Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 21 A Hit Over Night! A Hit Over Night 1 A Hit Over Night! 44 ' BEAUTIFUL EYES 99 A Novelty Song, DIFFERENT from ALL other "Eye" tongs—A positive hit with every performer-..* SCREAM with your audlenoe-Every line a LAUfiH Professional Copies and Orchestration to Recognized Performers Only. Send Up-to-Date Programs TED SNYDER COMPANY, (INC), 112 West 38th St., (Near Broadway), New York City 9mimw*mtm>0*m0*t0tm*0 m *00*mmmw* NIFTY NOTES or ^p^ljj^ J. H. REMICK Mjl that we are the Klaw and Erlanger's of all the ton*- writer*, and why ihouldn't we he? Didn't we writ* "Shine On Harvest Moon" and lots of others! All PUBLISHED BT REMICK Don't forget our Western Representative, Mr. Jack Norworth, will be at the Sherman House, Chicago, one more week to teach yon all our latest hit*. "WE'RE GLAD WE'RE MARRIED." ! lyy^^yy^y^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lecey. Will, 629 Qu*., N. W., Wash., D. O. Lakola A Lorain. Palace Hotel, Chicago. Lampe Bros., 1568 Broadway, N. Y. Lane, Bddle, SOS B. T8d, N. Y. Lane & Adell, 882 Geneeeee, Rochester. Langdons, The, Majestic, Waterloo, Is. La Blanche, Great, Pastime, 8anford, Fla. La Clair A West. Royal, Galveston. Tea. La Eetellta, 1503 Broadway, N. Y. La Fayette, La moot Co., 2900 Cormany, Cincin- nati. La near, Joe, 29 Chase, Wssh. La Mar, Sadie, Strolling Players, B. B. La Mar, Hsrry, Wm. Tell House, Boston. La Marche, Frankle, Ducklings, B. R. La Mass Bros., Moulin Rouge, Rio Ds Janeiro, Braall. La Moines, Musical. Majestic, Colorado Springs. Ls Bose Bros., 107 B. 31, N. Y. La Tell Bros.. Casino, Elkins. W. Vs.; 22. Ca- sino, Washington. Pa. La Tour Sisters, Golden Crook, B. R. La Tour, Irene, Proctor's, Newsrk; 22, Keith's. Boston. La Toy Bros., Van Buren Hotel. Chicago. La Centra ft La Rue, 2401 2d Ave., N. Y. Le Clair, Harry, Unique. Minneapolis- Lamb's Manikins, 405 Pippin, Portland, Ore. Larrlvee A Lee, Ackers. Halifax, N. 8. Lavall Sisters, 143 Golden Gate, San Francisco. Landln, Bdward, Majestic. Little Rock, lndef. Lang. George, Crystsl, Bedford, Ind., lndef. Ls Van A La Valette, Majestic. Pittsburg, lndef. La Van A Hill, Serenaders. B. R. La Rex. Wonderful, Clara Turner Stock Co. Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrels. Lanet A Ardell. 332 Genessee, Rochester, N. Y. La vine. Bdward, Majestic, Milwaukee. Lawrence A Healy. Sherman House. Chicago. Lawrence A Dale, 2 New Castle Court. Boston. La Gray, Dollle. Bijou. Racine, Wis., lndef. Lavalls, The. Hippo, Belfast, Ireland. Le Hlrt, Mons., 700 Clifford, Rochester. I* Raub A Scottle. 838 Locust, Phil a. La Vllle. Rose, City 8ports. B. R. Lsvine A Leonard, Anderson. Louiivllle. La Vine Oiineron Trio, 1533 Broadway. N. Y. Le Witt A A oh more Co.. 290 No. State, Chicago. La Zar A La Zar, 108 Dearborn ave., Chicago. Ijb Claires Two, Olympic, Dunkirk, N. Y. Le Fevre A St. John, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Leigh, Lisle, 140 Arnold, River 8ide, R. I. Lelghtons, Three, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Lelsenlngs, Three, Middletown, O.; 22, Star, Mun- cle, Ind. Lee, James P.. Unique, Los Angeles, lndef. Leeds A Ls Mar, 1553 Broadway. N. Y. Le Roy A La Vanlou, Hathaway's. Fltcbburg, Mass.; 22, Hathaway's, New Bedford. Leno, Don, Grsnd, Portland. Leonard. Cbas. F., Relily A Woods, B. R. Leonard A Phillips. Bijou. La Crosse. Wis. Leonard, Gnu, Majestic, Rock ford. 111. Leonard, Grace, St. Paul Hotel, N. Y. Leonard A Drake. 1099 Park PI., Brooklyn. Leonard, James, Sadie A Richard, 200 B. 20th, N. Y. Leo, Arthur. 1088 Richland, Baltimore. I<eo, Jolly, 788 Carmen, Camden, N. J. ( Lee Sllvss, Poll's, Scranton; 22, PoU's, Bridge- port. Leslie, Geo. W., Majestic, Des Moines. Levitt A Falls, 710 Orsnge, Syracuse, N. Y. Lewis, Walter, A Co., Keith's, Providence. Lewis, Harr A Co., 131 W. 16th. N. Y. Lewis A Lake, 2411 Norton, Kansas City, Mo. Lewis A Green, Olympic, Chicago. Lewla A Manson, 74 Orchard, N. Y. Lindsay. Stilling A Wllber, Pointer's Cafe, San Francisco, Cal. Lisla A Adams, Gem, Meridian. Miss., lndef. Lockwood A Bryson, 920 E. 23d, Los Angeles. Lobse A Wilkens, Burk's Shows, B. B. Lois, Orpbeum. Tampa, Fla. Lloyd, Herbert, 80 Great Wilson, Leeds, Bng. Long, John, Family, Erie, Pa., lndef. Lublua, Dancing. 921 North Warnock, Phils., Ps. Lucier, Marguerite. Hans A Nlxs Co. Luce A Luce, Poll's, Worcester. Lucken's Lions, Wlgwsm, San Francisco. "Luis King," Hippo., Aston, Birmingham, Bng. Lyres, Three, Fashion Platea Co., B. R. Lynette Sisters, Lyceum, Chicago. MacDonald, Cbas. A Sadie, 18 W. 109th, N. Y. MacRue A Levering, Empire, B. B. Mab, Queen, A Mr. Weiss. Lit Bldg., Phlla.. Pa. Mack Boys, 01 Asylum, New Hsven. Msck. Ed, Wstson's. B. B. Msck, Wslter 0., Columbia, Brooklyn; 22, Or- pbeum. Altoona. Mack. Wilbur, Hammeratein's, N. Y.; 22, PoU's, Worcester. Macks, Two, 245 W. 59th, N. Y. Mshr, Agnes, Orpheum, Osklsnd. •Msjestlco Muslcsl Four, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can.; 22, Temple, Detroit. Makhow, Geo. F., Empire, Milwaukee, lndef. Malvern Troupe, Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. B. Mandel, Eva, 208 State, Chicago. Manley A Sterling, 87 South Clark, Chicago. Manning A Dixon, Knickerbockers, B. R. Msonlng A Ford, Bmpire, San Frsnclsco, Cal. ManteU'a Marionettes, Grsnd, Fargo, N. D. Manny, Ed, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. B. Msrchl A Raab, 289 Franklin, Johnstown, Ps. Msrchsnds, The. 169 B. 89th, N. Y. 0. Marcus, Prof. Harold, Hotel Granada, St. Au- gustine, Fla. Mardo Trio. Madison Square Garden, N. Y.; 22, Rlngllng Bros., O. R. Marlon A Lillian. 173 W. 42d pi.. Los Angeles. Msreena. Nevaro. Mareena, National, San Fran- cisco. Mario Trio. 02 E. 8tb. N. Y. Marriott Twins, Trent. Trenton. Marsh. Joe. 244 B. Ohio, Chicago. Marshall Bros., Scenic, Waltham, Mass.; 22. Scenic, Chelsea, Mass. Martells, Two, 141% 3d, Portland, Ore. Martha, Mile., A Aldo, Temperance Hall, Mer- thye Tydfil, Eng. Martin ft Crouch. 007 S. 12th. Springfield. 111. Martin, Davis A Percle, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Mathiesen, Walter, 00 W. Ohio, Chicago. Marty. Joe, Pantages', Seattle. Maurice A Perrln Co,. 113 Chestnut. St. Louis. Marvelous Ed, 027 Cess, Jollet, 111. Marzello A Vannersoo. 254 W. 24th, N. Y. Maxim's Models, Columbia, St. Lonls. Maxwpll A Dudley, 100 W. 90th, N. Y. Maze, Edna. Jersey Lilies, B. R. McCabe. Jack, New Century Girls, B. R. McConncll A Simpson, roll's, Wilkes-Barre; 22. Poll's, Waterbury. McCann, Gcraldine, A Co., 700 Park, Johnstown, Pa. McCauley. Joe. Gayety, South Chicago, lndef. McCoy. Dan. Watson's, B. R. McGregor, Lulu, Grand, Altoona, Pa., lndef. McCtulre, Tuts, BIJou. Jackson, Mich.; 22, Majes- tic, Ann Arbor, Mich. McCune A Grant. 030 Benton, Pittsburg. McDowell. John A Alice, Grand, Portsmouth, 0. McFarland A Murray. Travelers Co. McFarland, Wm., Miss New York, Jr., B. R. McGcc. Joe B., Geo. Van's Minstrels. McGrnth A Paige, 58 Washington, Middletown, Conn. McKay A Cantwell, Majestic, Utica; 22, Temple, Detroit. MoLallen Carson . Duo. Fashion Plates, B. R. McPhee A Hill. 22. Poll's, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. McVeigh A College Girls. Orpheum. Salt Lake. Meier A Mora, March, Circus Varlete, Copenhagen, Denmark. Mella. The. Rlngllng Bros., C. R. Melnotte Twins A Clay Smith. Dominion, Win- nipeg. Melrose Bros., 133 Park. Bridgeport. Melville. George D.. Hippo.. N. Y.. lndef. Mendel, 18 Adam, Strand, London, Eng. Menetekel, c/o H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Borough Queens, N. Y. Merkel, Louis. 200 Summit, West Hoboken, W. J. Merle. Pastor A Madge, Majestic, St. Paul. Merrltt, Raymond, 178 Tremont, Passadena. OaL Merriman Sisters, Behman Show, B. B. Miacos A Fundland, 780 Eighth Ave, N. Y. Mignon, Helene, 129 B. 14th, 8t. Paul. Miley, Kathryn, Orpheum, Atlanta; 22, Keith's, Phils. Mlddleton, Gladys, 080 Drury, Kansas City, Mo. Milmars, The, Union, Miaoula, Mont. Millar Musical Four, Girls from Happyland, B. B. Millard. Bill A Bob, Cracker Jack, B. R. Miller A Princeton, 88 Olney, Providence, Miller. Grace, Phillip's, Richmond, Ind., lndef. Miller, Louis E., A Co., 183 W. 45th. N. Y. Miller, L. Frank, Fashion Pistes, B. R. Miller, Theresa, Criterion, Chicago, lndef. Mlllership Sisters, Miner's Burlesquers, B. B. Millman Trio, 22, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Miles A Dewey, 48 Howard, Boston. Mills A Moulton, 58 Race, Buffalo. Milton. Cbas. W., 1301 Gwlnette, Augusts, Qa. Minstrel Four, Merry Maidens, B. R. Mitchell A Grant, Box 188, Townsend, Mass. Mitchells, Dancing, Robinsons, Cincinnati, O. Mimic Four, 859 W. 42d. N. Y. Moneta Five, 42 G. O. H. Bldg., Chicago. Montague. Mona, 2959 Uraln, Denver. Montgomery, Geo. P., Orpbeum, Hot Springs, Ark., lndef. Montray, Edward. 814 Western, N. 8., Pittsburg. Moouey A Holbein, Brixton, Bng.; 22, Rochdale, Eng. Moore A Young, Gem, Greensboro, N. O. Moor bead, Harry, Dreamland, Norfolk, Vs. Moran A Wiser, Apdllo, Neurenberg, Ger. Moreland, Cbas., 734% Central, Hot Springs, Ark. Morris A Morton, Fsds A Follies, B. B. Morris A Sherwood Sisters, Foley, Oklahoma City, Okie. Morris, Billy. A Sherwood 81sters, Holly, Okla- homa, Okla. Morton A Elliott, Moss A Stoll Tour, lndef. Morton, Hugb, Mosart, Elmlra, N. Y., lndef. Morton, Jewel], Troupe, 1065 Cullan. Cincinnati. Morton. Ed, Empire, Peterson; 22, Proctor's, Al- bany. Moto Girl, Empire, Cardiff, Eng.; 22, Grand, Bir- mingham. Mowatts, Juggling, Hausa, Halnsburg, Ger. Mullen ft Correlll, Poll's, Wllkes-Barre. Muller, Cbunn A Mnller, Orpbeum, Brooklyn. Mulvey, Ben. L., 287 Richmond, Providence. Murray, Eddie, Flsber'a, Los Angeles, lndef. Murray Sisters, 22. Majestic, Des Moines. Mr.: Mr*. MM MURPHY Week March 15, Bennett's. Montreal. Murray A Mack. Lyric, Atlanta, Ga.; 22, Bijou, Birmingham. Murphy, Frank, Ducklings, B. R. Murphy A Magee, Ducklings, B. R. Musketeers, Four, Vanity Fair. B. R. My Fancy, 12 Adam, Strand, London, Eng. Myers ft Rosa, Grand, Wheeling, W. Va.; 22. Lyric. Dayton, O. J. ROYER WEST and IDA VAN SICLEN Are oreatiog a sensation with the Ballad Supreme, ii If LOVE DAYS "Love Days" is by Jerome and Boh warts, and is Published by the House that Publishes "The White Wash Man 99 PUBLDJHED BY COHAN & HARRIS 115 W. 42d St, Hew York Between Broadway and 6th Ave, J, sad S. Corner. L Nations! Pour, Golden Crook Co., B. B. Neslon A Titos, Oil Brown, Phils. Neff A Stsrr, Bljoa, Battle Creek; 22, Bijou, Jack- son, Mich. Nelson A Otto, 10 Howlsnd, Boxtrary, Mass. Newell A Nlblo, 14 Leicester, London. Bag. Nichols, Four, 810 Dauber, Csnton, O. Nlblo, Victor, Keith's, Providence; 22, Poll's, Springfield. Nickel, Earl, 848 B. 40th, Chicago. Nlrro A Le Boy, 1325 Psge, Allegheny, Ps. Noble, Billy, A Jesnns Brooks, Novelty, Topahl, Kan. Noblette ft Marshall, 1012 Hempvllle, Ft. Worth. Nolsn, Fred, World Besters, B. B. Nonette. 184 Henry, Brooklyn. Normsns, Juggling, Orpbeum, Mlnnespolls; S3. Orpbeum, Winnipeg. Norton, C. Porter, G842 Klmbsrk, Chicago. Norris, Leon. A Go.. 63 W. 7th, Mt. Vernon, N. T, Norrlaes, The. 617 Walnut, Hamilton, O. Norton, Mlna, Dime, Walls Walls, Wssh., lndtf* Noaees Musical, Youngs, Atlsntlc City, St Keiths, Phils. Nugent, Wm. F., 11 W. 118tb. N. Y. i Nugent, J. C, The Oaks, Canal Dover, O. ' t 0 O'Connors Saunders Co.. Majestic. Denver. WITHOUT IVBULT, OB INHUMAN CARICATURE. OF ANY NATIONALITY, ALL PLAY PARTS AND SINO SOLOS, THE ROC A D RO (JOE BIRNE8, Representative) QU A R In s straight, oomedy, and eooentrlo singing act. 1888 BBOADWAY, MEW YORK. STUN6 IN THE BANK ROLL! Being stung In the pocket bcok ls one of the to a man, hut when you invest your bard-earned trunk you certainly get stung in that tender apot . you invest about the same amount In a BAL FTBK BAL is not only considerably lighter, but is much most unpleasant and painful things that can bsppsa coin In a heavy, old-fashioned canvas covered wood for yon d on't get all you should for your money. If C TRUNK you get about twice as much value for the at r on ger and far more serviceable. WILLIAM BAL. Inc. BEND FOR CATALOGUE V. BUILDERS OF 210 West 42nd Street. New York J/il/Timk When anttoering advertitemenU kindly mention Variety.