Variety (Aug 1940)

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I:;. 16 TiLM REVIEWS Wediiesclay, Aiigiist 28, 1940 I» •'ii ■4- i ' -11 I I ij li- : 1:: • Foreign Corre^portdenl l^jillort Aiilf<ip 'relcflse of Walter WnriBrr jiWilDiMion. Stars Joel McCreii; feulure* Lnmiiifi n.iy,Herbert Marshall,' Oeiorfje SiirideiSJ, AlViert BaB*ermnn. Robert Bench- ley. V'iVfiitod by AUred Hitchcock, Prl<fl- jiaT siM-CPripliiy ■ by, Charlen •■ Bennett and Joxri Hiii I IxiTi; additional dialog; by Jnmes Ulllciv.iiml Ilobevt Benchley; camera.- Rudy M< PDOiMnl ilTbotoBtaphy. Ray . BltiRer; <>ilitiir; poroihy Sfienocr,- Previewed AVir., 21, l!i4<t, ■ lij the Prdjectlon Room, N. i.'. >{unjiliiK;.ilm«; lift .Joel SfoPrpa'. ilOlinilj- J'dllPiS. , . . . : «.':ji 6) KisllPi:,'. 1. . . i Mtoiflifn l-'HiJier... ir.(Hlo,li.;v;.....i.'..; V«iti >if(jV.V.-.-..;., pr»>I-Vlns.., 'Mi-. I.'(>\v<-r.»:.,.. , KiUK...;.,'.. ■..,.,.■> Ijort'pri.; v,'.;.. IjhIa iiin . IMploniat; A.»!^^l^■.'!iIl.. , ;., • Ti-.ornp,. . . ,. . , ■• .Lariilne.Day ... . ..Herbert Mur.iUiill , •. -.... Oeorge, SiihtlorH. . .•. A lbevt Bosseriiin'n i .Robert vjJenchley. r... i-.BdiriuDd . Ovveon ..... J Marry . p'nvenfiort ,,'. iEdiiardo Clannejli; ,; , , ., Dnrbn ra J'niper ',.'.I3ddle •.Conrad; .Cliarles AYokfeenhflnj . .... Martini Kosl.ecK excellent te-creatioii. of ii whole block in Amsterdaiti) is virtually « newsreel in its stai'kness. MfcCrea, abided by Sanders, gets on lo the whole brganl^iatiohj, but it is iso fantastic ho one, will believe him. So it becomes neceissa^y to get the root of it to have a story his paper will publish. . In /fig^ it^ out he ruhis into Miss Day, who play^"^ Marshall's daughter and is sincere in her effort!! .for peace. • She doesri't know her fatheir is not only, a phony, but a'spy.--:.V ■ Film is full-.'of Hitchcock's obvious twists to "heighteri • drama .and sus- pen.oe,. but they nevertheless serve well. . One as an biriirioUs Great Dane Which ' sulks .:through the- fllm -with nothing to do biit scare the audie.hce. Story' • doesn't.; mention' uiitil. 'the Very end, and theft ' but- bncje,. the hationality . of the enenriies, It . is hardly necessary, to clarify, however, the. Nazi. implications.;; • . Herb. ■■■ BRIGHAM^ ■■■■' ^'^ .HoUywood, Aug. ii.-'l: ;.'JOth Century-Fox- reloiise -of :i)nrryi V.. ZHiiuck; prodiK-ilon; .n«fl<u-l)i(.e.. vrpdwiM-, Kcnnt'(l\ MHOgowan. rf.twrfl. IVtbne ■Pnwrr, iylndkDuineil. P(fnn-JaBg;6r: reHlnro.s Brian- Dohlfvv, ' ■.fo'np-- Diicwell, ;.lolm.-Carniillhe,- tVtnry .Asto.i-: 1>Jrotated, by Heiiry.Jliithawjiy.. Sfr.(;eripl;iy -by. liun'iar -l.'t-oitl, bneed.on.; fltpO'; by- r.buli<- .IJi-oi)iHeId:'t-amevd; .Ai-tliiir Mllle'i-;- sjiui'liil -elTecls. .PrM. Sersen;■ edU.rtr, .'Rob- i.crt' iBi.xi-hofl,. ■ if're.viewt'a In .'IJrd'JccUon |. K<)i)iin, Aug. . 28, . '40..- Running tlinci 11-2 ■ iyi|N8..'. ... ■' Joiuithon 'iCent, .V,v,..»,. iv, .Tyrone Power. Zlna^ "^Vebb..,:;.,...,,»... . -Tylnda -Darnell Hi-ljs)taiii..Toung-. ..>.'... . .Deon. JuRtter AnffUf • i>«nc«ii.'... v.-.. i. ..i.. .-Brlini Dbnle.vy: EUza.kent. i ................ .,,i.lane i>nrwell Poi-tci' •■B()(!l<\vell.-.,,. .-, J.ohn'^.t'ari-udlne lilary Ann. Young.,., , ', ... .>'.,. .■..Mary Astor. Joseph . Siirllb-:.., i. ... ■.A'inceut Price (Jliu-n; Youtie; i.i'........ . . .'.> . .:. ./j Jeati Ro'iiers Maiy.Keht..,.,.-.,'.', ,;.'iV.Anri Todd .Heber: KlmbtVJl,..,WUlitid Roberlsojh pbc- Richards;« .,....>r>..• •'. i •"• . .Mbronl Olsen Prosftiijitor';;.., .v,.; .-^tavc-liawre'nce Ifyrijm Smith'.;...,; .■..■^ . . i.-. Stanley: Andrews ■Hubert Cr.u\n, i.:.,...Frank. Thomas Fete,.;;,.,',<•'»•:<... .Kuzzy Knight I;'. , , ,, ... ...;Diekle . jfonei!, .'. iV, M. i,:, 9elnier Jaakson . , FrederUik'.' Burton ,..:ii,ti.i,. . .RdB'aell -Simpson .....Arthur AylOBWorth Chlet Big Tree Miniature Reviews Henry Kent. Cftlfeh Kent., Mr..'Webb... Major'.". , Jim Brldge'rV Bik Blk; .iTohnHon.T,... . Biirtmfl. Smith..' Judge!.-, .. , ; .- :Mbb' j^ciide'r... ,■ .Tury Koi-eman, T^eador. I... Wider.. ...;. John .T.aylor-.- •Payldeoh Clark .'...i,..-;<71aire Du'llrev. .;.;.... .Tnliy: Marshall ,nick Rich ..v... ..Ralph Punn .... . .-...■KdWln.•Majc\yell .,;. .Kd.niiinrt MarDonnld . 4... ,,'v . . Gebi'ise: Meliord Virtually. every mihute; of' the 119 Ihe picluir^ runs is of; the type of ■brea'th-takihg, : suspensie'ful spiri.fe- quiver that director: Alfred Hitch- cock has so successfuUy. learried to nifike pay. off at. the boxoffice.: As for spectacle, Ihere's .plenty .of. it in 'Foi'eign eorrespohdehti' .with .a pOr litical a.ssassiriati6n:that np European revblutioiiary cbuld. plan better, and a .(irash ;6f a. trans*^Atlantic ■cUppcr- plane .\\'hich: has seldqtn .-been equaled fot .screen terror.. . - Picture might yvell qualify a.*: one of ihe besl of, the year to:date were ;lhe plot not; quite so heavy, oh the. srtificial side; . It's ribt-the ■.kind 61 phoniriess, appareht to m uch " 'Of a' film :a'udierice-r-there's far too much suspense and action / for Ahatrr-but. there are. a few tbo many: points that won't hold .iifiuid for a-cooler-headed jury - of critics unless, they, top,, sire captivated by the Hitchcpck brand of'^.'. ^'. , 't'oreign ■ Correspondent' . started olit; as. a filhiizatioh: bf;, Vinceiit Sheeaii-s . autobiography; .'Personal Hi.'ttotyV. Worl4-«haking events since those ^yhjch•. Sheean . p!articipa:ted : and related Tiecessitaited re^ v^fiting and revampingJ.'-. .Finally there was nbthirig .left of; 'Personiar History,' An-excelleht original story by Chai/Ies "Benrtett and Joan .Harri- son had, evolved in its. place;So producer Waltet Waiiger quietly shelved the to pic-: turize it in its original lorm at some Jater date. 'Foreign CorreSiiohderit' is one of the few pictuires in .which such ^ extensive tinkering . ph - .'the script, has tuyned piit successfully. ■Wanger has .still further; built, it up by-adding dialog from the huiinafti-' tariah 'typewriter, of i James . Hilton arid the sophisticated; one - Of Rolpert Benchley.: Story is essentially .the :oTd cops^. ftnd;-robber§.. But, it; has. been set in a background of inter'hationarpoliti-. cs-l intrigue of the lairg.est: orders the kind .of thing that mustrbe foremost, in the mind. of eyery person -who reads today's paper's or listens to. the; radio.; It haS a~war ifiayoi:, the events takir^g, place inltne.diately before ar\d . at tne^ start of 'the. present; conflict: abrofid; 'yet- it. can in no sense be called a War picttjre. , Mystery. and Intrigue' march iii , place of the . isol- diers • who have- made ;recent war ifilms virtually tioxoffiee poison; : ' Suspenseful. and: highly ; exciting plot has been placed .in a .Wiliiarn' Gameron; Menzles prbductibh that lends authenticity and: dignity to the story. : The sets are .eqtial in .their size aiid scope to the extent - of the interhaiion'al . spy : stOry :beihg. urir folded. l ' ; : Add: to all this a. cast carefully selected by'Hitchcock-to the last, unimpbrtarit lackey ahd it is evident, why the film ciin't' liiiss. Joel Mc- Grea .neatly blends the self-confi- dence and: naivete ;of the reporter- hero, while .Laraine. Day, virtually a fledgling in pictures, only in the most; difficult sequences misses out ^' as a top-grade dramatic player. Vet Herbert: Marshall as the heavy,' George. Sahdct-s as McGrea's fellowr reporter, 72-year-old: refuigee, Albert BasserjTiari. as. a Dutch diplomat, Ed mimd Gwenn as ia nbtrto-be-tirustied bodyguard, Eduardb Giannelli as the usual hissable villain,, are. iall tops. Cprtiic touch is provided by Robert Benchley and Eddie Conrad. Biench- I Linda Darnelli atid a .more implprtaht ley, is a foreign cPrresjpbndent who. ' impress: of man. and Wife, on the partis 'Fprcfirii Cori-eiipondent* (UAXV Big-time .spyimyistefy story Avhich director Alfred Hitchcock has made a certain top-grosser.' .♦Brirh»m Ydunr' H20th), Epic , film productioini Will hit top biz in all runs,, Diue for" holdovers; ■'^generally.','^ ■■•"■':• ; '.■■:■ , .^Kit Csirs)»n> (iSrnall-UA); Just: a western; Jon.-Hall in jthe -title . ; part^ -fuil; of ; action, shbrt on ., itbry.-:; ; < ■■. ■.: •Flowing Goid^ (WS). Standard . ■ aetibn programmer of. the oil ,• "'-fie!ds;.::.■ ... V ■ -.■,■■■■■'"' /Dance, Gk^vba:ncevr(RKG); Miisical: drarria . .stars Maureen ■:: 0';Hara, Lucille: Ball and Louis:. ^ Hay ward. .Fair biO.'at best,'. ... . mtti. Agaiiist the Sky' (ftko). -G6bd acti programmer : 6f the-; airways.; / Supporter ■ - f^^^ duals and sUbsequents: : Tublic Deb. No. V . (20th). Mixture ;bf, ; Cortimunisni: and . : glairibr girl adyentui-es fails to ■ ;jelh Weiak dualer; ; V 'River's End'' (WBX, ReiTn|a^ .;;bld; James piivei^^Curwpbd ad-, ventijre. story pi the .ho'rth saved . ■by good comedy .relief, 'iGoiaien GloveV (ParX ; a preliminaiT^. bout aimed tO;.cash; in on the New York iind.Chlctiyjo .amateulr boxing tPurnameht.s.. . '"iiie burahgo kid* (Cbi).: ;pK ; .western ih..tlie;'eharles^ .series.-;.- ' 'Brighani .. y o u h gV is; Diarryl Zahuck's entry for ::ari; ovtstahding pictlire of the year. It's a big, pic-^ ture. in-'every respect, and wi jl -cfcliek heavily, at the nation's 'bbxofiiceS for top ])iz and. holdpveris. . .Taking; ;the favorable?: factual aspects of the. trek of Mormbris to ;the. .west.; arid com- bining them . with ■ wellTCOhcbcted; fictional ingjredierits, picture emerges as one of . the epic .ftlmizatiOns , of early; American history.; .Ia displaying the fortitude of thie pioneers Avhb .opened- tip the West, 'Briigham -Ybung' .is siinilaf. in drar matic texture to- 'The ; ;Cbvered : Wagpri,' and h^s been: produced :on. a larger scale thart the latter. This; fiactor alone insures fcig b.o.: results'; iri.'alL-rUhs.;: ■ ;■' ^-.I 'y'- There's dramatic pbVer in the.,per- secution of the Morrijbris in their set- tlement at Nauvoo,. III.; ;the convic- tion and murder : of Joseph Sn>ith; arid the .resultant. decisiPri of Brig- ha^ -Young: to leaid his flock, across the: plains to their .evehtual-Jiorne on the shores of • Salt ;Lake. Advei-Sity hits the entourage at every turn^ but, despite /recalcitrants, in the>:rariks. Young cpriimarids attention ^yith a most dbhiinating perspnality.; The Mprmoii:;;caravan; stops at Council Bluiffs and Fort Bridger along the trail, and the site of the future hohie of the sect is deternriihed by Young in a -vision: of. the valley, stretchirig out before; the pioneers. . Establish- ment Of Salt take City is beset with difTicuities, with / food hoarding necessary during the first devastating winter-. The . invasion of locusts .tP initiate ..the .destruction of needed crops,., with the tiitiely arrival of flpcks; of seagulls to Wipe out the pests, is most, vividly depicted. .. Thrpugh it all rutins -a minor to mance between /Tyrone : power -and previous ; ejjpierience in Holly Wood. With: discouraging resultif, arid; re- turned to the eastern-- stage; .. His ability catinbt be distbunted, arid he; brings to' the .character of the.';Mor-. moh leader a personable humaniBSs and sympathy that will,be long: re- membered.: Miss Astor turhis in one of the flrie.9t. perfOrnTiance9»'.; of her careei: as the understanding Wife who stands by and- counsels, her hus- band through his periods: of misgiv- ing; Power; and: Miss Darnell ai^e oy^rshadov/ed by the above ;tWajiTi... ; In: keeping With' the - epic status of the production, supporting cast:is; pf high; riierit.. There's Jane Dairwell,- mother of • Power, who makes the supreriie;Ge. .of ..the-: we.?tern journey; Brian Donlevy, who trifes to displiace.: Yoiirig.: as leader .of the flock; twbrgunMSColit Jbhn Carradine, and ■Vincent Price as the founder;: Joseph;Sniith, ^-^'^-i ; Henry Hathaw^ay's :d i rection is tbpr notch and; highlights,; rriiich incident along the" way. of the exjpiansive; panoramas of country and the end- less Wagbri; train; weriduig it^. Way : across; cpuhtry. / - Ha th aw ay .. never .'alloWs the intimacy pf his mairi story to be bvei'shadOwed by the massive-: n'ess of the caravan, or the; hordes of pebple used -iri big scenes of the pror ductibn. Laitiar Trbtti executed :;a slick script: from the : Lbuis Brbm- jield story of early Mortnoa: adven-: tures* Photogritphy: :by 'Arthur Miller:-is putstaridirig, and print in preview cariries ambei:. toning to ac- centuate the ^can^eria work. ■ Fred Serseti's. cbmpositioh of the destent of the seagiills oh the crickets Is .one bf the' best/exariiples bf special ef- fects-in some time.' . Wdlt. ' for 25 years, has been re;Writirig gov- ernment: handouts in the morning and drinking, in the: afternoon,' Until he has one of ;the .finest cases of the jitters ever recorded by the camera.; His. .droll appeararice. earns a laugh , before, he says a-Word. ; Conrad is a Wpozy-haired ;Latyian diplomat who; dbesri't. speak; ;Englishi but. under- : ;stands bt(ier things. : : Story: uhcorks'with/the editor -of: * New'; York paper going nuts, be- cause his . .foreign ; cori^espohdents cable ;nbthIng .biit.f uitior and' spebu-;- latibh. ; He hits on:the idea of send- . irig bnb of his .police reporters Cthi:!? is nothing but a. big crime, anyway.') to dig; factual material; out of the; ifiurope bf .-August, 193^. /McCrea; who. kripws nothing of foreign affairs (but thinks Hitler 'Would.;be a good |;uy to punip •),: of the boy. He ;immediate]y;?ijns into, the, tall- iest stoty a 'repprtef can imagine^ a / big-leaigue . pea:Ce o'irganization; headed b.Y Marshall, which- is ;oper'-. atihg as "nothing but. a spy ring-iand thinks: no .method too ruthless toiuse ph.'diplpitiats Sincerely ajgaihsf War.' McGrea runs into ;the doubierc'rp;ss.' orgariizatid'h- when - it;.:kidnaps . :arn' hPriest Dutch diplomat (Basserman.)' and assassinates 'his imjpbster to -givie-the impr.essioh thiat he is dead. A£:sassiria;tion sieqtience: in'.the rain jon the broad steps: of ah Amsterdam building: .(set is^^ a tremendous and by John C. Frem:Qnt and "guided by Carson. Story becbnies scarcely more thah a conventional three-way romance, involving'a young California beauty, on her way to the family hacienda at Monterey, the cavalry officer and the Indian guide, There are excit- ing encounters with the Sho.shones and the film picks up interest In sev- eral spots by the sheer beauty of the Western scenic background. Edward Small has assembled a good cast,^ including the aijpearance of Jofi Hiall in the title part Which he i>lays With earnesthes.s.; Other leads are' handled by ; Lyrin ;Bari,, Dana Andrews, Harold Huber, Ward Bond, and C.. Henry Gordbn; There are some ?tandbut bits by Raymond Hattbri, as the famous Jini. Bridger, and William Famum, distinguished as a California ranchefb;.; . But: it has all been done- before, and although Geotge B. Seitz hap directed sbhiie of the flghtirig sberies oh; a big: scale, story interest is con- fined, to air;tificial incident. 'CBrson' brings very little to. the fine library: 'of ^screen Americana; . . ,: , FUn. PLOWING XipLD Hollywood. Aiig. 22. WiVvner Bro«; - release ol WlltUu" .Tacobi production. F.t'aturcs JnHn.'.Mai'neld. .Fninr: <>e8 Farmer; Pat .O'BrJpn. ' ■pirectod ,by Al- fred : K (ii-een.: . Original; acreenidaSr by Ivenneih Giiiriot, .auggeati'd by .s.i6i-y by-^lU-x Reach: <Unlojr director, Hugh McMtilien; ramera.* .*?ld. irickpx.; iiiiecial >t'£«cl8, Byron HasUin ftiid 'Winahr Van .iJniter'! ^editor, ■ramea .Glbbrin;-awt. "director,, ilease 'HibhH.' l're^le;wiEd at Wfl >Tollywoo<(;; Aug.- 21, 'iO.. Running time,.. 80 MINS. .loh'rtny Blake .. ; <-.„,' , ■TJnda Chalmers;>■,.; Wi«> O'.Oohnor. . ... WlTdciit- XThaimeri) > / Jifl* ,Roc.kii .>..;, ... Petunlat:.'. i".;.;.'. .-.. t(h!ir)e«. ' ., Time;:;.,.;.,;:,;.;;; rolli.nK;..,.:...>....,. jrike BranrgHj)... . .. ,.loe.. ',".■;. .'i;'. i.;..'v Jjuke;;;...'..... .. . .. 'Nurse, .. / ; . i .-.;.;. ;; .^herlft.;.. ..tohn. aaf n.eld ;;.;'.Frances Kiirmer .. . .. .v.Pnl O'Rrlct). , ;Ra>:inon<l Walinirh .. . . .^.niff Kd\vardB . ;■ ..'I'bm. Kennedy .'..:;.(>rii'n'villf,.Hates .'...■.■.,';,,I ody:pin,)6r-t Jdwird raXvlpy ....'.<; ;'Kriink Mayo' ...William ivfa.r.iihall .> .-\ ;;.;.f>bl .(Irosa .;;...... Virglhla'iSfile ;■;;. ..Tphp .Alcxande'r Kit CARSON XTnlted -.\r'ti.Ml.<i; relea.M of :'F3dw,'ir<i Small :Producliori. KeuluVes- .Ion ,Ha1l.. Xvy'nn .B'aH.- Dana AndrRwii. Ward Bond. Jlarold Huber.: .C. llenry.-t'Jordoh. . Diveo.led by -.(leorge B. Seltz., :'Orl.i:5lTi«l: and 'ish-'eehplay bv' Oeortre Bruce; camera, Joiio Mp.scali: niid Robert Plttack; . music, Tidwdrd AVnid.; eltebts; ..Tohn CoRKi-ove and: ..llosvard ' A. Ahdier.'»on. Pvevlewed; In .Pi-ojeo.lkm- Uofun, N.Y.,- Aue. 'M, '40. Runhlhp- time, 0.'".. .MINS... ■ .■K'lt:rarsx)n,:.-.;;.';..;./.;:.:; Dolores Wiirphy:. .■.;,..', .Oa.jpt;. John O. .FreTiioiii.-. f-opez, .;..:..,'. ^ of Young (Dean Jagger) and bis first and favorite spouse, Mary Ann (Mary" Astpr ); ^ Latter- ;is decidedly sympathetic; and carries proriifnent stihdirig solidly behind the leader^ thrpugh adversity, .convincing him of the",rightness of his :leader-: ship, even thpugh he: questions his own \ .judgrriebti . Setup makfes / for strongest form of woman apiJeal. . ;.; Production handles the matter ot,/ delicately and . smartly; The mUltiple^wives. edict; :pf :the- .period is hot/eyadedV but is still so .'buried that few Will^ ent of its existence in' the picture's unfolding. - .Only once- does ;it flare up pirpminently in the dialog for ,a brief.,iristance;,;' ; ;'; -.:. V' ; The piohe.ering spirit P.- the AmeH- can^ of: a. century ago 'is defjicted .With both strength arid vigor. There's ' a: draritatic plea"-toler- ance that :applies. tb. current- cbndi- tipns, arid; thb rigprs' of : the - Mor- mons, In; embarking on the hazard- bus; journey ; aci^pss the; plains to fihally. set up -their oWri coriimunity are fbrcibly . depicted* Although thb story has, its premise on the'perma-. h'ent iestablishment of : the Mornion church. th>. basic preachments of free religious worship in this coiln- try .are:prominently. ^expoUndedi; : Picture discloses. Dean Jaggerjwlio portrays; Brljgham. Young; as poten- tial starring material Player had Ape Ml.sH PIl'chai-d. ... Paul 'J'ei-ry,; ...i Alice Terry.-;.;,.;;»... Jim Brldgei-. ,,. ;. . .... Sergeant fJlahahan,.. ,.- (.leneral ('aatrn,.,;,:,. General: ■Vii.llejo;.....,; .TiarkUi ................ John; Sutter..... .,...;., Jamea.-Itlng;..;. ;RuI,Z ;. :...';. Don Miguel Murphy.,/ ;... ... ,, . Jon .TTall .,.;;■..,. iynn Rarl :,.; Da na'AiiOrew.s .....VW.aroId ffube'r .'...; .Wiird Bond .....,; Rfthle'.; ttiano ..:, <'\nyU)h, Moore ...Rowen'a -<took . aymond.: H'altbn ; ;Harry' Strang: ;C,'..-Henry Gordon ,,.; .,.T,ew ■ Merrill . Si anie'y : Aijdrew'i? .^Rfiwln Maxw.el'l ...;;...'ynn ; .'"harley !S(if:veiiii» .'■Wllliani Karnum .::.;The\>e. arid shadowy ifig^^^^^ Kit Carson. ha's mbV(;d::in the back- ground of scor-es; of" western pictures; Indian - scout, .Wagph-train . guide, sol- dier and plainsman; his roles are. aS unlimited as the great prajrie.s and rifipuntairi; irange.s : which he .foamed during the years Wheri the covered wagons mpve'd ..Westward.',;-, Now, at last, he -has S ■ film ;bearlng ; his. own niame; in'which he iS; chief character; herb, lover: and . fighter, ; Judged by -;general standards of Westerns it. is an' arnbitipti.s butdbpi: :pfbdUctibn, full Of virii and redskin.s.: 'The ■youngstefii Will, ::iike it, but; despite, obviou.s efr fbrts tb give it' epic iquality it; re^ mairis.'.inthe.grQove..;.-./. ln.:cbhtrast,With nriaiiy of :his cori- tenlpprariies,: the :Car.*!bri. saga : i.f - a- matter pf .fairly accurate record, and any- bibgrapher Who:: would attempt screening of hia career should -find it unnecessary to .Sdd much fiction to the facts. Geprge Bruce has scarcely touched the ;signiflcance of Kit's eareierr althj^ugh he ha.<5 told a long-winded tale" based ori the inci- dent ;of.the first :tfahscontinental crossing of U.S; ciayiiIry* cpmmai)ided : Retaining nothing .more; than the title and -bbbming oilHields 'back gr,bund of Rex Beach's stoiry: (which /Was: briginally turned . but for ' First National in 1924 with Miltbri Sills; and Anna Q. Nillsbn ), 'Flowing Gold' is ari action: meller of. obvious piattern. •■ Aided by the .. combp of John Garfield, Frances Parmer arid Pat O'Brien. for marquee; dressing, picture 'Will get /by as : a''standard prbgranrimef, for the adventurous in- clined.'•;■•■■;■-.-'-■■'^-. '.; '';.'• -. ' ■ -Picture looks like it was rushed to' catch first folloWup of oil industry ~ drjamas;'; indicated by pf 'Boom ToWri;' In fact, the similar situation .of stories,. displaying "the conflict between; two men for . the love of a girl, stands out promi- nently. ; Although 'Flowing Gold' has itis. share of lusty and two-flsted action, script fail/s tb generate;high spots,, tod frequehtly- dependirig oh obvious / situations tb carr.v it albrig. : - Garfield is a larhmer,; showing, up in: an oil town"fof a job While ;fugi-; live frorii a murder chbrge. - Patv CBripn is the head driller of the outfit; in love-with the boss' daugh- tef, Frances Farmer. Garfield and O'Brien . becbnie pals, , while the; former take? the reverse technique of romance in winning the girl's hand.. While this uirifolds,'there's the rush of getting a well drilled befbre the lease expires, "with Garfield driving the crew af tei* O'Brien sustains a broken leg. The general heroics' are iihfolded uritil the ;Well, cornes in, and Garfield returns to face the murder charge with the girl ait his side. ' Garfield: Is grooved frt; a stereo-: typed role Which he has. portrayed many, times befbi"e, and - same goes for O'Brien. - / Miss Farmer handles the romantic lead withbut inSpliring much audience reactipri,: While ;Ray- ; mond Walburn overacts the blii.'^tei*- i ing, oil promoter; of support is j CliiT Edwards, who teams' with Jpdy. I Gilbert in some efTective character 'rPmarice on the comedy'side. I'" Direction, by Alfred E. Green ac- centuates, the actiori arid meller portions of the sci^ipt to lift-It ifar above basic rating. The usual oil well fire is: ignited for a climax, and does nothing more than serve the purpbse of finishing up the pictuire in '• reigulatipn manner. . Walt/ DANqE^ GIRL, DANCE (WITH SONGS); :' ' RKO-Riidlo . .release 6r . Jrlch-: Piimiiier rpniclucUoT):- PliirH :MaUreeh <)' Hii.ra. liiicflle. Rull. :..l4(iM)* Hay*Hld; feulure."!! Virginia Field, llHlph .Rellanriy. Mary Carliaii-, ..kylh-. orlne:-.A.le)fnnder, Kdward Bropliy,, Walter :..Ar>clv..-JI«roM .IHiibi-r;' -Maria : yUHpeuHkiiVa, DIrfiCleil by -Dor'olhy Arssner; Scr'cen'pliiy by Te.sH.;.<?le.«inge.r:. and Frank -puvLs; -stoi'O by Vlckl. iltiOim;. songH. ;.Bdward/ W.-ird. Chcs-: I or, I'M-Tf-Hl .fi nd . Robert Wi lglit: ; oa rnera, Uus.sell Me.tty: daiK'es, lOrnsi ATiil.fiiv; -edi- tor, Robert .'Wise; I{ft\Hcu;c-il In pio'lprllon '^^'i^i ^" ••^!^'<i "u'Milng^Vlme,; ,M-;'n ■O'Har.'i: ..■.l;oiiiH.Haywfird .,;.:;i.ucllle Bull . - - . ..; yirKinl.!i:. Field i-.Sle^ve AdiiniK.... .;;.;;...... Ujil|)h:i!elliiniy- i;Ala;d< Bnsllfiva.;.,.. .Mn'l.Ia "(>nHP<!iy!i ' v... ; '; M;ii ry-(^arllilo sight, In fact, tha recipe, the cook book and virtually all the ingredients —except comedy—were tossed into 'Dance, Girl, Dance.' The novelty of a burlesque show ahd intimations of a strip-tease that never really comes ofT ai*e also included^ but this -^s not sensational enough to overcome whak is now virtually a public antipathy to this type of screen farje. Its b.Pi chances* are fair; Erich Pommer is the producer arid there's a definite Continental flalir about the picture, making itself felt even in Dorothy Arzner's direction. Where it is especially noticeable is, the stretching of the storv material to the breaking point; also to the :great play on Lucille Ball, making it appear alniost as though she is doing one:long solo as a predatory chorini . Who becomes a sensation In bur* lesque. - Story hangs on the thread of two girls in a nitery troupe <«*ho are interested iri; the; s&ihe rich playtov,: Louis, Jlayward. One..: is. Maureen' O'Hara,' who has ,ballet ambitions; the second is Miss Ball. There: are Sever nl other femtries, nbtably. Virginia Field, who is the playboy's divorced wife i^nd wins him back in- the end; Maria Ouspenskaya; pncp a great ballerina and now directirig hotcha troupes lor smalltime;niteries; Mary Carlisle, an innocuous chpripe, Katheipine Alexander, / in , a vfer.y ;s.Yimpathetic ■ role as secretary ^fip: Ralph Bellamy, ballet producer. With the exception of Hay ward, who pveriacts the very bad dialog given him; the cast is 'uriifprmly.. good. As result, there's sharp con- , trast in the performances: of Bellamy "and Hay ward,; and Hay ward, the star^ gets little sympathy; There'$ also a lapse between a montage shot of Bi?oadway, which, according to the inarquees, must: '■ have been. - imade very recently, and. the .burlesque theatire's runway.; Latter "hav^ been passe for; at least five yeiars. To the credit of Pommer, however, , is the realistic opening nitery scene. It's less Hollywood and more: true- tb-Tlife than such production bits: usually, are. Laiter there's ;a mori lavish night club.:setting, /but. even this is within the bounds of reali.'?m,/' In the true se^hse of; the word, ;thl3 is,a drama With music, rather;thian d musical comedy; Hence there's littje on: the song-arid-dance production; side notable. .Only one; . of these , sceries .are striking, this being the rehearsal . Of what is. called /the American Ballet.. Viyiari: Fay. from Broadway... .extrayagariza,. i.s ;:the ballerina '■in' this , and does a .barigup job in frbnt: bf an expertly trained classical troupe. Errist Matray. dance director, rates a bow for: this, sequence, • ::- ■. . Otherwise, the dancing is an xin- imp.prtarit tpe number by. Maui*een O'Hara, and the flrebaU stuff by Miss Ball, first in a hula routine and;later ; as the burlesque serisatioh.: Vak ipi v is ustfd frequently ;in the moritage as heralding the new queen of- thi^ hurley,. Poriiirner taking liberties; W ith this paper's Page 1 iriakeup, showing: VAHitrrr devoting .so many Page I streamers to the bbxbffice of a;strip» per. Producer also took some liber-V ties ini the hula ..thigh"Slappi ri g. strip-' ping innuendo; and Miss Ball.^s ac* ceptahce of furs, rent and susteriuricili. from certain gehts. Picture's almost complete lack ol laughs is its greatest handicap. It unfolds more like a tragedy than something gay and .tiuieful—and the trierid: of/, the tirries has resulted in'; more and; more b.o. for eritertairi- : ment with laughs. . Of the three sorigs, none has any great possibilities. Morning Star' i$ a ballad by Edward Ward, Chester Forrest and Robert Wright,Who also turned but 'Jitterbug Bite;' Which Miss Ball; delivers in bui-lesque, as , she also does 'Mother, What. Do I Do . Now,' by Forrest and Wright. She's. on for ' extensive: periods and is creditable on .the hoof, in looks and in singing, her ;vivacious personality virtually relegating thie weak story, There appears to be considerable : coin in the plenitude ' of • sets arid cdstunning. Also in the cast, mariy bf; -whom are ir^ strictly for bitS; Mine, Ouspenskaya is wasted in role riot commensurate with her. dramatic ability, ai Is Walter Abel as i magistrate. >; Dorothy Arzner's directibii appears slow, but this may be the fault of the .story, which deviates; from riitCiies ib ballet to /burlesque jind into a ;iiighi court: after the Misses O'Hara and Ball tangle. in a fight on the hurley ■Stage. ; Camera work, is inbstl.y eX-: •celient;.:-;"';: ■ Scho. -.: Jlid.V. ,,;.-,..; JI mi ri .v.. Ha rr l a ... Hubblea, t..^, :. .•.;■.».; Mltnor" Ha ri-ls..;...., Sally'4..,, MjH.M OinrijiieHd,..; JJivarfle.,;,..,.;.... i'j .Tudgev,.;..-..,......;;.:. ;i-l'olioken Gi-nl;. ,- Ralley No, 1. . ..;'..,;.. Riillf y: No. 2.. , .,..:.' Dolly;;.;-.,:;: -Daisy ,,',:,;,_,/.; -Mrs, HUnpifon. Piisij In. Tfooir.-.;,.-;.. The TtallerlnH:,,. . , '. .., Citpwi r, ,.;-,.;'.','.;;,., .;., Filoh-.,i,.-.; / ;; 1-. ,, ..J , Ka i.hP)-|iie,. Alexander ,'... .i. l';Uwa'nl;''Hro[di-v>. .;;....;.%. Waller, "Abel. ,i lIjarold 'Hiilipr . ..-. ; ,, ICri^Psj- ,:Trl^ex.■ .....: ;,.f'h.r.M(fir ("lulc ,/. ,'..I/,<jn-a Inp- ;'Kr.up'ger , J ...Ijola Jeniieh ;....,; /Rmma'.Dunh ,'..;.. H(dney Blarkmflr i. ■. (...'.■i-. ,:Vlvl(in Fay .-;;,;.'. r.udwig sfoHsel ;, -.'. -. i-i .Kdno ViTebcii "The end of backstage musicals on celluloid is apparently not; yet in { Men Against the Sky Hollywood, Aug. 2(V; RKd.release of Howard Rehcdfc-i j>r<)iliic" Hon. Fealurea Richard .DL^ kenl' TiVylor,. . Rdmtind- 'I,,owe; -. Wendy ■ Btirrle. ' l/ilrt-i-itd by :J-eHllfe;■ Goodwlna.: ^Screenplay ' by Xa- InanaU WesLt; :story by John Twlsi:; ciimerfi' Hairry Redma.n; ;'ttpecluV fe/fects. A cruon .1;, Walker.; e.ditbr. beanniond; Marqueiie; 1'"*- vlewfd .-it Panlages, Auir.' Ill, '40.. :iliiiiplng lltne. Ti MINK,' ; .. - - '.^ .'' ■/. .:;:..;v.,..,.».;^.^;ni(-har.v ... ;.... .-,,.; . Kent 'l--;ty!or .:.....»....';......Kdniurtd i-o<vft .'.";. . ..'. ;'VVeri(ly.-.itiir.»'le • r i .;.. k.'.. GI'-i'i n vili.c U»ie,s■ .'.;. : ;,'..;. am nt- 'w"!thpr» .. ,\:.-.. ;:.»j . . Uoiiald' Kl-iKi!;*: ..... ...-i. M^biirlp.x. li(i'ii;ley .... ..HelrnHi-..lii.'. l<s<'n. .;... i...,, ;Terry vBclo'Oiit .Phn-... Martin, McT.ean....,;, Kay:;,;". ;>;, ^;. iiurdpit,.,....'.■,■;';.';;: A Deri on.,,,.,'.' Fllvnn'. ;.;.:;.'. (^n'lit. Siindera Oapt..,WKlItn. As title indicates, this: is ari an* drama—ol stunt flyers, test pilots, and the financial maneuvers ;of .a plane rhanufacturer designing a new ship for government contract. Story (Continued qn page 20)