Variety (March 1909)

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32 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTIST© REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS Netta Vesta BINDING COMEDIENNE. ORPHEUM OIROTTIT. Direction JENIE JACOBS, . lit Broadway, How York City. THOS. J. RYAN- RICHFIELO CO. BUSY, THANE YOU. A YES HA KARA Classical Dancer. AT LIBERTY. Oar* VARIETY. KIN6 \ BAILEY "THE CHOCOLATE DROPS" Management, GEOROE L. ARCHER. CASAD and DeVERNE Comedy Musical Entertainers. Horn* Address—812 Valley St., Dayton, 0. CLARE IVANS AND BABETIE Principal Comedian and Producer. Loading Soubrette with "Gay Mominf Glories." DAVID WAITERS TJT VAUDEVILLE. "The Devil" in "The Devil and Tom Walher." LEON ERROL Under management of WM. & CLARK. Addrooo Roato "Jocooy LIU—" On, he 3 Lucifers NoTelty Dancer* and Comedy Eooentrioa. 'TAT FOSTER" Oemfaay. Felix Adler MASTER DIALEOnOIAN. "THE NARROW FELLER." THE PIOTTIS Presentinsj "THE ITALIAN AND HIS SWEETHEART." Doine; WelL JOE LA FLEUR Aad hie prise Marloaa Chihuahua Doeja. tS Weeks Orpheum Circuit. Max. 1, Memphis. Mar. I, New Orleans. ALLNAN *■ NcfARLAND RaiMaTaaf A Black aad Tan Oddity. morris MANLEY «»» dolly STERLING This woek Dominion, Winnipeg. Snow, Snow, Beautiful Snow, Porty Below, Oh! Ok I HICKMAN BROS . (0. ProsoeHl a Vow Comedy 8ketch, "A DETECTIVE DETECTED." With spooial acenery and effects. Week March 8, Colonial, Lawrence. WM. 8. HENNES8EY, Ayent. WALTER LIZZIE SchrodesNulYey Personal direction PAT CA8EY and JEMIE JAC0B8. MARSHALL P. WILDER ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Bell 'Phone. 196. AND In "THE OLD NEIGHBORHOOD'* Starring in England (Season 1909) Stay Indefinite MORRIS sa BOWMAN ••ASBESTOS BOYS" Sore Fire Proof Binginf Comedians and Parodilta. While the Majority Imitate wo Originate. JA8. J. ARMSTRONG. Representative, Vow York City. NOW ON THE MORRIS TIME Start Training March 8, Lyric. NewsrK BOOHED BY B. A. MYERS "Klnft of Poole and funny Palle. *• MOZART ENGLISH COMEDIAN PLAYING P. G. WILLIAMS' CIRCUIT WHK MARCH e. ORPHEUM, BROOKLYN FISKE O'HARA and CO. Playing P. G. Williams' Houses In " CAPTAIN BARRY" This Week (March 1), Colonial. New York WILBUR MACK » NELLA WALKER Week March 8th, Fifth Ave. Theatre "A MUSICAL FLIRTATION" Week March 15th, Hammersteii 's The Weber & Fields of Vaudeville SCORING A BIG LAUGHING HIT GORDON «. MARX OVER THE ORPHEUM CIRCUIT CREATORS OF THE FAMOUS NOVELTY, "THE MUSICAL BARBERS." JUST RETURNED FROM EUROPEAN TRIUMPHS TO FLAT FOR WILLIAM MORRIS. When antwmi*§ adv*rH**m4nU htnilp mention Variety.