Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY ? Wants Everyone to Know that Protected Her Monday Evening Against the Most Contemptible, Dangerous and Unprofessional Scheme Ever Concocted by a Human Being , HAMMERSTEIN KNOWS I AM GRATEFUL) O'Dell A Hart, 2063 Stroud, Green Lake, Wash. Odell ft Gtlmore. 370 W. Monroe, ChlcafO. Ogden, Helen, 279 Clybourn, Chicago. O'Hana. Ed. Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Okabe Family. 29 Charing Cross Rd., London, Bng. Onlaw, Gus, Trio, Temple, Detroit; Cook's, Bock- ester. Onken, Al, The Chutes, San Francisco, lndef. O'Neill, Emma, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. O'Neill, W A., Orpheum. Oakland, indef. Ollretta Troubadours, Hathaway's, Lowell; 22, Auditorium, Lynn. Opp, Joe, Travelers Co., B. R. Orbaasany, Irma, 9 Altkenbead Rd., Glasgow, Scot. O'Rourke, Eugene, ft Co., 1229 Tin ton Are., N. T. Orth A Fern, Majestic, Dallas; 22, Majestic, Hous- ton. Ortmann Trio, Clrco Bell, Mexico City, Max., lndef. Otto Bros., 10 Howland, Roxbury, Mas*. Otto A Cortel, Youngatown, O. Owen, Garry, Orpbeom, Jennings, La. Owens, Billy A May, 1421 Adams, N. 8., Pitta- burg. Oaavs, The. Kinsley Ave., Kenmore, N. T. Pollard, W. D., Palace Hotel, Chicago. Palmer Sisters, M5 Hart, Brooklyn. Palmer A Lewis, Ackers, Halifax, N. 8., lndef. Pamahaalke, Prof., 1937 E. Dauphin, Pbila. Pepper Twlna, Llndaay, Ont., Canada. Pattens, Three, Orpheum, Chilllcotbe, O. Peterson's Bronse Studios, 619 Larkin, 'Frisco. Pauline, Hatbaway's, New Bedford; 22, Keith's, Providence. Paulinettl A Plquo, 2214 So. Broad, Pbila. Pearce Sisters, 725 Lane, Seattle, Wash. Pearson A Garfield, 229 W. 88tb, N. Y. Peck, Roy, Vogel'a Minstrels. Pepper Twins, Lindsay, Ont., Can. Pinard A Manny, 275 South Fifth, Brooklyn. Pendletons. The, Unique, Des Moines, la. Perry A Elliott, Clark's Runaways, B. R. Petcblng Bros., 16 Packard, Lymansville, R. I. Pblllppo Sisters, 140 W. 36th. N. Y. Phillips A Bergen, 873 Charles, Boston. Phillips A Newell, Lyceum, Wobum, Mass. Piccolo Midgets, Box 23, Phoenicia, N. Y. Pike Bros., 978 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. PilCer, Harry, 255 W. 143d, N. J. Piper, Franco, G. O. H., Plttaburg. Plamondons, Two, 1114 Qulncy, Tbpeka, Kas. Polk A Polk. Majestic, Birmingham; 22, Majestic, Little Rock. Pollard, Gene. World Beaters, B. B. Pope, J. C. A Dog, 240 Franklin, Pbila. Potter A Harris. Lyric, Dayton, 0.; 22, Keith's, Cleveland. Potta Bros. A Co., Thalia, Chicago. Powder A Chapman, Girls of Moulin Rouge, B. B. Powell, Eddie, Columbia, Norfolk, Va.; Park, Man- chester, N. H. Powers Trio, 5, Washington. Somervllle, Mass. Preston, George, Watson's, B. R. Price, Bob, Starland, Montreal, lndef. Puget, George B., Runaway Girls, B. R. Purvis, James, New Century Girls, B. Qulgg A Nlckerson, 8bea's, Buffalo. Quillln, L., German Village, Columbus, O., lndef. Radford A Valentine, Vaudeville Club, London, Eng. Rainbow Sisters, Main St., Peoria, 111. Rankin A Leslie. 418 W. 80th, N. Y. Rastus A Banka, Apollo, Vienna, Aua. Rawla A Von Kaufman, Majestic. Galveston. Ratellea, The, 687 Letmuneanx, Montreal. Raymond, Baby, A Co., Orpheum, Yonkere;; 22, G. O. H., Syracuse. Raymond, Cttra, 8cribner Show, B. B. Raymond A Harper, Orpheum, Tiffin, O.; 22, O. H., Greenville, O. Raymond A Hall, Orpheum, Mlnneapolla. Rayno, Al, Poll's, Waterbury; 22, K. A P.'a 6th Ave., N. Y. Rector. Harry. Clrco Trevlno, Monterey, Mex. Red Eagle, Bennett's, Hamilton; 22, Poll's, Scran- ton. Redding, Franceses, A Co., 204 W. 183d, N. Y. Redford A Winchester, Columbia, Cincinnati; 22, Anderson, Louisville. Reed A Barl, Orpheum, Oil City, Pa.; 22, Ly- ceum, Meadvllle. Pa. Reed. John P.. 338 No. Main. Kendallvllle. Ind. Reed A St. John, 454 Manhattan. N. Y. Reed Bros., Orpbeum, Reading; 22, Armory, Bing- ham ton. Reick A Howard, 128 Greenwich. N. Y. Reld Sisters, 45 Broad, Elizabeth, N. J. Rlesner A Gores, 128 Roanoke, San Francisco. Remington, Mayme, Hotel Gerard, N. Y. Renards. Three, K. A P.'a 5th Ave., N. Y.: 22, K. A P.'a 125th St.. N Y. Renee Family, Majestic, Houston; 22, Majestic, Galreston. Reinfleld's, Lady, Minstrels, O. H„ Rome, Ga. Renshaw. Bert, Majestic, La Salle, III., lndef. Revell, Nellie, Stock Farm, Greenwood, Ind. Hhodcs A Engel, Fulton, Brooklyn. Hianos. Four, Orpheum, Harrlsburg. 22 Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Hire A Cady, Shubert, TJtlca. Ulckrode, Harry E., Pantagee' Theatre Bldf., Seattle. Rich Duo, Pantages'. Sacramento. Klch A Howard. 811 W. 13th, N. Y. Richards,' Great, Grand, Wheeling, W. Va.; 22, Orpbeum, Harrlsburg. Richards A Montrose, 450 So. 1st Ave., Mt. Var- non. N. Y. RIcltardsoB, John 8., 18 Grauyer pi., Buffalo. Rlngling. Adolph, 840 So. 6th, Newark. N. J Ritchie, Gertie. 305 Elm. Buffalo. N. Y. Rltter A Foster, Tottenham, London, Eng. Roattlno A Stevens, 114 B. 11th. N. Y Roberts, C. K.. A Rats. Miles. Minneapolis. Robblns A Trenaman, Elite, Atlanta, lndef. Robinson. Alice, 457 Orchard, Chicago. arc TAKE NOTICE, European Managers, Agents and Artists: The foreign singing rights (Great Britain and the Continent) to the below mentioned songs restricted solely to ANNABELLE WHITFORD WARNING! Prosecution will follow against all who may be concerned in any infringement of Miss Whitford's rights. The songs and titles are: "The Gibson Bathing Girl" "The Gibson Widow" "The Gibson Sailor Girl" "If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live" " Yearning " Music by Alfred Solman Published by JOS. W. STERN & CO., New York Communication! «o Miaa Whlttord may b« iddr.M.d car* VARIETY. Naw York or London i When amwering advertitementi kindly mention Vabirt.