Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 33 WILLIAM MORRIS, Inc. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO 413 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON LONDON OFFICE, 418 STRAND. W. C. PAUL MURRAY, Manner THEY ALL WANT TO KNOW QEANIE MALLOY sent for one of our BOOKLETS of STAGE FABHI0N8 for LADIES, then ordered • dreee by mall, and, after receiving gown, writes tbe following: "The pink dress wss satisfactory In every way. I bare praised your work to everyone, aa tbey all want to know where I got such beautiful wardrobe." Bend for one of oar BOOKLETS and learn a few things. WOLFF. FORDING » CO. 61-65 Eliot Street. Boston, Mass. I'M THE MAN Who can gat yon tbe lowest prleea and the bant accommodatlona If yon are going to EUROPE References: Frank Gotch A Co., Tbe Grunathoa, Four Harveys, Howell A Scott, Howard A Harrle, Six Idols, The Jordan*, The Kelllnos, Daisy Lloyd, Lennle A Uaat. F» /% U L T A U 8 I O, V«ude>u1lle> 8te>amnhlp Ag*nt 104 East 14th St. New York. German Savings Bank Building. Telephone—-2099 Stuyveaant. THE LEADING ENGLISH THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE NEWSPAPER. itabllshed 1880. 1 H t SI >V Cj fc l/Sd. per" Quarter. Vow on aala at PAUL TAUSIO'B STEAMSHIP TICKET AGENCY, German Saving* Bank BnilAlag, 104 East 14th Street. Hew York Oltyi and at SAMUEL FRENCH'S, 22-84 Watt SSi Street, Mew York City. PLAYING THE ST IN VAUDBV1 SULLIVAN and C0NSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE SULLIVAN AND OON8IDINE BLDG.. THZBB AND MADISON STREETS. CEBERAL BOOKING OTPIOB SUITS S AMD 18, ISM BROADWAY, NEW TORS CITT /"R£D. LI/4COLM. Gin. Mgr. CHItlS. O. BttOW/f. M$r. BRANCH BOOKING OFF I CCS EDWARD MOZART, Eastern Representative, Lancaster Pa. THAT INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE AGENT, VEY WANTED—First-class Acts at all times, to play the Independent Vaudeville Circuit, through Call- fomia, Ariaona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. MANAGERS—If yon want the best aeta in Vaudeville write or wire. Complete shows furnished en short notice; shows guaranteed weekly. 206S SUTTER STREET, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. KEEP Don't grow rusty while waiting for the big time. I have s food many acts playing that time who went along over my small circuit work while waiting for the big opening. MO I am booking acts of merit NORMAN JEFFER1ES, 9th and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Customers, attention! New List of Exclusive Permit Parodies now ready. Send Route. "DOPE 80NG," sung by MATTHEWS AND ASHLEY. Piano, orohestrations and five verses, with signed permit, •1.00. Will not be published. Sketches and Stage Songs to order only. 684 Eighth Ave., New York City. Chicago yaudeyille managers exchange 6th FLOOR. MERCHANTS* BLDO., Ill WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO. Big Comedy Bketohes always in demand. FRANK Q. DOYLE, Manager. \A/i -MTFH GOOD ACTS at all times. Booking houses in New York, Ww " ^ IP ■ ™ " ■ Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland and Michigan. Address i ASSOCIATED BOOKING AGENCY, 404 Schmidt Bldg., P1TT8BUB8, Pa, VftlJDfcVIUUl, ACTS OP r\Lal> KINDS WANTED LDO G1RGUIT JOSEPH J. LEO, Dewey Theatre. 14th St.. New York Next Month 52 Weeks Popular Priced Theatres Now Booking THE MELVILLE AGENCY, HSSffig BOOKING OrriCEs Gaiety Theatre Building, NEW YORK APPLY MOW APPLY MOW HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY THEATRE. Open the Year Around EMPIRE THEATRES PATKSON and HOBOKEN, N. J. FLAY ALL EUROPEAN AMD AMERICAN STANDARD VATTDEVILLE ACTS. Address all communications to A. M. BRUOOEMANN, HOBOREN. VAUDEVILLE HEADLINED - (HOOD STANDARD AGS If yon have an open week 70a want to fill at abort notice, write to W. L DOOKSTADBR, CarrieB Thaetre. W Uaalngtan. DaL Can clone Saturday nlgbt and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday night. THE MAN IN RED H A R R Y H O L M A N SINQINQ COMEDIAN Percy G. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New York The ALHAMBRA Harlem The 0RPHEUN Brooklyn The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY W illiamiborg The GOTHAM East New York And The NEW GREENPOINT THEATRE Brooklyn Address sll PERSONAL Icttsrs to PERCY 0. WILLIAMS, St Jsbjcs Bldt., 21th SL sod Broadway, New York City ERNEST EDELSTON VARIETY AND DRAMATIC AOENT. 17 Green SI., Leloeafor Square, LONDON Sole Raprssentativa, John Tillar's Gompanlss. Walter a Rally. Little Tick, Fracson. ^^ Alwdyi Vacancies tor- Good Acta Charles Horwitz Success always scorsd by The Ohadwiok Trie, Fred Bowera A Co., Harry First A Oe., Ornate Emmett A Co., Qnlnlan A Mack, Henry A Yonng. Slaker A Lynn, Bummers A Storks, Ceetabs A tone, and ever one hundred ethers now soaring knockouts with Horwita Sketohee, Menelegnee and Songs. CHA8. HORWITZ, Rnickarbookar Thaatra BMg., Room 116, 1403 BROADWAY. NEW YORJL "CHARLEY CASE'S FATHER" Written by Charley Case, comedian. Send P. O. order s for 25c. to Cane Pobllahlng Co., Lock port, N. Y. Have Your Card in VARIETY WANTED-BIG COMEDY and NOVELTY FEATURE Aeta to write or wire open time. Now booking for North Avenne and Sohindler'a Theatree, Ohleage. Also other houses in Illinois. j CHICAGO BOOKING AGENCY CHAS. H. DOTTTRICX. Manager. Room 80, Of La Salle St, Ohioago. WIGS WILLIAM HEPNER WIG CO, LEADING WIG MAKERS. Largest stock In America, Wigs made to order. Full Una ef powders and oold cream. Send for Catalogue D to either plaoe. 124 WEST 86th ST., N. Y.; Ohleage Opera Henae Block, Ohioago. Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House BlocK Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. FRANK WIESBERG, Representative. Professional Entertai ner s FINLAY w BURKE • W IVI h 8, Orpheum 9 ^—'■ sr~" ■ —^" ■ -9 When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.