Variety (March 1909)

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s VARIETY IS/I CLAUDIUS PROGRAM Wit tn the Wtf«," "Jim Aloof •'OTandfatker's aaok." "Ok! St "Dexlint Belly Oray," "Ole Poo ' "Oleenentine of '#»," "Old Dog "Twinkli«t ■Ian," "Billy Boy," "Wiioo Joknny Oomes Marokint Hosae," witk Ala of asarnklnt eoldiera. •» M THAT NOVEL. ACT FBECDfTXHO "The Musical Past and Present" POSTTTVBLT THE MOST STIBBIHO MUSICAL ACT ETEB PBEBEBTED IB VAUDEVILLE. OIPHIUM, MEMPHIS, - MCH. 22 OnPHIUM, NEW OKLEANS, MCH. 29 MAJESTIC THEATBE, OHI0AO0. "Pretty soon o subdued humming lo hoard. By tbo end of too act ererybody to sin* log and don't caro who knows It."—CONSTANCY SKINNBB, Chicago Americu. "Won big rounds of applause."—FRANK WBI8BKBU, VARIETY. COLUMBIA, IT. LOUIS. "Nothlnt on tbo bill mado a bitter bit than Claudius and Scarlet, who, with the old sou**, set the audience wild with enthusiasm."—Star- Chronicle. "A splendid mualcal act and orltlnal."—AMY. LB8LIB. TAKE NOTE Banjo acta, mnsioal acta and all other note: We were the Irst to present tkoao sosaje In Tauderllle in this aaaanar, the words on slides and a awviat picture lias laiah. Kindly obtaia yonr ideas front some other se or oe. The ahoro la for tkoao only with thlerint Instincts and plratioal Inoltnatlona Any infringement will eaaae yon to ho We carry our own Double Dissolving Macnine-Fllsss, IloctricsJ If f ects.etc. Some Tumbler Hsving been associated with J AS. SICE, of Sice sad Provost, for the part year, and just closed with the Cohan & Harris' Minstrels, will accept any good offer. TO THE Hs45 JOHNNY BELL, 325 E. 14th 8treet, New York FILMS arch 22d, 190 A story of a wife's sacrifice, which is misconstrued and almost leads to the estranging of a devoted couple. An artist is struggling along for recognition, but things are going badly with him. His wife pretends to get a position teaching piano, but instead is working in a laundry. The artist sells one of his pictures and hastens to the Music Conservatory to tell her of his good fortune, and, not finding her, thinks she is deceiving him. An accident to his wife at the laundry shows him the true color of things. ■" OBb I ^S "AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM" One of the prettiest end most touching film stories ever made. It shows how a Ik tie child brings together a couple who, through a trivial quarrel, are about to separate. The work of the equally clever. Released Maroh 25th, 1909 BURGLAR'S MISTAKE" A Thrilling Story off an Attempt at Blackmail A wealthy banker in the day of his youth was guilty of a trifling indiscretion, that although of little consequence, he wished buried. An erstwhile friend has evidence which he threatens to exhibit if he does not give up handsomely. This he yields to, and the wretch, after squandering his easy-gotten wealth, becomes a party to a burglary. Imagine the surprise of both he and his victim, when he finds himself in the house of this banker and surprised by him in the act of robbery. Well, the result is easily seen. Here is a chance for the banker to rid himself of this odious cur, and he takes advantage of it. The story is well acted and beautifully staged. l—nEIV! A BUROLAB'S RELEASE DATS OF BIOOBAPH SUBJECTS MOB DAT ABD THUBSDAT 07 GET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP POSTED WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE'ndBIOGRAPH COMPANY 11 E. 14th STREET, NEW YORK CITY rrB^S