Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 19 CANT SING "HELLO. PEOPLE." Late last week the Shubertt served no- tice on the management of the "Bon Tons" that the "Hello People" song in use by the show must be stopped. The notice was in the form of a restraining order. "Hello, People" is the song hit of "Ha- vana" at the New York Casino. Upon re- ceipt of the notification, it was removed from the "Bon Tons" list, and has not been in use by the show since. The "Bon Tons" are at the Gayety, Philadelphia, this week. SECOND DELMAR THEATRE. J> St. Louis, March 25. There were those who scoffed the idea that J. C. Jannopoulo would build a sec- ond theatre in Delmar Garden, but since the letting of contracts is announced, all concede it a likelihood. Barnett, Haynes & Barnett are the architects and The Gray Construction Company the contractors. A record will probably be established in putting up the house, which will be novel in construction and a vast improvement over anything St. Louis now has in the way of a summer theatre. Though Mr. Jannopoulo since his return from New York has not announced any of his at- tractions, it is said Nat Goodwin is an- other of his dramatic stars. Frank Stammer8 will be stage manager of the opera company in the old pavilion. HIGH CLASS IN ERIE. Erie, Pa., March 25. E. H. Suerken, manager of the Alpha, and H. T. Foster, manager of Four Mile Creek Park, have formed a partnership and purchased a piece of land 82% x 1G5 ft., in the heart of the city, to erect a theatre stating 1,500. It will be ready by the fall, and will be devoted to high class vaudeville. Ground will be broken April 1. WATCH OUT FOR THIS. A clever petty thief appears to have been working about among the vaudeville agents. Among his victims this week is Lillian Handy, the stenographer in George Homans' office, St. James Building. Miss Handy last week bought a new set of encyclopedias for office reference use. Monday a well-appearing young man rushed into the office and asked to bor- row them for use by an agent just down the corridor. Miss Handy immediately gave permission for their removal. The nice-appearing young man—also the en- cyclopedias—are still absent. The police were notified. HOMER LIND TO STAR. Gus Hill announced this week that he hod under consideration a plan to star Homer Lind in a musical piece next senson. 'Hie manager likewise made pause from dictating correspondence with one hand and signing letters with the other (Hill is the only manager in captivity who can do this), to declare that Hollis Cooley would not have an "Arizona" Co. out under his management next season—not if he (Hill) knew it. Mr. Hill claims that the control of "Arizona" still rests with him, and he has made no arrangements to turn it over to another. VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK MARCH 29 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The rootM here giren, bearing bo dates, are from MARCH tl to APRIL 4, inclusive, de- pendent upon the opening and oloeinf day* of engagements in different parte of the oouatry. All addressee below are furnished VARIETT by artists. Addressee care managers or agents will not be printed.) "B. S.," "BTTELBBatTB ROUTES." ' ROUTES FOR THE TOLLOWIRO WEEK MUST REACH THIS OFFICE EOT LATER THAR TUESDAY MORRTHO TO EVSURE PUBLICATION. A B C D Girls, 320 W. 06, N. T. Aballos, HUarlon A Roaella, 770 State, Bridgeport. Abbott, Arthur, Ban, Springfield, 0. Abdsllab Bros., Three, 128ft Golden Gate, Frisco. Adair, Art, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cal. Adams A Mack, Family, Gloversvllle, N. Y.; April 5, Richmond, No. Adams, Mass. Adams, Msbelle, Empire, Hoboken, N. J.; April 5, Keith's, Pstersoo. Addison A Livingston, Colonial, Dallas, Tex. Ader Trio, 2288 N. 8d, Pbila. Adelyn, Box 248, Champaign, 111. Adler, Flo, Orpheum, Portland. Ahearn, Chas., Troupe, Chase's, Washington; 5, Orpheum. Boston, Ps. Ahearns, The, 290 Colo. Are., Chicago. Albanl, 1418 Broadway, N. Y. 0. Albert, Giulla, Scrlbner's Big 8how, B. R. Albene A La Brant, 212 B. 25th. N. Y. Alburtus A Millar, Empire, Edinburgh, Scot.; April 5, Palace, Dundee, Scot. Alexandra A Bertles, 41 Acre Lane. London, Bag. Alexis A Schsll, 827 B. 20th, N. Y. Allen, Chas. H., 481 8. Morgan, Chicago. Allen, A. D., Co., 74 Pleasant, Montclalr, N. J. Allen. Violet, A Co., 22 E. 14th, N. Y. Allen, Leon A Bertie, 118 Central. Oshkosb, Wis. Allen A Francis, 511 Sbotwell, San Francisco. All. Hunter A All, Claude pi. and New York are., Jamaica, N. Y. Allison, Mr. A Mrs., Majestic, Milwaukee. Alpine Troupe, Empire, Paterson, N. J. Alrona, Zoller, Trio, Mardl Gras Beauties, B. B. Alrsno A Co., West Mlddletown, O. Alrsrettss, Three, Jersey Lilies, B. R. American Dancers, Six, Anderson, Louisville. Ames A Corbett, Orpheum, Seattle. American Trio, 58 Penn Are., Newark, N. J. Anderson, Madge, American, Chicago. Angell Sisters, 712 W. New York, Indianapolis. Apollo Bros., 840 W. 4th, N. Y. Archer, Bob, Jolly Girls Co., B. R. Ardo A Eddo, 500 B. 84th, N. Y. Arizona Troupe, 861 B. 18th, N. Y. Arlington Four, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J.; April 5, Hathawuy's, New Bedford. Armstrong A Verne, Poll's, Bridgeport. Armstrong A Clark, Orpheum, Omaha. Armstrong, Geo., llammerstein's, N. Y.; 5, Mary- land, Baltimore. Arthur, May, Champagne Girls, B. R. Arvllle, Dorothy, Rosalelgh Court, 85tb, N. Y. Auberts, Lee, 14 Frobel Str. III., Hamburg, Ger. auburns, Three, 835 Beacon, Sommerrille, Mass. Auers, The, 37 Heygste, South End-on-Sea, Eng. auger, Capt. Geo., 12 Lawrence Rd., So. Baling, London, Eng. Austins, The, 10 Bakers Lane, Rockrllle, Conn. Avery, W. E., 5006 Forrestvllle, Cblcsgo. Ayres, Howard, 2411 So. Adler, Pbila. Azards, The, 220 W. 38tb, N. Y. Deader, La Valle. Trio, Orpheum, Sioux City. Baraban Russian Troupe, 100 E. 118th. N. Y. Bachman, Marie, Grand, Los Angeles indef. Baernstein, Harry, Bijo u. Racine, Wis., indef. NAT C. BAKER "SOME ITALIANO COMIQUE." Western Vaudeville Association Time. Baldwin A Shea, Orpheum, Znncsvllle, O. Baliuts, The. Orpheum, Reading. Pa. Dall & Marshall. DIJou, Bay City, Mich.; 5, Bi- jou. I.anslnjr, Mich. Barber A Palmer, C17 N. 22d, South Omaha, Neb. Barrett A Belle. New Century Girls, B. R. Barry &, Wolford, Lyric. Dayton. O.; 5, Keith's, Cleveland. BarncH, T. Roy, A Bessie Crawford, Empire, Peterson; fi, Greenpolnt, Brooklyn. Barnes A Conway, City Snorts, B. R. Barr. Richards & Co., Keith's, l'blla. Barron. Rube. 20 K. 88tb N. Y. Barrett Sisters. 1904 N. 31st. l'blla. Barrett, Marjorlc, Majestic, Denver. Batro A McCue, 810 North Second Reading. Baxter A La Conda, 1510 Carson. Pittsburg. Baxter, Sid, & Co., Poll's, Springfield; , r >, Trent, Trenton. Beam, Will. 1553 B'way. N. Y. Bean, Wm. C, 150 Oxford, London, Eng. Be Anos. The, 3442 Charlton, Chicago. Beard. Billy, 1401 Dayton, Savannah, Ga. Beauvls, Marldor. A Co.. Victor House. Chicago. Bedell, Walter. A Co., Earl. Pueblo. Col. Beecher «: Maye. Star, Lynchburg, Va.; 5. Pal- ace, Harrlsburg. Va. Beeson, Lulu. Orpheum. Denver. Beimel, Musical. 340 E. 87th, N. Y. Bell Boys Trio, New York Stars, B. Bell, Chas. II., Majestic. Birmingham] tic, Ft. Worth. Bell, Arthur II., Grand. Oil Cltv. Pa. Belford. Al. G., Park. Port Chester. N. Y., Indef. Bellmonte, Harry A Pearl. 20 W. Missouri, Kansas City. Bennett 81sters, Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Bennett, Laura, Majestic, Little Rock; 5, Majes- tic, Dallas. Bennetts Broa., 208 W. 67th, N. Y., c/o Williams. Bergere, Valerie, Colonial, N. Y.; 5, Orpheum, Brooklyn. Bernhard A Slefert, 065 S. High, Columbus, O. Bernlce A Howard. 8007 Calumet, Chicago. Bernler A Stella, 22, Haywood, Providence. Berol, William, c/o H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Boro Queens, N. Y. Beyer, Ben A Bro., Alpha, Erie, Pa.; 5, Lyric, Dayton, O. Behrend, Musicsl, 52 Springfield, Newark. Bellclair Bros., Temple, Detroit; 5, Cook's, Roch- ester. Bertina A Brock way, 311 Third, N. Y. Biff A Bans, 178 Bruce, Newark. Big City Quartet, Keith's, Phlla.; 5, Maryland, Baltimore. Bijou Comedy Trio, Princess, Cleveland. Blampbln A Hehr, G. O. H., Mt. Carmel, Pa. Blsney A Wolfe. 257 W. 44th, N. Y. Bingham, 885 Beacon Sommerrille, Mass. Bingham, Premier, Fall River, Mass. Black A White Trio, 405 Columbus, N. Y. Black A Jones, 118 W. 80th, N. Y. Blsck, Chas., Miss New York. Jr., Co., B. R. Blessings, The, Orpheum, Oakland. Bloom, Harry, Golden Crook Co. B. R. Blondell. Mysterious, A Co., 25 Second St., N. Y. Blmm, Bomm, Brrr, Colonial, Norfolk, Va.; 5, Chase's, Wash. Bootblack Quartet, Greenpolnt, Brooklyn. Booth-Gordon Trio, 1568 B'way, N. Y. Boland, J. W., Irwin's Majestic, B. R. Bonner, Cherry A Girls, Rlalto Rounders, B. R. Borden, Zeno, A Haydn Bros., 602 Chase, Jollet, 111. Boulden A Qulnn, Toms River, N. J. Boutin A TUlson, Maryland, Baltimore. Bowers A Bowers, 2 Oliver pi., Everett, Mass. Bowers, Walters A Crooker, Orpheum, Los An- geles. Bower Comedy Qusrlet, Runaway Girls, B. R. Bowen Bro., 1553 B'way, N. Y. Boyce, Jack, Lubln's, Pbila. Boyds. Two, 1200 So. Decatur, Montgomery, Ala. Boys in Blue. Orpheum, B'klyn; 5, Albambra, N. Y. Bradley A Davis, Lyceum, Sault 8te. Marie, Out., Can. Brady A Mahoney, Irwin's Big 8how, B. R. Bradfords. The, 280 W. 41st, N. Y. Bransby A Williams. 110 Stockton. W. Pittsburg. Breakway Barlows, 201 E. 14th, N. Y. Breen, Harry, Colonial, Norfolk, Va.; 5, Proctor's, Newark. Brenner, Samuel N., 2856 Tulip. Phlla. Brennon, Herbert, A Downing. Helen, Bijou, Win- nipeg; 5, Bijou, Duluth, Minn. Bingham. Anna R., 28 Exchange, Blngbamton. Brlnkleys. The, 424 W. 30th. N. Y. Brltton, Sadie. Coliseum, Burlington, la.. Indef. Brock, Temple A Co.. 28 W. 81st. N. Y. Brooks A Denton, 670 6th, N. Y. Brooks A Jeanette, 20 E. 113th. N. Y. Brown A Sbeftall, 840 W. 60tb. N. Y. Brownies, The. Family, Bermldjl, Minn. Brunettes, Cycling. 231 Cross, Lowell, Mess. Buchanan A Russell, Coliseum. Danville, 111. Burke, John P., Empire, Springfield, 111., indef. Burke A Crllne. 030 Budd. W. Pbila. Buckley, John, BIJou, Racine, Wis. Buhlcr, C. H., 1363 Putnam, Brooklyn. N. Y. Burgess, Harvey J., 627 Trenton, Wllklnsburg Sta., Pittsburg. Burns A Emerson, 1 Place Boledleu, Paris. Burns, EDdle, Clara Turner Co., indef. Burt, Glen, City Sports, B. B. Bart, Lours, A Co., Chase's, Wash.; 5, Orpheum, Harriaburg. Barton A Barton, Al Reeves, B. R. Barton, Hughes A Barton, 682 Stanton, Nllos, O. Bush, Johnny, Trio, Orpheum, Harrisburg; 6, Or- pheum, Beading. Bush A Peyser. 1864 66th. Brooklyn. Butler A Bsseett, Poll's, Springfield. Buxton, Chas., Crystal, Menasha, Wis., Indef. Byero A Herman, 8648 Paxton rd., OtndunatL Byrne Golson Players. Bijou, Iowa City, Is.; 5, Family, Rock Island, 111. Byron A Langdon, Orpheum, Denver. # Caesar, Mysterious, A Co., 28, Elite. Winnipeg. Cahill, William, 806 7th, Brooklyn. Cain 81sters. Empire, Youagstown, O., Indef. Cameron A Byrne, 81 Bartlette, San Francisco. Campbell A Brady, Hsstlngs' Big Show. B. R. Campbell, Bmerln, A Yates, Aubrey, SO, Ten* pie, Detroit. Carbrey Bros., Colonlsl, Richmond, Vs.; 8, Or- pheum, Boston, Ps. Carrlllo Leo, c/o Variety, N. Y. Oarrays, The, 10, Perry, Pittsburg. Carle, Hilda, A Co., Blue Ribbons, B. R. Carol Sisters, Serensders, B. B. Carlln, Rose, 514 Lenox are., N. Y. Csrlln A Otto, Grand, Pittsburg; 6, Keith's, Philadelphia. Carlisle's Dogs snd Ponies, Grand, Tacoma, Wash. Carroll A Cooke. Bell. Oakland. Carroll, Nettle, Trio. Barnum-Balley. 0. B. Caron A Farnum, 236 B. 24th,. N. Y. Carter, Chas. J., Milton, Queena, Sydney, Aon, Carter, Lillian. Irwin's Majesties, B. B, Carters, The, 04 Oth 8t., La Salle, IB. Carey A Stampe, 62 Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cased A De Verne, 812 Valley. Dayton, 0. Castellsne A Bros., Majestic, Chicago. Caolfleld A Driver, Knickerbocker, B. R. Celeat. 74 Grove rd., Clapham Park. London. Cbadwick Trio, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Cbameroys, The, 1861 48d, Borough Pk., Brooklyn. Chase, J. Percy, Bijou, Oshkosh, Wis., Indef. Chatham, Jim, Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Obspmsn Sisters, Avenue Girls, B. R. Cfaerle, Doris. 28 B. 80th, N. Y.O. Chevalier, Louis, A Co., 1668 B'way, N. Y. Chick A Chlcklets. Miner's Americans, B. R. Chlnko, Washington, Spokane. Cbrlaty A Willie, Armory, Blngbamton. Church City Four, Strolling Playcra, B. R. Clsudlus A Scarlet. Orpheum, New Orleans. Clark A Turner, 146 W. 64th, N. Y. Clare's Animal Actors, 8tar, Cbarlerol, Pa. Clarke, Harry. Princess, Bristol, Eng. Clayton A Drew. Majestic, Lansing; 6, Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Clermontas, The, 120 W. 27th, N. Y. Clevelsnd, Claude A Marlon, 01 Beacbland, Re- vere Besch, Mass. Clifford A Almes, Grsnd. Savannah, Ga.; 6, Clarke's Jacksonville. Fla. Clifford A Burke. Shea's, Buffalo; 5, K. A P.'s 5tb Ave., N. Y. Clipper Comedy Qusrtet, BIJou, Muskegon, Mich.; 5, BIJou, Benton Harbor. Clipper Comedy Four, Orpheum, Altoona. Clipper Comedy Four, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa.; 8» Keeney's. 3d Ave.. N. Y. Clure, Raymond. BIJou, Winnipeg. Clyo A Bochelle. 87 Park. Attleboro. Mass. Cogsn A Bancroft. 1668 B'way, N. Y. Cohen. Tlllle. Majestic, Kansas City. Colby, Mr. A Mrs. Franklyn, Orpheum, Minneap- olis. Cole, Will. 15 4th, Brooklyn. N. Y. Cole A Clements, Saymore Hotel. Phlla. Collins A Brown, Orpebum, Spokane. Colonial Septet, *Palace, Dundee, Scot.; 5, Hippo., Mlddleborougb, Eng. Colonial Quartet, 1862 Page, San Francisco. Columbia Musical Trio, De Bue Bros.' Minstrels. Colnmblsns, Five, 126 Midland, Flndlay, O. Comrades. Four. 884 Trinity, N. Y. O. Con ley. Anna A Effle. Bennett's, Ottawa. Conn, Downey A Wlllard. 484 Wabaah, Detroit. Copper, John W.. 110 Wyckoff, Brooklyn^ N. Y. Cooper, Leo, A Co., BIJou, Superior, Wle. Conroy, lie Maire. & Co.. Majestic, Johnstown, Pa.; 5, G. O. H.. Pittsburg. Conway A Leland, Stockholm, Sweden. Cook, Frank. Austin A Stones. Boston, indef. Cook A Madison, Csslno, N. Y., indef. Cook, Joe. A Bro., Orpheum, Memphis. Cooper, Harry L., Williams' Imperials, B. B. Coombs A Stone. Orpebum, Yonkers. Cosssr. Mr. A Mrs. Jobn. 806 W. 121st, N. Y. Country Club, Shea's. Buffalo: 0, Shea's, Toronto. Courtney A Dunn, 282 B. 18th, N. K. Cowper, Jlmmle, 86 Carroll, Blngbamton. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS lit'5, M ajes- CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON REQUEST