Variety (Aug 1940)

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V^e^needay, August ^8^ 1940 55 Break for ^fiBW piree^^ njad*. hay* suddenly dome to a \realizatlori. that euch Is lai? from the iruth. .: BeciauseA of. thifli success - of neWcbtnerS ; Jassoied ih; • spasmbdic raidf . on; their; o\Vh writer and. actpr division^: and . radio and little theatres in recent inonths, icellu- loidia/5 top .ipen have determined .to. iriaiigUrale oi-ganized ' ..forays into; those fields^ hopeful, of .iven - heaykr hauls.--' ■'■' ■.C-- ■■'' : ■; .Pi-esent. actiYjty ;in the driye. td .swell' Holly wood's p ■tn oti vj^t^d by a twofold, purpose^;(1) . <sagerness; ;tif producers: to get■ia\yay • f rom ■ stereotyped^ iBnij (2) unburden ithe .biz of the high - Rialfaries. now dettianded. by. tplablished. topflight., pilot?, 'Whic.h, .Recording-to studio cash .box:' ctisto-i ■jdi^hs, are .but . of iihe \y,ith; modern, .;l;evenues.■.^.-^.; -;: ■. ; v' \- -■ lI6w'--;iStiirges .'Got V Sf***"*/?;'- : Heralded in; major circles as the 1940 diriectbr 'findsV are ;Psirahlibunt!& Pr??ton; . .^turgesf, IWarrieris*. -Kurt : Berhhardt,' 2Dlh'-Fbx;s Irving -.Piehel fthd Shepard RKO'si Frank -Wbodruff, Irving: ..Reis and Edward killy/^ N .a ' start-; in 'the : race .'js .'W. Zolly. Lemer/ 'who ;has been, directing fbr the Resident theatre, - Kai>s|S-; City; ail d who has ; j ust; been, .."brought: to; : Hollywood :by ,20thrFox; .iJvhich w giye .him a' six. m prei» .-.course.-before handing him a dire.ctbr' assignment.: . . AHhough-cbmparty heads, are.mak^^^ jng no secret of. their, roundup of dirWtO.r possibilities,, they sometimes makie it. difficult: for candidates lor" such, berths to jiet a.rt dppbrtunity. ; Outstandinfr\;;e>tamiple; Of .this-;is; istui-ges, to. 'whom Par ^iggieV .hoW: iisteri vl'ith eager ears, but wliQ had tci: .sell ;.thoseVsame higher-ups the brigiriial: stpry for • -The Great jlVICr Ginty' -for $10. before his Claims that Continued tram -pa^* 3 picturesi Since he .has . directed PKO's 'Curtain Gall/ 'Gross-Couritry Romance' and 'Wildcat Buis.' Reis, foi-nrier successful airvscripterrdirecr!' tor, -detoured: through ; Par; as:, a ^yriter befbi^e hitching' on afe a ;direcr. tor for .RKO, where he has done 'One Crowded Night' andTm Still Alive.'; "'VV. •''.killy was long an a.«t.<:j."5lant■ .direcr tor in the studios •b:efore the way to. a directorship opjened forihim whe^ illness oveHook ;.his si.rRe;vior,,pro.yid-: jng.him with an' Opehing.. Fiate-had steered him. to RKp, vi*here he was aide to . director' David Howard on the George 'b'Birieh westerns, >iow- ard suffered a stroke, on the eye ,6t starting C)'B.rieh'& ^Stage-; to ^ Chinb,': ahdiKilly took .over; When; O-Brien's deal;washed up after one more sage- brusher, killy was pic^^ the. new; Tim' .Holt.: series, fbr which he has .eornpleted .'WagbVi Train' arid is now fliiriirig ;'Th;e Fa'rgb; kid-^ > ' 'Warners lifted - Terry. Mbrse and NbeL S.niith f tbm .the ; cukirig.-ro^6^ two yea'rs.ago, They,-tob, have, made the' grade as difectors; •^ Hugh- - Ben- nett, .veteran Par, llost out On. his - big: morneivt, when, . "after; being selected to. dii'ect 'The .Bi.'JCUit•Eater,;' be buffered a heiart .attack,' .and was forcied tQ:giye Way- to Stuart Heisleir- former SamueV: Qoldwyn loca:.tiori director, who. won a .Par directorial cdrttraict as a .result: ^ With .this shut-' teririg of its ,B picture deplartrnent :Par : dropped. director.: Edward Dym- tryk/ who .alsq;.had: come ur . from the;:e4itor;:ranks,-^ -; Not .all :.butters want, to be direc- tbrs,. ■ .though; .Theire's.:the; -strange case;, of: Qtho Loyering, whp now carries the title of editbrial assistarit to Walter Wanger.. ■ ■■ Plucked from the^rooms by Par half a decade agOi :L6veririg pilotiBd a; few filifns; then, requested that , he be sent back to his former spot. Asked ; why.';he said: - 'I'd rather: have lesser .Job in Tfi!^^- ing iici ; putstahdiiig" feature thian ;be Former flinrtte Redjgrave, now a Jegit-er via West; End appearances with 'Beggar's Opera' and current 'Thunder Rock/ seemed hazarding something of a. quick skip into the specialized dramatic realm; :,:lf he. wasrt't aiWarie of it. then cicifical lis- teners woul'd be—i-and Shakespeiare's, ^imed at critical liisteneris.. __:ll_:c<i!ntlnued'f rpni page 30.^ ^ he had; directorial ability even goj a .hearing..: : StuTge.s . after .authprmg and itfagie.rnrianaging .^veraL Lfegite crashed.:the fi^ims, .'a. writer, .09';^ _ timis.tic ;that someone; would offer ' the whole cheese oii. a B/ ';him a piiot-!s-:-se"at-..''-■:.;'..- - ■■.,:;■',';;-:' .•;';Whe]i, after several years;'of^S^^ ; irig "but ; successful screen : pTay^, openings .to^^^ard; direction, failled to ■ come; his way^ he prbpositibned Par with ..the gift of the 'McGirity.'; Orig- ihaj and. screenplay _ih: return, for iperrhiSsion to pilot the vehicle. Sturges nb.w has a conti^act calUrig for. his services; as a directbr-wjiter, and since 'McGinty* he has; y/rapped; up. another / feature,. 'Something to Shout Abput.V' for which- he ■ did the origiriiail and; script as ;\yell as di'r*','^!^' He is ribw. working on the script.;for his^tliird as a pilot, 'Lady Eye.' ■ ;; ;Bernhard(: /Seen Asi Gaibble : - Bernhardt, graduate of the Ger- man film factories, "where; h^. had both produced and directed;; was; around Hbllywood for more than a - year, before .he. ;'gbt -his . American, •break,'; directibn of 'My Love .Came Back.' Burba,nk :po.wers. iooked upbn the whole thing as pretty .much of a £amble until the critics Were heard-; from,, after which Berrihardt became the fair-haired lad, with directibn ,of. Miriam H<)Rkin.s in -The; Lady With Red Hair' as his second .effort; ;He,: too, nbw ha."; a; term pact. .- ; . Irvihg Piehel had been, a Ifegit ; thesp and director; had even guided some Hollywood 'quickies,;, but the more: inipbrtant Hollywood rstudibs saw him only as an actor. That wa.s until a little butfit named Cathedral Film^ made ; $110,00p-budgeteer ■\ titled: 'The Great Commandnieht,' ;y;hich Piehel directed^^ With 2dth-Fox .'buying . the finished ■ negatiye for arovmd $200;pb0;, Included in. the,- deal was Picheli "who, has since ■guided 'The M^" I Married' for the Westwood lot, and ./who' is ripw : hand]ing the sa'rtie compariy^s ■Hud- -^sbn's;Bay.•■■■•-;:' . .Traube.' ailso. new monicfeer on ; the .20th-t^bx . directorial rosier,. has ;»hbwn he: has what if tiakes to. make : a. pilpt. ;-;althbugh his-'.start :uhder Ijarryl ianuck has inpt. been quite ;as ; aiispicipus • as . that of Piehel: Traube; had ; done ;some, legit direct-, ing in: the east before coming tp Holly Wood. where;vhe plucked off the pilotinjg reini pn a pair of picture.^. carrying six-day shooting skeds. Next he became a produciion assistant at .. Republic^. v/here ; beV also . did . some writing. He landed his 20th-Fox .:,deal when he sold producer Lucien Hubbard on .the Idea that he was farnjliar yWith the ?cript for 'Street of IWembriesi'• bn.. which he; had 'sat in' vlrith the;Svrjters.. Two Brou ghi From Radio .. Woodrij/r : andReis .crashed, the film directprial gates via radio Writ- ing and directibn; For flye years the .former had piloted the most im- portant screen; personalities, pn the Lux Theatre of the Air' show, mean- while struggling for a foothold in 'SATURDAY SERENADE' With Shea's BiiiTalo Theatre Orch., Meyer Balsom ■ 30 Mins. Sustaining ; , Saturdays^ 7:30 p.m. \ WEBR, Buffalo ; ; ; Neat combination - of pop and semi- serious §tuff is served up. weekly by t>it band from Shea's Buffalo theatre mezzanine.. ; Harry Slick, batoning session Saturday (24), ran the gamut ffonri 'AdipSj-Muchachos' to hit list. His selection was annple to swing spotlight from : broad-sweeping fid dies .to high '■. hot. Shoijc People On Wing .Cpntlniicd from, page 2. othy Parker, -persisted.the reporters; what .did she. look like, was or short? 'I don't kno\y • jf it was Dorothy Parker, or ;not,V but I do know ..«;he was wearihg: the gpshdangiest look- ing outfit I've eyer seen.'' - Chorused the reportersr .'That -wa^ Dorothy Parker all .; Fii'st Hop oh precisely the sqme spot pf pave- mertt ,.at the; field, .one ^having ..iust landed'and the other making ready to depart, but they: were a day .apart. Lawrence : • Tibbett, ;■ head . of the Airieficah Guild pf Musical Artists; flew in: by TWA stratoliner Thurs- day. (22), after gaining, the. ^support of the Screen Actors Guild Vin Call- - fornia. On Friday t23),: Ja.JTies Pe-.. jimmy Caghey set out oh his first •air. journey Monday (19) on ■- the TWA 4-motQr job, so apx i ous w?:a s he tp; reach California and yell , his in- hPcence of the: Cojiimunist;label for . ^. , .... , .... ..- Rep. Martin Dies., Cagney had been Bono; gaye up his bwii ;band a few XT., T»«^ t,;^oAif trilloi.:AFM head, boarded the; slrato No . Red himself, . but, seeing red;, ji^^ lor Chicago. knowledgeable can now go out and the standard.down the line. .- Henry Ainley's reading, of the: Chorus aided in: the success. Clothed in' thesp's dramatic tohes* subject matter seemed to take on especial spirit, even above its .wordaige. Hi.s wia^ brunt of the etherihg, 'since piece- devielbped . with little actual dialog:,' the . few ihstances being capably handled for character and impact. ■-'-,.;•-.; ;..■:' •■■.;. Much of Hard.v's 'phrasinir carried that ring of present-day application, peculiarly apt:: in the political in- trigue and public lethargy back of ■eventual defeat of Napoleon's threat-, ened invasion, and the line on Eng- laind .'savimg Europe , by her ex- arriple.'. •"-. ■ '"^ ' FREDERICK T. BiRCHAtt Talk (Transcriptioin) 10 Mins. BBC, London. Anti-Hitler; spiel was waxed at time of its Canadian .airing and shipped here. A staff correspondent of N. : Y. Times, Birchall was previ- ously located in Europe. He apparr ently had a personal acquaintance with Hitler. ''; Sparing nothing in his blast, listen- ers were treated to,& .door-mat rib-r bing of the dictator and his .aide.";. For any who might have wondered .what a Yank was up to, Birchall spoke effectively of his continuance ; as a British subject after 40 years in America. Thus he spoke, as a- Brit- isher 'flaying the decadence and. des- potism of a gangster entpurage.';' He, revealed some; telling dope on behind-the-scehe.s Nazi acts, gathened as Berlin corrisjspondent. then ap- plied itrr-nohe, top politely—tp Hit^ jer's recent-peace offer.' For punchi- ness,- spiel' hasn't' been ; equaled; ,on- this side. , • ■ ;" ':'-v ■ .:■ ' 'LOVE AT ARMS' Edith Evans and Michael Redfrave Dramatic 40 Mins. \, -: V ' BBC, London ; . : BBC.-itis again broke out In this— too much Of too good a thing. ,.No niatter what the thesps' professional standirig, 40.minutes.over theliir and on their own ' with such selective material as Shakespeare and Con- greve Was bound to'riiri them: oyt, Halving it wpuld have meant a prize airing; this oyertime: fault's worse; than habit with dramatic prp- ducei-s. ■ -■■ ;-, -,.' ^..-•■: ' Show aired around 'As Yoii Like It,' 'Mu'ch Adb.^ Nand Gongreve's 'Way bf the: Worid'-^treatlng . the Tove duels of the pairs cbnGferned. ' Edith Evah.<5 held superbly to the; triple. tharad*tizatiort palled ifpr, but , that; runnihR'-time gol her in the final pjece and; sent .htr ipiti-h, flultery,; months back. Meyer Balsom, i;n d^ef»; bass yQiqe,> gave up nice 'Sierra Sue,' and Norm WUllen added fancy piano fingering. Series once lacked both imagination and production, but that's, sibce been changed.; Program caught followed a nice pace,, .with a Gal Janiis-arranged medley as a pop iidbitv • ' •TODAY'S CHILDREN' { Transcription .-■ PERCIL - M.-T;-W., 7:45 p.m. - 2 GB, Sydney . Directed by Harvey Adams, for- iner' Williamsph^Tait legiter^ ';thrs- one may catch a few family eiar.s oii thrice-weekly ; schedule. There's: npthing hew in presentation;; acting is sb-so,;and the entire layout doesn't stand a chance outside this sector.; J ust yarn about; children Of to- day, or: maybe yesterday. ■ Smack^: Very much of British: twopenny novels popular With a certain. class, but far removed from ,the masses irt: gehuinp appeal - Sponsors may, or, may not, be successful in. getting their sales chatter into the right quarters. .... . Governmental. nix oh U.S. waxers to conserve dollar ex,change is pav- ing, the- way for horhebrewers to, crash into the market; nowa:days, but better programs will have to be laid but if the idea is tb; be successful. " - :.;-.: .■ ■ Rick. .. JACK BUCHANAN 'Monte Carlo? With Maggie Teyte 60 Mins. BBC, London .. Ether. .version of thfs one-time Lubitsch hit, . although difficult' follbw. as a sciriptirie;'job, still prp- yided its star, with something he hasn't had in:.a ibng;timer--;a vehicle. 'Monte Carlp' repeated its.; medicihe for Buchanan; after this: he.;,might try buying, ,~up those recordings where he 'whispers' and- ;go ;his future vbcaling, as at this airing. On occasions biily the engineers kept him from topping Maggie Teyte, Who sopranoed the Jeahriette; Macdonald irole. ; ■"■ • '-.-■-':,;■■ ' Mass., when he interrupted to testify for the Dies .committee. At La-. Guardia. Field, he tbld reporters he had: made . an r" iagreement .- with , his, wife a long ;time; ago ,;; ; -tb -fly- unless she Was y^ith h irirt- 'Time ;went; on, as it alwayis does;': said the actor With a;, griiii ; -FihaUy it dawned pn me : .that I'd bpen outsmarted.: ' My Wife never irttended' to fly, ;and so I never would be able to either. This darrin,ed;:repetition of me being tied up with ;the; Reds got us both so mad, she • told',me I,cpuld take a■ plane,but to .the Cpast:and testify so as tb end 'the;^e nasty :insinuatiPhs.fbr .:^'-v'-^craiiible.-:;::;::■,'•;. Bbb Taplinger- hustled back to Warners: on; the .. same plane;; aind Geprge;Jessel wis^ another; paSserigler,; although he narro.wly missed .miss- ing it. Jessel had cancelled the res- ervation; he, originally ;held, and then his studio -had applied for a seat fbr hirh,. at the ' usual Scrip -discount.-; With a waiting, list of'40, TWA had already disppsed of the seat, Jessel give,up, and had to scramble to find room aboard, fpir him/.; Alfred Wal* lenstein jbined the statbliner lists Tuesday (20). Milton Berle came Lochinyarihg out Of : the west on an American air- liner-Thursday night. Elliott Roose- velt hopped AA Friday night, to Forth Worth aiid. Juan Trippe, Pan- Am proxy, continued bh the same plahe to L A. for: his jiump-bfi- on Pari^Am's official inspection flight tp NeW;Zeailand: .-v --:. ■"-; . George J. Schaefer; Jr. 23-year-bld soil of the: head pf RkO-rRadio PiCr tUire.s,- climbed intP the stratolinfeT Friday night embittered over the imr minent end of his: career in the in- dustry before it begin.s. Hie gradu- ated from Prihcetbri this June, spent a :few weeks iri R.O.T.G. camp upr. state,^ and expects to beV called for active, seryice; any time; He Wants to gb into the business end of the celluloid biz, !but l dbn't knpW When I can get .started.'- • Trying Berlin shook- Manhattan dust from his patent leathers Wedhes- by PetrUlo; told re- porters he did not want tb talk, about the jurisdictionial fight until after he had seen Tibbett. He said he ex- ipec.ted>to cprifer with the singer, the . mid^ oif. this week, r lie held out : hope ,that .'there: will ■ not be. any./su.dden ti'eup -oh; Sept;.'2, his ;deadline, by declining.; to state- firmly,;: when .asked, that,.he;.wbuld, resist delays.- Petri lip was mP're. will- .-. ing to talk about his .Ayeelce^ . "ties; iK-'Cfitcagb^^ stage his regular :Park open- ' air cPncerts; fpr the benefit of riew. reels 'that Will; be; shown ail over the bbuntry.* He, Was to fly back to Nevv • York Monday. bace, although it's never :a safe bet that, these, adaptations of filmusicals are .<;ound; fare for radio. For the listener they tend to drag; and the visio angle hard to put over. ^ ^ . „ , , . diy night. He went to L: . A Production, was handled at nice.'rpY^y^.^ Nat Benchley, son of Bob. and; hi!?, beautiful wife were . at; Gate ■ 10 promptly at 11:30 the other morning; - .The Worcester.; Writer-humprist- crltic^actor ?had dropped a line a week before-saying he'd be coming in on the stratoiiner. ; 'Something happened, 1 guess, but that's, not Uh- usUal,' opined young Benchley as his father failed to show Up. Benny Gopiiman Fit : Lbbking; as healthy as 'a s.un^wPr- shipper just home from a Caribbean cruise, Benny Goodman arrived Fri- day from the Coast. Protected by TWA's "greeter, :. Goodman whp Wanted no publicity was. carefully, ignored by the Press Robm Stratchats .Continued from page 2. that it would haye; necessitated too many- Changes, to make it practical, although it still may sell. If any of the. three shows now in tiyout; shows po,ssibility; at all, it is fairly certain it will be snapped up. Other important openings frbm a motion picture viewpoint are Sam-- son Raphaeisph's ,:ln My; Opinion'; at StPckbrid|e, Msss;, next Monday (.2); 'Out of the Frying Pan,' by Francis Swann, which opened at the Hilliop ySelzhick : Continued from page 5. board of the ;old company, and: Francis: Altstocic. personal : financial advLser to Whitney.- • It's -understbpd •; it ■ will: serve .tpr ■' two ■ year si- ". '-;.;.':-; -•■ '■ :• Lowell Calvert Out -'..-v : Major member'of the -persphhel. Pf ;• S-I to be let out as .result of the ',' changes ; is Lowell V. Galvert, sales , ; mariager, who it' is understobd,: Will ': be- released after Jiquidatibn .pf ,pres- , ent ;exhibitipri; 'cbntracts., Widely- Itnown and respected in the . industry for mainy yeairSj Calvert, however,' was a -WhjLtney. appoihtee and he and Selzriick-never were close. Remaining with '.the rieW Selznick .■' outfit, will be Daniel'T. O'Shea; v.p. . of S-r who Will serve , as. general; mariager; •kay.BrbWri, ;eaj5terh stpry editor • (Who purchased 'GWTW' and ■Rebecca*;. for. Selzh and ;yal LeWton,' Cpast 'prbduction expc. •; .; ' During the liquidation, E: L. Scan- ; loh, S-I treasurer, .will serye aS fiscal agent on the Coast, acting in cPop- eration with Raymond A. • Klune^ 'company's ^ production manager Leonard R, Gase; ;fOr.rner assistarit ; treasurer, WiU serve as fiscal agent in the- east. ; .;. ":; : ' . Principal S-l' -stPckhPlders ' were . Whitney, Selznick, C. V. Whitpey, Myron. Selznick, Mrs. Charles S; Pay- son, Norma Shearer, Robert Lehman and j;ohn Hertz. Their entire sub- scribed inveStrrient pf $2,900,000 was ... represehted'. by debentures. Which • . have been retired in full, together ; with annual interest at. iB%. .Com-/ pany's flnancirig.. beypnd this waj? .'v done through bank loans, all of which have.: been repaid in full,; According .. to the dissolution, statement. , Resumes .In; Mid-Winter ; :iSelznTck declared he has not yet - decided on the two stories to be riria.d© . fpr UA- There is hb time limit with- in which these pictures must be pro- duced, but they cannot ; go to any; other company than UA. Selznick ; told 'VARiEiy two weeks ago that h.e . will probably start on the first in, mid-Winter,; Stateiiient-by;Nick; Scherick. on the : Selznick switch declared: ; '1 have ■ read of the liquidation of Selznick International Pictures arid the forrna- i tiori of David O. Selznick Producr theatre, Ellicott City, Md., last night j top,' as she. said before bbarding the (Tuesday);;. 'Fledgling,' a .l Cali^^ ;piarie;. She was accom- tion by Eleanor Carrolr Chilton, and [ panied. by a Miss Douglas, her secre- Philip Lewis of the former's novels [ tary. After the rest period, Lad.y 'FpHoW .the .;.¥;ur.ies,' ; which opened j Mendl Will go to P.ickfair for a' visit; Lady :Meridl, the former Elsie De.;tions. Inc.;, I .Mr. Selznick suc- Wolfe, is undergoing a 10-day rest j cess. ; He ha.s. shown great , creative cure under care. of Dr. Hauser in L; A., 'Because Vm riot feeling tip last night at .Rye Beab.h.' N-; H . and 'The Big Story', by Alan Cranstbn and Lee t'alk, ; which will "bpbji .;oh a date Still,undecided:- at 'Maplewood, N; J.;;;^.':;-?/. ;.^.''. '': \ ■■-.■:;■ ;-;.:;; .. Single.;.vthis . seajbri-' ha.v been 'Four Cheers fbr. Mother,' p comedy by^ Philip 'Durimng;arid; ;L. G;' Lifeh^; fbn, for Which Warnei: Bros, paid $10,000. It tried out at the;; Red Barn theatre,: Lbciist;Valley, L. T; ; Activity ori ,several plays, iwhich Parainibi^nt h^is its: glims on—as" Well She denied that, she was planning a trip; to Nassau-: tp ;6upervi.';e;; the re- decbrating pf the. hPrrie bf tite;Wind- spris: /Remember the Duchess is pne of the Wbrld'.s best interior decpra- tbrsv' she said. 'Her ta.«!te is ,- quisite.' ] ■■,■>-;■'''■■'.1:-. ' , Gerald Frcenianj managing direc- tor of the Anglo-American, Film Cbrp., Ltd;, of Lpn^n, hopped for hbirne on the Clipper t'riday: after- rioon . with : nine other pas.seriger.<!. Freeman had been in NeW York 'as on other story rnateffal. includirig, riibre 'than three months ;arrangirig ribvel's .and ori^irials—niay • .be , ex-;! for . the :':distributib.n of . two. films, pected this" week: with a rpiyal from ; They are 'Contraband* star ring -Gpn-: ability, as evidenced by 'Gone With the Wind,', arid I look forward to continuatipri of this quality, in future . productipris.' ' . ; Selznick: seryed his apprenticeship in ;the picture industry .under hi."^; fa- ther, Lewis j. .Selzriick, who died in; 1.933. - After several years in filriis,'; , he; joined; Metro, as- assistaTit stpry, ed-- itor,' becbmirig;, an 'asiiijtant produ.ber .; and associate producer of westerns. He went' to Paramount; a^ bead of ■: the writers' department,^ to associate producer arid; executive a.ssi.starit tb :the ■ g.m. ; He^ joined RKp-Radib; in 1931 ias :exec v.p. charge of production, and left to be-.. come: a, producer' and later y,p, of Metro. '- ^\:'y > METKO STAlltSTps SHORT 'Holiywood, Aug. 27. the Coast of Y, ..Era:nk^ Freeman, -.p; ! rad; Veidt, 'and 'Gas :Light'/ .ctarririg; : While Mary Treen and.Sally Payri* in charge of ;production. One - bf ■ Diana Wynyiard. :. ;.■'. '; will ■ tbjpline, Metro's minia.Urre,; 'Rb-,. prin.cipal.; reasons '.'for ; Freeman's, |;^ Wi on .the ;deo D'pughv :;.t,hey'.li: have a ..suppprl- : vi.sit, it- is uhiier.sippd;: !.«>■ lo; gp,qver ypalendar,; ;;LaGuardia . Field rpight j ing .casi-niatle.^up of dozens prname ;. a flock of these potentiai properties 1 have; been;the scene of the settlernent^:per.«6T)aIitieS. ' .i."^: which have piled up on. .the desks j of the dispute oyer instrumental solo-1 ; Briefie, which! is wbven around th*. of Richard Mealan'd, eastern, story jisis t^^^^ ed, and John Byrarn, he.a6 of the. '. efttertainrn.ent . world • : ;.;•. ditlier. I .carry .clipi showing the «iars;ori ih ;: play department. • '..■ ■•.The-1w lea(|lerj;^^^^^^^ - '';;•'•--