Variety (March 1909)

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20 VARIETY Tht Okas. K. Harris Gamier Rex Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., March 14, 1000. MR. MEYER COHEN. Mgr., Chaa. K. Harris, 31 Weat 31st St., New York City. My Dear Meyer: I am singing Mr. Cbaa. K. Harris' new ballad. "NOBODY KNOWS. NO- BODY CARES." aa a aolo witb a quartette chorus, and must say It la a tremendous bit out West, and we are going to use It right straight to the Coast and back again. It Is the beat ballad that Charley baa written In yeara and recelvea an oration at erery performance. We go from here to Spokane, Waah., opening March 21at. You don't have to send me any more aonga this teason, aa this song, aa I aald before, will be all we need until we get back to New York. Kindest regards. Sincerely yonrs, HARRY ERNEST. Mgr., Quaker City Quartette. CHAft. K. HARRIS, •1 WSR flat IT., SSW TOEJL 00 Obleage, Oread Optra Houaa Bid*. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Keith's, Cleve- land; B, O. O. H., Syracuse. Crawford A Manning, 110 Lawrence, Brooklyn. Crawford, Pot, HI Hoary MlaetroU. Gralgs, Mualcal, 5, Majestic, Birmingham. Oremea, Do Witt, 888 Church, Ana Arbor, Mich. Oreo * Co., 1404 Borlo, PaUa. Creasy A Dayne, Sbea's, Toronto; 0, O. 0. H., Pittsburg. Crollua, Dick. A Co., Orpheum, St. Paul. Crlmmlngs A Gore, Palace, Sangua, Maaa.; S, Seaatc, Beading, Maaa. Croat * Maye, Lafayette, Detroit. Oommlngo A Morloy, Ualqua, Loo Angoato, Indof. Oonolngham, Bob, Broadway Gaiety Girts, B. R. Ounnlagham A Marlon, Poll's, Wotorbury; 5, eJm- pire, Hobokeu. Curtla, 8am J.. A Co., Orpheum, Atlanta; 5, Oo- > lonUl, Richmond. Curaon Sisters, RlagUng Bros., C. B. Cuttings, The, Tbeatorlom, Brownwood, Tex.; G, Lyric, Brady, Tex. Cuttya, Musical, Alhambra, N. Y. Dainty Four, 242 W. 43d, N. Y. D'AlTinl, Rocky Point, B. I., Indef. Daly A O'Brian, 10S4 B'way, N. Y. Daly's Country Choir, 1440 B'way, N. Y. Dare, Harry, 82a B. 14th, N. Y. Darrow, Stuart, Mr. A Mrs., G. O. H., Syracuse. Domley, Grace, Lagos Houae, Fairfield rd., Vic- toria, B. 0. DaTonport. Ethel, 66 Irving pi., Brooklyn. Darls, Edwards. Poll's, Worcester; 5, Keith's, Boston. Darls, Floyd, Temple, Boulder, Col., Indof. Da via Broa.. Hi Henry Mlnatrela. Dawson A Whitfield, 346 E. 68th, N. Y. Day, Carita, Moaart Circuit, indef. Deaa A Deaa, 263 W. 80th, N. Y. Deaton, Ohaa. W.. 816 Sylvaale, St. Joseph, Mo. Deaves, Harry, A Co., 6, Majestic, Dearer. Dell A Miller. Hippo., Buffalo, indof. Do Croteau, Win. E., Crystal, Pueblo, Col. Do rayo Bisters, 47 W. 28th, N. Y. Do Pur A Eateo, 2310 Bollfontaln, Indiana polio. Do Hollla A Valors, Colonial Belles, B. R. Do Luaon, Zelle, Orpheum, Loo Angelee, De Veaux, Welle G., Cryotal, Denver, Indef. Delmar A Delmar, Bell Circus, Mexico, Indof. Delmore A Darrell, Garrlck, Burlington, la. Delmore, Misses, 418 W. Adama, Chicago. Delmore A Oneida, 886 B. 43d, N. Y. Del ton. Al H., 688 10th, Milwaukee. Deltona, Three, 261 W. 88th, N. Y. Demacoa, The, 112 North Oth, PbUa. Demonlo A Belle, Englewood, N. J., indef. Dempaeya, The, 811 Turk, San Frandeco. Desmond Sisters. 606 Milton, San Diego, Cal. Denker, Rose, Behman Show, B. B. Denman, Louis, Orpheum, Tampa, Fla. Deooso Broa., Mar.. Hippo., London, Bug. Derenda A Green, 287 Stark, Portland, Ore. Desmond Trio, c/o Friers, 24 B. 20tb, N. Y. De Mont, Robert, Trio, Temple, Detroit; 6, Cook's, Rochester. De Vere A Greenwood, 0 Maple Park, Newton Centre, Mass. De Veau, Hubert. Central Hotel, N. Y. De Verne, Tbelma, A Co., 4672 Yatea, Denrer. Devlin A Ellwuml, 5. Proctor's, AiDany. De Young, Tom, 166 B. 118th, N. Y. Diamond Jim, Kentucky Belles, B. B. Dickinson, Rube, 2010 Vine, Lincoln, Neb. Dlercke Bros., Majestic, Dalian; 5, Majestic, Hous- ton. Dtlla A Templeton. R. F. D. No. 5, Columbus, 0. Dlston, Madeline, Plttston, Pa. Dixie, Harris A Francis, 243 Jefferson, Decatur, 111. Dixon, Bowers A Dlxo^, 766 8th Are., N. Y. Donnelly A Botall, New York Stare, B. R. Doherty A Harlowe, 206 Brood, Brooklyn, N. Y. Donley, Jed, Crystal. Braddock, Pa. Donald A Carson, Orpheum, Memphis. Donavan A Mackln, Victor, Mobile, Ala. Donaran A Arnold, Keith's, Boston. Donlgan, John, 2638 Cedar. Pblla. Dorset) A Russell, Majestic, Ann Arbor; 6, Bi- jou, Bay City, Mlcb. Dotaon, Howard, 1663 B'way, N. Y. Douglas A Van, 76 Pacific. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dove A Lee, Imperial, B. R. Dow A Dow, 1021 South 4th, Pblla. Dragoons. Black, 120 W. 27th, N. Y. Drew, Dorothy, Anderson, Louisville. Drew, Lowell B., 4228 Pechln, Rozborougb, Pblla. Drew'a Clayton Players, Star, Chicago. Du Bole, Great, Co., O. H., Gardiner, Me.; 6, Scenic, Westbrook, Me. Duffy, Dan J., Lincoln Apta., Atlantic City. Dunbars, Casting, Orpbeum, Frisco. Duncan, Harry. Hunt's Hotel, Chicago. Duncan, A. O., Foil's, Bridgeport; 6, Poll's, Waterbury. Dunham, Jack, City Sporta, B. B. Dunedlu Troupe, Shea's, Buffalo; 6, Shea's, To- ronto. Dunlap. McCormack A Co., Orpheum, Portland. Dunn, Harvey, De Rue Broa.' Mlnatrela, Dupres, Fred, 160 Albany, Brooklyn. Earle, Chick, 601 North Capt, Indianapolis. Barle, Cbaa. Henry, Bijou, Newark. N. J„ indef. Early A Late, Century Girla, B. R. Eckert A Berg. 130 W. 14, N. Y. Bdlnger Slatoro, R. F. D., No. 1, Trenton. M. J. Edwarda, Fred R., Fairyland, Hlnton, W. Va. Edwards, Shorty, Family, PottarlUe, Pa. Edwardo, Goo., 8606 Fleming, Allegheny, Pa. Bdwordo A Clarendon, 416 Blm, OlnclnnatL Bdyth. Bono. 845 W. 23d, N. Y. El Barto, Family, Butte. El Barto, Family, Butte. El Cote, 1144 B'way, N. Y. Elastic Trio, Majestic. Pittsburg, Indof. Eldridgo, Preoo, Keith's, ProTldeoce. Blenor A Bay, 2442 State, Chicago. Blllotte, The, O. H.. 8. 8,, Plttaburg. indef. BUawortb, Eugene, A Barle Edna Llndon, Grand, Sacramento. Bmorald, Connie, 41 Holland rd., Brixton, London. Bmeroon A Baldwin, 80 Rupert, Coventry, Bag. Emmett A Lower, 2438 Turner, Pblla. Bmmett, Oracle, A Co., Cincinnati, O.; 5, An- derson, Loulsrille. Empire Comedy Four, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa.; 5, Orpheum, Harrloburg. BngoL Lew, 128a Chaancey, Biuoklyn, N. Y. Bnglebreth. Goo. W., 800 W. 6th. Cincinnati, 0. Enlgmarelle, 262 Flint, Rochester. Bameralda Slaters, Palace, Brusaels, Belgium. Bone, Al, A Co.. Varieties. Torre Haute. Rvane A Lloyd, 828 B. 12th. Brooklyn, N. Y. Everett, Sophie, A Co., cor. South A Henry, Jamaica. L. I. r Fadettea of Beaton, Anderson, Loulsrille, Ky. Falk, Billy A., Orpheum, Orvllle, O.; 6, Bijou, Lorain, O. Fantaa, Two, 211 E. 14th. N. Y. Fanton, Joe, A Bro., Thalia, San Francisco. Farlardeau, Doll Irine, Hotel Rexford, Boaton. Farlardaux, Camilla, Bice A Barton's Galaty, B. B, FarroU, BUly, Moaa A StoU, London, flflg. Farrell-Taylor Co., Orpheum, Salt Lake. Fount Broa., 242 W. 48d, N. Y. Fay, Anna Eve, Melroae, Highlands, Maaa. Fay, Prank A Gertrude. 77 Walton pl. t Chicago. Faye, Elsie, A Miller A Weston, Orpbeum, Salt Lake. Faye, Kitty, A Co., Orpheum, Mansfield, O.; 6, Orpheum. Portsmouth. O. Fee, May A Forbes, 1636 Cbestnut, Philadelphia. Fendell, Sam'l J., Strolling Players Co., B. B. Ferguson, Frank, 488 B. 43d, Chicago. Fehard, Grace, 217 Warsaw, Chicago. Ferry, Human Frog, New Home Hotel, Pltteburg. Fiddler A Shelton, Hatbaway's, Lowell; 6, Co- lonial, N. Y. Fields, W. C, Orpbeum, Brooklyn; 5, Alhambra, N Y Field Brothers. 217% 7th St., N. Y. Flelda A Hanson, Terrace, Belleville, N. J. Fields, Will H., Unique, Des Moines. Flnlay A Burke. Box 108. Onset, Mass. Finnic, Jack, 1011 South Chadwlck, Pblla. Flshe, Gertrude, Mlner'a Americans, B. R. Flske A McDonougb, 272 W. 107th, N. Y. Flaherty, Dan. City Sporta, B. R. Fleming, Mamie, Keith'*. Phlla. Flynn. Earl. Orpheum, Kansas City. Fletcher, Chas. Leonard. Kelth'B, Providence; 5, Keith's. DoHton. Fonda, Dell A Fonda, Orpheum, Kansas City. Ford, Chas. i,., Muncie. Ind. Ford, Frank. A La Petite. 418 So. Franklin, Great Falls, Mont. Fords, Famous. 801 Gates Are., Brooklyn. N. Y. Forrests, Musical. B0R-50 Dearborn, Chicago. Forrester A Lloyd. 1553 B'way, N. Y. Fox A Evans, Vaudeville. Vancouver, B. C. Fox, Imro, 5, Orpheum. Salt Lake. Foyer, Kddle, Montgomery. Ala.: 5. Atlanta, Ga. Franc. Flnlay. Co.. Hippo, Lexington, Ky.; 5, Auditorium. Cincinnati. Franklin & Green, !"», G. O. II.. Syracuse. Frey, Trio, Majectlc, Montgomery. Frey, Fred, Vaudette, Plymouth, Pa. Friend A Downing, 418 Strand, London, Bag. Pronclocoa, The, Mlner'a Merry Bnrlooquoro, B. B. RUTH FRANCIS PI TATJDBTTXLE. Fredo, George, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Freeman Broa., Rooe 8ydeU'a London Bel lee, B. B. Frevoll, Frederick. 148 Mulberry, Cincinnati, 0. Freeman, Frank F.. Haating'a Show, B. B. Frobel A Ruge, Orpbeum, Portland. Fullerton, Lew J., Summer pi., Buffalo. Fulton. May, 640 Lenox, N. Y. Fun In a Boarding House, Orpheum, Allentown. Purnam, Badlr, Tottenham Court rd., London, Eng. O Gale, Ernie, 160 Baatern, Toronto. Galletl'a Monkeys, Palace, Grimsby, Eng. Garden A Martin, Girla from Hapnyland Co. I Gardner A Lawaon, Box 720, Birmingham, Ala. Gardner, Weot A Sunahlne. 24 Blm, Brorott, Maaa. Gardiner A Vincent, 5, Maryland, Baltimore. Gardiner, Three, Children. 1068 W. 8th. Phlla. Garrlty, Tom, 282 Academy, Newark, N. J. Gath, Carl A Emma. 1668 B'way, N. Y. Gavin, Piatt A Peachea, 4417 8d Ave., N. Y. Gaylor A Graff, 244 W. 18th, N. Y. Genaro Band, Chase's, Waah.; 5, Cook's, Bochea- ter. Gibson, Sydney C, Orpbeum, Memphis; 6, Or- pheum, New Orleana. Gibson, Fay, Standard, Davenport, la., Indof. Gllden Slaters, Empire, Atlanta, Go., indof. Gill A Aker, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del. Gillette, Marie, Cooper, Mount Vernon, O. Gllmore, Mildred, City Sporty, B. B. BARL OILL1HAN XO/VI MURRAY Comedy Oloh. 147 W. 4tAa St., W. T. a Gllroy, Haynea A Montgomery, Armory, Bing- ham ton. Gloae, Augusta, Haymarket, Chicago; 6, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Godfrey A Henderson, Majestic, Ft. Worth; 6, Majestic. Dal Us. Goaaana, Bobby Grand, Homestead, Pa. Glover, Edna May, Gay Mualdan Co. Goldberg, Joseph, Mgr., Harris, Braddock, Pa. Goldflnger, Louis, 802 B. 168th. N. Y. Golden A Hughes, K. A P. 125th St., N. Y. Goldle. Bubo, 118 Prince, Newark, N. J. Goldman, Abe, New Century Girla Co., B. R. Goldsmith A Hoppe, Orpheum, Los Angeles. Gordon, Belle, P. O. Box 40, N. Y. 0. Gordon A Marx, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Gordon A Henry, 1777 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. Gorman, Joe., .Casino, Plttsburf, Indef. Gould A Bice, 820 Smith, Providence. Goolmana, Mualcal. 8 Matthewe, Bingbamton. Goaaana, Bobby, Grand, Homestead, Pa. Gottleb, Amy, 446 North St. Lewis, Chicago. Graces, The, 418 Grand. Brooklyn. Graham, R. A., Dime. Walla Walla, Waah., indef. Grannon, Ilia, Poll's, Waterbury; 5, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. Grant. Bert A Bertha. Empire. Patterson; 5, Ar- mory, Bingbamton. Grant, Sydney, 260 W. 261st. N. Y. Graham, Geo. W.. Scenic, Providence, indef. Gray A Graham, 5, Orpheum, Kansaa City. Gray A Van Lien, 2 Kentucky ave., Indianapolla. Griffin, Babe, Thorongbbreda, B. R. Grimes, Mr. A Mrs. Thomas, BIJou, Atlanta; 5, Bijou, Nashville, Tenn. Grimm A'Satchell, Earl, Pueblo. Col. Groaaman, Al, 632 North St., Rochester. Gruet A Qruet, Williams' Imperials, B. R. Gullfoyle, Joseph V., 22 W. 128th. N. Y. Guild, Martin J.. 160 Boerum. Brooklyn. Guy, Arthur L., Grand, Hamilton, O. Haggarty A Le Clair. 120 17th St.. Detroit. Halllday A Curley, 1553 B'way, N. Y. Hale, Lillian. A Co., 2010 N. Marvine, Phlla. Hale A Harty, 06 Fourth St.. Plttafleld, Maaa. Haley A McKennon, Dncklings, B. R. Hallman A Collins. Wash. Society Girls, B. R. Hamilton. Eiitelle, 2041 No. .".list. Phlla. Hamlin A Noyes, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago. Hamllns, The, Anderson, Ixmlsvllle. Hamlin & Lyle, Star, Muncie, Ind.; 5, Orpheum. ■ Lima, O. Hamlin. Hugo, William Tell House, Boaton. Handler, Louis, Orpheum, Omalia. Hannon. IMpgs A Burnes. BIJou. Decatur, 111. Henry A Jones, 1813 Watts, Phlla. Hansome, 1037 Tremont, Boston. a> Cobb's Corner V0. 160. 8ATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1008, Look Out FOR THE Bjr Bowline Son " Set 'em up and I'll knock'em down" (Set 'em up iu the next alley) BY WILL D. COBB SONGSMITH Hanson, Mildred, 1848 Dean, Brooklyn, N. T. Haavey A Bay Ilea. 270 W. 80tb. N. T. Harris, Harry I., 2252 Wabash, Chicago. Harrla. Cbas., Walker, Springfield, 111. Hania, Sam, Vogel'a Mlnatrela. Harrla, Hattle. New Home Hotel, Pltteburg. Harrington, GUea W., 624 Acklln, Toledo. Harrington, Alfred A., BIJou, Bayonnc, N. J.; 4, Bijou, Orange, N. J. Harrison, Al, Follies of the Day Co., B. R. Harmonious Four, Gem, St. Louis, Indef. Harvey & Parker, Forepaughs, Philadelphia. Harvey, W. S., A Co., American. Chicago. Harvey. Elsie, A Boys, Keltb'H, Providence. Hastings A Wilson, 5, Majestic, Johnstown, Pa. Hatches. The. 304 W. JWth, N. Y. Hawkins, Jack, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Hawley, E. F., A Co., SO lltb, Detroit. Hayden, Virginia, Demsey, Peoria. 111., Indef. Hayden Family, 11 State, Oskosb, Wis. Hayes, Brent. Hippo., Sheffield, Eng. Haynes, Jessie J., 21 E. Robinson, Allegheny, Pa. Hays,, Unlcycllne. 430 W. 6th. Cincinnati. O. Hayman A Franklin, April, 5, Hippo., Woolwich, Eng. Haezard, Lynne A Bonnie, 251 E. 81st, Chicago. Healy, Jeff A La Vern, Rice A Barton, B. R. Hearn A Kutter, Pantaffcs', Tacoma. Heaaton. Billy, Charlerol, Pa., indef. Helm Children. Keith's, Portland; 5, Colonial, Ijiwrence, Mass. Helston, Whally A Lottie, 1008 Columbia. Pblla. IlennesHey & Son, Empire, Hoboken; 5, Empire, Paterson. Henshaw, Edward. 80 E. 116th, N. Y. Henry A Young. White Rats, Chicago, indef. Henry. Jack, 41 Lisle, Leicester sq.. London. Henry A Llzel. Merry Maidens, B. R. Herbert A Brown. Fields', Minstrels. Herbert. Bert, Hart's Bathing Girls Co., Indef. Herbert Bros., 235 E. 24th. N. Y. Herbert A Vance, 1345 John. Cincinnati. Herrman, The Great, 108 Rue Folie, Merlcourt, Pari*. Herrmann, Adelaide, Gllsey nousc, N. Y. Hlhbort & Warren, Orpheum, Butte. Hickman. Wills & Co.. Pike Canal. Dover, O. Hill. Cherry A Hill. 130 E. 16th, N. Y. Hill A Whitaker. Moss A Stoll Tour, Eng. Hill. Annl, Vanity Fair. B. R. Hilton Tronpe, City Sports, B. P.. Hodges. Musical, Majestic, Calvcston; 5, Majes- tic, Beaumont, Ky. McCREE TIM McMAHON The Marathon Race" When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.