Variety (Aug 1940)

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L f Philadelpyiia, Aug.. 27, Tbe Atlantic:' Refining; G will bsnki-oli. t,he, broadcjast: of football games pf PhiVly's three major col- leges:--Peiin; 'Temi)ie and^V i'or the fifth consecutive year WCAU AvilL handle the airing of the Perin cdutests, which :this ; year make up one of the toughest schedUles of any U. Sv college. It has; be(^ii;: specially ai raiiged in conjunction with^^ Periri's bi-centenniai celebration.. \ \ ; - The Temple and, Villahova wilt be divided. bet\veen,-^IP-'a WFIL. ferbadcast .schedule /follows: Peiin games: (WCAU): Marylahd, Oct. 5; :Ya)e,, Oct.. ;12th; Priricetbh, Oct. 19;; Michigan.;' .Octrr26; Navyv Nov, 2; Harvard, Nov: 9; Arrhy, Nov.. 16, and Cbi-heli, Nov. 23.. AH, games except Micbigari- will be played here at Pranklin .Field.' garne: >\jirbe at Anh'AubbV. ■ . ■ : : ■ Temple : University:,. (WIPV and WFIL.): Muhlenberg, Set)t; 27 (WiP); -Georgetown, Oct. 4; ;tWIP>; , Boston Golie'ge, Oct. 12 (WFIL); Michigan State, Oct. 18 fWIP); Penn State, Oct. 26 '(.WFIL); BuckriiU, l;Jov. 2 (WFIL); Villanbya, - Nov. 9 (WIP,.)/ Holy Cross, Nov.- -16 (WlP)i and Oklahoma States^ Nov. 23: (WFIL). Villanova (WIP and WFIL): Pejin- Bylvahia Military ^ Cbllege,: Oct.: .5 , ifVi^IP); University . of Flbrida, Oct. ir (WiP); Baylor University, Qct; .19 (WFIL); Detroit, Oct. 27 (WIP); Kansas. Nov. 1 (WIP); Temple,;.Nov; 9 tWIP); Manhattan College, (WFIL); Diiquesne, Nov. 23 (WIP), and Auburn, DeC. 7 (WFIL), No commentators have .b e e n cho-seii for the play-by-play chb;-es. Afjcounts handled throygh the' N Ayer agency. - J Imagihary Profit* Chicago, Aug, 27. ■ ■: Wag,s around. the radio : in;dus-; ti-y arie tell ing [ abbxit - the: lellovir. ^ -\vho.5e first recpntirnehdatibh oil taking bver the management of a Rtation that? had bepri faring badly , in. tii^ie sales \yas that the : rates be tipped. His argument was that .advertisets W^^ hav0 a- higher regard for the 'Btatiori's if :the.: price...;\vei'e ■ doubled. \'' ^ .. ; -; ^^What that; guy means,* wisei . cracked.a hpldbver from the jpre- vibus regimej 'is that the -station,. will, get twice the for the business-that it- doesn't do.'. CBS A Sell Stock Washington, Aug. 17. Two CBS v'p.'s Jure reportied by the security Exchange Comrnissibn as unloading idme of their stock in July. One is Herbert V. Akerberg, 300 shiares, and Meffprd R. Bunyon, Leaves \Akerberg wUh^ ?8^ and Runybn with 846 shares^ . . Hollywood, Aug. 27. Procter &; Gamble has/bought'the William Morris. ^§gelicy's package aii er, 'Those We iLpve,* and will - use it to exploit preen.: Half-hour pror. gram, which was sponsored last sea-, fion by Generia'l Foods, bows in Sept. 16 over: GBS; tra.veling in twb sec- tions with a 4 p.m. starting time foi: the east and 8 p.m. for the west... . Morris , outfit, which ...owns, other package show<;, including. 'Blondie' end/'Sherlbck Holrhes,'. has.organized T.WX. Prbductibns as the, cbrpbrate" setup for ; 'Those W,e Lpye.' ,^ Capital is fixed at 200 no-par shares.^ Direc- tors include, Abe Lastfogel, John Hyde, Harry Friedman;. Loll Gbld- bei-g, Robert E. JCppp, M. L. Steyen- fon and Ann :Root., . 'TWL* cast , features Nan Cirey, Richard Cromwell, Doiiiaii Woods, Oscar 0*Shea, Alma; KrUger arid Vir ginia Sale. -: Kastor agency-is opening a Coast office primarily "to handle .'Love; Gordon Hughes,, Who has beeh s Chicago producer on Kastbr dra- matic shows, shifts to Los Angeles to handle the .licw office. .Vl^n.'itbr radio chief, Bob Jennings is also resu.scitatihg the 'Knicker- : bocher Playhouse' > program for Drene on Sept. 21 oVer the NBC-red web, taking. 8-8:30 p;m. Jennings had thi.$ program on- for Prbcter & G?mble two years d.go.: Joe Ainley, formerly radio head o;; Avibi-ey. Moore & Wallace,/ iand now chief .of his own'. radio production bureau,, will be ih charge of prpdiic tiori on the ■ Khickerbpckci- ■hotise'^ show. ■. /'\ Philadelphia, Aug. 27. The Liand Title Bank & Trust Co., one of the most conservaUve institii- tions in Philly, last, \veek joined the radio advertising, piarade. j Officials pf Land Title sighed a cPntract for a series of 15-minute shots on KYW's fMuSicial Clock* starting Sept; 9. The program - will plug fhe .bank's loan department.;',. ^ Bankers iri Philly have been wpoed to radio -by ; a series , ;of gioodwill stunts, spbhsbred .by KWY, , Fbt the past year the station has :featured a round-table discussion - oh -- banking problems with executi ves of financial institutions allPwetf tP go Pii tlie air. gratis; Another angle that; impressed the financial ,mogUls -was the 'Esso Baby' Stunt of last Jan. 1, in which the Esso Co. placed; $5 in bank for every baby born oh New Yearns Day. '' There are .now at least eight banks 3Bhkrblling prpgrams regularly in : ocal.statioh.s, Philly financial houses lave had, the reputation of being the most staid and conservative in the U S. ■;■■■ -.r ., Hollyv«)od.' Aug. 2i,' Lui R:a di o : Tlveatre, taking a leaf :from the films, -vv'ill;star-stud its casts during'the 1940-41 kir at 'least thtee screen nanfle^^p alities in each production.; Set for 'ManhatUn iM^^ -whicli opens the neXy series oh, Sepit.; 8; are Williain Powell; Myrna Loy and Dpn Am Slated,, for 'Loye Is NeWs,! secPnd program,: ariB Bob ftbpe, /Madeleine. Carroll and Ralph. Bellamy? Sanfprd Barhett; again directs/for the./^ ;Jv .Walter /Thompson • agency, while/ George. .Wells win write the, scripts: ijarry Kerr pens: -the cpm- merciajs, -vvhlch Mel :Ruick will de- liver. ■■■ ";..■■ In reporting the listener rating (37,8) given by thi Go-pperatiYe Anaij sJs of Broadcasting pn Wendell WHlkic's acceptance speech, yArtiiM T in. last week's issue added that the rating represented 21,000,000 radio • homes. Latter figure, which likewise came from the GAB, was Jintendcd/ by (be latter As ah estimated projection of the .rating, .vhlch, according/to the CAB. would equal an;audiehc!e of 21,000,000 'in thie homes;* This tendency on the part of the CAB/tb convert the rating into actual listeners c{)u.»-ed ■ some .eyebrow lifting in rad IP researcK^^^ Th^ estimated number of radio hPnies is around 29,000,000. In terni.«; of home? the Wilikie/ rating would reprp.sent^^^s^^ /I GAB figure/ assumes that ))ot quite two persons listened /to each of thos» sets.-;/./. :;■;'- ■ -'.\/.^/. .^:.'- ■ './.; l■^.^'--/ ;'.• ' .//■^/; . - -/'.. ' - Newspapermen in the St./Lpuis area, who have secretly cheri.<;hed rti ambition tpi do a news commiehtatoi- stint over the air are getting a chance duirihg the Vacation of llarry Fiannei-y. who does a nightly program over ' KMbX. Those who sire serving dui iiig the first Week pf Flannery's ]a,Vpft are Louis LaCoss, /member of the /Glbbe-Deempcrat editoirial .staff ; Tbm Duffy,' city editor bif tlie: jEas^St, Loins- Jburrial;.A. Bancroft ■ Wells, of the diobe-Dempcrat riewis stafl^; Clarence Keller, maiiagirig editor of the Belle- ville, 111., Advpcate; Richard Everett, manager of the local bureau; ol Traiisradip Press;. Darby Taliy,. of the editprial.staff of the, St. Charles, Mb. Co^mpSTMbnitor;,, Another' batch is being rp'uhded up to pinchhit diiring the sedond week. Marvel Gigarettes, through the Aitkin-Kyhett Agency, .spbnsbrs Flahnery's quarter-hour program;;. ; Dave/ Garrpway, KDkA.,^ .H^ ainribuhcer and . one of the/ to.Wn'i crack, golfers, came clpse; to. grabbing off the Western Pennsylvania arriav , teup'.chiampiphshjp at the Pittsburgh :F last . week. . Garrow^^^^ pne-time Missouri state champipn biit a, comparatively/^unknp tPr in local ranks,/pulled .the biggest upset of the tburnarfjent ; when |n/ the first rbiind/ he eliminated Khpx Yoiuig Jr., who- wpii the Pennsylvarii^l state, amateiu" championship just a fe.w Aveekis: ago/- Knox w^^ th« ;pre-tpui?riey picks, and GarrPWay's ,wi,n established: him. as an oddis-bn, fa,v©.. Howe'ver, in the seiwi-finai rouhd; Gan'o.way ran,into Steve. Kovach,' fm^^^ ist with young' lii tire/Pa/: State amateur, and .(jrppped. his rriiitch/at /tht. ISth'.greieri.: .:/■ •.■:■ ^^■"■'// '■'-;.■■•■/•'■:•'■■/'■./■.^ 'Quiz Kids'; On NBC-Blue Al^ca Seltzer / retaining :'Qiiiz Kids,' which has /been' pirichhittihg for Alec Templetoh this -summer: for its own spot pn the. iSlBC-Blue, , It will be/on 45 /stations 'W'edhes iflay, 8^8*30 p.nri., startink Sept. 4. / Y. & R.'S SERIAI Ybun^ it - Rubicam: is' readying: a new- five-a-week' daytime : serial 'ATpthpr. of ll/tine,*:^br. debut, the end of September.. ' Carpi - IrWin, the agency's daytime radio head, is; per- soriaUy. suiJervising scripting, and production COLUMBIA PROF'S QUIZ SHOW GOES COMMERCIAl 'Where Arg You From ' the WOR- Mutual quiz show with Dr/: Henry Lee Smith, Goiumbia prbfesspr, goes commercial beginning Oct. 2. .plug- ging Mission Vita water for Mission Dry Corp. Deal set by the Maxon agency is for 52 weeks. Wednesday night time remains the same. Currently heard over the network, the series will air commercially only over WOR, but will probably, be recorded in New York and re-broad cast on the Coasts where the sppn spr also has' distribution.. ' It may also be aired over the other Mutual stations without the commercial an- hpuncernehts,' as is now done/with Raymond Gram S\ying's series for White OWl cigar. 'Where.'-waSvOrig inated a - couple of years ago by WCNW, Brooklyn/ as a 15-minute stanza, with WQXR, New York, later taking it and . WOR "subseqUe.ntly ac quiring it. ■ ^ / : / CBS GETS 2 SERIALS General Foods 'Portia Blake* and ' 'Kate Hopkins' Move, from Spots '(jang Busters' will be back on .the air -this failj but for a difEerent 'spon.-. sor; Warwick . & ; has • sold- Sloan's Liniment, on the idea of underwriting the cops-and-robbers shPw. It will be On. the NBC-Blue in a 9:30 p.m. period. ^ Program had previously beeh: cbn- fined to CBS and toward the end of its rUn for. Golgate-Palmolive-Peet was the- target of ihuch. criticism, from parents and teachers' groups. Its new time schedule is somewhat later than it had been in the. past. ; Since the product is usually dh for but 26 weeks, the agency urged that the account buy a show, that lias an established rating rather than go through the prbcess. of building one up. The . price qUbted ; for 'Gang Busters' is $3,000 a week. Daily broadcast schedule.*? of international shprt-w^-ve /programs fronV / Germany are now being disti:ibuted.. by mail by the German Library -cl . Inforrnatipii, N/ Y;., an. ofli^ Nazi pvo,paganda agency iri the U. S. Scbed* ules are sent free 'upbh requests' Single-page, schedule can ies :progi*ams for'a :10rday period and li.sts .the waVe.-lengths,/reg!.dar broadc^^^^ general classifications tif pro- grams of all. Reich ."?hort-wavers, plus^a list of program titles by days. Angle of the hand-out is the attempt to build up 'Lord Haw Haw,' Nazi ; propaganda broadcaster whP is given a special bold-face listing, aiid the- way a number of the 'entertainri-ient? prbgrams; are titled to; give them hxi American: show biz sound, Schedule itself is tabbed 'Germany Calling.' ,, Jiist as her characterization on 'Easy /Aces' (NBC-blUe) ha.s slnrted to garner much listener comment; Ann Thomas- will have to be written, cut. of the script while the legjt show, 'Bangtails,' is getting-an'out-ofTtpwrt Ivy■ Show/is in Atlantic (i!ity this/week, ' Goodman Ace got letter from ft Brooklyn druggist week slatihg tTiat ,if the dame with the Brobk,- ;. lynese accent wa,.<;n"t kept On the .pvbgram the druggist .-^^ . the product (Anacin). 2 Radio Men Are The Only Casualties In Army Maneuvers Canton, N; Y., Aug. 27. /Only two persons were injured during a skirmish here last week in the U. S. ■ army ; maneuvers; . Both were more or less innocent bystand- ers—radio men covering the event. • • Casualties were CBS engineers Ed Laker of WJSV. Washington, and Sid Bergere of WABC, New York. Both injuries occurred While the men were riding on a truck. Laker -was so en- grossed in his Work that' he forgot to duck for a low-hanging branch, and nearly bit off his tongue. Bergere fell off the moving truck. Army first aid unit thereby had its only activity of the maneuvers. '• / ■ ; / Stations carrying the 'Portia Blake and 'Kate Hopkins' serials on a spot transcription basis for General Foods have;^ received : their :cancellation. notices from Benton & Bowles, effective Sept. 27. Both scripts are set to go CBS, , . 'Hopkins' spot --iaGrdss ■ the board, starting .Sept. 30, will be 4.45-5 p.m., while 'Blake' moves into the 4-4,15 p.m. period .'Oct, 7. the first will plug Maxwell .House and the other Post Tpastiies.. \- ; Chicago—Robert McGee added, to sales staff of NBC-Blue iiei;e ■: and Frank 6'Leary to sales force of Sponsor isn't- revealed; but final i NBC-Red, McKee was- .formerly .decision on if and when. the .show | with the Homer McKee agency •goes on the air will be/mzide/;at a iC^^^ .was on sales hieeting tbday (Wednesday). Istaflf of Conde-Nast publications. Troy, N.' Y.,; Aug, 27. K ay Mpser',3 Matinees, on WTRY daily, which started as - half-hour program in the spring, has increased its number of participating accounts until it now runs ecr-minutes. Local advertisers had been the backbone, but nationals jand regionals are np-iv coming / ". /. ■■ ■ . : A new one is John Morrell &: Go, (hams); another is United Baking Go. of Schenectady. Hour of chat ter and, advertising is. interspersed with'transcribed music, U; S. hotel advertising itt: Ganadian dailies: has reached vanishing point. Same, applies to spot announcements over radio. Due to government re* strictions oil. pleasure ti-ips to States, hotels/south of the border figure vertising/would not:do a full-time job at the present time. Advertising agency men here- ppntend,, however, that U. S, ,hotel, jtclver* tising will reappear in Canadian periodicals tb~S0me extent when it bey- comes apparent that considerable still t(? be expected from fhos« Canadians going across the bbrder on business. / - Rep. John D- Dingell. Democrat, of Michigan^ has introduced a bill which yvbul.d.^set aside AUg. 26 of eacb year as 'National Radio Day.' Legislation : calls fpr a the President, designating Aug./M 'radio day'; arid 'calling upon officials of .the Government, to display th<^ flag of the/United States oh all Government buildings on that day, and ixi,f . viting the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate xeremonies,' ,, • -/ Lenox Lohr's volume, .'Television Broadcasting' (McGraw-Hill, $3,50) If an extremely, lucid primer in the rrieclianics, the art and the problems oJ the/new medium. During Lohr'is tenure as; NBC president most of th4 spade work of experimentation^ at least in programs, was inaugurated. SCOOP GOMES TRUE Albert Warner Predicted Hopkins' Resignation from Cabinet - , Washington, Aug. 27,. Announcerhent by the White House Saturday (24). of the resignation of Hariry Hopkins as Secretary of Com- merce confirmed an exclusive pire- diction made Aug. 9 by Albert War- ner, CBS, Washington cprresppndent. Broadcaster had obtained the inside, info from friends of the secretary, . / Number of papers picked- up the Warner prediction at the time, giv- ing him credit. FOOD TO GEORGE ENGELS SUBS / Marks Leyinie, head of the concert division of NBC Artists Service, has taken a three-months leave of ab- sence because of ill health, . George Engleig, NBC vice-pressident takes over. ;.-..'v' ::;■;,. WOVV Pro Tern OK WOy, New Yprk, which has filed application v/ith the FCC for a per- manent 1,000-watt FM transmitter to be operated simultaneously with the regular iO,000-watt AM transmitter, has received a temporary permit for a portable. Flii 'trainsmittei-v ,' Robert E, Study, the staition's chief engineer^ starts neixt week tP use the terhporary equipment to locate the best site for th? permanent trans- mitter. .. Clapp's Baby Food will make 3 bow as i. network customer th it, through the Young &. . Rubicani agency. ' It'is bought the 4-4:15 strip on the NBC, IVIonday tbrou, Friday, for a serial, - 'Mother Mine.* / Y Sc R obtained clearance of' th* title from Chappeir & Co-, publisher^ and copyright owners of the song «»J that name. ■■■/i'r- /■' //. Clapp's Ifl owned by. American Home Products and had herelofo/t confined itself to spot broadcast ing. ' Noble Plus Templeton On Alka-Se!tzer Show (Chesterfield is looking around ffr' anotheir show, and . arnong hi which the* cig account has shovin some interest is 'Professor Quiz,'- now - on CBS for Teel (Procter & GfJin* bi.e). /; /■■://?.■■'?/'■■ :••':■■ impression around that Chesterfield has begun to scout the field lor aViailable material substitutes for/ its current band prpr grams (Fred Warinig and Glenn Mill- er) in the event the networks fail tV renew their contracts with the Amet' ican Society of Composers, Author* and Publishers.