Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY niETY A Variety Paper lor Variety People. Published eoery Satordaj by THB VARIETY PUBLI8HINO CO. 1»M Broadway* Times Square, Mew York City. Telephone] ^jjj JBiyaat Editor ui Proprietor. Bntertd as seooeeVelaaf eietter December 21, 1906, el the Post Ofee et New York, V. 7., under tkt met of Oomgreee ef Maroh t, 1AT9. ohioaoo omoE, 7M Oaleesje Opera Emm Block, (Fheae, Mala MM). lohdov omox, 411 (OsUs, " j. rmszMiv, u ■AM FEAVGESOO OrTICB, 111! Vs» BOSS ▲▼* (1MB UI). W. AZJBXB WIXJOB, BiprMaatatiTO. BXMYBB OlTKflL Crystal Theatre Bslldlae;. HABIT BXATTMOBT, Eepreeeatativ*. PAJtia orriOB, M Bis. Im saint Bldler, EDWABD O. XXBDRXW, Bopreseatative. bbbxdi orrxoB, Uatsr Am Uaesa II, '• UBBABT. 20 cents an agete line, $2.80 an loch. Ona page, $123; one-half page, $60; one-qdarter page, $82.00. Cbargaa for portraits faralahad oa application. Biwdal rata by tbo Booth for professions! card umler boadlng "Bepresentstlre Artists." Advertising copy aboold bo rocolTad by Thurs- day it oooo to loaoro pobllcatloo la carroat larao. BVBSOBIPTIOB BATBS, Annual $4 foreign ...., 8 81s and thrao months la proportion. Single copies 10 cants. VABIETY will be mailed to a permanent ad- dress or ss per route, ee desired. Advertlsemento forwarded by mall must bo so- compenled by remittance, made payable to Variety robllshlng Co. Copyright, 1008, by Variety Publishing Co. Vol. XIV. MARCH 27. No. 3. The Stewart Sisters sail home to Eng- land next month. Casey and Lc Clair will appear at the American next week. Frank Morrill opens at Atlantic City Monday in his "single act." A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Birbo in Chicago March 20. William Gould and Valeska Suratt will leturn to Hammerfetein's May 10. Charmion will appear at the Fifth Ave- nue April 5. Casey booked the act. Robinson and Grant are going to Eng- land in May, placed through the Morris office. John D. Bohlman hits loft the Church City Four to join "A Night With the Poets." .lames J. Morton is in Italy, lie is ex- pected to return to New York about April 11. Next week at Hammcrstcin's Princess Kajah will commence her eleventh and last week. Lester Hedder (Hedder and Son) is con* fined in the Isolation Hospital, Toronto, with scarlet fever. Cavana, the wire walker,- leaves the "Fay Foster" show to open on the Morris Circuit March 20. William Morris may leave New York to-morrow (Sunday) for a trip of two weeks in the west. Frank J. Baker of the Lyric Circuit, has turned over his business to Verbeck & Farrell, of Oil City, Pa. Bob llichmoud intends returning to vaudeville the coming season with a mono- log built upon current topics. The audience at the American Monday evening was the largest of any since the house opened with vaudeville. Gus Edwards has booked four acts over the Orpheum Circuit for next season, the total in all being 120 weeks. Hill and Whitaker left Wednesday on the Campania. They hold contracts for eighteen consecutive months aboard. Alice Lloyd plays Poli's, Hartford, next week. She will "lay off" Holy Week, re- suming April 12 at Keith's, Providence. Mile. Vanity left the Lincoln Square bill on Monday through displeasure at the position assigned her on the program. Clara Dupree, of Reh and Duprec, and William E. George, aerial artist, were married last week in Washington, D. C. The Three Keltons have been booked for the Barassford Tour, England, next season, through the William Morris office. Rice and Prevost open at Bennett's, Montreal, on March 20, placed through M. S. Bentham. Howard Prevost is back in the act. Lynn Pratt, who has been principal support for several vaudeville stars, is appearing with a company in his own sketch at present. Lillian Russell closes her season about the middle of June. She opens during Sep- tember in New York in Edmund Day's "The Widow's Mite." Lew Welch, lately starring in "The Shoemaker," will enter vaudeville shortly in a playlet, "Levinsky's Old Shoes," writ- ten by Louis Weslyn. Daisy Leon, now that the Sam Bernard show has closed its season, may head a "girl act" before joining the new Lew Fields production. Mrs. Bob Carl in is ill in New York. Carl in and Otto have been booked for 33 weeks on the Orpheum Circuit, commenc- ing at St. Paul, Aug. IT*. Many L. Cooper has re-rngaged with Williams' "Imperials" for next season as principal comedian. .Mr. Cooper and Sim Williams will stage the show. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I/ewis have in preparation a new dramatic sketch from the pen of Edith Sessions Tupper. It is called "Thou Shalt Not Steal." Lily Lena has been placed for the Or- pheum Circuit and is commencing the tour over it. Miss Lena is at Milwaukee this week. Pat Oasey was the agent. Several committees from the different actors' societies in New York were in Al- bany on Thursday supporting Assembly- man Vobs'b "five per cent." commission bill. Fannie Ward will produce in London the coming summer the one-act piece, "With Her Back to the Wall," which she recently purchased from Channing Pol- lock. At the Manhattan Theatre, New York, there is an immense cloth sign across the front of the house facing Broadway, an- nouncing an imitation within of Eva Tanguay. At the Savoy, Atlantic City, this week, May Tully is billed as "The Bernhardt of Vaudeville." Miss Tully may soon essay the "single act" she has had in mind for some time. Irvin R. Walton with "Fads and Fol- lies" has made up a new act with special drop which he will show when playing with the company at the Olympic, New York, April 15. Harry McDonough has replaced Jeffer- son De Angelis in "The Rehearsal." Post and Russell, who were with Mr. De An- gelis in the sketch, are playing together as a team in vaudeville. Clifford C Fischer arrived yesterday on the Lusitania. Cliffe Berzac came in on the same boat. Berzac and his animals open with the Barnum-Bailey Circus at the Coliseum, Chicago, April 1. Charles Arnold and H. S. Woodhull, the Eastern Burlesque Wheel managers, have moved into offices just across the cor- ridor from the Columbia Amusement Co. in the Gaiety Theatre Building. The usual change in the Poli houses will probably be made along in May, Waterbury starting off first with a stock company, and Bridgeport the next to fol- low, Hartford turning over last. Martinetti and Sylvester open at the Empire, London, May 3, and have been booked through the Marinelli New York branch to play the Marigny, Paris, for six weeks commencing June 1. Joe Both, former manager of the Third Avenue Theatre, and his assistant, Percy (Ireen, have retired from those positions, following the appointment of General Man- ager McCaddon for the Keeney Circuit. Edward'''Barnes, a recent winner of a medal for "ragtime" piano playing at Los Angeles, Cal., opened in vaudeville at the Orpheum, that city, March 15, and will play the Orpheum Circuit toward the cast. P>illie Beeves may not appear again this season in "The Follies of 1908." Mr. Reeves hurt himself internally while play- ing the final week the show staved at the Auditorium, Chicago. He is still traveling with it. The Sunday shows at Hurtig ft Sea- mon's Harlem Music Hall have reverted to moving pictures and five acts of vaude- ville, running continuously from 2 until 11 p. m. The same style of entertainment is being given at the Empire Theatre, Will- iamsburg (Western Burlesque Wheel). The hearings before the referee, Eman- uel Blumenstiel, in the license-revocation case commenced by the Corporation Coun- sel against the American Theatre (New York) (William Morris), are being held once or twice weekly. The defense has yet a great many witnesses to examine. Franklin A. Brooks, who has been man- ager of the Cascade, New Castle, Pa., will go to Pittsburg, where he will assume charge of the offices of the Inter-State Vaudeville Company. He states that theatres in McKeesport, Rochester, Greene- burg and Let robe have been added to the circuit. "The Fortune Hunter," with Thomas W. Ross, appears at the Gaiety, New York, April 12. In the cast are Forrest Robin- son, Mary Ryan, Hale Hamilton, Eda Bruna, Sydney Ainsworth, Kathryn Mar- shall, Alice Parkes Warren, J. Charles Brownell, George Loane Tucker, Ogden Stevens, Grant Mitchell, Edgar Nelson, Walter Horton, Horace James, Charles Fisher and Richard Webster. Mabel Fenton has been seriously ill for the past ten days with pneumonia. She is in a New York hospital. Miss Fenton wrote "Chuckles," a new act of mimicry and parodies for her husband, Charles J. Ross, billed to appear at the Lincoln Square next week. Mr. Ross has can- celled the engagement. He was to have been the feature at the Savoy, Atlantic City, this week. When informed on Mon- day morning his wife's illness had taken a serious turn, Mr. Ross immediately re- turned to New York. A cable received at the Marinelli New York branch on Monday said that the new revue nt the Olympia, Paris (H. B. Mari- nelli's own Parisian music hall), had scored a sensational success. The receipts for last Saturday and Sunday (four per- formances) were given as 25,000 francs. Ethel Levy was a hit in the show; a trained chimpanzee attracted attention, but whether Consul, the ape which has created a great deal of talk on the other side lately, is not stated. There are now several of this species of the monkey ex- hibiting abroad. Some weeks ago in the correspondence fiom New Orleans, Vaiiiety's correspond- ent commented upon an act called The Graham Trio, saying it consisted of a man and two children, practically babies in age, who were doing an acrobatic or "Risley" act nine times daily. Mr. Gra- ham is indignant, and writes that he never did nine shows in a dav ; that he and his babies only did M shows in seven day*. From his letter head, one child looks to be about three years old; the other not over five years. Mr. (Ir.iiiam further .s;i\ s he would not have can-d Vaimkiy'.s New Orleans correal »on Inil l<>M tin* truth, but when it w:m -aid that the aet did nine shows a d:iv uh'ii it- only appeared .'>fi times in ?p\n 'I.i\.-\ Mr. Graliam be- lieves an ini' '! <■ ha.-> been done him.