Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 21 —- THB VAUDEVILLE GOMEDY CL,UB'S THIRD ANNUAL BENEFIT IN AID OF THEIR BUILDING FUND. A BIG COMEDY NIGHT EASTER SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 11th NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION—Address all communications to the ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE, COMEDY CLUB, 147 WEST 45TH STREET. Sub- scription cards sent on application. N. B.—Members please don't forget the Thursday night special meeting; VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU. "They Swear By It- Not At It" Taylor's XX Professional Trunk al- ways satisfies. Users of other trunks have their treuhles. Catalog FREE. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO: 35 E. Randolph St. NEW YORK: 131 W. 38th St. Holmes * HoUlston, 218 Elm, W. Bonarrllto, Mass.* Hines ft Bsmlngton, Harrison, N. J. Hodges ft LauDcbmere, Butler, Tons pah, Ncy. Hoerleln. Lillian, Wlntergarden, Berlin, Oer. Hoffmans, Cycling, Stanley Hotel. 8 North Clark. Chicago. Holden ft Harron, Gaiety, Chicago. Holman, Harry. O. H., Brownsville, Pa.; 5, Keith's. Phils. Holt, Alf, 41 'Lisle, London, W. B.. Bag. Hopkins A Vogt. Bijou, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 6, Casino, Flint, Mich. Horan, Kddie. 1553 B'way, N. T. Horton ft La Trlska, Orpbeum, Allentown; 5, Co- lonial, Norfolk, Va. Houdlnl. Harry. Alhambra, Brussels. Bel. Howard, Sam. Lyceum, Stamford, Conn.; 5, Star, Charlerol, Pa. Howard ft Co., Bernice, 3007 Calumet, Chicago. Howard Bros., Moss ft Stoll Tour, Eng. Howard ft St. Clair. Vaudeville Club, London. Howe, Laura, 298 Harvard, Brookllne, Mass. Howard's Ponies & Dogs, Lyric, Dayton, O.; 5, Keith's, Columbus, O. Howell ft Scott, Moss ft Stoll Tour, Eng. Hoyt & McDonald, National Hotel. Chicago. Huegel Bros., 118 E. 24th, Erie. Pa. Hughes Musical Trio, Proctor's, Newark; 5, Proc- tor's, Albany Hughes & Cole, Bell, Newport News, Va. Hughes, Johnny ft Mazle. Orpheum, Kansas City. Hurley, Musical, 152 Magnolia, Elizabeth. Hurst, Mlnola Mania, Cardinal, Basel Suisse, Oer. Hurwood, W. O., Lyric, Paris. Texas, lndef. Huston, Arthur, Hathaway's, Lowell; 5, Keith's, Boston. Hyatt, Larry H., Lyric. Greenwood, 8. 0., lndef. Hyde, Rob & Bertha. New Spartenburg, S. C. Hylands. Three. 22 Cherry, Danbury, Cona. Hymer ft Kent. Trent, Trenton; 5, Dockstader's, Wilmington. Del. Imperial Musical Trio. Majestic, Little Rock; 5, Majestic, Ft. Worth. Ingram ft Hyatt. 1314 Edmondson. Baltimore. Ingrains, Two, BIJou, Bermldjl. Minn. International Four. Watson's, B. R. Irving. Thomas R., Talm, Syracuse, lndef. Irving, Musical, 80 Boston, Newark, N. J. Jackson Family, Winter Circus, Reading, Mass. Jacobs ft Sardcl, Grand, Cleveland. Jacobs ft West. 205 E. 2d, Jamestown, N. Y. James ft James, Portsmouth, ().; 5, Ashland, Ky. James ft Prior, 910 2d Ave., Seattle. Wash. James, Byron, Bijou, Flint, Mich., lndef. Jefferson, Cecil. Olympic, Bellaire, O. Jennings ft Jewell, 3362 Arlington, St. Louis. Jennings ft Renfrew, Keith's, Providence; 5, Hathaway's, Brockton. Jcrgc, Aleene ft Hamilton, Auditorium, Cincin- nati; 5, O, H., Greenville, O. Jerome, Nat S., The Rdlllckers Co., B. B. Jerome ft Jerome. New Century Girls, B. R. Jess, John W„ Lid Lifters, B. B. Jewette & Hayes Co., Bijou, Beading. Johnson, R. Melvln, Johnson Hotel, Lafayette, Ind. Johnson, Carroll, 5, Mohawk, Schenectady. Johnson, Musical. 377 Eighth Ave., N. Y. Johnson Bros. & Johnsou, Keith's, Pawtncket, R. L; 5, Silver. Watervllle, Me. Johnstone, Lorimer, Ontario Hotel, Chicago. Jolly ft Wild, Auditorium, Lynn. Jones ft Sutton, 224 W. 17th, N. Y. Jones & Mayo, 5, Orpheum, Johnstown, Pa. Jordens, Five, 4803 Ashland, Chicago. Joeselyn, Wm. H. ft E. B., Unlonvllle, Conn. Jules ft Marson, 10 Sbaftsbury, Toronto, Can. Julian ft Dyer, Bijou, Lansing, Mich.; 5, Jeffers, Saginaw, Mich. Kalma. B. H., 1337 B. 111th, N. B., Cleveland. Kartolloo, Juggling, De Bue Bros.' Minstrels. Kaufman, Reba, ft loss, Follss Bergers, Paris, France, lndef. Kaufman Bros., 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Keane, J. Warren, Poll's, Hartford; 5. Poll's, Worcester. Keates, John V., 70 W. 109, N. Y. Keegan ft Mack, Cosey Corner Girls, B. B. Keeley, Lillian, 134 Wardsworth, B. Boston. Kelfe, Zens, Hotel Grand, San Francisco. Keifer ft Chapman, 2485 S. 17th, Philadelphia. Keeley Bros., Bijou, Battle Creek; 5, Bijou, Jack- son, Mich. Keith ft De Mont, 722 W. 14th PL, Chicago. Kelly, Walter C, Poll's, Springfield; 5, Poll's, Worcester. Keller, Major, Poll's, Waterbury. lndef. KeJtners, Three, 317 Csrllsle. Dallas, Tex. Kennedy ft Kennedy, Orpheum, Yonkers. Kennedy ft Peltier, Grand, Hamilton, 0.; 5, Broadway, Mlddletown, O. Keno, Joe, Princess, Toronto, Can. Kenton, Dorothy, Crystal Palace, Lelpxlg, Gar. Kenyon ft Healy, 232 Murray, Newark, N. J. Kesney. Luclen, Family, Lancaster, Pa. Kitamura Troupe, Maryland, Baltimore. Kllem, Lee J., Yale, Kansas City, Mo. Kimball ft Donovan. 113 Northampton, Boston. King, Alice, City Sports, B. B. Kingston & Thomas, Star Show Girls, B. B. Klrby, Lillian, Tiger Lilies. B. R. Kllesss, Four, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del. Kobers, Three, 06 13th, Wheeling, W. Vs. Kelfe, Zena, Grand, San Francisco, lndef. Koppes, The, 117 W. 23d, N. Y. Kohl, Giib ft Marlon, 911 Fourth, Milwaukee. Kolfage, Duke, Crystal, Elk wood, Ind., lndsf. Kooper, Harry J., Buster Brown Co. Kraton, John, 149 Schenectady, Brooklyn. Kratons, The, Central, Madgeburg, Ger. Kretore. Congress. Portland, Me. Kurtls-Bussee, Majestic. Little Rock; 5, Majes- tic. Ft. Worth. Kyasyas. The, C. O. Performer, London, Eng. Kyle. Tom E., Gourney., Vaud., Owen Sound, Ont., Can., lndef. Lacey. Will. 629 Qui., N. W.. Wash., D. O. Lakola ft Lorain. Palace Hotel, Chicago. I.ampe Bros., 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Lane. Eddie, Orpheum, Brooklyn; 5, Alhambra, N. Y. Lane ft Adell, 332 Genessee, Rochester. Ijiingdon*, The, Bijou La Crosse, Wis. La Blanche, Great. 723 3d, Baltimore, Md. La Clair & West. Electric. Eucld, Okla. La Delles Fantlstlc. Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind. La Estellta, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. La Fayette, Lamont Co., 2909 Cor many, Cincin- nati. La Fleur. Joe, 29 Chase, Wash. La Mar. Sadie, Strolling Players, B. B. La Mar, Harry, Wm. Tell House, Boston. La Marche, Frankie. Ducklings, B. R. La Maze Bros., Moulin Rouge, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. La Rose Bros.. 107 E. 31, N. Y. Ls Tour Sisters. Golden Crook, B. R. La Tour. Irene, Keith's, Tortland; 5, Hathaway's, I»well. La Toy Bros.. Van Buren Hotel, Chicago. La Centra ft La Rue, 2461 2d Ave.. N. Y. Lo Clair Harry, Family. Butte. Mont. Lee. Salllc. 625 Sighth Ave., N. Y. Lamb's Manikins, 465 Pippin, Portland, Ore. Lancaster, Tom, Bijou, Atlanta, Ga. I^arrlvce ft Lee. 26 St. Fauntle, Montreal. Lavall Sisters, 143 Golden Gate, San Francisco. Landln, Edward, Majestic. Little Rock, lndef. Lang, George, Crystal, Bedford, Ind., lndef. La Van ft La Valette, Majestic, Pittsburg, lndef. La Van ft Hill, Sercnaders, B. R. La Rex, Wonderful, Clara Turner Stock Co. Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrels. NOTICE! I have |ust oof lime to writ* a lew acts before opening next season. SEARL ALLEN. Address, 222 E. 14th St., New York City. Lanet ft Ardell, 332 Genessee, Rochester, N. Y. Lavlne, Edward, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Lawrence ft Healy, Sherman House, Chicago. Lawrence ft Dale, 2 New Castle Court, Boston. La Gray, Dollie, Bijou, Racine, Wis., lndef. La.ralbj, The, Hippo, Belfast, Ireland. Le Hlrt, Moos., 760 Clifford, Rochester. La Raub ft Scottle, 883 Locust, Phlla. La Ville, Rose, City Sports, B. R. La v r ine Clineron Trio, 1533 Broadway, N. Y. Ls Witt ft Ashmore Co., 296 No. State, Chicago. La Zar ft La Zar, 168 Dearborn a vs., Chicago. Le Fevre ft 8t. John, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Leigh, Lisle, 140 Arnold, River Side, B. I. Lelgbtons, Three, 1553 Brosdwsy, N. Y. Leisenlngs, Three, Orpheum, Lima, O.; 6, Na* tional, Steubenvllle, O. Lee, James P., Unique, Los Angeles, lndsf. Leeds ft La Mar, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Le Roy ft La Vanlon, Hathaway's, Lowell; 0, Bennett's, Montreal. Leno, Don, Grand, Sacramento. Leonard, Cbas. F., Rellly ft Woods, B. B, Leonard ft Phillips, Majestic, St. Paul. Leonard, Grace, St. Paul Hotel, N. Y. Leonard ft Drake, 1099 Park PL, Brooklyn. Leonard, James ft Sadie, Orpheum, St. Paul. Leo, Arthur, 1688 Richland, Baltimore. Leo, Jolly, 786 Carmen, Camden, N. J. Les Sllvss, Poll's, Hartford; 5, Poll's, New Haven. Leslie, George W., 130 W. 44th. N. Y. Levitt ft Falls, 716 Orange, Syracuse, N. Y. Lewis, Walter, ft Co., 677 Washington, Brook* line, Mass. Lewis, Harr ft Co., 181 W. 16th, N. Y. Lewis ft Lake, 2411 Norton, Kansas City, Mo. Lewis ft Green, Cincinnati; 5, Anderson, Louis- ville, Ky. Lewis ft Manson, 74 Orchard, N. Y. Lindsay, Stilling ft Wllber, Pointer's Oafs, San Francisco, Cal. Lisla ft Adams, Gem, Meridian, Miss., lndef. Livingston, David, ft Co., Bijou, Iowa City, la. Lockwood ft Bryson, Majestic, Des Moines. Lobse ft Wilkens, Burk's Shows, B. R. Lloyd, Herbert, 36 Great Wilson, Leeds, Bng. Long, John, Family, Erie, Pa., lndef. Lublus, Dancing, 921 North Warnock, Phlla., Pa. Luce ft Luce, Poll's, Bridgeport. Lucier, Marguerite, Hans & Nlx<- Co. Lucken's Lions, 5, Majestic, Denver. "Luis King," Hippo., Aston, Birmingham, Bng. Lyres, Three, Fashion Plates Co., B. R. Lynotte Sisters, 352 State, Chicago. MacDonald, Cbas. ft Sadie, 18 W. 109th, N. Y. MacRue ft Levering, Empire, B. R. Mab. Queen, ft Mr. Weiss. Lit Bldg., Phils., Ps. Mack Boys, 61 Asylum, New Haven. Mack, Ed, Watson's, B. R. Mack. Walter C. Orpheum, Wheeling, W. Va. Mack, Wilbur. Toll's, New Haven. Macks. Two. 245 W. 59th, N. Y. Majestlcal Musical Four, Cook's, Rochester; 5, Proctor's, Newark. Makbow. Geo. F., Empire. Milwaukee, lndef. Mallla ft Bart, Majestic, Little Rock; 5, Majes- tic, Dallas. Malvern Troupe. Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. B. Masdel, Eva, 208 State. Chicago. Manley ft Sterling. 67 South Clark, Chicago. Manning ft Dixon, Washington. Spokane, Wash. Manning & Ford. Novelty. Oakland. Mantell's Marionettes, BIJou. La Crosse, Wis. Mann, Billy, Varieties, Terre Haute. Manny, Ed, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. R. Marcbl ft Raab. 239 Franklin, Johnstown, Pa. Marchands, The. 169 E. 89th. N. Y. C. Mardo Trio, Rlngllng Bros., C. R. Marlowe, Plunkett & Weston. Garrlck, Wilming- ton. Marlon ft Lillian. 173 W. 42d pi., Los Angeles. Marks, Clarence. Alamo. Charlotte, N. ('. Mario Trio. 62 E. 8th. N. Y. Marsh, Joe. 244 E. Ohio, Chicago. Marshall Bros.. 3.'?r, Plymouth; Ablngton, Mass. Martells, Two, 141% 3d, Portland, Ore. Martha, Mile., ft Aldo. 418 Strand, London, Eng. Martin & Crouch, 007 S. 12tb. Springfield, 111. Martin, Davis ft Percle. Kentucky Belles, B. R. Marvin Bros.. Notional. Rochester. Mathlesen. Walter, 90 W. Ohio. Chicago. Marty, Joe, Pnntngcs', Portland. Ore. Mason ft Doran. Sheedy's. Fall River, lndef. Maurice ft Perrln Co.. 113 Chestnut, 8t. Louis. Marvelous Ed, 627 Cass, Jollet, 111. Marzello & Wolfe, 12. r » Camden. Newark. Maxim's Models, Garrlck, Burlington, la. M <yyw>aaMa»MsaM<>i <w ^>M^Mas PHIPTY NOTES or \3 Jto We want to thank the following artists for using our big song hit, "Shine On Harvest Moon" Lookport's Elephants, Wormwood's Dogs. Woodward's Baals, Oalette's Monkeys, Bettys Bears, and thousands of other good performers. ASK REMICK "WERE GLAD WX'BX MARRIED We've got another little dandy in preparation. i ^^^^^a^^^^^^e^^^^^e^^^^^SjsnysjH Maxwell ft Dudley. 106 W. 96th. N. Y. Msy. Ethel, National, Dayton, O.; 5, Park, Ia> dianapolis. Mase, Edna. Jersey Lilies, B. B. McCabe. Jack, New Century Girls, B. B. McConnell ft Simpson, G. O. H., Syracuse 5, Keith's, Columbus, O. McConnell Sisters. People's, Cedar Rapids, Is. McCann, Geraldine, ft Co., 706 Park, Johnstown, Ps. McCauley, Joe, Gayety, South Chicago, tadaf. McCoy, Dan. Watson's, B. B. McDowell, John and Alice, Grand, Connersville, Ind. McGregor, Lulu, Grand, Altoons, Pa., lndsf. McGuire, Tuts, BIJou, Lansing, Mich.; 8, Jeffers, Saginaw, Mlcb. McCune ft Grsot, 686 Bsnton, Pittsburg. McFarland ft Murray, Travelers Co. McFarland, Wm., Miss New York, Jr., B. B. McGee. Joe B., Geo. Vsn's Minstrels. McGrath ft Paige, 68 Washington, Mlddletown, Conn. McLsllen-Csrson Duo, Fashion Plates, B. B. McNauiee, Hammerstcln's, N. Y. McPbee A.Hill. Poll's, New Haven. McVeigh ft College Girls, Orpbeum, Denver. Meier ft Mora, March. Circus Variete, Copenhagen, Denmark. Mells, The, Rlngllng Bros., C. B. Melnotte Twins ft Clay Smith, 28, Orpheum, Butte. Melrose Bros., 188 Psrk, Bridgeport. Melville, George D., Hippo., N. Y., lndef. Mendel, 18 Adsm, Strand, London, Bng. Menetekel, c/o H. Lebmsn, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Borough Queens, N. Y. Merkel, Louis, 200 Summit, West Hoboken, N. J. Merrltt, Raymond, 178 Tremont, Passsdena, OaL Merriman Sisters, Behmsn Show, B. B. Mia cos ft Fundland. 780 Blghth Ave, N. Y. Mlgnon. Helene. 129 B. 14th, St. Paul. MIddleton, Gladys, 080 Drury, Kansas City, Mow MUlnars. The, Grand, BelUngham, Wash. Millar Musical Four, Girls from Happyland, B. B. Millard. Bill ft Bob, Cracker Jack, B. B. Miller ft Princeton, 88 Olney, Providence. Miller, Grace, Phillip's, Richmond, Ind., lndsf. Miller, Louis E., ft Co., 133 W. 45tb. N. Y. Miller, L. Frank, Fashion Pistes, B. B. Mllier. Theresa, Criterion, Chicago, lndef. Mlllershlp 8lsters. Miner's Burlesquers, B. B, Mlllmau Trio, Columbia, Cincinnati. Miles ft Dewey, 48 Howard, Boston. Mills ft Moulton, 68 Rsce, Buffalo. Milton, Cbas. W., 1801 Gwlnette, Augusta, Ga. Minstrel Four, Merry Maidens, B. R. Mitchell ft Grsnt, Box 188. Townsend, Msss. Mimic Four, 859 W. 42d, N. Y. Monets Five, 42 G. O. H. Bldg., Chicago. m. STRAS8/nAN Attorney, 868 Broadway, New Yora. Thestrloal Claims. Advice rrss, W H I T E WHITE RATS S T A DO YOU KNOW LOUIS NAMETY? TAILOR TO THE PROFESSION BOTH OFF AND ON THE STAGE. Makes more olothes for the profession than sny other tailor West of New York. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES NOW READY. Stalto OlS-167 De>avrbor» St., CHICAGO Next to Majestio Theatre Building. When answering *4verii$ement$ kindly mention Variety.