Variety (Aug 1940)

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18 nCTORlBS W^dnesdaT; Aiigust 28^ 1940 Exciess proifits lax legisiah'ori/pfe^- fntly progressing through Coh-; gresfioh^il commitlees M Washing-r Ion, Js teing vi-atched plpseiy jjy major . filrn comipanies/ indepencientf end theatre pperaling cornpahics id Jearti how heavy the additional tax- etion load going to be. ' Picture industry,.which is not goihg to bene- fit directly Jroiti . the preparedness; armament program anyWay, s going to be socked on the same basis as. other i nclustrial cpmjpa.n ies, accdrd- Jiig to belief in the trade. V : Only Tay' of Jight iri^ the setup for the film indUstry is the recent indi-' cation that a: more reasphable, basis for fixing the new taxable scale may be adopted. . Despite this^ any new foi'm of taxatioti i:^ yiewed the trade ais merely ahbther; handicap, to profitable operations at ai iimt: when foreign income "is; Avay. off and the- atres, ailready have been forced to shoulder - the new diefense tax on theatre tickets. ,■■ Current o.piriion ' of reputable; financial men ' ; that the- only ■ - cuse for an .excess p used: in placie 'of a ftirther ihcrease in the lidrmal tax rate; -is thie feeling. that those who benefit /'dii"ectly .from .a inatiohai defense: program should beair. an increaised measureVof its cost This means primarily airplane manufacturers,, machine topi makers;^ ship&uilder^;, mvinitions .and arina-' merit maker.s, arid these w;ill be taxed niost severely under this setup. .\Four-Year. Average dr'4%/ ; ' . However, ■ the ■ new excess profits proposal as' it turrentiy stands would further increase the tax load of any. corporiaition ■ showings an impToye- ment in .business as cornpared. with: the last four-year average (1936-39). earnings, .ot;A% on the invested capr ital, whichever is .higher." ■ ^ With picture cpmpahies, having large invested capital,; some may be able'to escape paying dfjly; small amount : because, likely showing lit- tle more, than; 4% dm this investment^ The only other alternative is .td uise the average earhihgs* over' a four- year period and hope that the 1940 profit idoes 'not , maierially exceied this. . Many jniajpr producing-dis- triboting companies - probaljly - will fail into this -category, Hence, they would use this plan of figuring hp\y much they owe .under, the excess profits arrangement.; • But - for . theatre ■ opiera^hg com- panies, the excess; profits tax poses a tough problem. Numerous theatres likely■ will show better earnings this - yeair than the average for; ;i936-39i .And if the alternative plan .is em- ployed, their percentage earnings .in .many Instances would' be far . ahead of the 4% alldwable since thje profit would; be far in excess of this figure as compared with ciSpital ihvest- ment. Capital outlay .for theatre operatidn ' small - compared w'ith profit realizable. Attitude of distributors as well as exhibitors preseritly is ; that they have been saddled with enough tax burdens via the IDieferise Tax on the- atre admission tickets. Hence, they may seek an exemption from the excess profits tax ■ arrangement, : Another thing the industry does not like; about the excess .profits set , up as presently outlined is that it is retroactive to include this year. They are pondering hbyr the details of fhe company tax report can be revised or adjusted in time to; have state ments;ready fdr filing in March, ;ig41, especially since the legislation has hot even ;b(E(en passed. ' Piignihage^ Rim Neat Hollywpod, Aug.'27.; Filrtiihg of a 16 minute ver9ida ;of Hdllywood's. Tilgrimage Play^^^ der. hegbtiatidri, with final decisipri td , be : rpiade. some time this, week; ilpyd D. Mitchell, general manager df the ; norirprofit play organization, confirrris this, but refuses to disclipse i the name, of'the film company until the.d^al js'sigried^'';■;. •■;. The ;out(ddor . spectacle-; has 'been staged annually for ■ 17 years in a, hillside amphitheatre across the .cari- ydn from Hollywood Bo^^•l. 'it has never been-. s€lf-suppd;r.ting and has been maintainied partly through; con- tributions., frpin./many; churches arid creeds.' Grganizatipn,.; has turned down several oilers, to take the; play on.tplir. ;■';.;;:..■■■■; .;...;;••■;■■ Idea is to Tens the religious drama as .an SO-minute; spectacle; with few; chartges'in thie jjcript. (Fjor- iniormation 6i iheatri and film exehcnet bookerr Variety presents d complete chart of feature feUdses, of all the American diatr\hutiiiff xovipaniit for fht cxtrrent quarterly period. Dote of feuieu)* <w o»we« riinninff iitne d/ prirtls ar^^ R«T,' ln , Vi»r.-^>)|«W*d In Viirletr : ; ; K«y TlB^ AbbrtyltitloiiB ;r, T.-7BimhlitR''rin>f^ WEEK ■■■OF . RELEASE ReVi la ■■ . title; AN J) Ct)MP ANT TYPE TALENT R. T. BLONDIE, BEWARE (C«l) RETURN OF WILD BILL (Col) ONE MAN'S LAW (Rep) NEW MOON (M-G) . QUEEN OF THE MOB (Par) ANNE OF WINDT POPLARS (RKO) LUCKY Cisco KID (2001) OUT WEST WITH PEPPERS (Col) C ANDY UARDT meets DEBUTANTE (M-G) C GOLDEN TRAIL (Mono) W WAY OF ALL FLESH (P«r); . D DR. CHRISTIAN MEETS WOMEN (RKO) CD SAILOR'S LADY (Mth) CD PRIVATiJ AFFAIRS (U) / CD MAN WHO TALKED TOO MUCH (WB) D ; C ' p. iSineleton-A. Lake-L. Siinti .' W B. iEIiiottrl. Meredith-L. Walters 60 W D. Barry-J. -Waldo-G. Cleveland 57 MU J. iMCacDonald-N^ Eddy-M. Boland 105 M R. Bellamy-:W. Henry-j; Carney . 60 D A; Shfrley^!J. Ellisdh-P. Kno>vlC8 ^^5 RD C; Romerd-M. B. Hiighes-E. Venabl(^ 67 E. Feliewes-D; Peterson V. . ; 6» . M. Reoncy-L: Stone-" J. Garland 87 T> RHter-I. Gnest ; 52 A. TaiBiroff-G« Gedrce-W. Henry 82 J. Hersholt^E. Kennedy-D. Lovtti 65. li. Kelly^J. HalUJ. DavJs 67 H. Herbert'N. Kelly-R. Younr 75 G. Breiit-Vk Bruce-B. Marsball 76 SPORTING BLOOD (Wt-G): D STAGE COACH WAR (Par) , W SCATTEBBRAIN (Rep) : C MANHATTAN HEARTBEAT (ZOtli) CD BLACk; DIAMONDS (U) ; M MY LOVE CAME BACK (WB) RD L. Sfone-|t^ YounrrW. Gargan 81 W. Boyd-R. Hayden^B. Wqdd . 61 J; Candva-A. Mdwbray-R: DdhriellyV 70 R. Sterling-y.; Gtlmdre-J. Davis 71 R. Arlen-'A. Devlne 60 O. de ;HavlIalid-E. Albert-J. Wyman 81 7 19 40 Costs Soar ai Bft^ Firos (^^^ Hpllyw.opd, Aug. 27. Tvvd .valiey studios. Republic and Warniers,,. suffered peace-time black> puts when- the electric power went' de^d and caused; hiindreds of extras p idld While the. expenses went on. Republic paijj thou^ahds • of • dollars for the Idss of 45 minuteis of; shddt- ng time, but Warn switched to ari: auxiliary uhit .and was nicked fp only a few minutes.. ■ ; Blackouts were the jesuit of bru.'^h fires in the hills which'; interfered with electrical trarisniission. »/7 MILITARY ACADEMY (Col) • D HAUNTED HOUSE (Mono) M 7/17 WE WHO ARE YOUNG (MiG) CD 7/17 CAROLINA MOON (Rep) W 6/26 CROSS COUNTRY ROMANCE (RKO) RD ;7/3 .. -MARYLAND (20th) .■..■■;.■■'. ;'■ RD. 7/17' SOUTH OF PAGO pAgO (UA). D 8/14 .SON OF roaring: DAN (U) ; W LADIES MUST LIVE (WB) C ^T'.'KcllyfB.:Jordan■ ■;.'■ ::■--.^ : -.-. m' M. ;iUr.;.Jbnds.-J.''IVioran ■■:••• ; L..Turner-J. SheUoh-G> Lockiiart; ; 78 Gi Adtry-S. Bor^ette-J. Storey : 65 Gw RayimOnd-W> 'Barrie 66 W. Brehnan-'F..Bainter-^B. Joyre :90;. V. McLaglen-F. Farmer-Jdn Hail 1(10 J. M.^lrowh-F. KHight-B, Baker 60 Wk Morrls-R. tanc , 7/26,40 8/7 BLONDIE HAS SERVANT (Col) ,C 8/21 BOYS OF THE CITY (Mono) ; M ,7/31 ; GOLD JKUSH MAISIE (M-G) . ■ ; . C 6/26 ;- .UNTAMED'(Par)' ;.- RD. 8/21 . iSTAGE TO CHINO (RKO) W 7/17 MILLIONAIRES IN PRISON (RKO) M 7/17; vYOUWE NOT SO: T.OUGH (U) ' ■ . • P, Singleton-A.'Lake . 66 'East:'Sidc'Kld8 :'..■ .■•: 6a- A; Sdthern-L; Bdwmin-V. Weidlfir 82 B. Millaiifa-P. Mdrison-A. Tamiroit 82 ■ Gv'-O'Brlen-V. Vale ' ■■•51 L. Tracy-L. . Hayes-V. Vale 6» Dead iEnd Kids-r-N. Grey 71 8/2/40 8/7 LADY IN QUESTION (Col) : 7/10 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (M-G). 8/28 ; GOLDEN GLOVES. (Par) , 8/7 THE SEA RAIDER (Par) QUEEN OF DESTINY (RKO) '7/17 THE MAN I MARRIED (ZOlh) RANGER AN1> THE: I.ADY (Rep) 8/14 SOUTH TO KARANGA (U) ; , C . Bi Aherne-R. Hayworth-G. Ford 78!; RD G. Garson-rL. OIivler-lVI. Boland 117 M ■; R: J)enning-J. Cajncy-R. Paijfe: . 6H D H. Wildoxoh-C. Landis-O. Stci'chs 76 RD A; Nea-gle-A. Walbrodk RD J. Bennett-F. Lederer '; 76 W /RJ RojersrG, Hayes^J/Welisi ! RD C. Bickford-J. Craitr-L; Dcsti ; 59:, Duals Debase i Continued from page 12. 8/9/40 8/16/40 8/^3/40 8/30/40 ¥. Mono Sta^^^^^ jittery Ov(* Shift of 9/6/40 Mondjgraffl, ^w^^ of its Ne\y York honie .off depiart-, ments, :except fdreign, to the Coast Within 90 diays. 'ihais given no indi- cation, to dmployes yet as to Vhp will be let out,arid who^will be taliert west . oii. the. switch. ; Uncertiainty about their future, has most of thie; help jittery ahd;; huntihg ;new;: jobs; About; 20 employes are involved. It is understobd thc; bhly aide wKo lias been given any /assurance . df being- transferred i-s Lou Lifton, publicity . and ;: advertising head. Other inembers of his department,;; hdwdyer, have ;; beeri left.. in the dark. Final ratification of the switch/apprpvied by the board of directors, wiii bie made by the stock- holders .at the antJuai; rrieetihg Ocl. 2 in J^evtr York. clared. He tiarked back to the rise and; fkir of ;vaude in backing .up his argument that dualers are unwieldy and dver^tiririg; Vaude, in its pririne. he pointed out/was a selection of a handful of .acts: It; headed ;f(rf; the disdard, he said, when managers be- gian. pyraimidihig thpse few .acts into 12 or: 15. Combination of acts, good and bad, he averred,, detracted from the general eifect of the Whole.. Sirniiariy, Hpijlitzelle dnsistedv'two b^d pictures, 'ever) a, gpod ahd a bad picture, taint the ,entertainment" brew, / . '.■■■•■•■ ■; •' : : With these arguments he met the insistence of, Mrs, Beck (the fdrrner Leah; Baird, ■ silent film star) that the piiblic shops for bargains, and there- fore wants the double bill if it can get it for a single admission.; In further rebuttal,. Hoblitzelle asked why, if this be true, it . wouldn't., be sane to insist that three dr fpuir fea- tiires, instead of two; would better suit the public taistd, No one offered an. answer; •,■'•■ ;;":';^-.- • Mrs. Hedges opposed; duaier.s ..with th e a pprpiich th at' the fil m th ea tre is a family affair, ; She insisted that dualing has killed off the 'family au; dience,'. Mixing Of adult; with juve entertainment sa,tisfies no one, she stated, and kept many, children out of theatres, thereby destroying the • faniily link, Goldwyn's Belief Goldwyh plunged headlong into an. I indictrnent' .df dpu '.that . they are. driving prcspective ticket buyers from pictures. \ He' ;said •. he 'Svaa -prdpi)i:iBd : to : sijpplyv powerful; evidence that both exhibs and publie;prefer-; singles, citing..the .Gallup; poll to: bolster his cla;ims.; He chainpidhed the ;short subject -as; a substitute. ;for the second ;fea;turei Cha'dwiclt: charged the theatre being takeh away frdrh the pub^ aii eyoltilion 'of the : film inc!ustry. agreeing with, Hoblitzelle. thit' the; picture hdVJse.;; is. .community prop- erty, biU declaring current priactict.'s and prices;have removed screen: eh- tertaihrnent ;;frdnn|: re'ath of ^.tht; ' 9/27/40 masses; Carr advanced the theory that second features are necessary in Sthdoling beginners in the film busi- ness. Me' also cited inerea.%ee in stur; did employment es^ art iarKiiriient; in favor of diialere^: 8/14' THE SECIIET SEVEN ■(Cdl).' . M; 8/7 , i LOVE YOU Again (M^G) ' cd 8/7 DOOMED TO DIE (Mono) M CHAMBER OF HORRORS (Mono) M 8/21 ONE CROWDED NIGHT (RKO) M GIRL FROM AVENUE A (20th) CD 7/10 STREET OF MEMORIES (ZOth) , RD 8/7 CAPTAIN CAUTION (UA) D 7/17 BOYS FROM SYRACUSE (U) ; MU 8/7 SING, DANCE, P1.ENTY HOT (Rep) : MU ■8/28 ;■ RIVER'S END-(.WB)■•■; -;' ■.M'. 8/28 - The DURANGO KID (Col) W 8/21 GOLDEN FLEECING (M-G) CD 8/21; LAUGHING aT DANGER (Mono) . M 8/14 COMIN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN (Par) C ' STRANGER ON THIRD FLOOR (RKO) D 7/24 BAMPARTS we WATCH (RKO) D 8/14 RETURN OF FRANK JAMES (20th) : D 8/28 FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT (UA) RD 6/12 ALL this; HEAVEN TOO (WB) D B. Behnett-F. Bright W. Powell-M.vLoy-F. McHugh . is.. Karloff-M. Reynolds L. Banks-L. Palmer-G. Male , B. Seward-D. Costel|o-W> Haade J. Withers-K. Taylor-K. Aldridgc J^:McGuire-L. Roberts ; V. Mature-L, PUtt-B. Cabot - ; A; Jones-^M.; Raye-J. Penner . R, ..Terry-J. .Downs-B. Allen D^ Mpii-8:an-,E.' Earl-V.: Jory VC. Statrett-L. Walters L'.. Ayres-R. Johiisdn-V. ;Grey ; F. DarrorJ; Hodges-G. Hustdii : B. Burns-U. Merkel-P. Barrett P^ Lorre-J, McGuire-M. TalUehet March: Of Time produciion . H; Fonda-A; Leeds-J. Cooper J. McCrea-L. Day-H. Marshall B. Davis-C. Bdyer-B. O'Neill •.67 -I 71 H > 7Z 72 .6» ' 64; 61 62 ,85 H2 119 140 8/14 7/24; 8/21 8/14 7/24; HE STAYED FOR BREAKFAST (Cdl) CD MISSlNi& PEOPLE (Mono) > D ARIZONA FRONTIER (Mono) W RANGE BUSTERS (Mono) W THE GREAT McGINTY (Par) C LUCKY PARTNERS (RKO) C PIER 13 (20th) d; THE SEA HAWK (WB) D M. Douglas;-'L. Yourig-U. O'Connor 8€ vW.FylTe-L.Hardlnr'K;. Walsh T. Ritter-Si Ahdrews-E. Finley R. COrrlgan-J. King-L. Walters B; Dcoiievy-ivi. Angelus-A. Tamiroff 81 G. Rogers-R. Colman-F; Wray }»8 L. BarirL. Ndlan-J. Valerie , 67 E. Flyhn-B. Marshall-C. Rains 1Z7 PEPPERS IN TROUBLE (Col) QUEEN OF THE YUKON (Mono) 8/7 BOOM TOWN (M-G) 7/17 YOUNG PEOPLE (20th) 8/21 RYHTHM ON THE RIVER (Par) 8/28 DANCE GIRL, DANCE (RKO) ,8/7 , THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT (WB) OKLAHOMA RENEGADES (Rep) 8/28 KIT CARSON (UA) C E. Fellows-D. petersdn-R. Sinclair D C. Bickford-I. Rich ; D C. Gable-S: Tracy-C. Colbert 117 CD S. Templer J, ;Oakie-C. Greenwood 77 C B. Crosby-M. Martin-B. Rathbohe S2 D M. O'Hara-L. Hay ward-L. Ball «» M G. Raft-A. Sheridan-H. Bogart »3 W R. Livihgstoii-R. Hatton-D. Renaldo W L. Bari-J. Hall . B5 8/7 .8/21.- 8/28:; 9/13/40 ■■ 8/28 LIFE WITH HENRY (Par) , CH An AT WAX MUSEUM (20th) FUGITIVE FROM PRISON CAMP (Col) DR. KILDARE GOES HOME (M-O) UMN:AIR (Mono). •■■, -■ WHO IS GUltTV? (Mono) ARGENTINE NIGHTS (U) RIDE, TENDERFOOT, RIDE (Rep) MEN AGAIN.ST THE SKY (RKO) / CALLING: ALL HUSBANpS (WB) . HOWARb.S <)F VIRGlNiA; (Coi) WYOMING (M-C) THE.'AFE^ (Mondr ■ ■;'■■■ .1 WAlST; A-niVOMCE ■■(iPar)^- :/ GIRL FROM HAVANA (Rep); COLORADO (Rep) ■ DREAMING OUT LOUD (RKO) PUBLIC DEBiNd. 1 (20th| , ..HIRED• WIFKV(Ut-■^/.■.. NO TIME FOR COMEDY (WB) C J. Cooper-L, Ernst-E. Bracken M S; Toler-iS; Yung-J. Valerie M J. Holt-M. Marsh li RD L. Ayres-L. Barryniore-L;Day . M; Fi Darro-M. More ; ^'M- '■:B.'Lyoh-jB.''Blair. .; - MU Rlt* Bros;-Andrews Sisters W ; G. Autry^S. Burnette-J .Storye 66 RD R^ Dix^K; Taylor-W. Barrie 73 C G. Toblas-L. If'airbanks-E. Triiex 0/20/40 :«/7' ;.8/2«, WIZARD OF DliATlI :(Col); STRIKE UP TliE BAND (M-«) THAT GANG OF MINE (Mono) I'M STILL ALIVE (RKO) YESTEROA V'S HEROES f2(lit|j) / :muMmy'.s hand-.(u| •■.■ RAGTIME COWBOY JOE (li) THE WESTERNER (UA> CITY FOR CONQUEHT ANGLEK OVKR BROADWA V Uliiiy HAUNTED HONEYMOON (M-<;| RANGEKK OF FORTUNE (Par) TRIPLE J i;H'nCE(KkO) KNEW WHAT rilHV WANTED (RKO) BKIGf IA M YOUNG (ZOili ^ THIEF OF BAGOAD(UA) SPRING fARADE (Ul KAST OF THE RIVfilt (WB) ; :: D-. C- Grant-M. Scott W :; W. Beery-rL. Carrlllo-A. Rutherford ; M^ BoriB Karloir D J. BloiidelUD; Poivell-G;biGksdu RD D. b'Keefe-C;Carldton-V; Jfory W R. Rogers-G. Hayes-P. Moofe C Lumi and Abner-I'Miangforil/ C ; G. Murpby^B. Joyce-<E; Maxwjbll 70 CO R. RuSBell-B. Aherne-R. Benchley CI J. Stcivart-R. Russell7C.;Raggles ■■ivi ■ ;■ B. Karlofr-E. Keyes MU M. R6oney-J. Garland-J. Preisser .M .- B; Jordan-L. Gorcey RD K. Taylor-L. ilayes-R Morgan <;d R. Sterling-J. Rogers-R: Gleason .; M D, Fdraii-P. Moran^W. Ford - M W JiM.Brown:N.O»Day-E. Knight W G. Codper-W. Brennan-D, Davenpor.t / D, J. Cagney-A; Sheridan:^F:Crav|Bn^ ;j / D iKFalrbanks/Jr^ J> R. Mohlgdmery-C/Cumihings . fr* D; F. MacMurray-P. Morison-A. Dekker W G, O'Brlen-V. Vale CI} C.LaiJghton->C;Lonibard-W.Gargan RD T. pOwer-L. Darnell-D. Jagger J12 D C. Vf Idt-Sabu-J. Duprez . .Ml) \ I>, Duriiln-R. CummlngSrM. Auer M j;GHrfleld-B.Marshall-MvRambea»