Variety (Aug 1940)

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PICTURES Weilnesday, Ai|£|ist 21, 19 lo Fedei-'nl Judge; W Ne^y Yoi-k. on Fnday! (16) closed oiit th^ seven-year RKO bankruptcy by. -allovi^ing ^aitorrieys aiid helpers iii the; reorganizalipn a total" of ?638,073 of the $2'0?5.;214 .requestsvfiled. .for . liees. i'he lAtlas Gorp., propoiient of the plan of reorganization,-, y/hicii bad. requested the mo?t, Wai?,-paid nlnriost a 11 i n stock, I'-ecei v i n g, 120.000 shades of the; ' c<^5n)oh: valued: at' $3':a -share.; . . Ailowance!) are as' follows: Atlas; besides. the- l20,000 shai'e." of .stock, i^^ceived .' $170,000 : . Cja-^sh to pay Simps«3h;;Thacher & Bartlett.' its at-' torrieyS, - and . disbursements of $20,516. The judfe terriaTked "1 ?irn of tfie.fCipiniqn .that; the .payments made to Rathvbri ;& Go!, W, J. Mer- rill ..and'Leo Spitz, for."which Atlas riequests compensation, hot re-; irnbyrsJibleas costs: . . iexpenses ■within the 'meaning of 'the plan of reorganizatibri ' or the Bankruptcy, Act, but that such 'expensieiR . are properly tb be considered " deter-.; iriinihg thie value of .Atlias' :services Atlas' hiad asked disbursements «f $iB75ib3iT iin • cash,; besides ipo,00p shares of .stock. Included in- this re- quest fbr ca.^h had beeri $300,000 to Sihipson, Thacher & Bartlett;; ■ Lehman Bros., partitipant .with Atlas in the. rieorganizatioh,. had aBltcd- $76,772 for payments to Leb Spitz made during the reorganiza- tion, period ^but this was .disallowed. .The other V f«es aire ■Irving Ttust Go., 9i& receiver ih equity and trlis-; tee of RKO, $80,000. .Irving .Trust had asked $95,000. William J: Dono^ van, attorney: lor Irving Trust;,. ' - ceived $87,500 plus $42.89 ■ disbufse- inents . out: of . $100,000 requested. Dbnovah also received $65^000 plus $3,637 expense's out. of $85,000 asked! • lor: .his services to RKO in deferid- ;ing the Oovernment .anti-trust suit' against it. '■■ . Ciatims ' '•..;' ''Neil P. Cullbrh; attorney for the U. S. Natibhal Bank of. Denver,, an .xinsecured cireditWi rebelved $500 of the $1,500 V asked.-; The ; Chemical : Bank .& Trust Co., as trusteie under a secured ^6% Gold, Note Indenture, teceived $20,000.' plus $967 disbUrse- Qients. as against $38,125 asked^ VWright, Gbrdoh,. Zachry. & .Parlin, attorneys, for Chemical , Bank, asked for $25,000 ; and received $10i0P0, Ceniral Hanover Bank fie Trust Co., as successor trustee undeir a iO-y.ear ,6%. .Gold Debenture Indenture, re- ceived $10,000 . plus $141; disbiirse- mients out bf $16;250 a.sked.v; Larkin, Ilathbohe: :&; Perry,: attornctrs for Central Hanover, received $7,500 of $12,1500 asked. City Bank & Farnvei^s Trust Co., as trustee undfer Extended 6% ; gold, note.s of RKO, received $1^900, /which is what' askbd. Delafield, Marsh, Porter.. & Hope/ at- ■ torneys, for City Bank, asked for i|l,606 and €0t $1^260. : W. Seligmah .& Co:, depos- itory un.der an agreement with RKO, received $7,500 out of $8,750 sought; : The Stobkholders Ptotecfive Com- rriittec, which sought $36,500, only got $4,750, but received $49,8i25 in ex- penses out Of $50,687 sought. Sulli- van & Cromwell, attorneys for the SStockholders' Protective Comnriittee, received $6,000;. had sought; $20,000. The Independent Protective .Gom- mittee of Gornmbn Stockholders asked $9,000 anii received $2,250 phis $1,725; George L. Schfein, attbrhey for' the. committee, ^ asked •for $100,060 but received $8,p6o plus $1,325 ^-expenseis^; ..■ -^^ A:bel. Gottheimer and . Bernard Bercu, accountants ibi: the Indepen- dent Protebtive Committbe:; of. Cbm - inon Stbckhold!ers,:jeceived^^.^^^^^^^ ,$3dibb0 asked. The Unsecured Cred- itors' .committee .seeking. $10,000 got • (Gohtinued bn page 12) Ends; RKO ittled (^^ Republic's 'Mr. D.A.' Repiibiic : . has . purchased screen rights to : 'Mr;.' District Attorney,' Phillips; Lord's .;c]ifr.hahger which j oirs over the NBiC-necl network Wednesdays: at 9:3b Studio will I turn: out; a single feature baised on I the show. :'y.:r .'.'',:. wSuppp.sedly . made up pf authentic crirnb . stories .'Jfrom the files. Of a D.A.: and ^somewhat . re.^rhblirig •'Gang Busters,' program; is ciirrently sponsored by Vital is :< ISr istpl r My ei-s). V Ifirginia' Home Hollywood^ Aiig. 20, Pararnourit's 'Virginia' trbiipe re- lurried to the studio sfter month of shboling oh location: at .Char'lottes- yJlle,^■Va.•".;.''-•:■■■•■.■■.: iPilming xyas re.siimbd with ;iB. H. Griffith . directing- and Madeleine' Garrbll and Fred MjicMurray: in the top : sp.bts. Iritbriors >yill, requ ire about foiii^n^bre weeks.^ . Will Male ILS. Join Selznick Agcy^RejM Haiided NeV^ Setback Rbporled G.. C; Pettijb^h; may re- sign: from the MotiOrt Picture -Prp-' duceris i Distributors of Arnerica to join the Myroft Selznick. agency 'in Hpliywbpd, with which. It is said, be. recehtiySppehed . talks in. that direc- tibii. ,He is at present on the Coa.«!t; : Hays', office attbrhiey and lobbyist, with the. MPPpA since its inception, holds a six months' irenewal under his contract, which will be up in No- vember,-it is said.:: He is - reported receiving $40,000. a year. Undbr^^ Originally from Indiana, Pettijohh wis always ■ very fiiendly -with the Selznick family, including - the. late Lewis J.; at about; th|?: time the MPPDA was founded.; For many, years, in addition to: his other .legal duties,. Pettijbhh supervised . the ac- tivities; of the old Film Board . of. Trade, remnanis bf which exist to- day, although vast jpowers imder the- old. cpnripulsory arbitration .prbvi- sions of the Standard Elihibitibri con-, tract were lost about 11 years back. MANNING UnOHWCER; BOOST mVIDES ^ • Hollywood, Aug; 20. Completion of Universai's 'Spring Parade' marlfced the W'indup of U's writer-directpr team of . Bruce Man- ning .and Henry Kbster, with Man- ning'nipying intb a producer berth. He ■ is now searching for a yarn for his first- pibture, .which he hopes to" gbt ..before the .cameras; in Novem- bbr.' •: : .••;■ ' ; •■ . ■' Mianhihg has scripted all ,'of Koster's American directorial ef- fort?, including four Deanna.Durb^ starrers .and. Danielle Darrieux feature. iteH TRIMS STAFF FOR PRODUCTIONS -V. .,. •: ■ . • Hollywood; Aaig/20. •Hal. Roach, .^ehtering :'a; prodyction sle.ste :skedc|ed :cbntinue :unlil Oc- tober, . has . tfimrried: his ',«:t'udioi or.-.; gahiza ti on. ■ to' a ■ ske l et oh staff . Pu b- ,licity departrheht, however,, will.: be kept intact.. ;' ^/y .Roach: has just sent 'Road Show' to the cutting-rooms. Meanwhile directbr Roy Del Ruth ha.s dhegked In- to: start preparations for filming 'Topper Returri.s,!; which will be thb lot's ihitialer when 'activity . is re-, suyned. . 'Road Show* contairis 17,500 feet in rough form, with' 8,000 feet, to be Eliminated'in the editing process. . Autry s First A Film ; Gets Signal Sept. 10 Hollywood. Aug. 20. : Gene Autry's ;;first, highrbudgei picture at Republic. 'Melody Ranch.' docketed at more than- $250,000 and' aimed at the A houses, is set to start Sept. 10, ^■■ It will be producer Sol C. Siegel's first Aulry chore in more than three years; ' > V ; •. Hbliy;yood, Aug.. 20. Prospects of Jannies Roosevelt push- ing off 'Pol o' Gold,' his first United Artists production, on Sept. 15, ; as planned, drew a setback when it was disclosed George- Marshall; who will direct, is to [undergo a rna- jor surgery. Marshall has been .in Good- Sarnaritan hospital, for two weeks in preparation for th^ opera- tion, which will be performed later this week. ; '; ;' Medicos said, it, would be. at legst three weeks :nibre before: he leaves the hospital. Meanwhile, Horace Heidt, Who stars in the film, has. ar- rived here to. make ready . for his camera stint. Huddle on Si.oi Film» Gordan Mills, Miil$ Novelty Co. exec, and James T.; Mangan^ outfit's ad chief, are here from Chicago for huddles with Roosevelt oh future product for Mills coin-ih-the-slot projectors; Roosevelt's Globe, which is; making' the Mills tunefilrhs. Will preview .its first JerbUp of eight , birev/^ ities for the trade on Sept. 16. Mills expects to have its projectors! rolling on line production by that time. ' ■ . ■ :'~^ ■••■ to SONOVISION SET UP FOR TALK-A-VISION ■ > ; Albany, N. Y.;- Aug. 20. Sono.yisibh; Corp.. has been 'char- tered to dp business in motion pic- ture machine?, etc.. in New .:York, Capital stock is 100, shares, no par value. Directors are Herrnan L. Mehr, Williaim Teinsot and David Mi^haelspn, all of New York City. Salvatore A. Gorrap filing attorney. Cprrao said in^ Manhattan Monday <19) that SonOyision will be the disr tributing agency in New York fOir ■ralk-A-Vision, see-^boxes being pro- duced by - John E, Otterson; and Yermi Stem- -;■;.■./':■■.•.■:': . ...S/ ;' ■ Directors named in the . corporate papers,- Corrao admitted, are merely straw m.en nametl for filing purposes. He said he. was unable to divulge at this tinrie who the. actual , pdncipals 'are. ' ■'■ ' \ . Hollywood, Aug. 20, Herman Schlbrn; former Republic producer, has been signbd by. Vogue Productions as production manager. Outfit is making the 'Li'l Abner' series for RKQ release. Earl liettig, Hal .Roach casting di- rector, moves; over to a similar ipot with Vogue for the : dUratiori of Roach's: shutdown. His first chore i new .spot will-lie;to.:-bast.'Abner.'' Syracuse. Aug.;20. . • Their silence broken through pre- mature 'leaks' in HollyWbod. officials of the J. M. Wall Machine Co., Inc., of Syracuse, hav« revealed details of a new type filni camera expected to save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in the country's mo- . Sari Francisco; Aiig. 20. ' War has dealt heavy blows lo the foreign film field in the U. S,; but it's far fronn folding yet and what has been lost now will be more then made up when sanity h re- stored, iii b'pinion _of; Herbert Ros- ener, Coast's major exhibitor and distributor of arty product. Supports first, contention by. poiril- ing at clicko 'Baker's Wife' (French), is now doing. On second lin' of thoughtr Rosener admits that future may look black' at moment, but con- tends that war news is educating a lot of folks to places and peoples they never heard of before. Fig. ures sorhe «f this Interest will-siicj^, just ias similar situation sent hosts pf tourists Europ^ward after last Armistice. All of Which will make fans more curious about or recep- tive, to screen fare from the spot. Operating theatres in Hollywood, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake, Kansas City and CIeve^ land, nearest thing this country has ever had to a foreign-film; chain, Rosener has learned a lot about the vagaries of public opinion. ' When he first crashed the biz Id years ago, German pix Were top grossers in the field and everybody, and his brother were peddling a Prussian" print of some kind. Then came Hitler and that ended that. Cbdhtry By Couhtry . Russia tjien became a profitable bet : arid paradoxically enough, the • tion. picture studios. , . ^ --. ^-...^^..^.-.^wj .^.ivu^ii, lue Result of a year's experimentatiorit I ^^^^ supporters of the red flicks, bh e hew type camera is the first der Coast at any rate, were the White the hew ,type camera is the 'first de velbpied which is so soundless, in op .eratibn that it will ho longer .be necessary to keep it. ehcibsed in glass. As -a result, carhera units are reduced in weight from the presient: 400- to 500-ppund 'blimps' to approximately 90 pounds, includinis tripod and mag- azines."^'-'.'. . Russians. They wanted to see fa- miliar country and hear, their language even if they didn't agree with What it said to theni; For a time, a; nice chunk -ot coin was-- con- tributed by average America:ns who weren't Gommunistically inclined, but just curious. ; All that ended According to David Walters, gen- ^"^^^ crossed the oi vv,«„>,«^^ - ir.^* fv,^ ^r^^^^^J Finnish border. Ross-Krastia's First . Con". Film's 2$c Divvy ■ ... Gonsblidated Film.. Ihd'u.<;trie.e has declared a 25c dividend on- its pirer ferred stock.. ? . It is .payable dcti i: to hbUliers of record Sept. 13. Hollywood, Au^i 20. Sam Wood gets the pilot job on the Jean ArthUr starrer, "The Devil and Miss Jones,' the first picture to b,e made by the new Frank Ross- Norman Krasna Productions,' Inc. Miss Arthur has a double interest in the company as a stockholder' and wife of Ross, former vice prez at the Hal Roach studio. ■ ' Filming- starts ■, eight weeks, when; the Rosses returh from their vacation in the Puget Sound dis- trict. RKO will release 'Devil.' :; Meantirne Krasna has a separate deal with. Universal to script the next Marlene Dietrich picture," which will be produced, by Joe Pasternak, ., Contract calls for the delivery of the completed document in 12 ' weeks., Title " still a deep secret because the iscreen right*' to the brigirial ^ have not been com- pletely'cleared..' -..: , to Bi-i1ij;h film production..;....:, . ... ,.;.;,'.,;,,., Camhiack. siiboeeds^Liiebes^ ;STibw ;biz ti€up;fhir;eatehed; .;;■'. ..■■...■,'.•'.',..;.:-.■-. ;.: ....'"":.• 'Gone with the Wind' on radio.... ,, \ ■'...-.,';; Conrad Nagel renewed.;,:.;:..'.. .V. ...^;.;;.-..;^. [;.. Radio reviews: 'Double iPeature' (Laughton,. et al), Walter . . Wanger, Elisabeth Bergner, 'Deslry Rides- Again'.'..,. . ;/.Page 34 V. .'....;.. ;.^,.:';'l=i)ge;. 51 ...Page 17 ■.:Pag€- 17. .Page. 17 . . .Page 29' Page 29 BMI Tony Martin txPlHin?. ; v, ..., ..Page 51 eral rnanager of the company here the lowest point recorded on ;s.ound ' mieter tiestis bf the operation of pres- ent cameras is 26 decibels,. The. new camera now beihg:;made available is. so quiet that it oftbn . fails ' tb regis^; ter on the sound meter. ; Because of the elimination of the: sound-prbpjfihj? now required the new cameras can be set up quickly and many minutes saved daily. Stat- isticians figure that th^ saving on this alone will apprPach $25,000: on any one picture filmed. It is claimed Italy loomed as a good source fd a time; but again a move toward w crimped ah angle. With regard to latter "couhtry, Rosener looks for day . when Italy will do its bit fof jriu«.ical; cinema, a la 'Life of .Verdi,' ; :Ppirits out that nation has operatic and ar- tistic background, plus hatUral scon-■ ery, for this class of film, if it's ever possible to steer clear .of pro-: paganda.. He feels there is. f. big field, for more Italian films similar '' to 'Verdi.* - ' '•:" : -*■; '. Regiarding propagandist ic trend, SmS^^'v^r^^' ^^^'^f^'^^^^^^' Rosener iaSgh? at idea that foreig^ Simplex, will .save a studio two hours j nations ^an ever make progress in a^ay ,n shooting time. .;■ : ;, i this country via cinema. After Walters also claims that the new screening thousands of flicks frprn camera :vy!ili «BliminiBit<S all distortion This feature was tested;'" i spbciaV models used to film 'Brigham Young' arid 'The Galifornian.' , At present the ^camera i^elis- for around $12,000, minus lenses. The company has gone into. masW produc- tion, however, which is expected to reduce the cost considerably, In ap- pearance, the new ;machihe is. simi- lar to the familiar boxes bf the silent days. . ■ U TOPPERS HUDDLE ON COAST, TALK BUDGETS Hbllywobd, Aug. 20. Topics ranging from the; pro- posed consent decree;to business in the Far East were discussed over the weekend at Universal, where home: office and: studio toppers hbld their first major huddles; since last spring. Much time was devoted to budgets on forthcoming productions. ; Participating in the sessions were J: Cheeyer Cbwdin, board chairman, who planed from ISTew York;; Nate Blumberg, prexy; W, A. Scully, gen- eral sales manager; Joe Seidelnian, foreign distribution head; Cliff WOrki stijdio general manager, and ; Al Paff, Far- Eastern sales supervisor, Who atrived from thb 'Qriertt early in the week. • Visiting execs had .screenefl for them ah imposing backlbg of cbmV pleted pictures. '• ' .- every country, he has yet to . find a single;one which could picture any- thing anywhere near equal to the American way. ::Although certain of good future for foreign, films, Rosener , believes exhibition thereof will .never reach beyond intimate exhibition ;siage.: Flicks require, specialized handling and recipe, for .success calls.for gen- uine- personal interest in each in- dividual can of film. You've goi lb like 'em well enough to stay with 'em even if it costs money. Just the same, many a small. . is overlooking a bet by not playihg occasional arty pictures for sptcial groups at matinees and the like, Rosener contends; FDlk.s who .art in- terested are so loyal that he has. even;; )iad bookings in private horneE, and for this reason has fo.stered Cinema Clubs wherever possible, helpini! to arrange shpwinjgs at nominal renlals, figuring. cooperiation as an; jnvestr merit toward building wider, aiuli- ehces!.':. Size .o;f town has little 'to'" do with results.: ~ French pictures have made greatr est strides during ^recent ;years.: but ; at the moment the individual fiick is more important than the natipnal- ity, in that a gt>pd G-zech picture would be as acceptable as a good French film. I^Cava Dickered As RKO 'Man! Directe .; ■■ Holly wood, Aug. 20. Gregory. LaCava is .being -ntgb- tiated by Gene Towne and;Griiha'm Baker, RKO producer.s, for -Ihp di- rectorial spot On their 'How to Meet a Man.' ' LaCava'.s .Teocnt assignments on the RKO lot have been as a pro-, ducer- diiectcr. Bids from 2 Majors ■'Holly Wood/;'Aug;-:.20.'. Raymond Griffith, Vformer^^ 20th-. Fox : aESpciate producer, now ; route to New York via: the; ciinalv expects to: announce a libvy. iriajpr studio connection shortly; afler his arrival in the east. Griffith,: who has. bids.from- two. compahiep for full producer spots, will decide btiWcen th$m;;follo>ying Manhattan: cttriifib.t; ; He will cjipse deals .for two.: hides he has had under .considtni- lion for several weeks.