Variety (March 1909)

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16 VARIETY VARIETY ARTISTS* ROUTES FOR WEEK MARCH 22 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The route* here given, hearing no data*, are from MARCH 21 to MARCH 81, inclusive, de- pendent upon the opening and closing days of engagements in different parti of the country. All addresses below are furnished VARIETY by artists. Addressee care managers or agents will not bo printed.) i i B. R. 'BURLESQ17E ROUTES.' ROUTES FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK MUST REACH THIS OFFICE HOT LATER THAR TUESDAY MORNING TO ENSURE PUBLICATION. » ■ • ■ 9 A, B. C. D Girls, Majestic, Dallas; 39, Majestic, Houston, Abaltoa, Hllarion A Roaalla, American, St. Louis. Abbott. Arthur, Grand, Hamilton, O.; 29, Sun, Springfield, O. Abdallab Bros., Three, 1238 Golden Onto, Frieco. Adair, Art, Wigwam, San Francisco. Adams * Mack, Family, Port Jervls, N. Y.; 22, Family, GloverevIUe, N. Y. Adams, Mabelle, 22, Empire, Hoboken, N. J. Addison A Livingston Palace, Shreveport, La. Ader Trio, 2288 N. 3d, Phlla. Adelyn, Box 242, Ohampalgn, 111. Adler, Flo, Orpheum, Omaha. Abeam, Chas.. Troupe, Keith's, Phlla.; 22, Cusses, Washington. Ahearns, The, 290 Colo. Are., Chicago. Altkon Bros., Palace, Memphis, Tenn. Albanl, 1416 Broadway, N. Y. C. Alberi, Glulia, Scrlbner's Big 8how, B. R. Albene A La Brant, 212 B. 20th, N. Y. Albnrtus A Millar. Empire, Glasgow, Scot.; 29, Empire, Edinburgh, Scot. Alexsndra A Berties, 41 Acre Lane, London, Bug. Alexis A Scball, 827 E. 20th, N. Y. Allaire, Alme, Trio, Orpheum, Wichita, Kan. Allen, Chas. II., 481 S. Morgan, Chicago. AUen, A. D., Co., 74 Pleasant, Montclalr, N. J. Allen, Violet. A Co., 22 E. 14th, N. Y. Allen, Leon A Bertie. 118 Central. Oshkoab. Wis. Allen A Francis, Oil Shotwell, San Francisco. All, Hunter A All, Claude pi. and New York are., Jamaica, N. Y. Allison, Mr. A Mrs., Orpheum, Minneapolis. Alpine Troupe, Majestic, Lincoln, Neb. Alrona, Zoller, Trio, Mardl Gras Beauties, B. R. Alrano A Co., West Middletown, O. Alrarettas, Three, Jersey Lilies, B. R. Alrin, Peter H., 0. H.. Point Marlon, Pa. Aivin A Hendrlz, Family, Pittsburg. American Dancers, Six, G. O. II., Indianapolis. American Newsboys Quartet, Garrick, Burling- ton, la. Ames A Corbett, Orpheum, Butte. American Trio, 08 Penn Are., Newark, N. J. Anderson, Madge, Mosart, Wllliamsport, Pa.; 29, American, Chicago. Angell Sisters, 712 W. New York, Indianapolis. Apollo Bros., 849 W. 4th, N. Y. Appelle, Charlotte, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Archer, Boh, Jolly Girls Co., B. R. Ardo A Eddo. 000 E. 84th. N. T. Ariaona Troupe, 881 B. 18th, N. Y. Arlington Four, Majestic Johnstown, Pa.; 29, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Armstrong A Verne. Poll's, Hartford; 29, Poll's, Bridgeport. Armstrong A Clark, Majestic. Dea Moines. Arnold A Felix, Keith's, Columbus. Arthur, May, Chsmpagne Girla, B. R. Arrille, Dorothy, Roaalelgh Court, 38th, N. Y. Auberts, Lea, 14 Frobel Str. III., Hamburg, Ger. Auburn*. Three, 830 Beacon, Sotntnerrllle, Mass. Auera, The, 87 Heygate, South Bnd-on-Sea, Eng. Auger, Capt. Geo., 12 Lawrence Rd., So. Baling, London, Eng. Austins, The, 10 Bakers Lane, Rockville. Conn. Avery. W. B., 0008 Ferreatrille, Ohieago. Ayres, Howard. 2411 So. Adler, Phlla. Aaards, The, 22* W. 88th, N. Y. Baader, La Valle, Trio. Orphenm, Minneapolis; 29. Orpheum, Sioux City. Baraban Russian Troupe, 109 E. 116th. N. Y. Bachman, Marie, Grand, Loo Angeles, indef. Baernatein, Harry, Bljoo, Racine, Wis., Indef. NAT C. BAKER "SOME ITALIANO COMIftUE." Western Vauderille Association Time. Baldwin A Shea, Marlon, Marlon,' 0.; 29, Or- pheum, Zanesvllle, O. Ball A Marshall. Bijou, Muskegon, Mich.. 22, Temple, Detroit. Barber A Palmer, 617 N. 22d. South Omaha, Neb. Barrett A Belle, New Century Girls, B. R. Barry A Wolford, Keith's, Columbus, O.; 29, .Lyric, Dayton. O. Barnes, T. Roy, A Bessie Crawford, Empire, Ho- boken; 29. Empire, Patterson. Barnes A Conway, City Sports, B. R. Barnes A Lerlna. Caatle, Bloomlngton, 111. Barr, Richards A Co., G. O. H., Syracuse; 22, Keith's. Phlla. Barron, Rube, 20 E. 88th N. Y. Barrett Sisters, 1964 N. 21st, Phlla. Barrett, Marjorle, Majestic, Denver. Bates, Louis W., Orpheum, Chattanooga, Tenn. Batro A McCue, 819 North Second Reading. Baxter A La Conda, 1610 Carson, Pittsburg. Beam, Will, 1003 B'way. N. Y. Bean. Wm. C, 100 Oxford, London, Eng. Be Anos, The. 3442 Charlton, Chicago. Beard, Billy, 1401 Dayton, Savannah, Ga. Beanvls. Maridor. A Co., Victor House, Chicago. Bedell, Welter, A Co., Crystal, Denver. Beecher A Maye, Star, Roanoke. Va. Becaon, Lulu, 29, Orpheum, Denver. Beimel, Musical, 840 B. 87th, N. Y. Bell Boys Trio, New York Stars, B. R. Bell, Cbaa. H., Majestic, Montgomery; 22, Ma- jestic, Birmingham. Bell, Arthur H., Princess, Nlagsra Falls. Belford. Al. G., Park. Port Chester. N. Y., indef. Bellmonte, Harry A Pearl, Haymarket, Chicago. Bennett Sisters, Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Bennett, Laura, Majestic, Birmingham; 22, Ma- jestic, Little Rock. Bennetts Bros., 206 W. 67th, N. Y., c/o Williams. Bergere, Valerie, Chase's, Washington; 29, Co- lonial, N. Y. Bernhard A 8iefert, 900 8. High, Columbus, O. Bernlce A Howard, 3007 Calumet. Chicago. Bernler A Stella, 22, Haywood, Prorldeuce. Berol, William, c/o H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Boro Queens, N. Y. Beyer. Ben A Bro., Bennett's, Hamilton; 29, Alpha. Erie. Pa. Bebrend. Musical, 02 Springfield, Newark. Bellclalr Bros., G. O. H., Pittsburg; 29, Temple, Detroit. Berliner, Vera, Majestic, Chicago. Bertina A Brockway, 811 Third, N Y. Biff A Bang, 178 Bruce, Newark. Big City Quartet, Chase's, Washington; 29, Keith's, Phlla. Bijou Comedy Trio, Arcade, Toledo, 0.; 29, Prin- cess, Cleveland. Blaney A Wolfe, 207 W. 44th, N. Y. Bingham, 330 Beacon, Sommerville, Mass. Bingham, Premier, Fall River. Mass. Black A White Trio. 400 Columbus, N. Y. Black A Jones. 113 W. 80tb. N. Y. Black, Chas., Miss New York, Jr., Co., B. B. Blessings, The, Orpheum, San Francisco. Bloom, Harry, Golden Crook Co., B. R. Blondell, Mysterious, A Co., 20 Second St., N. Y. Bimbos, The, 22, Majestic, Cedar Rapids. Blmm, Bomm, Brrr, Wilmington, Del. 29. Colonial. Norfolk, Va. Binney A Chapman, Star, Ensley, Ala. Bootblack Quartet. Alhambra, N. Y.; 29, Green- point, Brooklyn. Booth-Gordon Trio, 1008 B'way, N. Y. Boland, J. W., Irwin's Majestic, B. R. Bonner, Cherry A Girls, Rlalto Rounders, B. B. Borden, Zeno, A Haydn Bros., 002 Chase, Jollot, sUsH Bo u Id en A Qulpn, Toms River, N. J. Boutin A TtllHon, Poll's, Hartford; 29, Maryland, Baltimore. Bowers A Bowers, 2 Oliver pi., Everett, Mass. Bowers, Walters A Crooker, Orpheum, Oakland. Bower Comedy Quartet, Runaway Girls, B. R. Bowen Bro., 1003 B'way, N. Y. Boyce, Jack, Victoria, Baltimore; 29, Lnbln's, Phlla. Boyds, Two 1260 So. Decatur, Montgomery, Ala. Boys In Blue, Colonial, N. Y.; 29, Orpheum, Brooklyn. Bradley A Davla, Dreamland, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Brady A Mahoney. Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Bradfords, The, 230 W. 41st, N. Y. Bransby A Williams, 110 Stockton, W. Pittsburg. Breakway Barlow*, 201 E. 14th. N. Y. Breen, Harry, Orpheum, Atlanta; 29, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Brenner, Samuel N., 2806 Tulip. Phlla. Brennon, Herbert, A Downing, Helen, Lyric, Dan- ville, 111.; 29, Bijou. Winnipeg. Bingham, Anna R., 28 Exchange, Blngbamton. Brinkleys, The, 424 W. 89tb, N. Y. Brltton, Sadie, Coliseum, Burlington, la., indef. Brock, Temple A Co., 28 W. 81st, N. Y. Brooks A Denton, 670 6th, N. Y. . Brooks A Jeanette, 20 E. 118th, N. Y. Brown A Sbeftall 349 W. 69th, N. Y. Brownies, The, R. F. D. No. 8, Topeka, Kaa. Brunettes, Cycling, 281 Cross, Lowell, Mass. Bryant A Seville, Bijou, Decatur, 111. Burke, John P., Empire, Springfield, 111., Indef. Burke A Urllne, 636 Budd, W. Phlla. Buckley, John, Bijou, Green Bay, Wis. Buhler, C. H., 1363 Putnam, Brooklyn, N. Y. Burgess, Harvey J., 627 Trenton, Wllkinsburg Sta., Pittsburg. Burns A Emerson, 1 Place Boledleu, Paris. Burt, Glen, City Sports, B. R. Burt, Laura, A Co., Shuburt, Utlca.; 29, Chase's, Wash. Burton A Burton, Al Reeves, B. R. Burton, Hughes A unrton, 0S2 Stanton, Nilea, O. BuRh, Johnny, Trio, Orpheum, Allen town; 29, Orpheum, Harrisburg. Rush A Peyser, 1304 00th, Brooklyn. Butler A Basnett, Poll's, Hartford; 29, Poll's, Springfield. Buxton, Chas., Crystal, Menasba, Wis., Indef. Byers A Herman, 3649 Paxton rd., Cincinnati. Byrne Golson Players, Garrick, Burlington, la.; 29, Bijou, Iowa City. la. Byron A Langdon, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Caesar, Mysterious, ft Co., 29, Elite, Winnipeg. Cshlll, William, 806 7th. Brooklyn. Cain Sisters, Empire, Yoongstown, O., Indef. Callan A Smith. Gralnd, Portland. Cameron A Byrne, 91 Bartlette, San Francisco. Campbell A Brady, Hastings' Big Show, B. R. Campbell, Emerin, A Yates, Aubrey, 29, Tem- ple, Detroit. Csrr Trio, Yale, Kan City. Carbrey Bros., Colonial, Norfolk, Va.; 29, Co- lonial, Richmond, Va. Carrlllo Leo, c/o Variety, N. Y. Carreys, The, 19, Perry, Pittsburg. Carle, Hilda, A Co.. Blue Ribbons. B. B. Carol Sisters, Serenaders, B. R. Carlln, Rose, 014 Lenox sve., N. Y. Carroll A Cooke, Novelty, Vallejo, Cai. Carroll, Nettle, Trio, Barnum-Bailey. 0 R. Caron A Farnum, Orpheum, Portland. Carter, Chas. J., Milton, Queens, Sydney, Ana. Carter, Lillian, Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Carters, The, 94 9th St., La Salle. IU. Carey A Stampe, 02 Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cased A De Verne, 812 Valley, Dayton. O. Castellane A Bros., Majestic, Chicago. Caulfleld A Driver, Knickerbocker, B. R. Celest, 74 Grove rd., Clapham Park, London. Chameroys, The, 1801 43d, Borough Pk., Brooklyn. Chase, J. Percy, Bijou, Oshkoah, Wla., indef. Chatham, Jim, Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Chapman Slaters, Avenue Girls, B. R. Cberle, Doris, 28 B. 99th, N. Y. a Chevalier, Loula. A Co., 1008 B'way. N. T. Chick A Cbicklets, Miner's Americans. B. B. Cblnko, Orpheum, Butte. Chlnquella A Newell, Marlon, Marlon, O. Christy A Willie, Trent, Trenton; 22, Cook's, Rochester. Church City Four, Strolling Players. B. B. Claudius A Scarlet, Orpheum, Memphis; 29, Or- pheum, New Orleans. Clark A Turner, 146 W. 64th, N. Y. Clarke. Harry, Corson Court, Liverpool, Eng. Clayton A Drew, Jeffers, Saginaw, Mich.; 22, Majestic, Lansing. Clermont as. The, O. H., Carbondale, Pa. Cleveland, Claude A Marlon, 91 Beachland, Re- vere Beach, Mass. Clifford A Almee, 2606 North Gray, Louisville, Ky. Clifford A Burke, Keith's, Cleveland; 22, Shea'a, Buffalo. Clipper Comedy Quartet, Temple, Grand Raplda; 29, Bijou, Muskegon, Mich. Clipper Comedy Four, Broadway, Camden, N. J.; 29, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa. Clyo A Rochelle, 87 Park, Attleboro, Mass. Coattas, Three, G. O. II., Reading. Pa. Cogan A Bancroft. 1003 B'way, N. Y. Cohen, Tillle, 29, Majestic. Kansas City. Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Franklyu, Orpheum, St. Paul; 29, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Cole, Will, 10 4th, Brooklyn. N. Y. Cole A Clements, Say more Hotel, Phlla. Collins A Brown, Orpheum, Butte. Coleman A Lamont, Hippo., Birmingham. Colonial Septet, Empire, Sunderland, Eng.; 29, Palace, Dundee, Scot. Colonial Quartet. 1862 Page, San Francisco. Columbia Musical Trio, De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. Columbians, Five, 126 Midland, Flndlay, O. Comrades, Four, 834 Trinity, N. Y. O. Conley, Anna A Effie. Bennett's, Hamilton; 29, Bennett's, Ottawa. Conn, Downey A Willard. 484 Wabaah, Detroit. Copper, John W., 119 Wyckoff, Brooklyn. N. Y. Conroy, Le Maire, A Co., Poll's, Wilkes-Barre; 29. Majestic, Johnstown, Pa. Conway A Leland, Stockholm, Sweden. Cook, Frank, Austin A Stones. Boston, Indef. Cook A Madison, Casino, N. Y., Indef. Cook, Joe, A Bro., Orpheum, Kansas City. Cooper, Harry L., Williams' Imperials. B. R. Coombs A Stone, Orpheum, Yonkers; 29, Orpheum, Yonkers. Coeaar, Mr. A Mrs. John, 808 W. 121st, N. Y. Country Club, Bennett's, Montreal; 29, Shea's, Buffalo. Courtney A Dunn, 232 E. 18th, N. Y. Cowper, Jlmmie, 86 Carroll, Blngbamton. Crawford A Manning, 110 Lawrence, Brooklyn. Crawford. Pat, HI Henry Minstrels. Cralgs, Musical, Majestic, Ft. Worth. Cremes, De Witt, 633 Church, Ann Arbor, Mich. Creo A Co., 1404 Borle, Phlla. Cresay A Dayne, Shea's, Buffalo; 29, Shea'a, To- ronto. Crolius, Dick, A Co., 29, Orpheum, St. Paul. Cummlnga A Merley, Unique, Los Angeles, indef. Cunningham, Bob, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. R. Cunningham A Marlon, Poll's, Bridgeport; 29, Poll's, Waterbury. Curtis, Sam J., A Co., Lyric, Dayton, 0.; 29, Orpheum, Atlanta. Curaon Sisters, Bouffes, Boodeiats, Bordeaux, France. Cuttys, Mnsical, Orpheum, Brooklyn; 29, Amain- bra, N. Y. Dainty Four, 242 W. 43d. N. Y. D'Alvlnl, Rocky Point, R. I., indef. Dale, Dotty, Bijou, Bayouue, N. J. Daly A O'Brien, 1034 B'way, N. Y. Daly's Country Choir, 1440 B'way, N. Y. Dare, Harry, 320 E. 14th, N. Y. Darrow, Stuart, Mr. A Mrs., Proctor's, Albany; 29, G. O. II., Syracuse. Darnley, Grace, Lagos House, Fairfield rd., Vic- toria, B. 0. Davenport, Ethel, Fulton, Brooklyn. Davis, Edwards, Poll's, Springfield; 29, Poll's. Worcester. Davis, Floyd, Temple, Boulder, Col., Indef. Davis Bros.. HI Henry Minstrels. Dawson A Whitfield, 346 E. 08th, N. Y. Day. Carlta, Moaart Circuit, indef. Dees A Deas, 203 W. 80th, N. Y. Dea ton, Chas. W., 810 Sylvanle, St. Joaeph, Mo. Deaves, Harry, A Co., 22, Los Angeles, Los An- geles, Cal. Dell A Miller. Hippo.. Buffalo, Indef. De Croteau, Wm. B., 1 Ash ton sq., Lynn, Mass. De Fnye Sisters, 47 W. 28th, N. Y. De Fur A Bates. 2319 Bellfontaln. Indianapolis. De Hollls A Valora. Colonial Belles, B. R. De Luson, Zelle, Orpheum, Los Angeles. De Veaux, Wells G., Crystal, Denver, indef. Delmar A Delmar, Bell Circus, Mexico, indef. Delmore A Darrell, 1010 9th Ave., Bast Oakland. Delmore, Misses, 418 W. Adams, Chicago. Delmore A Oneida, 880 B. 43d, N. Y. Del ton, Al H., 088 19tb. Milwaukee. Deltons, Three, 261 W. 88th, N. Y. Demacoa, The, 112 North 9th, Phlla. Demonlo A Belle, Englewood, N. J., Indef. Dempseys, The, 811 Turk, San Francises. Desmond Sisters, 600 Milton. San Diego, Cal. Denker. Rose, Behman Show, B. R. Denman, Louis, 22 San Carlos, Key West, Fla. Deonto Bros., Mar., Hippo., London, Bag. Derenda A Green, 287 Stark, Portland, Ore. Desmond Trio, c/o Friers, 24 E. 20th, N. Y. De Vere A Greenwood, 9 Maple Park, Newton Centre, Mass. De Verne, Tbelma, A Co.. 4072 Yates, Denver. Devlin A Ellwood, Majestic, Galveston. De Young. Tom 106 E. 113th, N. Y. Diamond Jim, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Dickinson, Rube. 2910 Vine, Lincoln, Neb. Dlercke Bros.. Majestic, Ft. Worth; 29, Majes- tic, Dallas. Dllla A Templeton. Grand, Cleveland. Diston, Madeline, Scranton, Pa. Dixie, Harris A Francis, 243 Jefferson, Decatur, 111. Dixon, Bowers A Dixon, 706 8th Ave., N. Y. Donnelly A Rotall. New York Stars, B. R. Doherty Sisters. K. A P.'s 0th Ave., N. Y. Doberty A Harlowe, 296 Broad. Brooklyn, N. Y. Donald A Carson. Orpheum, Omaha. Donavan A Mackln, 300 W. 43d. N. Y. Donavan A Arnold, Keith's, Boston. Donlgan, John. 2038 Cedar, Phlla. Dorscb A Russell, Bijou, Jackson, Mich.; 29, Ma- jestic, Ann Arbor. Dot son. Howard, 1003 B'way, N. Y. Douglas A Van, 76 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dove A Lee, Imperial, B. R. Dow A Dow. 1921 South 4th, Phlla. Dragoons. Black, 129 W. 27th. N. Y. Drew, Dorothy, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Drew, Lowell B., 4229 Pechln, Roxborough, Phlla. Drew's Clsyton Players, Star, Chicago. Duffy, Dan J., Lincoln Apts., Atlantic City. Dunbars, Casting, Orpheum, San Francisco. Duncan, Harry, Hunt's Hotel, Chicago. Duncan, A. O., Poll's, Wilkes-Barre; 29, Poll's. Bridgeport. Dunham, Jack, City Sports, B. R. Dunedln Troupe. Keith's. Phils.; 29, Shea's, Buf- falo. Dunlap, McCormack A Co., Wash, Seattle. Dunn, Harvey, De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. Duplle, Ernest A., Family, Brazil, Ind. Dupres, Fred, 109 Albany, Brooklyn. Earle, Chick, 001 North Capt., Indianapolis. Earle, Chas. Henry, Bijou, Newark, N. J., Indef. Early A Late, Century Girls, B. R. Eckboff A Gordon, Majestic, Cedar Rapids, la. Edlnger Sisters, R. F. D., No. 1, Trenton, N. J. Edwards, Fred R., Surprise, Wash.; 29, Fairy- land, Hinton, W. Va. Edwards, Geo., 8000 Fleming, Allegheny, Pa. Edwards A Clarendon, 416 Elm, Cincinnati. Edwards Shorty, Liberty, Pittsburg. Edytb, Rose, 840 W. 23d, N. Y. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON REQUEST