Variety (Sep 1940)

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12 RADIO MARKETS WedneBday, September 18, 1940 Not Much Chaise in New York: WHN: Chevrolet Motor Division, liirpvlgh t;ampbell-Ewald Company •f Detroit, station-break anqounce- inents; Justrite Company of Milwau- ice6 (Bird Seed)^ through Richiard A. joiey Advertising Agency, daily^^^^p ticipating aiinoiuicement campaign: lor 13 weeks; Ajmerican FTuiit Grow- ers, :Incv,ol Pittsburgh, through; Walker Downing, 13 weeks, sta- tion-break ahhouncements; ]5a Wine Corp. (Chateau Martin Wines), through H. C; Morris ii Co., 10 daily p>articipating . announcements for "62 weeks; Magazine Repeating Razor Company. (Schick Injector Razor); thrpiigh j. M. Mathesi Inc., proiles- siohail Giants home and away foot- baU gameis, Dick Fishell to do th6 play-byApiay and Bert Lee th* com- mercials, contract calls for 'U games; A. Finkenberg & Sons, through H. Si G. Advertising Agency* 'Voices of Yesterday,' for 52 weeks, two; quar- teir-hour broadcasts weekly; Clarence Hansen & Sons, InCi, through Stern- fleld-Godley, Inc., 52-week contract, station-break annpuncemehts; Henry Kelly Importing and Distributing Cbiritfany, through Walter W. Wiley, station-break announcements for 13 ' Weeks;>;;'; ; WMCA: Chevrolet Motor Division, through Campbell-Ewald Co., Inc.j announcements; Columbia Recprdr iXig Corp., thirpugh Benton & Bowies, 14-week qontract,^ ^ , an- hduncemehts; Easitern Secretarial School, announcements; Community Oi)ticiaris 7 Dollar Eyeglass Manhat- tan Corp., i3-weiek contract, 26 flve- min. programs, 'Zeke Manners,* Ave flye-mih. news programs, weekljr; . OUver. commentaries, through World Wide Advertising Corp., for 26 weeks; Caxton House Encyclopedias, through H; G. Mprris jCo., 13 weeks, spot announcements; Hudson Dealers of New Jersey, through Breiiallen Co.; Inc., 13-week contract; Warren- Norge Co., through Norwbrth Ad- vertising Agency, 62-week contract, 60 . announcements Vr^ekly; Carter Products, Inc., through Spot Broad casting, inc., 52-week ^ contract for announcements; Optical Membership Plan, Inc., through Ted Nelson As sociaties, 52-W(eek contract for 16 • twp-min; . announcements weiekly; Manhattan. Ppntiac Corp:,, four-week contract.' fpr - announcements; Julius ' Grossrhah. .Shoes/ . through Sterling . Advertising, Inc., 52-week ■ contract, 48 phie-min. ahnpUn'cements weekly; National . Motor Rebuilding Corp., through Sternfleld-Gbdley, Inc., 20 announcements weekly; Old Country - Trotting Association, Inc., direct, an ' houncements; Buick Motor Division (Biiick), through Arthur Kudrier, inci, . 26 announcements; General Foods Corp. (Maxwell House Cof- fee);-: thtough Advertisers Broad- casting Co., Inc., 'Molly Picon;' cph- tract for 26 weeks; Jests, Inc.,! through The Joseph Kate Company, 6!3 anhbuncements; Pepsi-Cola Co., tiirough Newell-Epmett Co., 50 an- nouncements ^on a 13-week contract; Kelly Bros, (bid Dutch Brand Wines and Brandy), through Walter W Wiley ager;y, l3-we;ek contract for iahnouncements. . DETROIT HITS FALL STRIDE; SPOT UP 62% /Detroit; Sept, 17. With, the monetary flash bf politi- cal time behind theih, Detroit's sta- tibns i^re i-apidiy hitting up the pace to wheire they left it last spring. Both network and national spot are back close to the figures o| June, with only ai slight fallinig off in local time, accounted for by the end of the preliminary , political campaigning; Auto., time haturally :is among the : important items here in the automo- tive center, but ^d^partmient stores have also, afforded help. Settling into fall, virith .the lihihg; up of the network accounts, businciss outlook here is diicidedly on the optimistic side. :- ■■ V.'. ■ Candy SponBoring Juve Show on Lone Star €kalh iBan Antonio, Sept. .17, New program to be aittd Hirte times weekly oVer the Lent Star Chain is titled 'Kids in th* New»' and is to be sponsored by the pr^^Pack Corp., makers of 'Big Nick,' • ntw chbfcolatev confection; , Program was set by Southern Ad. agency and will be heard through KTSA here; KGKO, Fort Worth; KGNC, AmarlUo; KRGV; Weslaco; KRIS, Corpus Christi, and KXYZ, Houston. . StpL 14 Compared to Sept. 1 Network Units 7,640 7,335 +4;i% : (Included: Local National .Total Units Spot Units Units 10,730 4,705 23,m 10,747 4,431 22,513 -^.2% +6.2% +2.5% CKLW, WJBK. WJR, WMBC, ASSOC m-S BIG I Sept. 14 Compared to Sept. 7 San Framciscp, iSept. 17* Associated Oil, thtoiigh Lotd & Thpma^, has set heaviest sked of gsUnies aiid stations in, history . of oil- er's coast football spphsorship, 85 grid; tussles pegged for miking. New wrinkle is use of flock of indie juicers toi <:bver sejctions hitherto not reached by Associated Sportscasters. : Web time is pretty evenly divided between CBS, Mutual and NBC Red, liatter seemingly getting slight edge this season. Supplembntihg chains, either by direct lihk or via teletype recreations, will be such. inidie ista- tions as KUJ, WaiHa. Walla, Wash;; KIDO,^ Boise and KRLC, L^wistpn, Idaho; KFWB; Hollywood; Oregon stations KAST, Astorif, KBND, Bend; KBKR, Baker; KFJi; Klaitiath Falls; KLBM, Le Grand?, and KUIN, Grant's pass. ■, ' . Heaviest sked of all will be carried by KQW, Sarti Jose, which will be used for local ganies in S. F. Bay area;. In addition, being member of Don , Lee-Mutual necklace, juicer will also carry web grid releases, Men who will man the niikes were sumnioned to Frisco, for two-day pep session to- hear coaches, explaih how rules will be inteirprfited and to get agency slant on ciemmercials. "This year's l)evy pf voices includes Ernie Sinitht Don Thpnipson and D6vtg Mohtell, for Bay area; Frapk Bill and Mike Francovich for Southern California; Del Cody and Pat Hayes, Spokane; Ted Bell, Seattle, and John Carpenter and Art Kirkham, Poitr land. . Twelve of the season's games will also be shprtwaved for' Hawaiian re lease, -v- Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 630 10,303 10,600 21,533 630 10,186 ' 10,612 21,428 ..♦ +1.1% —d.1% +0.5% .♦No change. ■' ^ (Included: WHN, WMCA, WNEW, WOR Des Moines as Was Des Moines, Sept. 17. Not much change here this time. Fall season is- under way, and all indications point :to. a 'bumper crop. I Sept. 14 Compared to Sept. 7 | Network Local National: . Total , Units Uiiits Spot Units UnHs 6,820 2,884 3,.566 13,270 6,755 2,891 3,581 13,227 +0.6% —0.2% —0.4% ^ +0.3% (Included: KRNT, kSO, WHO) , ■ Renciws Musicsil Qiiiz Columbia, S. C, Sept. 17. WIS has received a contract re- newal from. Royal Crown fpr the musical quiz series. It's a Pot of ^^Qold idea, vrith cash and casfes of the product as giveaways. ■ . Allyn Cprris is the m.c. f'^" - series.. KROW Newscast Sold San Francisco, Sept. 17. *Fiye Star Final,' nightly newscast has been 'sold to Kushins Shoes by KROW. •■ ■:;:.^vo'-.-: Garfinkel agency handled deal which calls for six-a-week for one year. ^ ' ^ % ' Chicago, Sept, 17. WBBM: Musterole Co., 15-minute news period six times weekly, through Erwin-Wa^ey; Local Loan Company, Chicago, extension of flye- a-week 15-minute news program and nightly Sports Review, through George. Hiartman agency; Campbell Cereal Co., Minneapolis, for Malto-> Meal, dally time signal announce- ment schedule, through Kastor agency, Chicago; Vicks, announce- ment schedule daily, through Morse International; Bunte Bros. Candy Co., Chicago, announcement Schedule, three times weekly; thrbugh Presba, Fellers & Presba, Chicago. ■ WMAQ: Richman Bros. Clothing, three 15-minute news periods week- ly, through McCann-Erickson, Cleve- land; Pargon Hat Co., anhpunce- ment schedule twice weekly, through Martin Pokrass agency; Wilson & Co., for Ideal dog food, six times weekly 15-minute news period, thrbugh U. Si Advertising agency; Baskin Stores, flve-minute period three times week- ly, through BBDitO, Chicago. Sept 14 Compared to Sept. 7 Network Local National Total Units Units Spot Units Units 9,210 6,666 10j577 25,453 9,155 5,621 10.372 . 25.148 +0.6% ^ +0,8% +1.9% +1.2% (Included: WSBM, WENR. WON, WINP, •WJJD, "WLS, WMAQ) THOMPSON SPOTTING FLEISCHMANN IN CAN. Montreal, Sept, IT. J. Walter Thompson is planning a spot campaign for Fleischmann'S Yeast to start in October over CFCF and group of Canadian stations. Agency continues to handle Fleisch- mann account in Canada, ; Agency has added' seven stations in the Maritime Provinces for Kraft Cheese program. PlymoHth Dealers Buy Cleye. Pro Grid Ganes Cleveland, Sept. 17. Plymouth dealers . of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County have cpm- pleted deal to air Cleveland Ram pro football games via WGAR, which will broadcast the play-for-play games for the fourth consecutive year. General Mills was purchaser of this package last fall for Wheaties. Bob Kelley again will handle the games and will accompany team for direct broadcasts in road games at Chicago, DetrPit, Green Bay, Brook- lyn and New. Yprk. . NEW NEFWORK SKEDS ' ■ BeatU*, Sept. 17. Floek of Incoming web iihows is causing network ftations to revise their schedules drastically. . This naturally lAeans that local accounts must be sidetrackad into other time periods, but such revisions have for- tunately not caused any loss of busi- ness thus far. It all adds up to the best fall ever seen in these parts. Sept. 14 Compared to Sjept. 7 | Network Units 4,240 4,126 +.3,7% (Included Local UnHs 12,456 12^399 +0.4% National •pot Units 1,430 . : .1,441 —0.7% Total Units 18,126 ; 17,965 +0.8% KIRO, KOIi, KRSC, KXA) : San Francisco, fept. 17.. Lord & Thbmas spread happiness at KFRC this Wek, plaising a 52- week, half-hour evening audience participation show lor Roos . Bros., department store, and seven quarter- hours weekly across the board at 9:15 p.m. for Safeway Stores, Latter, using frost warnings and farm news, will originate at KFRC, but won't be released locally, being piped to 10 hinterland outlets. KSFO is busy selling time It hasn't got, but will have, when local skeds are Juggled by annual eastern changeover tb standard tim^e. With clock-shift, CBS outlet will expand its 100% sold Housewives Protective League. participation stanza to a full hour, clients already being lined up. Simultaneously, KSFO will acquire Cluett-Peabody's six-a-week Sanfor- ized, shopping spiel currently on KFRC, and a .five-weekly transcribed Wheatina Playhouse. Both are 15- minute items. ■? .KFRC: Roos Bros, (clothes), through Lord & Thomas, half-hour weekly, 52 weeks, "Who Done It?'; iSafeway Stores, through Lord & •Thomas, seven quarter-hours weekly, through winter, frost warnings; In- surance Management Co., through Allied Advertising, quarter-hour weekly, 13 weeks, This Strange World'; O'Cohner-Moflfatt (depart- ment store), through Ruthrauff & Ryaii, 11 spots; Electrical Appliance Society (for ironers), through Frick- elton agency, 30 spots; Beech-Nut Packing (gum), through Newell-Em- mett, N. Y., 32 ET spots. Sejpt. 14 Compared to Sept. 7 | Nfetwork Units 8,830 8.775 +0.6% (included: Local Units 5,007 4,851 +3.2% KPRC, National Spot Units 1,998 2,012 M).7% Total Units 15,935 15,638 +1.0% KSPO) KGO. KJBS. KPO, Coca-Cblii :6n Tulaiie^ New Orleans, Sept. 17. For eighth straight year WSMB has received contract from Coca- Cola to handle play by play broad- casts of all Tulane games. Bill' Brengel^ station's sportoaster, will dp the play by play. ;/ THREE MONTH TREND OF STATION BUSINESS (For All Markets Regularly Reported by 'Variety') NATIONAL SPOT Week Ending ■ June 29. -. ■ 6... 13... 20... 27... 3... July July July July Aug. Aug. 10 17 24.. Aug. 31. . Sept. 7 Sept.14.. Units 62,145 61,217 62,054 60,556 56,646 56,588 54,599 53,957 53;656 54.003 54,214 54,329 LOCAL W4ek Ending June 29.. , July . 6... July 13... July 20- . July 27.. Aug. 3.. Aug. 10.. Aug. 17.. Aug. 24-. . Aug. 31... Sept, 7.. Sept.14w. . Units . 90,375: . 89,334 .90,015 . 88,582 - 87,309 . 87J45 . 86,147 . 86,836 - 88,330 . 90,930 . 90,291 -91,652 NETWORK Week Ending. June 29.. July 6.. 13... July July Aug. 20... 27... _ 3... Aug. 10- - - Aug. 17 i.- Aug. 24- i- Aug. 311.. Sept. 7... " .14... Units .90,034 - 92,(541 89,929 . 85,031 - 87,240 . 87,756 - 87,387 . 87,487 . 87,711 . 87,671 . 89,046 .89,306 TOTALS Week Ending June 29- - , July 6--. July 13-. July 20... July 27... Aug. 3- ., Aug. 10:- Aug. 17.. Aug. 24.. Aug. 31 Sept. 7.. Sept.14— Units 242,554 243,222 241,998 234,169 231,195 232,089 228,133 228,280 229,697 232,604 233,551 235,287 Lps Angeles, Sept. 17. ppn Lee chain stepped but last week with the biggest business push in weeks. Survey ordered by Head- man Lewis Allen Weiss reveals that 137 quartbr-hburs have already been- cpmmitted and that a score more will Join the list before the moth balls are shalceh put of heavyrduty apparel. In the week's round up of biz, four hew accounts took a healthy gut of the KHJ time chart. Topping this in- crem^ht Was Health Aids' buy of 416 quarter-hour peripds for Dr.; Linfl- lahr's health talks and. the news, through Raymond Spectpr. Taylor Auto bought 156 quarter-hour news- casts through United Advertising. Bond Stores repeated the order, through Neff-Rogow, and Ghirardelli Chocolate" took on 39 halfihour broadcasts of 'Show of the Week,' through Erwin-Wasey. Other pick- ups included 13 hours by All Saints Church-by-the-Sea of Santa Barbara; Armand Co.'s 65 participations in Not>ma Young's 'Happy Homes,* through Russell M^ Seeds,' and Stay-, ner Corp.'s 105 spots, through Erwin- Wasey. ■ ' KNX: Colonial Dames (cosmetics), 156 -.. participations- ■ in . newscast, through Glasser agency; Loma Linda Foods, 312 participations in Fletcher Wiley c.ombination, through : Lisle Sheldon; Power Seal, 156 participa- tions in newscast, through Mayers Co.; Helms Bakeries, 24 participations in Fletcheir Wiley conibo; and Down- tftwh Businessmen's Assn., 52 time signals. / ■■ KFI: Friday Magazine, 10 one- niinute trariscriptiphs, through H. C.- Morris; Flamingo nail polish, three spots weekly for six months, through Milton Weinberg; Chrysler, 13 spots, through J. Stirling Getehell. KECA: Zeeman Clothing, 221 quar- ter-hour recordings, through Lock- wood - Shackleford; Chievrolet, , "33 spots, through Campbell-Ewald; Brown Military Academy, .11 partici- pations in Art Baker's 'Note Book,', through Lisle Sheldon; Consolidated Hotels,. 13 quarter-hour programs, 'Musical Clock,' through Allied Ad- vertising; ' Knudsen Creamery;. 26 quarter-hour broadcasts of 'Twilight Tales,' through Heintz-Pickeririg; Vitamin • Products, 26 quarter-hour programs, 'The Family Doctor,' through Philip J. Meany. KFWBs Kay Department Store, 63 spots, through Charles Davis; Down- town Dollar Day, 52 spots, through Hillman-Shane; L. A. County Fair, 51 quarter-hours; Sears Roebuck,. 18 spots, through Mayers Co. Sept. 14 Compared; to Sept. 7 Network. Local National .: Total Units Units Spot Units Units 9,722 10,414 1,915 22,051 9,387 9,528 1,759 20.874 +1.4% +9.3% +8.9% +5.6% (Included:: KECA, KPI, KPWB, KHT, KNX) ■ WWL, N. 0, 7-MONTH SPOT REVENUE UP 52^ New Orleans^ Sept. 17. Including summer months, notori- ously bad here, WLW, CBS' 50,000^ watter,. shows a 52% average in- crease in national spot revenue for past seven months. On a monthly basis, that station's gain, in January was 56%; February, 70%; ,March, 48%; April, 49%; May, 43%; June 44%; and July, 51.4%. • Brewer's Triple-Decker Of Sports and Music San Antonio, Sept. 17. Gulf Brewing Co., of Houstoh, has set a series to be heard three times weekly on the Texas . Quality. Net- work in behalf of its drand Prize beer, throujgh the Rogers Gano agency. Programs will originate in the studios of KPRC, Houston, and will be heard on WO AI here, WFA A, Dallas, and WBAP, Fort Worth. ; Program oh Tuesdays wili be all music,. featuring Bert Sloan's orch; on Thursday, program will cohtairi music and football predictions by Lloyd Gregory, and on Saturday it will give the football results with tunes of the winiiing teams. Series starts. Oct. 1 and will be known as 'The Prize Parade,'