Variety (Aug 1940)

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46 yAllDEVttXE Wedn«sday', August 28^ 1940 Ketly Fired : Coiitinilcd from paga 4S. Ballroomrtlogy ■on; a cpmpetitiyel country' club l>asis has; been devel- oped to its peak year this summer by Arthur ;Murrayr t^^ mail-order dancing tnaster, who has spotted dance; teams in the most exclusive retreats from Maine to California. It's, on a three-AK^ay split amipng the hiiitel. thci team and Muriray. The hotel or resort inn: gets a dance icl igratis^ (all have dance bands ho\v- adaysVso this rounds out a miniature floor 'show), ''besides offering an in- structive diviersion: :for the Bummieir guests; "iyho might Want tb take ^ball- Organize Cleyc. AGVA 1 Philly local/'/ of conspiring to oust him from: his position, -with: inten- tion o( having Travcr take charge of the Philly locaU Kelly, who came to isr.Y. with Dick Jones, a member of the, Philly boar;d, pointed out that it . was sighificaht. that Ti-aver; resigned his: office last Tues- ■ day, same day - that Kelly was :ili'ed, and was Immediateiy. appointed to ;: ' ■ ; Clevelaiid^ Aug. 27: Halford ; C: White, for .^.^ Major Bowers' units, is organizing; a ' the paid. pb,^itibn of national repre- Clevelahd branch-,-of the• American ;:sentative. Meanwhile, Haddock is? in Quild of Variety Artists and signed ( piiiiadelphia. rUnning that local; stat- 300 members in the first two weeks ing, according t6 repOrts, that the Of ; its existence. ; / .. ' / 'local board; had asked him to do so ■ Board rnernbers : electfed at first; until a new executive .secretary is- meeting, ' with White. as local prez, appointed. Kemp Reveals 9 Solid Vaude Weeks were Charles I'felsoh, executive see- retary;' Frank Cipoila,. first v. pj; Al- fredo Jackson, second y. p.; Pat Mui- Toom; instruction iii-the latent steps;! f ^^^^^ J^^"- second y. p.; Pat JWulr 1.' i' i.u 1 ■ I ligan, tnird. p,| Arthur L.- Dick, ."■■ic-u i^auuucn. wcui, lu .rnnaaeipnia The: d^^nce .team cuts, in on, the les- fourth y, p., and Duk« Rohrbacker. with intentions of firing Kelly be- ins. and Murray, as general unpre- fii+u „ l «o,.o- t_ -n.-.j,:. .i,.. sons, and Muriray, as ger\eral impre- | fjj^j^ ^ p sario, gets,the other third. I The resorts, of course, supply sijiit- | able studio space for the afternoon dancing classes. Music is yiia phono- graph to a sjieciaii library of records ail Murray dancers tote;\vith them.; Aniong the top grosses in that country club circuit ; Fleming, and Pat Magill, teamed at the ,Crawford :. Housej: Crawford Notch.-N. fH. .A .Awekl>v'bulletin, is po.sted sho\ying the bo^s6ore qt the sundry dance teams around the coun- try; a,nd. the; local: resort .usually as- serts itself in sending this or. that team - over the; top tb get irito first, sec.or.'l or third place, etc. The Haddock: vs. Kelly matter and the factionalism within 'the Philly board first; became :eyident July 1- wiven Haddock went to Philadelpiiia cause he ■ .was, allegedly ah' alien I CAiistraliah); He: brought it before; I the board, which then voted to oust Kelly. . , Laiter, meanwhile- had rushed to city hall for a copy pf his birth certificate showing that he was. born in Philadelphia-. He brought, it back to. .the\bpard :and laid it ;b6fore i-them. Haddock, according to joiie.s, then said to the bOatdi 'You jieedn'.t accept th^t as conclusive probf;' - Jones, defending Kelly,.theu asked Philadelphia, .Aug. 27. -Haddock if he expected Kelly . .;to Jack" Lynch";; whose jiitery atop hring his mother, 'if you ;do,^ Jones the !HotelV^ WaitOn has lieretofore i ^declared, .'he'll have to dig her up,, featured big pames; is.'d policy, this . season to conceritrate .oh His shoWs will Totiy DeMarco, who is planning to '■• ■• ■ ' • ' ■ -now feature a line of 20 showgirls reti.ire actively ais a dancer and primie younger hoofers for cafe and prodiic- tion work, has' been talking to Magill to be; among the first of his protegees. In this new field. . Incidentally, ' in spptfiiig :, these dance tearns in the sundry resorts-^ and inany of them travel .with;,the sea.sohs over the establishment^ of w.k. chains^a major requisite that's, always relayed to Murray is that bailroomology ■ is the secondary fac- tor. Firstly, the tearn must 'deport thernselves as a lady; and geiitlemah,' with special emphasis . on knowing, when not to ihix; not to be too. .flir- tatious or gadabouts at the bars, -ietc; The ISew York City Home For All Show-Folk HOTEl GLARIDGE BROADWAY AND 44TH -In -th* HtM-t. tf Timn Squaft Ph*i)e::Bll-yaiit.9-034S • St. SPECIAL RATES to THE PROFESSION 18 SlhRl«. $10 Doublt. Without B«th . )I0.5(I Sinllt, $12.50 Ooubl«. With BMIl. .Shtw«r -r B*tti;r^. and'Ridl* : . Iinp«s«lbl« t» Beat Th«je'Prices' .Largett' Rmitii' In'Greattr N<w York Best Coffee in England QUAUXy^W LeieeBter. Square LONDON, WEST-END plus ; a few medium prrced-acl;s welded together in mifsical comedy style." ' ';" ;:;.,; ■.:';: Heavy nut of big names, .while trying to .Carry on:; with a Jho-cover-' no-mihimum ppiicy. " biiamed by Lynch, for change, Production-type policy is similar to the one, that Lynch followed when he operated the , Cafe Marguery at the HOtel Adelphia several years: ago. The ne>v setup goes into effect with the fall cseason^ openiiiig , Sept. 9. Show will be ptod.uced by Midge. Fielding and :yill be,' •■tagged. /Wihe,, Women ^and Song/ . Personnel irxcludes Bob Russell, m.c.; Paul Sydell and Spotty; a dance team not yet set; Patricia King, terper; DOra Maughn, sophisti- cated songstress; a group: of conga dancers. Neil . ('Sonny') Fontaine's oi'cK is: being -held over. < - Lynch'S decision leaves Philly without a showcase for topflight var riety -persoriaiities. Only other spot in town which . brought big names here was the Stanley-'Warnei' Earle theatre, which has been without the in-persoris since last December be-- cause of a dispiitt. >vith. the rousir cians union oyer: a new cpntiract. HATCHECKERY TO NITERY San Francisco, Aug. 27. Margaret Peterson, who formerly had hatcheck concession at defunct Club Modern, has opened spot of her own called Melody Lane. Larry Lawson is partner in .venture, . Latter, also iriterested in "Westward 'H.o drinkery. .. Marl.e_.trjey_succe€ded Elinbi_Ttoy_ in the N.TG show at Florentine Gar- dens, Hollywood. Takes Second Vote The board then took . second vote and reversed its. decisibh. Since then Haddock preferred other charges, claiming . Kelly: disregiai-ded a of the local board; unduly influenced decisions of the. local board; mishan- dled the financial accounts and other AGVA affairs; created a feeling that 'AGVA. ijs irresponsible'; was 'grossly negligent and incompetent'. These charges in. just this bare phrasing are included in a letter Haddock.has sent all members of the Philly local. The letter,'. Jones and Kelly state, was also sent on Haddock's own au- thority, despite the fact that the lo- cal board had voted against such a move because it. might undermine the respect of the Philly members for their union: ;' Kelly was the Philadelphia head of : the United Entertainers Assn., which was a branch of the Amer- ican Federation of Actors, disen- franchised last summer. When AGVA was formed, Kelly operated the UEA as an independent organi- zation, finally bringing it into the AGVA fold four months aga. He was also instrumental in organizing Pittsburgh for AGVA, being sent to that city for that purpose by Had- dock. ■ It is also significant that in his let- ter to the Philly members. Haddock stated that the decision to fire Kelly had been made by the national board. The national board did hot vote on the matter, according to Bairto, who has attended every meet- ing of that body before and since becoming president. As fortification in the battle jto re- instate Kelly, Jones has been circu- lati ng petitio ns in Philadelp hia. tJp "to-Monday (26) he had already ac- quired over 100 signatures. The THEATRE of the STARS Hollywood, Aug. 27. More than $700 was netted at the benefit staged by film and fight per- sonalities in the Jim- Jieffries barn for the benefit of Pat West. • "Veteran vaudefllm actor, who has been critically ill in the Sawtelle Veterans' hospital, ha« shown con- siderable improverneht in the last few days, ; The Rainbow Room, N. Y., goes -100% Spanish. Oct. 16 when; Eddie LeBaron's band returns to the Rock- efeller nileiry, augmented by Vicente Gomez, guitarist; Elsie>! Houston,-the Brazilian songstress, and Jack Cole's Dancers, who will switch/from their, Balihese to fandango terps. . New' R. R. show preems tonight ("Wednesday), with B Cutler suc- ceeding Ray Healherton's band. Cut- ler, like LeBaroh, " f a periodic re- turner to this nitery. ; Elvira Rios, Mexican songstress, holds over, and .Motina Montes-Jose. Fernandez, Span- ish ballet dancers are also on a re- turn engagement. Whitson Bros., from 'Hellzaipopipin,' are added start- ers as is. Virginia. Hays, pianologist fiom the Coast and Chicagb, last at the Pump RoOm, Chi. : Rebuild Houston Cafe ..Houston, Aug. 27. . Rebuilding of the Plantation night club, destroyed by fire several weeks ago, has been started. : Opening scheduled for Sept. 19, Project is expected to cost $45,000. Dick Wheeler, Dallas, is the oper- ator. .' 15YEARSAGO (From Variety) The Philly Anffle Philadelphia, Aug. 27. Hoyt s; Haddock, national execu- tive secretary; of the American Guild of Variety Artists,.. descended on Philadelphia last week bent on straightening out the tangles which threatened to wreck the Philly AGVA unit. His first %ci was to fire -Thomas E. Kelly, executive sec- retary and business agent of the local, on charges of 'gross negligence, incompetency and mishandling the financial accounts of the unit.* Kelly, biz agent Of the local since its inception, has long been a stormy petrel: in Philly actor-agent circle.s. He. iormerly . ran the United Enter- taitie rs Association. indie_peiitotmer The 'separatioii' of the Rudolph Valentines was revealed as nothing more than a publicity stunt to puff the actor's two forthcoming pictures Al Jolson was resuming 'Big Boy' with the stipulation that the show play but 15 weeks. The temperimen- tal star declared that he loses his punch after prolonged engagements. Radio performers organized In Chicago as the Radio Broadcasting Artists Assn. They were set to force the stations to pay for their services instead of. playing 'glory' perform- ances; Mary. Miles Minter was under the care of a doctor for the purpose of losing weight part of a stage com.eback. Several Broadway pro- ducers were reported interested. Reported reading scripts and or- dering negotiations fOr the film rights to several stage hits, William Randolph Hearst was said to be re turning to film; production. .■' David Belasco was working on his autobog. It was to be syndicated through the Cosmos Syndicate. Bes sie Love l eft Los Angeles for outfit, which amalgamated with the j New York where she was to have now defunct American Federation Of Actors. .;: •■'■ ■:'"•.'.;;' ' Since then; Kelly has been en- gaged in a controversy "With the -En- tertainment Managers Association (bookers) on the question of AGVA contracts. Last week the agents wrote to Haddock severing all rela- tionships' with AGVA as long as Kelly had any connection with the union. It ', was this development battle that sent Haddock here. Haddock also charged that Kelly's 'mismanagement* had caused a steep drop in the; union's revenue, which he said, had: decreased from $700 in April to less than $150 for the first 15 days of July. Haddock said he had ihe support of most of the members of the board in his ouster of Kelly.r the lead femme role oPPOsi te .Adolphe Menjou in 'The King of Ma in Street.' ; Monte Bell was direct- ing at Paramount's Astoria, L. I. studios. ■ ,■:'..., ■; ■ '■: ;. '' Charlie Chaplin's 'The Gold Ilush* was doing smash biz, its more than $72,000 for. a week being tops for anything ever piled, up on Broadway. It was playing the Strand there. ■ Charlotte, N. C, Aug, 27. . ■ T. D. Kemp, Jr., manager of South- ern Attractions, reveals his circuit through the southeast this season is booked solidly through Christmas week. Southern offers the longest routing—nine weeks—of any ageivcy in the country, he avers. , 'This is the best circuit we've ever had,' Kemp says. 'We'r* offering nine straight weeks with, only five lost days in the entire period. In December we'll have 11 weeks when we add the Sparks circuit in Florida.^ Principal towns in the southeast iri which KemP.s'; books units, in order of routing, are: Clarksburg. Beckley Logan, q^d Bluefield, W. Va.; Har- risonburg, Danville, Lynchburg, and Richmond,.. Va.; Winstori-Salem and .Purharn, N.C; Newport News, Va- Rocky Mount, N. C; Norfolk, Va • Raleigh and: Charlotte, N. . c ' Augusta, Ga.; Asheville, N. C.j Charleston, Spartanburg, and CJi-een- ville,; S. C; Atlanta, Ga.;' Knoxville. Tenn., and Anhiston and Birming- ham, Ala. This is the regular, rout^ ing in houses with set polity. It J.<i supplemented by smaller houses along the route. Kemp said .units. . which would carry., frotti: - 3.(). to 35 persons, will carry line of eight or IQ.girls, a five of six-piece band, which will bo augmented by eight or 10 local mu- sicians; on^:: or two comedy acts, novelty turn, acrobatic"' act, otie or more singers, and one or two girl specialties. . Units, already, booked include Sol lie Child's 'French Follies.' Mike Taf- lan's .'Temptations of 1941,' Frank Tracy's 'Three Cheers,' Nick Boila's 'Gay Nineties Revue,' Howard Bruce's 'Holly wOod Parade,* Frank Taylor's 'Glamor Revue,' Harry (ilark's 'Pan American,' Anton Scibilia's 'Broadway Passing Show,* Harry. Biben's 'Twentieth Centiiry Revue.' Dan Fitch's 'World of Pleas-. ure,' Nick- Boila's 'Candid ; Camera: Revue/ Die Wolfe and Page's 'Mid- night ■ Miami,' Stan Zuckei's •Beauty Parade* and Boila and Roberts* 'All-Girl Revue.' », „ (Law Stamp (1) IN THE ; SUPREME COURT OT ■ , ■ '.. ONTARIO • The Master—Wednesday; th« 26th day of June, 1940. BETWEEN: ; ^THE. CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, and CHARLES BARKWORTh! DOROTHY MARGUERITE WILLETT (WEYMER), iSABE HAMILTON, DOR- OTHY OLIVE NEWMAN, ROBERT H. RAMSAY. FRED E. RAMSAY, ERNEST A.WRIGHT, JR., CARLYLE P. WRIGHT, ETHEL WRIGHT GLEN. ERNEST CHEESEBOROXJGH, THOMAS GEORGK BARKWORTH. JOHN WILSON BARK- WORTH, ERNEST F. WRIGHT. THE SHERBOURNE STREET UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA and MISS BABE (WALLIE COUGHLIN). ' , Defendaots, . UPON the applfcation of the Plain- tiff, upon reading the proceedings here-' in and the tWo affidavits of Richard Augur Treleaven filed, and the affi- davit of Marcus Smith filed and upoa hearing counsel for the Plaintiff, for .Charlerf Barkworth.'for Dorothy Olive Newman and for The Sherbourne Street United Church of Canada, Defendants, IT IS ORDERED that service upon the Defendant, , Miss Babe (Wallie Coughlih) of the Orders herein of the Honourable Mr. Justice Makins dated the 16th day of October. 1939, as -amended, and the 25th day of January, 194(>, and of the Notice of Trial herein,, by. publishing thiis Order, together with the Notice thereon endorsed, once a week for three successive weeks in "The News-Sentlncl," a daily newspa- per published in the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U. S. A., and In one issue of "Billboard," a publication pub- lished in Cincinnati, Ohio. U. S. A., and in one issue of "Variety." a publication published In New York City. New York., U. S. A., shall be deeined good and sufficient service; of the said Order.i of the Honourable Mr. Justice Makins, and the Notice of Trial herein. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said Defendant. Miss Babe (WalHe Coughlin) do. within thirty (30) days of the last publication of this Order and Notice thereon as afore'ssldT^Tcr an appearatsce -to^his— issue. ■".'■.' - . '■ "F. H. Barlow." Master, S, C. 6. .';-■^■^.;■ NOTICE The Plantiff's claim In this action Is for the determination of the validity of testamentary documents of William John Wilght. late of the .City of To- ronto, in the County of York. Plumber, deceased, dated respectively the,3rd day. of October, 1921i the 19th day of June, 1922, and the 3rd day of November. 1925, in which the, beneficiary named is Miss Babe-ror Miss Babe (Willie Goughlin). "F. H; Barlow," Master, S. C O. CAROL MACEO and Now ORIENTAL THEATRE, Chicago Dirvj Chlcaflo — WILUAM MORRIS OFFICE New York