) •^'Sriow White' (RKO) (reissue) and . 'Nobody's Sweetheart' (U.) (1st irun). On the strong side, around $7,000; Last week, 'South Karahga' <U) and •Fugitive' (U), $5,000. Fenway (M&P) (1,332; 28-39^44-55) —'Mystery : Sea Raider* (Par) and , '(Jirl Avenue A' (20th). DuU $3,500 indicated. . . Last .week, . 'Maryland' (20th).'and 'Golden Gloves' (Par); double, $4,300. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2,907; 28r 39-44-55)r-'Ramparts: Watch' (RKO) and 'iSlightly Tempted' (U). Combo heading : for . ' aTpund $12,000, :. nice. Last - week,. 'Boys ^Syracuse': (U) arid •Outsider' (Alliance), double, $13;r Metrbpblitah (M&P) (4,367; 28-39r 44.55)—'Love Game Back' (WB) and •Pier 13* (20th). . Getting the bfush- ofli. about $12,0DO indicated. Last wek, •Drive by Night' (WB) and Xadies Live' (WB), dandy $i8,00d. Orpheuim (Loew) (2,900; 28-39-44- 85)—'Pride arid Prejudice' (M-G) and'We Are Young* '(MrG). Headed for big iCoirt, possibly $20,0d0. Last wepV, ,fHardy Debutante' (M-G) and •CJaptain Lady' (M-.G) (both 2nd Wk), $14,000, good. Paramount (M&P) (1,797; 28-39-44- 55)4^'Mystery Sea Raider' (Par) arid •Girl Avenue A" (20th). Seedy $5,000 expected.; Last week, 'Maryland' (20th> and- 'Golden Gloves' (Par) (both continued run from the Met), dMJ*T. .ty.ono:..: ■ . —'IVlaryland' (20th) and 'Golden Gldves' (Par) (both cbntiriued run from pat and Feriway). : Possible $4,000. Xasit' Week; 'Heaven Too' (WB) and ^Pop Pays' (RKO) (both continued run froni Par and Fen- way), $4,400. '■ -.^'^ State (Loew.) (3,600; 28-39-44-55)— Tride and Ptejudice' (MrG) arid 'We Are Young': (MrG). Very ^ood $13,- 000 on the way. Last week, 'Hardy Debutante' (M-G) and 'Captain Lady' (M^G) (both 2d whr), dual, $8,500. , •Queen Dcstlhy^ (RKO), four days, and 'Sporting Blood* (M-G), thre« days, $2,500, poor. ; Strand (Lightman) (1,000; 10-22- 33)—'Golden Gloves' (Par), three days; .'Secret Seven' (Cbl), twp days; 'Outsider' (Alliance), two days. Not so good at $1,400. > Last week, 'Lil- lian Russell' (20th) C2d run), three dayis; 'Blondie's Servants' (Col), two days; 'Mystery Sea Raider' (Par), two days; $1,800/good; .<76ntiiiued:rt;oin paee 7. Cleveland^ Aug. j3, ; Flock of outlying stirawhat thea- tres, a, n^w West Side . Drive-Inner and amusement parks ar^^ finally get-, ting tlieii: iriningis. with some down-, town film emporiums on the losing side; Loew's State is doing, heaviest pitching for key-spots, knocking but three-baser with..;'I Loye You Again.''; • : ■• ' , ■ ' - . 'Man I Matried' ariid 'they Drive: By Night,' at Palace and Hipp, re- sj^ectively, are neck-torneckirig it. ; Eistimatcs for. This We^^ Alhambra (Priritz) (1,200; 10-20- 35)—'Lone Wolf Lady' ,(Col) plus 'Stage Coach War'' (Par). Lxisty thriller; package, grooved-: for heat $2,100. Last week, 'Babies Sale' (Col) and 'Private Affairs' (U) (2d run); okay $1,100 for iour days. Alien (RKO) (3,000; 30-35-42-55)^ iSnow White' (RKO). Bill of Wait Disney cartoon 'revivals, stampeding the.juves for $4,000, fine. Last week, 'Heaven Too* (WB), fourth, stanza, ran up $5,000, big. Circle (Polster) (1,900; 15-35)— Turnabout' (UA), Shift to secorid- ruririei:s hot justified on'this weakie;- barely $2,500 in .sight? Last week; 'Hell Below* (M-G) and 'Broadway Bill' (Cbl), diio of re-issiie^i better at $2,600. Hipp (WarnerV (3 jOO; 30-35-42-55) —'Ride By Night* (WB) (2d wk). Trucking along at fairly nice clip to $7,000. Last week, :satisfactory :$14,- 000.... ■;■ Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-35-42-55) —'Man I Married' (20th). Anti- Nazi item: copping lots of newspa- per space,- but town's tired of war stuff; only $7,000 likely. Last week, 'Daltons Rode* (U), fair $8,000. State (Loew's) (3,4S0; 30-35-42-55) — Love You Again' (M-G). Swing- ing out and up like a skyrocket;, no doiibt about excellent $15;000. Last week, 'Untamed', (Par), too tame- at. $8,000. .':' Stillman (Loew!s) (1,$72; 30^35-42- 55) T- -Gold Rush Maisie' (M-G). Latest of series more than holding tip its standards, sighting smart $4,500. Last week; •We Are Young' (M-G), rather ordinary at f3,500... 1.0VEAGMN'SWEU>^ .. Memphis, Aujg. is, : ' . Sudden influx of: better product has the town looking up this week. Hot weather siege continues, afford- ing keen competition by pools and parks, but the open air operettas are .over, arid the . quality on scireen -is. vjp. . Loy-Powell combine . at': Loew's Palace : in 'I Love . You : Again' is proving a whamerob for;:b6th mati- nee and riight crowds. It is most resptiriding . bbxoffice hit of irecent months. • Warner's fThey Drive by Night' is getting a;, nice jplay at the local Warriers on :strength of torrid :..dia- log arid Raift^Sheridan pairirig. . < ■ Loew's State's 'The Man I Mar- ried' is doing about as expected,, moving oiit after four'days. 'Anne of Windy Poplars*. replaces for te- riwiriing thre*/^ . Estima.tes for Tliis Week ;. ; Loew's St*te (Loew) (2,600; 10-33-. 44)—'Man I Married' .(20th), ibuf days; 'Anne Windy Poplars' (RKO); three days.: Only weak, $3,300 for coriibo. .: Last week, 'Pride arid Prejudice' (M-G), $5i200. good. Warner (Warher) (2.300; 10-33-44) —'Drive Night* (WB). Good notices arid word- of mouth, booting trucker, mebbe . tb $7,000. Last week, 'Love Back' (WB), $4,000, ri.g, :■ New Maloo' (Lighthiah) (2,800; 10- 33^44) >Daltoris Rode' (U); five days; . 'Advehturiess' (20th), three daySi Looks like fairly good eight days, probably $4,600. Last week; 'Boys Syracuse* (U), $5,100, okay. Loewfs Palace (Loew) (2,200; 10- 33-44)r^'L0Ye Again' (M-G). This one nabbing V top triade of suri^mer. opens a door when .'a person breaks ■the bearii,; the : Gonrac atteridance register put out by the Altec; Serv-: ice Corpv: is designed toClock, the exact/ nurifiber; pf.-meri; womeii .b:^: children whb ;:;pass into" a theatre. The: register will riot count anyone using. the same dbbr .as: .exit; ■..'••Electric.; Count;. [' K will register v patrori : enterlrig~ the theatre; in ■ singlie' file : br sidle by side. :Qperating . rnechanicaliy 24 . hours a , at mainteriarice cbst (electrically principally) that is said to be negligibje, the machine gives the; exhibitbir a compilete rec- ord.:of the riumbeir of persoris wlip; enter . the :. t.heatir.e, includirig: after: hours. . The re<>brd is^ kept - urider lock key. for the exhib and -sigr nals to the rrianager's office or else-; where are provided .tpr^bw: the ex- istence of any . disturbance. < pf en- .tfance'..cbhditiOns,- ■:,■ The Cprirac register also, gives .the; time by hours. This iis ah: iniportant feature; because it the!: manager opens: the. hoiise late;, it will show. By the hour, it; automatically records the, exact riunibeiF of persons enter-.- ing the theatre^ the time .the b.b.. closes, :etc. :■ Also,' in- the event the machine .shoufld: show that' two; peo^ pie.' entered the t^ at 4:30, . the .question arising. in . the ex- Jttbitbr'^' mind is 'what two people, cariie in ,bet>yeeri ' 4 , and. 5 , a.m;? : Shows alsp, linaybe,. that the ..cleani ers came in. after e-ra.m;, ^when. they should be jthere - at 5:0. while' the total : riuriiber of per- sons entering the . theatte : during show-time :is reported, the Cpnrac machine does not break it dbwii: be- tween adults .and kids, .nor indicate how many came^in on .passes, though a separate door may be used for the latter. The ticket-taker cannot palm tickets,, ^vith the. macliine as a check against, him.;- •Also, ' the : niachine wpuld provide a check against the cashier's cage, ..since^the number: of tickets' sold. Would have to cor- respond .to the liumber of persons recorded as going in. With, sufficlerit nearness (discounting, passes) to pi;bv€..'vaiuable.; ■■';■ :■>:;:• •Heaven' Great $9,000 In Seattle; *Love Again; 8G Seattle, Aug. 13. : . Major iheatre-goirig attention :thiis Week is directed tbWard Sterling's Palpmar, with 'All This, and.HeaVen Too' the reasoni Lines: nightly make this, a - certain: holdover or moveover, indicatioris being for best: gross . at this , house , thiis year; ; .'I Love Ypiii Again', is likewise, big ■at. Fifth: Averiue; ;: :;:.■ . y-.:^: ^ -i: . Estimates fbr This Week ' B^iue Mouse <Hamrick-£vergreen) (850; 30-40r50)—'Boys Syracuse' (U) and 'Dr. Christian Women' (RKO)> Moveover from Paramount theatre expects $1,700,: fair. Last week, 'Masie' (M-G) and,'We Are Young' (M-G), $1,800, fair. > Coliseum. (Hanirick - Evergreeri) (1,900; 21-35) — 'Ghost Breakers' (Par) and '4 Sons* (20th) (2d run), second feature changing at mid- Weeks 'Siaps at Sea' (UA) (2d run)/ Ariticipated steady. $3,200. . Last Week, 'Waterloo Bridge' (M-G) and 'Kildare's Strarige Case' (M-G), $3,- 100.. ;■:. Fifth Avenue' (Hamrick - Fver- jgreeri) (2,349; 30-.4d-50)—'Love You Again' (M-G) arid . 'Way of Flesh' (Par). Indicate big $7,800; holding. Last Week, 'Pride Prejudice' (M-G). arid 'Manhattan Hearbreak* (20th), $5,200, good. •:;. Liberty: (J-vH). (1,650; 3040-50>— 'Marriied .Adveiritiifei:' • (Col) and 'Military:. Academy'' (Col), .Looks •like $4,20(), okay. Last Week, -Pago Pago' (UA), $4,100, <)kay, ; V .:: Music: Box . XHamrickrEv^ergi-eeri) (850; , 30-40-50)—'Pricle ^ Prejudice' (M-G); and 'Manhattan Heartbeat' (20th), Mbyepver frbni Fifth Ave. iridica;tes hice' .$2,200; Last Week, 'Hardy Debutante' (M-G) and 'Phan- tpirt Raider' (M-G); fbUrth Week, woiihd up riiarvelouS run : with arourid $2,300, exdellehfc ^ . . ; Orpheum (Hariirick - iEveirgreen) (2,(B0O; : 30-40-50)-:^'Mystery : Raidej' (Par) and 'Pier 13' (20th). Expect fair $4,100. Last wieek; 'Great Mc- Girity' (Par) and 'Zanzibar' (U), $3,- 800, slpw. Palomar (Sterling) (1,350; 30-40- 50)—'Heaven Tpp' (WB) plus 'NBC Rhythm Rangers' Pii stage.: J'ilm the Laughs Pay in Hpls.; Loy-PoweD Big 'Man Talked* (WB) /and vaude, $5,- 500, good. Paramount (Hamrick - Evergreeri) (3,039; 30-40-50) — 'Man Married? (20th) .and 'Love, Honor' (U). Paced for: only $3,000 : in - six days;: Last: week, 'Syracuse' (U) and JDr; Chris- tian Women' (RKO), $3,700, sloVy^ ; Roosevelt, (Sterling) .(80d; 21-35).— 'Dbctor Takes Wife^ (Col) and 'King Lumberjacks'; (WB) (2d ruri). Qnly $1,800, iriild. Last week, 'Brother Orchid* (WB) arid 'SaturdayChil- dren' (WB):(2d run), $1,900; okay. Winter Garden (Sterlirig) (800; 16- 32)-r-'Edisoh Man' (M-G) and 'Angel Texas* (WB) (2d run). Look for $2il00,; good. Last weeki 'Safari' (Par). and 'Flight Angels* (WB), good $2,pp0. Detroit, Aug; 13. Houses, are doing about, average suriimer biz, With .rib outstanding grosses in, sight. Birightest spot is Pialri)S-State, Whicl^L Will draw down smart $10,000 with Toyie-You Again' and 'Gold Rush Maisie,' both: of which were brought over '■■ after. a sock week at. the Michigan.. Michigan will do fair $15,5iDd with 'Pago-Paigo'and 'Sportirig. Blood.' : weather has 'riot been excessively: hbt,: biit uricbriifortable enough to send people searching for lakes and cool, breezes on Weekends. ; ■ Estimates'for This'Week: "•.:■.■.■' Adams (Balaban) (l,706; 30-40)-- 'Daltoris Rode' (U) and 'Man I Mar- ried* (20th): Okay: $5,5()0 in sight on mbveovers from: FoXi Last week, average : $5,000 , with : 'Scatteirbrairi* (Rep) and 'Military Acaderiiy' (Col); Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5i000;. 30-40- 55)—'Boys Syracuse' ,(U) arid 'Be- yond TomorroW' (RKO^. N.s.g. $12,500, Last week, fair $13;000 with 'Daltons Rode' (U) arid 'Man Mar- ried' (20th). MichiKan (United Detrbiti (4,000; 30r40--55) — 'Pago-Pago' (UA) and 'Sporting Blood' (M-G ); Fair $15,500. Last viveek, ' healthy $16,500 with 'LPve Again* (M-G) and 'Gold Rush Maisie' (M-G). Palms-State (United Detroit) (3,- 000; .30t40-55)— 'Love Agairi^ (M-G) and 'Gold , Rush Maisie' (M-G). Brought bver from Michigari.' Sti-orig $10,000. Last week, anemic $2,500 in three days of 'HeU's Angels' : (AstPt) reissue arid 'Hold Womaii^ (PDC). United : Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 30-40-55 )--Dark for a couple of Weeks afteir best siiriimer biz in many years. Bowed out with Weeks of $11,500 and $9,000 with 'Pride Prejudice' (M-G) and 'Anne Windy Pbplars' (RKO). : To Tedttt Extrds .Continued frbin pag« 7. other workers, Goldstein okayed a deal giving the SPG salary increases tbtalling :$70 per week. : Six members ^ bf the pubiicity de- partment will coriie under the agree- riient.which is effective as bf Mbri-' day (5). The hew classifications at the; studib call for biie senior, .three juniors and two apRrentices. The senipr will receive a rrilrtimum pf: $100 per week, the juriiprs a riiini- mum of. $50, and the apprentices a minimum of 66c per hour, : The Radio Writers GuiW l^pved a; basic wage agreement with^: Coast trariiscription companies^ ef- fective iriihiediately. The RW G Will haive a 100% Guild shop, and mini- murri wages for various : classifica-. tioris; ..•;.' ■;•, .'■■.•'..:;. .V '/. ■ ■^^•■i; . A general membership, meeting .of the: Screen Writers Guild has been called for Monday (19) tp discuss a tentative agreement With t^ ducers; An accord .has' already been Reached on the major points, aiid attorneys for the tWo groups; ,are now reducing the contract to legal phraseology. ■'■ ^The ScreiEin Actors; Guild board of directprs hais appbinted: a npmihating cbmmittee. to select Vcandidaties- .for electipn of pfflcers next mbnth/ : The three members froin the bpard nahled on the coriirii iltee :are Ralph Byrd; Elisabeth Rlsdon and HoWiard Hickman; . Members;: named ^to the cpriirhittee ^frorii the hfienibership at large are :Rbbert. Armstrong, M^ garet: /Hamilton, Dpriald Woods, Pierre Watkin and Adolphe Merijou. Mo^isan Nijfes 3d Term .-; Raiph Morgan has aririounced that he would not accept the nomination for; a third term, A majority ,;of inembers are said to favor the selec- tion of E'^wprd Arnold, who is popu- Minneapplis, Aug, 13 Laughs apparently: are jgold nug- gets for the boxofflce nowadays and 'I Love You Agaiii^ is cashirig in on therii,, restoring the State tb the win- ning class once niore: after a Week'^ fall , from girace. The Orpheum splurged heavily on its 'advertisiriff and explPitatibn for 'They Dnve Bv Night.v:;.:-.:;.-. Like last'week, there are riewGom; ers all along the lirie, with the sure- seater Esquire being the lone excep- tion: due to the moving there from the : Orpheiim of 'The Boys from Syracuse/ -But last week, with its cleari sweep iric the loop, proved one pf the Werst in many a mpon from the standpoint of aggreigfate grosses. And this Week, aside frorii u Love Ybii Again,' there's little to cheer : about. Particularly depressirig is the terrific brpdy which 'Tom BrbWn's School Days- is taking at -the Ceri- t\iry. Pieturiffi Will hot last out the Week, Igong out in five days for 'Pride and Prejudice.* Still giving the shbWhouses a head- ache is the roller derby w i th i ts nightly turnaway crbwds of 10,000 at the Auditoriiim. This really is tough ppppsitipn;^ :r Estimates for This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 15^28)— 'Captain Lady! (M-G) and 'South Karanga* (U), dual: first-runs, five days, split with 'Lucky Cisco Kid* (20th) . and ISailor's Lady' (20th), also flrst-runs. Pretty good $1,800 indicated. Last Week, 'Girls Road' (Col) and 'Anything But Love' (WB),. dual first-iruns, split with 'Gariiblirig High Seas' (WB) andi 'LaConga Nights' (U), alsb first-runs, $1,900.';..::-- - ■■ ■■ Ceiitury (Par-Singer) (1,600; 28- 39-44)—'Tom Brown^ (RKO). This one dying. Will do well to .^toju $1,000 in five daySi Last Week, 4^;^ Days' (Col), $3,000, riiild^: Esquire (Gillman) (290; .28)-^'Boys Syracuse* ;(U).' Moved here; from Orpheum after; fair week there.: All right 'for, this siireseater .spot and .should wirid up With profitable $1,000. Last week, fSky Devils' (UA) (reissue), $900, bkay. , Gopher (Par-Singer) (998; 28)-- 'We Are Young' (M-G). Not so highly regarded. Mild $2,000 in pros- pect. Last week^ 'Gold Rush Maisie* (M-G), $2,8(50,: pretty good. Orpheum (Par-Singer) (2,800: 28': 29-44)—'Driyei By Night' (WB). Plerity spent in selling, this one.: Soriie . of the. notices lukewarm; ShPiild. reach pi-etty good $7,iD00. Last: Week, : 'Boys . Syracuise' (U), $5,300, fair. State (Par-Singer) (2,300; 28-39- 44)—'Lpye Ypu Again' (M-G). Opened day, ahead of schedul.e arid iriiririirig along fast on all cylinders, PPwers-Loyrteaim a boxoffice :crack- erjack. Lpplcs like; big $l6,000 for eight days and then should run .an- other Week. Last week,: 'Maryland* (20th), but after six dayis: and light $4,000. • v: : v' Uptown - (t»ar) (1,200; . 28-,39)-r- 'Ghost Breaker' (Par), First neigh- borhood', showing. Heading for big $4,500. Last Week, Waterlpo Bridge* (M-G)j first neighborhood .showirigi . $3,000, mild; World (Par-Siriger-Steffes) (350: 28-39-44-55 ) — 'Married Adventure* (Col). Not entirely suited for this spot, .but: gping alpng at fair clip. Lppks like $1,200. Juast week, 'Cross Couritty Rohiarice* (RKO); but after foUr days and very poor $400. Reiifisch's Warner Suit Moved to U. S. Court ;- Hollywood, Aug. 13. Hans Rehflsch's plagiarism; suit against Warners has; .been hferred 'iiom L^ A. Superior to' U: S.v district court. Heinz Herald, Geia Hetczeg and : Henry Blanke are nariied as cp-defendarits... Rehfisch alleiges theft; of his play, •Die Affair Dreyfus,' in Warners 'Lif*. of Emile Zola.* 'MELODY' GETS POIiSH : ■ Holly woPd, :Aug: :13^ Sid kuller arid Ray Gplden have been assiigried. by: Republic to. ,i nject added cpmiedy into the script; for 'Meibdy and MppnlightV ^; Dub- just completed, a similar :stint on the sarime stiidib's 'Hit Fiariade .of :i04i.':.^' .V ^ :Av..--. . lair both with stars and fea|lufed; players^ and the extras. :{ ., ' Wage .demands for studio t.ille WJriters ' will be drafted , this Week and win be presented to' the Pro- ducers by, Herbert Sorrellj business representative of Moving Picture Painters Local .644.; The title writers recently withdrew from the Society of Motion Pidtuire Artists and: Illus- trators .to affiliate with the painters.