Variety (March 1909)

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20 VARIETY Tkt Ckas. K. Harris Courier Hagerstown, Md., Mar. 7, '00. Mr. Meyer Cobeo, Mgr. Chas. K. Harris, New York City. Dear Friend: Having read continually of the success other people were baring with Mr. Harris' new song, "NOBODY KNOWS, NOBODY CARES." I decided that I was going to share some of its sue esse too, snd so I drop yon these few Hues to let you know tbst I sang it for the first time down here, Hagerstown, Md., and while I hare read of the sit other singers hare made of this song I never dreamed I would receive each an ovation and thunderous applause that greeted the song at Its conclusion—why, it Just carried everything before It, and I was called oat time and again to repeat the chorus. It is the biggest bit I bsvo ever had with any ballad I have ever song, sod ss s matter of fact I have never seen a ballad of its kind make such an instantaneous bit. I bad my audience captured the moment I began to sing it, and they certainly did snow their appreciation by the applause, which was long and enthusiastic to the last minute. The second time I saog It there was some of them who remained In from the other show and gava the title slide when it waa thrown on the curtain a hearty reception. Bo yon can sea by this that not only in New York and surrounding towns to It a hit, but it is the same with ma down here. Yon can publish my sentiments if yon wish in retards to "NOBODY KNOWS, NOBODY CARE*." Give my regards to Fred and Loo. Yours very sincerely, M. F. BITTBNHOU8B, Care of Acsdemy of Music, Hagerstown, Md. CM AS. K. HARRIS. SI WE8T list ST., NEW YORK. OOHXB, Manager, Chicago, Grand Opera House Faust Bros., 242 W. 43d, N. Y. Fay, Anna Eve, Melrose, Highlands, Mass. Fay. Frank 4 Gertrude, 77 Walton pi., Chicago. Fays, Elsie. A Miller 4 Weston, Orpheum, Port- land, Ore. Faye, Kitty, 4 Co., Star, Monessen, Pa.; 22, Star. Wllkee-Barre, Ps. Fendell, Ssm'l J., Btrolllng Players Co., B. R. Ferguson, Dick 4 Bsrney, Bijou, Muskegon, Mich.; 22, Majestic, Kalamasoo, Mich. Ferguson 4 Du Free. 818 B. 71st, N. Y. Ferguson, Frank, 488 B. 43d, Chicago. Feared, Grace, Star, Chicago. Ferry. Human Frog, New Home Hotel, Pittsburg. Fiddler 4 Shelton, Poll's, New Bedford. Fields, W. C, K. 4 P.'s 125th St., N. Y.; 22, Keith's, Providence. Fields^ Will H.. Bijou, La Crosse Wis. Fields A~ Hanson, Terrace, Belleville, N. J. Flnlay 4 Burke, Box 198, Onset, Mass. Finnic, Jack. 1811 Sooth Chadwlck, Phlla. Flshe, Gertrude, Miner's Americans, B. R. Fisher, Mr. 4 Mrs. Perkins, Columbia. St. Louis. Flske 4 McDonongh, 272 W. 107th, N. Y. Flaherty, Dan, City Sports, B. R. Fleming, Mamie, Hotel Fortescue, Atlantic City, N. J. Flynn, Earl, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Fonda, Dell 4 Fonda, Majestic, Dea Moines. la. Ford, Cbas. L., 827 E. Jackson. Muncle, Ind. Ford, Frank, 4 La Petite, 22 Orpheum, Helena, Mont. Fords, Famous, 881 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Forrests, Musical, 508 Dearborn, Chicago. Forrester 4 Lloyd. 1688 B'wsy. N. Y. Fox 4 Brans, Spokane. Spokane. Wash. Fox, Imro, Orpheum, Loo Angeles. Franklin 4 Green, Proctor's, Albany; 22, Shea's, Toronto. Frey Trio, 22 Lyric, Mobile, Ala. Friend 4 Downing. 418 Strand. London, Bng. Franclscoe. The, Miner's Merry Burlesquers, B B. Washington, D. C, Msrcb 4th, 1008. ▲ WORD OF APPRECIATION. We, the undersigned members of the Theat- rical profession, who were obliged to be In Washington during Inauguration Week and who were fortunate enough to get accommoda- tions at THE ARDMORE, wish to publicly express our appreciation of the manner in which the Proprietor, MR. F. C. JACKSON, looked after our welfare. While all other hotels and rooming bouses were cbsrging exorbitant rates, THE ARDMORE, so fsr as we could learn, was the great one exception, who did not demand an advance of their usual Theatrical rate. We are all members of the COHAN 4 HARRIS' MINSTRELS, "Merry Widow," De Wolfe Hopper, and Geo. Sidney Companies, and wishing to use the best method of show- ing our sppreclstlon, we all unite In asking VARIETY to publish this, ss sn assurance to the theatrical profession In general that at no time will they be discriminated against, and that they will alwaya be welcomed by the genial and accommodsting host of THE ARD- MORE. Frank Morrell. H. 8. Whitney. Teddy Roberts. Hamilton G. Park. Eugene R. Kenney. Ella May. Lew D. Cohen. Frank Sladdls. Willis Ramome. Frank J. Taylor. June Rice. Geo. Mcintosh. Owens D. Weems. Harry H. Meyer. Eva L. Stuart. O. A. Elllnger. E. A. Park. Kitty Sterling. O. W. Rlsley. Anne Good. Myrtle McCarthy. Minnie Radford. Gladys Cameron. A. F. MscTsvlsh. Olga Markusslo. Msrgaret Ellison. Hattle Hart. Mae Hart. Leon a Burr ad. Blanche Vellett. RUTH FRANCIS Df VAUDEVILLE. Fredo, Geo., Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Freeman Bros., Rose Sydell's London Belles, B. B. Frevoll, Frederick, 148 Mulberry, Cincinnati, O. Freeman, Frank F., Heating's Show, B. R. Fuller too. Lew J., Summer pi., Buffalo. Fun in a Boarding House, Orpheum, Reading; 22, Orpheum, Wilkes-Bsrre. Furnsm, Badir, Tottenham Court rd., Bng. Gaffney Girl, Shea's, Buffalo; 22, Shea's, Toronto. Gale, Ernie. 108 Eastern, Toronto. Galleti's Monkeys, Hippo., London, Eng. Garden 4 Martin, - Girls from Happy land Co. Gardner 4 Lawson, Box 720, Birmingham, Ala. Gardner, Went 4 Sunshine. 24 Elm, Everett, Mass. Gardiner 4 Vincent, Colonial, Norfolk, Va.; 22, Orpheum, Harrieburg. Gardiner, Three, Children, 1858 W. 8th, Phlla. March If, Majestic Chicago. Gath, Carl 4 Emma, Savoy, Fall River, Garvin, Piatt 4 Peachea, 4417 84 Ave., N. Y. Gaylor 4 Graff, 244 W. 18tb, N. Y. Genaro Band, Orpheum, New Orleans. Gibson, Sydney C, Orpheum, Omaha, Gibson, Fay, Standard, Davenport, la., indef. Gilden Sisters, Empire, Atlanta, Ga., indef. Gill 4 Alker, Keith's, Pawtucket, B, I. Gilmore, Mildred, City Sports, B. R. BARL GILLIHAN AID TO/n MURRAY Comedy Club, 147 W. 48th St, M. Y. O. Gilroy, Haynea 4 Montgomery, Poll's, Wllkee- Barre; 22, Poll's, Scran ton. Glose, Augusts, Anderson, Louisville. Glose, Augusts, Anderson, Louisville; 22, Majes- tic, Milwaukee. Godfrey 4 Henderson, Majestic, Birmingham; 22, Majestic, Little Rock, Ark. Gossans, Bobby, Orpheum, Franklin, Pa.; 22, Star, Carnegie, Pa. Glover, Edna May, Gay Musician Co. Goodman, Joseph, Terry's, Bowling Green. O. Goldberg, Joseph, Mgr., Harris, Braddock, Pa. Goldflnger, Louis, 802 E. 168th, N. Y. Goldle, Rube, 118 Prince, Newsrk, N. J. Goldman, Abe, New Century Girls Co., B. B. Goldsmith 4 Hoppe, 22, Orpheum, San Francisco. Gordon, Belle, P. O. Box 40, N. Y. 0. Gordon 4 Marx, Orpheum, Spokane. Gordon 4 Henry. 1777 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. Gould 4 Rice, 826 Smith, Providence. Goolmans, Musical, 8 Matthews, Binghamton. Gottleb, Amy, 446 North St. Lewis, Chicago. Graces, The, 418 Grand, Brooklyn. Graham, R. A., Dime, Walla Walla, Wash., indef. Grannon, Ilia, Poll's, New Haven; 22, Poll's, Bridgeport. Grant, Bert 4 Berths. Hatbaway's, Brockton, 22 Empire, Hoboken, N. J. Grant, Sydney, 268 W. 261st. N. Y. Graham, Geo. W., Scenic, Providence, indef. Gray 4 Graham, Orpheum, Denver. Gray 4 Van Lieu, 2 Kentucky ave., Indianapolis. Griffin, Babe, Thoroughbreds, B. B. Griffith Show, Jackson, Miss. Grimm 4 Satchell, Fairyland, Colorado Springs, Col. Grossman, Al, 882 North St., Rochester. Gruet 4 Gruet, Williams' Imperials. B. B, Guilfoyle, Joseph V., 22 W. 128th, N. Y. Guild, Martin J., Family, Braxtl, Ind. Guy, Arthur L., Lima, O. 22 Springfield, 0. Gwiger 4 Walters, Temple, Detroit. Haggarty 4 Le Clair. 128 17th St., Detroit Halllday 4 Cur ley, 1S68 B'way. N. Y. Hale, Lillian, 4 Co., 2010 N. Marvlne, Phlla. Hale 4 Harty, 86 Fourth St., Pit tan eld, Mass. Hsley 4 McKennon, Ducklings, B. B. Hallmsn 4 Collins, Wssb. Society Girls, B. B. Hsmllton 4 Rones, 22, Columbia, St. Louis. Hamlin 4 Noyes, 1st Nst'l Bsnk Bldg., Chlcsgo. Hamlin 4 Lyle, Grand, Hamilton, O.; 22, Star, Muncle, O. Hamlin, Hugo, William Tell House, Boston. Hsndler, Louis, Orpheum, Des Moines. Hannon, Dlggs 4 Burns, 88 N. Clark, Chicago. Henry 4 Jones, 1818 Watts. Phlla. Hansome, 1037 Tremont, Boston. Hanson, Mildred, 1843 Dean, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hanvey 4 Baylies, 270 W. 88th, N. Y. Harlsnd 4 Rolllnson, 16, Repton, Manchester, Eng. Harris, Harry I., 2282 Wabash, Chicago. Harris, Cbas., Bijou, Qulncy, 111. Harris, Sam, Vogel's Minstrels. Harris, Hattle. New Home Hotel, Pittsburg. Harrington, Giles W., 624 Acklln, Toledo. Harrison, Al, Follies of tba Dsy Co., B. B, Harmonious Four, Gem, St. Louis, indef. Harvey. Elsie, 4 Boys. 188 B. 14th. N. Y. Hsstlngs 4 Wilson, Orpheum, A11 en town, Ps. Orpheum, Reading. Hatches, The, 804 W. 88th, N. Y. Hawkins, Jsck, 12 Portland, Cambridge, Ml Hawley, B. F., 4 Co., 55 11th, Detroit. Hay den, Virginia, Demsey, Peoria, 111., Indef. Haynea, Jessie J., 21 B. Robinson, Allegheny, Ps. Hays,, Unicycline, 488 W. 6th, Cincinnati, O. Hayter 4 Janet, Eureka, Lethbrldge, Can. Hay man 4 Franklin, St. Kllda Hotel, N. Y. Hasssrd, Lynne 4 Bonnie, 251 B. 81st, Chicago. Healy, Jeff 4 La Yam, Bice 4 Barton, B. R. Hearn 4 Rutter, Pant ages', Seattle. Heaston. Billy, Charlerol, Pa., indef. Haim Chldren, Colonial, Richmond, Va.; MM, Chase's, Wssh. Helston, Whally 4 Lottie, 1808 Oolamhla, Phlla. Henshsw, Edward, 80 B. 116th, N. Y. Henry, Jack, 41 Lisle. Leicester sq., London. Henry 4 Lisel, Merry Maldena, B. B. Herbert 4 Brown, Fields', Minstrels. Herbert, Bert, Hart'a Bathing Girls Co., indef. Herbert Bros., 285 E. 24th, N. Y. Herbert 4 Vance, 1845 John, Cincinnati. Herrman, The Great, 108 Roe Folle, Merlcourt, Paris. Herrmann, Adelaide, Oilsey House, N. Y. Hlbbert 4 Warren, Orphans*, Spokan e . Hickman Bros. 4 Co., Poll's, Bridgeport; 22, Poll's, Scranton. Hickman, Wills 4 Co.. Majestic, Ashland, Ky. Hill. Cherry 4 Hill. 188 E. 16th, N. Y. Hill 4 W hi taker, Trent, Trenton. Hill. Annl, Vanity Fair, B. B. Hilton Troupe. City Sports, B. R. Hodges. Musical, Majestic. Dallas. Holland, Webb 4 Co.. Liberty, Pittsburg; 22, Family, Braddock, Pa. Holman Bros., Savoy, Atlantic City, N. 7. Holmes 4 Hoi 11 at on, Los Angeles, Loo Hines 4 Remington, Harrison, N. J. Hoerleln, Lillian, Wlntergarden, Berlin, Oar. Hoffmana, Cycling, Stanley Hotel, 8 North Clark, Chicago. Holman, Harry, Family, Lancaster, Pa. Holt, Alf. 41 Lisle. London, W. B., Bag. Horan, Eddie. 1558 B'way, N. Y. Horton 4 La Trlska, Poll's, New Haven, 22, Poll's, Scranton. Pa. Howard 4 Co., Bernlce, 8007 Calumet, Chicago. Howard Bros., Moss 4 8toll Tour, Eng. Howard 4 St. Clair, Vaudeville Club, London. Howe, Laura, 288 Harvard, Brookline, Mass. Hbward's Ponies 4 Dogs, Orpheum, A lien town; 22, G. 0. H., Pittsburg. Howell 4 Scott, Moss 4 Stoll Tour, Eng. Hoyt 4 McDonald, National Hotel, Chicago. Huegel Bros., 118 B. 24th, Erie, Pa. Huges, Musical Trio, Orpheum, Allen town; 22, Trent, Trenton. Hughes 4 Cole, Colonial, Wash., D. 0. Hughes, Johnny 4 Matle, Orpheum, Sioux City. Hurley, Musical, 152 Magnolia, Elisabeth. Hurst, Minola Marda, Cardinal, Basel Suisse, Gar. Hurwood, W. O., Lyric, Paris, Texss, indef. Huston, Arthur, Colonial, Lawrence; 22, Audi- torium, Lynne. Hyatt, Larry H., Lyric, Greenwood, 8. 0., Indef. Hyde, Rob 4 Bertha, Orpheum, Savannah, Ga. Hylands, Three, 22 Cherry. Danbnry, Conn. Hymer 4 Kent, 22, Keith's, Baltimore. Imperial Mnslcsl Trio, Majestic, Montgomery, 22, Majestic, 'Birmingham. Ingram 4 Hyatt, 1814 Edmondson, Baltimore. Ingrams, Two, Bijou, Fargo, N. D. Innea 4 Byan. Majestic, Lincoln, Neb. International Four, Watson's, B. B, Ioleen Sisters, Bljoo, La Crosse, Win. Irving, Thomas R., Pslm, Syracuse, lndsf. Irving, Musical, 80 Boston, Newsrk, N. J. Jsckson Family, Winter Circus, Reading, Mass. Jscobs 4 West, 205 B. 2d, Jamestown, N. Y. Jacobs, Msrcy. 4 Boys' Band, 26 W. 12th, N. Y. Jsmes 4 Jsmes, Bijou, Plqus, O. James 4 Prior, 010 2d Ave., Seattle, Waah. James, Byron, Bljoo, Flint, Mich., Indef. Jefferson, Cecil, Orpheum, Csnton, O.; 22, Na- tional, Steubenvllle, O. Jennings 4 Jewell, Majestic, Cedar Rapids, Is. Jennings 4 Renfrew, Auditorium, Lynn; 22, Hatb- away's, New Bedford. Jerge, Aleene 4 Hsmllton, Hippo., Huntington, W. Va.; 22, Hippo., Lexington, Ky. Jerome, Nat 8., The Rolllckers Co., B. R. Jerome 4 Jerome, New Century Girls, B. R. Jess, Jdbn W., Lid Lifters, B. R. Jewette 4 Hayes, Bell, Newport News, Vs. Johnson, R. Melvln, Johnson Hotel, Lafayette, Ind. Johnson, Carroll, Orpheum, Reading; 22, Orpheum, Harrlsburg. Johnson 4 Hsrt, Fsmlly, Shamokln, Pa. Johnson. Musical. 377 Eighth Ave., N. Y. Johnson Sisters, O. H., Rumpford Fall, Me. Johnson Bros. 4 Johnson, Scenic, Tverett, Msss. Johnstone. Lorlmer, Ontario Hotel, Chicago. Jolly 4 Wild, Hathaway's, Lowell; 22, Hatba- way's, New Bedford. Jones 4 Sutton. 224 W. 17th, N. Y. Jones 4 Mayo, Keith's, Portlsnd. Jordens, Five, 4803 Ashland, Chicago. Jordan, Braoneck 4 Cbulits, O. H., Amsterdam, N. Y. Josselyn, Wm. H. 4 E. B., Unlonvllle, Conn. Jules 4 Marzon, 10 Shaftsbury, Toronto, Can. Julian 4 Dyer, Bijou, Jackson, Mich.; 22, Majes- tic, Ann Arbor, Mich. Kalraa, E. H., O. H.. Rldgewsy, Ps. Ksne, Leonard, Novelty, Oakland. Ksrtollos, Juggling, De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. Kaufmau, Reba, 4 lues, Folies Bergere, Paris, France, Indef. Kaufman Bros., 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Kesne, J. Warren, Poll's, Springfield; 22, Poll's, Waternury. Keates. John V., 70 W. 108, N. Y. Keatnns, Three. Orpheum, Atlanta, Gs., 22, Or- pheum, Easton, Pa. Cobb's Corner BO. 168. SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1808. " You're Just the Kind of Girl I Want My Girl to Be" Words by WILL D. COBB. Music by E. BAY GOETZ. He met her one day the usual way, A mutusl friend waa on band; A "bow do you do?" and "pleased to meet yon." And Cupid sdds two to bis bond. Now, the looks of this lassie struck him as so classy He mentally marked her O. K., And growing heroic became Romeoic, Enough to spesk right out snd ssy: CHORUS. You're just the kind of girl I went my girl to be. You're just the prise my hungry eyes bsve starved to sea. Awake! Asleep! I just can't keep this thought from me— You're just the kind of girl I want my girl to be. She listened tbst dsy, while he said his ssy; She listened snd longed to believe; But she'd learned from shows, what "each woman knows," Tbst man has been known to deceive. So the did some "8berlocking," results were quite shocking— She found bim, ob! sad to relate, Outside Vsssar College imparting this knowl- edge To esch girl that came out the gate. Shapiro's Golllt. 1410 Broadway WILL D. COBB Keegan 4 Mack, Coney Corner Girls, B. R. Keeley, Lillian, 184 Wardsworth, B. Boston. Kelfe, Zens, Hotel Grand, San Francisco. Kelfer 4 Chapman, 2485 B. 17th, Philadelphia. Keeley Bros., G. O. H., Grand Baplds; 22, Ms- jestlc, Kalamasoo, Mich. Keith 4 Da Mont. 722 W. 14th PI., Chicago. Kelly, Walter C, Poll's, Scrsntoo; 22, Poll's, Hsrtford. Keller, Msjor, Poll's, Wsterbory, Indef. Keltners, Three, 817 Csrllsle, Dallas, Tex. Kelly 4 Cstlin, Four Psws, Phils.; 22, Scenic, Hsrtford. Kennedy 4 Peltier, Orpheum, Lima, O.; 22, Sun, Springfield, O. Keno, Joe, 22, Powers, Grand Rsplds, Mich. Kenton, Dorothy, Crystsl Pslsce, Lelpalg, Ger. Kenyon 4 Hesly, 282 Murrsy. Newsrk, N. J. Klmbsll 4 Donovan, 118 Northampton, Boston. King, Alice, City Sports, B. B. Kingston 4 Thomas, Star Show Girls, B. B. Klrby. Lillian, Tiger Lilies, B. R. Kllesea, Four, Orpheum, Oswego, N. Y.; 22. Bl- joo, Woonsocket, R. I. Knights, Ten Dark, Cardiff. Wales. Kobers, Three, 88 18th. Wheeling, W. Vs. Kelfe, Zens, Grsnd, Ssn Francisco, Indef. Koppeo, The. 117 W. 23d, N. Y. Kohl, Gus 4 Marlon, 811 Fourth, Milwaukee. Koklo, Mignonette, Islington Hippo., London, Eng. Kolfsge, Duke, Crystal, Blkwood, Ind., Indef. Kooper, Hsrry J., Buster Brown Co. Kraton, John, Fsmlly, Shsmokln, Ps. Kratons, The, Central, Madgeburg, Ger. Kretone, Colonial, Bicbmond, Va. Kurtls, Busse, Majestic, Montgomery; 22, Majes- tic, Birmingham. Kuryllo. Edward J., Keith's, Phlla.. 22, Mam- mersteln's, N. Y. Kyasyas, The, C. O. Performer, London, Eng. Kyle. Tom E., Gourney Co., Vsud., Owen Sount, Ont., Can., Indef. THE LITTLE GIBL WITH THE BIS VOICE DaisyLeon SOME SOPRANO Is making 'em sit up and take notice with her rendition of LEO EDWARDS' "Rosiest of Rose Song's" "This Rose Brines My Heart to You" rith Bam Barnard's "Nearly A Hero" Co. PXTBLISHED BY Gus. Edwards Music Pub. Co. TIMES SQUARE, N. Y. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.