Variety (Aug 1940)

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48 HOUSE ttEVIEWS Wediiesday, August 20*1910 KOXY, N. George Bell, Bill Broodioai/, Jean ■ Glor^;, kay Karrbll; Lynn KirJc, Roy- :m67i(i Kretzer, Anii. Lipton, Jack Murray, : O'BTiein & Coldberff, Hos- xals of. Rhyifhtti, The Rigolctto Trio, Harmonica. SyinpJionecrs, Gae Fqs faiiiiiiiar hereabduts because of -frcr Yo-Yo, trained horse. They work a«ain t6 intro Charles Newman, who harmonicas, Girls also exhale briefly through the inputh organs. No particular flash to theiri as their routines 'oiri^ elementary arid ih: both appiearahces the next act is faded in without giving: them a chanpe to win a hand on theit own. Yo-Yo appears in the dieuce. Exr Produced and staged by Russell ^h,"^ f^^^^^^ his comedy mrkertr musical dir«?ctipn .lyV ^ jerry *Sew MayhaUr arrangernents, Earl Moss; ' v^'v^ ^.'^.x _4„i^ I ter Gii-ls; pQ^d Ash and grchy^ ' bcrUv trained and ridden, nag goes ! .People' (20,tH) , reviemd in Variety> P?W k ■„L"l^.r/ 7« -. , , « i ■ r, J caes are bright and even his stale trmsic (^dr lyri^^^^^ Snes ^e pxit over in fresh s^ytc jle : : M(Xhieu, Iiw.,. • Wilmo; .Von. . Elliott's' Modern .Min- Micfrael;Pa«l; sccn*n/^^ t^^^^^ Manny King, a - nfewcontier, tipns. E;. J. ttqugherty and Maurice, , heavy chuckles With his watier. Levy. Features BelTiai Verd^ ffruba. ^^ine act and his comedy violin num- J»ierre <md Denise./^Benoi^^^^ Charlie. Kfemper,^ felatkface, Rpna; "Thaell, Rohm i'CC.-, SergeiDick Dana as- the personable, Flash, Robert Dcncfv ^^- ' straighti get good resu ia >buzzin' J^qrie '. Stewart^ Everett McGowan ^^^ number^ assisted , bjr th^. Ben ;: dTid Ruth Mack, Red McCarthy, Lots l Yost singers^^^^^^ ribald "Soiig of the Dworshak;, Larry: : JaeKson. Waiters—dohe by the four iend ritieri Bernie Lymdrii .Joe Jackspn/Jr,, Enc dressed as' hashslirigers—^brought Waite; chorus .^of . 23 . girls, and^^^^ hoys; Jerry: MayhaUs Ben Yost's ^men spring forth this 'P7 C.<cntcd at Coinviefition Hall, A.mnr f ^^^y.^ a hew set Of tunes as well tic City. ■:: ; v; >.i as riew cireamrand-red^^^u^^ • ■. . •• . ' : ■ ■ . ■ are snappy Ibbking.; .Ben.'B'eri com- In preeniing the 1941 Version Of bines clever . juggling ^yith zany an- the' 'Ice-Capades,' .Riissell Markertj tics arid his harmonrous juggling p£: has gone in for. spjlendor of. produc.^l tambourihes earned, him bpws; ^The tiori,' cbstiiiriing and settings on the { six Farraday Dancers have at routine. / largest: scale; The. result is a rriote! modern nutnber which breaks off . glittering,- revue than any 'ice shQ\y, { fmaiUy into a peppy thumba tap. seen here ;in. the pdst; • ' I SI.R.O. at botl> afternobn and eVe- Layout .is presented in the form of I nihg shows Sunday (25) ih 2,500 a musical" comedy, with, no aiV-: seatei'. The- 75c. tariff' covered this "hoiiricements- between,:acts. It, is^ shoW, Jack Teagarden's :orch;in:.the dorie that way to boost the prbgram .Marine - Ballrbom,, Tier . 13' arid bir, since rib: spectator: can know who's who unless he blows 25c. for Costumes dost ||520,0(iwO, or so >says Markert, arid the producer boasts it's the largest expenditure: on ari^r elab*; ovately. gowned shoW. . Orch.:' has been enlarged by six men, the riew- cbriiers beirig drawn from the.-Philly Syriit)horiy arid the Maubaum prehs. Thq: opening /riumiber,- 'Arabian July: in. 'South:; to Karanga' in , the - Casino fllmrobni,: arid seven- circilB fixtures at the grarid^tarid ;bn. the oceari end. .'Carter. ' TOWER, IC G. ; ; / .,: .; KaiiStts City, iiujgf;: 24/ : ; A.lene ,and fii>ons;: Hector, ond His Pals;: .The Blanchords, Billy Arm- Nights/ includes fjincy 'skating by ; strong,.: Lester ■Harding, Her}} Six ■a^Mtt. . niift .rrhaol -,P*ifl • ''Mrf!arthv : n*trt'-. tTnuiit. ■nr/'l^ tlAiivo : T.ina- «Pti_ Belita, Cliff Thael, , Red McCartliy j and House OrcTi,. H6use Line; ^Pri- and ensemble/ interwoven ^^ w^^^ costumes ot sultaris, hareni girls,: guards and the flpwirig scatfs .pf ballet skaters: : The effect is excit-, ing. Next eyeraippealing number is the v'Oarden :pf Rpses,' in which Belita, with the ensemble in rbse- petal gpWris; make, a picture- .with: strbbolite effect on pink and green cbsturiies; During : this . number, Gebrge Byrbn arid ■ DprPthy Allan sing ,:'Sbmewhere.- Mikes .are clev- erly distributed over the rink, and pick up the ybices withbut a brCak. Lois iDworshak leads :a jitterbug dance aided by: chorus.. Their cbsr iumes'inake a pretty scerie, with the boys irit'yellow trousers, and browri swesrtei^i- arid the : girls in brown •susii)terid6r r:dresses ;arid .y ell o.w •,blouses. •; Vera Hruba, Czech lassie, first apr pears ,<>n,the. ice. posing as a lighted candle.' Two :'kids': in; nightshirts skate around tee^ candle, and then the xandle chases the kids, giyirig the effect of a^flarrie racing over: the -.riiik. .■ '■'-. '•-■:-. '■' : ' Rbbin Lee, billed -as American champion skater,'is high, spot in sblb performance. LiricTjr Jackson does a comic iskit pri skijs. does..; a ''tango number. Jackson and Lyrivari, 'iipi seVeral comedy :Tiumhers, •combine - Sjome gopd' skating: vvith: .3»me, genqiqely funny clpwriing.: .^heit*^.' .waltr, -^li^hich- involves spme feriiale imperspriatipn* lagged a: bit ' tttihei perfbrmaricie caught. ^VClifl Rpna Tllaell have grace ihdr^fej^n^ Chppin waltz:, . Seri^^p^^.^^^ improved irf his f(katiDi^,:sih3ijv'J^9iiirtnne here with the : ^prmer; jeidltifiji^^^^^^Cspades, ex- ectites; *bihe- ci'eve^^-J'PSglingi- Eric W;aite burlesques 'Au^ M^ithllda' pri the ice.: Joe Jac1;i^n|''«.jr., son pf* the tramip 'bicycle'ti'dfflf, dtes.a per- formarice somei^irii^jJtt^JaiSjitather's. His body covered.'-li^w^lftle): paint, Hed McCarthy im#nR>^i^(|p^'4^jC^ riese^god in ballet. ■. ';'-!«^3Sj.1?^t{.-.?*. The show end^ a patribtic|N^$lilaj? , called 'Ambrlcana^' wtifch th&. eri'* tire company : displiays its. : talerita^ simultaneously as . George sings .^Yippiri-ay.V ; ■ -^^^ First night's diow brought5:;*»> crowd of •3,500, Considered iai'r-'^ltti: view of rainy iveither.; . Cotter. >' STEEt W (MUSIC HAIiL) JLtldnttc City,: Aug. 25. Andrews Sisters Hy, Eddie White,; Bert yost_ Varsity Singers . (9), Far^ If there is anj'' lack:, of ■balance .at the: Tower this, week-T-show. . leans toward ;the ' corriedy: side^it's ail. in the patroris' favor.; Forty-five riiiri;-: utes :pf •'yicatibn 'Varieties* are well filled and layput* is.better than aver- age: Yaripus: features, such as prb- ductibn,: wpi-k :of the line: or rriusiCi. stand out ■ from- Week, tp .week, but currently the irtJpbrted: acts-are-the tbppersi y '.^ ■ . "After linegirls go: through :a travelog of tapping, Lester Harding ,gets in harness as m.c. and: assigns iri.itial chpre tp. Hec'tpr and his as- so.rtri:\erit of cariihe pals. Act gets large percentage of chuckles and gets , show tinderwaiy . in good style. Billy Armstrbng. gets . call as the weekly ; amateur. - He's; .a teen-ager who handles a banjo with. corisider-: able ability. : but has yet tb learn -how, tb; exhibit it to best advantage, Sriipbth acrd turn is given by Dud Alene and Charles Evans; Make slpw-mption . handstands seem ef fprtless.. , Hpjise: line then terps tht-ough> a riuriiber handling bpws 5»nd arrows.' HaTding vocals 'Fools Pierre Benoit;; Rush In' arid ericores vvith a tevival of . S'posin' of the Days bf '29/ . Closing is turned over to Paul arid Pa^ulette Blancha:rd, who step off with comedy' impriesiions that regis- ter; above their kriockabout, slap- stick waltz. . Act mairitairis the: comedy -pace; set- at : beginning and .holds.un entertainment level of the hill. :. ;Girls return, to tap atbp travelling cases for finale: , Film attraction has more name value, than Usual feature picture here, and; lending a shoulder to the week's .take;, : : ,:":.:^Qxixii.'.''- EARL6, >^SH: Modern .Miniitrkls ,06), Ben Bejii Jimmy - Jones House Orch; 'Girt frdm Auefiuc A' (20th)^ , V : , . Andrews Sistei'svbre. back ais head liners at Steel Pier's :Music Hall fbr! troduce . h secprid tinie in ia mpnth. Gals cph- !'straight tapj, tiriue to haive plenty pf harriipny and j iritP^^^^^ .. . -.^ zip,, and got a nbisy: receptipri wheii': that' gbt .spbritanjMus'aoplavise, .Washington, Aug. 24. Eileen Ritter, Roxyettes (16) . Yost Singers. (Qy, Jdhriny Barnes: 'the ^Sed Hawk' (WBX^;: : ; 0 With a tw'p-hbur . film :this week,^ ?Jprpductipnist Harry Anger shprtens Vhis stage revue tp a fast 34 minutes by:the Rpkyettes and Ypst singers, ■tWth local prpdUct Jphnny Barnes as heddliner.. ; Show ': opens with Eilben Ritter ^ceeing;,'. regular. house CPirimunity sing; feature, ; 'Sinff-a-rSpng-With- .Mil^ik.';. Brings individual custpriiers dp.Wijii. to foots .'to sing, popular bal-' lads artff;^^lays, babic recording of yoife v^jpe patron stands by. Gag <?:. 5jili;A<M*{j ior^eustbrrier^^^ week of playback angle. : Shpw prpper^gets under way with balcbny scerie-% twp Ybst singers. :Other; six danctSiieia in pairs and all gather at frpnlisjjiiike for medley of " 'te^ songs they iri- Barnes.. After .,.^trtriis baclt to gb *r ■ 6fi Bill Hobinsbtt Fol In the old days of vaudeville the Palace u^ed tp hold morning audi- tions,' with:; bbokers: in attendance Ipoking Pver a prbcessipn of hope-; fuls. ^ It's like that at the Roxy this week and the flbck: bf acts, mostly: .singles,. whp make up the: Major Bowes unit are: on and off just about as fast as at those ; bid Palace 'ises- sibns.; ,■■ ';.: ■::,'.r The • twice.-weekly. f r-ee: tryouts- in; , Proctpr hbuse.s,.. alsb in -, th,bse.:,gpbd : old days, used tp give the eriibryos hibre . time than the Bbwes talent gets: hetie.' Hbwever, wi differ- ent acts :on the . Bowes show, it; is necessary tP get the prpper turhbyer. •Here's abput how a manager's re-, port ori the Jshow rnight haye .run; were it, fbr, instance, Bill O'Day, rifiahager. bf Prbctor.'s i25th sjtieet 15 years .ago/ reporting to... the Keith hipme-:bffice about the free tryouts at his hbuse:: :V -: Rascals 6f Rhythm. Two men (colored) "doing ■ a icouple: songs in .hot sty lb, with more nbls.e than vbcal tediriique going : :into their work. May be o;k: for the family time. 'Blil Broadway. ' Kid with-'high- pitched voice;, a crbss "between a 'yputhful Irish {enor :.and a falsetto. Does but bne number. Dietibn not so hbt. Belongs; in a; flash flUer;;'--' :■■ ^ - V .;^ ■.:■■■■.'' ' ;; Haribonica Symphbneers; Five men.; on. Harmonicas who show splendid ptottiise. Two numbers done, one. R a y ril o n d Scott's 'Powerhbuse,' claimed first tiine bn harmbnicas.. '\ Lynii. -Kirk.; ...Good-lbokittg swing, singer, dping a: mg,dley arrangement of pops suited to. her particular style.. ShPuld develop; bears watching. Jean Clark:, A whistler: vjfiio ;imi- tatesV.birds,. with crickets 'for relief.. 'Very, good, but thin as ran act bri its -bwh.::-■''•■ ■,'::■. . ■; :'; '■■ ■jack: Murray. Imitates HenVy Busse with:: his t ruiripet, Tommy Dbrsey and ~ his trbriibpnie,' , Clyde McGPy '; blues .and ; Horace Heidt.. Pretty good. ; ■.' . ■■ :'. ;.: Ann Liftion. Soorano doing rather well with 'One Night of tiPve,' but stepping herself. up top high with a cblpriatura. aria. Witli the prpper routine wbuld do for';.Fifth Floor :daites. ' ■'■ ■ ■.■ . • ■' ; O'Brien and Goldb.erg. May be-, come,a. Palace possibility,-: Boys are. understood to have':.started ;oUt as dancers, but have ,rnade the main subistarice of their act coriiedy.'Open with a comedy .nuriib'br biiilt around products . plugged. brt the; air ; (some free/ads there): and: then satirize air, ahnouncers^ incliidirig a Se.sis.lon; ;as thpugh dpne at a prize .fight. ; Gpbd aVeirage bf-laughs, clbcked; : Kay ' Karroil. Playing va guitar, ypdeis bne nuriiber. Uninipprtant. . :^ymbnd ; Kretzer. .. Dpes. imita- tibns Of the ; /dpwnron-the-farm Variety - and Very . gppd, but a bit corny. ; Mark Murphy, booking-the Proctor.: time, or Danny Siriimons, .Mbss,; rtiiglit' use ; this tui-n- to ad- vantage in .the .No.: 2; spots. . George Bell. : A trick Violinist who • dances well.; His calisthenics with the:* fic^dle on .'Pop Goes the .Weasel'; is Teminiscerit/ of Wilbur Hall.. : Toy 'truriipet' session' also, clicks. Rlgoletto Trio. Colored trio, one at a small pianb, sing Ji tuneful parody, bn 'Quairtet' from 'Rigblettb.' Alsp.a spiritual. Highly recommended: for developing through Fifth Flobr bbok-r irig;;- Paul 'Ash's . band Is on the stage^ with : Ash announcing each .act bi" persbnality; without :causing any de- lay through m;c, buildup. Gae. Foster girls .are .used twice for bsick- grpund, at the :finish. going vocal as they miarch^ around with varibus state flags. . - : Business close to capacity for the last. shbw Friday (23) .; : Chdr; popular times, ber: fbr ex- caught at: first show Sunday (25),' Ibws with •when Steel Pier was: enjoying its: cellent resi^onse. •. heaviest weekend biz this suriimer.j Yost singers do s^v<e£i Their song numbers seem limited; l and ; fade tp ..,sides.^foi; _ _ hPweVer, and. when crowd calls for I linbgals in white poKj^'db^ favorites the blpride member" exr | with big rubber bali^'.^-Aifi plains :(putting in a jplug fpr their —- -^ * . - - forthcoming .filih) that they can't sing:such numbers until pic .is re- leased. : For encores they do 'Beer Barrel Polka' arid Tuxedo Junction.' j vipusly by same: gals, but IL. This week's setting is in cabaret I good because of suspense. After Style, with Jimmy Jones* house brch I mations. Ybst; singers return , on stage arid the various acts iniri- j finale by company, glirig in the big show. Eddie White, i Biz S.R.O. at show caught. : turies ce of bbuncing formatipn, with wppden balls fpr rbutirie. Acts gets, big.- thpugh:. dpne in Vyariationsf tlu'Pugh paces pf fpx trpt, waltz, and conga to please. Newman, in the trev,: harmonicas 'In the Mood' and 'Bolero,' vusing one hand for drum effect on latter tune. He knows his notes but needs a little mbre stage presence. ; : Gloria Blake lifts a sturdy colora- tura ori 'Blue Danube,' 'Operi Your Heart' in French and 'Kiss Me Again/ Her trill endings pro^e mittrwinning. ■ ' ..^ - House usually plays five or six acts wheri bill is straight vaude, arid this week's bill of four acts seems Shprt. It was prpbably necessary to Curtail running time to get a turnover with the lengthy picture. Feeling still persisted/ however, that another act should have follpwed appearance pf Ritz Brps. ; Biz very good at third shbw Friday (23) . : . ,. Kiley. KEITH'S BOSTON :■.: Boston, Aug.. 22. .: ; friiie. -Present arid Past (3). PoUl Re^ah; Firemen's Barbershop Quar- tet, Buster West arid Lucille Page with. Chick Gagiion, Larry Flint House Orch;; 'Babies, ior Sale'; XCol) diid 'Cdrolind Moon'; Very satisfactory yaude bill, with isbme local :talent thrown: in fbr 'gbod measure: Boston Firemen's .Quar- tet are of doubtful interest any- where else, but these are the boys who represented ; the. Hub at the World's Fair contest this summer. Buster Wbst.: in the clbsirig. spot, picks: lip:the show niCely after the nbri-prb sessibri of the .Ibcbl :fire lid- dies; Brings back his familiar act and keeps things, popping every min- ute. His splo eccentric and the dup eccentric and: hpkum adagio with Lucille Page are still topflight en- tertairiment Pf the daffy, type. Gpbd stppging by Chick Gagnpn paves the way fpr rapid-fire hpkum ahd pratt- falls in the ppening staa'a pf the act. Trixie,; clever femme juggler, gels the shPw. pff tp; a; gppd start, featur- ing plate , arid ball-tossirig.' Paul Re- gan ; clicks in the trey with a flbck bf; filrii imperspnatipns, A .few bif - them, are' commendable, but he shppts 'em alPng. with such, .rapidity that.: thp whole adds'Up tP quite a splurge, but he gets a nice response at the finish. His best bets are Clark Gable, Ronald Cblman, FDR, and Clem; McCarthy,;,.. :■■ .Present and Past, . the deuce/ open with oonventibnai:.' tapping. They're a ypurig riian:,and, wbriian, who then intrb. their dad. Ue solos with ah oldtime biick arid wing, and is-then; joined by the young man for a ■: close-formation unisoii: buck. Old-fashioned stuff is .a novelty now days, so the idea gets. okay. recep- tion.' It's the first ;week of Larry Flint's hbuse band oh stage. .Fo.t. ORIENTAL, XiHI LYRIC, INDPLS. . Chtcapo, Aug. 24. Shcp Fields Orch with Dorothy Allen, Sonriy Washburn, Larry N.eal; Val Setz, Chiltori and Thomas, Pinky Lee and Co. : (3)7' 'Private -Afairs' (17). .• " • . : : : indiaridpolis, Aug. 23. Ritz Bros.. (3), Gloria Bla/ce,- Yo Yo, Charles Newindni Dorothy Hild Ballet (1.1); 'Man I Married'. iiOth) ^J.lbe .^Rilzi brothers, here^-for—the. first time, are pulling heavy' coin.' Recent: experiments' peopled the Lyric stage with heavy: c^stfi lacking names, with comparative quiet at the. bbxoiffice. This : wpek, the \Ritzes hold - down . 23 . minutes of. the bill's AT n^iiriutes, .arid again. prove the Value: of a name. . They close, the show with zany antics long faniiliar to their yaude and film audierices. Heaviest part of their stint is 6 burlesque of 'Snow White,' using, fullstage for their madcap impres- sions of the witch and; dwarfs. :Atso; dp songs iand dances, and .finish :with pper-atic parody, with one : of the boys working:in iaudience as he at-, tempts;.to direct orcheislra. ;They're what the customer paid tb see and they work hard, tb deliver full money's wprth, Liine.; 6f', il girls billed ■ the Dorothy Hild Ballet appear in two spots,:; Opens with: military rbutirie, ■ essed as mpunties, to intrbduce Fields prchestra, which gpt Its start in Chicagp, is a happy boxoffice chbice currently and Continuing the: recently inaugurated profit-making policy of this house. Opened bright- ly and indicates one bf the best b.p. isessibns ait this hp use; ; . ■ ■ ■ : \- . Fields does a quiet, dignified m.c. job. Band fulfills its promise of 'rip- pling rhythm' and much pf the nov- elty strain emphasizes the accPrdipn ripple. . Breaks Up the pops with two classicals. 'Bblerb' and 'Flight Pf the Bumble Bee.' For singers Fields has the femme Dorothy Allen, who dresses up the bandstand patiently Until she gets a chance to warble a cbupie bf pop dittieS; Sbnny Washburn arid Larry Neal, whb drbp their iristruriibnts for their vocalizing. ' :.-. , Three acts make Up a pretty good vaude show. All are standard, but two of them made the error of over- staying. Particularly is this t rue of -juggler-'V^l-SetzTTwHo Vverdoes the work with the balls. At least half of this part could be eliminated to: Setz's profit. He has some, tricks With clubs that are okay because it's shorter.: Basically, SbtJ: has a stand ard. act that can rinake . good any where,, but he'll have to watch that ciPck. • :.;. :. Chiltpn and ThPriias have a stand put dance act, fast and clever. The wprk Pri the pedestals is surefire vaudeville arid the clpsing Charles- tpn remains tbpnotch. Pinky Lee is a gbbd knockabout' Ibw V comedian who hurts his own, charices by mis- takenly believing that blue stuff is funny,. Some of Lee's stuff, espe- cially; in its implication, • is not Only blue, but also dirty. Lee should smarten : up. When he sticks to straightfbrwaird hoke clowning, he's excellent and rates a full round of laughs. :, ,: ■■ -■■ Business gppd at supper shbw Fri day (23). Gold. GOLDEN GATE, S. F, 5on Frdnciscb, Aug. 21. Dorothy Lomour, Steve . Gar 'av Glariz and Bellak, Bob Ripa, Fonda and St.- Claire, Bobby .Evans; Paaau O'Neill ; girls; Charles . Kaley Hmsi Orch; '.Bill .of Diyorcenicnt' (.RKO). ; whatever, it is the fans Want' Dorothy Lampur .seems tp have it' Sarpng gal, appearing iri high-neck* Ipng-sleeve, flppv-length silver gpwn' • packed 'em tp the rafters at' ppen- ing tiere, drawing every age and class. . Cpriies pn briskly, steerina for mike in front .of orch,; and goes right into 'Mexicari Magic* from 'Moon Over Burma.' Thereafter chats with faris anent each solo, fol, lowing vfith 'Never Smile Again' medley itom her jungle pix, 'Dan- ger in Your Eyes' ahd 'Begirinina of the End.' Flick riiedley drew bursts of applause as fans recog- • nized each fave. Plenty requests shouted froin: audience, Lamour finally; having to beg off.: /. Opening act on bill is tabie-tennis match and. exhibition' by Glanz "and Bellak. ; Trick returns softened fans immediately and 15-point riiatcK- 'rew rapt .atteritibn,: Okay noveltj. Second position- allotted to Bobby EvanSi local boy who had tb go to the N.Y. Cotton Club tb make good Nice: personality and plenty fast on : leet.'sepia entertainer landed solidlyi particularly with panorama of Har- leni jive steps since Charleston days. Closes. "With new zig-zag squat step bf his bwn, dubbed 'Shorty George.' It'll take agile dancers to db it but jitterbugs, have proven anything Ls possible. Localites gave: lad a well- earned; welcome. : • .-i:..'- Bob Ripa occupies trey spot and cpuld have spent, the rest of the day there. Working balls, plates, and Japanese sticks,: trick: juggler, is the slickest, smoothest worker, to troupe through here in many moons. Holds fast tempo throughout. No slouch either is Steve Gairay, who: fbllows. He does imitation of Hitler that had 'em screaming. Also offers his. Italiain-Bfitish prizefight, dbing excitable . Latin description' while stooge drawls sedate brbad-A versibri. : Meritibris to audience U.S. is last, country where he could get. aWay with burlesques like these. Fbrida.and St. Claii'b, dairice teath, foUpw Lampur and, do nice job of holding mob : which has only one : thingiri mind, the sarong queen: Hpuse line assists, alsp; ppening fes- tivities with fast Red Crpss routine. Kaley's orch solo this week is ,'Fbols Rush In,*' Could hkye taken encore but bowed tb speeding clock. :Wer)i. ' HAMip'S PIER^ A, C HIPPODROME Atlantic City;:Aug: 25. Leroy Miller, Four Toppers, Bui end Eleanor Coll, Gallagher and Rushi . Reno, \yilbuf r Hdll, • Lynn, Royce and Vanya Harry Wafd't House Orch (9); 'Earl of Puddle- stone' (Rep) .y-^ l^^ ■ ' .The pprtipn pf .this weokV shpw in the Hipppdrpme bf Hamid's Million . Dollar pier which dre\V the loudest reception at the first performance Sunday was thb part held over frpm last week. Wilbur Hall, the hprn- tPbter and fiddle-jiggler, and Lynn, Royce and Vanya, the acrPbaticrball- rbpm, dancers, are the holdovers. Neither act is changed a bit, but both reaped roaring applause. The other acts, bunched together as preliminaries to: the holdovers, are billed as 'Leroy Miller and His Radio Revue.'. Miller himself, iri fancy white; llrien,. m.c.s for the foiir acts, . and . in between them dbes a. few chores of his own. He cpnducts a quiz - by having a mike passed thrpugh the audience and givihg 5c seegars as prizes fpr correct answei:s. Miller also, does a series of imper-;. sonations. ■• " ^ ■. ^ Four Toppers, three" men and . girl, dish out soriie :barbershop: har-. mony that drew considerable ap- plause ' but . neverthele.s.s seemed a. liittle , disappointing at performance' caught. This was the. only part of- Miller's 'Radio. Revue' that woUldTie of Use to a radio: station. Reno, the juggler, displays standard wares. He manipulates four Indian clubs , with . his hands; and twb rubber balls With :his-head7-windiniriIp~WTtfi":cash"~cu^ to rivers throwing balls at him, - which ; he catches .With a. stick in his mouth. :Bud; and Eleanor CoU start with a jitterbug ballrobri^ dance, he in black trousers and she in flowing rose chif- fpri. . Bud viblins 'Humbrcsque,' •squeezing; every : drop bi sentiment from it. Then right in the .middle of it,.;he lapsed into a Russian dance, fiddling simultaneously. •. Eleanor comes out again., an eyie filler in white pantie suit, and the two en- gage in soriie':-lively. acrobatics for the'firialei': --.' • ;•'..' ■: ■';;;;■'. ■;■ Gallagher and Rush, in : White trunks arid bronzed skin, make a fine picture with their slow-motion: muscle work. At one pbint Gallagher stands.on his hands, supporting him- self by the thumb and .one other: finger of each hand. :■■ ' ...■]■... Seashbre crowds who paid 65c to see this show, got Tom:Mix and his circus and Art Jarrett's orch thrown in- elsewhere on the Pier. Carter,