Variety (Aug 1940)

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WcdgesJay, Aagnst 14/1940 RiUlIO MARKETS 25 Chicago, Aug. 13. ■' ; HQu«iehold Financei Standard Oil; Swift aiid dtherk «ire apparently ready/ to y^read radio~ buying in 'the autumn.'..' ■ ^ ^ 'Carturie-6' . rnusicial 30-min,: game was renewed on; WiGrN for ISratioria Tea through Schwirnmer & "Scott /agency-.tBS of :Auff.Me.--■ 5.8^ Off In ' ^^IX)S-Angles,-Aui-zW^ Boss broadciasters, returning from +ht i'riscb convention,, were .assured by sales Indications pointed to better things. Effects of the approaching political campaigns—national, state and coun^ Sre^ already being; lelt,, with everything ioreca&ting a general un- leashihg of candidatfe bankrolls be-^ fore another 10 days has passed. KFWB: Basic Foods, Inc.^ ftv 15- niin. programs weekly for^ 5^^^ Samaritan Institute, through Smith & Bull, 10 id^min. programs weekly, until further nbticisr ltockweiler po- litical campaign, through Lockwood- Sliackelford, one quarttri^hour; A.^E. Nugent Co., through Stodel Adv. agency/10 one-min. spots. KFI: Chelsea Ciggies, through 'Warwick & Legler, Inc., 13 an- nouncements and 13 participations in 'Bridge Club'; Southern Pacific R R;, through Lord &• Thomas, three addi- tional half-hours; Manhattan Soap Co., through Franklin Bruck, 39 i5r ihin. newscasts at rate of three weekr ]y; Coast Federal Savings & Loan, through Robert F. Dennis, 48 150- word participations In 'Art Baker's Notebook- and 'Mirandy's Garden Patch'; Buron Fitts campaign; through Milton. Weinberg, three 15- min. programs; Lbs Angeles County . Fair, 28 announcements; Gilmpre Oil Co., through Botsford, Constantine & - Gardner, six announcements; Eagle Oil & Refining Co., through General Adv. agency, five one-miii. transcrip- tions. KECA: Los Ahgeles County Fair, 13 announcements; Bimini Baths, through Western ■ Adv. Co., 26 an- ■. nouncements; Johiesrf dr-District-At- . torney; campaign, through Adyertis- ing: Arts agency^ nine 15-niih. • pro- ■ grams; Western Federal Savings & Loan,'through Elwood Robinson Co., ■ six 15-min. programs; Bullocks; Inc., through Dana Jones Co., 65 15-rriin, programs (renewial). ■. . KNX: L. A. Dollar Bay campaign, ' through HillmanrShine agency, one week's participations in two daily programs plus 14 tim6 signals; Pan- . . tages theatre, through Milton Weih- ; berg agency, one week's participation in two daily programs; Power Seal Co,, through Mayers Co., four weeks' thrice-weekly particlpatipn in news broadcasts; Cudahy Packing Co., through Erwin-Wasey, 13 weeks' participation in two daily programs; J. W. Robinson Co,, through Mayers Co., two weeks' participation in news broadcasts; Florsheim Shoes, through W. Austin Campbell, six participa- tions in one daily program. - I' : : Aue> 10 Compared to AUf. 3 Network iJnItg ».005 9,005 Local linitt 5,348 S,3iB0 —0.6% National SpotlJhita 10,210 10.188 +0.2% Total Units 24,563 24,573 •r-0.04% * No change. (Included; "WBBM. .WENR, WGN, "WINb. "WJJD. WLS. WMAQ) , . ; . Blirgain Basienient Will Con- fine Aj 1 ;Adyertisihg to Broadcasting In Most Sig- nificant Contract ahd Test '^of Kind'' . N. Y. LOOKS UP r ^ . Kansas City,' Aug. 13. , Ether biz maintaining its regular summer status quo^ Station, chores jumbled with execs NAB^ing oh the West Coast and . vacations causing doubling-up at most studios. Sum- mer slack is again, evidenced by slight drops, but bi2 be on ungrade soon. . Anr. 10 Compared to . Aug.. 3 Network . Local Units Units 6,245 5,168 6,480 6,362 —3.6% —18.7% (Included National. Total Spot Units Units 7,084 18,497 6,790 19,632 -f-4.3% . ' —5.8% KCKN. KOMO. KITE, KMBC: V • WDAF, WHB) : I Aug. 10 Compared to Aug. 3 Network Units 9,560. 9,535 +0.3% (Included: Local Units 8,383 8,263 + 1.5% KECA. National Spot Units 1,653 1,641 +0.7% . KFI. KFWB. KNX) Total Units 19,650 19,439 + 1.1% kiiJ. Wheatena Playhouse And Club to Detroit, Aug. 13. ; :. With biggest loss sustained in net- work volume, local radio biz shows second consecutive dip currently, but ppurse is due to reverse itself soon as fall accounts start hitting ozone, ' . WWJ:, Wheatena Corp., 'Wheatena Playhouse', (ET), 15 mlns., five times weekly, for 26 weeks; Vick Chemical, Yawn Giub,' 15 mins., three times weekly, 26 weeks; - played by Morse International, _^XY2: Manhattan Soap Co. ^Sweetheart Soap), two daily 15-min, , newscasts, five ■. days a week; placed Py_Franklin Bruck. I~ ■ Aug, 10 compared to Anr. 3 1 ; San Francisco, Aug. 13. Despite preoccupation with N.A.B convention details; Frisco stations didn't neglect business, -the graph turning upward last week, gains be- ing recorded in local time sales par- ticularly. KFRC lost two hpurs ahd 45Vmiriutes ofvnet^wprk time When Wings ciggies dropped .'Saturday Night Swing Party,' which had been on a week-torweek basis, but picked up five quarter-hour weekly: partici- pations in the 'Breakfast Club* with; John.son . & Johnson (Band-Aid) angeling. // . KPO: George H. Benipff, Inc. (furs), three quarter-hours weekly, 24 weeks, 'Musical Clock.' Oroweat Baking, through Brisacher-Davis, 104 . announcements weekly. Drake Hotiel, four: participations in 'KPO Fashion Window.' Panama Pacific Line, through J.• Walter Thompson, 13; one-min. spots. Southern Pa- cific Lines,; through Lord & Thomas, renewal of 70 . announcements. Chemical -Distributing Co. (Par- Ful), through Sidney Garflnkel, 18 participations • . in 'International Kitchen.' Strawberry Resort,.through F.. L.. Newton, six ET spots. An- drew Jergens Co., throuah Lennen & Mitchell, 28 announcements. K F R C : Hastings (clothiers), through Brisacher-Davis, local spon- sorship of , nightly, quarter-hours, 'Fulton Lewis, Jr.', Mutual co-op show. Pels Naptha Soap, through Young & Rubicani, three quarter- hours weekly, 'Breakfast Club.' Lan-. gendorf Bakeries, through Leon Livingston, 45 spots. National Fund- ing Corp., through Smith & Bull, 70 participations in 'Rise and. Shine.' Chemical Distributing Co., through Sidney Garflnkel; 18 participations in 'Morning Hostess.' KSFO: Mark Morris (tires), through Yoemans & Foote, weekly ET. quarter-hours. Hale BrPthers, through Theo. Segall, participapa- tions ■■■ . Jriousewives Protective League.' Lahgehdorf, through Leon Livingston,, five quarter^hours week- iy, one year, 'John B. Hughes, news.' Association of California Architects, weekly quarter-hour; Sweetheart Soap, through Franklin Bruck, tri- w e e k ly quarterrhour newscasts. Chandler's (shbes); seVeii pne-minr ute spots Radio has. long contended it could top any: other medium—meaning hewspapers-:-ln selling department store inerchandise, and starting to- morrow (15), radio will be put to its most severe , test when L. Bam- berger & Co. of Newark, gets iinder way with a morning half-hour show on WNEW, New York indie. Bamberger's will plug its Base- ment Store, which in gross biz is the third largest'of its kind in the coun- try; Cash and Carrjr, department of the Basement, opening Tuesday (20),. will use no medium other than WNEW -to attract customers, ":. No newspapers, no ; cards and no thrpw-aways. To further make ra- dio, and WNEW, do it the hard way, no 'specials'; will be advertised on the air—only regular rherchandise at regular prices -r^ and . commercials will be limited to ,3% mirtuties to the half-hour, a distinct departure from the usual, blurb-filled department store programs. WNEW.- show, tiagged 'Breakfast with Bamberger's Basement,' will be aired . from 7:30 to 8 ,each weekday moi-ning. Transcribed sweet pop music will be used, interspersed with AP headline flashes. Dennis James will m.c,; John Flora will read thie news flashes. At start of 50 an- nouncements, in addition to program will be used to - boost the products and show. :■ In making thie solicitation, it was pointed out tliiat the total cost of the show, $621,78 weekly ($471.78 for time, $150 for talent), would, buy only a ~% page in N; Y.'i leading tabloid. Variety's recent 'Depart^ ment Store Tests' proved very use- ful in presenting radio's story, to Bamberger ; iexecs, according to WNEW sales department. / . WHN'fi Old Gold Deal Another substantial cpntratt the week was signed for Old Gold cigarets, using heavy schedule of sports news on WHN. Cigarets will brealc^n with from 5 tp 15 minutes— whatever is. available—^from 2 to 6 p. giving inning-by-inhing baseball of m. _ results, racing, results and scratches, sports previews and resunies. Len- nen & Mitchell placed P. Lorillard. ■ Drop in national spot is due to end of Lucky Strike's 2'/^-minute an- nouncement schedule. WMCA: Koobe-Cola, 15 announce- ments weekly. Roxy and Paramount theatres, announcements. Vim Stores, through Sternfield-Godley, .30 an- nouncements weekly, 52 weeks; Dr. Shirley Wynne's. Food .Forum - creases from 30 to 45 minutes; effec- tive Sept. 23, : WHN: Double-Bubble Gum, through n! W. Ayer, daily quarter- hcur, 'Don Winslpw of the Navy,' discs. Foster-Milburn Co,, through Street & Finney, ET announcements, WNEW: Jersey Tire. Co,, through Scheet . Adveftiising, daily 10-min. • . Denver, Aug, 13, . • Sales' .continue to increase with KLZ selling a daily newscast for a year and KGA reporting a 156 15- minute program sale, along with a seasonal sale of 12. quarter-hours to' the /Union Pacific R,R, to promote the sale of Colorado peaches. American Bird Products renewed on KFEL with their quarter-hour weekly on 'Radio Warblers.' ' KLZ: Morey 'Mercantile Corftpany, through. Ball-Davidson agency, 15- I min. newscast daily, one year; Pinex Co;, through Russel M. Seeds, five daily and four Sunday , weather .an- nouncements, six months; Johnson: <& Johnson (Band-'Aid), through Young & Rubicam, 260 one-min, spots; Anrierican Furniture. Co., through Raymond Keane, ' 104 announce- ments; Del Teiet Furniture Co., 104 announcements; American Chicle. Co., through Badger, Browning & Hcrshey, "FO spots; Young Men's Democratic League, through Conner agency, four, quarter-hours; . Kerr Glass Mfg; Co,, through Kingshall agency, 26 one-min, spots; * Time, through Young & Rubicam,. 29 spots; Interstate. Distributing Co, (Frogil Heaters), through. Driver agency, 60 spots; Denver Dry Goods Co., 12 chain breaks; ColPrado Springs Ro- deOj six spots; Lehman Jewelry Co., three spots. ..'.. ., .. KOA: Martin Bi*os,; through Ray': mond Keane agency, three quarter- hours weekly, one year; Union Pa- cific, through Caples agency, 12 quarter-hours; Johnson & Johnson, through Ferry-Hanly Co,,. 20 " an- nouncements; General Electric Sup- ply Co., 90 announcements. KFEL: American Bird Products Co., through Weston-Barnett agency, 26 quarter-hours; Leeds Shoe Co. and Broadway Dept. Store, through Ted Levy agency, 30 announcements; Nelson Calco Service Station, eight announcements; Paranriounl Cleaners fit. Dyers, .26 participating announce- ments; B, K, Sweeney Electrical Co. (Stokol), 30 announcements. Des Moines, Aug. 13., ■ Lots of new contracts were signed ^but: starting dates , are scheduled for next month. Meianwhile thie slump continues. • WHO: Dean iStudios, through Less- irig . Advertising, 12 quairter hours. Quaker bats, through SI erman & Marquette, 26 half-hour ET's. David- ison Co., through Son de Regger & Brown, 14 quarter-hour discs. Pio- neer Hi-Bred Corp., through Wallace ■ Adv., 26 200-wood spots. Allied Mills, through Louis E. Wade, 130 an- nouncements. John C, iWisdpm Co,, farm news. Ipwa State Fair^ through Fairall agency, 63 65-word spots. Paxton & Gallagher, through Thom- as agency^ 258 quarter hours. White Labs, through William Esty, 39 an- nouncements. Brown & Williamson, , through B,B.D.&0., 28 chain breaks. Skelly Oil Co., through Henri- Hurst-McDonald, 100 .■quarter-hour, newscasts. Consolidated Products^ through Mace agency, 26 half-hour participations in iPwa Barn Dance Frolic.' Perfection Stovie Co., through McCann-Ericksont ■ .39 announce- ments . Vick CJhemical, through Morse International, 52 quarter- hours. .'■ V;- I: ; Aug. 10 . Compared to A|ig.^3 | Networic ; Units 6,620 6,525 ^1;4%- Local Units 2,644' 2,818 —6.1% National Spot Units 3,806 3,672 —1.8% Total Units 12.8'70 13,015 -^1.1% KROW: Gardner Nursery, through 'Fashions . in Rhythm, 26 weeks. Network : Units 7,198 7.405 -"2-8% uncludcj. Local National Units Spot Units 10,551 4,978 10,371 4,999 + 1.7% —p.4% ■ CKIiW. WJBK. WJR, WMBC. wwj, yrxsz> Total Units 21,827 22,775 .1% Northwest Advertising, six 5-minute ET's '. weekly. Harvey's Chewing Gum, three quarter-hours weekly, 26 weelts.. George A. Hillback (real estate), six quarter-hours weekly, one year. , Capwell, Sullivan ;& Furth (department store) through- Ryder & Ingram, 12 pne-min, spots. Gbod Housekeeping Shops, six quar- ter-hours weekly, 26 weeks. Sather Gate Book Shop,. announcements, 34 weeks. E. A, Patterson (political), 30 anripuncements, . .';.. .. ; .' I : Aug.-10 Compared to Aug. 3 | Network Units 8,280 .8,323 —0.5% . ■ (Includfd: Local Units . 4,638 4,355 + 6.4% .' KFRC. National. iSpot Units 2,278 2.107 .+8.1% .. KGO, KJBS. Total units 15,196 14,785 +2.7% KPO, Roxy theatre, announcements. Para mount Pictures, through Buchanan, five announcements daily. Aug. 10 Compared to Aug. 3 Network Units 6,593 6.563 . +0.4% Local: Units 3.926 4,048 :—3% National Spot Units 1,420_ : : 1,462 -2:9% ToUl Units 11,939 12,073 -1.1%. ■(Ineluded: KFKL; Kl.'J;.;^ Manhattan Soap Buys : Newscasts From WFBR Aug. 10 Compared to Aug. 3 . | "~ National total Spot Units l(j,403 ,10,930 —4.8% Network Units 645 645 '■ Local Units 10,190 10.002 •+1.8%:. Baltimore, Aug. 13. Uneventful doings all around here with some slight activity reported by WFBR, NBC Red outlet lined up Manhattan Soap for a strip of news- Units casts through Franklin Bruck agency 21/238 ;| and sold five announcements a week 21577;to Johnson. & ; Johnson. for Tek (Included: KRNT, KSO, WHO) 30 MINUTE ONE-TIMER ON WSAI, CINCINNATI ' Cincinnati, Aug. 13. Time sales of local stations ip the shade for second successive week, yet broadcasters pleased that general-: biz for this natural bog month j$ ahead of same period last year. ; WSAI last week carried a one-time 30-min. interview progrant from th# City Loan fco.'s revamped dpwntowh headquarters. Same sponsor is using 10 announcements weekly. Also car- rying announcements on the Crosley smalli6 are the Chrysler , Corp., through Ruthrauff i Ryan, and the Weidemann Brewing Co., placed by the Strauchen & McKim agency, Cincy. ' , v\..' ' '/ [ I Aug. 10 Compared to Aug. 3 \ Network Units 4.445 4,470 --0.5%. . (liiclu<le<I:. Local Units 8,404 8,457 ^0.6% National SpotUnits 5,456 5,447 .+.0^%' Total Unit* 18,307 18,374 —0.3% wcpo, wknc, .wtw. wsai) —1.1% . * No change; ■ . wcixil) K.SJFO) A. W, Dannenbaum, Sr., WDAS Philadelphia prez, got back from his Maine camp over the weekend but is all siet to return Aug. 21 When that oV. diebbil hay-fever renews its op- tion;. Toothpaste via Ferry-Hanley, Also tied up 39 daytime pne-min, tran- scriptions for Perfection Stove Co., to start Aug. 21, McCannrErickson negotiating. Aug. 10 Compared to Aug. 3 Network Local Units Units 7,115 4,699 7,073 4,696 +0.5% +0.06% National Spot Units .. 1,704 ■ ; 2,314 -26,3%. Total Units 13,518 14,085 —4% (IncliKled: WBAL, WOAO, WCBM, WFBli) AH-Aiito Participation Program at KWK, SlL. St; Louis, Aug. 13. Seven automobile dealers in the St. Louis area have joined .spon-. soring 'The Automotive Hour,' • daily, a.m. progi-am over KWK. The 30 mins, . program that started last week includes transcribed niusic and the tunes are. so arranged that each dealer gets a 50-word spot between numbers; Most dealers are plugging a used car bargain, while others' used • ihstitutiorial vcppy prepared by the station scripters.. Dan Cochran has been assigned to the program, : Sponsors are the West Side Bicfc, McCarthy Motor Cp., Fred Even* Motor Go-, L. M. Stewart, IncV, South Side Chevrolet Co,, John T, Dolaii Motor Co., ah^t the Chambers Motox Go. ■ ■ Colgate Cbiwideri Benton & Bowles last week made a transcription of a new flve-a-week show, -A Woman of America,' for, submission to Colgate. Account is how mulling it. . ill