Variety (Aug 1940)

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20 PICTURES Film Revi^vos . Continued f rom page 18. Meii Against the Sky mixes these faictoifs to^p^^ a good actioh picture bf ; prpgram ci assiilcation which can hold its pwri ©s supporter ill the Key duals,: Despite the necessary ihciusioh pi familiar ingredients into air yarns events «re unfoldied . in. a f»lausii5le ihahher, with sufficieiit ight tbuches of cPihedy Inserted to relieve the dramatic tension. Ju- dicibus cutting keeps the aiir shots at a riiinimum, aind although there are some thrilling moments provided by plane-sturitihg, everything is kept within required footage. . istpry conceims llichard Di*, a former air celeb who winds up as a periodic' drtihk; stunt flyer Pn the cbuhty fair' circuit. His sister, Weh^ Barrie, jdirts the drafting staff in the plane factory of Edmund Ix)we, a breezy promoter who side- steps flhahcial disaster to turii out a high si)e6d ship.. Dix secretly advises the girl oh new ideas in plane de- sign; with lin"!il, result that the plane passes government tests for ; a big cbntract. Interwoven is a slight ro- jnahcb between Miss Barne and Kent Taylor. Leslie GobdWins provides a smooth and speedy ijunway for the picture in his direction, keeping the dramatics within bounds aiid accenting on the Goniedy lines when required. Pix provides his usual competent; per- fprmance as the former flying ace, ; and Edmund Lowe is/neatly spotted as the islick plane manufacturer. Kent Taylor catches attention as the head designer who carries thrbugh the girl's idea aind finally wins her at the finish. Mfes Barrie is compe- tent in th(B femme ' lead,. while balance of the Oast includes the late Granville Bates.. Grant Withers; Donald, Briggs aiid Charles Quigley* Air photography and special effects add much to the production. values of:the-pictm-e,:;;-:; ;'-\:yfa\t,' . \ Hollywood, Aug; 23. SOlh.Century-^'M releiM* of bene Mariiey proiliictiien. Features , Oeorge . Murphy; Brentia Joyce, Etaa Maxwell. ;Dlr*cted. by Gregory Katoff. Screenjplay by Karl Tuh- bfirg and Diirrell Ware; atory by Karl .Tun- ber^ and Don Ettllnicer; camera, Brnest P.-ilmer: editor, Bobert Simpson. Previewed it Wentwood Vtllaice. AUf. 23, IWO. Bun- niti'r tlirie; 5» MIN8. . ■• . • . Alan Btakie. ; .'.!. .........., ;6eprge Murjphy RIVER'S END - Warner . Broa. production . an J. rejfns*, Features DenhlH MorShn, Georse Tobias,, Elizabeth Earl, Victor Jory, Jnmea Slephcn- flon; Directed by Boy EnrlBht. UnseO on novel by Jrtmes Oliver Cumood; : ii»|avUo- tlon, Barry Trlvers and Bertrnni MlliL-iu- «er: editor, Clartnce Kolster; phdtogrnphy,. Arthur L. Todd. At Globe, -N. J.. w*ok AuK^ :24, '40, alhgle.;. Bunnlng time 60 MINS. . ^.,.. John Keith 1.... Sgt. Connlston). Andy Dljori.,....,... Lilnda Conn Iston.... Norman: Talboti.... Inspector ^cDoxveU, iTheets,.;. ...i.^,.... Frank Grandall..... Constable JiBlteTs.... Constable Kentish.. ;.peiinls' Morgan ..George Tobias ..... Ellx-ibem Karl . ; .Vlctdf .Jory ,, Juiries Stephenson ...',.- .. .f!t*-ftl Puna ..; .EdwariV Pawlry ;. ..7ohn BWgcly Frank Wilcox, Penny Cooper; •.,:, Elsa. MaxT^ell.... Grlnba........... Mlllb"um.;.;..'... Bt'uce Fa^lrchird. Eric......; .;..... , Mngletrate... Bartender.';..;. Mr; Schllti...... Hugh Stackett.... Feodor,.......*. Ivan...... Communlst.v. I.«i\vyer. Frontenac'....... I:.nyput Man. ..., fiergennt........ XpglohnairM...«. >- k'.. . k . . , • , Ijiihdlady.V Sanford;. ' Directort.. Pol Iceman; V v.... , Clerk......;..-..... Car Payment"Man; Dutchman.'^;....' .. Brendft-Joyce vi.,., ...Hei-Belf. .'. . .Mlacha Auer ,.. .Charlie Buggies ,. .. Rklph Bellamy '. ifaxl'e. Bosenblobm ,. Befton- Church ill . FrankUh Fangbom , Hobart'. Cayanaugh .;.. .liloyd .~Corrlgan Ivan Lebedcft ......Charles Judels ...ElUha Cook. Jr. , •Selmer- Jackson ,. ...... .X>ul9 Albeml .;..Ha1 K. Dstwson, '.;.. .Charlen. Wilson . . . (Dick Blch . IWllUam Pawley Mary Gordon . ./.Addison. BIcharda rpaul Stanton A Joseph Crehan IDottKlas Wood. . . .Biilph Dunn , , . . John DilSOri . .Chester :Clute . . Herman Blhg Acfcbrding to 'the record: it was about time 'Rivieres End' was made again; that is; if 10. years, between each time is the way tb do it. The old James Oliver Curwbod story of the Gahadian ; woods xoufitry ; iand mouhties was made by jirst Natibniil in i92d and again by Warners in 193i; The creaky old adventure stbty, in its third yejsioh, is still .9 tiresome stPry, plotted out very ob-. vibusly, but it has one strong re- deeminil feature. That is the per- formance;©! George Tobias. . Playing a Erench Canadian whp^e source of livelihood is never ex-; plained, Tobiasi :riot only tiirns in a fine. cbiaracteriziation but loads the picture with plenty of good cpmedy-: His French accent never . sOu»ds phony and in addition tb the' laughs drawn through- the gal whb hounds Tobias into matryirig her, pPwerful comedy is. evoked by the baiTpom scene in which he deliberately tries to pick si fight and has trouble in- sulting - his quarry. • Latter is' a susjject in the. murder; for which Tbbias* friend, now pbsing as a mbuntie, has been cpnvicted. Dennis Morgah> who seems to be on the wav to bigger things, plays a dual role, that of the innocent man convicted of niurder. and the mouritie Who goes out to -get 'him. The mbuntie dies aiid Morgan,- looking like his halfi-brother, changes places with him and: through a - series of circumstances that are a. little hard tb :believe, succeeds in clearing him- self.:;', v. , Rbmahtife interest is suitably: spotted into; the story, with Eliza- beth Earl opposite Morgan on that assignment.: She's a very charming young. actress.. but her rble doesn't bring out the trub stature ot her his- trionic prowess. Victbr Jbry does the heavy/ while James Stephenson plays a police inspector.; : The rest are minor. " Exteriors are gobd;. most/ of the filni carries a : brownish sepia tint rather than being sharp black-and- white; Char, something of an achievement. Rich-- ard Denning is upstanding arid direct as the Hero Socker, which is as much SIS cpiild b« expected. J. Carrol Naish adds a spiggoty accent to his usual teeth-clenching / villain pPrtrayalj Robert Paige manages tb seem be- lievable as the sportswriter, WiUiam Fravvjey strolls easily through the part of real-guy department store owner, arid Edward S, Brophy giVes his customary impression as the riot- Quitc-bright gangster's henchman. : ■;:.. ■■■ ; ■ ' Hohe.y . TH£ bURANGO KIP ■' (WITH. SONGS) ; Coliinibla: production ind release;: Btars. Chavleu .Stnrrett; features Luana Wiilters, Kenneth MacDohiiild. Francis Walker, For- rest Ttiyior, The Pioneers. Directed .by Ijimbort Hlllycr. . .'Story ;and adaput.lon. Paul FiAnklln;: editor, Bobert Fahtl; aongs. Bob Nolnii niid Tim :Spencer;. photography, Johii Stumar. At Central. N. Y.. .dual, week Aug. 21,"40. Bunnliig lime, Bl MIN8; Bill i.owry;;. .■;. ■.;. .Charles Stttrrett N*ncy W Inslow..;;....;;... Iguana Walters Maco Bnllanl. ...iKenfiethMacDpnald Steve........../;.. .. ..Francis Walker Ben ; Winslow; i... .v ;,..;. ; .Forrest: Taylor MarsWal Trayboe.\v. . vMelvlrt 1at>k Bob;.............. ■.-; • . . .-Bob Kolan Pit........ V...;.......... . ..., .Pat Brady Sam Lowry,..;....... •.... • • vFrank l«iBue 'Maskeidi in mystery 'til he unmasks liis father's killers! The; terror Pf battle thieves; the idol of thrill Ibvr ers.* That's Charles Starrett, Columt bia's ace Pf ■ the opeii acres; . in the mariner in which the pre^s bpok prb- claims him in 'The , Diirarigo : %W The tall,, tiyp-flsted; giin^farining hbrb of the hell country that was the Wedpesday, August 28^ 1940 Inside Shiff-K Unique situation eiists on sale of screen rights to 'Tobacco Road,' with 20th-Fpx iprogressing rapidly oh; production plans while Jack Kirkland arid Harry Oshrin maintain they have signed nothing transferring ths rights to the company, Kirkland and Oshrin, producers of the legit ver- sibn, admit thiey made a deal, but declare they have never received the pipers from 20th, although they were due three weeks ago. * Whether this is all mere legalistic double-talk or whether a hitch may have developed is impossible to detefmirie, although the former is thought likely. Kirkliand and Oshrin refuse to say anything other thaii: 'We have signed nothing.' iXeantime, 'Road' Ayill continue to run bn Broadway indefinitely. : Ads read 'Last W^ks,' and: whert bii idrops pfif bblow proflt P***P^t, show will be :clPsed..^ ■. , • ,■.■.: ;■;; ;■'■ •; ' :':.: .\\ ' \:^ ^> -.-.v. ;v:.:.'-.^- ,•:■■ , ,: . Eaistern dr^ma ;editbrs have learned froni lohg experibhce that they have to kebp hawkeye. out for; the HollywPbd; columns whenever anythinjg;. abPut legit or stage people is mentioned;. Boys: and gii'ls east of Mississippi, have discovered thai Coast :C^^ feW^ exceptions, .know, little abbut; what's gbing pn piitside of their owii. bailiwick and; that its ' nebessary. to read their copy extra ^bjosely.: ■ One- w.k.' film 'Columniist .la week had Rairiipri Novarrb set Pn Broadway , for a 'ne,w shew' by Cole Porter caHed .:*Ypu\ Nbver:, knbw'. That was. the;:Lup.e Velei- Clifton Webb'rLiisby Hblriwh musics^^^^^ . ; Amusernent ;ipage copy readers have foimd -a wellTknown femme chat-. terer particularly uninfbriried about . the theatre; .'she's; cPristaritly getting: the :wrorig: names iri the wrorig ,shpws. and .knows little .bf legit Iplk's' back-/ ground except .that .which; is centered iri .HollywPbfl; .' . :• westViis here again in what amburits | wrote his play solo, :. One of thPse coincidehces in real: life may see both Mbward • j. Greeri; andi Miltpn Hbcky, partnered years .agb; as ,Vaii€eville authors .and. producers,^ each with an .individual playVol .his own on; ^Broadway coiiiicidcntaUy.; Green's play is mbre. advanced, titled; 'Beyerly iHiils,' which Otto L. Prem-* inger will stage atid .produce.: : Lynn Stajflin^j^ Gr€«n;:a..rbpatriated : scenarist, cb-authbred, It'S; a Holly wbpd version of .*The Wpmen,* andl Ilka ;Chase, Ruth Gpr.doii,-^Derinie .Mobr.e\and Dorothy -Half arfe being talked to; by Preminger. Hbcky,. last wjth Parjairibunt shbrts department in N.-Y., GpLBEN CU-W Piiramount': production and release. • Fea-- tiu-es Blcbtd Denning, Jean Gagiiey; Bobert; Paige, J. Carrol. Nalsh; WHIlam. Frawleyi Bobert :Byan. Directed by Edward Dmyt- ryk. Screenplay, Max;.vel! Shane and J>ewls ~ Foster, from , story by Maxwell. Shane- • •'• • • • • • This is a. dbcidedly synthetic and ;lncbnsequential tale of a glamor girl whb gets tangled In the Communist . c^use; embarks bh a romance with a poor ybuth of capitalistic: leanings, and finally discards her Pied iiicliria- tiphs to fall into the boy's arms Elsa MaxyveU ^ Intrpduced as an ex- cuse tb stage one of her. famous pair ties,. but neither the Widely publl cized hostess nor her sponsored afFair add anything more thiih footage, - Picture is a .minor league '. offering that will have tb be cohtbrit ■ with lower half spbtting iiri the sebbndary duals. Aside, from a few laughs en- gendered : when the scripters: takb cracks at the Commies, there is little entertainment. .Direction by Gregory Ratbff is striained and sluggish, but he probably was awarb pf the .storiiK deficiencieis when be tobk the assign: ment;'.;' \.-,;:' y- '■■ Brenda ; Joyce is the, heirjess ;.whb continually hits the news pages with her glamor adventures. Arrested with a gang of Reds, she'^v released . by. the judgeji but is widely publicizec . - for the; incident, (arid her advocacy. bf Communism.: Family's sbiip product is boycbtted.: and,/. after .irieeting George Murjphyi hire's: him. as pseiido-romancbr for her .pfpteetibn arid iriisiallS him ais a v.p. in the firm After miijch- . unwinding;' - picture reaches final: conclusion, when ihc dumps-: the: Tteds. and , relojoies. with Murphy. Cast i& burdened by the inadequate material provided,. Murphy making his .'part the most plausible in. the piebe.; Elsii MaxweU appears to be . self-cbnscious in her several appear- ances, While Miss JbyCe fih'ds: the script too. sbddy a potato. B^sl bit is iarovided by Franf^Un Parigbom as a bartender who slips a mickey to Miss'Joyce. Walt. caraerit, Henry Sharp; rlson. : At Blalto, N. nlng time. 66: RUNS. Bin . Crane.....;..;-.. Mary ■Parker';..... ,• '., Jo», Taggeirty '..... W. Wally • Matson...;... ESmory Balzar^....;.. Pptsy Brill.....;.;.. Pete • Well8j_.-......., Joey Parker. .... /... Gumpdrop /'Wilbur... Jimmy,. .......;.....'. Sammy .Saclijs .., ;. ... Mac' Donald... .. . . . . editor, Doane Har- Aug, 20,.'4p:: Bun- ...Hlchard - Denning .lean Cagney .;. .J. Can'ol Nrflsh ...:.. .Bobert Paige ... .Winiain Frawley Edward S. Brophy :..,;.; .Bobert Byan .... .';GeorKC Ernest ,..;; . .David D>uranVl ....V...;.Tairie!a Seay .. .Sidney Miller ..Alec Craig In ari bbvious stab at drawing the countless participants: and spectetbrs of Golden Glove tournaments in New ,'Ybrk iand. Chicagbi Pairamount has bhucked together a bustlirig lit- tle . prb|Tdmmer ori: the 'subject, which it has guilelessly; tabbed 'Golden Gloves,* A transparently- contrived opus, its sole'claim for at- tention,is that it offers her first size- iable part to: Jean Gagney, kid sister of James Cagrtey. She's a pert,-at tractive yourigstbr, but CQuld. scarcely be expected tb lift such a;picture .but of;the alsor-ran dualler class. '. About:the story. Well, it seeriis a zbalbiis arid incorruptible sports^ writer rorgafiizes a simori-pure. boys' boxing'.tou^riameht to cbrii^ete with the'racket 'amateur''bouts .corttrolle'd by a; brbken-English . gangster. ■; In a plot to sabotage his rival, the h'obd^ lum bribes a. pro scrapper , to pose as ah; amateur and enter the ; on-'the- level tourney, flguring he'll win arid that the Resulting expose will wreck the opposition. Hb'wever, .the Hero Biffer -is spurred to victory by Our Herolrie's betweeri-rbunds promise tP Forgive All arid become the little .riiissus: : '. This tawdry- little yarn isn't helped by sbme of the .riiost hackneyed dia- log of the season, npr by the scenar- ists' insistence of repeating situa- tioris. Alt the fightis havie a stiidib- rehiearsal look, and sorine of the sub- plots must, have; been written' with stencils. . . Direction; arid productibn are at least equal to the script; ■»■ '. "With such a story and: such liries to: spedk; youhjjf: Miss Cagriey can hardly be blamed for appearing pretty stilted :and camera-co'n^cibus. Evi^n so; she occasionally has rinb- ments that permit fprthright actirig, arid then she is; sincere and attrac- tive; Under the circumstances that's to a familiarly-tailored but meritori bus six-shooter, drima.;;: . Starrett is Muithout doubt sbme- tSirig of ari idol, as the press isheet says, even if he doesn't: tate with Bbyer or Gable on the romantics. He has ;switched from. Iris Meredith, with him in a fibck bf westerns. :to ian ingi'atiatirig personality billed as Luaria Walters. She is easier bn the birioculars than bri histrioriic ability. Somewhat disturbing is her, complete calrii; iarid: lack of. concern when she stands still in a sriiall foorii;watching two men try tb kill each other with giins as well as fistS; She hardly bats an eyelash. Jet ialorie einit a faint .«;cream. It's disturbing and almost diverts the atteritibri from the terrific, man-^battle. that is in pTogress. Miss Walters :as-the daiughter .pf. a homesteadeir, who along: with: others aire the •victims .bf everytljing this side, of being burned at the stake at the hands of: a band of bsiddies headed; by / : cattleman-rustler. Cbri^irig horifie at the. behest of his father, as most sons seem .to do in westerns,- Starrett becomes: the Robin Hood of the nesters... ; Unknown to the ^ iudie.nce but strongly suspected;before it is made just tPo-tbo obvious, \Starrett is also the famed DurarigP Kid, a hpldup boy froril Texas. Myhile carrying out a: bit of larceny against Kenneth; MacDoriald, the homesteiaders' hate; he. is also posing as. the son of the respectable; irancher who : was ishpt down by MacDonald's men in what seemed ;tb be pretty chilly .blood. He gbts his revenge anid they all fbrget about the Durango; Kid's bad habits As in ; most, 'westerns, plenty of shooting figures, biit the aim is biad Sonie: handy; work with the fists is thrown in to appease the ringside fans, "rhe/horseis all work pretty hard, running their legs off all the time. ;They should ha've a union!: The Pibrieers, ;cb\vboy singers, take time out to sing three numbers bf the: range, written by Bob Nolan, one of; thcii:: .group, and Tim Spenper. They are eased in conveniently. [ Char. Inbideritally, Hbcky & Green's, early vaude star wias a kid naimed Milton Berle. . Latter just got a 20th-Fpx contract arid' flew in f rom thb Coast over the weekend befprei' returning to Hollywopd to start -1118 first bn ;that lot; probably 'The Great;American Broadbast.'; ; Goiriciderice in the riamlng recently of Buiddy SchuHberg as a 'Cpmmiiinist' is that .his.faither, Bi. P.:Schulberg, has jtist completed.a film satirically tearing the breeches off thb Commies, picture is 'He Stayed fbr Breakfast,': which Cblumibia. is teleasinig this w^^ It marlcs Schtilberg's return' as a: producer.; iafter>'laybff;of-several-'years.;.. ^ 'Breakfast,', treated in the mannei: of:'NinPtchkai'^ casts Melvyn.; Douglas. as Paris organizer for, the party. After .ishbotirig at: a .banker - he takes ; refuge froiil the pbiice in the .home. Pf the man's estranged 'wife. Capitalis- ' tic comforts overcome his revolutionary enthusiasm,. Avhereupbri lib'ditches his radicalism tb :elppe to America with the femme. What Is claimed by the Tobis .Cineriia, Berlin: producing outfit, to be :i special airplarie. ,news service-: sent to 10 'selected' names ■ in the United: States 'emerges as ;ari iridicatiori bf Nazi film ■prppagari'da. WrUte^^ a- carefill Anglican styles ;.by a 'Constance Drexci,' the service tells, of fbrith- coming Gerriiari-lariguagb films beirig-p^^^^ The tipoff is in the subject; of. one of -the films, 'Bisrioarck,^ which dealr' with the 19th' century Prussiiri dictator arid hi^ : aim. tb secuire a' /'united Germany' -in. mifch the siame way: employed presently; .V ^ ^ Gurrerit iftialtp, N. Yi, feill included a;short' of the 'griidge' bout;in,'the. sbuth a month'or"so;a^^ as Cpwr bpy Lutreli, a wrestlen For those Who recall ;Derii|isey as the 4evastating slugger pf .the fabulous 1920s| the paunchy,; ponderous, puffing Dempsby pi this filrti is a pathetic hulk.. Anything but the fast-and-furibus fight die- scribed in thc: sound, track; it's'siriiply a go^^^ Squai-e tPtighies in the a.udience eithet ^laughed cynically or fell into embiarrassed..iilence.: chapter in .'Wil|ki> arid 'Americian Uriity,* new book -editedv and pub- lished by Joe Mitchell Chappie, wis Writteri by Rutgers Neilsbrii RKO publicity chiefT" It's tagged •Wilikie'S Pibture Debut' and details the presi- dential candidate's appearance in 'Informatibn, Please' shbrt.. RKO dis- tributes the'Info Please'series. ; ;.: Milwaukee,/Aug. :27; . . .One , of the ..things that's' wrPng with show business in MilwaukeeV so' far : as the theatfes are cbricerned; Was brought vividly to the attention of bxhibs; in the Sat.iirday ■ (24) edi- tions bf ;• the Milwaukee . Sentinbl; Advertising; for. :38 ' caftis and nite clubs, 25. of : them with attractioris ranging from ribvtilty acts, amateur, shows ; and dance ilhand^. :tb:/:fl,Por .shbws with as riiariy -iO acts; filled 9:^: entire/page of the; hew.s^ irip special edition but a ^Weekiy pracT tice).' ■ . in cbritrast to this spread of riitery entertainment, there ;were only, two cpiumris of theatre advertising/ with .32'hbuses'.}isted.,.'-.^-/ : Most bf, thti; nite sjpots have no cover or ddmissiori charge and beer is. only 5c at **ther: bar or tiablfes, ;- :■■ Jariies Gleason has.been rianied chairman pf a group of.lacreen Actors Guild CCoast) members; who will enroll in a Candidate. School for officers and, npri-commissioned pfficbrs tp Qualify for hoiiie defense fbirce. f'ear B. Q. Tim i_; Continued from pafP s think that is the right price for, my public, riiayjae I shoiild ibt.: *em In for a quarter for a lot of pictures instead;' this; exhib adds. METRO G£T$ FLEET FOOTAGE Hbllywobd, Aug. 27/ Richard Rosson, .secPrid unit di- rector on Metro's 'Flight Command,' has returned from Honolulu, where he spent a month filming activities pf the U. S. Fleet's planes. Robert Taylor stars in the feature. ally trying to wring more rnoney but of this :country tp make up for losses abroad but are doing nothing abbut studio .overhead and 'high sal- aries of talent, executives, etc. This wing among . the exhibiting; folk takes issue with What they feel is an effort on the part of the distfibs tp rinake the theatres carry the burden. :-.:-;■■•;..; Ptarful Exhibitors- who are , agnihst step- ping prices lip for bigger picture.";, as they come along, also look at it from a different • point of view and are less .resentful, than fearful .of. any plan to make- the public pay more for worthier film.. ,...,'",' A point taken by oneVexhib is that- if a theatre goes above its': regular admission only now and then, •when something special comes albng, the public rmay regard ythi^ a tipoff as to the valub of the pictures played and :cbme, orily • .when the b;0/ scale is tipped. In pther words, .as' ex- prc.sse.d, the , as.sumption ' would be that when the iheatre is :at'its Tegu- lar, ri:iinimum or what amounts; to its present standard: scale, :the pic- ture.? niust b(B mediocre, ,; On the exhibitbr side, there is also: the angle that his public, would re- sent incifeasing scales; just because a good film was booked since Jbhri Q. had .sat through a Ibt.Pf films at the regular scale that weren't ;even worth that. ' *Why .ishould he have tb: pay more when spmethingf worth seeing came :alPng after he has been a sucker for a string of bad ones?', one exhib; opines. v if the regular price is 40b and 1 Pitt Upi^ins^ Prices For *Boom'-*Hawk' . Pittsburgh, Aug. 27. ; Bpth St'anley and Penn, town's two ace pix hpuses, have arinounced in advertisements that adlriissions; will be 'raised slightly* for 'Sea Hawk' and 'Bobm Town' when they play: those respective houses. Current top: is .four bits, but just how much the scale wpuld' be upped the copy didn't say; It'll mark the first time in the history of either ^pot that regular fixed, prices have been ihcreased-for a picture. , ,;■•-■-.,-■:■ Originally 'Sea Hawk' as booked at Stanley and 'Boom Town* at Penn for Labor Day ;week, but with both houses under sameVmanagerial cbn- trpl through .Ipng-tiriie WB-Lckw pooling agreemerit, it; was decided to stagger the two specials, particularly after the stiffer scale wais agreed upon. As a resulti 'Sea Hawk* goes into Stanley Thursday : (29) apd 'Boom Town will wait until Sept, « to open;.. Penn sendirig in Par's 'Rhythm on the River' against 'Hawk:' ;■:- ■••;■■; ' ■■ BUT THE FCEtE DIDN'T Lynchburg, Aug. 27. ; One hundred perspns dived for exits of the Hillsville (Va.) theatre when film jammed in prpjectpr and caught fire. Nobody was hurt, but prbjection equipment burned bej repair. . Film was 'Light That Failed.'