Variety (Aug 1940)

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Wednesday, Augiist 23v 1940 HOUSE REVIEWS 49 STATE, N, Y. Ijdage, Sid Tomack and . Reis Bros - (2) Henry Arrneita, Betty Hulton, Ciro Rithac's Rhutiiba .Qi'ch. with Alzira CaTnargo, JWdrquito Bivera, EatrelXiiai Charley Boy; touclies of travesty distinguish them froni the brdihary run of hoofers and the 'Nola' tap finale; is particularly clicko, bringing substantial. salvos from the. custoniersi . The lightied hotfS lijumber,, with its imitations of rival Ijands, is one of the peaks of the brch's performance, and stands out for its humor and ittiJbv Zwerling's Pit Orch:'Wheri the j . - ^tona Bode' (U), rericwcd in ongmahty. It dre\w an .overwhelm. State's booker, Sidney Piermont, included plenty of variety in the current layout.; It runs the full gamut from acrobatics to cothedy to daiicing arid music,, unfolding smoothly and nicely paced all the way. Henry Armetta, Betty Button and Gird Kimac's orch are iJhiB marquee lures from the stage end, while the first-run '•When the Dal- tons Rode* is taking amiple care, ae- *cording to the excellent daily news- paper reviews, of the scteen angle, Attendance Friday night (23) was good apd the b;b. should hold up through the week., : ■ This . is a variety. show in the strictest - serise.. of the wo,rd. Sid Tomack iand Reis "Brothers (New Acts), in the: deuce, arid Henry ^rmCtta, immediately following, take good careof the comedy .a.ngle. Betty Button satisfies, .the jitterbugs: with her delirieatibn of a- humiian but, noisy dynamo; Lalage (New Acts), open- jng, is a' nifty aerial-acrobat doing one-arm ;turhoveiris: in th6., Lillian Leitzel " manner, . and . Rimae-s ■ .crew takes cxcellierit carebjt • the music, d^nciri^ and.; Mnging in. the Latin^y American .style.-.-- • Rimac's band :was^ brie, of; the first to ' b r i n g . isoutWrof-the-bbrder fhythmis ~ to the^ U. S. 'Lionfi stand • ard in vaude, riiaestrb- seemingly, niev^r lets down, all-bf his acts and specialties, being uniformly good. This, tiriie he ,conies. up >rith a new singer .: of Spanish; songs, femme named; Alzirai: .Gamatgo, who looks like a flrst-iclass click; She's iri the stylit; of Garmen Miranda in diress, but has a superior ybice plus , looks. She did ibur- nuniibers ^ the -night caught after Rimac buiU her up ais the hew Braiziliari sensation from the Casino . Urea in Rio, and. whammed all the way, with an audience that wasn't hep: to the language. It ,prbyed her sellirig , power, • . Besidies iScnbrita Camargb, Rini'ac's aggregation : '■ i n, c 1 u d e s Marquita Riveira, Estrellita and .Charley. Boy (Rimac),' who delineate the rhumba aind.conga in snappy fashjonr Rjimad hiriiself also dances, doing the samba with Estfellita and a Lifitin-American jitterbug- - challenge^ danice with Charley Boy. For the rhusic, the 11- miari aggregation is. solid in the jnaracas tempo.: : Armetta; working -with the sarne unbilled fenime, is doing the com- edy .sketch in *ohe'he' delivered his last . time around on a personal ap- • TCarance tbur.. It's adequate^ for the Italian-dialectic - filrii character, get-, ting a: fair aniourit bf laughs, but he . should change the . essence of his bow^-bff speech; which is also too much like last year's. • Miss Buttpn,i next-tb-closing, Ava% . no audience, riot with the adult audi • ; erice at this viewing. Ber first two- numbers ■ in her bapg-up pantywaist style' dreW but fair response and then she brbught on Tomack and the Reis boys to-get her'bff. big; . Num- ber .'with them" is: a special titled fWho Stole - the jam,' tfie boys ihi-: personating kiddies and Miss, Button their mammy.. Its chief appeal is in her kicking the kids around, which also didn't arouse any too much: en^ thiisiasrii. . Perhaps Miss Button left herself .loo wide operi up: ahead, when she told the audience; 'I kno.w what you're, thinking; . You're thinking what'ii screwball I aril!' Amen. •'■ Scho. ing response. Tucker's whimsical reprises of 'Little Girl,' 'Imagination' and 'Need a Little Loving' are. nicely done, and the burlesquied drinking song by thie riiembers of the band, featured by the trick lighted steins, drew deservedly heaivy palm-patter- . The Oheizis ■ fbllow with .their handbalancing, . plenty sure arid swift, and encore: with theip upside- dowri' jitterbug. Miss Baker .is on for .closing and no brie can-complain abbut^hei' gen- erosity, She gives', them just about everything in and- oUt. bf the. book. After her bperiirig inedley, backed by The Bodyguards,., shie. whariis but 'What Are Little Girls Made Of, 'Playmates,- *Ma, Be's Makihig Eyes,', and finally, for full measure, the iubiquitous. -Oh. ' Johnny.' Her *Not Yfit' and -My Resistance is Low' ar:e the ultimate in style: , ' . Third;. shpw opening day V (23) played tb .overflowirig. . .'Burton,' Hftrlem Opera House, N.Y. CHICAGO, CHI ,, Lou Jordan Orch (9) with Beverly White, Alleri Drew, Victoria .Troupe, Jans, Linton and' Dean, Joyner and ■ Foster, Slim and - Eddie; 'The ' tJoriaI Storm' (M-G). ■ ;';■-' , , "The Harlem : Opera House, being used by the opierators of the nearby Apollo fill in with stage: shbivs and filhis while the latter': gets; a refur- bishing, is using a good idea perhiapis, but judging frbrii the .acts-in from Thursday (22) to the foUowng Sun- day (hpuse i.*? split week), the setup is riot ,bnly far. shbrt of the' Apollo Standards, but, with; the exception of one turn, far short of professional standairds. The Apollo, though, used 'B' film fare where the Opera House is screehing 'A' product. Apollo re- opens Friday (30 )i ' .:' . The one act which impressed at all was the yictoria Trbupe,. cpmprj§ed of three white girls and two boys aboard bicycles and Unicycles; They're the lone ofay turn. Working on ' a 'stiage- that must hay? greatly 5c6rifined their bagj of tricks,- the quin- tet j^bt over solidly, with a routine of trick' riding 'competent enough to gain .'eiin entry to better-class houses. Formatiori ridirig with all astride two or single wheels,, pyramiding the five on one bike and such things as ori.e boy skipping rope-while on a riiachirie make for neat eye stuff. Too, one of the males dpns.a clown costume tO: get off comicai but highly proficient tricks on a unicycle, an angle that could be extended with sorrie bf. the formation stuff cut to tighten arid speed the: tiirn:. ■ Slim and Eddie, comedy-and dance duo, have played th^ Apollo in thie past.' Here they didn't seem as efr fective. Qrie:is tall, the other short, .with the taller; costumed as a gal from the country arid giving out with a mixture of Harlem arid eccentric terps. -Meant little,.-; Short Jialf's contribution was a couple pf .full backfiips landing ori one leg; ^ .ianis. Lintbri and Dean, a ; dance trio of negligible calibre. Were on rnuch top long: Breaking into single, double and trio work in five differ- ent routines was only prolongirig the agony. Routines and execution were sloppy. The one bit that might haVe meanit anything, a single tap by one of the rrien, was brassily drowrted but by the Lou Jordan house band. Joy ner and Foster; blackface coriiedlari.«, did a flock of shbiiting, but littJe else Anyone in the audience would have agreed that the. public address sys- tem demarided more thrfn ordinary j»,.^„ir>' A,,^ 91 vbice, but not the amount of Jung .. Orrin:; Tucker ^^f'^ 06^^ ^^obi2^ni,.S.^S"n;J"^tSdv Bonnie Bafcer, Th« Bodv^uflrds, The ' ^^^^'^^^^ ^^"^ comedy Ghezzis, The Stapletons; 'Money and oeen n. • Woman' CWB). A^len Drew. m.c.. was at the other • •■■ -■ ' . extreme. Most of the time he As a sort bf uribffcial preview of cpuldn't be; heard. . What with the coming keason, the Buffalo slips I gravel-type voice and nprie-too-clear intb. the late-August stretch With i diction; .most of his gags went un- .Chicaeo/Anp. 24. . ::Witkey ond Dare,. Bdb' Neller, Adrian BoUini X^io, Grace :& Nikko, Dorothy Hild Girls (16), .Adnon .ondi Howisc .; Orch; /Return ojf .Frank James' (20th). ' ' ' I ,: Pretty sad show for the flagship of the Balaban & Katz circiiit, Twb of.- the acts can be presumed .tb ;lit into this: house satisfactorily if not too successfully, while the other two might have a tough tirrie .getting into B. &. .:K;s family time State-Lake iacirbss the 'street. : -.-. - , Initial -error finds, conflict between the two riian-and-woman .acts ; of Wilkey and Dare and that of Qrace and . Nikko. The .flrst-hanied piair is not suitable fbr this house at-, all, They .Jiave a. lot. of n\essy istunts and much of their comedy ' in' exr tremieiy . bad. laste^ - especially the. foot-sriiellirtg bit by the nian and the wiggling by the woirian, . In the main, the only saving iteriis ' in their . act - are a couple of good tumbling tricks, by the girl,: She riiakes an okay..ap- pearance arid it's a pity that they spoil what little good stuiff they haVe by.; their unealled-fbr poor taste:, "their slow-motibn bit is rneahinglessi : ;Bob Neller .was at one time figured for a bright future with his veh- trilPjiual; act; But his- :double-torie routine has become dull and, .unin-. terestirigi Neller should devote hiriiT self to building up a character for his dummy and forget about Neller. The dummy should , beV the riiain pbint of interest in any such act. Act got -sparse laughs^ " ' ' Mediocre; ribvelty musical, trio, is that of Adrian Rplijhi; Work on bass fiddle, vibraphorie- and guitar. It's a novelty that wears off after the first number. Grace arid Nikko stand put as the best turn on. the bill fbr;aUdir ence results, ro.ckirig this riiob with their kribckaboUt ballfoom' burieisque,'' Especially. effective is their riew routihe. :in. .which: the; girl punches, her partner around. . IDbrotliy Hild line is pn f or, two: okay, numbers. Business gPod at last show Friday (23). ■ ■.-.'- -- ■ Gold. EMBASSY, N Y. ' (NEWSREJELS) V wonder. 9s to why Fpx would drag a camera lyay up there fbr. that. Of the twb'Lew Lehr clips (Fox), one's gpbd, the other's a senseless publicity stunt.. First . is. a: tree- climbing dog, second is gals at Sari Francisco Fair painting automobiles, Dbn't ask why, .- ■Information .Pleasje- (No. 8; with actress Ruth Gordon as,guest,Ncorri- pletcs the bill. Herb. Neiv Acts SHEA'S, BUFFALO MARCH OF TIME -. ('Gateways to; Panama') - With defense measures of every Sort of prinie interest ;to .U.S. audi^ ences today, : March of Time's monthly ■ 20-minute-; • - presentation treats significantly of approaches to the Panama Canal, It touches each of the Caribbean. islands which guard' the path -to - the gateway: tp the Pacific, in this manner finding it: appropriate to include, shots/nei>er: before seen in this country of Devil's Island in French Guiana,; ^ ' ■ Devil's Island pix:;are given, mbre footage in the: reel than any other individual sequence. Actually more emphasis is placed on them than they deserve from a Panama . de- fense standppint, but they are so'ex- cellent: that M. of T.'s desire tp use as much as possible of them is eas-: ily understood. - Pictures are used tb illustrate M. of T.'.s point, that with thousands . bf .men. in French Guiana who are free bf jail but con-;: fined to the island and thus hate France,, this is the most; ready-riiade fifth column in the western hemi- sphere: a -. .\ ' - ■. : Aside.frorii any lesson drawn frorii the.Devil's Island pi'x, howev(?;r, they are interestirig ' revealing the ex- treme brutality . prevalent th^re. Other islands touched by the M. ot T; camera are the:. Bahamas, Ja- maica, Trinidad, Martinique, CUra-.- bao, Puerto iRicp and- Virgin; Film shows how the. Canal, vital short-cut for mov4ng the Navy bei'^ tween the Atlantic arid . Pacific, is the key to all U.S. defense. . To make its approaches impfegnable, reel points but,. the riatiori is now spending $!)3,0p0,000; atid $300,000,000 riibr*, will have to be sperit on aux- iliary-locks...- Twp-reeler is technically bri a oar with other such releases. Herb, LALAGE Aerialist i 7 Mlns.; Full ! Stale, ISr. Y, I ; Lalage is evidently nPt a new act, ' prpbably having plerity of circus and-, fair experience, but she brings - to ; vaude a welcome novelty. She's .something ; bri the style of the late Lillian Leitzel, specializing in one- arm turnovers irbm a suspended loop. \ y :.(.. ■' ■.: Like Miss Leitzel, ^Lalage ' blonder tiny looker ancl making the best of it via, very revealing briefies and bra. A good-looking femmie acrobat is unusual in itself; when the looks rare coupled with 'exceptional ability the answer is a surefire click. She does a little wbrk ph rings, but her , specialty is evideritly: the one- arm swings. At the show: caught she did 50 turnovers, not quitfe up to»the number Miss Leitzel used to exfecute, but: enough , tb. win the audience solidly,. ■ , . -'..-. -'.'; ■ Opens the show here and can fit on- any stage; also cafes, etc. She was first introduced tb Broadway at. the International Cs^sino thrcf; seasons . this Qrrin Tucker-Bonnie Baker ,of fering. It is the first appearance of answered LPu Jprdan's band; coriipbsed of. the outfit here and the choice is a i nine pieces, split intb three rhythm timely and happy one fbr the house Bang-up ppening reception accorded the layout at the wickets and vocifer- ous approbatibn pf the. payees are three . sax, two . trumpet and one tr;bntbbne.. is a passable group on .<?ome numbersj and on bthers n.s.g. For one thing; his three ; con ASCAP .Continued from pagi; 1. islrbng.cyldgri"Ce"s~^^f^hTr^ffectiv^^ of u thp .turn, which' impresses as Beverly White is its vocalist. Wood. - stellar all the way. ; ' '■■] " ' " ' ' ' ' Tucker's easy and personable in -, - formality/is in evidence thrbughbut ' and lends greatly to the acceptability i of the proceedings. Miss Baker, is | the topper and completes the jbb of • •wrapping up the stubholders lock, i , stock and barrel. i constitute the general essence of : Tucker is ysing 13 instruments' these programs.: : preseritly with three additibhal vobal ASCAP 'Days*: at both the New .; .Stand-ins, The employment of three j,York and San Francisco Fairs are ■ J^fct tov^hree saxes, f<>ur. j^^^gj^gip^i^d a means to; gen- ;S8?Sg:^?^:feS^'^ I continued emphasis on the .String .again with name songsmiths, ah .: section, Nbvelty angle: also goes j though conservatives within the ; - for the bass dbubling between viol: Society ^ ^rc committed tp the .thought arid horn. In addition tb the :soli,d' that these intra.-trade. issues belorig ' musical merits of the Tucker a.ssem-; \,;q,(,hih the trade and shouldn't be bly, Jhe boys are heavy on enter-: ^.j.ec3. Others pbint tP the frank pro- ^^^^^ smooth terpg' in the "urimistakable r which, already,^ the^publ^c is being Astaire-R.oger» manner. Their. neat, let in on the. ASCAP-NAB squabble. ,- Kids crack the;reels for; all the honors -this week. There are. two clips. featuring-, the -moppets .and both top aflything elste Ethbassy edi-: tors have to offer. Orie is Metro's shots bf the arrival of a shipload pi' English evacuees; : The. other: is Paramount's : presentatiori of the Dioririe quintuplets on their sixth : birthday. Comparatively . long-ab- sent . from, the newsreels, the Dioriries are 'quite the young : ladies and 1,hese. shots catch thern. in full bloom, :; ■-. . •.; .:.- Arrival of the little Britishers is treated with real ; imagiriatipn arid charm by the Metro lerises, quite a relief from the stilted stuff recently of Similar arrivals. Shots .will win even the' most'hard-boilied to a pbl- icy of bringing over as many young-, sters as possible, . Metro has them interview, each other on their opin- ions of America and what they saw before they left; ■ Cockney accents in toothy ' and toothless ; moppets; nriake apjpealing -pictures. .; Favoritism by the edi- tors for Willkie is less evident this week: than in the. past few sessions, but still, discernible. GOP nominee is ;iengthijy . pictured giving, his ac- ceptance address and then very ob- viously playing for the farm vote by standing ainong tall corn , stalks, vaulting a fence into a barnyard and looking over soriie cattle.. On the other hand, Ickes* .speech in re- ply to Willkie is rather liberally treated,, top..- There are also brief shots of Roosevelt meeting Canadian Premier Mackenzie King. Republi- can stuff is all from. Paramount,' while Pa the takes care of the New Deal. In the national: defense field, Par does a ; heal: .job on Ambassador- Bullitt's speech' pt warning at Philadelphia last week.. After : prolog stating that Americans can- i not afford 'not to listen,' it records a great , deal of the ;St5feech. ;:. There, are background .chots pf the various i .things, he; mentions,, such as the I :fleet.: . armament ' factories, •:etc.; '.'Parachute for: planes (Fox) is I also interestihgl.v. pictured. I; 'Meeting ■ of the Ku Klux Klan at . the' Bund, camp in JMew ; Jersey is ^covered "'by^Parr^but:"ceri^!pred-by-the' Nazis. . In - the war material. Par ■again leads with pix of its camera- man taken, in hi.« .own little fbrtress on the. Dover cliffs during, an: air battle. ' Latter clips are marked, princiipally by .«;p;ectacular:;blazes; as Erigl'and's barrage ballpons are; hit; and downed. --. : /Best shots .yet bbtairied . by: the newsreels of. the Duke and Duchess ; of Windsor are prbvided; by par airid I Fox.' particularly the. latter, ; on the i couple's arrival. ;in : the. Bahamas, : Fox has excellent ; clo,seups of fidr ward's belle' ■ fronri Baltimore ; and , they enhante; her. charm; consider- . ably; • '■ .-■■; -i' ■: ■ ;' .;',•; . .Sport.s are; pretty ordinary ;; this week, 'iricludihg a 'ski meet on hay arid grass- <Fox J, tuna ;fi.shing in Nova Scotia : (Universal) and a ro- deb at Sun Valley, 'tj) ;as the : Uniritcresting shot?;; of. an explora-: Ition. party atop' Mt. Rainier cause MIDNIGHT IN <>ARIS (STUART, LINCOLN, NEB,)' .- back; Scho. (2) turn is- for good taste. KURrTIS BROS. MarioneUes Yacht Club, Pittsbnrffh Cryirig need Off >this some material that's iri The two boys who do the manipulat- ing, are also; clever imitators, giving all of their puppets differerit voices, ranging from Mae West ^ and Ethel Waters to one of those personality- plus night club niasters of cere- monies. Kurtises Use a little mike frorri. their, perch, and. the ;effect is expellerit.. : The whole thing 'is done in the form of a cafe floor show, with an m.c. doing the intros arid bringing on dancers, husky; blues shouters and even a set of players for a sketch in the old vaudeville tradition. The cpnferencier. gets off some blue ones, but that's expected; the sepia thrush: has some spicy lyrics, and that's ex- pf,cted, top;. but the principal skit, which takes Up. most of th^ turn, ' completely offensive, and no excuse for it. Scene is Pearly Gates, with La West being pulled by. Satan on one hand and St, Peter on the other. Most bf it ii bn . the raw edge,'but that, tag line is tinforgi-yable.V Kurtis bpys have a! sbriiewhat dif- ferent idea, and they obviously have: ;the talent to make it salable—not, however;,until they hbuseclean their Lincoln. Auq: 24. Four Robeys, Meyers and St. John; ' dialog and substitute sbmcthing that D'Aubour and. Rene, Billy Wade,' wori't make the tougheSt-skinned Mickey O'Day, Bob Lowry, Bill, ringsider blush. Cohen. . Stennett's Orch, Kate ■ and Dot Bar- 1 . ■ - r- -—— ■ R^^^StS^Lou'SS^J^&eSr ^ST'^'' ^ REIS BROS, CluTc, Setmniy Potts .Marpic^^ ^Midnight in Paris' Broadway $4.40 article,; but_it's gbpd enough to get fiiriterlands, and. did it easily here.; First stage show in. this theatre for several years, but respphse, cpn.sidering the ' warm weather, and eariihess of • the. season, was very good. Bob -Page. ; and Linteri . DeWolfe. co-producers of 'Midnight in Paris,' ignore the fact, that Hitler has been in: Paree for sbm^ time, and -for b.o. ;purposes, Paris'^ is included in this title to enhance this girly musi- cal lure. It runs 55 minutes, has all the legs : (10 .pairs of nifty bnes^ necessary to keep, the frpnt seats filled, and is generbusly humorous. Weakest oortion of the presenta- tion is the D'Aubour and Rene dance team. They offer three numbers, finally saving' face by the .'Beguine' _ One '.. State, N. Y. .^.:-;;;'' This trio was in Sally RSnd's Unit in;the Cpcpanut Grbvie of the Park Central hotel, N. Y., for the fanner'i ' first week there. This is their first vaiude date on Broadway since the : souabble with Miss Rand over their -j cpritract, and they look better on a .stage than they did on a riitery floor. In fact.: they were, virtually a 100% click the night caught, having to beg off. '"'-r' Idea ;bf the a;ct is : clevef; in essence, three former iri.cs joining forces when the going gets tougb for them as singles. They've accnured some special songs an^'-'ga'i.. pinttizl and deliver all of it^sfhogtlily, timing well arid getting tne/latighis in the right places. With Hut'one exception, thev'l 1 ;fit in any •V'ariety house. The one lapse is a repeat of the bit.- . ' bad taste they showed at'the Cocoa- However, the trio consisting of nut Grove wheit parodying the title Billy Wade's chatter and comedy, the juggling of the Four Robeys and the amusing cbritortionist goirigs-ori of • Meyers and St John embellish the unit's entertainment ppssibilitie.<! to. a point where the other short- comings are ignored. Wade, out pf the biz for a couple of years,; celebrates • h is return via this opus; He'.s a hillbilly Ray Bolger, nimble in the dances which are mostly eccentric terp. and he has ;a pleasant line of gab. He does two bits, both . with rii.c. Bob .Lbjwry straighting. ;"-".-.;'- ,, The. Robeys a re, ariiong thie novelty field's strongest;;. Not only do they specialize in juglglirig, but throw in of 'God Bless' America.' In stating 'Kate Smith :$hQidd sing 'God Bless the Bank" of America',' the boys aren't , very , flattering to Irving Berlin'* 'cpmpbsition, Miss Sriiith or the spirit; of the times/ They're Un- necessarily drawing criticism to them§elves. ' %a6y deuce, here arid over very: bjig,'later alsp helping Betty Hiittori, Jrt, to get off with a fair- measure of applause. - Scho. WINTER SISTERS (3) Aero Dancing Nlxoii Cafe, Pittsburgh Three neat-looking blondes whb a little head''and- hand balancing tb jlpok :iike whirliiig dervishes when ad<J iriterest. It's a tiim 'involving;! they get started,;: Winter gals can fit thre e men and one womaii', the latter j anywhere, in theatres pr: night clubs,' abTe'CoTl'QTfie'hafaest'trtek.?:~Prab^-+particularly the latter, where their, ably the best liked 'routine is the dizzy spins virtually work up a stiff.; Meyers and St.; John affair. Male | breeze for the ririgsiders; TOreesome portion of the act is; a .loose-geared i startis out ;ih regulation; hobfing fash- guy who - spreads hidiiself amusingly j ieri, aishmg out some nice tap .terp- over the stage, Girl^iJSfe a wee: thirig, .. ing in their first appearance, mixing; and she; helps tie hiih tip. ~ ' l it up with a few twirls, ;but The: girls: .are used; in;ihre(e huriir: i:iridicatibri - of - the^ tumbling; agility hers, a Frenchy strut to open.} thnt comes later in the shoW. ; 'Strange Enchantment' midway and [Then femrnes, who. actually look aa a cocktail shaker finale. - : Helen-j i^.- they could be sisters, break McClur* gives the mid-nurriber ah ' and mop up the floor with some wild extra kick by sorne: fairiy ' warin l and :wbolly acrobatic stuff, individu- gvration.s under dark blue . light, '. ally- iind in fbrmation. : It's.' .flashy, Mlckey:0'Day, singer; ,gives but with :.eye-filling' and plenty tough-lookingi the dames and solo, too. ' Okay, "l top. For a fi^nish, pne of the gals It's unusual; these day.s; that a :^oes into ;a tw.p-and-a-half flip end* French, unit coriies :tb town without ,iiig backward, which another sister a nudity number, but -MidniKht in 'precede.s With .ari announcement say- Paris*' avoids it::easily. and it*,*; ;ap-;I ing trick's next .to impossible, and It preciated rather than .hiisscd;' .Show ilpok^^ lives up to the giriy ad.s, because | Winters work hard without giving the ; kids are' all young,; looker/;.' the; iriiprcssibn that they're exerting matched in; height and weight ' and , therii-selve.'?; Over big here, faricily: costurned. . Art. > ■ Cohen.'