Variety (Aug 1940)

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S4 Wednesday, August 28, OBITUARIES v DR. tAUL NIPKOW i)r: P'aUl Nipkow; 90, pioneer tele^ vision inventor vhp conceived the ideaL ot picture transmission ippre than 50 years ago, died of a heart at- tack Aug: 24 in BerUrt. Observing his 80th birthday' last ThutSday (21?), ha f^l during ;the. lestivities: i: Re- rndved to * hospitial to exaTnine his iniuHes moire thorptighty; he fell Vic- tim to a; heart attack two days la^er, • Nipkpw's inveritiohii^a \ scanning disc which spriambled a ipicture at t point ot transmission arid later re- produced it at the. repeiyihg^w was developed irorn ah'• iriterisiye study of the mechanical' principles of Bell's telephone. / While he^was granted a patent on^h bec.anle relatively ^^U the cathode; ray: and vacuumi tube later proved a much more practical iheans of transmitting pictures. ' ^However, Nipkow did lay the basic groundwork for television./ ; ■ evoived a means for transmission of images befoi-e Marpphi had'even, m ill roinmenioratlod pf My Beloved li'ritlnA ai»d Theatrical MeutiiV : PAUL ARMSTRONG thPre, After a; few years of Btock he <:ame tp; the United States with a cpmpahy lueaded by Lily Langtry. He yfas 'seen pn Broadway in such plays as IThfe Christian' and 'The Two Orpharisl' . He: •had; been ■ inac- tiy<B in recent years. , Surviving are his SvidbW', Kather- ine. and a daughter, Mrs. Tanar Holden. ,:• : ■' '. troduced Wireless telegraphy. The; elements of . his 'invention made it possible to send a picture irom Lon- dbh to New Yoilc in 1928. He pa^ most.; of ihis cajreer . as an .engineer for a German ; railway firm. In recognition of ■ his ^^ffprts in tele^. visionj he Was named horibrary dent of the television .division of thie Reich Chamber of - Wireless, spnie Vears-ago,^.•^;/ • ERNEST LAwttENCE tllAyfiR .Erne.<!t Lawrence Thayer, 77,. au- thor of 'Casey it the Bat,' died Aug; 21 in Sama Barbara, Cal;,. where he had-Jived\fpf ■ 2S'-years.^"; Son-olE a wealthy ; woolen manu- facturing family Massachusetts ind^^^ graduate o,f / Harvard;; Thayer; ■had "a 7brief writing .career; on the Sah Franplsco. Examiner, for which he wrote 'Casey' in 1888; The lyric was taken up; by De Wolf Hopper, .who recited, it so rnany. times oh the stage. >hat . it .'becanje^^ vbasebaill. classic,;:;■■•.■■ /• v'.^- Surviving' are . his widow, . two nieces and .t\yo hephe\ys.^^';^ ;^^ ^ . MRS> iSTEtLA iQUALTERS ; Mrs. -Stella Qualters, 48, Showgirl of the eiarly '20's, diied of a ceirebral henibrrhjige in Receiving hospital, Detroit, Friday (23). Since 1923 she had made her; home in Detroit with her huisbandi Jbseph Qualters, local; radip'4enpr;;. Together vw her sister-in-laws, Gatheirine (iPaf) Qualters, Gertrude ;and. Margai'et. Qualters, the four- some ' were in the 'Ziegfeld. Follies-■ of;?2d and 'iZl. In 192i2, Mrs! QUalters wais in 'The \ Passihg • .Show.'v She ' leaves her husband; her niPther, Mrs.: jphilomena Carpenter, atid a brbther, Joseph (Carpenter,. Buria ROBERT W. BRAINE,^^ ; Robert Wi Braiine, Jr., 44, com- poser and onetime staff pianist for NBC, commiitted suicide Aug: 22 . at his honie ;:ih. New -Ybrk by inhaling illuniihating gas. An autopsy, de- termihed. the cause of death. ; 3ra.ine wrote;. scores of cp'mposir tiphs, of which the best known was a syniphohic suite entitled.. -SOS.' First: performed on: the air by ant orchestra conducted by 'Walter Damr ,foSch in; 1928, 'it:sought to fuse intP music the. tiension ' and suspense cre»ted in a. radio station by the pickup, of a'distress signal. . It won a fair degree of popularity. :: Born in Spririgfleld, O., Braine was a graduate of 'the Cincinnati Coh- servatbry of Music and played the. ; Viblih with the Cincinnati, SymphPny Orchestra i-'a student. Later hP came to New York and joined NBC in .1929 as staff pianist and aCcorn- .panist: Among his bther works were 'Song- of Hiawatha,* Thti Raven' and jConcerto in ;jazz.'/ Hie leaves his widoW, lietty : H^^ an actress, and. two children, Blair and Robert Braine,..III. ' • ■■.■■■JOHN-A..-.LOESGHE ■; . J.ohn A.. LopSch^^^^ idirfctor and ' producer for the. Co-; lumbia Broadciastih({ System, died Aug: ,22 - at his home in' Palisades, N, J. . He had beeh confined to ;his bed fPr. several weeks-with a par* alyzed side. . ; ',■■■■■■'■:■;' ,' •A native'pf .N;ewark, N;. J:,-he was .with the Thomas A. Edisph Co. for 24 years before . joining CBSf. ; He 'handled auditions, fP'r ;the .Kate ;Smith! program some 10 y ears .- ago andVin. the past decade was program producer tor seyeral' of . Ihe. iai*ger CBS accounts. ^ Widow, May M. Loesche, and a son, Pauij vsurviye; known as Ferguson and Sunderland> died of a stomach ailment Sunday (25) in the French hospital, New York, In recent years he had been employed on the Federal Theatre Project. ' Funeral Services were held in N.Y. tinder this auspices of the iNVA. ED*rA WALDRQN : Edha Waidron, 27, screen actress, died Aug. 24, In Holly wood, as a re- sult of burns sustained, in.:an attempt to saVe the life of a child. whose clothing had" beeiv ignited by.:,an iex- plosibh. of- cleaning, fluid. : " ■' ; Trying to .beat'^but the flafiies, Miss Waldrbn'S pwn clothes topk Are. -^ 'EMItiiE ■k...:MILLER \; ;;'. :';;.■ Eniilie .Henning'Miller, 47, con6^^^ cohtralto Suci fre^iieht broadcaster ori radio programs from Schenectady. a.hd Philadelphia, died at her home, Upper Dart>y, Pa,» last week, Burial; was in .Saratoga SpringSr whw she was born. Survivors ' include hei: husband, two sisters and a brother. ; : ; HERBERT :0. GLANTON. . Herbert O. Glanton, 65, veteran showman and former manager of the Tivbli fllmeiry, Huntington, Ihd., died 'fi*om -a throat infection last, week ih Huntington'. . His • wife died two years ago. He broke into show biz as an inipersbnatOr In. his!youth. Literati Sftaf f Mar Bows With Nov, Issue New Stage, mag monthly starts publication with the November issue, due on the Stands on or about Oct. 28. Alexander Irice, formerly a lejgit and film- producer and a publisher in Budapest and repres itative for Gil- bert Miller on the continent, is pubr li.<iher:.' Alexahder King, formerly with Life mag, is, editor. . Each isSiie will contain the complete text of a current Broadway hit (first will be 'The Man Who Came to Dinner'), plus various deoartments and arti- cles contributed hy theatrical names. Mag will have correspondents' ih the leaditig road cities. and will de- vote space to little; theatres and new talent bn Broadway. Will sell for 25c. ah.issu^ Old;Stage mag folded at>but a year ago, •- >. ,;. Ince was Incze Sander in.Hungary. BEN P, I^IpCORMICK Ben P. ; McCormicki. 60,:^^e^ operating in Canon City, and Flor- ence, Cplp.,. and Hot Springs, .N M., was killed when a plane \vhich. he recently bought: crashed as he y/ais soloing. ■ • : ■: Widow arid^thtee' sons survive. . EUGENE A. PHALEN . Eugene A. Phalen, 64, owner of the Allis theatre, Milwaukiee, died Fri- day . (23) at his home West .Allisi Wis., whiere he was active in civic affairs and president of the Are -and police commission for years. ETHAN ALLEN Ethan Allen, 58, died Aug; 21 ih Hollywppd. after a long illness: • He was' oh: the New York • stage from 1905 until 1920, >yheri he mov.ed to the Gbast to enter pictures. Survived by widow. . cArl a- stahl Carl A. stahl,,55, an organizer and' manager-of the first radio; station in Terre Haute, Ind., the old WRPI, which waS later reorganized and re- HILDAKEENAN Hilda Keenan, 49, divorced first wife of Ed Wynn, musical comedy co'rhediari, and member' of a family long prominent in vaudeville^ died Aug. 20 in the Medical Arts Hospital, New York, after a lingering illness. ; Miss Keenah, .a graduate, of Welles- ley College^ . broke into vaudeville' in a comedy sketch' called .'Sarah,' which : debuted at . the Orpheum, .N. Y., ih 1911; She was thP'daughter of Frank Keenan, veteran yaude per- former, with: whoni she also played. Miss Keertan was also seen in Bay- ard Veiller's 'Within' the Law', with the late Margaret lUingtph. ■ She wed Wynn 19141 Surviving are her son,' Keenan Wynn, an actor and dancer, aiid' a sister, Mrs. Frank An- derson, of HoUy'wopd. SAM k, FRIED • •..'.:':' .; Sam K;. -Fried, 55, veteran, yaude performer whb.chiefly played in dra- matic sketches and playlets, died of . jaundice Monday (26) at the French hospital. New York.-. . . He once appeared. with Julia Ar- thur & Co.Funerav services were held " under- the auspices of the NVA in N. Y. .•■■.■:'.■^;'•. ... GEORGi; S, STEVENS ■ George S. Stevens, 80, veteran .actor who pnce appeared with Sir Henry, Irvinjt and EU^ Terry, died Aug. 20 at the Bush wick hospital, Brooklyn. His real name was George S. Chappie, . iBiorn in London, Stevens Started, ^ . his '■: career .. at the Lyceum theatre in vaude in • song-and-dance act Xbrles B. Ditlingliam Au(|. 30, 1934 "Gone, but hpt forgotten" named W^OW, died at his home re- cently in that cit^ follbwing a •siX'^ week illness. ' ■ V . One of the leading industrial lead- ers of the city, his enthusiasm for radio gave the pity its first station when he and Dr. Carl Wischmeyer, of Rose Polytechnic Institute, worked together in perfecting the Pld WRPI station. . ■ ALBERT METZ ; Albert Metz, 54, retired stage and Screen actor, died Aug. 20 at. his home in North. Hollywood, Cal.,. fPl- lowing a long illnessl .. : He was a brother of Richard Tal- niadge, screen director-actor. JOHN W. LEWIS JPhn W. Lewis,. 51, orchestra leader from Texas,; 'Was found dead in ;his. autorhobile Aug, 20.' in a can yon near Los Angeles. ■■■■■ Police called it suicide by carbon monoxide. Edlipr Appeals for Itciease Thortias E. Thorpe, formerly pub- lisher of the Ohio Indicator at Troy, O., has filed a plea with' the Ohio Supreme Court fpr .release from the London Prison : Farm .■ where he .is serving, a. twb; to .five-year^ sentence for. .criminal libel.. : ;; Thorpe's ■ cbnvictioh followed pub- lication of a .; story ; * which he charged that Cletus Roetzel, Akron attornej';: exCrted ; pressure: on the Workis Progress ;Admihistratioh; to have a road paved tb his Portage Lakes home. ; He was Sentenced on Oct. 2. 1936: 14 bboler lUdio Plays In; B6;ok Fourteen of the best-known radio plays of Arch Oboler have been col- lected ^y. Random House and will be published in bfWk forni : next-month. They will be preceded by an intro- ductory chapter by Oboler entitled,' 'The .Art bt Radio Wri^^^ and a foreword by Lewis Titterton of NBC. ' . Behhett Serf, Random House prez, is also making another stab ihto the radio .field. He'll publi.?h the 1941 edition. pf 'InfQrniatioh..i*ie taining 50 .quizzes. It'll have a. fore- word by the radio show's board of expiprts. ■. .'• ■ Beth Brown on Wax. • Beth Brown, ^authoress,, will have some of her works transmuted into the- wax 'via ..a series of Decca 'recbrd albums. Frank Luther will narrate the first, 'The Adventures of Minnie, the Tired Trolley Car,' pub- lished by Dpubleday and reprinted in the Macmillan .An'thology Pf best short stories of the year. ' . .Miss Brown's second, album will be 'Busybody' Bros.,' followed by others. :;;.;•., JAMES QUINN ■ James Quihn, 55, yeterari screen character actor) died Aug. 22. at his home in Hollywood. Survived by widow and two spns, .Jariies,; Jr.). arid Louis. '■ : '■':■■■'., '^■;'.;-^ :'''^-- Deceased quit the stage ;for Hollyr wood ' 1919. Five years later he wias featured with BilUe Sullivan in a . series of racetrack- pictures made by:, Universal. . Ill. hesklthrecently forced hini put of the race for a seat in .the Califprriia legislature, lie was stricken - while working ' Metro's 'Little NaPcy Kelly.' ' / ■■' )■ SHIRLE Y DE ME . Shirley Die N^42,t legit^perf or me r, died in I^etpskey, Mich.v.Aug. 18;fblV lowing ;a9. abdominal operation. Be- fore she became ill she was in the cast of. 'Life With Father' at the Blackstone, Chicago. She appeared in hum.erpus stock- companies and; had-: played -yaude with Bert Lytell, Appeared in New York's lOld Maid,' * 'Stat Wagoflr' 'Conra,' etc. : Widower, John RaVold,. and Sister survive. Burial lri St. Louis. . . DICK FERGUSON Dick "Ferguson, 58,. who. appeared : : VIRGIL OLIVER STAMPS : } Virgil Oliver Stamps, .48; died Aug. >19 of a heart ailment in Dallas. \ Deceased was leader of the Stamps Quartet, heard, pver radio stations throughout the southwest and sev- eral bprder Stations in Mexico. Henry Leid, 62, chief; mechanical (engineer of Loew's Theatres and for 14 years a. member of the Loew con- struction staff, died of a hpart attack Aug. 22 in New York. Funeral iserv- ices were held Saturday (24) from his home in Yonkers, N. Y. • Dr. Elias Gluskin. father of Lud Gluskin, CBS musical director in Hollywood, died Aug 23 at his Brobklyn, N. Y., honie. . ; . ..Mrs.,J. M> Siihpsph; 52, mother of Stark.fiishpp; actor, died Aug. ■ 19 in Hbllywood. * Mother ; of John Reber, j. Walter Thompson agency's radio head, died Au^, 22 at her home in New Ybrki • Faiher, 67, of Frari Striker; 'Lone Ranger' author, died Aug. 18 in Buf- falo; {.v. ^■:;.;'-'^^'. Los Arig;eles, Aug. 27, ■ Hollywood Amusements Corp., which has operated an outdoor ice rink in. WeStwpod Village (suburb) for . past year; has gone into volun- tary bankruptcy, . Concern lists debts of $113,668, assets tptailing $50,099. Martin Gabowltz/ pianist In KYW. hbuseband/ and Eddie, De- Lange, bahdleader, have collaborated oh a new tune, *I Reached Too High,' being published by G-Z Arts Musical Arts Co. '■ , \' ■,' ■■' ;UTERATI OBITS; : Henry O'Keefe, 62, sports editor of the Fitchburg (N. Y.) Sentinel, died in that city. Aug, 20. He had been a; Sentinel employe 'for .mPre than 35 yeai's. :' William Elwobd Hazen, 68, founder of the Shdron (Pa.) Daily Telegraph and former industrial editor of the Wall Street Journal, died Aug. 21 after a brief illness at his hpmp in Norfolk, Conn.; ; ■ Thomas M. Whiteman, 63, publisher and editor b£ the Latrobe (Pa.) Daily Bulletin, died suddenly at his home there Aug. 22. Whiteman . founded the paper in 1902. division on the Republican campaign which, is headed by Clarence Bud- Ington Kellarid. On the Times 11 ■ years, O'Brien was assistant radio editor at the time he left. lAly^Ijqjigtry .Continued from page i: who cabled :that' ;Langtry's 200 citi- zens would be god-parents to ypU (Lady Ivan) and Lady Mary Bartless qt LPndon,; Our Judge ROy Beari, who was the 'Law West of the' PPcps' named the tbvvh in honor of your beautiful mother and he would have wanted us to; offer refuge to. the daughters of the actress he so ■>~ ■] -:-- —■■-..'• Judge' Bean .never met the actress: but kept; art active correspondence with her. It waS.-" id that the walla of the fanied saloon,'where the Judge, dealt out his legal decisions weroi yirtu^illy covered with her pictures. WheiV Lily Langtry came to this country In 1905 she stopped . her transcontinental traiin for .a;, 10-min- ute visit here with, the Judge but ha had died two years before.- . The famous saloon-and courtroom, named the Jersey Lily, today Is a state museum. ^''} " : •: .chAtter Lillian ■ Barkley spTd her nPVel; 'Three. Brothers,' to Lippincptt. Jack Lait; editor of the New York Mirror, , in Hollywood for a month's stay. . ■ ■ Jbe:Cumminskey, spprts editor'of ,PM, in. the n: Y. fiye arid Ear Ihr firmary with a .strep Infection. ' . Stefan Zweig, who came to the IT..; S. from; Europe several weeks ago, has departed ori a lecture tour of Sputh America. • Mildred Cram sold 'Rattlesnake Under the Beet-Top' to the Saturday Evening Post, and 'No HoheyiriOon' to .GbPd Housekeeping. ''" The' f^raiFre ••t'Srm''^r; farm trade publication, celebrates its 100th an- niversary, with ah Histblrical Ceri-' tennial Nunibet next Jan. 11. .' Mickei Novak,. fprmet Hal Roach scripter, has. started : a hew Hollyr wood column in the Philadelphia Bulletin, which plans its syndication. New York Post has added a Saturday colunnin on popular ,music. It's done by. Michael JLevih;; Vjjo. .writes similar pillars for the Boston Globe, Cleveland News and the iHar- vard Crimson (undergraduate daily). Dick O'Brien has resigned from the N. Y. Times to join the pubhcity MARRIAGES Daiwh Rbllahd to Charles Wright, in New York,; Aug. 1.5. Bride is ■.«: dancer; he's bahdleader at the Stork ClulT, N. Y.-. ... ■;'; ■' Nathalie Hall to Theodore Jones, Aug, 20, at HayerhiU, Mass; Groom is actpr-son of Maryverne Jones, rnanager of Starlight theatre. Pawl- ing, N Y.; bride, nori-pro, nbt .to. be confused with Nat'dlie Hall, .prima,"; Marcel le tfpgez to Wesley Ruggles, in Las:'rVega.s,.:.l^ev.. Aug.. 17..: Bride; is a French film actress; ;grpom is a producer-director at, Columbia. ..; Jean Ed Harlan H^^^ Holiy.wbpd,\Aug^>7.;"'6^^^^ Productions' publicity director; brida is secretary to actress . Gail Patrick.. : Angela Coidari Mutinos to David: Clarke,. Aug. 14,. . Los Angeles. Bride; is film actress; igroom is stage player.. 'n. Mildred 'Stern to Mac .BeholT, Jn New York,. Aug. ..23. . He's a radio .writer, ■ -:. ;■■.- ;; ..■•'-..■■ . ;Marjorie Hall to. Walter A- Brown, in Calgary,. Alberta, Canada, '\ Aug.;' 10. She .wias'sec-to plant manager D. A. vMyer of WBZ, Boston; he's gen- eral manager .of Boston Garden, Barbara Denny to James Simmons; . in . Los, Angeles, 'Atig. 25; Bride Is screen actress and daughter, .pf film actor Reginald .Denny; g^ « scribe bn the L. A. Examiner. ' Kay. St. Germain to ; Jack. Gartson, In Los Angeles, Aug.' 21. Bride is a radio singer; grpbrit's a screen actor: Irene Neubauer to Eddie Fitzger- ald, * : New York, Aug. 24, Brid« is with 'Bregnhian, ypcco 4c Conn, music publisher. ■' Carol Wyman to Otto Kornthuer, in; Port Chester. N. Y., Aug. 24. He's with the engineering staff of WHN, N. Y. .'; ' •■ :■■;■ :;■■■■:; Marie Morris to Robert Johnson, in Miami, Aug. 17. He's drama critic of the Meniphis Press-Scimitar.. Dorothy Weldon tp George Rogers, in Tia juana; Aug. 24. Both with Rogers Dancers, stage >arid nit- ery act. \-■\ ' " ; ; Eugene .Werner to Campbell Mei- keliphri, in Glendale. Cal., Aug, 24. He's Parambiint caster. Mr. and Mrs. Dphald. S.. Steinflrst; twins (boy and girl), in Pittsburgh; Aug.; 22'. •. Father's music critic • for Post-Gazette there. Mr, arid Mrs. Har daughter, in Pittsburgh, Aug:. 10.. iFather's a Pitt, film; theatre pwhec- Mr.'and. Mrs. Howard- Price, in Pittsburgh, Aug. . 21. Father's a Pittsburgh radio singer. / v ; Mr. arid Sirs. Johriny* Brpderick, daughter, in petroiti Aug; 26. Mother is Charlotte Arren, who, with her husband form the vaude act of Ar- ren and: Brdderick., ■;: . Mr, arid-MfSi Barton Kreuzer; in Hollywood, Aug. 26. Father RCA Cpast recording head. '.}'{-. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bre^y!ster/ daughter, in Los Arigeles, Aug;: 26. ,?;ather is pnoducer of Kraft. Music Hall radio show. ■ . . .• Mr. and Mrs. Jame.«; Hurlbut, son. in Washington, Aug. 24. Father on the news staff of WJSV, Wash- ington, .v C