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34 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS THE VENTRILOQUIST WITH A PEODUCTTOM Ed. F. REYNARD ProPonMag •» entirely new and original on* not r. "A MORNING IN HJGHBVILLE." Direction JACK LETT. ELLIS MOMA Tlit Champion Sisters of Vma4 •▼!!!• HARRY FOX Under TOM Harry Pilcer Engaged "The Prinoe of To-night," PRIHOESfl THEATRE, CHICAGO. Management. MORT. H. SIEOER. WORLD'S FAMOUS Marvelous Artists and Acrobatic Cyclists vow touring ameeioa. Weak Marok 8th, Orphottsa, Bieoklys. JAMES E. DONEGAN, Mgr. Albert Weston Featured at "The Tough." "A NIGHT IN THE SLUMS." Orpheum, Brooklyn, this weak (March I). Alhambra, Haw York, next week (March IB). *»«• JESS HALE offer "THE LITTLE PARTNER." AND CO. Who Stopped tho Perry boat! HICKMAN. WILLS and CO. Presenting a Screaming Comedy Playet, "WHAT OCCURRED AT THE PLAT," by Wilfred Clarke. In VaudaTille. Pearl River, H. Y. TBI ETNO OF IRELAND, JAMES B. DONOVAN AH© RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE, DOING WELL, THANH YOU. tat W. Tfltk ST., YORE CITY. GRIFF Of whom the Toronto Olobo says: "Ho haa A happy knack of making funny sayings." Griff ha* had a call to go West at Martin's book (Yella). My brother Griff eat la going out West At Martin'e behest— He know* no root. Hook Weak— Clereland, Ohio. FnociDi Olloms United Beoking Offloaa' Circuit. With ANDY LEWIS' "MARDI GRAS BEAUTIES »» "DEM MINSTREL BOYS." THE O'NEILL TRIO HARMONY 8INGER8 AND DANCERS. "That Rag-Time Finish." WIGGINS PARM Amply to THE CHABWIOH TRIO. STUART BARNES Direction GEO. HOMANS. GartelleBros. Iatrodaoing Singing, Danolnf end —^KATQRlA Lie m Direction, REICH A PLUNKETT. ■ARQumm ! Keelcr Direction MOET H. SOTOER, Frinoees Thaatre, Chicago. GAVIN, PLATT •nd PEACHES "THE STOLEN HID." Addraaa 4417 Ird Are. (Bronx), How York. GLOVI1 WARI'I life (loir VARDON, PERRY WILBER "Theee Three leye" SECOND ANSWER.—The Wilber Broa. did thii itylo of not with a road anew known aa the Graat Australian for Mr. Cromwell in 1892. . Joss Wil- ber was our original partner. WEEK MARCH 1, MAJESTIC. TOPEKA, BAM. Sam J. Curtis;? In "A SESSION AT SCHOOL.*' By GEO. W. DAY. Waak March 8, Chase's, Washington. Booked solid for season. dracie ? Reynolds "THE BEAUTY AMD THE BEAST." En Route "Cosy Corner Girls." RUBY RAYMOND i! D Booked Solid Through United Booking Offices. March 8, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can. BILLIE REEVES THE ORIGINAL a a i a s OF law*." F. ETEGPELD, JE., 'StVSS. ••OeAok Mo" tm "Tlw MARION VICTORIA Direction AX. SUTHERLAND. BarrfWolford The Typical Topical Tickle Singers, Booked Solid until July 1. 1808. THIS WEEK MARYLAND, BALTIMORE. Week March 8, Armory, Binghamton. REICH A PLUNKETT, Smart MYERS AND ROSA "THE COWBOY ABE Weston Whirlwinds. Originators of the doable bow-knot Week March 8, Bennett's, Hamilton. Wss. S, Henneaay. Agt. THE FAMOUS HEIM CHILDREN Touring KEITH Circuit Booked solid until 1811. HOBMAB JEFFEBIES. EaclusiTC Agent. The Imminent Amerlosji Clog WsHepor. MILT WOOD PLAYTNO UNITED TIME. LILLIAN MORTIMER I INI , .... IFAoM aatiMriac s^tMrtse^nnwamAa himdLn enjemSeaei V ww ew^www awre^wer^^ sisy f^swarwr^Pw awwwwwwvVVB owww^nB»o7nw •WwYtwYf/W w » Will Write and Stage One or Two Acts for Recognized Artists Only ADDRESS J. L. VEROHKE, BOOM 1, EMFZBB THEATRE BUILDIHw, V. Y.