Variety (Aug 1940)

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M HOUSE REVIEWS Wediiesday, A|igust 14, 1940 MUSIC HALL, N. Y. Juiie Forrester Robert ■ Laiidrum. Ray and/Tren(,.-George t<^pps; Jafi Peerce, Jerome. . Andrewi, Hilda Eckler,. Rabdna Hasburgh/ JVfdrie Gnmaldi,- Glee . Club,- Corps de Ballet^, Rockdttes, : Syrni)hony om ^hi">S- directed by Erno . Rapee iFrav,}:' ^"^'^ Noiinekl, Jiiles Silver; iissistarkt con- ductors); '.'Pride and Prejudice', iM'Gi, reviewed: in Variety,. Juliy lO;-' ■■. "/r •■ J:. '-- - two-Week stretch, though the .rest of the biir changes ori a split-week basis; They're plenty loiid on their, own* with the . leader barely . dis- tinguishable^ except for. a .different- colored dinner jacket, as one of the saxes. He comes off. th6 stand: a couple of times and inUmbles some of the introesi but with litlle. favor- Witli its feature : picture,: !Pride and Prejudice' .(M-Q), expected to hold two or three Aveeks, the, Musiq Jfail has.. uncorked the prpductipri •works on its current stagis bili. Jiiist about . everything 'imaginable stakes place in the ;spebtacular show, iii/- eluding perforrners taken up ' and dow.ri oh ielevators to ddi their ^stuff, ti-ains.. and *autos mioying across the stage .and a lighthouse blinking; oh and off to .accompany a, musical:! . .Carl and H^tryette ace. a niixed dance te^m. Who fgo' in for .staridaird uhisdh taps, while Swan- and Lee. are plenty .corny in. dress arid imaterial,. and -haveMittie in the way of an act accbi-ding: to present-day standards.v . The Three Chords .are the top ap- plause-getters with their::n'eat vocal gymnastics that includfe imitations pt name bands, including Henry Busse. Clyde McCoy. Lombardo. Oiie: of the tliree lads is at the' piano». while th.e other' two .provide most of, the ypcal'satirisms; .;: ■ ■,"■■/_ '■'■'/. .: Thb Grey Family, stinkard .act t>! four sisters and a brother; go over tYicely With their hooting. They're sketch ■ in ..-which the Rockefellerj.51 ngi .vvelL clan might, be shown lifting the .mortgage;on.'the hall itself. It's all' colossal and, incidentally,: exeelleht. eritertaihrnerit;..''^ \'y First number, iifter a :.briet 'over-; • tiire-: by the orchestra. ■ is. a going- v away . scene at . a railroad station,: with the observation end of the last: car a part of the set.:. Glee Club and ' . iCvoiyn White; is the bahd's" vocal- ist and okay . in two songs; ;>:'stEEL:^?iEii,^ Atlantic.eiti/. Auflf. IQ- Jack Powelli Three :Sdn\iiels and a - like' number ., (20) of. the ballet Harriet Hdyes; Goodrich and Nelson; , corps have a few moments as .ushers UPrank .: EHi6it's. Modem : Minstrels and bridesmaids, after which J.iine Forre&t. and Robert. Laridirum, . as-i bride ''arid groom, . come, on ' in a slick new red iroddster (doubtless by' courtesy of the. local dealer) arid, to the tune of 'A Little Housie with a Little Red Barn/ climb aboard the train, , which then pulls, out of the •statioh. That draws the .nroper oohs and ahs from the. audience; after ■which the ''traih' is^ then' MeriLon.thfe back-setting, windings- into the disr tant hills. Idea, has probably never been, better executed. liay^ and i'irrerit (New Acts) iprawl irbrri Under at nearby freight car to provide th€i next number. They're togged as convicts . and open' their turn with a unison tap, presently tripping over the shackles fastened to theii- ankles. Alter a short come- dy bit they go into the meat of the act, ■ a, superb balancing- >. routine. Tribks are unusually difficiilt arid ai:e pi-esehted with' a Jcnowirig sense bit showmanship ;and nice touches , of comedy. . George Tapps toUows, being brought' on for his solo , idance turn by- an ele vator with an opaque glass dbon Does three numbei's with his . chairacteristic style, color .and. skill. First, which is a brilliant tap routine, is the showiest, but all are sopk. Ballet is next with a terp to 'Glowv worni,* the dancers working up to a finale in which . they - do various maneuvers . "with pale lights . in the costumes, -carrying out; the. glow- ■Woirm idea. Marie Grimaldi solos briefly. It's an okay effect. ; 'Lighthouse Reverie' is a duet by June Forrest arid Jan Peerce. Num- ber is given an- ambitious produc- tion, a large -sized, lighthouse with a flashing beafion being the principal set. However, .the precise meaning remains obscure, partlyi because the lyrics are 'unintelligible and partly because Miss Forrest is never visible. Finale is 'Lights and Shadows,' ■with Jeronie Andrews, -Hilda Eckler and Rabaria Hasburgh casting danc- ing shadows on a huge: screen fronri the back of it. Then the Rockettes come into vie^w on a section, of the stage that's - raised from below^ to stage level. .They do a rather com plex routine ending with their cus tpmary .flash \r\ line across: stage front, ■ Togged in blue and glistening silver diids. It's an applause-getter Hobc. CIO); Jivimy J6nes': House Orch (14); 'Boys jroni Syracuse' ^tJ). ; .; Steel Pier Music Hall puts . on a good'show this week, .when A. C. is. entertaining its largest .summer orowds inv years. .: Jack :PoweU . starts '■ out ;with his usuially nifty d,rurriming and. ends up tapping. \Qut every .conceivable' ca- dence, on chairs, floors, etCi rie. had to encore at: this .catching. The Three . Samuels and Harriet Hayes, put on a' neat tap number, be- ginning with evieriing driess and then: stepping out in snappiy. iriarine.-blue uniformv' Miss Hayes; "also .does a nice.acrobatic dahce solp. : Interspersed during the show are singing, idlaricing and slapstick antics Of Frank Elliott's Modern Minstrels. This, troupe, a. Steel. Pier traditioh for years, is popular With seashore crowds; Their gags, some Of therii. new, sorhe pretty stale, Averit .oy6r •\yell.. -' V' " • ' : ' This .weeR*s specialty is in nautical style. Jimmy Jories' house orch is seated on sfagis before a battleship backdrop, arid much of the action takes place oh the. 'deck/ One min- strel sketch that drew loud response was the' tr.aining 'pt the 'rookies' by Ben 'Yost; as ship officer. The house orch tops this off by; boorhirig. nayy song^. Act is dressy arid. tuneful. Goodrich a nd Nelsori, good-looking gynihasts, show fine l^alanqe. • ^Boys . from Syracuse' (U) ■holdbyer../■.• ; is a STRAND, N. Y, HARLEM O H , N Y. GHICAGOi . Chicago, Aug. Tony Mdrtirii Reddihger . Tiuins, Danny Kaye, Bobby Maye; 'All This, and Hedve-ii Too'• (WB). • • Al Cooper arid Savoy Sultdn Orch (9)' vnth'Evelyn.White; Buddy BoW' ser, \ Carl and Harryeite, Three ' Chords, Swan ond Lee; Grey J^flTn- ily;:i5):;^Ed.is6n, TJic; JViT^n'; (M-G). This layout is typicaily : family- time, ancj; as such; suits the piirpOse. A . low^-budgeter, with ; little- in the way of marq uee .yalu e; exceptl ng th e ifiilm;'the aitleridance. at the last show of the; week's .'opening day. (Thurs- day): brpught that point hphiew; The payees; were sciattered. throughout thie orthestra. while the upper' decks were practically bare. At that, hbw- c.ver;.the Hhrlbm: Opera House make.s no pretense at a tOp-budget. summer show; it's ;aH .obviously filler until the. rriariagempnt. Which also .;has.',th4 Apbllo . dowh 'the . street; "can ;' lie-, furbish the latter house "for the fall sedson stai'tihg i n a couple: of weeks, wlith'.riames as' the'policy.. .-. The colored paf't of the entertain- inent. predornjnates in numbers^' of course, in .thi^ Harlem...stage, show stronghold, but ■ the tWo white acts, the Three. Chords . and the. Grey .'Family;' manage-, to rriore than hold ■-their •pwh/; ■";.■;■;.■■'-■ BUddJr Bowser, the hoUsie. hi.c.; Is fairly personable, though' possessed -Of most Of. the stereotyped manner- isms. .His. gags ate in the-.same vein. However' his intrbes, such ; as; they are. get by wjell enough. Al Sultan arid his Savoy Sultan orch. a faye at the local Savby Ball- rooiu. are.: on the bandstand for .a Foui: . acts, three of them: male singles, tbtalling 38 minUtes 'oif stage show, cbriiprise the Chicago's bill this week, but it's satisfying because, two of the rturris, the Reddihger Twins and Danny Kaye are plenty . slick.^ Both have everything it takes for either an A house or a smart nitery. Tony Martin'and Bobby Maye are also on. the bill, the.,former head- lining. Maye, billed as the 'world's premier juggler' by. someone who evidently isn't: up ;bn jugglers, isn't the world's greatest, but he is good,^ and : can hold, his, oWri even at this house; Juggles balls; clUbs, does some hat .and' cigar balancing arid winds up standing on his head -while beatings a drum by-; boUncirig' balls. Nbthihg new, but he'is fast and thor- oughly capable with the old stuff. He's the:first:of the threis rriale sin^ gles, . who- . appear . consecutively. Kaye follows him, theri Martin. Kaye's' particular forte is nopsense coriiedy. He's-.phe- of the- fey/ per- ibrmers :who cani recite kid Verses to an aUdiericie at the (jhicaigb,~and;stop the show.; S i hgs in gibberish^ punctuated with good pantomime; talks quietly, and ?goes mad noisily, (^loseis turn with, a short, sock rou- tine of eccentric daricing. ~ Begged off by iritroducing Martin. The Reddinge.r. TwiriSi VtWQ girl dancers, have what it takes in smart- ness; W.prk tbgether through. entire act fot some of the best seriii-satitir cal'. hooflhg around. Appeairance;. is here,, so is deftness .and erijoyment, .of work,; which; add a lot to ;audi- ence;appeal.',^T.hey bpert the show. . Martin . seems to;, have : nice enoagh- act. iSings his sbrigs in a soft,., languid- way, introducing them, in the same mariner. Ouce; V/hen he was building up" to a ritimber, one about some pigeons that live at San Juan: Capistrario, riiLssipn, he sug- gested a rprhance.' he .hj\d once, and all the ladies in the audience> b.uzzed; at . such a rate it; was hatd .to; hear ;the song.;'. V . Business was capacity at second show Saturday-(10)„ ' . Loop, . Phil Spitalny's HoUr of Charm feynnie orch, with Evelyn, Maicin^, . Singing < Strings (6),: Three. Little Words,. ;JuJie Lorraine, Rosa Linda diid Lola, Mdry . McLendhan, Cathr erine, Murtagii Sisters: (3), Eliza- beth; 'Sea Hati'fe* «WB)", reutetocd in VAniiiTY Jul!/ 24. '40. ■;■ ;; ■■ ■" ; ; ■ ■". This is Phil Spit£ilny's fu-st apjpear- arice at WB's pitband Vttogshipi, the maestro previously beirig.a frequeiit repeater at .the bptiosition Paramount down .the street, and his all-fenime riiusiial gem -brings a brand Of class arid distiriction to the :Strand: that has . not been ;;matched in the 20- riiorith-old . policy .. of the -houses Spitalny switched, oyer to the Strand When the. Paramount booker reput- edly failed tio, fulfiU certain promises,: arid, to repieat a clichej^ the •Para-' mount'u loss; is the Sti'-and's'gairi; . - Stiriiulated-.-,by the; Spitalny book- ing, the ;house has thrown the pirO-: duction and lighting book into mak-. ing this one/of" the ri\Ost striking pit shows to .play the house. ^Harry .Gourfain, house stager, has matched the technical equipment to the /ex- ceptional physifcal and. eritertairiment Of the ;aU-femme aggregation.. The .. Over-all, result is a. . .hangup presentation^ finely lighted. hung'arid paced, that could ^vell continue long past its scheduled running; tiiiie of about 4.5: miriutes; .; .. ;. Spitalny is riiixing up almost every. type- of siriging.. arid -music in this show arid the recipe, is. siirprisirigly .100% clicko. ' For instance, he has. the Murtagh Sistehs (3). who are. new ., with his outfit,\ jitterbugging 'Bodg.. It' immediately fblowirig the gireat : rendition ; of' the 'Bell; Song' from 'Lalcme' by. Elitabeth, his new; ojperatic firid.' Rather than being a: discordant sequence, . they ;:enhance one siriother.; and;the :applause bpen-i; ing riigbt was as. big for brie as the other.; Both.' turns virtually; tied up-- the show.- ■■ -''■-■■..-'- '■: layout, .in fact, carried sus- tained applause Friday night (9).. The openinK swing number, by the band /arid Thrse Little Words, .with Mary McLenahari, the druri^mer, db^. ing an okay Gene; Krupa; gets, the audience off its hands: the striking MaxirieLjAchams with'Tenriessee Fish; Fry,' later jqiried by the thbral :,set-^ up in 'Lost Chord'; baind;rendition of Ravel's; 'Bolero' also registers,; and the .audience actually stopped' the proceedings: .after Evelyn, euiogized; by Spitaliiy as the band's chief ar- ranger,-fiddles 'The Breeze and I.' She and t^e .Singing Strings (6) ^ -; core with 'I'll Never Smile Again.'/ June Lorraine, also new Svith Spitailny, is a different type of mimic, working ,chiefly .with her eyes, She's a cute..iittle trick,::and talented; mak- ing her takepffs of Edward G. Robin-, son... Charles Lau^hton, Katharine Hepburn- and Schnozzie' Durante both lifelike and huriiorous. She had to beg off.- / Froni there the show segues into Evelyn s .pai'aphrasing of 'Hungarian Rhapsody' in hbrior of Joe Weber, fbrmer president; :of the musicians union, whom Spitalny -spottied in the audience. . The: operatic Elizabeth followed. ; She's evidently very young, blbride; koodlookirig and shy, but equipped with a splendid qolora- ture. She sans; only the one num- ber apd then Spitalny had to plead with the ; audience to.; let her. offi claiming that she had just joined: his band arid, wa? not prep&red to; do inore.' The Murtagh . Sisters are 'likewise promising. They're swing fireballs, attraictive in black .gowns, and work like .a trio of Betty Huttons.; FOr the finale, Spitalnv has. staged a rendition of 'God; Bless . America,' whieh, if possible, is flatteriiig to the Irving Berlin; patriotic coriiposition. Blonde Catherine leads the singing, joined by; the Three Little Words, Maxirie a nd Elizabeth, arid Gourfain has framed a blackdrop picture Of Uncle Sam that insures a; terriflc;.ap- plause blowOff. '■ . ■■• • The ropes .were up opening riight, the .qonibination of film arid Spitalny band evidently being a b:o, natural. ■ .'-V-:'.;;--.:-^ ■ • ■ ■ -■■ Scho. . EARLE, WASH. :, Washingibn, .itixgl. 16, ;. :, Eitfeen Ritter, LdLagc, Rita and Ed Oehnian, Tonimy Trent, Red Skelton ioith Ediia StiliweU, Gae Foster Girls ' (Q); 'Mif Love Came Back Tharilcii to Red Skeltpn's - appaireht adaptability- to any;situatibri, this one is.; a fast, . Varied and- smooth little revue,: althbugh it was reassembled ,on: two days'; notice when (1) it was decided to hold pic second week and (2), M-G. sent word thit Skeltbn wasn't needed on Coast for another week; Acts\and line numbers were used ;.as set,; with Skeltbn: working his . bits arbuhd . and -into origirial .jpilan.'; ''. ^ :; ;; .'.;■....', ; ■,, • -: Smart novelty introduced . this week is the: new twist iot spot's regular ;coriirtiuriityrSing gag, .'Sing- A-Song-;With-Mike.'.; Roxy^tte Eileen Rjtter now riot' only coaixes soloists to 'cbirn^ down ahd sing into the little black bbx' and gives, each volunteer two passes,/but also;has a- record of their efforts played back oyer the public address; system,, good for plenty laughs, arid gives 'erii the rec ords as;soUveriirs: : . / .iSkeltoli•-follows sing-a-Song stunt by walking down center' aisle with candy tray, getting guffaws foi> his barker, chatter and setting up:;three solid iriinutes of xipt by securing iwq volunteers for a' niarshmallow-eating contest. 'Volunteers ; get H apiece for the effort. Show proper gets -goirig with line in ; fast parasoI-andTbUstle rhythm tap and gals fall back to 'posie \yhile LaLage appears in silver' aviator's garb, ;clinTibs to swinging ririgis, doff.s costume down to brassiere and pan-:, ties and ' goes ;.into succession . pf twists, spltte and handstands. Hand- Soriie and blbride; she makes slrikirig ./picture and;her .finish, some 35 i-e-. verse flops while' hanging bri single tope Vlbop by ;orie' arrii', got her an ovation. / ;■ \ - ■ Skeltbn takes it; again with Edna': StiliweU .for ariujsing 'slice Of life' bits, this batch occurring in a de- partment store. Rita and Ed vOeh- 'man, regular visitprs on local stages, follow with th.eir clpckUke taps; gesr tures arid personality-plus biz. Ed gets oke hand on .his solo tap, Rita tickles 'em ;with rher Irish- broguing; of 'Peggy O'Neill'' and baby-talking of 'Little Red Fox' arid they get-off; as usual with 'Freddie the Fresh- man.' ; ; ■.■' ■ ": ;■- ■■' ;■•■: Gals return for brief tOy-shop rOu-^ tine arid sit pri-floor as Tbriimy Trent' rolls out niiriiature house tb Vai*y traditional Punch aifd Judy stuff. He follows in one with clever wOrkirig. of pair of luminous rhumba dancers' arid 'the little riiari who wasn't quite aU there,' three-foot dummy with de- tachable head,.arms and legs. Skelton ; uses ; his by-now well known television announcer routinie for his big specialty, keeping house in an uproar throughout. . Rita Oeh- rifiari does an effective vocal back- ground as gals wirid up the doings with sock tom-tom dar\ce. Skelton steps through curtains for his usual epilog, getting .extra laugh by shin- ing a shoe! and cracking, *I want to tharik Harry An.ger fbt keeping riie on an extra week^althpugh he cer- tainly gets his ;shbes; dirty '; Biz good for holdover. ,Croij;. SHEA'S, BUFFALO STATE, N. Y. Buffalo. Aug,.9. Ben Bernie Orch (15), Henry Armetta. Bailey Sisters, Don Sa.xon, Johnny Ryan, Johtinxf Barnes, Three Arnolds; 'We Who Are Young' (M-G). • ^ On the horive. stretch after over a month of . orie-nighters along the mid- western whistle stops and in the in- terval before his new Bromo Seltzer airet .Oct. I,. Ben Bernie has assem- bled ah array of talent' which, cemented together by his band and his cbrisurinnate showniianship;; adds up. to; a' neat stage presentation. There is scarcely, anything .in the performance which does riot qualify as plus-ultra, and the. reception ac- corded tlie. maestro, as well as al- most every one of the turns, is am- ple evidence of; the effectiveness- of. the offering: Bernie's clowning, of course, leavens; the entire routipe. His in* gratiating, informal arid folksy style has lost none of its effectiveness with passage of the years; His quipping and gagging introductions of. the soloists, arid. a:ct3 are among the peak spots in the show. . ; Present setup of the band includes three trumpets, three tronibones.- four saxes, guitar, piano, bass and drums: The ^ernie aggregation has always delivered full value on the musical side arid the current crew is rip cheater;: Proceedings .are opened by Don Saxon in a rather foggy vocal of 'Old Man River,' but: fol- lowed by 'Imagination,' which he does in- tiptop fashion. The band next■ does 'Nobody's Baby,* after which the Three Arnolds, introduced as - European newcomers, unlimber some genuine novelty acrobatics; Johnny Ryan's lyric Irish tenor Is *heard to good advantage, bringing on Bernie's swell and pertinent tribute to the late Mike Shea, who built the- Buffalo. It proves a sincere tear- starter for those in the know. The band's 'Never Smile Again.' led by thie trombone, is earsbothirig. The Bailev Sisters' contributiorisj includ- ing 'Playmates,' with the boss: 'Man That . Comes .: Around' arid 'Oh Johnny,' provfi. that eybri the. oldies, have ; as much clicko as the . latest from the catalog; Johnny Barries with his terps. justifies the;buildup. Pleasing; .personality.arid 'distinctive hard-sole tapping put him tlie groove as far as ;the payees are con- cerned. V Henry Armetta was greeted with salvos "which. :woUld have warmed the heart of any trbuper and was a tribute to the niche Which he; has made for: himself through .hi.s screen characterizations.: lii a.straighlaiway dialog with an unbilled fenimc, he had them .hanging on the' ropes, even his lightest sallies being : greeted with .rOars., :. It; is; urique.stibnably Armetta s-, lovable character and characterizations which make .sure- fire an otherwise standard routine. : The ropes were Up arid there were plenty of standees at the first .show opening day. ; ; :Burton. Lou Holtz, Diosa Costello, Jackia Heller, Shyrettos, Lathrop Bros, and Virginia Lee; 'Susdii and God' (M-G). -; /'We're back in' seems to be the slogan around . the lead inii Loew house. For. the second straight week attendance has. been excellent^ Thursday (8), at the first evening stage show, the house yvas capacity plus. Previous weeks, what with the heat, etc., trade had beep disappoiivt. ing. -■•'•;-:.■ ':' Lou Holtz, with- his now vary gentle cane, is th« humor boy of tlie slww and h.ff seems to be having i good time with Diosa CostelJo. the dark-haired fireball who. enlivened 'Too Many Girls' on Broadway this past season. She wa.s due at. the State several weeks agp, but they ritadei such a fuss Over her during fj. festival in Puerto Bico which she at- tended: that she couldn't hiake tlie date, arid Beverly Roberts stepped in, '; ;'. .' ' ' ' " ':■ - •■;,-- -■; Holtz proves his istUff a dialec- liciari, going into the lingo, of Latin America with the same ease with which he tosses the Yiddish around He; scores in cliattfer, with- Misa Costello, .whose principal participa- tiori is giggling. It ig a three-way dialog. Ruby Zwerlirig doing the straighting frorit the pit^probably more than ever before. They'll make ari actor ,out of that fellow it he doesn't look but. One of the laugh lines comes from. Holtz in introducing Miss GosteVlo He says they sat her; out in the auu to cool off in her. native Puerto Rico She doesn't heed any inakeup and tosses a shapely brown leg about Very nice; Miss Costeilo. really.shares honors with Holtz with her Vivaciotm persoriaility. However, she's hardly used to the microphone and upon learning the proper distance, her warbling will be more effectiye. She gives out with four numbers; start- ing with 'Cachita.' They sure liked 'All Dressed Up, Spick and Spariish,r catching the humor of the lyric. After; the comedy interlude" with Holtz come 'Say Si-Si' and 'Mania Inez.' . .: ;-.- ->; V'v;. .:,.; '' Another giver of melody who lightens the layout is little J;»cki« Heller. The lad is a specialist on torchy numbers and with the land'« top number. Til Never Smile Again," stopped the show.. Holt/..; deliver,'*' his; share on the vocalr-end; ' After kidding as to why they won'-t stand: for 'She Lost It At the Astor* on the radio,, he sings a parody; then d(>e,s another ori 'Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen,': but his best is a comic of 'Wishing.'• / :'-.. '■■ The Shyrettos, crack cycling turn of two men and a comely blonde, who is an excellent perforrrier; help considerably; It would do Ben Bey- erls heart good to see the act. He's down in South Africa and occasion-., ally greases up his bike for benefit shows. Lathrop Bros., arid Virginia Lee, class dance turn, send the. show off to a pleasant start. Tbs''. HIPP, BALTO Dudley Brooiks, a Benny Goodman .Coast find, becomes cliief arranger for.Count Basie's orchestra arid joins the Cburit Aug; 29 in Los Angeles when the crew Opens a date the Parapiount theatre. Baltirhore, Aug. II.. 'Crazy Shoio' with Three fSdilora, Burr and Esies, Cass Daley- Lucienns and Ashour, Frank Conville and Sunny Dale, Phil Lampkin House Orch, (12); 'Boys from Syradise' Billed, as & 'Crazy show,' this c;Hn • bination of standards doesn't play na weir as it looks on paper. Split up to fulfill promise of title arid lean heavily uiK>n the laugh po!«5ibilities of acts involved, result is rather punchless melange of okay talent improperly spotted. Working the Three Sailors throughout doesn't quite fit. Boys are effective when given the right slot for their combined effort, but divided up, as they ate here, they manage to eke out some laughs but riot, as big returns as they have won in this; hOuse before. Opening the doings with a few quickies, they in.- troduce Barr and.Estes, capable n^iiii and .woman eccentric daiicipg doo. eprriicTlookirig male' siells sbme ef- fective legmania, inter,spersed . with gagging irid . funny /impressions iki panto which build nicely to closing double dance good for " : rii- sponse. ;: .-.: On again, Sailbris cbritribut* pjr^ of their regular, stint. windin;i up ,Jri three-w4y; tango which; gets re- sults but nbt enough to send them in strong enough to. introduce Frank. Conville and Sunny Dale, a blonde looker, who follow. Duo 'has also been here before and there is no noticeable change in "their : effort: .The gagging, impression of '•" strip ^ eroo; arid the closing; bysitvess of- Cjiarlie; Chaplin in a ;dime-i;-danc(i joint garner, ibme rriild ;reacliv)n.; Couyille has a good setise Of cbniedy but it's time he developed spine ivcvv material and routineS;. < Sailors follow with balance of their act,; the rope-skipping .hoofery: which rings the bell fairly well and serves to set Cass; Daley. ' Singing .swingeroo can isiell ai shouting vocal in good style; but ,selec.tion 6f nuiu- bers hasn't, changed either.siiicvi last, caught here. '.'.■'• Liicienne and Ashour. . Very ■■ .<?olid' .'dub. of Apache'i dariceirs eriv ploy fiinny. twist of the feinme; ing Out the punishment after t:ikirig the usual beating. Burm: