Variety (March 1909)

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18 VARIETY THE FAMOUS CALIFORNIA VENTRILOQUIST Assisted by HILDRED IMNETT Now in 15th Weeh on United Time and meeting with MarKed Success on every bill Permanent Address, 229 Broadway, New York City '— ! || La Rose Bros., 107 B. 31, N. T. La Tell Bros., Casino. Washington, Pa. La Tour Bisters, Golden Crook, B. B- La Tour, Irene, Keltb'a, Boston; 29, Keith's., Portland. La Toy Bros., Van Bnren Hotel, Chicago. La Centra A La Bue, 2461 2d Ave., N. Y. La Clair A West, Bijou, Chlckasba, Okla. Le Clair, Harry, 245 W. 184th, N. Y. Le Clair A Sasspaon, Hsymarket, Chicago. Lee,- Sallle, 126 Slgbth Ave., N. Y. Lamb's Manikins, 460 Pippin, Portland, Ore. Lerfivee * Lee, 26 St. Fsnntle, Montreal. Lavall Sisters, 143 Golden Gste, San Francisco. Landln. Bdward, Majestic, Little Bock, indef. Lasg. George, Crystal, Bedford, Ind., Indef. La Van A la Valette, Majestic, Pittsburg, Indef. La Van A Hill, Screnadera, B. B. La Bex, Wonderful, Clara Turner Stock Co. Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrels. Lanet A Ardell, 332 Genessee, Rochester, N. Y. Lavlne, Bdward, Olympic, Chicago. Lawrence A Healy, Sherman House, Chicago. Lawrence A Dale, 2 New Castle Court, Boston. La Gray, Dollle, Bijou, Bacine, Wis., Indef. Lavails, The, Hippo, Belfast, Irelsnd. La HIrt, Mons., 760 Clifford, Rochester. La Ranb A Scot tie. 383 Locust. Phlla. La Salle A Lind. Star, Missoula, Mont. La Tills, Bose, City Sports. B. R. La Vine Citneron Trio, 1533 Broadway, N. Y. La Witt A Ash more Co., 206 No. State, Chicago. La Zar A La Zar. 168 Dearborn ave., Cblcago. Le Fevre A St. John, 1568 Broadway, N. Y. Leigh, Lisle, 140 Arnold, River Side, B. I. Lelghtons, Three. 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Lelsenlngs, Three, Star, Muncle, Ind.; 20, Or- pheum, Lima, O. Lee, James P., Unique, Los Angeles, indef. Leeds A La Mar. 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Le Boy A La Vanlon, Hatbaway's, New Bedford.; 29, Hatbaway's, Lowell. Leuo, Don, 29, Grand, Sacramento. Leonard, Chas. P., Bellly A Woods, B. B. Leonard A Phillips, Unique, Mankato, Minn. Leonard, Grace. St. Paul Hotel, N. Y. Leonard A Drake, 1099 Park PL, Brooklyn. Leonard, James, Ssdle A Richard, Majestic, Dee Moines. Leo, Arthur. 1688 Richland, Baltimore. Leo, Jolly. 786 Carmeu. Camden, N. J. Lea Silvas, Poll's, Bridgeport; 29. Poll's, Hart- ford. Leslie, George W.. Orpbeum, St. Paul. Levitt A Falls, 718 Orange. Syracuse. N. Y. Lewis, Wslter, A Co., 677 Washington, Brook- line, Mass. Lewis, Harr A Co., 131 W. 16tb, N. Y. Lewis A Lske. 2411 Norton. Kansas City, Mo. Lewis A Green, G. O. II., Indianapolis. Lewis A Msnson, 74 Orchard, N. Y. Lindsay, Stilling A Wilber, Pointer's Cafe, 8an Francisco, Cal. Lisla A Adams, Gem, Meridian, Miss., indef. Lock wood A Bryson, Keith's, Providence. Lohse A Wllkens, Burk's Shows, B. B. Lloyd, Herbert, 36 Great Wilson, Leeds, Bnf. Long, John, Family, Brio, Pa., indef. Lublus, Dancing. 921 North Warnock, Phlla., Pa. Lucler, Marguerite. Hani A Nlze Co. Lucken's Lions, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cal. "Luis King," Hippo., Aston, Birmingham, Bog. Lyres, Tbree, Fashion Pistes Co., B. B. Lynotte Sisters, Oak Park, Oak Park, 111. MacDonald. Cbas. A Sadie. 18 W. 109th, N. Y. MacBue A Levering, Empire, B. B. Mab. Queen, A Mr. Weiss. Lit Bldg., Phlla.. Pa. Mack Boys, 61 Asylum, New Haven. Mack, Ed, Watson's, B. B. Mack, Walter C, Orpbeum, Altoooa; 29, Orpbe- um, Wheeling. W. Va. Mack, Wilbur, Poll's, Worcester; 29, Poll'e, New Haven. Macks. Two, 245 W. 69th, N. Y. Majestic Musical Four, Temple, Detroit; 29, Cook's, Rochester. Makhow. Geo. F., Empire. Milwaukee, Indef. Mallla A Bart. Majestic, Birmingham; 22, Majes- tic. Little Bock. Malvern Troupe, Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. B. Maadel, Eva, 208 State. Chicago. Mauley A Sterling, 67 South Clark, Chicago. Manning A Dixon, Orpbeum, Butte. Manning A Ford, 31 Acumet, New Bedford, Mass. Man tell'» Marionettes, Arcode, Mlnot, N. D. Mann, Billy, Empire, Grand Forks, N. D. Manny, Ed, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. B. * Mansfield, Violet, Victory, San Francisco. Marchl A Baab, 239 Franklin,- Johnstown, Pa. Marchands, The, 169 B. 89th. N. Y. C. Marcua, Prof. Harold, Hotel Granada, St. Au- gustine, Fla. Mardo Trio, Rlngling Bros., C. B. Marlon A Lillian, 173 W. 42d pi., Los Angeles, Mareena, Nevaro A Mareena, Bell, Oakland. Mario Trio, 62 E. 8th. N. Y. Marsh, Joe, 244 E. Ohio. Cblcago. Marshall Bros., Scenic, Chelsea, Mass. Mar tells, Two, 141% 3d, Portland. Ore. Martha, Mile., A Aldo. 418 Strand, London, Bng. Martin A Crouch. 907 S. 12th. Springfield. 111. Martin, Davis A Percie, Kentucky Belles, B. B. Mar Tin Bios., Family, Warren, Pa. Mathlesen. Walter, 90 W. Ohio, Chicago. Marty, Joe, Pantages, Vancouver, B. C. Mason A Doran, Sheedy's, Fall River, indef. Maurice A Perrln Co., 113 Chestnut, St. Louis. Marvelous Ed, 627 Cass, Jollet, 111. Marsello A Vannerson, 254 W 24th, N. Y. Maxim's Models, Bijou, Qulncy, 111. Maxwell A Dudley. 106 W. 96th, N. Y. Maze, Edna, Jersey Lilies, B. B. McCabe, Jack, New Century Girls, B. R. McConnell A Simpson, Poll's, Waterbury; 29, G. O. H., Syracuse. McConnell Sisters, Bijou, Grand Forks, N. D. McCann, Geraldlne, A Co., 706 Park, Johnstown, Pa. Vaudeville Acts, Musicians, Dramatic People, Company Managers COMMUNICATE with us at onoe. Ws want good VAUDEVILLE ACTS, Wo ars offering Fifty weeks to good acts, consecutive time. COMPANY MANAGERS—Let us book your route next season. We hav the best time—best terms —Short Jumps. Write for our booking plan. ACTORS—Our engagement department is complete—get your name on our books. MUSICIANS—We need Band People at once to double orchestra. THE EMPIRE THEATRICAL EXCHANGE ATLANTA, GA. \ NOTICE! I have |ust got time fo write a few acts before opening next season. 9CARL ALLEN. Address, 222 E. 14th St., New York City. Ads of Merit Five to Thirty Weeks Send open time And lowest salary. Single Girls and "Sister Acts especially Acts that change in middle of week. Piano Players. PENNSYLVANIA'S LARGEST BOOKING AGENCY M. W. TAYLOR 403-404 Odd Fellows Temple. Philadelphia, Pa. McCanley. Joa, Gayety, Soatb Chicago, Indef. McCoy, Dan. Watson's, B. B. McGregor, Lulu, Grand, Altoooa, Pa., Indef. McGulre, Tats. Majestic. Ann Arbor, Mlcb.; 29, BIJon, Lansing, Mich. McCune A Grant, 686 Benton, Pittsburg. McFarland A Murray. Travelers Go. McFarland, Win., Miss New York. Jr., B. B. McGee, Jos B., Geo. Van's Minstrels. McGrath A Paige, 68 Washington, Mlddletowu, Conn. McKay A Cent well, Temple, Detroit. McLallsn-Garson Duo, Fashion Plates, B. R. McNamee, Keith's, Providence; 22, Hammer- stein's, N. Y. McPnee A Hill. Poll's, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.; 29, Poll's, New Haven. McVeigh A College Girls, Orpbeum, Denver. Meier A Mora, March, Circus Varlete, Copenhagen, Denmsrk. Mells, The, Singling Bros., C. B, Melnotte Twins A Clay Smith, 28, Orpheum, Butte. Melrose Bros., 188 Psrk, Bridgeport. Melville, George D., Hippo., N. Y., Indef. Mendel. 18 Adam, Strand, London, Bng. Menetekel, c/o H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Borough Queens, N. Y. Merkel, Louis, 200 8nmmlt, West Hoboken, N. J. Merrltt A Love, Msjestlc, Bsttle Creek, Mich. Merrltt, Baymond, 178 Tremont, Passadena, OaL Merrlman Sisters, Bebman Show, B. B, Mfscoo A Fundlsnd. 780 Eighth Ave. N. Y. Mlgnon, Helene, 128 B. 14th, St. Paul. Middleton, Gladys, 630 Drury, Kansas City, Mo. Milam A DuBols, Idle Horn*. Charleston, S. C. Mllmars, Tbe, Lyceum, Seattle, Wash. Millar Musical Four, Girls from Hsppylsnd, B. B. Millard. BUI A Bob, Cracker Jack, B. B. Miller A Princeton, 88 Olney, Providence, Miller, Grace, Phillip's, Blcbmond, Ind., Indef. Miller, Louis B., A Co., 188 W. 46th. N. Y. Miller, L. Frank, Fashion Pistes, B. B. Miller, Theresa, Criterion, Chicago, Indef. Millershlp Sisters. Miner's Burleaqners, B. B, Millmsn Trio, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Miles A Dewey, 48 Howard, Boston. Mills A Moultoo, 68 Bace, Buffalo, Milton. Cbas. W., 1801 Gwlnette, Augusta, Ga. Minstrel Four, Merry Msldens, B. B. Mitchell A Grant, Box 188. Townsend, Mass. Mimic Four, 868 W. 42d, N. Y. Moneta Five, 42 G. O. H. Bldg., Chicago. Montague, Mons, 2868 Uraln, Denver. Montgomery, Geo, P., Orpbeum, Hot Springs, Ark., indef. Mootray, Edward, 814 Western, N. 8., Pittsburg. Moooey A Holbein, Bochdale, Bng.; 29, Bolton, Eng. Moore A Young, Gralnd, Augusta, Ga. Moorbead, Harry, Dreamland, Norfolk, Va. Moran A Wiser, Apollo, Neurenberg, Ger. Moreland. Cbas., 734% Central, Hot Springs, Ark. Morgsn A McGarry, Pantages, Spokane, Wash. Morris A Morton, Fads A Follies. B. B. Morris A Sherwood Sisters, Novelty, Topeka, Kas. Morris, Felice A Co., Olympic, Chicago. Morton A Elliott. Moas A Stoll Tour, Indef. Morton, Hugh. Mosart, Elmlra, N. Y., Indef. Morton, Jewell, Troupe, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del. Morton, Ed, Proctor's, Albany; 29, Proctor's, Utlcs. Moto Girl, Grand, Birmingham, Eng. Mowatts, Juggling. Hausa. Halnsburg, Ger. Mozarts. Tbe, Orpbeum, Memphis; 22, Orpbeum, New Orleans. Mullen A Correlll, 1 Franklin, Spencer, Mass. Mulvey, Ben. L., Keith's, Cleveland. Murray, Eddie. Fisher's. Los Angeles, indef. Murray A Williams, Electric, Byesvllle, O. Murray Sisters, Majestic, Des Molues. MrJ Mrs. MM MURPHY Week Marob 16, Bennett's. Montreal. Murray A Mack, Bijou, Birmingham; 29, Aber- deen, Miss. Murray A Alvln, Great Alblnl Co. Murphy, Frank, Ducklings, B. R. Murphy A Magee, Ducklings. B. R. Musketeers, Four, Vanity Fair, B. B. My Fancy, 12 Adam, Strand, London. Eng. Myers A Rosa. Lyric, Dayton, O.; 20, Majestic, Johnstown, Pa. Xambos, Four, Victoria. Wheeling. W. Va. National Four, Golden Crook Co.. B. R. Nawn, Tom, A Co.. Orpbeum, Portland. Nealon A Titus. 511 Brown. Phlla. Neff A Starr, Bijou, Jackson, Mlcb. Nelson A Otto, 10 Howland, Bozbury, Mass. Newell A Nlblo. 14 Leicester. London, Eng. Newhoff A Phelps, Novelty. Stockton, Cal. Nichols. Four, 510 Deuber, Canton, O. Nlblo. Victor, Poll's, Springfield; 29, Colonial, N. Y. Nickel. Earl. 345 B. 40th, Chicago. MleH A Hart, Fairyland, Hlnton, W. Va. Nlrro A Le Boy. 1326 Page. Allegheny, Pa. Xohlo. Hilly, A Jeanne Brooks, Folly, Oklahoma City, Okla. Noblette A Marshall, 1012 Hempvllle, Ft. Worth. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety. Nolan, Fred, World Beaters, B. B. Nonette, 164 Henry, Brooklyn. Normans, Juggling, Orpbeum, Winnipeg. Norton, C. Porter, 0342 Klmbark, Chicago. NorrlB, Leon. A Co.. 63 W. 7th. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Norrlses, The. 617 Walnut. Hamilton, O. Norton, Mina, Dime, Walla Walla, Wash., lndof, Nosses. Musical, Keltb'a, Phlla. Nugent, Wm. F., 11 W 118tb, N. Y. Nugent, J. C, Tbe Oaks, Canal Dover. O. O'Connors Saunders Co., Majestic, Denver. O'Dell A Hart, 2063 Stroud, Green Lake, Wash. Odell A Gllmore, 870 W. Monroe, Chicago. Ogden, Helen, 279 Clybourn, Cblcago. O'Hans, Ed. Irwin's Majesties, B. B. Okabe Family, 29 Charing Cross Bd., London, Bng. Onlaw, Qua, Trio, Cook's, Rochester; 29, Keith's, Boston. Onken, Al, Tbe Chutes, Sen Francisco, indef. O'Neill, Emma, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. O'Neill, W. A.. Orpbeum. Oakland, Indef. O'Neill Trio, Family, Plttsville, Pa.; 22, Fam- ily, Haselton, Pa. Olivette Troubadours, Auditorium, Lynn; 29, Keith's, Portlsnd. Ontbanke A Blancbette, Sun, Springfield, O. Opp, Joe, Travelers Co., B. R. Orbassany, Irma, 9 Altkenbead Bd., Glasgow, Scot. O'Rourke, Eugene, A Co., 1229 Tloton Ave., N. Y. Orth A Fern, Msjestlc, Houston; 29, Msjestlc, Galveston. Ortmann Trio, Clrco Bell, Mexico City, Mex., Indef. Otto Bros., 10 Howland, Boxbury, Mass. Owen, Garry, Orpbeum, Jennings, La. Owens, Billy A May, 1421 Adsms, N. 8.. Pitts- burg. Osavs, Tbe, Kinsley Ave., Kenmore, N. Y. Pollard, W. D., Palace Hotel, Chicago. Palmer Slaters, 646 Hart, Brooklyn. Palmer A Lewis, Ackers, Mystic, Lewlston, Me.; 29, Scenic, Boston. Psmshsslke, Prof., 1937 E. Daupbln, Phlla. Pepper Twins, Lindsay, Ont.. Canada. Pattens, Three, Orpbeum, Cambridge, O. Peterson's Bronse 8todlos, 619 Lsrkln, 'Frisco. Pauline, Keltb'a, Providence. Paulinettl A Plquo, 2214 So. Broad, Pblla. Pearce Sisters, 725 Lsne, Sesttle, Wssh. Pearson A Garfield. 229 W. 38tb, N. Y. Peck, Boy, Vogel's Minstrels. Pepper Twins, Lindsay, Ont., Can. Plnard A Manny, 270 South Fifth. Brooklyn. Perry A Elliott, Clark's Runaways, B. R. Petcblng Bros.. 16 Packard, Lymaoaville, B. I. Pblllppo Sisters, 140 W. Stttb. N. Y. Phillips A Bergen. 873 Charles, Boston. Phillips A Newell, White's, Concord, N. H. Piccolo Midgets, Box 23. Phoenicia, N. Y. Pike Bros., 973 Amsterdsm Ave., N. Y. Pilcer, nsrry. 265 W. 143d, N. Y. Plsmoodons. Two, 1114 Qulncy, Topeka, Kaa. Plunkett, Marlow. A Weston, Lola, 22, Hatha- Poiriers, The, Temple, Ft. Wayne, way's, Brockton. Polk A Polk. Majestic, Little Bock; 29, Majestic. Ft. Worth. Pollard, Gene. World Beaters, B. B. Pope. J. C A Dog. 240 Franklin. Phlla. Potter A Harris, Keith's, Cleveland; 29, Ben- nett's, Hamilton. Potts Bros. A Co., Revere Hotel, Chicago. Powder A Chapman, Girls of Moulin Rouge^ B. R. Powell-, Eddie. Park. Manchester, N. H. Powers Trio. Park. Manchester, N. H.; 29, Frank- lyn. Worcester. Preston. George, Watson's, B. R. Price. Bob, Starland, Montreal. Indef. Puget, George E.. Runaway Girls, B. R. Purvis, James, New Century Girls, B. R. Qiilllln, L., German Village, Columbus, O., Indef. Radford A Valentine, Vaudeville Club, London, Eng. Rainbow Sisters, Gaiety, Springfield, 111. Ramsey Sisters, Family, Lafayette, Ind. Ramsey Sisters, Waldorf Hotel, Cblcago. Rankin A Leslie, 413 W. 30th, N. Y. Rastus A Ranks. Apollo, Vienna, Ans. Rawls A Von Kaufman, Folly, Oklahoma City. Okla. Ralelles. The. 037 Lctmuncaux, Montreal. Raymond. Ruby, A Co., G. O. II., Syracuse; 29, Proctor's, Albany. Raymond, Clara, Scribner Show, B. R. Raymond A Harper, o. H., Greenville, O.; 29, Prlncens. Columbus, O. Raymond A Hall, Orpbeum, Omaha. Rayno, Al, K. A P.'s 5th Ave., N. Y.; 29, K. A P.'s 5th Ave., N. Y. Rector. Harry, Clrco Trevlno. Monterey, Mex. Red Eagle, Poll's, Scran ton; 29, Poll's, Wllkes- Barre. Redding. Franceses. A Co.. 204 W. 133d. N. Y. Redford A Winchester, Anderson, Louisville; 29, Olympic. Chicago. Reed A Earl, Lyceum, Mesdvllle, Pa.; 29, Ideal, Tltuavllle, Pa.