Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 33 WJL-L-IAIVI MORRIS, Inc. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO 413 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON LONDON OrVICSt 41B STRAND. W. C. PAUL MVMAT, M»n«ger FROM D KlfcUs O-BrHo. of Daly sod Q'Brlati, write* fnpfti in djfc ii a>« the hast fit I «m h*H. and hive be< Walesv "When I return I will certainly glv you mother order." 'Yoat Send for our BOOKLET, which will gi\ you some valuable Information. WOLFF, FORDING • CO. 61-65 Eliot Street Boston, Mass. OLLIE YOUNG writes: Yon may use my name In your advertisements, as I will book passage through you in the future, and am sorry that 1 did no do so before, as I paid FIFTEEN ($15.00) DOLLARS MORE than artists who booked through you. If you are going to EUROPE, apply to me for rates, and if you book through me you will get the lowest possible rates and the best ACCOMMODATIONS. PAUL TAU8I Q. Uaudovlll* ^toamshlp Agent East 14th Street, Gorman Savings Bank Building, Hew York. Telephone 8099 Btuyv 104 tuyvesant. THE LEADIMO EMOLISH THEATRICAL AJTD VAUDEVILLE BEW8PAPER. THE STAGE 1M CJty en sale at FAUL TATJSIO'S STEAMSHIP 14tt Street, Maw York Ottyj tad at SAMUEL AOSMOY, VBEMOH'I, SB-Si Foreign Subscription, S/lOd. per Quarter. Savings Bank Bsfldla*, SSd Street, Mew Yerk PLAYING THE IT IN VAUDBV1LLI SULLIVAN and C0NSIDINE CIRCUIT QgmUBJ. SJ M1SH— OPfflOt SULUYAM AJTB OOMIUIBE MLDS },, TJDBB AM3> MADOOE STBBXTsV QINIRAL BOwKINO OPFIM STJTTB S AJTD IS, ISM BB0ADWAY, NEW FILED. LIJ*COL/f. Gtn, Mgr. CMHIW. O. *HOW/f. Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFF I CCS Bow booking Summer Parks and Vaudeville Theatres la California, Alisons, Hew Mexloo and Texas. Managers Write or Wire. 50 TBlATm 50 THAT DTOKFBBBEBT VAUDEVOXE AOEMT S0M 80UTE STREET, LYDEPEHDEHT VAUDEVILLE OTBCUZT. SAN FBAB0ISC0, CAL. Don't grow rusty while waiting for the big time. I here s good many sets pUyiag thst time who went along over my smell circuit work while waiting for the big opening. I em booking sets of merit Get busy. KEEP GOING N0IMAN JEFFESIES, 9th and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. tt WAKE IN/IE! 99 "DOPE SOBS," nag by MATTHEWS AMD ASHLEY. WU1 not be published. Piano, orohestrs- tleas sad Ire verses, witk permit, $1.00. Sketohes sad Stags Songs to order only. Ask for Mow List of Exaraalvo Permit Parodies at SLOP. MATT WOODWABD, 6S4 Eighth Ave,, Msw York City. CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE MANA8EIS EXCHANIE Stk FLOOR, MBROHAMTS' BLDO.. Ill WAJJOMBTOM ST., OHIGAOO. «e Oss Bed y Skstehes always to dssasad. FBAMH 0> BOYLE, Msasgsr. Ussf A aMTsaTsTaN GOOD ACTS at ell times. Boojdng housee in New York, ** ** " ■ ™ " ■ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Weet Virginia, Maryland end Michigan. Address; ASSOCIATED BOOIIM ABEHOV, 4C4 Schmidt Bldg,, PITTSBURG, Pa, VAUDEVILLE ACTS OP ALL KINDS WANTED LBO GIRGUIT JOSEPH J. LEO, Dewey Theatre, 14th St., New York Gutstadt, prop, and mgr.).—Mettle Webb, Cora Cherry, Gertrude Allston, Rose Gravlllla, Lonlse Marlon and Marie BeU. PLAM GARDEN (Hy- men A Robinson, props, and mgrs.).—Gertie Potter, Bessie Neaman, May Armstrong, May De La Noye, Annie Murray, May Allender. D. J. COOGHLIN. WAJHTNOT0M, D. O. CHASE (n. W. DeWltt, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.). Harry Bulger and Co., proved the beadllner; Clermont's Burlesque Circus, much appreciated; 1'aka's Hawaiian Trio, clever and enjoyed; Emma Partridge's powerful soprano beard to advantage; Mr. Quick, funny and lifelike cartoons; Brown, Harris and Brown, In "Just to Make the Minutes Fly." and Velmars closed. GAYETY (Wm. S. Clark, mgr.).—"Hastings' Show," business good. LYCEUM (Eugene Kernan, mgr.).—"Cosy Corner Girls," large audiences. E. 8. WHITE PLALUB, M. Y. NEWELL (Messrs. Btalnach A Newell, mgrs.; sgent, U. B. O.).—15-17: Douglas Flint and Co., splendid; Arnold's Leopards, decided bit- Force snd Williams, "The Girl Ahead," scored In a quaint sketch; Smith and Arado, s. and d., went big; John 8. Gilbert, funny; Marshall and King, pleased; 18-20: La Rose Bros., Pealson, Goldle and Lee, Conroy Lemalre and Co., Coombs and Stone, E. C. Strickland, Tlnkbam and Co CHARLBR D. PBLL6. WINNIPEG, CAN. DOMINION (G. A. A V. C. Kobold, mgrs.; agents, W. V. A.).—Chlnko. excellent; Minnie Kaufmann, cyclist, very good; The Klnsens, musical, took well; Emerin Campbell and Aubrey Yates. "Two Hundred Miles from Hroadway." good; Hilda Thomas. Lou Hall and To., in "The Substitute." hit; Kitty Dale, vocalist, big recep- tion; Dc Mario and Bell, contortionist and acro- bat, good; Sperry and Ray, good singing. RIJOU (Geo. Case, mgr.; agent, 8. A O.).—Dr. Csrl Herman, electrical wlsard, good feature; Williams and Walker's Chocolate Dropa; Cal HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMzilcA'at MOST 1 FAMOUS VARIETY THEATRE. the) YMr ArwsiM VflMVftll HCALHIRERS "-000D STANDARD AGS if hsvs aa opaa wask pea wsat |s SB st short nodes, writs ts W. DOOKBTADBB, Osn close Satarday of Ohleago sight ssd sataa say dtp to oasa Monday slant. HARRY HOLMAN THE MAN IN RED. Singing (omediao MOW ZM HIS THIRD TRIP OVER THE MOZABT TIME. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New York The ALHANBRA Harlem The ORPHEUM BreeHya The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsburg Tho GOTHAM East New York And The NEW GREENPOINT THEATRE Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL letters to PERCY 0. WILLIAMS. SL James BMf., Zeth SL aad Broadway, New York City "CHARLEY CASE'S FATHER" Written by Charley Case, comedian. Send P. 0. order for 25c. to Cass Publishing Co., Loch port. N. Y. ERNEST EDELSTON VARIETY AMB DRAMATIC AOEBT. 17 Croon St., Lelosstsr Square, LONDON Sola Representative John Tiller's Companies, Walter O. MsQy. Little Tick. Fragson. ^^ Always Vacancies far Good Acts Charles Horwitz Bnooess always scored by The Oksdwiok Trie, Fred Bowers A Co., Harry First A Oe.. Offsets Em mot t A Ce., Quinlsa A Mock, Henry A Yosaff, Baker A Lynn, Summers A Storks, Coomb* a Stone, snd over one hundred others new soaring knookouta with Horwits Sketohes, Monologues sad Songs. CHAfl. HORWITZ, Knlokerbooker Theatre Bldg., Room 316, 1403 BROADWAY, BEW YORE. WANTED-BIG COMEDY aid NOVELTY FEATURE Acts to writs or wire open time. Mow booking for North Avenue. Sokindlsr's sad Thalia Theatres, Chicago. Also other houses in Dllaois. ' Ua5ar i t2SLe BOOKlNa AGENCY OHAS. H. DOBTEIOE, Meaagsr. Basai SS. SS La Sails St. Ohio***. a Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House Block Advertisements end suDsxriptiooj received st regular rstes. Newt items msy be forwarded there, sod will be promptly trsnsmitted. PRANK WIESBERG, Representative. Stewart, good; Cowboy Williams, Juggler, very good; Orover and Richards, musical, good; Frank Fetrick, ill. songs. UUGII. WILLIAM8P0RT, PA. FAMILY (Fred M. Lamsde. mgr.; agent, I. | B. O.l.—Daisy Harcourt, comedienne, very clever; Three Asards, acrobats, startling and difficult feats; Six Pierrot*, s. and d., clever; Mart Fuller, monologlst, pleasing; Glrard and Gardner, "Dooley and the Idol," good comedy; McCann Duo, Ju- venile s. and d., good. STARK. YOMKEBS, M. Y. ORI'ilEUM (Harry Leonhardt, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—15-17: La Rose Brothers, good comedy acrobats; Pearlson, Goldle and Lee, a. and d.. clever boys; Conroy, Le Malre and Co., "A King for a Night," scream; Coombs snd Stone, fine singing aqd comedy; E. C. Strickland, "rube," best ever; Tlukham and Co., daring bicyclists. 18-20: Douglas, Flint and Co., Smith and Amado, Marshall and King, Force and Wil- liams, Gilbert, Arnoleo's Leopards. WORCESTER, MASS. POLI'S (J. C. Crlddle, mgr.).—Luce and Luce, novelty musical offerings, very good; Rastus Itrown, Kinging and dancing comedian, went big; Murphy and Whitman and Co., In "The Prodigal Girl." took well; Willie Weston. In "Songa of To- day," went great, responded to several encores; Pat Rooney. In "S'mple Simon Simple," very good; Empire Comedy Four. In "Wbat'a the Answer," a bit; Hugh Lloyd, bounding rope act, took well. WORCESTER THEATRE (John Burke, mgr.).—Cohan and Ilarrls' Minstrels here the 18th; advance sale big; they will play to S. It. O. PLEASANT STREET (Fred Dean, mgr.).—M. p. and 111. songs, very good; 8. R. O. business. PARK (Samuel Grant, mgr.).—M. p. and HI. songs, good; big business. NICKEL (Samuel Grant, mgr.).—M. p. and 111. songs, good; big business. W. M. 8HBRMAN. YOTJEOBTOWtt, 0. Charles E. Smith, formerly manager of the Princess, a picture snd vaudeville Hientre, Ih pro- moting a circuit In thin we I Ion It In pi mined to Include YoiuiKstown, <)., Warren, O., Slmron. Pa., and New Cnstle. Pa.. In the 1 !■»«.—A n.w amusement park will l-e built on the YoimicmIowu A Southern electric line, tin n;ll. * so.itli ..f iliix city. c. a. ii;ki»v. ZANESVILLE, 0. OIII'IIKI M (Sun Murray Co.. dlr. : 11 S. drt.-r. tiik'r.; ngent, Ciih .Sum. The \ 1 pirn- I |.»\ win urtlHf, Mir. McCii i wj iiikI Mi. .i\n - ;ii)i| il very goo«l: Mine ltl.nn h > -«| ml Co., jrinin> act snd Juir*rlluir. ■■ni' n-t\i:'.iw. . Mill.. Imitator. K"»od: M\ Ii- hikI >rili, merit, "Tli*' > f< r," hi' Slif'ts, nulin.'il Diiiru eriKuge T. M HOOK. Whm annoerint OvertitmmU Mealy steaftoa Yabdjeiy.