Variety (March 1909)

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34 VARIETY, ip REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS r-i REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS TH1 VENTRILOQUIST WITH A PRODUCTION Ed. r. REYNARD Mi •A MOB* MONA Th« Champion Si a gen of VaudevilU — HARRY FOX TOM t Of • Merry" Co. Harry Pilcer >» "Tftft Prinoe of To-nighV PRINCESS THEATRE, CHICAGO. mort. h. singer. WORLD'S FAMOUS Marvelous Artiste and Acrobatic Cyclists •kill and darlag they ■**!■ wkern all ethers VOW TOURIHO awTRToa. ■Arch St, Eeith'e, Philadelphia. JAMES C. DONEGAN, Mgr. Albert Weston Featured as "Thn Tonga." "A MIGHT IM THE SLUMS." Tkia week (March It), EtfflnmWi'i, Hew York. •w JESS HALE offer. •THE LITTLE PAETHER." AND CO. Who Stopped the Ferryboat 1 HICKMAN. WILLS and CO. Presenting a Screaming Comedy Playet, "WHAT OCCURRED AT THE FLAT," by Wilfred Gierke, la Vaudeville. Pearl Elver, M. T. It isn't the man* that makes the act— It'e the aot that' makes the same. THE ETNG OF IRELAND, JAMES B. DONOVAN AMD RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE, DOING WELL, THANE YOU. HOTEL WILLARD, 268 W. 76th ST., NEW TORE OTXT. GRIFF THE FACETIOUS JUGGLER. Stagehand to Young Griff—You know this la God'a country, don't you, aooney? Young Griff—Yea, it .must be, because you all call each other Jesus. Next week— 'Maryland Theatre, Baltimore, Md. fnocioi Olloms A Snooeas ea the United Booking Offloea' Circuit. |dtt*2$tlle£ /Vl WH&T SEYMOUR and NESTOR NOVELTY SINGING AOT. Addresa MI West 170th St, Mew York. 'Phone 8788 Audubon. WIGGfis'S^PARM Apply to THE CHAD w ma. TRIO. STUART BARNES Direction OXO. H0MAH8. Gaitelle Bros. Introduoiag Stagiag, Pa—Img *•• 8KATORIALI8/VV Direction, REICH A PH ■ i ' " MARQUiRrra 8 Mason i Keeler Direction MORT H. SINGER, Prinoeaa Theatre, Ghloago. GAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES iting "THE STOLEM ETB." Addresa 4417 8rd Are. (Breaz), Maw York. (loir VARDON, PERRY and WILBER "THOSE THREE BOYS." Originality meana success. WEEE OF MARCH BUI— LYRIC THEATRE, HOT SPRINGS, ARE. Sam J. Curtis?.' la "A SESSION AT SCHOOL." By GEO. W. DAY. Week March 82, Lyric, Dayton, Ohio. Booked solid for season. Oracie i Reynolds BILLIE REEVES "THE BEAUTY AMD THE BEAST." En Route "Coay Comer Girls." RUBY RAYMOND Booked Solid Through United Booking Offices. MARCH St. GRAND, SYRACUSE. AID CO. LILLIAN MORTIMER (PLAYING ORPHEUM CIRCUIT.) I (VI I When ORtsartnf aototwsstsftft b i n Hy mmtUm Vabibtt. 9 B 8 •v P "FOLLIES OF 1908." MB, F. ETEOFELD, JR., 'OS-'OS. "Oatoh Ma" la "The Boxing Boat." Biggest laaghmaker within the oldest MAEIOM YIOTOBIA Dlreotien AX aDTHEBXAMB. Barry-WoHord Tka Typioal Teploal Tiakla BUrnsm. Booked ae Hd until Fnly 1, 18*8. THIS WEEE, TEMPLE, DETROIT. Week March St, Berth's, Columbus. BEiaH • FXUBEETT, MYERS AND ROSA "THE COWBOY AMD THE GIRL." Western -Whirlwinds. Originators of the double bow-knot. Week March ft, ' Lyric, Dayton. Wm. B. Hennessy, Agt THE FAMOUS HEIM CHILDREN Touring KEITH Circuit Booked solid nntil 1911. MOBMAM JEFFERIE8, Exclusive Agent. The Imminent Amarioan Claf Walloper. MILT WOOD PLAYING UNITED TIME, Will Write and Stage One or Two Acts for Recognized Artists Only ADDRESS J. L. VERONEE, BOOM 1, EMPIRE THEATRE BUTLDIMa, M. Y.