Variety (Aug 1940)

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Wednesday, Atigusl 14, 1940 RADIO 29 AIR PACT Xiirie Grows Short for Action in Harmony With HaviAna Treaty Now Ratified >y '■\:.CBivi6fiir Cuba ahd Mexico ' Proihise* Action But VVV^aishingtpn Fears Schism"^ RIVAL CONCEPTS Washington, Aug.. 13, . Conflicting ideas ..about' the value ot this couhtryls clear channel policy Je6i5ai'dize the ./ Noi^th,. Amei:ican .agreement,- long desired Insui-ance .against ./Mexican" , border . stations nvuscling;: . ;U,r. S./.-fr-equencies. Wiih; pniy six weefcis, tojgp, the has made nbthing but the most, ele- meritaty fnbves toward.; -throwing the. switch ■ that; -will .start. the, re.r shuffling. machinery whirring. •. And before any final move is made, a .flght miist ta:ke place, according to all Sign.s. . .Unless - this ; country by Sept. 29 notifies Canada, Cuba, and Mexicp, the bther^ three signatories, 'of. ihtentions, the pact will-wind up as aridther of. those fine - ideas -for ending . irittrnational squabbles but of ho material yaUie to ;U. S. broadr casters harassed^ b^^^ tbreign ; ' ,- traders. ■:■ Word tronri San Firancisco that Chairman. .James. L. Fly. promised requisite preliniinaries will be over ■ time, received here last week, occasiotied general surprise. For- the industry watchers .have been per- plexed at the: Comrnissions what's- • The bes t indication of CKAC Belling power is the number of BpbnsorB it has and holds. Here> how the five Montreal stations rank ai to the percentage of time sold.* -.. .68.06% ^ : . . 42.46% 23.02% ■ ' ■ : 20.04 % • ^.-i 15.67%: , 19.40 ;.iio 11 p;in. Station "A"; 8tatioh"Bf' Stat I on Station •^b?^ •Week o(. Mil.' the-hurry attitiid* for several months. ■ .Under terms of the Ha van ia. con- cord, each signiitory must -notify -the bthier six months before the effec- tive date how he will use the stripes tagged for his exclusive use. In- asmuch as Mexico's delayed ratifica- tion became, formal on March. 29, the deadline: is the: ■ end of next rnbnth. , ;So, it this , country has not tiirned .ln a catalog of the Class I .A and other ribbons by that time, everything's off. Fundamental .differences about the best v/ay of promoting U, S. -A. public, welfare appear to explain the time-wasting. . It comes down to the clear channels. Under the pact, this country keeps 25 of the 40 on which a single. transmitter, is li- censed to function after dusk. One wing of the regulatory body thinks policy is 'monopolistic'- and that these deluxe frequencies ought to Dallas-Ft. Worth ])eal Pending; Carter Sells be opened up for use by several round-thie-clock oiatlets; opposing faction still adheres to thei decade- bid concepit that rural areajs are de- pendent on interference-freo sec- ondary service. Questions As a result, the industry is wait- ing for these answers: Qiiestioh No. 1.—If wie fail to use the 25 ribbons tagged IA for IA out- lets, do w. .- sacrifice. the ■ promise^: degree of protection lor ut- lets that riiay be spotted oh. Ihest frequencies? There s a legal . and diplomatic controversy about that. Question No. 2.—Shall the indus- try's economic foundation be under- "Only One of lis kln^ In Amerlvii'' CKAC fntutdit'a Busiest Slafioiv' A CBS Affiliate^ Dallas, Aug, 13. , ;Pallas News, which owns and op- erates WFAA, has obtained permis- sion from the Federal Commuhicar tipns Commission to. buy a, half in- terest in KGKO, Fort Worth, for $250,000. Amon Carter, publisher of the Port Worth Star-Telegram and. owner of WBAP, Fort Worth, is do- ing .thfi. selling. He will retain the. other 50%' in. KGKO for himself. Deal, will give the Dallias; News all day''ahd: :night . air •facilities,. Its- WFAA shares timbs on- 570 k.c, '^•ith Carter's WBAP; WFAA will main- tain separate studios arid staff in Dallas and KGKO Under the joint, management will do the sariie in Fort Worth, KGKO; is affiliated w ith the blue network. Ikys WLf Jumble-Words .• eincinhati, ..Aug,. ■ IS. Scramby; Amby, 'lurnble-worcl quizzer; which boSved Friday (9) oh WLW as a sustainer, goes cbmmei- cial: Sept; 6 for. the Walter .H; JohnT son Caridy Co., Chicago, blurbing Ppwerhpuse •.candy . bars. Program runs 30 minutes ind i.s on at 7 p.m.. EST. Has. Ilaiy Shannon comic: m.c. and has .ihstrumental and vocal relief.\ Eight-piece band is directed by Phil Davis,. Warbler .is Anita, a newcomer on the Crosley staff and who recently corripleted v/brk inJLhe 'Strike IJp the Band' pic in Holly- wood. Jimmy Leonard does the an- nouncing. It's ■ . ah audierice participatipn show. Contestants receive musical, rhyme, classification "and descriptive clues in bidding for, Pfish prizes. Lis- teners aire offered $3 apiece: for ac- cepted scrimbles'and get an added. $2-.for stumper?.... niined without further conf-idei'ai ion, .especially sinde' nobody . .hits vonim forth yet with a; practicable^ propbsi-. .tion for , supplying pro'gra ms to - I ha remptely-situated: aadiericfes . which, now Vcan , tune / only :the : reflected sky -wave signals of. f is r- a Way c 1 ea »- channel; 50 kw plants? Thi. has been going on for several years. Y. . Miller-s Concert Piarty ' Philadeiphiai Aug, 13; ■ LeRoy lililler, who spins the plat- | teis ori kYW's .'Musical Glock' dur- j ihg the >arly ayems, rounding tip station talent^ for a 'KYVV: Radio Bevue' to make a series of personal appearances^ Bill Smith, local agent, lining: up the dates, that include, al- ready an, Aug, 23,at.Spring Mbunlairi House^,. ■'Schweiikville, pii the; Peinii.'jy borsch route, and . Aug, 25 a WeiEK's. runhihg at Hamid's..pier .it Atlantic City;,: , / .: Miller , will: be at: the con- trols.""-. ' 15,iMI0 KIDS AT WMBD EVENT . ^ Peoria, 111,.,i Aug; : 13. ; Station WMBD gives its . annual juvenile thfeatfe park shoy/ tPday (13), with talent from., children; ap- pearing >yeekly on thie' studio.'s. Sat- urday morning. '.Juvenile Theatre,' assisted staff inusician.s nhd. ar- tists, A.s usual,; the show takes place at Glen dak park, " ; Milton, Budd, WMBD announcer who handles: the :'Ju.venile Theatre,' j trains the youngsters'. Attendance -of .1 15,000 is anticipated;. I^royed th 0 usa n of iimei 1. TWICE THi Audience of oifiy^ther Indepehdent ftotion. (Hoppc^^^ and other impartial surveys.) Zmjtm Nation *s* Biggest Market. (The 50-mile metropolitan trading area.) 3. Gne-Third ^HE Cost of any New \brk network station. 4. Radio's OuTSTANPiNG Programs. (^'Make Believe Ballroom'^ Martin Block, "Milkman's Matinee" with Stan Shaw» And many others;) S. Local Advertisers know \^NEW moves most goods^fostesi. $^ More Cc>MMERa bought x>n WN EW than on a otlii^r station in New \ferk. Nationally Represented hy. Jobn Blair A .Company.