Variety (Aug 1940)

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28 lUDIO BEVIEWSI Wediiesdciy, August 14# 1940 i» ♦ ♦»»t»♦ ♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ » ♦ <i »»♦♦»♦♦»»♦»»♦♦»» »♦ ♦ * ♦»♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ in on .the; Sperry Tiewscast over NBC ^hile Sam Haye» grabs off a two- week vacash... . Deanna. DurWn wilt be the flrst guest star wheii Chas« Sc Sianborn resumes its airer Sept. i. .. .Harry Lubcke, Don Lee net's tele- vision head, is in N. V. for; the FeG-visio huddles.. . -Edgar Bergen Anally brought his new plahe into .port. v. .B6b Hope is galflng at Del Monte^ . . , Jini and iMariah Jbrda^^ (Fibber McGee and Molly) are in town iafter a six-week siesta in Kartsas City.;. .Tracy Moore becomes Western divlisipn sales manager for NBb blue, iVhile Syd: Dixpn, Division sales chief, con- centrates on red deals..,. Al Span, CBS sound effect* director, is, east for home office confabsJoe. Bigelpw takies ovep the Kraft Music Hall ' scripting chore while Qarrpll Cai'rdll. treks eastward to recuperate, ffom hiij recent illness.. Bill Wright, who has. baeri Zeb to Al Pearce's iEb, makes hW screen debut in Columbia's 'Blpndie Plays Cupid' after 12: yeais in radio. I . .Bob Crpsby, lauhches his Csmel brPadcasts from NBC studio Ai-ch m■^lsm, " YORK", -dry Zita Johann added to '^tr. KeeW; Tracer o Lost Persons' cast.., ;T"lor- ence Lake has. left same show for Caifaiina: island visit: with her bi'other, fllitv actbr .Arthur Lake. . ;.;Kay BrInker joined 'Our Gal Sunday.' cast,y;. Ray Coliins .went to; tlie Coast last week fof aboiJt a week's. Work in the Ol-srttV Welles picture, 'Citizen^^^^K^ . . ^ , i . ^ v. fevsf days for a part, in the same iilm. ;,-:Roman Tofehberg,- R here Aug. 15, He opens a; four-week stari Heirshi Fima Fid^lman arid Fi-ancis'Tojihazy; memb^^^ t^t-the WQXR iri- :! Ol^oler has.^ -strumental group, appearing in va .solo series (jver the station iat npori ! f^^^ under w^y Oct 4 under .the Saridays duriiig^ugUSt.iRay Kati.; of WHN program departmerrt. and l^i^g' Everyrnan^s Theatr^'.... ;Vicks qhemieal's new^hneerwee^ Arthur Weill,;of the accounting departmeht. vacationing. :. .,Al Grobe :tak- hour van^^^ in? over rioon news sDsnon over WINS while B:s.vBercovi^^ up pt the^program^vh been deei*^ed^;. .Ar^ur Church, head of a-lest. .- VWi -C'vAicorrii:general manager of WBNX. on month's trip to"the ;Midland .Broadcastmg^Co., operating Kansas City s.KMB^^^ clropPed^^^i^ Caait..:;Sue Royal: of.tlife s^mei station's-p^^^ ^ ':,Hollywp<^ to installvBob Breiun'as tlie outms-Coast rep,-Braun.resigned ;ti6nii):g: at Perridale,' :N; y:.^; .Walter Holmes,/ahnouhcei-, and Harold ^J^J*i;!?fP^^;i!]™5!?|^S^'f^^^Ji''/'^J^''^?*°^"Y^ Miller/ technician of WBNX. ba^^ ' - * * 4. r.* «r-i« . . -^i.*. 'Legion of Safety,' discs With Allen .Prescott 'as .'The Back-Seat Driver;' jeinV Serirs'. orchestra and sop Lteweliyh lyibss, pr.iesepted under the auspices of Amefican Legipri in cooperaitiop ;\yith Automotive Safety Fouhr datipn/are; beirig -turntebled^o elsevvhere... Erigagemeht announced of tJlla Marianne Bi'pdd, of. Stockholm; SWedeiv,' to. Herljertv Fox, son ot President ind Mrs?,^^ D^ Ryan Fox; of Union College, Schenectady^ and an. employe of Cp^ Corp. ; . :GBS'Dr; Frank Stantoh ffabbergasted by discovering man-0 „ , , « .. . , .. :name is one of the honored dead of; ASGAP;::^ in their :nevv^trailer. . ;Haryey: convention with Mrs. S along.. . .she finally agreed to fly. ■ Helms,,Al Pearce writer, has been discharged^f^^^ Samaritan after «f-ii- c . 1 41 i • A i. ^l il ui- u j I recoverinig :frPm flu;, .Bill Moore, Coast program supervisor far Williarn; ^^Mliam,^i^yans.radip,p^^^ ^^^S,pvi\iso^ii^f^^^^ by House, of Books, v.aV'was air^^ ^ • w ^iJTI f -; ^ ' vacation Maxine^ook (no j^^re during his 3hs^ce.. /Pfexy ForreS Barnfes;^Radib Writers Guildv iS^ ing; its kilocycle talent to N^^ Wolff on a splitrCpnVmissioh basis. . Francies .Lanigfprd, Kenny Baker, David Broekmah ahd his orch^^^ and the balance of the current .Texaco air setup has/beeh.^^s on a flvie-week extensipn,. holding over until Fred Allen moves ; Oct, 2:. .Lloyd BroAynr field, ;.ex-jinimie; Fidler neW? rustler, hiss been added to Hal Roark's CBS publicity staff . .>Chet ; Lauck' a^^^^ Aitieche have split up as, racing stable partners, with Lauck taking pver the breeding stock and ran .and- .Ameche claiming thte; running niags. . L is now M Saratoga to; line up .add.ed-. stock, after, whjch. he heads. for Ne\v ■ .Yor.k for . radio :huddles ■',. 'Hatv'ey week ■ ago .("Tuesday)\ relatibri ).;is doing Max Wylie, .CBS script ed, spending month at Lake George, i , .Karl Swep- tan to riiake his.-screen' debut Via Orson Welles' 'Citizfen Kj^ne.!. : . Cecily B, ford chttoing^om V^m^a of,:I^ seasPn, ;whichVgets the signal Sept. 9;^ a^^ LaUreKce • Robmson^dded to 'Bet^ and. Bob*: and Peggy O'Dpnnell on Edna^est in 'Gbodbye m Chips,' Claiidette Colbert and Gary same Shpwr, replacing jWaiylSIa^ Sf^nUoW rnrt Brian. Aherne iti jwiiV Will «^ tOwir r-i^^oior.^ e^<»s„- m^,;, v-«,,i, «,.o> 4^!,*^=, t »c i Grant in 'The Awful Truth/ Barbara Stanwyck and Brian Aherne in . ....iVlilt Hut Of. WHK, Cieveland, seeing New .; York for first timer .Lies. .■,,,, \.t. . • ^ ttV--u* ■> t> j t* ^^..^i^ rrL^^-it i-^ *T\i^r\i: ■irinirir.-u > K«>i' «««b;o,Maa*lWeui*wv.«TO^^ dom's iibuble feature cphtroyersy- gets a; coast-tprcoast airing over, CBS GPttlieb, .he\ycomer.s to . Mutual nieintibership John McMiiiin,- . Cpmpiton agency ;Tadi6 director, vacationing in New Hampshire; . . .Edward .MacHugh^ 'Gosp>el Singer,' starts ■ next, week- to .record s new.batch of his; P. & G. waxed, series.. . .Raymond Jpnes- of the Colhpton , radio; department,^^.^^t^ . Nantucket for several weeks... . Sandra Michael recuperating at hef Silyetmine (Conn.) home (froih an appen- dectpmy. .... during ■ Quincy Howe's vacation . his ■ nevys-commerit. series Aiig. 24; Wheh Samuel GoldWyrt, Darryl Zanuck, I. -E. Chadwick, Trem . Cair, Prof. F.;P. Wbeilrier (UCLA) and Mrs.-Leo B. Hedges (P-TA) ad lib lheir.;yiews" via; the .people*S:;P^ Arch Oboler has turned put ,a -book of 15 radio plays, out of hi.s. exper.r- eiice as a producer-writer for the. air. waves, to be published by Random New band. remotes qiyer W NeW York,. include Larry Clinton ii-bm Maiihattan Beach," N. Y., beginning Aug; 25; Joe.Venuti; replacing Cab Cal- loway from Meadbwbrpok, Cedar ;Gro\i'e, N: J.; aind, Xaviar Cygat, f rorn the Waldorf-Astoria, ii. ;Y;| beginning this .'.weefe Mi]. Leonard Nasoh, Mutuavs-n)ilitary !d will cover and partici- pate in the- army jiianeuvei's at Plattsburg next; week as a reserve corps ■major of- cavalry. .. .Gabriel Heatter'S Wedhesday. and -Friday, news shots pyeir; WOR-Mutual add; six more stations..Edward Padula, fprirnerly . a televisipn prpgrarni director for NBC, staged 'No Time for Comedy,'- with Francis Lfederer' at Saratoga. .. .^Virginia 'Godfrey, "daughter "or the ylate Sam Gpdifrey, ■. and a member of the Spa. theatre company, at Saratoga, broadcast.ifrbm Albany last.week. ; ,;, •, ' ' Alfred 4... McCosker, :;WOR. plre^^^ continues his yaciation at Muriray Bay . i .;;Selena Royle,, the radio actress, Chicago^ chapter, pf National Grandmothers Club, has scripted'a legit playi .'Era's End'.; . .she's the daughter of Edwin Milton ' . Rbyle,; who wrote; 'Squaw 'Man'.; and other plays... .Ida- Bailey Allen's ; hoine economics series returns tb WMCA beginning Aug. 26. IN. SAN. FRANCISCO Lawrence, wife of the': producer-ahnouncei:: of Mutual's 'VagabondTraii' j NBG staffers ^ways get thrill of pride when they- pas$. Telehews theatre east after; a month's stay on. the .Cbas^ . ; ;and see'KGO'S infbrmation, Please^ billed IN HOLLYWOOD Robert Moss bpwed off; NBC's production staff- to become .night pro- gram supervisor. He succeeds Marvin Young, who steps down to;write and produce for the net... .Lewis AUeh Weis.> and Fox Case havis been appointed to the Galifornia conlmittee oh defense. ACETATE Recordings.. Processed and Pressed- In Cainada Vertical.or Lateral Also line Recording of the highest Quality: ;. -'r^^-; ■■^''-^'v-;-'. i got similar billing at Golden Gate.; Frank Denke, NBC staff pianist has whacked out a concerto, .. ;takes 15 minutes to play and had its preem on KPO's :*Musicar Heritage' Sunday (1 i)... .next performance, Cincinnati Symphony, Dec, 12.,, .CBS delegates to N.A.B. meet are, taking round- about way home.., ileft Frisco' Friday (9).: for the south via:; Vpsemite, arriving; Lbs. Angele.s Tuesday Cl3); . . .party^^ included Arthur Kayes, J. Buddy Twist moves Kelly Smith and Howard Meighan of Radio Sales. N. Y.: Merle Jones, KMOX, St Louis; A. E. Joscelyn, WBT, Charlotte; Harold Fellows, WEEI, Boston; Kingsley; Horton,. satpe station; Arthur Kemp and Henry JapksoP of Coast sales staffy. . .KROW looking fbr boy ahnpuncer. ^ .lad \yill be used on a ybuth program and will, be selected from; win^^^ .street quizzerage limit, 8 to 16,.. .Same station has;found a new pl^ to run a line—a bread factory....Kathleen Jensen airs cookery dope direct from Remar Baking company plant six days a week.. . .John B, Hughes rnoves fast;on occasion... .ate at INS iuncheoh;fpr NAB last week, dashed across town to do news bibadeast pn CBS and got back in time to appear on entertainment portion of party. - ';:.'[ ^ '.: - /^ • ■ •■• -■. ;-,-'- ;;.- "■" \ ;.'. V '".'.;"' —— "; ' .;' ': ' i - ... .. . Satisfied ■■;^^:v . ^ U.S.; CIients ■:..■;^y' Coi&po Company Limited;.' .. Lachine, Montreal, Canada. TranScription headquartera For Canada. •v.-^v-': ;v;t^WQXR'wm''brhan^ ^l^'^^l^L^^li M. Cherne, author, of 'M Day,' and Hairy Scherman, ecoh<wnics IxpU 1 ^BC script sta^^ ^. „ - ^ , . . . ., V , , . . . . , ! for an Idaho vacation after winding up a scripting job for Metro. The George Zacharys (Marian Shockley) have joined the radio flotilla ; K ■ ' ; ; ; of Lotig Island yachters., . .Carol Irwin, Young & Rubicam daytime radio ■ ; -rr-^—; bead, who returned last week from, the Coast, plained to Boothbay Harbor, i f jy C fliC ACO Me., over the weekend..tonight's (Wednesday) 'Manhattan at Midnight' , ' V" ^ edition wais scripted by Richard Dana. . . .Arthur Hale, weekending-in ) Donald McGiveny gets a six-a-week news schedule on WBBM at 8.: 15 Bucks county (Pa.), was flown back and forth to New York three timW r;a mr. .Muriel B^^^ to 'Road of Life,'Dorothy Francis to 'Scatter- by private plane for his news broadcasts... .Dolly Dawn added to Morey j good Bairies'.. .Lee Childs into the loop State-Lake. . ipPn, McNeill, Jack . Amsterdam's 'Laugh and Swing Club'... .Jimmy Sciribner's 'Johnson Fam- i. Baker, Nancy Martin, Eyelyii Lynne, Escorts and Betty, Dinning Sisters of ily* off the air until fall. i the Breakfast Club show to Lakeside Park in Dayton for a quick weekend Ronnie Gbldenberg, WNEW auditor, will be married Sunday (18) to ' date on Aug.^23.. .Phillips Holm^^ Laura Whitehorn.. .Cliff Corbett Bill ReiUy and Maria- Little, of WNEW - show on WGN-Mutual,t,o a military trainmg course at nearby Fort, Sheri- staff, all off for. vacationing, and Ruth Frank, of same station, back; at the j • • ; ;. ; . '; griiid. :.Walter Gross, pianist on -Hit Parade.' >Crime Doctor' and 'Ray } John .Hess jbihs; WGN continuity, gang to scribe for the Bill Bacher Block Presents/ is now batoning 'Summer Cruise,' with Buddy Clarke and ' productions.. . . Added to 'Romai^ce of Helen' Tre.nt' are Chris Ford, Dpro- . 'Accenton JSiusie.'....Dr..L Q,-will have a 'preview' showing of.his program Lthy Day, Howard. Hoffman and Frank Behrens.. . .Cliff Carl joins cast of Friday night (16) from Madison Square Garden.. .moves his broadcasts to 'Scattergood Baines'... .Don ;Pedrp on WGN for 10th year for Eyans Fur th e Capitol theatre stage Monday (19).... Jerry Danzig, WOR drumrbeater, ' :firm... . Jeanne "Juvelier. and Henry Hunter added to. 'Midstream,' Kathryn, Hollywood. : ; ' . \ Card, Hugh Rowlands and Lauretle Fillbrandt to 'Lone Journey,' Ray Laigay and Bill RiDse to 'Ma Perkins*. Alma .Dubus and Bob Dryenforth to •'W'pman'.in.-White',:. . .Kjt^^^^ Flagstad in town for some concert dates.; .' Roy C. Witnier, NBC v.p.. and Ken Dyk<s; adyertising and sales promo- \ tibn manager,. in from N- Y. for a couple days;.. .Ken Ellington, former I WBBM 'Roving- Reporter,' back to'that job again after three months in Hollywood and six in New England for Wrigley airers;.. .Stuart Dawson, WBBM-CBS assistant program director, in Springfield to cover State Fair. Jess Pugh, title role player in 'Scattergood Baines,* has petitioned Rush County court to change hig name to Scattergood Baines,... A. Craig Smith, adyeirtising manager for Gillette razors, ;and Searle Hendee, of; Maxon ad agency, in Chicago to arrange Mutual airing of World Series... .Don Pedro back: On WGN, this session' marking his seventh year on station.... Mac and Bob, and Red Foley picked as favorite radio entertainers at picnic of Who Made Good San Francisco, Aug. 13. To celebrate five years of ruhiiiing an amateur show. Dean Maddox of KFIJG und.ert6ok, Saturday night to • demonstrate: in 3,()00-seat War Me- morial Opera house that many of his amateurs are earning folding money . today,: Maddox (known .; air; 'Budda' .rounded up -flock of talent which got its; initial break on his' .show,' aired 8 to 9 pirn, weekiy .un- der sp o n s o r syh i p .of Marin-ioell Dairies (Which renewed, ^for sixth year this week). ' George and Will Newconib, aged 17 and 18, wbrking musical saw, broom-stick fiddle and musical bot- tles, were credited with a gross in- take of .$6,800, since debuting • as ani3 - four years ago. Two, discoveries dashed over from Treasiire Island between shows at Aquacade; police escort and:^ every-' thing, to do their stuff, doe, MaHe Montell, 16-year-old tapper, Avas aired two months agb. The other, • John Clollins, "bass baritone, ' member of the Fred Waring glee club, who assertedly V^ot liis telltale break on ah early editipn of the take-a-chance hoiir,. becoming staff ' baritone at KFRC for a- time and ' later Singing in opera, : ; ■ , ' .• Maddox ;told audience that young- ster who first confronted mike less than thiree years; ' , 20-year, old Frank Arthur was sportscasting suc- cessfully and had earned ; $5,000 in:, the ihtefim,. He aired St. Marys-^ ;Fordham ■ game from New York., ' ' . Ruth Peterson who did recitation two years ago: was described as an MGM starlet who also plays; 'Linda*, in Hawthorn House on NBC. : : Beatrice Laidlow, k no wn as 'Tszgania iand Her Gypsy : Violin,; * booked for the Rainbow Room, New: York, .with Chicago booking eii route, . Closer in Maddox discoverie.s' rally was- Louise Randall, torch; singer who jumped from KFRC trybut into niteries. .Sang originals, by Howard Eastwood, staff pianist for the Mad-. dox sho\y. . . ;' Following broadcast portion. Mad- dbjc recalled his own days;;!!!' vaUae; when; he and' Jack Kirkwood of KFRC Breakfast Club had ah act to-. gether^ Team went into ; pld^tiihe patter and laid - ra aisles, '' ze Kansas City, Aug, 13. John Cameron Swayze, newscaster,' cblumnist and Journal reporter; joins the staff of ; KMBCj as'. newscaster effective Aug. 25, Swayze joins up to handle increasing news commer- cials, a. daily . 10-minute stint for National Biscuit and six Sunday newscasts for. Mid-Continent Petro- leum Co. (DX gas and oils) as open- ing assignments. . This brings station news staff to four with Erie Smith, chief, handling broadcasts for Bond Clothes and for; Pard Dog Food (Swift & Co.), while j;ohn Farmer takes the B C Headr ache Powder and Ideal Dog Food (Wilson St Co.) turns and the sus- taining early morning news. Harold Addington, of the Transradio biireau, also works as member of KMBC staff. • ■.; New connection marks return of Swayze to station on which he made his debut * 1931. Since then as member of the Journal staff he handled at- yariouS. .timesi, : radio, drama, films and a personal column. More U.S. Internationals ■ Washington, Aug, 13, Chest-expahsipn for IJn'ted States '. international broadcast stations con- tinued last .week with .five additional transmitters upped to. 50 kw, by the Federal, Communications Corhmi - sion; • . ■;■,.' ':■':.;. ;,.,;'; .• . ■.;,.■'.,:;.■ ■ .Bringing to' nine the.' number that have reached the. maximum p which the Comniish deems necessary for 'satisfactory international serv- ice,* NBC's stations, WRCA and WNBi, at Bound Bi'ook, N. J., Co- lumbia's; WCBiC, Wayne, N, J„ and General Electric's, WGEA, at Schien- ectady; and KGEI, San Francisco, joined the parade. ■ , V■: ■ '/ /l Beauties Need Scaniies HELPS THEM §T£P-IK WBNS .'^ Mull 1