Variety (March 1909)

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v/Assanrar/ 31 ^l^f^rh^^r • T » . m mm Jtj* "FOUR WISE MEN" and "TERRIBLE INFANT"- *■* > * '"" •»*'»♦' LYUIC (C. L, CarreHj mgr.; agent, 0. B. Hod- kins).—Carroll and La Mont, sketch, plaaaad; Kelso and Sydney, blackface, fair; Geo. reason, 111. songs, local; DeVoy and Daton Bisters, danc- ing, rtrj good; High tower and Miller, sketch, well received; Klnnard Slatera, s. and d. t fair. J. F. B. NEWARK, V. 7. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr.; agent, U. B. 0.; Monday rehearsal 9).— Mlrsa-Golem Troupe, clever act; Bert Levey, novelty, pleased; Irene La Tour, very good; Bobby North, had them laughing; Claude Qllllngwater and Co., In good farcical skit; World and Kingston, did well; Three Lelllotts, good musicians; De Lanr Trio, pleased. LYRIC (W. H. Carrie, mgr.; agent, William Morris; Monday rehearsal 9).—Joe Welch, amused; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lucas, clever; Casey and Le Clair, went well; Taylor Sisters, novelty skating; Flo Peterson, O. K.; Scott and Wbaley, colored; Heraa Family, helped to en- tertain on this good bill. ARCADB (L O. Mum ford, mgr.; agent, Tanner * Co.; Monday rehearsal 10).—M. p.; Mae Reagert; Bobby Fields; Bendon and Abendonna, a. and d., very clever. WALDM ANN'S (Lee Ottelengul, mgr.).—Scrib- ner's "Big 8how" to big business. EMPIRE (Fred Wlllson, mgr.).—"The Colonial Belles," 8. B. O. Manager Wlllson was tendered a bene- fit on Sunday evening, when breathing apace waa a premium; 25 acts on the bill. JOB O'BBTAN. nw OAJTLE, PA. FAMILY (Dempeey, mgr.; rehearsal Monday 10; agenta. Associated Booking Agency).—The Mar- tells, went big; Mark Lea, encoree; Donlsettl Foot, big hit; Morrla and Daley, very good; pictures. VXW ORLKAJTi, LA. OBPHBTJM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.: agent, direct; Monday rehearsal 1).—Bob and Tip Co.. cool reception; The ▼lndobonnaa, mnalclans, ap- njanse; "Hla Local Color," presented by Una Clayton and Co., doe* not measure np to the lawn of bJatrtonlam, aa laid down by Doctors Winter and Wakely, bat apparently a great many persons obtained thorough enjoyment from the Edna May Spooner-Uke skit; Hathaway'a Monks, ORDER QUICK OUR COMEDY SUBJECTS "An Energetic Street Cleaner" (LOTH. WO FT.) if A Midnight Disturbance" (LOTH. 525 FT.) Ready Wednesday, March 24th —■ ESSANAT FILM MFcoa 501 WfcLLS St. Ghigagq Ills lit; Raymond and daverlyi told old Jokes In a captlratlng manner; Castellan*}and < Bro. must hare to pay an awful .high rate*of life In- surance. Treason note: Gennaro's Italian Har- monists played "My Country. *Tls of Thee," with an American flag for a background. GREEN- WALL (H. Greenwall, mgr.).--"TrocaderoB." O. M. SAMUEL. ORANGE, V. J. BIJOU (Felber A Shea, mgrs.; agent direct; Monday rehearsal 9).—House now drawing from a refined clientele and very good business. Clip- per Quartet, very amusing; Evelyn Sisters, a. and d., charmed; Burns and Johnson, aero-wire comed- ians, clever; The Esterbrooks are featured In a beautifully embellished scenic musical act to big applause; m. p. and HI. songs. JOB O'BBYAN. OTTAWA, CANADA. BENNETT'S Gus 8. Greening, mgr.).—Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, mirth-making comedy, "The New Janitor"; Patsy Doyle, new stories, went well; Yamamoto Bros., Japanese wire and perch artists; Alber's Twelve Polar Bears, direct from New York Hippodrome; Smith and Heagney, Jolly comedians; other Interesting features. OGOR-D. *" j •* - PATWSOlC *, J. - EMPlBB (H. J. BQBggrmafin» rej. mgr.V agent, U, B.. Q.),—ExeeptlQnallT .good -bUt headed,br Mabel Bsrdlne and Co., In "NeU: of i the HaHe," finely played; aV -. ifcadajaan Hawlex* . Ftancea Height and Co., ahow Improvement over last ap- pear anoe; "Oar-Bepa--In-Blue,"--military ma- noenvrea, atrlklng display; Wood Brothers, Irish athletea, very good; McNlsh and Penfold, fanny; Dixie Serenadere, first elaaa; Bd. Morton, pleased. FOLLY (Joa. B. Pine, ree. mgr.).—"Miss New York, Jr.,'* popular. "Merry Maidens" Co. with Bam Bice, last half. VAN. PITT8BURO, PA. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Henry Davis, mgr.; rehearsal Monday 10; agenta, U. B. O.).—Klta- rn ura Troupe, good; Nat M. Wills, favorite; W. H. Murphy. Blanche Nichols and Co., hit; Griff, very good; Vlnie Daly, good; Qulnn and Mltcbel, very good; Reynolds and Donegan, very good; Franco Piper, repeated encores; Alex- ander and Scott, pleasing; Worth and Del mar, encores; Kenneth Hayes, fair; Melvln's Animal Circus, pleasing; Harry Holman, good. FAMILY (Dave Markowits, mgr.; rehearsal Mon- day 10; agent, Associated Booking Agency).— Annie Abbot, big bit; Stephen Fltspatrick, and Co., very good; Sam Lewis, repeated encores; Rogers and Norman, good act; Morris Goldln. good; Harry Sacks, good; The Powells, hit. EMPIRE (Penn Amusement Co., mgrs.; rehearsal Monday 10; agents, Assoc. Book. Agency).—Grif- fith, Tbelma and Co., big applause; Ferry, big hit; Desmond and Bailey, elegantly gowned, hit; Hattle Harris, good; Dorothea Trio, fair singers, comedy pleasing.. BEADING, PA. OBPHBUM (Frank D. Hill, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Beed Brothers, excellent gymnasts; Lewers and Mitchell, fair; Princess Waldeinaroff, pleased; Foot Floods, anbatantial bit; Gordon Eldrldge and Co., "Won by a Leg," good comedy, well handled; Carroll Johnson, mildly pleasing; "Fun In n Boarding House," headllner, effective. ——GRAND (Beis St Appell, mgrs.; agent, W. 8. Cleveland).—Jane Stuart, Wilson and Bleb, Tweedy and Roberts. Second half week: The Clementoa, Cogan and Bancroft, Jane Sterling. NBW BIJOU (direction 8. Lobln; agent, Bart McHugh).—M. p. and Carmelo'a Poses, The Fly- ing Cralgs, Gene Davis, Edward Wright. O. R. H. SAGINAW, MICH. JEFFERS (Rusco, Rich A Scbwars, mgrs.; sgent, W. Y. A.).—Clipper Comedy Quartet, good singing and comedy; "Probasco," good comedy Juggler; Levitt, Ashmore and Company, clever farce entitled, "A Pair of White Ducks"; Bit- sett and Scott, good dancing specialty; Otto Fletcbl Quintet, Tyrolean singers, appreciated. BIJOU (Rusco, Blch A Scbwars, mgrs.; sgent, W. V. A.).—BUI headed by J. A. Sternad's musical fsree, "The Tonsorlal Artists," ten people, numer- ous specialties and ensemble numbers, all good; The Yerxas, aerial artists and contortionists, good work; Avery and Belts, comedy singers, brought laughs; Bert Wiggins, comedy contor- tionist and Juggler, good. NOTES.—Messrs. Busco and Scbwars have taken In a partner, Adolph Blch, and the firm name le now The Rusco, Rich A Scbwara Amusement Co., con- trolling BIJou, Jeffers, Casino, Riverside Park and a new theatre at Ft. Huron. MARGARET GOODMAN. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—Week 7: The bill provoked neither great hilarity nor waa It at any time very solemn. Angela Dolores waa disappointing in her skit, "Cupid at Home"; Jewell's Manikins, well re- ceived; Murray 8isters, recalled number of times, their gowns would please the most fastidious; The Louise Schmidt Operatic Trio, satisfactory; Paul La Croix, the handy handler of high hate, premier In hla line; Josselln Trio, do well; Col- 11ns and Brown, German comedians, brought ap- plause; the Klnodrotne completed. JAY B. JOHNSON. CHAPPY HOIIB W O.A Munsell, mgr.; agent Independent).*—Week 7: Rankin and Laurence, a laugh from start to finish; HI Tom Ward, min- strel, good; The - Norwoods, "A New Cure for Rheumatism," fair; The Great Cavasos, Persian dancer, good. ROYAL (Harry J. Moore, mgr.; agent, C. E. Hodkins).—The Lovelies, eccentric s. and d., good; Jack Foster, mooologlst, good; Jennie De Weexe, instrumentalist and dancer, good; The Kenmores, very good; Dow Daggett, vocalist, good. STAR (Kennedy A Wyler, mgrs.; agent, Williams, Kucble end Co.).—Mr. snd Mrs. John Chick, "Matrimonial Mishaps," good; Brumage and Clark, sketch artists, good; Le Roy White, blsckface comedian, good; Joe Smith, 111. songs, good. GEO. WASHINGTON. ■chenectadt, w. y; BMPIBB (Wm. : H. Buck, mgr.).—15-17: "The Merry Maidens.'' 18-20: "Miss New York, Jr." MOHAWK.—Dark. S. J. KING. I 1I0UX CITY, LA. • OBPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—Jamea and Sadie Leonard .and Bfcbard Anderson, hit; Boranl and Nevaro, very funny; Armstrong and Clark, songs, many recalls; Ernest Van Pelt and 8usanne Slegel, enjoyable; Harry Tends, equilibrist, remarkable;; Barl Flynn, fair. NOTE.—F. L. Wlrick hae purchased the Kluff, a moving picture bouse, from O. B. Dunn and will make Improvements and re-name the theatre. C. 8. 0. BPOKAJnt, WASH. OBPHBUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—8. Miller and Co., In "Marriage In a Motor Car," headllner, good; SuraaaU and Baaall, musical, good opener; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke, banjo, pleased; Oarofi and Farnnm, tumblers, very clever; Joly VlolettaT dancer, fair; Harry L. Webb, monolog, a big hit; Will Sogers, lariat throwing, entertaining. PA NT AGES' (B. Clarke Walker, mgr.; agent, W. 8. A.).—Se-heraa heada this week's bill, big drawing card. Hearn and Butter, a, and d.. fair; Wentworth, Veeta and Teddy, acrobats, pleased; West and Mack, sing- ing, good; The Armenia, musical, a first-class act; William D. Gflsoa. singing/ a favorite.—WASH- INGTON (Geo. Blakesley, mgr.; agent, 8.-0: di- rect).—Al« Carlisle's Dog-Town Pantomime, first class; George Wilson, good; Ann Crewe end Co., "My Ledy Baffles,7 good; Iva Donnette and .her Dog. a favorite; Delmore and Oneida, clever, well received. B. B. M. spRnronzLD, mass. POLI'S (Gordon Wrigbter, ree. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—J. Warren Keene, good; Boutin and Till- son (local), well received; Emilia Rose, very good; Armstrong and Verne; Kelley and Barrett, entertaining; Carson snd Wlllard, acceptable; Jos. Hart's 'Bathing Girls."—GILMOBB (P. F. Shea, mgr.).—Irwin's Majesties, beat show ever seen here to 8. R. O. houses. G. A. P. « YSsmt Vmavw i/Mf/wr/rf/rs x /f0/7£l /<i „' >j • M * ■ - . - " r r «'i'i masaV.ica M.miMSMW-maMjmmm w. ? efcAfcotfToiMr. I ' LYCEUSf (Anthony Geronkno, mgr.; agent, Li I). Mayne, New * W>rl)!—Mt>rr%y^rds.''have* i t neat balancing act; Madge «ad<Aforten. musical, K'mhI; .Mm H. W. Byrne's antics made a hit; Ben HobBon and Co. present a skating act of qyality; Hines and „Renilqgt l oQ> jdt: Sinclair and Covert, comedy duo, good; Rose Linden's songs pleased; Whltmirn ftrds., contortionists, excellent. .HARRY KIRK. ST. PAUL, MINK. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—Eddie Mack and Dot Williams, a. and d. team, good; Frank Work and tlelahold Ower, comedy gymnasts, excellent; Harrison Hunter and, Co., "The Van Dyke," surprise; Hymen Meyer, comedy pisnlst, good; MJle, De Dlo, beautiful act; Charles and Fannie Van, g ood 1 comedy; Merian's canines, pleafcldg.4— t-MAJHBTIC: AMiles-Bondy Theatrical Co* 8.-C, agent direct).—Pastor and Merle, acrobatic and* songs, fair; Lett White,' 111. songs, good; Jack and Bertha Rich, a. and d., fine; Mae Kessler, cOrnetist, fair; Gua Leonard, burlesque magician, pleasing; Yankee Singing Four, very good.—-STAR (Thoe. B. McOready, mgr.).—"The Empire Burlesquers," with Soger Iuihoff; good show, BEN. TORONTO, ONT. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.; agent, U. B. O. Mon- day rehearsal 10 A. M.). —Alice Lloyd, the dainty English comedienne, with a selection of clever songs, handsome costumes, scored a big suc- cess; Fred Bond and Fremont Benton, capital; Elinore Sisters, Isugb makers; Theresa Rens. novel; Sam Williams, clever; Cbasslno, novel; Beth Shone, good. GAYETY (Thos. B. Henry, mgr.).—"The Gsy Morning Glories." STAR (Harry W. Hedges, mgr.).—"The Sollickers" were up to the stsndard of the shows seen st this bouse. HARTLEY. TROY, V. Y. PROCTOR'S (Guy A. Graves, mgr. Monday ^rehearsal 10 a. m. Agent. U. B. O.).—Emmet -Devoy end Co., "Dreamland"; Quinlan and Mack, "The Traveling Dentist;'; Bqbertiat Treiaed Ani- mals; Ruby Raymond and Boya, "Street Urchins"; Pearl and Yoaco, vocalists and mpaldans; Prin- cess Susanna, a. and d.— r LYdBUM (H. B. Nichols, mgr.).—The Kentucky Benee are boosed for the- first three day*. The last half of the 'week the Champagne Girls. . r ' . . J, J. M. ' . *" UTIGA, N. Y. * , 8HCBERT Fred Berger, Jr., mgr.. agent. U. , B. (.).).—Tom Jack Trio, muslcsl novelties, very good; Lester Bros, and Crelgbtoo Sisters, s. and d., very good; Bice and Cady, German comedians, 'big hit; Edmund Stanley and Co., "Love's Gar- den," excellent; Macart and Bradford, "A Legitimate Hold-Dp," very good comedy; McKay and Cantwell, "On the Great White Way," very 'kinmI; Ed. F. Reynard, ventriloquist, big hit, rightly styled "The Ventriloquist With a Pro- duction." COLUMBIA MUSIC HALL (Sam. RELEASED MARCH 15* Equipped with improved Fire Maga- zines, Automatic Fire Shatter and Au- tomatic Fire Shield (Lubin's patent), Asbestos Covered Wire Connections, new improved Lamp House, new style Fireproof Rheostat, improved Electric Lamp. Complete with everything seen in the cut, including polished carrying case for Mechanism, including Adjust- able Bicycle-steel Legs to aga AC extend over 5 feet high. tpl*J'3 "Cowboy Argument" Two cowboys fire st an eagle at the same time. Each claims the prey. They decide that the winner in a game of cards Khali receive the eagle. One of the two plays fslse, which coats him his life. LEWQTH, 600 FEET. "TALKED TO DEATH" The picture shows exsctly what the title implies. It Is an exceedingly funny subject, and a regular laugh maker. LENGTH, 21ft FEET. RELEASED MARCH 18 "Reforming A Husband" The young wife, returning from the wedding trip, tries to reform her bus- band, but she soon is convinced tbst It is easier to reform a wife than a hus- band. LENGTH, 530 FEET. "Uncle Reuben's Courtship" Uncle Reuben decides to get married. Seeing an advertisement in the paper, he calls on a youni? widow and wins her after a most atvtanous courtship. LENGTH, 850 FEET. LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY Lublo Bldg., 926-928 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. When answering eJverHsemenU kindly mention Variety.