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VARIETY 29 Independent Motion icture Films for Sale We control exclusively for the American market Motion Picture Films made by the following European firms: Ambrosio, Italy Aquila, Italy Continental Warwick Co., France Deutsche Bioscop, Germany Eclair, France Germania, Germany Itala, Italy Lux, France Pineschi, Italy Stella, France NO Clarendon Film Co., England Comerio, Italy Cricks & Martin, England Hepworth Mfg. Co., Ltd., England R. W. Paul, England FEE EXACTED. Walturdaw, Ltd., England Warwick Trading Co., England Williamson Kine Co., Ltd., England Wrench Film Co., England Moving Picture Exhibitors and Film Rental Exohanges: You will not have to wear the trust collar for we are in a position to absolutely assure you of THE FINEST FILM SERVICE THE WORLD Placing at your disposal eighteen to twenty-one carefully selected reels weekly. Independent exchanges and exhibitors are invited to communicate at once and make arrangements for exclusive service in their various localities. Independent service is the best. The product of the factories which we control in America is unex- celled, and combines the highest degree of photographic perfection with originality of subjects. COMPETITION AND NOT OPPOSITION PROMOTES PROSPERITY IN ANY ENTERPRISE. Independent service is the best because your neighbor is not showing the same subjects you are. Applicants for agencies and service write, wire or call at our offices. All communications confidential. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTING AND PRODUCING COMPANIES OPERATING THE MojCHTNEY MOVING PICTURE MACHINE, WHICH INFRINGES NO PATENTS. B Ashland Blo< Ml pleasing; The Ushers repeated -their former auc- ceae; Witts' Singing Colleens, good; The Damm Broa. pleased; Sam Williams, in Bongs and talk, very good; Hoey and Lee went big. AVENUE (Dre?a & Campbell).—The Bohemian Bnrlesquers with Andy Gardner are the attraction.— GAVETY (J M. Ward, mgr.).—The Rialto Roun- ders with Sam Howe aa principal comedian. LEO LESTER. EA8T0N, PA GRPHEUM (J. P. Osterstock, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Howard's Ponies and Dogs, head- lined; McKay and Cantwell (New Acts), shared honors; Gllroy, Haynes and Montgomery, applause; Keene and Briscoe, "A Trial Marriage," pleased; Lewers and Mitchell, "sister act," good; Car- roll Johnson, well liked; Christy and Wills, orig- inal material. GIL. V. A.).—Mack and Elliott, comedy. "The New Minister," good; Al H. Tyrrell, singing comedian; Von Telia and Nina, trapeze, good; Mabel Lewis, dainty singing comedienne and Impersonator. 8. 0. FT. WAYNE, IHD. TEMPLE (P. E. Stbuder, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Eight Berlin Madcaps, acrobatic dancing, strong feature; Fiona Leonard, singer, good; Kelcy and Bothe, "A Tale of a Turkey," excel- lent; Merrltt and Ix>ve, singing and talking, hit: Don Carney, pUnolog, pleased; La vine and Leonard, went big, and Uda Schnee, 111 songs, fine. H. J. REBD. ELMIRA, N. T. MOZART (G. W. MIddleton, mgr. Agent. I. B. O.).—Oneltta Slaters, splendid aerial act; Patrice and Co. in "The Lobbyist," hit; Jo- sephine Isleib. well received: Three Vagrants, strong musical act; Gus Williams, good; Jug- gling Barretts, good. RIALTO (P. W. Mc- Connell, mgr. Agent same).—Towner Sisters. Cora Cherry, Bruno and Hubn, Shattuck and Myeri*. HAPPY HOUR (Ira Van de Mark. mgr. Agent same).—Lang, Margaret MUlIngton, Francesco Doneganl. ill. songs. GRAND (E. J. Toole, mgr. Agents, Verbeck and Farrell, Oil City, Pa.).—Great Barrlngton, Martin Milan, 111. songs and m. p., good. J. M. BEERS. GALVESTON, TEX PEOPLE'S MAJESTIC (Tom Boyle, mgr.. and D. J. Broussard, treaa.).—The Wonderful Ellctro and Co., sensational; the Great Rennee Family, songs of all natloaa with a change of costume for each; the Byrne Gibson Players, a clever skit; Thos. J. Dempaey. raconteur, atorles and songs, are clever and refined; Rice and Elmer, first-rate horizontal bar performers. B. 8PR0ULE. ERIE, PA. ALPHA (E. II. Suerken, mgr. Rehearsal Mon- day 1<>).—Mile. Omega, wire performer, good; Brooks and Vodder, s. and d., good; Misses Des- mond and Bailey, Creole entertainers, very good; Frank McCrca and Co., sharpshooter, very good. M. II. MIZBNER. HARRIOTJRQ, PA. ORPHEUM (C. P. Hopkins, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Newhold and Carrol, very good; Phil Bennett, applause; Sam J. Curtis and Co., In muHlcal farce, lots of laughs; Four Floods, acro- bats, laughing act; Wm. Macart and Ethlynne Bradford (New Act); "Fun In a Boarding. House," went big. HIPPODROME (A. L. Roumfort and Co., mgrs.; agent, M. Rudy Heller).—Hilda Le Roy. good; Randall and Skull Co., illusion- ists, entertained; Hughes and Cole, comedian!*, good; m. p. SAVOY (P. Magaro, mgr.).—Ellery Ralnford and Co., Nnrrell and Adams, m. p., four shows dally. J. P. J. Armstrong, "The Happy Chappie," hit of the bill; Zetio, Jordan and Zeno, clever casting act; Frank Coombs and Muriel Stone, "The Last of the Troupe,' good; Irene La Tour and her dog "Zaza," pleased; Alexander and Scott, singers, very good; Five Brown Brothers, musi- cal get, fair. GAYETY (Chas. (Francklyn, mgr.).—"Fads and Follies" to good business. —LYRIC (N. H. Schenck, mgr.).—Barry and Baynet, character Impersonations; Vincent Sis- ters, s. and d.; Harry Jordan, German come- dian; Clara Cnbltt, Scotch songs; Enlta Evans, ballads. NOTE.—All the theatres were dark again Sunday night. JOHN KAY. INDIANAPOLIS, DTD. NEW GRAND (Sharer Zlegler, mgr. Agent. U. B. O.).—Tate's "Motoring." laughable; Hall McAllister and Co., "The Girl of the Times." lively; Ben Welch, Hebrew and Italian char- acterizations, enjoyed; May and Flo Uengler, dainty a. and d.; Lulu Beeson Trio, "A Night In El Paso," plctureaque, featuring the dancing of Miss Beeson; Bedford and Winchester, bur- lesque Jugglers, Just returned from London; the Foot Orans, novel acrobatic act; Black and Jones, eccentric colored dancers and comedians. EMPIRE (Henry K. Burton, mgr.).—"The Avenue Girls," with Zallah aa an extra at- traction. JOS. S. MILLER. JOLIET, ILL. GRAND (L. M. Goldberg, mgr.; agent, Chas. Deutrick.).—Great Curie, laughter; American Newsboya' Quartet, pleased; Lynne and Bonnie Hazzard, favorites; Earl McClure, good; Charters Sisters, liked; Estella Hamilton, applause. ALBERT J. STEVENS. KNOXVILLE, TENN. CRYSTAL (Thos. E. Collins, mgr.; agent, di- rect).— Leaning Willie featured, unusually good; The Ixmderos Troupe, "acrobats," very clever. COLUMBIA (agent, direct).—111. songs by Shelby Shipley; Arthur and Jeanctt, contortionists, bit; and Ben Dawson and Co., comedy playlet, very pleasing. W. ARTHUR SPROUSE. LOUISVILLE, HT. MARY ANDERSON (James L. Weed, mgr.).— Ehrendall Bros., marvelous equilibrists; "Blllle" Scott Blackburn, enjoyable; BeUe Hathaway's Simian Playmates, a good term for children; Salvall, card manipulator; the Vlndobonas, very fuuny; Gardiner and Vincent, amualng; Ray- mond and Caverly, German comedians, good; Joseph Hart's "Futurity Winner," great BUCKINGHAM (Horace McCrocklln, mgr.).— "Pat Whlte'a Gaiety Girls," good show. S. HITE SIMCOE. EVANSVTLLE, IND. MAJESTIC (Edwin Raymond, mgr.; agent, W. HOBOKEN, N. J. EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggemann. mgr. Agent, U. B. O. Monday rehearsal 10).—Bill is headed by the Pays, ' thurmaturglsts; Bert Coote and Co., "A Lamb on Wall Street"; George IOWA CITY, LA BIJOU (H. F. Pocock, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.). 1-3: Young Sharkey and Co.. Glen Burt, Beasle Greenwood. 4-6: Fred and Mae Waddell, Will Wlndom, Marie Laurens. NOTE.—The Ameri- can is remodeled and one of the prettiest five- cent show places In town. J. J. If. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. CLARK'S AIRDOMB (A. J. Clark, mgr.; agent, Empire Theatrical Exchange).—Kimball Brothers, comedy sketch, laughing hit; Collins and Collins, a. and d., drawing card; McNally and 8tewart, good; Harry Newman, very good; Mme. Dolores, soloist, clever. R. N. DICKEY. LOWELL, MASS. HATHA WAY'S (John I. Shannon, mgr.).—Ed- miind Stanley snd Co. in "Love's Garden," hit; Jean Clermont, burlesque circus, very good; Barry and HalveM, h. and d., good; Burt aud Bertha Stanley, s. nnd d., very good; Mary Davis, sing- ing comedienne, good; Claud M. Roode, alack wire, good. JOHN J. DAWSON. MILWAUKEE WIS. MAJESTIC (James A. Hlegler, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Fadette, enjoyable; Chas. DeCamo and Dog, marvellous; The Yerxes. remarkable contortion; F*w Hawkins, good; Henry Horton and Co., amusing; Valadon, magician, very fair; LONDON ••ERA" FEBRUARY 21st, 1909 "Mr. James J. MORTON A newly arrived American raconteur and songster, is a deucedly funny fellow, with some extraordinary bits of business and quite a revelation In the way of exit-making DON'T MISS HILVI" When answering advertisements binUp mention Vamett.