Variety (Aug 1940)

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84 MUSIC ^edpesdaji August 14, 194o TERRACE ROOM (HOTEL NEW YORKER, N. Y ) RO$S FENTQN FARMS WoQdy. Herman Orc^^ (15) and ; DUlageiie; Ice Revue ixntK Etna An- derson, iV; a .t h a il Walley, Al/rcd Trenklef; Ronny Robert?,. DuReiiie FaHey, Edith Dustman, i Dci-phue Podi'ei'-'Lillian' Tribby,-- Grade May, . . DeLories Ziegfeld,. -. Jerry White; • Peter Ke>nt Ofch (6); Grace Shaur -non atipimWj di7in«rs /rprti S'i;> .:■'75c;.;.a7id :r r,\''y'y-- ■^:: '[:r '\ // AgainJ the Terrace i^ie; 'Hot^i New Yorker^.h^ ...facelift,,.: a regiilar occuvreiVce wi each new band and a. heat change of pace in ' decor that interprets .itselt in. ■ ^favorable; comment - aridgbod: bu^i-. : ,ii^ss!." With. Wpo^^^ ■ : Go'mbihatioh in for : six- .weeks^. bv longer, the. aircopled room, has; been given a switch in its Alpine motif, as befits a setting, for the ice shbvv, : . .Busiiieiss has been terrif .here, with ■ three . shoAVs ; da including ;the complete ice revtie for liunchieon. .Dinhe:r is no problem; a band's draw is measured therefore solely by the ' supper- biz w*ien: t^^^ iiijd $r ■■ cover obtains. V Hermaii has. br6u|!ht-ia;^^^^ hlrri^a. smootS ■■ rhythniic . organi^aliort. vnpt top .hardrdi-iving: yet terp-comjp.ellihg: . •His. team of four saxes, three, trom- bones, three 'trumpets ^and ;fbur ■ rhythm (piahb;. string liass, guitar and drurh^) is supplemented by the maestro,.' featui-ed., bn his .licorice .stick. HferniSn, wjio .first canie to at- tcihtioii when, with Isham Jones, is.X .. .topflight •cVarinetist.; and kno^^ to liaiidle -hittiself, and his support Svjien sounding off. .Ac-tall ..person- able lad, he's, - .good front' at the helTn.''. :■ . • .Ahother 'highlight personality to :the tote is the • very, photogenit Diliagehe . who . jirlakes up for .her yocal shortcomings with" .killev- diller personality. . She's a' looker ' whom' Herman picked up at: Okla- homa . A. & ,M; and the .fep; that 'the ■ southwest, enldys on its. pul- chritudinous batting'average; is more than-; sustained ,by DillageniB. She handles, vocals ia sblo„ and in combo •with ;■ one; of - ■ the boys. ^;• Ice revue is' better • than ' ev^ir,, a newcomer, Erna Anderson, fr.otn Nbr.way, - whamming :'enii with big: league ballet solo wOi-k; itieludinig a waltz and later ah origlrial rhuinba creation on the skimmers, rnatched by an : equally distinctive couture creation. ■Nathan ;Wall^3f; .world's lUhdefeaited • pro figure-skating, champ, piroves why with his solo opportunities. • The change of pace in comedy and nov- elty aire supplied by Alfred (Freddie) Trehkler,, comedy : cut-up,, and Ronny Roberts with ext'riaordinai-y stunt stuff. buReine Farley, out of the ice ballet of six; is a Iboker who does solo. si)ecialitiesi and Edith Dust- .mah is another given solo opixirtuni- ties with Walley in jgriaceful double ■ Toutines, stepping but of the line. The supporting sextet in ensemble ah'' unusual collection of Ibok- ^ Piiiale ''Dutch Garden', staging exceptionally \ well, costumed ahd conceived. ' Jerry White (nee Radio Franks) is a tiptop mx.; Grace Shannon does musical interludes, and Peter Kent's combo is the relief ' band. Herman arid his WoOdchoppers get bff in more heiated fashibn at supper, holding down on the torridity - for the dinner sessions, a cue that the-veteran Max, ' the maitre d'hbtel. wisely passed on to Herman. Like j?aul at the door of the Persian, Room; Francois, who pre-; sideis jat the Raihbbw.Robm's velvet rope; -Joe Lopez, the: v.p. in charge of keeping ' them out: of the; Stork Cliib, and other; persbnality - front:' rhen in the high 3Pbts aroun.d town. Max : jealously . presides over his ; Terriace Room,; a veteran -sinde the late Ralph Hitz days and still catry- ; Ihg on fbr the new Frank Andrews administration, V . .Abel,- .; Asbury . PdfktyAug: 10,. r ^ Elhel Waters, Eddie Oliver's. OrcU , (9 > ibiih :. Jay . Jeroitiie and . Anne . Judsoti; mininiuvis', week . -days ^ and Siiiidays, $1.50; Sattirddys and 7ioK- •daps/- 3.. ./ .;. v.-- ■ " Rbs-s^Fentph ^FaVh^s, how under; the aegis of ^society' i aeistro Meyer, Davis, i.s still ReejDing: uj) the tradi-' tion that has made it the; class spot ■ along'^the Jersey : coast. for. .years. Although' prices have been ciit siiice the stiff tariffs of the boom days of Asbury Park,: they are stiU ..high; enOuigh, ; however,; : to re. trict . the patronage to the wiell-heeied social registeritcs and the gbod Sijehders..'" / . Siriee the.bpehihg at the begihnirtg of the sumrheri Davis hiis kept the' policy giving the ciistpiners one good .act instead p£ a iconglonieration of medibcre pnefe... This week the attractibn 15 .Ethel Waters, and agdih the show is cliekb. , (Previous bills here have included Jpc E. . Lewis, Pahhy Kaye; the Hartnians; comihg,, Hildegarde). .^o:'.;'-,. . '■■ . '■. :Miss Waters lives, ui> to her repu- tatibn-, as ' a super-salesworhan of songs; ^. ; Her .ohly - fauli-^if it is a fault—isMn ieaviTig the. customers literally :■ with their to':' • lies hahging but beggirtg fOr nipre. . Cutting; short: her stint at. this catchihg (Satuirdjiy,. supper:) served as. a come-on to keep the diners at their places . for; the iriidhighf, show.''^ ■ ' ^■ Her ;first;two number.s are; in the; semi-spiritual Style .and done with iJlehty .or iing. ; They 'a:re "Half ;jcf. Me' and .'Ain't Gonna Sin No .'Mbre.'-, She. then iwih|;s • iritp a.- half-singv half-talk' .Version Of Cole; Porter's ;'Miss Otis Regrets, ■; winding up. with her two standby faves, 'Stormy iWeather' : and 'Dinah.' No ..mpunt of persuasion by the aud cbuld bring an enpore; . ^Bandleader Eddie Oliver, :who doubles a$ m.c.,'a-..':ed that they remain for the late shbW to get the rest bf Miss Watei-s'. •epertOire^: Oliver's .cre\v (Band! Reviews) is ea.r-soQthing . and danceable. Jay Jerome and Anne. Judspn handle the vocals smoothly.' "The .pixtire layout is in Iteeping with - the ..atmosphere, which' is rich and relaxihei The Farms are .Lu.ilt on the banks of beautiful Deal Lake. , ' ShaU \ has a nice voice but indicates a need for salesmanship and delivery. Ellen Connor goes into the same categbry thoush sne has the edge becduse of a good appearance: ; In the ;floor show are two repeat- ers. Jimmy -Byrnes has been; play- iiig stock in this spot arid fits;;lh well enough with his.; simple tap routines. Don and Beverly ai"e a meahipgless little dance team that has as. its best sellihg point a quick, and medipere run-through of varioijs . types' and styles; of dancing. For hbke pop appeal, this gets. 'em by, .. G6Ui.\^ MA;HDEN'S RlV ^ • [ En06ibo6d; N: J,/Auq^^ j Chdndra-Katy D anc e r s ■ - (3), Cliesier Ilale Line > 116), Hatri/ Rich^ wdii, Sophie TiicJeer^,^^: j LiBo .• Reistuqii; and '.Pa^^ - Orchs; $3.50; and $4 ;t)iini7»iu7ii;.; :,;'..' .• ■ ■' ;; iW«€h indint Aug. 10, 1940) iMl Never'Srnll* Again, ,,,,,»mtt^i%\i,r^,x, . . • t.t,,, k i.JBu(r ; 'Go.d Blesi America.«• 1«< • •••.•« • t.»# • • '• < •,»■»»v ,»• > > • f ■ < § (Rerlict ■ :• Sierra. Su^ ♦;•# t . •...'« «-'«., * •, §.• •,,,, ,■., ^.... ..*.? ■• •.• #.•'•,««-«• t-.'ShapLrc^ ■ • >I'rii:Nobbc!y'i Baby ('An^y iftrdy Me^^^ ,;...,..,,,»r.Feist; . ■,Playn)atei • •. ■* • •»•;• ■ * • ■• • ■• •.• • v•••,, '* .■*, ,'»,».• t « t »,• •;• • • Santl^r■.....'■■ .•^'ooTS" Rush ,Tn•'.•«« t.»t t'•''•:• p'* f *•■.,,•'•'• '•;•;,.. *. t.* ^ t'•., '•,.',:f«t t «..t«^'B'VC': ■ , ■ •■ ;Bliieberry . Hill ■> ■ • v.•;• • < <.•■.;>:• i,.v't .:•.; ■>■>.:> « •,•■•, ,.• ■»«.Chappell ■ 'Make-Belieyt-island '. .■.■. , ,'.■'. ;• • * • ♦,-;•,• v,'',-.V.,; .V, vi;^i-.Miiier.'■ ' -Bre.eze-;.a'nd: !.;..•.. .,;,.. .■;•..,>..■;■..,•.;. .;... ,'*;, .;,■.;....'. v.Marit,'t<' .-. Wheh; the! Swallbwi; Gonie Back. A ..w,;!. /V. vVt . s .Witmar^ I'm Steppihg but With * Mernory .Tonight!.>:,.....,.. i....Robbinji . . Nearness- bf Ybu. ., v;i , v, .;^;.,v.;, i.,,., ,!.!Famou;|i .; Six Lessonj irpm Madame. La! ZbngiHi ., , . , . . ^y V .. i;*Vi>BVC !Wobdpecker; Sotif .. • • • •.; • • < •.... • 1...:. i- . .;. i .. 1,, . :,•., i;.,Robbing! Dpwri by the 0-hl-.o; , , • . i . . . . vy;. . .;..,. , . r,,» v;.Forster ^^.FilniUstcal. BLAekHAwk; gHi ■ /: Chicago, Aug. 7; ; -Hcrbie Xay Orch (12) toith Ken J\r§aIy, 'jE Uen Gonnbr, Jinimy Byrnes, Doii anfi Beverly.: . Evidence of; wnat can ,be done with a- hahie is found .week after week jn the Blackhaiwk. Here'is a ropni laid! oiit,. distastefully^ with posts .hiding the floor; to' a: good :part of the! cus torhers; yet business remains profit able.;; .■ Herbie Kay, for a long time; now a Clijcagp .fave, has the .turrerit band in here and is dbirig a good job of ,it; at the gate- and oh the hoot miisic He is still remembered locally for his introduction of Dorothy Lambur, who later, became /his; 'wife. But Kay doesn!t; need Xanapur. He is dbing/all right; .and so. iS' the BJack hawk, which will always db wieU aiS long as. there are; name, bands to make the customers forget the posts, etc.. -.;.. V- ■ v^"-. Kay' curi^ent ag^gregatlon is; a smooth, sweet group that is far re: moved from . shagerob; and swing He -goes . in for ballads ; and sp.ft ,music,: a • trend adbpted by mahy bands , of late. / Serious lick in .Kay's current setup is novelty. ^ He uses; bne or two! noy elty song!s biit they are frahkly iden- tified with . other orchestras. Kay shbuld: go oijt oh the search for sohie musical novelties arid make them; dis- tinctly his bwtt. ^ With Kay .are a couple of yourig, generally okay' singers.^ Ken Nealy FRED C. WILLIAMSON and HERB GORDON . annouhce the opening of i'^' ^rtist Management 1803 RKO BLDG. Radio City, New York iTetephone : Circle 6.7480 ■ In the .evolution of freedom of thought, bx'pressibn and intimate; cafe mbdes! and manners which; all com- bine to spell 1940, under. the bill of. Rights "■ .in ;; the?e ! |lioriou.s '!Uriited States- of America; lots of changes have ■taftei;v place/example, you probably rerhehiber way When Fanny was:merely a .girl's name; cer- tain ..epithets: !weren't iiriblushirigly accepted as; ;jpolite pai'lpr cbriversa- tion; any refei ehce to/being the sec- ond jerk fipm the end on a tug-ofr war- team didn't; conrioAe something else again; ■ !<. ■'.:;■: -.,'-.. \ . ■; ''-■;'■/ • Which is. an Indirect approach to Sophie Mucker's- idea :,of Yiddish comedy, at! her Riviera' (Englewood, N. J.i rbadhpuse) debut. The lyrics (presumbly by, .her favbrite^:a Jack ; ■yeilen) have .to dp !Vwith the Bronx version of the: conga, and if Ben Marderi ! wants to endow his beautiful .Riyiera with a neo-Bronx aura that's; hi.s^ a(Tair. As!, it is also Miss Tucker's. ■ But if they; don't ; (Clohtiriued on page 45) Conceri Soloists /Continued from page ,33^ Tomimy Dbrsey, set to open the new Hpllywppd .Paliadium ! Oct. 15; will be .followed by five other bands, which are already !set. They are Glenn Miller, Aitie Shaw, Kay Ky- ser, Glen Gray and Larry Ciiritbhi !; Jkn Garber checks but of the Casa Manaha, Ft Worth, today/(Wed.) for a; tour of West Coast, ballrooms. ■. Freddy Martin, Jim Grier At Plantation, Dallas, Jimtnle Lunceford. and his orch fpl- Ibw Jan Garber intb the Casa Manaha, with an innovation: of weekly jam sessioni, every!Monday night; ... '■ .. .''''- ' • Laril. Mcthtirei. checks but of Wil- lows, Pittsburgh, ■ tbmorroW --(IS) after month's fun, and. will :b!a fol- lowed next night; by Billy Yates for indefinite stay. XWO OF T0E COMINd BMiGEST HITS OF THib TEAR SWEET AS HONEY Th* hit of byBMs dayi you asked ii« te r*viv« • AND • • A Brand New Bonne* Novelty Tune I'M SO CUTE :- A .tfrrlflo lyri* :;Md melody—bath' arranied by Ken Churchill, ': an* at ClilM|e'i::for*mMt .arrangerr,..-- SAM BOSTON - MUSIC PUBLISHER Wood« Th>atre BIdir. / - Chicago . chestras/ such mien! as Leopold StokOwski, are already members bf both unions. /• ■'! 1; : Previous Status '' . Apparently ^Petrillo/ ' ! ither in ignorance of, or has chosen to ignore,: th« action bf the AFM execiitive board two years ago, as butliried in a lette;r from the. then AFM presi- dent, Joseph < M. /Weber, to AGMA. in that cornmunicati6n.i the. AFM board,:was ;uriderstood; tb; have con- ceded AGMA's right to ' represent •solo /instrumentalists, although re- serving nominal 'jurisdi-^ticn' oyer such artists. ': ! !Desp-ite . Petrillo's u 1 ti m at'u m AGMA leaders claini .there is little that the AFM can; db . to seriblisly! interfere vi/ith' .AGMA ;or otherwise force sojoivsts; into thb. ;'rntjsieians' ranks.. Apparently, /the only thing Petrillo could do would be to refuse -to . let AFM . members wprk.', with AGMA members. . -■ Orchestras without soloists cannot draw cpnsistehtly at the h.b. Therefore, a ruling that APM mem- bers ; couldn't work! with AGMA members would almost certainly kill such concert series as Petrillo's own pet project, the Grand Park, Chi- cago, open-air concerts, which haye drawn tremendous audiences chiefly oh the strength pf; such, name guests as Lily Pons,. Grace : Moore, etc. Fiirthermbrei sblb instrumentalists can and frequently do give concerts with prtly a single aiccpmpanist. Most serious angle of the situation may be: the possibility that, if no settlement is reached, Petrillo might extend his battle into the whole Four A'S. field, involving Tadio, films, legit and A'audeville-niteries. ' Such a/de- velopment is admittedly remote and, in any case,, the name performers in the Four A's rnembership would have a ciear advantage pver the rank iand file musicians; In the last an- alysis, the: boxoflfice power of the actor*sihger liames was the deter- mining factor iti th5 Four A's!victory last summer oyer the lATSE. Seen possible that Petrillo's move to include sOlo ihstruitibhtal and ac- cbmpanist performers in the AFM mernbership may have quick reper- cussions, in the vaude-nitery field. Stage or nitery acta using musibisil instruments, or instrumental accbm- pariithent •would, presumably be cov- ered In any extension bf the Petrillo demand iand, in fact, such a ruling was passed a, couple of yeats ago by; 'the AFM.' /However, it. caused little notice at the tiine. If yaiide and nitety performers were forced to join the riiiisidans' union it would necessitate their holding two cards, since AGVA's jurisdiction from the Four A's covers this field.; AGVA I already has closed shop agreements iat humerous spots. .. Clyde Knight band opened return engagement Monday ("12) at. West View:: Park,! !?]ttsburgh,. replacing the Manny Prager outfit ' : . ./ -.'■'/ Dallas, Aug. 1,1. '■ Plantation Club in/Dallas is cur--: rently giyirig its customers two naipa band.s, Freddy Martin! ■ afid Jiinm;/ G rier. for the price of one. as the i'e-. suit of the former;beihg buirie.d put: of another spot, the Plantation .Club 1 h :•=: Hb lis ton.- ; Rather . than pay off' Martin and/ let him idle, Dick' Wheeler and Joe. Lahdwohiv joibt owners bf the two clubs, decided to! britig, the : two. bands v together.! Grier opeiied last: Wednesday 17) .for j,a". week's, stay, -while Martin-,. 'wan■ I slated tb ppeiv for a lilc run last, I .Saturday-■ (10). The; fire • Occurred early '! ,/ . / ' /\ Despite the double bill the .Dallas Plantation Chib. ,retained its scale'.of 55c,. week nights and 84c; on. Satur,- <Aky: .the HPustori spot had orre ot the. largest dance floors in the i>t;U(i, Los.s was. cstirfiated at $45,000 Johnny Wjlesi into . .New-- P^iii, Pittsburgh, for two. weeks,. siicceed- ing Herbert Fritschi , and will be followed Aug. 23 by band of Joe Villella, -KQV janriouhcer In that city. ; Harry Jamei orie-highta Sunday (18): at Rotpn Point Park, South Norwalk, !Cohh. ! -•/'- . Music Notes Tommy Reynoldi^ ends/season at Playland, Ryt, N.; Y;, Aug. 30;... , Charles Harding's and Billy Diehl's hands alternate at' Wilmer . Vogl's Tayern,. Mountalnhbme, .iPa. . . ;, Bob Auman'a. West.Chester Teach- ers' College Crew Will .finish sum- rner season iit the:bak. Grove House, near East Stroudsburg, Pa. -.: -Ray Whitley aiid I^ed-Rose- cleitert' three songs for RKO's 'Wagon Truin*. Numbers: • / /Wagon Train,' 'Wliy Shore' and 'Roundup .Tima ini; Dreamland'. Dr. Richard! Hageman conducts- a 44-piece orchestra, to record his owo. score for Frank Lloyd's 'The- Hi)w.i ards pi Virginia'. '-.-■ 'Co'nga Artie Shaw Is taking his new band to San Francisco!Sept. 12 for a long- term; booking at the Palace hotel. Ben Eaton's band at the/grill/at Bockwood Inn, Shawhee-on-Dela- ware. Pa, -■ Tony. Pastor started week's en- gagement at Haniid's Million Dollar Pier In A. C. on' Sunday (11). Mai Hallet ended week'j stay Satur- day (10). . / !.-, • ! Leeds .Muslo! publishing Chain,' a new number- by the. writer.<j of ./'Six .Lessons from ! Madatiur La. Zonga.' .-■ /' " / ,■ ■ ■'■■■'■ / Toby Prin, WCCO, Minhea^o,K: miisic librarian, crashed the hatioiiat hetwork (CBS), with one of hi.i com.- positions.-for the first tima whea Gerte Autry, broadcasting from tha Auditorium here," used his !!*Blanke£ Me With:Western Skies of.Blue'.! Anthony : Collins- is workin.ii - on musical arrangements: for *No, Ni>! Nanette'. ' • Felix Bernard will be married -to. Natalie Stevens, a non-pro, of'New- ark, Saturday afternoon (17) atTlia Brook. Summit, N. j. Bernard com- posed 'Dardenella.- Larry Clinton began -week's stay at Atlantic City's Steel Pier on I Saturday (10). Orrin Tucker's band I arid Bonnie Baker played Suti-1 day (11). Alex Bartha .alternated with both. ■ ■ I . Bill NappI, Birmingham maestro has signed for an indefinite Summer stay at Panama City,! Fla., Beach. The band opened there Monday (5). I Wally Sioefler playing at idora Park, Youngstown, O. Gene Beeoher recently, ojiened (3) a limited engagement it /Yankee Lake, hear Sharon, Pi;. JIMMIE And His ORCHESTItl CASA MANANA CUI.VER CITY. CAL ■■' ;• . ■!;.!/. Mgt. HAROLD OXLEY 17, East 49th St„ Nsw YorlW RECORDED BY jImMY DORSEY 6n DEGCA --ERSKINE HAWKINS ON BLUE BIRD .;.':■.'• .•/:....^ ' ■/ :.!.. . ■.■V;.:,. LEWIS MUSIC PUB. CO., INC., 1619 Broadway, New York