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20 VARIETY — HA RY PRESENTIhG THE SATIRICAL PLAYLET, "HE WAS A SOLDIER T( By HERBERT HALL WIH8LOW and HARRY BULGER. Cast includes WM. P. MURPHY, W. J. WALSH and HENRIETTE BYRON /// 99 ■ AND CO. • ■ - Playing United Time J. ROYER WEST • ad IDA VAN SICLEN Are creating a sensation with the Ballad Supreme, II If LOVE DAYS "Lot* Days" 1* by Jerome and Schwarti. and is Published by the House that Publishes "The White Wash Man If PUBLISHED BY COHAN & HARRIS 115 W. 42d St, New Terk Between Broadway and 8th Ave. J. and B. Comer. Keanc, J. Warren, Poll's, New Karen; 15, Poll's, Sprlugfleld. Kestes. John V., 70 W. 109, N. Y. Keexsn A Mack. Coeey Corner Girls. B. B. Keeley, Lillian. 184 Wardaworth. B. Boston. Kelfer A Cbnpmsn. 2435 H. 17th, Phila. Keeley Bros.. Bijou, Lansing, Mich.; 10, G. 0. H., Grand Rapids. Keith A He Mont. 722 W 14th. PI., Chicago. Kelly. Walter C. Poll's, Wllkes-Barre; 15, Poll's, Scrsnton. Keller. Major. Poll's. Waterbury. lndef. Keltners. Three,.317 Carlisle. Dallas, Tex. Kelly A Cstlin, People's, I'hila.; 15, Four Paws, Phila. Kenton. Dorothy, Crystal Palace, Leipzig, Ger. Kenyon A Healy, 232 Murray, Newark, N. J. Kimball A Donovan. 113 Northampton, Boston. Klein A Cllftnn. Lyric, Dayton, O. King, Alice. City Sports. B. R. Kingston A Thorns*. Star Show Olrls, B. B. Klrby. Lillian. Tiger Lilies, B. R. Knights, Ten Dark, Leeds, Eng.; 10, Cardiff, Eng. Kohers, Three. 66 13th, Wheeling. W. Va. Kelfe, Zena, Grand, San Francisco, lndef. Koppes. The. 117 W. 23d, N. T. Kohl, Gun A Marlon. 011 Fonrth. Milwsnkee. Kokin, Mignonette, 804 N. Maplewood, Chicago. Kolfage, Duke. Crystal, Elk wood. Ind.. lndef. Kooper, Harry J.. Bneter Brown Co. Kraton, John, Auditorium, York, Pa.; 10, Family, 8hamokln, Pa. Kratona, The, Central, Magdeburg. Gar. Kretone, Orpheum, Atlanta; 10, Colonial, Rich- mond, Va. Kurtis, Bosse, Lyric, Mobile, Ala.; 10, Majestic, Montgomery. Lakola A Lorain. Palace Hotel, Chicago. Lampe Bros., 1553 B'way, N. Y. Lane, Eddie, 800 B. 78d, N. Y. Lane A Adell, 882 O snssses. Boefaester. Langdona, The, Mlnot, Mlnot, N. D. La Blanche, Great, Pastime, 8anford. Fin. La Clair A West, Colonial, Dallas, Tex. La BatoUta, 1558 B'way, N. Y. La Fayette, La moot Co., 2908 Cormany. Cincin- nati. La Fleur, Joe, Orpheum, New Orleans. La Mar, Sadie. Strolling Players, B. B. La Maae Bros., Moulin Rouge, Rio Do Janeiro, Brasil. La Moines, Musics), Majestic, Denver. La Rose Bros., 107 B. 81, N. Y. Le Roy A La Roy, Family, St. Catherines, Out, Can. La Tour Sisters. Golden Crook, B. B. La Toy Bros., Vsn Bnren Hotel, Chicago, La Centra A La Baa, 2461 2d Are,, N. X. La Clslr, Hsrry, 245 W. 134th, N. Y. Lamb's Manikins, 465 Pippin, Portland, Ore. Larrlvee A Lee, Scenic Temple, Marlboro, Mam.; 15, Ackers, Halifax, N. S. LaTall Sisters, 148 Golden Gate, San Francisco. Lawson A Namon. Touring Australia. Landln. Edward, Majestic, Little Bock, lndef. Lang, George, Crystal, Bedford, Ind., lndef. La Van A La Valette. Majestic. Pittsburg, lndef. Ln Bex, Wonderful. Clara Turner Stack Co, Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrels. Lanet A Ardell, 882 Genesee, Rochester, N. Y. LaTlne, Edward, American, St. Louis. Lawrence A Healy, Sherman House, Chicago. La Gray. Dottle. Bijou, Racine, Wis., lndef. La vails, The, Hippo., Belfast, Irslsnd. Ls Dent; Prank, Keith's. Pittsburg. Le Hlrt, Mons., 760 Clifford, Rochester. Ln Vllle, Rose. City Sports. B. B. Lnvine A Leonard, Columbia, Cincinnati; 10, An- derson, Louisville. La Vlpe Clmeron Trio, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Le Witt A Ash more Co.. 206 No. State, Chicago. La Zar A La Zar, 168 Dearborn Are., Chicago. Le Fevre A St John, 1558 B'way. N. Y. Leigh. Lisle, 140 Arnold, River Side. B. I. Leigh tons. Three. 1558 B'way. N. Y. Leisenlngs, Three, Grand, Hamilton, O.; 10, Mid- dletown, O. Lee, James P., Unique, Los Angeles, lndef. Leeds A La Mar. 1558 B'wsy. N. Y. Le Roy A La Vanlon, Auditorium, Lynn; 15, Hathaway's, Fltchburg, Mass. Lelliotts, Three, Alhambra, N. Y Leno, Don, Grand, Taeoma, Waab. Leonard, Chaa F.. Bellly A Woods, B. B. Leonard A Phillips, Majestic. Waterloo, Is. Leonard, Gus, Unique, Des Moines. Leonard, Grace, St. Paul Hotel, N. Y. I^onard A Drake, 1009 Park PL, Brooklyn. . Leonard, James A Ssdle A Rlcbsrd, 200 B. 20, N. Y. Leo, Arthur, 1688 Richland, Baltimore. Leo, Jolly, 736 Carmen. Camden. N. J. Lcs Silvas, Poll's, Springfield; 15, Poll's, Scran- ton. Leslie, Geo. W., Orpheum, Denver. Levitt A Falls, T16 Orange, Syracnae. N. Y. Lewis, Walter, A Co.. Proctor's, Troy; 15, Keith's, Providence. Lewis A Cbapln, Bijou, Kankakee, 111. Lewis, Harr A Co.. 181 W. 16th, N. Y. Lewie A Lake. 2411 Norton. Kansas City. ate, Lewis A Green, Majestic, Milwaukee, Wis. Lewis A Msnson, 74 Orchard, N. Y. Llndssy, Stilling A Wllber, Pointer's Cafa, San Francisco, Cal. Llala A Adams, Gam. Meridian, Mian., lndef. Livingston, David, Bijou, Dubuque, la. Lockwood A Bryson, 920 B. 23d, Los Angeles, Loose A Wilkens, Burk's Shows, B. R. Lloyd, Hsrbert, 86 Great Wilson, Leeda. Bug. Long, John, Family, Brie, Pa., lndef. Lublns, Dancing. 921 North Warnock, Phila., Pa. Lucler, Marguerite. Hana A Nlxe Co. * Luce A Luce, Poli'a, Waterbury; 10, Poll's, Wor- cester. Lucken's Lions, Bell, Oakland, Cal. "Luis King," Hippo., Oldham, Eng. Lyres, Three, Fashion PlatSS On., B. B» r^^^^MMM^MM^Ma^MMMM^saaa^MM^sjrfaaaaaarfai LESTER ROSENTHAL (late of the PAT CASEY AGENCY) is now associated with The ATLAS BOOKING CIRCUIT Inc., KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING BROADWAY AND 39TH ST., NEW YORK. Acts and applications for time will be given personal attention by Mr. Rosenthal. MacDottough, Ethel, Hotel Broatell, N. Y. O. MscDonsld. Chaa. A Sadie. IS W. 109th, B. Y. MacBae A Levering, Empire, B. B, Maddox, Richard, Candy Kid Co. Msb, Queen, A Mr. Weiss, Lit Bldg., Phila., Pa. Mack Boys, 81 A*7tam, New Haven. Mack. Ed. Watson's, B. R. Mark. Wilbur. K. A P.'a 0th Are., N. Y.; 10, Hammerstein's, N. Y. Macka, Two. 240 W. 09th. N. Y. McMahon, Top of the World Co. Mabr, Agnes, Orpheum, San Francisco, Csl. Majestical Musical Four, 15, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can. Makbow, Geo. F.. Empire, Milwaukee, lndef. Malvern Troupe, Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B B. Msndel, Evs, 208 State, Chicago. Manley A Sterling, 67 South Clark, Chicago. Manning A Dixon, Knickerbockers, B. B. Manning A Ford, Pantagea', Portland, Ore. Mantell'a Marionettes, 8413 80. Colby. Everett, Msss. Manny, Ed, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. B. Msrchl A Baab, 289 Franklin, Johnstown, Pa. Marchanda. The. 169 B. 89th, N. Y. C. Marcus, Prof. Harold, Hotel Granada, St. Angus- tine, Fla. Mardo Trio. Family, Chester, Pa.; 10, Madison Square Garden, N. Y. Marlon A Lillian, 178 W. 4Sd PI.. Los Angeles. Mareena, Nevaro Marseena, Grand, Sacramento. Mario Trio. 62 E. 8th. N. Y. Marriott Twins, Poll's, New Haven; 18, Trent, Trenton. Marsh, Joe, 244 B. Ohio, Chicago, Marshall Bros., O. H , WaterrlUe, Me.; 15, Scenic, Waltbam, Mass. Martella, Two, 141% 3d St.. Portland, Ore. Martha. Mile, A Aldo, Temperance Hall, Mer- thye-Tydfil, Eng. Martlnette A Sylvester, 115 N. Conestogo, Phila. Martin A Crouch, 907 S. 12th, Springfield. 111. Martin, Dave A Percle, Kentucky Belles, B. B. Marvin Bros., Orpheum, Oil City, Ps. Masons, Four, A Corlne, Frances, Majestic, Hous- ton. MsMon A Doran. Sheedy's, Fall River. Mathlesen, Wslter, 90 W. Ohio, Chicago. Maurice A Perrln Co., 118 Chestnut, St. Louis. Marvelous Ed, 627 Csss, Jollet, 111. Msrsello A Vannerson, 254 W. 24, N. Y. Maxim's Models, Columbia, St. Louis. Msxwell A Dudley. 106 W. 98th. N. Y. Msse. Edns, Jersey Lilies, B. B. McCsbe, Jack, New Century Olrls, B. B. McConnell A Simpson, Orpheum, Easton; 10, Poll's, Wllkes-Barre. McCormack. Hugh A Wallace. Flora Da Vosn On. McCsnn, Gerald I ne, A Co., 706 Park, Johnstown, Ps. McCsnley. Joe, Gaiety, So. Chicago, lndef. McCoy, Dsn, Watson's. B. R. McGregor, Lulu, Grand. Altoona, Pa., Indsf. McCune A Grant, 686 Benton, Pittsburg. McDowell. John and Alice, Academy, Williamson, W. Vs.; 15, Grsnd, Portsmouth. McFsrlsnd A Murray, Travelers Co. McFsrlsnd. Wm., Miss New York, Jr., B. B. McGee, Joe B., Geo. Vsn's Minstrels. McOrsth, A Pslge, 58 Wsshington, Mlddktown, Conn. McKay A Contwell, Proctor's, Newerk; 10, Ma- jestic, Utica. Mcl.allen Carson Duo. Fashion Pistes, B. B. McPbee A Hill, Olympic, Chicsgo. McVeigh A College Girls. 15, Orpheum, Salt Lsks. Mears A Brandon, Majestic, Galveston. Meter A Mora, March, Circus Vsrlete, Copenhagen, Denmark. VARIETY ROUTES—5 Mells, The, Keith's, Phila. Melnotte Twins A Clay Smith, Orpheum, Minne- apolis. Melrose Bros., 188 Psrk, BrlgeporL Melville, George D.. Hippo., N. Y.. lndef. Mendel. 18 Adsm St.. Strand, London, Eng. Menetekel, c. o. H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Borough Queens. N. Y. Merkel, Louis, Keith's, Portland. Merle, Pastor A Madge. Bijou, Superior, Wis. Msrrltt, Raymond. 178 Tremont, Pasadena, CaL NITTY INOTfcS OF it TAFT DIDN'T Sing Shine On Harvest Noon AT THE INAUGURAL BALL Why notf Because wa wouldn't send him ah orchestration. You can get one though, PUBLISHED BY REMICH IT JUST BEACHES BIGHT OUT ANB 8TRANGLE8 THEM. "WE'RE OXAD WE'RE MARRIED." ■S*^r^r^r^^^r^*y"s*»^^*»S*^r^s»a»^s M a^ssa«asasa^sV ► . Merritt Sisters, Orpheum, Atlanta. Merrlman Sisters, Ben man Show, B. B, Mlacoe A Fundland.i 780 Eighth Ave., N. Y. Mlexkoff Sanders Troupe, 3u» B. 14th, N. Y. Mignon, Heler.e, 129 E. 14, St. Psul. Miley, Ksthryu, H. A S., Dayton, O.; 10, Or- pheum, Atlanta. Mlddleton, Gladys, 580 Drury, Kansas City, ate. Milmara, The. 214 S. Washington, Kokoma, Ind. Millar Musical Four, Girls from Happyland. B. B. Millard, Bill A Bob, Cracker Jacks, B. R. Miller A Princeton. 88 Olney, Providence. Miller, Grace, Phillip's, Richmond, Ind., lndef. Miller, Louis E., A Co.. 133 W. 45th, N. Y. Miller, L. Frank. Fashion Platea, B. R. Miller, Theresa, Criterion, Chicago, lndef. Millershlp Sisters, Miner's Bnrlesquers, B. B. MUlman Trio, Haymarket, Chicago. Milea A Dewey, 48 Howard, Boston. Mllla A Moulton, 58 Race, Buffalo. Milton. Chaa. W.. 1301 Gwlnette, Augusta, Qa. Mine Monie, Poll's, New Hsven. Minstrel Four, Merry Maidens. B. B. Mitchell A Grant. Box 188. Townsend. Ml Mimic Four, 359 W. 42d, New York. Monets. Five, 42 G. O. H. Bldg., Chicsgo. Montsgue, Mons, 2959 Ursln, Denver. Montgomery, Geo. P., Orpheum, Hot Ark., lndef. Montrsy, Edwsrd, 814 Western, N. 8., Pittsburg. Mooney A Holbein, Clapbam, Eng.; 10, Brixton, Eng. Mooney, Gypsey, Gus Edwsrd's Schooldsy Oh. Moorhead, Harry, Dreamland, Norfolk, Va. Moran A Wiser, Apollo, Neurenberg Ger. Morelsnd, Chss., 734ft Central, Hot Springs, Ark. Morris A Morton, Fsds A Follies, B. R. Morton A Elliott. Moss A Stoll Tour, lndef. Morton. Hugh, Mosart, Elmlra. N. Y., lndef. Morton, Jewell, Troupe, 1665 Cullan, Cincinnati. Morton, Ed, Empire, Hoboken; 15, Empire, Pater- son. Moto Girl, Empire, Hsckney, Eng.; 10, Empire, Cardiff, Eng. Mowatts, Juggling, Hausa. Halnsburg, Ger. Mullen A Correlll. Hathaway's, New Bedford; 10, Poll's, Wllkes-Barre. Mulvey, Ben. L., Poll's, Scrsnton. Murray, Eddie, Fisher's, Los Angeles, Indsf. Murray Slaters, Orpheum, Denver. Murphy A Magee, Ducklings, B. R. Musketeers, Four, Vsnlty Fslr, B. B. My Fsncy, 12 Adsm. St., Strsnd, London, Bug. Myers A Ross, Bennett's, Hamilton; 10, Grand, Wheeling, W Va. National Four, Golden Crook Co. Nealon A Titus, 011 Brown. Phils. Nefl A Starr, Majestic, Kalamazoo, Mich.; 10, Bijou. Battle Creek. Nelson A Otto, 10 Howlsnd. Roxbury, Mans. Newboff A Phelps, Bell, Oakland, Cal. Nichols, Four, 01O Dauber, Canton, O. Nlblo. Victor, Poll's, New Haven; 10, Keith's, Providence. Nicholson A Norton, 17 State, N. Y. Nickel, Earl. 840 B. 40th, Chicago. Nlrro A La Boy, 1820 Paga. Allegheny, Pn. Noble, Billy, A Jssnna Brooks, Saratoga Hotel. Chicsgo. Noblette A Marshall. 1012 Hempvllle, Ft Worth. Nolsn, Fred, World Beaters. B R. Nonette. 154 Henry, Brooklyn. Normsns, Juggling, Orpheum, St. Paul. Norton, C. Porter, 6842 Klmbark. Chicago. Norrls, Leon. A Co. 68 W. 7th. ML Vernon, N. Y. Norrises. The. 517 Walnut. Hamilton. O. Norton, Mine. Dims, Walls walla. Wash., lndef. When anneertng utoertieemente kindly mention Vabtety.